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實習醫(yī)生格蕾第二季第20集:[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:42:21
[00:01.00](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 前情提要
[00:02.93](Meredith) I did a terrible thing. 我做了件糟糕的事
[00:04.57]- Sleeping with me is this awful? - No, George! 和我上床對你來說就這么痛苦嗎?
[00:08.04]I grew my hair for her. 不是的 George
[00:09.60]I could be your friend. 我為她留起的長發(fā)
[00:11.21]- Why do you think she cheated on you? - I was just a little absent. 我可以只當朋友 Meredith
[00:15.58]Give me a call when you're in town. 你回來之后 打給我
[00:18.55]I thought we had plans. 我以為我們今晚有什么計劃 我正想說我在幻想著我們第一次完美的約會
[00:19.75]Not how I envisioned our first date.
[00:22.52]Can we please just go back to everything the way it was? 我們能回到過去的那種關系嗎?
[00:25.39]- I don't live here anymore. - Your friend needed our help. 我已經不住這了
[00:28.62]- Good night. - Good night. 他是你的朋友并且需要我們的幫助
[00:31.06]Good night. 晚安
[00:30.23]哦 晚安
[00:41.27](Meredith) As doctors, 作為醫(yī)生
[00:42.87]patients are always telling us how they would do ourjobs. 病人們總是告訴我們 要是他們是醫(yī)生他們會怎么做
[00:50.98]"Just stitch me up, slap a Band-Aid on it and send me home. " “把傷口縫一下 貼一塊創(chuàng)可貼
[00:57.82]It's easy to suggest a quick solution 建議一個快速的解決辦法總是很簡單的
[01:00.32]when you don't know much about the problem, 如果你不知道問題是怎么回事的時候
[01:02.66]when you don't understand the underlying cause, 又或者你不知道內在原因
[01:05.46]orjust how deep the wound really is. 或是傷口到底有多深的時候
[01:08.66]So, your friends, 那么你朋友們-- 還在為你做的那件
[01:10.40]are they still mad about this bad, horrible thing you did?
[01:13.57]The very horrible bad thing I won't tell you? 非常壞非常糟糕的事情生氣嗎?
[01:16.14]- Yes, they are. - Whatever it is, I don't want to know. 對 他們還在生氣
[01:19.24]Even if I beg, don't tell me. 那么 不管是什么事情 都不要告訴我
[01:21.58]- OK. I won't. - Good. 即使是我求你 也不要告訴我
[01:23.98]OK. Although we are friends. 好 我不會告訴你的 好
[01:25.98]- True. - Technically, you tell friends stuff. 好 盡管我們是朋友
[01:26.93]不錯 我們是朋友
[01:28.45]You come to me with a problem, I give you the answer. 一般來說 你向朋友傾訴事情
[01:29.73]你帶著問題來找我 我來幫你解決
[01:31.32]After, maybe we celebrate the moments of our lives. 解決之后 也許我們可以來慶祝下我們生命中的重要時刻
[01:34.89]I will keep that in mind next time I do a horrible thing. 要是下次我再做出什么糟糕的事情的話 我一定會銘記你說的
[01:38.53]Don't you have any problems you want to tell me about? 你呢
[01:41.30]Truthfully? This moment in time, I don't have any problems. 說實話
[01:42.73]此時此刻 我沒什么煩惱
[01:45.37]Not a single one. 一個也沒有
[01:49.80]The first step toward a real cure 真正治療的第一步
[01:52.11]is to know exactly what the disease is to begin with. 是要確切知道真正的病因是什么
[01:55.14]That's not what people want to hear. 但那卻不是人們想聽到的
[01:57.05]Morning. 早安
[01:59.28]- How many miles was that, Dr. Burke? - Five. Burke醫(yī)生 我們到底跑了多少英里
[02:02.62]Five. Five miles in 50 minutes. 5英里
[02:04.99]- Nice. - We can get it closer to 45. 5英里 50分鐘內跑了5英里
[02:07.49]- Pancakes? - Uh, top cupboard. 我們可以把它縮短到45分鐘
[02:16.53]- What's wrong with your hair? - Leave the man alone. 你頭發(fā)怎么回事?
[02:20.84]He's got issues. 他碰到了難題
[02:23.30]And if he wants to cut his hair to get over those issues, 他想通過剪掉他的頭發(fā)來忘記那些難題
[02:26.74]that's his business, his thing. 那是他自己的事情
[02:28.71]It's my thing. Coffee? 這是我自己的問題 要咖啡嗎?
[02:31.45]Oh, cappuccino. 卡布其諾
[02:32.81]Ooh, excellent. Cappuccino.
[02:34.43]太好了 卡布其諾
[02:36.25]We're supposed to forget the past that landed us here, 我們應該忘記那些讓我們置身此刻的過去
[02:39.45]ignore the future complications that might arise, 忽略那些將來可能出現(xiàn)的棘手問題
[02:42.82]and go for the quick fix. 來找到一個迅速的解決辦法
[02:48.03]- Is George having a nervous breakdown? - Burke says he's got issues. George的頭發(fā)怎么了
[02:52.10]You should see them, like, doing things. Burke說他遇到了難題
[02:54.27]Like running and... cooking and talking. They're like bonding. 他們一起做各種事情 像是跑步
[02:56.13]煮飯 聊天
[02:58.27]And you're afraid Burke will realize he makes a better girlfriend than you? 好像什么事都粘在一起
[03:02.28]You know, just go and apologize to him. Meredith 直接上去和他道歉
[03:04.45]- I've tried. - Try again. 我試過了
[03:05.78]Things can't stay like this. They suck like this. 再試一次 事情不能老是這樣
[03:09.28]What's with O'Malley's hair? He looks like a hobbit. O'Malley的頭發(fā)怎么了? 他看起來像個哈比人
[03:12.05]- He's just trying a new look. - You didn't call back. You avoiding me? 他只是在嘗試新造型
[03:15.62]Why would I be avoiding you? 你在避開我嗎?
[03:18.09]Denny Duquette, aged 36. Denny Duquette 36歲--
[03:19.73](Denny) 37 in three weeks. 3周后就37歲了
[03:22.13]37 in three weeks. Has difficulty breathing and chest pains. 3周后37歲
[03:26.43]- Breath sounds? - A little junky. 呼吸怎么樣?
[03:28.34]He has a build-up of fluid. 還是有點困難
[03:30.24]Did you just call me a junky? That's not very nice. 胸腔有積水
[03:30.63]嘿 你剛剛叫我Junkie(癮君子)?
[03:33.31]Denny, your congestive heart failure is getting worse despite the meds. 聽起來可不怎么舒服
[03:34.13]Denny 雖然有藥物撐著 可是你上次心臟手術的失敗還在持續(xù)惡化
[03:39.41]All right. So how do we proceed? 那好 我們該怎么辦?
[03:41.38]Doctors, how do we proceed?
[03:43.38]Titrate up his nitrate drip, then diuretics. 醫(yī)生們 我們該怎么辦?
[03:45.95]ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and start dobutamine. 加快他的硝酸鹽點滴速度 繼續(xù)服用利尿藥
[03:47.23]還有ACE抑制劑 阻滯劑 并開始用多巴酚丁胺.
[03:50.29]I want his ins and outs recorded and one of you monitoring him at all times. 我還需要有人記錄下詳細情形,
[03:54.13]- I'll stay. - Me, too. 并且一直照顧他
[03:54.73]我來 我也是
[04:03.47]Mr. And Mrs. Gibson, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. Gibson夫婦, 我是Montgomery Shepherd醫(yī)生.
[04:06.01]I'll be covering for Dr. Pollack. 我來接替Pollack醫(yī)生的活.
[04:07.88]Mrs. Gibson had a preterm, premature rupture of her membranes at 28 weeks. Gibson夫人在懷孕第28周的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)有早產性胎膜早破現(xiàn)象
[04:12.65]She's confined to bed rest for seven weeks and has a low-grade fever. 發(fā)現(xiàn)有早產性胎膜早破現(xiàn)象
[04:16.35]Can't you just schedule a C? 并且持續(xù)低燒
[04:18.02]Believe me, I am ready to have this baby. 你們就不能安排個剖腹產嗎?
[04:20.19]You and me both. 相信我 我已經做好生孩子的準備了
[04:21.52]I want to get your blood work before we make any further decisions. 對 我們倆都準備好了
[04:25.06]I have to pee. Again. 我又得上廁所了
[04:29.76]Come on. Here we go. 那我們走
[04:33.30]I appreciate you taking over my wife's case. 我很感激你能接手我妻子的病例
[04:36.37]- Dr. Pollack says you're the best. - It's my pleasure, Mr. Gibson. Pollock醫(yī)生說你是最頂尖的
[04:39.91]He didn't mention that... 這是我的榮幸Gibson先生
[04:41.64]I mean, you bear a striking resemblance to a young Catherine Deneuve. 他可沒提到 那個--
[04:42.33]我的意思是 你和嘉芙蓮丹露
[04:46.71]Oh, you never heard that before? 哦 從來沒有人這樣說過嗎?
[04:48.72]Eh, no. I'm sorry.
[04:50.95]- I have to say, it's a first. - Been told I look like Halle Berry. 沒有 很抱歉
[04:54.46]Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, Ms. Deneuve. 我可被人說過長的象哈莉·貝瑞
[04:58.13]Of course, you are, too, but by extension. 太漂亮了 那么 丹露小姐
[04:59.13]當然 你--
[05:02.70]Right. We'll be back in later to check on your wife. 有過之而無不及
[05:03.43]那好 那我們待會再來
[05:06.97]Look forward to it. 看你夫人的情況
[05:10.20]- (Pager beeps) - (Baby cries)
[05:12.07]- ER needs a consult. - O'Malley, Grey, you go take that. 急診室需要幫忙
[05:15.81]- What about Mrs. Gibson? - I'll take care of her. 呃, O'Malley Grey
[05:18.48]- Uh, do they really need both of us? - I guess you'll find out. Go. 我來照顧Gibson夫人.
[05:22.25]- Are you taking him to the nursery? - It's full and Tucker's out of town. 你過去就會知道的 快去
[05:27.32]- You brought your baby to work? - Uh, yes, Chief. Turker出城去了 明天才能回來
[05:29.43]對 沒錯 頭
[05:31.23]You're not taking him into surgery. 你該不會還帶著他去做手術吧?
[05:33.26]- I don't have anything scheduled. - Yet. 我今天沒什么手術安排
[05:36.06]I can't solve a problem until there's one to solve. 現(xiàn)在還沒
[05:36.63]除非有什么問題 不然我可解決不了
[05:38.70]- Are you saying there's a problem? - Is there a problem, Richard? 你是說這樣有什么問題嗎?
[05:40.73]你有什么意見嗎 Richard?
[05:44.11]No. 沒有
[05:51.05]You know, at some point you are going to have to talk to me. 你知道 不管怎樣
[05:56.55]I'm going to take the stairs. 我走樓梯
[05:59.82]- (Elevator bell pings) - (Sighs)
[06:05.89]- You paged? - Just got a new patient. 你呼我?
[06:07.80]Looks surgical, maybe neuro. 對 剛送來個新病人
[06:08.43]看起來像外科的 也許是神經科的
[06:16.74]Doesn't look neuro to me. 看起來不像是神經科的問題
[06:18.54]- Not him. - Oh no, I'm fine. It's my wife. 不是他
[06:20.74]This is so embarrassing, but we didn't know what else to do. 哦 我沒事 是我妻子
[06:41.66](Man) We were at the Hotel Monaco having brunch. We had some mimosas. 我們在Monaco酒店吃中飯
[06:45.10]Can we skip that part? 我們喝了幾杯含羞草酒
[06:46.60]Can we pull this out and just go? I'm fine, really. 我們能跳過這段嗎?
[06:46.73]能不能直接把它弄出來 讓我們離開這?
[06:49.94]Sylvia was giving me some special attention. 我沒事 真的
[06:53.14]- Under the table. - Dear Lord. 給我一點“特別服務”
[06:54.78]Oh! OK. 哦 我的天啊 沒事的
[06:55.84]Sweetie, they're doctors. They've heard it all. 親愛的 他們是醫(yī)生 他們見慣不慣了
[06:58.51]- Absolutely. - While I was down there 對 我們是見慣不慣了
[06:59.63]當我在桌子底下的時候 意外發(fā)生了
[07:01.28]it was like a shock went through my body. 感覺就像我整個身體一震
[07:04.32]- And she... clenched. - Clenched? 然后她就... 一咬緊
[07:07.42]- My jaw. It just shut. - Oh, and I panicked. 咬緊?
[07:09.33]就只是 咬緊了牙關
[07:12.09]I grabbed the fork off the table and it was just instinctual. 我就驚慌了
[07:12.53]哦 當然
[07:15.23]It doesn't hurt that much. 事情就這么發(fā)生了.
[07:17.03]We just didn't want to pull it out. It's in pretty good. 其實根本沒那么疼
[07:20.03]No, you did the right thing. Pulling it out could cause more damage. 因為好像插得比較深
[07:20.63]不 你沒有把它拔出來是對的
[07:23.64]I want to do an X-ray to make sure no nerve 我要你照下X光
[07:25.77]or major blood vessels are being compromised. 我要確定看有沒
[07:28.34]Did you get your injury checked? 你有沒有去查看你自己的傷口 Brooke先生?
[07:30.18]Doctor says I'm fine. It's just bruising. 哦 醫(yī)生說我沒事 只是有點淤傷
[07:32.55]I want to find out what caused the clenching. 那好
[07:35.05]- Do you have a history of seizures? - No, nothing like that. 我想找到你會咬緊牙關的原因
[07:37.03]沒有 沒那樣的病
[07:39.39]It may... It may have something to do with her brain aneurysm. 可能...
[07:43.99]- Kyle. I don't want to do this now. - It's not on there. Kyle 什么?
[07:46.93]Can we just take this fork out and go? 我現(xiàn)在還不想做這個
[07:48.83]No. 不行
[07:50.00]- She was diagnosed six weeks ago. - Your doctor didn't recommend surgery? 她半年前診斷出來有腦動脈瘤
[07:53.97]All the surgeons say it's inoperable. 你的醫(yī)生沒建議手術嗎?
[07:56.27]That's why Kyle and I are here in Seattle. 所以我和Kyle才到Seattle來
[07:58.54]The Space Needle. 太空針塔--
[08:00.61]- I've always wanted to see it. - We wanted to see it together. 我一直想來看一看
[08:08.42]Do an MRI. 去做個磁力共振.
[08:10.75]It's good to see you. 今天早上很高興見你
[08:12.19]- (Bailey) What do we got? - Tachycardic in the 140s. 什么情況?
[08:14.76]Systolic dipped to the 60s. Last was 72 over 40. 心律在140. 血壓降到了60.
[08:17.89]- (Siren) - (Baby cries) 剛剛測到分別是72和40.
[08:20.60]- Can you turn that off? Turn it off! - OK. 嘿 能不能把那關掉 快關掉
[08:23.16]Dr. Bailey? Bailey醫(yī)生?
[08:25.00](Siren stops) 來 抱著他 什么?
[08:26.30]- Here. Take him. - Uh, what?
[08:28.27]- Watch him. - No, you don't want to do that. 你來負責照看他
[08:30.74]Yang, I have a patient. 哦 不行 你不能讓我做這個
[08:32.34]I need to operate on that patient right now. Yang 我現(xiàn)在有病人
[08:34.68]- We could page the chief. - I'm not paging anyone. 抱著他
[08:37.28]I'm going to do the surgery. Cris, I... 不 我不會呼叫誰 我是外科醫(yī)生
[08:38.23]我現(xiàn)在要去做手術了 Cris--我...
[08:41.05]I need you to help me, Cristina. 我要你幫我這個忙 Cristina.
[08:43.45]I... I... 我...
[08:46.25]You watch from the gallery. You both can. 你可以在走廊上看著. 你倆都可以
[08:48.92](Baby cries)
[08:57.97](Woman on PA)
[09:10.08](Short cough)
[09:13.95]- Hey. - Hey. 嘿
[09:15.15]- You didn't call me. - I did, I did. 你沒有打給我 我打了
[09:16.98]A few times. I just hung up every time. 打了幾次 只是每次都掛了
[09:22.06]- Nice, very stalker-like. - (Chuckles) 很好 很精明
[09:24.83]Goes with the hair. 正好與發(fā)型相稱.
[09:29.13]I thought it would look good shorter. 我在想要是再剪短點會更好
[09:31.17]It is shorter. 已經很短了
[09:34.24]- I make you nervous, don't I? - A little. 我讓你覺得很緊張對吧?
[09:36.97]- That's good. - That's no... What? 對 有點
[09:37.23]太好了 什么?
[09:39.61](Laughs) Hey, are you busy?
[09:43.81]No. 沒有
[09:45.88]Want to see something really cool? 想看點很棒的東西嗎?
[09:48.68](George) Whoa.
[09:50.38]Excellent, right? 很棒 對吧?
[09:52.25]- It is. How did you do that? - After hockey practice. 對 很棒
[09:55.12]I didn't have my glove on. I was drinking from the goalie's bottle. 今天早上練習完曲棍球后
[09:56.23]我把手套取下了 因為我想從守門員的水瓶里喝點水
[09:58.99]This asshat crashes into the net, my hand gets tangled in the mesh 接下來我只知道
[10:02.40]and I start hearing pops, big pops. 我的手陷入了網縫里 然后我就聽到了爆破聲
[10:05.67]Dr. O'Malley, what do you see? 巨大的爆破聲
[10:05.83]O'Malley醫(yī)生 你有看到什么?
[10:07.80]Ooh, dislocation of the PIP joint, multiple fractures. 哦 P.I.P關節(jié)脫位
[10:12.11]- That must really hurt. - It's just a finger. 那一定很疼
[10:15.31]Last season I took a puck to the face, broke two teeth. 只是一根手指而已
[10:15.13]上個賽季我被冰球撞到臉上 撞壞兩顆牙
[10:18.28]Oh. 真的嗎? 哦
[10:19.78]Orthos love hockey season. It's Christmas every day. 年輕人就喜歡曲棍球賽季 好像每天就像過圣誕一樣
[10:22.62]Can we just put it in a splint? I got a really big game this afternoon. 我們能不能就把手指固定下就好?
[10:31.29]Um... do you know what you're doing? 你知道怎么做對吧?
[10:33.36]I mean, have you ever done this before? 我意思是你以前做過嗎?
[10:36.60]Have I ever pulled a fork out of a neck? 把叉子從別人脖子上拔出來?
[10:38.70]Hmm. Right. 對
[10:40.74]- (Laughs) - OK. Let's just do it. 好 開始拔吧
[10:43.67]- Honey. - Huh? 親愛的 哈?
[10:45.07]- Talk to me. Distract me. - OK. Think about Paris, huh? 和我說說話 好的
[10:46.93]分散我的注意力 好
[10:48.03]試著去想巴黎 好
[10:50.18]- And the food and the wine. - Uh-huh. 想想所有的那些食物 還有紅酒
[10:52.41]And the long walks we'll take together. And the Champs EI... What? 我們一起散步在香榭--什么來著?
[10:55.92]- The Champs Elysées. - The Champs Elysées. 香榭麗舍大街 香榭麗舍大街
[10:58.22]- Yeah. - More food, more wine. 對 想像更多的食物
[11:01.06]- OK. - That's it? 更多的紅酒
[11:02.89]Oh, my God, I didn't even feel anything. 好了 就好了?
[11:03.03]天啊 我甚至都沒什么感覺
[11:05.86]You're amazing. She's amazing. 你太了不起了
[11:08.76]So... how much do you know about this Dr. Shepherd? 你對Shepherd醫(yī)生了解多少?
[11:12.53]- Kyle, no. - What? Kyle 不要 什么?
[11:14.30]I do not want another MRI. I want to go to Paris. 我才不想再做一次磁力共振
[11:18.24]I made a few calls. He has an incredible reputation. 我只想去巴黎
[11:18.33]我打電話問過了 他在這個領域上享有很高的名望
[11:21.24]Please, Kyle. Let's just live our lives. 求你了 Kyle... 我只想我們兩個過回我們的生活
[11:25.58]I want to go crazy. I want to crawl underneath the table. 我想盡情瘋狂下
[11:29.62]I want to go to Paris while we still can. 我想在桌子底下爬來爬去
[11:32.49]Dr. Shepherd is an extraordinary surgeon. Shepherd醫(yī)生是位了不起的外科醫(yī)生
[11:35.59]If he thinks he can help, a second opinion couldn't hurt, could it? 要是他認為他可以幫忙的話 有第二個選擇也不會損失什么
[11:39.19]It won't be a second opinion. It'll be a fourth opinion. 會嗎? 這不會是第二選擇
[11:42.70]And when Dr. Shepherd says there's nothing more he can do, 而是會成為第四個選擇
[11:46.10]we'll be devastated all over again. 我們又會再次崩潰的
[11:49.14]I just want to spend what little time we have left in Paris. 我只希望能把我們所有剩余的時間
[11:53.67]So do I. But I don't want to go to Paris and wonder if we should have listened 在巴黎度過
[11:57.75]to the amazing girl who took the fork out of your neck. 這位了不起的把叉子從你脖子上出來的女孩的
[12:14.56]- (Denny) You're not lzzie. - Sorry to disappoint you. 你不是Izzie
[12:18.40]Not disappointed. Just saying. 不是失望 只是想問...
[12:21.14]- Where is she? - Oh, she's busy with other patients. 她去哪了?
[12:23.90]I'm afraid you'll have to make do with me. 呃 她忙著照顧別的病人去了
[12:27.51]Look, man, I'm sure you're... 聽著 伙計 我很確信
[12:29.64]I'm sure you're a fine doctor. You're just... 我很確信你是位出色的醫(yī)生
[12:32.65]You're just not as much my type. No offense. 只不過 你不是我喜歡的類型
[12:36.22]I'll just have to settle on being lzzie's type. 那么 我猜我只好選擇
[12:41.79]So you? 所以你們--
[12:44.53]- You two? - Yeah, yeah. 你們兩個-- 對 沒錯
[12:46.16]Pretty much. You know. 大概就是那樣 你知道的
[12:51.90]Congratulations. 恭喜你了
[12:53.77]& A, B, C, D... * A, B, C, D *
[12:56.87]Oh, gross. 哦 太惡心了
[12:58.04]& E, F, G * E, F, G *
[13:00.54]& This really couldn't suck any worse... * 再也找不到比這更糟的事了 *
[13:04.35]Dr. Yang? Yang醫(yī)生
[13:06.55]- Oh, uh, Dr. Webber. - What's that smell? 呃 Webber醫(yī)生
[13:10.68]Uh, it's feces. It's baby feces. We've had an incident, sir. 這是什么味道?
[13:12.03]呃 是糞便的味道
[13:13.13]是嬰兒便便的味道 這出了點小狀況
[13:15.36]Are you having trouble with the diaper, Yang? 你會包尿布嗎 Yang?
[13:17.86]- It looks like you're having trouble. - No, sir. 沒問題
[13:20.56]I've got an MD from... Stanford and a PhD from Berkeley. 沒問題 我能行的
[13:24.83]I can handle this diaper. Unless you want to. 在柏克萊大學拿到了博士學位
[13:25.33]我可以搞定這塊尿片的 除非你想來
[13:28.67]Uh... no.
[13:30.81]It's all right, it's all right. 不用了
[13:32.43]真的 沒什么 你繼續(xù)
[13:34.18]You carry on.
[13:36.44]Carry on. 繼續(xù)
[13:42.85]- Can we stop for a moment, please? - Sure. 我們能停會嗎?
[13:46.02]I can walk. 我可以自己走
[13:47.19]- OK. The wheelchair is just protocol. - Yeah, well... 那好 用輪椅只是禮貌而已
[13:51.89]I'm way past caring about protocol. 對
[13:53.96]I just want to feel my body move while I can. 我只想在我還能動之前動動我的身子骨
[13:56.43]You seem incredibly OK with your prognosis. 看起來你對患上腦瘤這事顯得很平靜
[14:01.57]I'm more than OK. I'm a little in love with my prognosis. 我不止是平靜而已
[14:05.57]It woke me up. It woke my marriage up. 它喚醒了我
[14:09.28]I've been sleepwalking about 15 years. And now... I am wide awake. 喚醒了我的婚姻
[14:15.98]I'm having this MRI for Kyle. He's not ready to let go. 我是為Kyle才做的這次磁力共振
[14:20.72]But me and my aneurysm? We're good friends. 可是 我和這個動脈瘤...
[14:29.10]- Hey, I've been looking for you. - Hey. Look. 嘿 我一直在找你
[14:32.53]- Look at the size of this aneurysm. - Oh, it's big. 嘿
[14:35.40]- Are you going to operate? - I'm definitely intrigued. 哇 的確很大 是很巨大
[14:38.54]- Do you know who Catherine Deneuve is? - Um... 你知道嘉芙蓮丹露是誰嗎?
[14:42.31]Yeah. Actress. French. Hot. 知道 那個女演員
[14:43.73]法國籍 很漂亮
[14:45.35]One of my patients, her husband, said I looked like her. 我有個病人 其實是她的丈夫
[14:50.42]Isn't she blond? 她不是金色頭發(fā)的嗎?
[14:53.35]Yeah, I... guess. I don't know. 對 我猜可能 我不知道
[14:55.36]I don't know. 我不知道
[14:57.52]Anyways, uh... 不管怎樣...
[14:59.79]- OK, you're busy. - Bye. 那好 你忙吧
[15:05.60]I'm not just another pretty face, you know. 你知道 我不是只有一張英俊的臉而已
[15:08.60]- Got it going on up here as well. - So you keep telling me. 我這里面也很有看頭
[15:12.24]Yep. I probably know... hundreds of words. 所以你一直和我說話
[15:12.63]對 我大概知道成千上萬的單詞
[15:16.01]Really? Hundreds? Wow, you're a real brain trust. 真的嗎 成千上萬?
[15:19.01]Ouch. 哇塞 你真的很相信頭腦這回事
[15:20.55]Well, I'm highly competitive. Ouch.
[15:22.82]Screw. Screw.
[15:24.52]S-C-R-E-W. s-c-r-e-w.
[15:28.26]- That's 25 points. Thank you very much. - Wait a second now. 這是25分 非常感謝
[15:31.33]You didn't tell me we were playing naughty word Scrabble. 等會
[15:34.93]- We're not. You just have a dirty mind. - Oh, it's filthy. 我們不是在玩什么淘氣的拼字游戲
[15:39.03]You're the one that put down "screw". 哦 這樣就算齷齪
[15:41.10]- I was referring to hardware, not sex. - Oh. 我是指螺絲的意思 才不是性
[15:46.41]I guess maybe sometimes it's, uh... 我猜也許有時候
[15:49.88]hard to tell where you're... coming from. 還真難猜測 你到底在想什么
[15:54.35](Chuckles) What do you mean? 你什么意思?
[15:56.53]Alex 呃...
[15:58.65]Alex, uh...
[16:01.89]He may have said something about you guys... 他可能有說過你們倆
[16:06.23]um, being together. 呃 在一起
[16:09.90]Well... 他根本沒必要告訴你這個
[16:11.80]he had no business telling you that.
[16:13.73]And besides, it's not even true, so... 而且那也不是真的 所以...
[16:16.67]So you're not together? 所以你們沒在一起?
[16:18.97]No. I mean... 不 我的意思是
[16:22.01]Yeah, a little, but... 對 有一點點 但是
[16:24.04]Not really. So... 又不算完全在一起 所以 沒有
[16:30.32]OK, well, sweet. Thanks, uh... 那好 太好了 謝謝
[16:34.25]Thanks for clearing that up. 謝謝你澄清這個
[16:47.50]Denny, what is it? Don't panic. Just try to breathe. Denny 怎么回事?
[16:50.50]- Page Dr. Burke! - (Beeping) 沒慌張 試著深呼吸
[16:52.91]Just try to breathe. 深呼吸
[16:54.58]Just breathe. Just breathe. Take it easy. 深呼吸 慢慢來
[17:06.22]He had flash pulmonary edema. 他突發(fā)性肺水腫
[17:08.22]I switched him to nesiritide, started milrinone and put him on BiPAP. 我把他的藥換成了腦利鈉, 開始注射米利酮
[17:11.86]- That's a good call, Stevens. - Good call. 并且套上了呼吸機
[17:12.24]做的好 Stevens
[17:13.54]做的好 可還是壞消息對吧?
[17:15.93]- Bad news, right? - It's not good. 情況不是很好
[17:18.03]The fact is, Denny, you need a new heart and you're running out of time. Denny 現(xiàn)在的情況是 你需要移植新心臟
[17:22.77]So... what's behind door number two? 那好 有什么備用的計劃嗎?
[17:26.27]I would like to install a left ventricular assist device. 我們可以在你左心室移植一個
[17:29.78]It's a battery operated machine to help your heart pump. 是一種幫助你心臟跳動的
[17:33.35]Battery operated? 傳感式的?
[17:34.65]I knew it. You people are trying to turn me into a robot. 我知道了
[17:39.55]It's all part of your evil plan to take over the hospital. 這是你們占領醫(yī)院的邪惡計劃的一部分
[17:44.12]It's a bridge to transplant, Denny. Denny 這只是移植手術前的過渡而已
[17:46.59]It'll keep you alive while we wait for your new heart. 它可以讓你生命維持到我們找到新的心臟
[17:50.93]That easy, huh? 對...
[17:54.84]- No catch? - There are some risks. 不會感染?
[17:57.17]Increased damage to your platelets and increased bleeding. 可能有風險
[18:00.57]If you do choose the assist device, 但是如果你選擇裝起搏器的話
[18:03.31]you may not leave hospital until you get a donor heart. 在你等到捐獻的器官前
[18:11.52]Any other options? 還有其他建議嗎?
[18:20.39]I'm going to need time to think. 我需要點時間來考慮下
[18:25.30]Don't take too long, Denny. Denny 別考慮太久
[18:32.47]- Always happy to get this page. - That's not why I paged you. 非常樂意能被你叫來這里
[18:35.78]Oh, what you paged me to the on-call room to talk? 別脫了 這不是我叫你來的原因
[18:36.54]怎么 你叫我到這種地方來談話?
[18:38.68]No, I paged you to the on-call room to yell. 不是 我叫你來是要來吼你
[18:41.82]Why the hell did you talk to Denny about us? 你干嗎告訴Denny我們倆的事?
[18:44.52]Oh, you never talk to Denny about personal stuff? 你沒那個權利
[18:44.84]噢 因為你從來沒有和Denny說過你自己私人的事情
[18:47.12]Not about our sex life, Alex! That is between us. 我不會把我們之間的床第之事告訴他
[18:49.82]So none of your friends know we sleep together? 那是我們兩個之間的事 好 我知道了
[18:52.29]Are you saying you and Denny are friends? 等一下 你是說你和Denny現(xiàn)在是朋友了嗎?
[18:54.53]- I'm not friends with patients. - You're an ass. 不 我不會和我的病人變成朋友 Izzie.
[18:57.06]You feel threatened by him. That is why you did that. 你是個混蛋
[18:57.24]你感覺受到他的威脅 所以你才會那么做
[19:01.00]You're his doctor and he's your half-dead, soon to be all-dead, patient. 不然不會有別的原因
[19:01.14]你是他的醫(yī)生 Izzie
[19:05.51]How could I possibly be threatened by that guy? 我怎么會受到那種人的威脅?
[19:09.44]I can't believe you just said that. 我真不敢相信你竟說出這種話
[19:11.71]Someone's got to. 總得有人來說
[19:21.49]I'll schedule the surgery for your son. In the meantime, 我會幫你兒子安排手術
[19:24.69]I'm sending Heath home with a prescription for hydrocodone 這期間 我讓Heath今天先回去
[19:27.90]to control the pain. 來減緩疼痛
[19:29.53]I get that this is a bad break, 聽著 我知道了 這樣的傷需要休息
[19:31.43]but it doesn't hurt much. I'm telling you, I can handle this. 可是并沒有那么疼
[19:33.14]我告訴你 我自己能處理的
[19:34.74]Here's what I'm thinking: We put a splint on my finger 所以倒不如這么做 我們把這拆下來
[19:37.70]so I can jam it into the glove, play today and I'm all yours. 在我手指上固定塊夾板 這樣的話我就可以把手塞進手套里
[19:39.14]我打完今天的球賽 然后我就全聽你們的
[19:40.77]- You are not playing today! - Heath, your mom is right. 你今天不能比賽 今天不能比賽
[19:44.78]Thank you. Did you hear that? I'm right. Heath 你媽媽說的沒錯
[19:44.94]謝謝 你聽到了嗎?
[19:48.02]- Your mother must be proud. - Scouts are coming, college scouts. 我說的沒錯
[19:49.64]球探今天會來看比賽 大學里的球探
[19:51.59]I could get a scholarship today! 我今天可能會拿到獎學金的 你聽不懂嗎?
[19:53.62]If I cut that bandage off we risk permanent damage to your finger. Heath 要是我拆掉你手指上的繃帶
[20:00.53]I'm with you, but I'm sorry. 我很想幫你 可是我很抱歉
[20:02.16]There's no way we can put your finger into a glove today. 今天我們不可能能讓你的手指再套進手套里去
[20:05.47]There must be something you can do. I need to play this afternoon. 你一定可以做點什么的
[20:09.00]This game is what I've been training for my entire life. 為了下午的比賽我耗盡了所有的精力
[20:12.11]This is my chance to go to college, it's my whole future. 這是我能進入大學的機會
[20:15.01]Honey, you can go to community college. 這關系到我的前途
[20:15.44]哦 親愛的 你可以進到社區(qū)大學里去
[20:17.64]攢夠學分 然后你就可以
[20:20.41]I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[20:23.48]- Ooh. That sucks. - Yeah. 噢 太糟糕了
[20:29.82]Oh, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. Montgomery Shepherd醫(yī)生
[20:32.46]- Are those my wife's test results? - Yes, they are actually. 這些是我妻子的測試結果 還是...
[20:35.80]There's no infection. 沒錯 實際上就是測試結果
[20:37.56]I'm scheduling a C-section this afternoon. 沒有感染 一切都看起來不錯
[20:39.97]I was actually going to go up after lunch and tell her. 我正打算中飯后就上去告訴她
[20:46.11]- Mr. Gibson... - You do look like Catherine Deneuve. Gibson先生...
[20:46.94]你知道嗎 你真的是像極了嘉芙蓮丹露
[20:48.94]I'm talking to you about your wife... 我正在和你說你妻子要給你生孩子的事情...
[20:51.41]- giving birth to your baby. - I know.
[20:53.41]I'm sorry. May I? 我知道 我很抱歉 我可以坐下嗎?
[20:55.25]Listen, I don't mean to focus on your looks. 聽著 我不是想關注你的容貌
[20:59.22]You seem very kind, intelligent. You're a doctor. 我是說 你看起來非常和藹 非常聰明
[21:01.92]I don't mean to objectify or harass you in any way. 而且很顯然 你是位醫(yī)生
[21:06.69]I'm usually not this awkward, but... 我只是 一般來說不會那么緊張 可是--
[21:09.03]you're just so extraordinarily beautiful. 你實在是太漂亮了
[21:12.37]I understand if a woman like you doesn't want to eat with me. 我能理解像你這樣美麗聰明的女性
[21:15.80]So, uh... Well, anyway. 可能不愿意和我共同進餐
[21:16.04]所以 算了...
[21:18.04]No, no. 不 可以
[21:20.84]- Really? - Yes, stay. It's fine. 真的嗎?
[21:21.84]對 坐下吃吧 沒事
[21:24.18]All right. 那太好了
[21:25.95]You going to eat that pudding? 你要吃那布丁嗎?
[21:29.22]- (Cristina) Take him. - (Lzzie) Bailey gave him to you. 你來抱
[21:31.95]She's only in surgery for another half hour, hour tops. 不 Bailey交給你的
[21:35.29]- Take him. - You're a liar and you smell of vomit. 最多一個小時 抱著他 抱著
[21:37.96]Really? Because I think she smells like poo. 你撒謊 而且你身上有股嘔吐物的味道
[21:38.54]是嗎 我覺得她身上有象糞便的味道
[21:40.63]This is why some species eat their young. 所以這就是一些動物會有吃掉幼子的行為
[21:43.40]- Have you talked to Meredith yet? - Tomorrow I am going to buy a T-shirt 你和Meredith談過了嗎?
[21:47.60]that says, "Stop asking me about Meredith". 上面寫著“不要問我關于Meredith的事情”
[21:50.17]I'm going to wear it every day until people stop asking me. 而且我會天天穿著他
[21:53.34]At least they won't be asking you about your hair. 直到沒人問我關于Meredith的事情
[21:59.61]Oh, come on. Meredith, stop him. 噢 別這樣
[22:01.85]What should I do? Knock him down? Meredith 攔住他
[22:04.32]Do you know he cut his hair over my bathroom sink today? 你想坐下嗎? 我該怎么做 把他撂倒在地嗎?
[22:07.35]George is a good roommate. You can tell him what's annoying you. 自己剪的頭發(fā)嗎?
[22:08.74]要是你告訴他他什么地方礙著你 他就會改的
[22:10.69]No, he's not my room... This is why I shouldn't have given up my place. 不 他才不是我的室友 他不是我的
[22:14.56]He would still be our roommate if Meredith would apologize. 看到沒 這就是當初我不應該放棄我自己公寓的原因
[22:17.83]I have apologized. I've apologized sincerely. 我道過歉了 我真心誠意的道過歉了
[22:21.10]And you know what? 而且你知道嗎?
[22:22.77]It takes two to make a stupid sexual decision. So, whatever. 錯誤的上床決定 兩個人都負有責任
[22:26.84]Oh! 所以我不管了
[22:26.84]噢 呃
[22:28.44]Oh, I just miss when we all got along. 你知道 我只是想念我們一起相處的時候
[22:30.54]- Can't we just go back to that? - Well... 難道我們不能就回到原來的樣子嗎?
[22:35.85]Excuse me. I have to check on a patient. 失陪 我要去檢查病人了
[22:41.76]Awesome. Awesome. 太好了
[22:44.56]Thanks, Alex. Thank you. Oh, yeah. 太好了
[22:44.74]Alex 真是謝謝你了
[22:46.86]OK. Shut it. 沒事了沒事了
[22:49.76]Shut it. Shut it. 別哭了 別哭了
[22:51.37]They have no right to be mad at me. 他們沒理由生我的氣
[22:53.43]- It's none of their business. - I agree. 根本不管他們的事
[22:55.57]You don't even know what I'm talking about. 我同意
[22:55.94]你不能同意 你甚至根本不知道我在說什么事情
[22:58.21]You're mad at your friends for being mad at you. 你在說的是你因為你朋友生你的氣
[23:00.81]I hate them. I do. 而生他們的氣
[23:01.14]我恨他們 真的
[23:04.54]What the hell did you do? 你到底做過什么事情?
[23:07.35]I'm not telling you. 我不會告訴你的
[23:08.88]You know, as a friend, you suck. 噢 你知道 做為你的朋友
[23:24.56]Does Addison know we're friends? Addison知道我們是朋友嗎?
[23:30.17]Did you get Sylvia Booker's blood work back yet? 你去拿了血檢報告沒?
[23:35.68]I'm going right now. 我現(xiàn)在就去
[23:43.62](Baby gurgles)
[23:45.49](Baby cries) Bailey醫(yī)生
[23:46.55]- Dr. Bailey? - What is it, Yang? 怎么回事 Yang?
[23:49.49]Uh... he's crying. 呃 他在哭
[23:52.76]- Let me hear him. - (baby cries) 給我聽下
[23:55.70]- What? - Let me hear the baby cry. 什么?
[24:08.04]That's cry number four. You need to feed him. 那是第四種哭聲 你要喂他奶了
[24:13.81]Oh, God! Oh... 天啊
[24:18.02]- A double-barrel what? - It's a double-barrel brain bypass. 雙腔什么?
[24:21.35]I'm going to use two scalp arteries to redirect the blood flow in your brain 我會用兩條頭上的動脈
[24:25.56]around the aneurysm. 為什么其他醫(yī)生都沒提及過?
[24:27.06]- How come no one else mentioned this? - This surgery is rarely performed.
[24:31.23]I have performed one and I've watched one. 我曾經成功執(zhí)手過一次
[24:33.80]But I don't want to understate the risks. 也旁觀過一次
[24:36.10]- Risks? - The risks are that the aneurysm 風險?
[24:38.47]- could rupture on the table. - But there's a chance it could work? 在手術臺上破裂
[24:39.84]可是你認為還是有機會的 有機會手術會成功的?
[24:41.81]No. 不行
[24:44.38]Hell, no. 我不同意
[24:45.88]I'm leaving and we're going to Europe. 我們要走了 我們現(xiàn)在就去歐洲
[24:48.72]We've always wanted to see it, we've never had the time. 我們一直就想去歐洲 只是以前沒時間而已
[24:51.72]This is the time. We're going. That's it. 就是現(xiàn)在
[25:04.36]- Dr. Shepherd? Can I get a word? - Yes.
[25:08.77]- I'm sorry if my wife offended you. - Oh, no. No offense at all. 要是我妻子有冒犯的地方 我替她道歉
[25:12.24]Um... I didn't notice her. 噢 不 沒有冒犯
[25:16.04]- I'm sorry? I... - For 15 years, I didn't notice her. 你說什么?
[25:17.92]15年來 我一直沒有太注意她
[25:20.68]When we got married, she was everything. 當我們結婚的時候 她就是我的一切
[25:23.55]Somewhere along the way, I stopped noticing her, stopped seeing her. 之后不知道從何時開始
[25:25.12]我開始忽略她 我不再看她
[25:27.62]And since she's been sick, she's all I see. 而等她病倒后 我眼里看到的只有她
[25:30.76]And I hate that that's what it took. I hate it and I'm sorry. 而我恨我自己花了那么久才知道這一點
[25:34.13]But I love her. 可是我很愛她
[25:36.20]And I don't want her to... 我不想看到她就這樣...
[25:39.23]I don't want my wife to die. 我不想我妻子死去
[25:42.14]Please talk to her. Dr. Shepherd, please. 求你去和她談下
[25:44.72]Shepherd醫(yī)生 拜托
[25:47.07]OK. 好的
[25:56.45]I had a lunch date with my patient's husband today. 我今天和我一個病人的丈夫共進了午餐
[25:59.39]He paid attention to me, Miranda. For a whole half hour. 他一直都在聆聽我說話 Miranda...
[26:04.89]Addison, you're not going to fix the problems with your husband 你不可能靠和別人的丈夫吃飯
[26:08.23]by having meals with someone else's. 來解決你和你丈夫之間的問題
[26:14.03]I mean it. 我說真的
[26:16.44]Oh, please eat. Eat! I'm begging you to eat. 求求你吃啊 吃啊
[26:20.91]It's yummy food. Yummy. 很好吃的 好吃...
[26:22.78]Bailey, breast... milk. Bailey... 母乳奶汁
[26:25.98]- Food, come on! - Well, look at you. 快點
[26:28.62](Baby cries) 看看你
[26:31.42]- You find this amusing? - You don't? 你覺得這個好笑嗎? 你不覺得好笑嗎?
[26:34.65]You know what? I can't help you. 快 你知道嗎
[26:36.62]I cannot help you if you don't want to eat. 我?guī)筒涣四?我?guī)筒涣四?br /> [26:37.12]你要是不想吃 要你再這樣哭下去
[26:38.79]If you're going to keep on crying... 我可幫不了你
[26:40.76]Then eat. 快點吃
[26:44.06](Stops crying)
[26:48.10]O'Malley, you're a natural. You have nieces and nephews? O'Malley 你做的好自然 你有侄子還是侄女嗎?
[26:51.10]- Babies just like me. - It speaks to a good bedside manner. 沒有
[26:54.94]- Keep it up. - Thank you, sir. 繼續(xù) 謝謝
[26:59.81]Hey, is that Bailey's baby? Oh, he is so cute. 嘿 這是Bailey的孩子嗎?
[27:01.92]噢 他長的好可愛
[27:04.25]Hi there. 看這 小不點
[27:08.52]I scheduled the Mercer kid's surgery for tomorrow. Do you want in? 我把Mercer的手指手術
[27:11.96]Oh, no, I want in, on any surgery. 安排到明天下午了
[27:12.12]我想加入 任何手術都可以 讓我加入
[27:13.69]- I'll do it. - Who are you? 你是誰?
[27:17.86]I'm Cristina. 我是Cristina.
[27:21.43]- Sorry. I only need one. - Oh. Well, absolutely. I'm in. 抱歉 我只需要一個
[27:23.52]噢 我當然會加入的
[27:25.67]Oh, and George? This is the last invitation I'm extending. 還有 George.
[27:29.04]So... the ball's in your court. 所以... 下次就看你的了
[27:32.81]- OK. - OK. 好的 那好
[27:38.65]- Seriously? - Seriously. 你來真的?
[27:40.69]Nice. Think she has a couch you can sleep on? 真的
[27:46.79]Mrs. Booker. Booker夫人.
[27:48.93]I'm waiting for my husband. He's bringing the car. 我在等我丈夫 他在把車開過來
[27:52.90]Mrs. Booker... Booker夫人...
[27:55.04]I know you're worried about the surgery. 我知道你很擔心手術的事情
[27:57.90]No I'm not. I'm not worried about it because I'm not having it. 我沒有
[28:02.84]You're not having the surgery because of the medical risks? 你不做手術是因為手術有風險
[28:06.18]No, I'm not having it because... 不 我不做手術是因為--
[28:08.58]because for the first time in 12 years, I have a great marriage and a life. 是因為12年來頭一次
[28:10.62]我擁有幸福的婚姻 和美滿的生活
[28:13.15]And I want to live it. 我想過這樣的生活
[28:14.92]You have weeks. 你現(xiàn)在有幾周時間
[28:17.59]If this surgery is successful, 但要是手術成功的話
[28:20.16]you're looking at decades. 你會有很多年的時間
[28:24.46]I don't think you understand. 我不覺得你聽懂了我的意思
[28:26.63]I'm not crazy and I don't want to die. 我沒有發(fā)瘋 我也不想就這樣死去
[28:29.57]I don't want to go back to being Kyle's bed warmer in a flannel nightgown. 可是我不想再過回那種穿著絲絨長睡衣
[28:34.31]- Can you understand? - I understand you're tired of settling. 你明白了嗎?
[28:36.02]我懂了 你厭倦那種生活
[28:38.18]So don't. 那就不要過那種生活 來對抗病魔
[28:41.05]Fight for your life, fight for your marriage. 為你現(xiàn)在的生活而戰(zhàn)
[28:45.52]Let me operate. 做這個手術
[28:47.25]And make a decision right now that you'll never settle again. 現(xiàn)在就下定決心
[28:54.93](Labored breathing)
[29:05.27]The LVAD will inhibit organ deterioration, 那個左心室輔助裝置會防止器官惡化
[29:08.94]allow you to get off the meds you're on 它可以讓你停止服用大部分在用的藥,
[29:11.18]and give your heart a much-needed rest. 并且給你心臟一個適時的休息
[29:17.15]Izzie. Izzie...
[29:19.82]I'm just... 我只是...
[29:21.59]I'm so tired. 我只是感覺很累了
[29:28.76]I appreciate that. 我知道
[29:30.70]But the LVAD also has increased survival rates 可是左心室輔助裝置還能比傳統(tǒng)的療法
[29:33.43]over conventional therapies and I think that you need... 提高存活律
[29:36.47]Hey. 而且我覺得你需要-- 嘿
[29:40.84]Having this surgery... 做這個手術的話...
[29:44.48]it means I don't get to leave here. 就意味著我就不能離開這里了
[29:50.18]And you know how much I hate hospitals. 你知道我有多討厭醫(yī)院
[29:57.46]I do know. 我知道
[29:59.96]But as your doctor, I can't support you making any other decision. 可是作為你的醫(yī)生 我不能支持你做其他任何決定
[30:04.60]This surgery will allow you more time and we need more time. 這個手術可以拖延更多的時間
[30:09.87]We? 我們?
[30:12.54]We, your doctors... 我們--你的醫(yī)生...
[30:15.51]need more time. 需要更多的時間
[30:21.65]And we need more time. 我們之間也需要更多的時間
[30:28.96]So... you'll be here? 所以...
[30:32.26]Every day. 你會在這嗎?
[30:36.93]And as an added bonus, it'll really piss off Alex. 這個額外的獎勵
[30:43.04]Yes, that it will. 對 一定會的
[30:51.01]OK? 好?
[30:55.22]OK. 對
[30:59.29]OK. OK. 好 太好了
[31:14.07]- Heath. - I told you I couldn't miss my game. 我告訴過你我不會錯過這次比賽的 所以我去打比賽了
[31:16.64]I made two goals and one assist and there were scouts! 我得了兩分 一次助攻
[31:19.41]- What did you do? - I cut off my finger. 旁邊真的有球探在看
[31:20.22]你做了什么? 我把手指切掉了
[31:23.91]It's OK. I saved it so you guys can sew it back on. 沒事的
[31:24.72]我保留著呢 你們可以把它縫回去
[31:36.92]There's deep tissue infection here. Not good. 深組織有感染
[31:40.49]He said he found out how to do it on the Internet. 看起來不妙
[31:43.16]Who puts up Web pages on how to cut off your own finger? 誰會在網上教你怎么切掉自己的手指啊?
[31:46.03]He's got a passion and he sacrificed for it. You got to respect that. 他對曲棍球充滿熱情 并為此付出了代價
[31:51.04]No... you don't. 不 才不應該
[31:53.74]Thank you, Bokie. He cut off his finger. 他切掉了自己的手指
[31:55.88]A finger... Sorry. 一根--抱歉-- 可能幾個月之內都不能完全治愈的手指
[31:57.38]...that would have healed in a few months.
[31:59.91]Sometimes you can't wait. You just want the pain to stop. 有些時候你不能只是等待
[32:04.35]So you cut it off. End the problem. End the pain. 所以你切掉它 把問題結束 把痛楚結束
[32:07.95]That doesn't... end the pain. 這樣并不會結束痛楚
[32:10.76]I mean, if it's that painful... 不 我的意思是說 要是是那樣痛楚
[32:13.16]to start with, then even if you cut it off, 即使你把它切除
[32:15.83]there's always going to be that... phantom pain. 還是會有持續(xù)上心靈上的痛楚
[32:21.87]Your ex did a real number on you, huh? 你前女友真的傷你很深 哈?
[32:27.84]- (Sylvia) You're quitting your job? - (Kyle) Absolutely. 所以你辭去工作了
[32:30.78]And we're selling the house? 噢 當然
[32:32.65]And we're moving to Paris and we're spending that nest egg now? 所以我們把房子賣了
[32:36.82]- Promise? - I promise. 你答應我? 我答應你
[32:39.05]- And, baby? - Yeah? 親愛的 什么?
[32:41.92]If I die... 要是我死了的話...
[32:44.96]promise me you'll do it anyway. 答應我你還是要這樣做.
[32:49.43]I promise. 我答應你
[32:57.40]I'm sorry. This is as far as you can go. 我很抱歉
[33:01.51]Sylvia, please don't die. Sylvia...
[33:05.31]I'll do my best. 我會努力的
[33:14.72](Door opens)
[33:20.73]I fed him. Oh, God, there's poop everywhere. 我喂他了 天啊 到處都是他吐出來的東西
[33:25.06]Wait. 好了
[33:26.63]- Go back to sleep, Cristina. - Oh, good. 繼續(xù)去睡吧 Cristina
[33:29.07]I know you're the boss of me and you could destroy my career 我知道你是我上司
[33:32.87]and make my life a living hell and torture and all of that. 讓我過地獄一樣的生活
[33:36.24]But, just in the future... 所有的折磨 所有的痛楚 所有的一切
[33:36.46]可是我要你知道 以后
[33:39.35]I don't baby-sit. 我再不做保姆的事情
[33:43.38]Fine. 好
[33:47.22](Baby cries)
[33:51.62]I read that a patient's heart can remodel itself 我有讀到過病人的心臟自我修復后
[33:54.59]and they can be weaned off the LVAD. 可以不用依靠左心室輔助裝置的病例
[33:56.56]It's not likely in Denny's case. His heart is too weak. 在這病例上行不通
[33:59.90](& Tina Dico: One) 他的心臟太脆弱了
[34:20.92]I just wanted to make sure everybody was doing OK. 我知道想確定下你們沒事了
[34:23.69]Everything's fine. Thank you so much. 一切都很順利 非常謝謝你
[34:30.60]Oh, yeah, right... Thank you. 對 謝謝
[34:39.67]When you put your freshly severed finger into a grungy, bacteria-filled glove, 當你把你剛切除手指的手套進
[34:43.94]- you got a severe infection. - What? 你的手受到了很嚴重的感染
[34:47.11]No, the Internet didn't say anything about infection. 什么?
[34:47.56]不 網上沒有說什么感染的事情
[34:50.42]We didn't realize how deep the infection had gone until we were in there. Mercer夫人
[34:54.65]- There was too much tissue damage. - The infection was caused 太多的組織損傷了
[34:57.86]by a methicillin-resistant staph bacteria. Heath 感染是由一種
[35:00.33]It's spreading. We'll be lucky if we can preserve enough muscle 抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌引起的
[35:03.70]for you to have any hand function. 要是幸運的話 我們可以保住足夠的肌肉
[35:05.63]What does she mean? 你什么意思? 她什么意思?
[35:07.87]You may never regain complete control of your hand. 你手部功能可能永遠不會完全復原
[35:12.04]No. That's wrong. 不 那不可能
[35:15.31]You're wrong. 你一定搞錯了
[35:17.01]Ronnie Lott played for the 49ers when he cut off his finger. Ronnie Lott效力于49人隊的時候
[35:20.38]He could still play. I got the directions off the Internet. 他切掉了手指之后還是能比賽
[35:21.86]我照著網上的步驟來做的. 我--
[35:23.95]- My poor baby. - Mom, stop, they're lying! 天啊 我可憐的孩子 別這樣 媽 他們在撒謊
[35:26.22]They're trying to scare me. 他們只是在嚇我
[35:27.85]I'm sorry. I really am, but... Heath 我很抱歉 我真的很抱歉 可是...
[35:32.33]your hockey career is over. 你的曲棍球球員生涯已經結束了
[35:35.33]Mom. 媽?
[35:37.90]Mom, they're wrong, right? 媽 他們搞錯了 對吧?
[35:39.90]- They have to be wrong. - Sweetheart. 他們一定是搞錯了
[35:41.97]I got the directions off the Internet. 噢 親愛的
[35:44.84](Meredith) Is there any evidence of vasospasm or bleeding?
[35:49.04]- (Derek) No, it looks good. - So do you think they'll move to Paris? 沒有 看起來很順利.
[35:53.65]I hope so. 我希望如此
[36:07.99](Meredith) That was amazing. 太不可思議了
[36:09.86]It was, wasn't it? 對 的確不可思議對吧?
[36:12.47]Yeah. 沒錯
[36:17.37]Meredith... Meredith...
[36:20.51]You know I was kidding this morning? 你知道我今天早上是開玩笑的?
[36:23.08]I mean, you can tell me about this horrible thing. 我是說你可以告訴我你做過的那件糟糕的事情
[36:26.35]Come on, you can talk to me. 你可以告訴我
[36:31.32]As a friend? 作為朋友
[36:34.05]As a friend. 作為朋友
[36:40.56]There's a line between friends and "not" friends. 在是朋友與不是朋友之間只隔著一條線
[36:43.76]And if I tell you this... 要是我告訴你...
[36:47.07]If I tell you this horrible thing, you have to react as my friend, 要是我告訴你這件糟糕的事,
[36:50.57]not my "not" friend. 而不是我朋友以外的立場.
[36:52.87]I can do that. 我可以辦到
[36:55.81]All right, you tell me what's wrong, I'll tell you how to fix it. 好
[36:56.91]那告訴我到底發(fā)生什么事 我告訴你怎么去解決
[37:02.52]- OK. You're ready? - I'm ready. 好 你準備好了?
[37:08.99](Meredith sighs)
[37:14.03]I slept with George.
[37:20.57]And... it was a horrible mistake. 而這是個很糟糕的錯誤
[37:23.54]And now everything has changed. 一切都改變了
[37:26.07]And I don't know how to repair it. 而我不知道怎么去補救
[37:28.11]I don't even know where to start, but I just know that I have to. And... 我甚至不知道從哪開始去補救
[37:31.84](sighs) 而且...
[37:39.89]Say something friendly. 說點支持的話
[37:45.02]You tell him that. 你去和他說
[37:47.56]You find George and you apologize. 你找到George 去向他道歉
[37:50.00]That's what everyone says, but he won't listen. 每個人都那么說 可是他不會聽
[37:52.63]Make him listen. You tell him. 你要讓他聽進去 告訴他你很抱歉
[37:54.63]Just tell him again and again and again until he listens. 反覆的告訴他你很抱歉
[37:58.27]How do I do that? 我該怎么做
[38:01.74]You do what I do. 就像我做的那樣
[38:05.01]Use the elevator. 利用電梯
[38:20.16](Elevator bell pings)
[38:25.56]You're trapped. 你被困在這了
[38:27.13]And you don't have to talk. 你沒必要說話
[38:29.30]I'll do the talking. 由我來說
[38:33.17]George, George...
[38:34.24]I am truly, very deeply sorry. 我真的...
[38:39.98]And I'm not going to make excuses. 我不會找任何借口
[38:41.81]I'm just sorry. 我只是覺得很抱歉
[38:45.82]Look, I know you're going to get off this elevator and not look back. 我知道你走出這電梯后
[38:49.99]I know that, but, George, we're friends, real friends. 我知道
[38:51.21]可是 George 我們是朋友
[38:54.76]That means, no matter how long it takes, 真正的朋友
[38:57.30]when you finally do decide to look back, I'll still be here. 當你最終決定回頭看的時候
[39:08.07](Meredith) As doctors, as friends, as human beings, 作為醫(yī)生 作為朋友 作為人類
[39:12.28]we all try to do the best we can. 我們盡力去做我們力所能及的事
[39:14.11](& Jem: Flying High)
[39:30.96]Hey. 嘿
[39:35.74]- Don't you have somewhere to be? - Yeah. 你沒什么地方可去嗎?
[39:40.77]Yeah, I'm there. 對 我留在這
[39:45.34]But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns. 可是人生之路充滿了不可預料的蜿蜒和轉彎
[39:52.59]And just when you've gotten the lay of the land, 當你站在那條路上的時候
[39:55.79]the ground underneath you shifts 你腳下的地面
[40:02.09]and knocks you off your feet. 會把你掀翻在地
[40:18.21]If you're lucky, you end up with nothing more than a flesh wound, 要是你足夠幸運
[40:23.35]something a Band-Aid will cover. 一個創(chuàng)可貼就能復原的傷口
[40:36.03]- Hi. - Hey. 嘿
[40:38.83]But some wounds are deeper than they first appear 可是有些傷口比當初看起來的要深
[40:43.80]and require more than just a quick fix. 需要比快速治療更好的方法
[40:56.28]What? 什么?
[40:59.39]I was indifferent. 我當時很冷漠...
[41:02.66]You know, in New York before Mark. 你知道 在紐約 在Mark的事發(fā)生之前
[41:07.66]I was just indifferent towards you. 我對你很冷漠
[41:12.03]Yes. 對
[41:16.20]I was absent. 而且我時常不在你身邊
[41:20.77]Yes. 對
[41:27.78]I'm partly to blame for what's happened to our marriage. 所以我對我們婚姻的破裂要負部分責任
[41:33.02]Yeah. 好的
[41:37.09]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[41:44.30]I'm working on it. 我正在努力
[41:50.44]OK. 好的
[41:55.41]With some wounds, 對那些傷口 你只能撕掉創(chuàng)可貼
[41:57.38]you have to rip off the Band-Aid,
[42:01.05]let them breathe 讓它們自由呼吸 然后給它們時間來自我治療
[42:02.75]and give them time... to heal.

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