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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:51:03
[00:00.00]Previously On "grey's anatomy"… "實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾"前情提要…
[00:01.27]we just received word of a mass-casualty incident nearby. 我們剛接到消息 附近發(fā)生了一場(chǎng)大型傷亡事件
[00:03.92]You cannot tell shepherd until I've told meredith. 在我告訴Meredith之前 你不能告訴Shepherd
[00:05.82]cristina and I are engaged. Cristina和我訂婚了
[00:08.61]Immediate!Immediate! I need help down here! 快點(diǎn)!快點(diǎn)!這里需要幫助!
[00:10.35]my buddy's trapped. He's trapped under a car. 我的同伴被困住了 困在一輛車(chē)下面
[00:12.34]Dr. O'malley and I made a deal. O'malley醫(yī)生跟我做了個(gè)交易
[00:14.26]He's gonna find my son before I go into surgery. 在我手術(shù)之前 他會(huì)找到我兒子
[00:16.75]I just have to bandage him up,we're gonna find someoneto take him to the hospital, 我要給他包扎好 找人送他去醫(yī)院
[00:19.30]and then we're gonna findyour mommy. 然后再去找你媽媽
[00:20.32]- I gotta get outta here! - No,sir,don't move! - 我要離開(kāi)這里! - 先生 不要?jiǎng)?
[00:29.65]like I said... 就像我說(shuō)的...
[00:31.76]disappearances happen-- 消失出現(xiàn)了...
[00:36.50]pains go phantom... 疼痛化作幻影...
[00:41.26]blood stops running... 血液停止流動(dòng)...
[00:46.23]and people-- people fade away. 生命慢慢凋零...
[01:21.79]there's more I have to say... 我要說(shuō)的還有很多...
[01:27.56]so much more. 還有很多很多
[01:34.87]But... 但是...
[01:40.71]I've disappeared. 我已經(jīng)消失了
[02:01.68]Did you check on kramerin 2309? 2309房的Kramerin 你檢查過(guò)了嗎?
[02:03.42]Because his x-rays are done, and I don't know what to do. 他的X光已經(jīng)照好了 我不知道接下來(lái)該做什么
[02:05.45]- Higgins in 2312 needsdiet orders before he can eat. - Okay,done and done. - 2312房的Higgins需要進(jìn)食前的指令 - 好的 慢慢來(lái)
[02:08.97]Um,I need you to monitor collins in 2323. 你去監(jiān)控2323房的Collins
[02:11.55]Page me if his systolicdrops below 90. 如果收縮壓低于90就呼我
[02:13.87]I gave him a loading dose of dig to lower his heart rate. 我給他打了一劑地高辛 來(lái)降低心率
[02:16.28]Have either of youseen dr. Grey? 你們看到Grey醫(yī)生了嗎?
[02:17.96]Uh,I checked on her earlier, but she'sa little sedate today so-- 我先前幫她檢查過(guò) 她今天挺安靜的 所以...
[02:20.77]not dr. Ellis grey. Dr. Meredith grey. 不是Ellis Grey醫(yī)生 而是Meredith Grey醫(yī)生
[02:23.46]- No. - Not since th morning. - 沒(méi)有 - 就早上見(jiàn)過(guò)
[02:26.29]Fine. 好吧
[02:27.15]Um,if there's anythingemergent, page me in the pit. 有緊急事件的話 我在診室
[02:31.08]george... George...
[02:32.87]did you find him? 找到他了嗎?
[02:34.34]Is chris okay? Is he awake?Is he... Chris還好嗎? 清醒么? 他...
[02:39.49]answer mrs. Heit,o'malley. 回答Heit夫人 O'malley
[02:49.75]Chris is fine. Chris情況很好
[02:51.41]He's glad you're okay,and he'll be waiting for youafter surgery. 聽(tīng)到你沒(méi)事很高興 他會(huì)等你做完手術(shù)
[02:55.73]- He's being very brave. - That's my chris.That's my boy. - 他很勇敢 - 那是我的Chris 我兒子
[03:00.13]Thank you,dr. O'malley,so much. 謝謝O'malley醫(yī)生 非常感謝
[03:07.24]dr. O'malley. O'malley醫(yī)生
[03:08.88]Hold up a second. 等一下
[03:12.47]So what happenswhen the happy mother in therewakes up after surgery 如果這個(gè)開(kāi)心的母親手術(shù)醒來(lái)后
[03:16.24]and herson isn't there to greet her?What then? 并沒(méi)有看到自己的兒子 會(huì)怎么樣?
[03:19.25]How you gonnaexplain that,o'malley? 你要如何解釋 O'malley?
[03:21.87]If she wakes up after surgery because my lie helpedto save her life, 如果我的謊言能幫著救她 讓她挺過(guò)手術(shù)
[03:25.15]I'm okay with that,dr. Bailey. 那我就很高興了 Bailey醫(yī)生
[03:30.24]- find that child. - Yes,ma'am. - 找到那個(gè)孩子 - 明白 女士
[03:39.53]Her echo showedcardiac tamponade. 心臟超音波顯示她的心臟壓塞
[03:42.51]So our first priorityis stabilize the traumatic pericardial effusion. 所以我們首先要 控制創(chuàng)傷引起的心包囊滲漏液
[03:45.92]Well,keeping mom alive means keeping baby alive. 保住母親就意味著要保住孩子
[03:48.15]I'll monitor the surgerywhile he operates. 他手術(shù)時(shí) 我會(huì)在一旁監(jiān)控
[03:49.98]I'll notify the O.R. 我去通知手術(shù)室
[04:00.98]chief,we got a mob scenein the clinic of people looking formissing family members 主任 門(mén)診里尋找失散家屬的人 讓場(chǎng)面有點(diǎn)失控
[04:04.64]and nothing buta 2-hour-old list of patients. 而我們的病人名單跟兩小時(shí)前一樣
[04:06.53]No one has any moreinformation than you do. 我們掌握的信息不比你多
[04:08.99]The police areasking us questions. Search and rescuecan't track it. 警方一直向我們?cè)儐?wèn) 搜救隊(duì)也不能掌握
[04:13.29]We'll have todo it ourselves. 我們得自己解決
[04:14.83]- Is theresome kind of system that— - you're the system,karev. - 有沒(méi)有什么系統(tǒng)可以... - Karev 你就是系統(tǒng)
[04:18.38]Figure it out. 解決這件事
[04:25.29]how's she doing? 她怎么樣了?
[04:26.60]Well,we won't know until we get her up to the O.R. 送去手術(shù)室之前 我們都不會(huì)知道
[04:29.78]- Is she still a jane doe? - Yeah. - 她的身份還不知道嗎? - 是啊
[04:32.55]Oh,to be in that condition and have no one who knows youeven know... 在這種情況下 甚至都沒(méi)有熟悉的人知道...
[04:37.50]what? 什么?
[04:38.81]I mean,she's all alone. 她很孤獨(dú)
[04:40.68]It makes you think. 讓人不得不思考
[04:42.67]You know,if I went missing,would anyone noticeI was gone? 如果我失蹤了 會(huì)有人能注意到嗎?
[04:57.94]do something. 做點(diǎn)什么
[04:58.91]He's still seizing. There's nothing more I can do. 他還在痙攣 我再也無(wú)能為力了
[05:01.13]You're supposed to putsomething in his mouth so he doesn't bitehis tongue,aren't you? 你該往他嘴里放些東西 以免咬到自己舌頭 不是嗎?
[05:03.25]Nobody's putting anythingin his mouth. 沒(méi)人會(huì)往他嘴里放東西
[05:04.81]We just have to let himride it out. 我們必須讓他挺過(guò)來(lái)
[05:06.16]Wh-what are you gonna do? You just can't let him die. 你要做什么呢? 只要?jiǎng)e讓他死
[05:12.33]Th-they're gonna come soon--in a little while --and they'll get him out. 他們馬上就來(lái) 馬上就能把他救出來(lái)
[05:16.51]You said we don't gotmuch time. 你說(shuō)過(guò)沒(méi)有那么多時(shí)間了
[05:17.62]What if they don't get him out from there before he-- 如果被他們弄出來(lái)之前 他就--
[05:19.39]I don't know. 我不知道
[05:20.79]I don't know,okay? I don't know. 我不知道 行嗎? 我不知道
[05:23.21]Please,you can'tquit on us now. 求你了 你不能現(xiàn)在就放棄
[05:24.99]You just--you justgotta try something else. 試一下別的辦法
[05:27.54]I'm out of practice. I've been watching. 我很久沒(méi)練習(xí)了 一直都在觀摩
[05:30.57]For weeks,I've just been watching.I... 這幾周 我都在觀摩 我...
[05:35.57]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[05:38.08]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[05:43.59]You stopped the bleeding. That was good. 你已經(jīng)幫他止血了 這樣很好
[05:47.76]Come--come on. Please,doc. 加油 求你 醫(yī)生
[05:50.41]I know this guy. I believe in him. 我了解這個(gè)人 我相信他
[05:52.33]I believe he can make it. 他能挺過(guò)來(lái)
[05:54.38]You gottabelieve in it,too. 你也要有這個(gè)信念
[05:57.15]You gotta believeyou can do this.Please. 要相信他能挺過(guò)來(lái)
[06:00.78]Don't stop now. 不要現(xiàn)在就放棄
[06:09.87]Who's got a cell phone? 誰(shuí)有手機(jī)?
[06:16.06]You guys good? You okay? 你們好么? 你還好么?
[06:19.05]Yeah,what do you got? 什么情況?
[06:20.02]Nearly sever ed leg,but he had his artery tied off,so that's something. 腿部幾乎被切斷 但動(dòng)脈已被縫合 所以還不錯(cuò)
[06:23.62]Yeah.Who tied offthe artery? 動(dòng)脈是誰(shuí)縫合的?
[06:25.76]Was it dr. Grey? This is her jacket. 是Grey醫(yī)生么? 這是她的夾克
[06:28.20]We found him like this. She must have moved on. 找到他時(shí)就穿著這個(gè) 她肯定走開(kāi)了
[06:30.65]Yeah,okay. 好的
[06:34.83]- doc. - Yeah. - 醫(yī)生 - 是的
[06:38.39]What is it? 什么情況?
[06:39.88]Yeah,just stabilizethe fractureand get him to the hospitalas soon as possible. 好的 固定骨折部位 盡快送去醫(yī)院
[06:55.08]hey. You okay? 嘿 你還好嗎?
[07:02.34]Hey,did--did the doctorbring you here? 是醫(yī)生帶你來(lái)這的嗎?
[07:03.95]Huh? Meredith? 哈? Meredith?
[07:07.99]Is meredith okay? Meredith還好么?
[07:23.72]Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 16 實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 第三季 第十六集
[07:47.99]hi,my name's george. 嗨 我叫George
[07:49.82]Is your name chris? 你叫Chris么?
[07:53.11]Is he yours?Thank you. Thank you very much. 是你孩子? 謝謝 非常感謝
[08:07.78]- Do you have a new list? - Uh,not yet. - 有新名單了嗎? - 還沒(méi)
[08:09.42]Nothing? How can there beno new information? 沒(méi)有? 怎么可能沒(méi)有新的消息呢?
[08:11.13]Isn't theresomeone you can call? Someone who knows something? 你能不能找個(gè)什么人? 找個(gè)知道情況的人?
[08:13.58]Uh,nobody knows anythingright now,so... 現(xiàn)在沒(méi)人知道情況 所以...
[08:15.39]we've been herefor hours waiting! 我們都等了幾個(gè)小時(shí)了!
[08:20.19]I mean,what are wesupposed to do? 我們要怎么辦?
[08:22.17]Quiet! 安靜!
[08:23.74]All right,that listis all I have for you, and it sucks,but that's it. 我只有那份名單 雖然起不了作用 但也只有它了
[08:27.48]I can't believe you don't have some kind of a system.I mean-- 真不敢相信 你們居然沒(méi)有某種系統(tǒng)...
[08:30.31]give me a minute to think. I'll come up with a damn system. 給我點(diǎn)時(shí)間想一下 我就會(huì)拿出個(gè)該死的系統(tǒng)
[08:43.26]I just want you to knowthat I understand you're undera lot of pressure. 我理解你現(xiàn)在壓力很大
[08:47.70]If you--if you just needto sit for a minute... 或許你-你需要坐一會(huì)兒...
[08:50.82]or if you need a hand... 或者需要一雙手...
[08:52.92]or a hug... 一個(gè)擁抱...
[09:15.24]this is chief webber. 我是Webber主任
[09:16.29]oh,chief,I got a guy here,and-- and we— we can't extricate him. 主任 我這有個(gè)傷員 我們沒(méi)法把他救出來(lái)
[09:19.99]- Hold on. - And I've tried everything. - 等一下 - 我用盡了所有辦法
[09:21.50]Hold--hold on. Who's this? 等一下 你是誰(shuí)?
[09:22.65]It's izzie stevens. I'm at the dock. Izzie Stevens 在碼頭
[09:24.49]I've got a patient witha depressed skull fracture and probablyan intracranial bleed. 我手上有個(gè)病人顱骨凹陷性骨折 并可能伴有顱內(nèi)出血
[09:27.74]Is he showing signsof increased pressure? 顱內(nèi)壓有上升跡象嗎?
[09:29.48]Yes.His left pupil is blown. He's gone limp. 是的 左瞳孔擴(kuò)散 已經(jīng)快不行了
[09:32.03]He's seizing,and now his right pupil is dilating. 他在痙攣 現(xiàn)在右瞳孔也在擴(kuò)大
[09:34.67]He could be herniating. What'syour E.T.A.To the hospital? 他可能患了疝氣 送到醫(yī)院需要多久?
[09:36.84]That's what I'm saying. We can't get him out. 這就是我要說(shuō)的 我們沒(méi)法把他弄出來(lái)
[09:38.91]He's stuck under a car,and we can't get him out. 他卡在汽車(chē)下面 我們弄不出來(lái)
[09:40.68]- Okay,first you've gotto stay calm. - I can't stay calm. - 好的 首先你要冷靜下來(lái) - 我沒(méi)法冷靜
[09:43.95]Calm was over minutes ago.Calm is gone. Calm is an impossibility. 冷靜在剛才就結(jié)束了 消失了 不可能冷靜
[09:47.49]I've got his best friends here,and I can't let him die. 他最好的朋友都在這 我不能讓他死
[09:49.39]So please just tell mewhat I need to do. 所以請(qǐng)快告訴我要做什么
[09:56.95]- You need to dosome burr holes. - Burr holes? - 你需要開(kāi)顱 - 開(kāi)顱?
[10:00.75]I can't doburr holes out here. 我不能在這開(kāi)顱
[10:02.72]Do you want to savehis life,stevens? 你想救他嗎 Stevens?
[10:04.59]- Yes. - All right. - 當(dāng)然 - 那就好
[10:06.32]I need a mine to checksomething out in the book,and then I'll talk youthrough it. 我需要一點(diǎn)時(shí)間去查查書(shū) 然后再跟你聯(lián)系
[10:09.13]You're looking it up in a book? 你還要查書(shū)?
[10:10.39]I'm not a neurosurgeon,stevens, and I want to make surewe get this right. Stevens 我不是神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)生 要確保我們做的是正確的
[10:14.95]Somebody find me a copy of boardman's neurosurgery! 誰(shuí)幫我拿本 Boardman所著的神經(jīng)外科學(xué)!
[10:19.35]Everything okay? 一切順利嗎?
[10:22.65]You know anythingabout making burr holes? 你懂開(kāi)顱嗎?
[10:25.57]Done it a couple of times. 做過(guò)幾次
[10:27.18]Good. Don't go anywhere. 好的 呆這別走
[10:30.02]Stevens,listen to me. Stevens 聽(tīng)我說(shuō)
[10:35.65]- I'm gonna need a drill. - There's one in my truck. - 我需要一把電鉆 - 我卡車(chē)?yán)镉幸话?br /> [10:37.98]What do you needa drill for? 用電鉆干什么?
[10:42.26]I've gotta drill holes in your friend's head. 我要在你們朋友的頭上鉆個(gè)洞
[11:09.27]- Uh,hello.I'm suturing here. - Sorry. - 喂 我在縫合呢 - 對(duì)不起
[11:12.01]I'm--what are you--oh,wait— oh,you just got back? 你--哦 等等-- 你剛回來(lái)?
[11:13.42]Um,I'm looking--have you,uh, seen anylost children down here? 對(duì) 我在找-- 你這兒有沒(méi)有看到走失的孩子?
[11:16.92]Is meredith back,too?'Cause I need her. It's really important. Meredith也回來(lái)了嗎? 我找她有很重要的事
[11:19.12]Yeah,this is important. This kid's missing.His mom's in surgery. 是的 這個(gè)也很重要 這個(gè)孩子走失了 他媽媽在做手術(shù)
[11:21.33]- What kind of surgery? - This kid's lost. - 什么手術(shù)? - 這個(gè)孩子丟了!
[11:24.55]You didn'tsee it today,cristina. You weren't out there. 你沒(méi)看到那個(gè)場(chǎng)面 Cristina 你沒(méi)在那
[11:27.38]I know. 我知道
[11:30.62]Have you seen any lost kids down here or not? 你有沒(méi)有看到這里有走失的孩子?
[11:33.98]- Not. - Okay. - 沒(méi)有 - 好吧
[11:34.99]- Do you know where,uh,meredith is? - I'm leaving. - 你知道Meredith在哪兒?jiǎn)? - 我走了
[11:38.07]Yeah,I know. 好吧 知道了
[11:42.63]all right,if you canidentify the patient, please write their nameon the picture. 好了 如果能辨認(rèn)出這些病人 請(qǐng)把他們的名字寫(xiě)在照片上
[11:45.89]I've got markers. 我這有馬克筆
[11:47.04]these patients are in surgery, and these patientsare in the I.C.U. 這些病人在做手術(shù) 而這些在重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室
[11:51.51]Th is fatima! 這是Fatima!
[11:53.09]- Is she okay? - Uh,yeah. - 她還好嗎? - 是的
[11:54.90]She's in--she's in the O.R.,Stable. 她在手術(shù)室 情況穩(wěn)定
[12:01.42]okay,all these peoplehave been transferred from other hospitals. 這些病人都從其它醫(yī)院轉(zhuǎn)來(lái)了
[12:04.06]Oh,and I havethe details. 詳細(xì)情況在我這兒
[12:09.86]if it's okay... 如果可以的話...
[12:10.84]I got--I got a caseI need to check on. 我要去看一個(gè)病例
[12:15.41]- My husband'snot on that board. - Kelly winter--she's not either. - 板上沒(méi)有我丈夫 - Kelly winter 也沒(méi)有她
[12:18.69]What does that mean? 那意味著什么?
[12:20.71]It's,uh,it's,uh, they could be in shock or... 他們可能受驚了 或者...
[12:24.84]- walked awayfrom the site or— - just say it. - 離開(kāi)了現(xiàn)場(chǎng) 再或者 - 你就直說(shuō)了吧
[12:27.57]A lot of people died. They're dead. 很多人都死了 他們死了
[12:29.86]W-we don't know that. 我們不知道
[12:31.48]So how can we know? 那怎么才能知道?
[12:34.70]My wife,she wasn'tin these photos either. But she's pregnant. 這些照片里也沒(méi)有我妻子 但她懷孕了
[12:38.81]Is--is it possible you just didn't see her? 有沒(méi)有可能 你們只是漏看她了?
[12:40.98]She's pregnant? 她懷孕了?
[13:03.74]what? 怎么了?
[13:05.04]It's okay.Just think. Which way is she?Which way? 沒(méi)關(guān)系 想一下 她去哪了?哪邊?
[13:09.89]it's okay. take your time. 沒(méi)關(guān)系 慢慢想
[13:13.40]take all the time you need,you're doing great. 慢慢想 你做得很好
[13:16.98]is it? Good. 這邊? 很好
[13:40.39]Okay. 好的
[13:42.38]Use your words. 告訴我
[13:43.96]Where exactly is meredith? Meredith到底在哪?
[14:11.86]The leak in the heart is coming fromthe right atrium. 心臟滲漏來(lái)自右心房
[14:14.24]Are you gonna put heron bypass? 'Cause that couldcompromise the baby. 要幫她建旁路嗎? 那樣會(huì)影響到孩子
[14:17.36]No,I can fix her heart while it's still beating. 不 讓心臟保持跳動(dòng) 我能修補(bǔ)好
[14:19.52]Push 40 milligramsof esmolol. 推送40毫克艾司洛爾
[14:24.62]I found her husband. I found him. 我找到她丈夫了 找到了
[14:27.62]She's not a jane doe. Her name's casey.Casey clark. 她不是無(wú)名氏 Casey 她叫Casey Clark
[14:31.09]- What? - How do you know? - 怎么了? - 你怎么知道?
[14:34.32]- What? - How do you knowit's casey clark? - 什么? - 你怎么知道她是Casey Clark?
[14:37.38]Well,she's pregnant and-- 她懷孕了 而且--
[14:38.95]there were hundreds of people on that ferry,alex,hundreds, 渡輪上有幾百人 Alex 幾百個(gè)
[14:42.30]and chances are that more than one was pregnant. 孕婦完全可能不止一個(gè)
[14:44.79]Now do not give that man hope unless you are certain. 除非確定 否則別給那男人希望
[14:47.52]Do not give him hopeuntil you've checked every last bodyin the morgue. 檢查完停尸房所有尸體之前 不要給他希望
[14:53.16]- Dr. Burke,can I,uh... - yes,make it fast. - Burke醫(yī)生 我能... - 好的 動(dòng)作快點(diǎn)
[15:12.65]I gotta tell you,this group of interns... 我得告訴你 這組實(shí)習(xí)生...
[15:14.68]- emotional. - Headstrong. - 感情用事 - 任性
[15:16.43]Hotheaded,stubborn. They think they know everything. 性急 頑固 自以為什么都懂
[15:19.75]You can only give themso much rope before they hangthemselves with it. 你只能在他們犯錯(cuò)之前 盡可能多教些東西
[15:23.05]It's like they loseall rationality, don't wantto listen to reason. 就好象他們失去所有理智 不想聽(tīng)從于它
[15:25.82]Jeez,preston. Don't hold back. 老天 Preston 別停下呀
[15:30.74]she's getting hypotensive. 她血壓降低
[15:32.80]I'm seeing some late decels on the fetal heart monitor. 嬰兒心臟監(jiān)視器上 出現(xiàn)晚期減速
[15:35.53]The baby is not gettingenough blood. 孩子得不到足夠的血液
[15:37.33]Almost...just got... one more stitch. 幾乎...只要... 再縫一針
[15:43.85]Got it. Turn on the echo. 行了 打開(kāi)心臟超音波
[15:48.16]Baby's heart reis stabilized. 孩子心率穩(wěn)定
[15:51.42]Od.Then we've seenthe worst of it. 我們見(jiàn)過(guò)最糟的情況
[16:02.41]what's the deal? 出什么事了?
[16:05.37]Do you know how massive this hospital is? 知道這醫(yī)院有多混亂嗎?
[16:07.16]How many people--not just sick people... 有多少人--還不光是病人...
[16:09.59]not to mention,if I'm a little kid, how many places can I hide?He's little. 更不用說(shuō) 如果我是小孩兒 有多少地方可以藏? 他很小
[16:14.39]A little kidcan hide anywhere. 一個(gè)小孩兒可以藏在任何地方
[16:16.11]What,you're lookingfor a kid? 什么 你在找一個(gè)孩子?
[16:18.98]Yeah. 是的
[16:20.86]His mom's in surgery,and I,um... 他媽媽在手術(shù) 我...
[16:23.12]if I don't find him,bailey will... 如果找不到他 Bailey會(huì)...
[16:25.61]well,to start,she'll change her son's middle nameto... 首先 她兒子的教名會(huì)改成...
[16:28.64]elvis or... tupperware or... Elvis或者... Tupperware或者...
[16:33.65]I'm not kidding. Anything will be better than george. 不是玩笑 無(wú)論哪個(gè)都比George好
[16:36.71]I know a place a kid might be. 我知道孩子可能去一個(gè)地方
[16:40.78]Really? 真的?
[16:53.23]you coulda warned me. 你剛剛就可以警告我了
[16:54.81]- Well,you didn't checkdown here,right? - No. - 你沒(méi)到這兒找過(guò) 對(duì)嗎? - 沒(méi)有
[16:58.00]so stop whiningand tell me if you find a pregnant chick. 那就別抱怨了 還有 如果找到孕婦就告訴我
[17:01.98]You know,you're not the only one with a detail that sucks. 知道嗎 并不只有你 在處理討厭的任務(wù)
[17:04.73]You know,I'm supposed to deal with these freaked-out families. 我該去對(duì)付那些崩潰的家人
[17:09.11]I'm not good with people. They should justlet me stick to patients. 可我并不擅長(zhǎng)與人打交道 真該讓我處理病人的
[17:12.22]Patients areeople,especially kids. 病人也是人 尤其是孩子
[17:15.77]- You know what I mean. - He's facedown. - 你知道我的意思 - 他臉朝下
[17:19.29]How does that... 怎么會(huì)...
[17:21.61]come here and help meturn his body right. 過(guò)來(lái)幫我把他翻個(gè)個(gè)兒
[17:24.00]- Dude... - don't tell meit doesn't matter. - 老兄 - 別對(duì)我說(shuō)這不重要
[17:30.58]- god,I swear to... - dramatic much? - 上帝 我發(fā)誓... - 夠戲劇化了嗎?
[17:35.48]This doesn't bother you? 你不覺(jué)得困擾嗎?
[17:37.25]Any of this? 一點(diǎn)沒(méi)有嗎?
[17:39.49]All this death, it doesn't mean anything to you? 這么多死亡 你都沒(méi)有感覺(jué)嗎?
[17:42.03]I'm working. Why would it? 我在工作 干嗎要有?
[17:44.69]Yeah,well,there's workingand then... 可不 工作 然后...
[17:50.09]caucasian female,about 30 years old. 白人女性 30歲左右
[17:53.66]She'S... she's pretty. 她...她很漂亮
[17:58.77]She looks aboutseven months pregnant. 看上去懷有七個(gè)月左右的身孕
[18:16.93]now remember,stevens,that drill isn't just gonnstoplike a neurosurgical drill, 記住 Stevens 那個(gè)電鉆不會(huì)象 神經(jīng)外科中的顱錐一樣停下來(lái)
[18:22.35]so as soon as you feel a release in pressure, 所以 一旦感到顱壓釋放
[18:25.18]stop the drillor you'll pierce his brain. 立刻停下 不然你會(huì)刺穿他的大腦
[18:27.70]Even if I don't see blood? 即使沒(méi)看到血嗎?
[18:28.96]Trust your instincts,stevens. Trust the feel of it. 相信你的天分 Stevens 相信并感受它
[18:32.31]I'm ready. 我準(zhǔn)備好了
[18:33.91]No,wait.I need toclean the drill offone more time. 不 等等 電鉆需要再清洗一次
[18:36.43]You've cleaned ita dozen times,stevens. 你清洗好多次了 Stevens
[18:38.63]It's as cleanas it's gonna get. 已經(jīng)夠干凈了
[18:42.96]You ready? 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
[18:46.55]Yes. 是的
[18:48.27]Okay. 好
[18:49.60]Place three fingersabove the ear 在最先擴(kuò)散的瞳孔那邊 將三根手指置于耳上
[18:52.66]and two or three fingersin front of that on the sidewhere the first pupil blew. 二到三根手指置于前方
[18:58.61]- Got it. - All right.Now - 好了 - 那好 現(xiàn)在...
[19:00.51]use a scalpel to makea vertical scalp incisiondown to the skull. 用手術(shù)刀對(duì)頭皮作垂直切口直達(dá)頭骨
[19:08.73]Jeez. 老天
[19:10.07]I see a lot of blood,a lot. 我看到很多血 很多
[19:11.67]Superficial bleeders. Nothing to wor about. 表皮出血 不用擔(dān)心
[19:14.62]- Are you at the skull? - Yes. - 看到頭骨了嗎? - 是的
[19:17.13]Drill a hole in the middleof the incision. 在切口中央鉆個(gè)洞
[19:25.16]oh,god. 哦 上帝
[19:26.55]Okay,that can't happen. Do you understand me?Sounds can't happen. 聽(tīng)著 不能這樣 懂嗎? 不能出聲
[19:30.40]Freaking out can't happen. Because if you freak out,I'm gonna freak out. 不能崩潰 因?yàn)槿绻惚罎⒘?我也會(huì)
[19:33.76]And I'm the one holding a powertool to your friend's brain. 而我正拿著電動(dòng)工具鉆你朋友的大腦
[19:36.34]So if you're gonna vomit, if you're gonna make sounds,step away. 如果要吐 要出聲 就走開(kāi)點(diǎn)
[19:39.77]If you're gonna stay here,you have to pull it together.Okay? 如果還想留下 你就要齊心協(xié)力 明白嗎?
[19:46.94]We're good,doc. 我們很好 醫(yī)生
[19:49.35]Okay. I'm ready. 好了 準(zhǔn)備好了
[19:52.44]The temporal bone'sonly gonna be a coupleof millimeters thick. 顳骨只有幾毫米厚
[20:14.36]okay,I'm in. 好了 我鉆好了
[20:16.42]But the dura looks fine. 但硬腦膜看上去很好
[20:18.53]You're gonna have togo in again. 你要再鉆一次
[20:20.81]- Frontal lobe,right? - That's right. - 額葉 對(duì)嗎? - 沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[20:24.00]Just behind the hairline, a few centimetersoff the midline. 就在發(fā)際線后面 中線下方幾厘米
[20:26.92]this bonewill be thicker,about five times as thickas the temporal bone. 這骨頭要厚點(diǎn) 是顳骨的五倍左右
[20:31.82]Okay. Got it. 好了 可以了
[20:52.69]- second hole done. - What do you see? - 第二個(gè)洞好了 - 看到什么了?
[20:55.80]I think I see blood. I s-see some blood. 我想是血 我看到一些血
[20:59.40]Okay,now this is important. 好的 現(xiàn)在很重要
[21:01.72]Drill around the holeto expand the opening. You have to tryand relieve the pressure. 在洞周?chē)@ 把開(kāi)口擴(kuò)大 你得嘗試釋放顱壓
[21:08.06]Okay. 好的
[21:20.10]okay.Uh,the hole is about 2 centimeters around now. 好了 現(xiàn)在直徑大約兩厘米
[21:23.98]I see blood. I definitely see blood. 有血 我肯定看到血了
[21:26.10]Try to evacuate as much of the clot as you can. 盡量取出血塊
[21:28.88]With what? I don't have suction. 用什么? 我沒(méi)有吸引器
[21:30.79]Use your finger,gauze,anything. 用你的手指 紗布 隨便什么
[21:35.89]I see clotted blood. 我看到血塊了
[21:37.27]- No arterial? - No. - 沒(méi)看到動(dòng)脈嗎? - 沒(méi)有
[21:39.40]Good. Now how doesthe dura look? 很好 硬腦膜現(xiàn)在看起來(lái)怎么樣?
[21:41.86]Is it bulgingor does it look lax? 膨脹還是松弛?
[21:43.74]It looks like it'S... 看上去象...
[21:44.96]pulsating regularlywith the heartbeat. That's another good,right? 隨著心跳有節(jié)奏跳動(dòng) 這樣不錯(cuò) 對(duì)嗎?
[21:48.90]That's great,stevens. 非常好 Stevens
[21:50.90]If it's pulsating,that means blood and oxygenare entering the brain. 如果跳動(dòng) 說(shuō)明血液和氧氣進(jìn)入大腦
[21:54.45]Okay,now pack it with gauze soyou can minimize the bleeding. 好了 現(xiàn)在用紗布包裹 減少出血量
[21:57.47]O-okay. Now get that rescue rigin here. 好了 現(xiàn)在讓救援隊(duì)進(jìn)來(lái)
[22:07.28]Nicely done,stevens. 干得好 Stevens
[22:09.30]Is that it? Is he--is he gonna be okay? 就這樣? 他會(huì)--會(huì)好起來(lái)嗎?
[22:11.68]We've relieved the pressureon his brain, but he's still gota lot of other injuries. 我們幫他緩解了顱壓 但其他部位還受了很多傷
[22:16.61]hey. His eyes are open. 嘿 他睜開(kāi)眼睛了
[22:23.48]- hey. - hey. - 嘿 - 嘿
[22:43.01]hey,kid. Kid. 嘿 孩子 孩子
[22:47.84]You okay? 你沒(méi)事吧?
[22:53.67]You need to come with me. 跟我來(lái)
[22:57.21]Kid? 孩子?
[23:32.59]one,two,three,four,five. 一 二 三 四 五
[23:36.51]Our E.T.A.Is five minutes. 五分鐘后到達(dá)
[23:37.80]One,two,three,four,five. 一 二 三 四 五
[23:42.17]One,two,three,four,five. 一 二 三 四 五
[23:45.98]One,two,three,four,five. 一 二 三 四 五
[23:57.97]- how is she doing? - Good.No intestinal damage. - 她怎么樣? - 很好 沒(méi)有腸道損傷
[24:01.08]Missed all her vital organs. 主要器官都沒(méi)事
[24:02.87]She's almost done here. You find her son? 快結(jié)束了 找到她兒子了嗎?
[24:05.43]I've looked everywhere. I've been in contact withthe scene, 各處都找遍了 還聯(lián)系過(guò)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)
[24:07.73]with mercy west,with seattle presbyterian. I've checked in,uh... 西慈醫(yī)院 西雅圖長(zhǎng)老醫(yī)院 我都查過(guò)了...
[24:13.25]he's lost or... or,uh... 他可能走失或者...或者...
[24:17.90]he's in the water. 在水里
[24:22.16]So when she wakes up,I get to inform her that she's not going to die, 也就是說(shuō) 她醒來(lái)后 我得告訴她 她不會(huì)死
[24:25.83]she's just gonna want to die. 只是會(huì)很想死
[24:27.73]I'm sorry. I will--okay,I'm gonna keep looking. 抱歉 我會(huì)-- 好吧 我繼續(xù)找
[24:29.78]Yeah,you do that. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 去吧
[24:37.47]his right pupil'snot dilated anymore,and he's normotensive,but hispulse is still up in the 130s. 他的右瞳孔不再擴(kuò)散 血壓正常 但脈搏仍有130
[24:41.24]- Okay,what's hisneurological status? - G.C.S.Is 8. - 好的 神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)如何? - 昏迷指數(shù)為8
[24:43.67]I'm sorry.I ran out of sterile drapes. I had to use some guy's t-shirt. 抱歉 消毒薄膜用完了 我只能用別人的T恤
[24:46.34]It wasn't sweaty or anything. He was a clean guy,but-- 沒(méi)有汗?jié)窕蚱渌廴?那人很干凈 但是--
[24:48.09]okay,call the O.R. Tell 'em we're coming up. 好的 通知手術(shù)室 告訴他們我們就來(lái)
[24:49.88]I also droppedthe scalpel in the field,and by that time, 我還把手術(shù)刀掉在地上了 而那時(shí)
[24:52.03]I hadused all the alcohol swabson the drill bit,so 所有的酒精棉 都用于清理鉆頭了 所以...
[24:54.61]I thinkwe should load him upon antibiotics, lots and lots of antibiotics. 我想該給他注射抗生素 很多很多抗生素
[24:57.30]Stevens you put a drillthrough a man's skulland didn't hit his brain. Stevens 你用電鉆穿過(guò)一個(gè)人的頭骨 并且沒(méi)有傷害他的大腦
[25:00.76]You saved his life. 是你救了他
[25:04.89]Get cleaned up and get tothe O.R. You got work to do. 清理一下去手術(shù)室 還有工作要做
[25:07.28]- The O.R.? - Yes,the O.R. - 手術(shù)室? - 是的 手術(shù)室
[25:10.57]You're officiallyoff probation. 你得考察期正式結(jié)束
[25:21.99]- Oh,cristina! - Oh,my god. 哦 Cristina! 哦 上帝
[25:23.56]You are not gonna believe what I just did.I'm gonna tell you, 你不會(huì)相信我剛才做了什么 就讓我告訴你吧
[25:25.68]but you're not gonna believe it. You're gonna think I madethe whole thing up. 但你不會(huì)相信的 你會(huì)認(rèn)為一切都是我編造的
[25:27.39]You're back? Is meredith back? 你回來(lái)了? Meredith回來(lái)了嗎?
[25:28.39]- I drilled a holeinto this guy's skull... - what? - 我在一個(gè)人頭上鉆了個(gè)洞... - 什么?
[25:30.71]Several holes,actually,with a drill I borrowedfrom a guy named vince, 事實(shí)上 是幾個(gè)洞 用的電鉆是向一個(gè)叫Vince的家伙借的
[25:34.23]patched the holewith freakin' tissue, 還有手紙修補(bǔ)那個(gè)洞
[25:36.16]then brought him back here,and now I get to scrub inon his craniotomy. 然后把他帶回來(lái) 現(xiàn)在要上他的顱骨切開(kāi)術(shù)
[25:38.30]So you haven't seen meredith? 那么你沒(méi)看到Meredith?
[25:39.16]It was like a ride,this crazy roller coaster ride with adrenalin shooting out of my ears. 這就象坐車(chē) 坐著瘋狂的過(guò)山車(chē) 能感覺(jué)到腎上腺素射出我的耳朵
[25:43.30]You'd think that my hands would be shaking, but they weren'T.There was no shaking. 你肯定以為我的手會(huì)抖個(gè)不停 但是沒(méi)有 絲毫沒(méi)有顫抖
[25:46.79]- Did I mention the drill? - Izzie,I getT. - 我說(shuō)過(guò)那把電鉆了嗎? - Izzie 我知道了
[25:49.73]You are a hero. I am jealous. 你是英雄 我很嫉妒
[25:52.22]But I need to knowwhere the hell meredith is. 但我要知道Meredith到底在哪里
[25:55.08]Okay.I-I don't know where the hell meredith is. 噢 我-我不知道
[26:00.04]But she should be back here. I didn't see herat the scene-- 但她該回來(lái)了 我沒(méi)在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)看到她
[26:01.65]the scene where I wasa rock star,by the way. 順便說(shuō)一句 我是那里的搖滾巨星
[26:04.93]Did I mentionI'm off probation? rock star. 我說(shuō)過(guò)觀察期結(jié)束了嗎? 搖滾巨星
[26:22.61]these photos are fatalities. 這些照片是已死亡的
[26:24.65]I know it's difficult, but please try to I.D.Who you can. 我知道這很難接受 但請(qǐng)?jiān)囍_認(rèn)
[26:56.92]we've agreedto let you do the honors... 我們同意獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)你...
[26:59.66]a few more burr holesto start the craniotomy. 幾個(gè)頭顱穿洞 以此開(kāi)始顱骨切開(kāi)術(shù)
[27:02.35]Really? 真的嗎?
[27:03.94]You saved his life.You might as well help finishwhat you started. 你救了他一命 最好有始有終
[27:07.68]After I strip offthe periosteum, 等我剝?nèi)ス悄ぶ?br /> [27:10.12]you can see what a high-speed pneumatic neurosurgical drillfeels like. 你就能感受到 高速氣動(dòng)神經(jīng)外科鉆的樣子了
[27:16.81]Drill,please. 鉆子 謝謝
[27:52.46]I,uh,we,uh,have two pregnant women. One of 'em is-- 我 我們 有兩個(gè)孕婦 其中一個(gè)已經(jīng)--
[27:55.97]she--she's in bad shape. She's pretty beat up. 她--她面容損毀嚴(yán)重 壓傷很?chē)?yán)重
[27:58.70]She might be hard to recognize. 也許很難辨認(rèn)
[28:00.94]I-I don't know. 我-我不知道
[28:03.72]- What color is her hair? - Brown.R-reddish. - 她的發(fā)色怎樣? - 棕色 有點(diǎn)紅
[28:07.61]My wife--my wifeis blonde. Brownish,but blonde. 我妻子--我妻子是金發(fā) 略帶褐色 但是金的
[28:11.97]Oh,yeah.Sometimes the bloodmakes it look darker like that,you know,red. 哦 有時(shí)血液會(huì)導(dǎo)致發(fā)色變深 變成紅色
[28:15.65]I know you can't tellfrom the photo, but her eyes are-- 我知道你不能從照片里辨認(rèn)出來(lái) 但她的眼睛是--
[28:17.80]they're pretty distinctive. 很與眾不同
[28:20.51]Casey's eyesare very distinctive. Casey的眼睛的確很特別
[28:22.93]Yeah,brown,but not that really dark,dark brown. 對(duì) 褐色的 但不是很黑 不是黑褐色的
[28:26.77]More--more golden and--and--and really warm. 更帶有點(diǎn)金色-- 而且非常溫暖
[28:29.00]That's not her.Casey's eyes are blue,very,very blue. 不是她 Casey的眼睛是藍(lán)色的 很藍(lán)很藍(lán)
[28:38.42]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[28:41.48]I thought you--you said you hadtwo pregnant women. 你不是說(shuō) 有兩個(gè)孕婦嗎
[28:45.43]Yeah,we,um... 對(duì) 我們...
[28:47.95]the other one is,um... 另一個(gè)是..
[28:50.84]she'S... 她...
[28:52.73]oh,god.Oh,no. Oh,god.Oh,casey. 哦 天哪 哦 不 天哪 哦 Casey
[29:04.12]oh,casey. 哦 Casey
[29:16.02]Oh,casey. 哦 Casey
[29:19.07]- What do we got? - Jane doe,hypothermic drowning-- - 什么情況? - 無(wú)名女性 低溫溺水--
[29:21.06]she is not a jane doe. It's meredith grey.It's meredith. 她不是無(wú)名氏 她是Meredith Grey 是Meredith
[29:24.56]Derek.Derek. Derek
[29:27.15]- Derek,how longhas she been down? - I don't know. - Derek 她落水多久了? - 我不知道
[29:28.86]She's--she's alive. One,two,three... 她--她還活著 1 2 3...
[29:31.53]- derek. - She's alive. - Derek - 她還活著
[29:32.93]Okay,look,I need youto help me get her inside. 好吧 聽(tīng)著 你得幫我把她弄進(jìn)去
[29:35.44]Clear a trauma bay,stat! 騰一間外傷醫(yī)療室出來(lái) 動(dòng)作快!
[29:39.79]move it! 快點(diǎn)!
[29:51.44]How was your surgery,dr. Burke? 你的手術(shù)如何 Burke醫(yī)生?
[29:53.51]Well,the patient is out ofthe woods now, dr. Yang.Thanks for asking. 病人脫離危險(xiǎn)了 Yang醫(yī)生 多謝關(guān)心
[29:59.50]You're numbed. 你麻醉了的
[30:00.99]Whatever. It looked harsh. 可看上去還是很可怕
[30:03.16]Fran,finish this,please. Fran 麻煩接手做完
[30:13.59]- what is your problem? - You know,everyone's back. - 你怎么回事? - 你知道的 大家都回來(lái)了
[30:15.34]Everyone's back except her. 除了她 大家都回來(lái)了
[30:17.01]And I listen to her every day about her mclove lifeand mcdreamy and mccrap,and-- 每天我都聽(tīng)她念叨她的愛(ài)情生活 她的"夢(mèng)中情人"她的"破事" 可是--
[30:21.58]and on the one day--the one day I have a thing-- 可有一天--我有事要說(shuō)的這一天--
[30:24.62]- she disappears. - Meredith? - 她不見(jiàn)了 - Meredith?
[30:26.89]This is about meredith? 是因?yàn)镸eredith?
[30:28.74]- She doesn't know yet. - Meredith? - 她還不知道呢 - Meredith?
[30:30.90]She's my person. 她是我死黨
[30:33.46]Right. 好吧
[30:36.10]- And if meredithdoesn't approve,then what? - No,no,no. - 如果Meredith并不贊同呢? - 不 不 不
[30:39.01]This is notabout getting her approval. 我并不是要她贊同
[30:40.87]- It's about-- - what? - 只是-- - 什么?
[30:43.05]Telling her makes it... 告訴她讓這事...
[30:46.11]makes it... 讓這事...
[30:51.06]if I murdered someone, 如果我殺了人
[30:52.92]she's the person I'd callto help me drag the corpseacross the living room floor. 我會(huì)叫她來(lái)幫我把尸體從客廳地板拖過(guò)去
[30:57.83]Okay.See,now you're likening someone here to a corpse. 好吧 你把這兒的某人比作尸體了
[31:02.42]I'm done. 我說(shuō)完了
[31:05.19]She's my person. 她是我死黨
[31:11.94]removing the bone flap. 移開(kāi)骨頭片
[31:16.56]ready with suction. 準(zhǔn)備抽吸
[31:18.21]looking good. 似乎不錯(cuò)
[31:19.92]Yes. Yes,it is. 對(duì) 的確如此
[31:26.88]dr. Stevens,it's your pager. Stevens醫(yī)生 是找你的
[31:29.64]That's okay. It can wait. 沒(méi)關(guān)系 等會(huì)再說(shuō)
[31:30.93]Think you wantto take this page. 我想你會(huì)想看一下
[31:44.25]How's she doing? 她還好嗎?
[31:46.43]She's holding steadyfor now. 目前狀況穩(wěn)定
[31:49.45]- Anybody claim her yet? - No. - 找到她的親屬了嗎? - 沒(méi)有
[31:53.41]She's still a jane doe. 還是個(gè)無(wú)名氏
[32:01.63]- I'd notice. - What? - 我會(huì)注意到的 - 什么?
[32:09.81]If you went missing... 如果你失蹤了...
[32:13.09]I'd notice. 我會(huì)注意到的
[32:49.03]okay,I needa little more suction,please. 好 還要抽吸
[32:50.65]callie. Callie
[32:52.06]O'malley,I'm working. What do you want? O'malley 我在工作 你想干什么?
[32:53.94]I read on the boardyou're doing an internal fixationof the lumbar spine 我從布告欄上看到你正在給渡輪意外中
[32:56.66]on a john doe fromthe ferry crash,age 7. 一個(gè)7歲的無(wú)名男性 做腰部脊椎內(nèi)部固定手術(shù)
[32:59.19]- That's right. - Can I see his face? - 沒(méi)錯(cuò) - 我能看看他的長(zhǎng)相嗎?
[33:02.65]- I'm in the middleof surgery. - I know. - 我正在手術(shù) - 我知道
[33:09.58]I...is this boy your patient? 我...這孩子是你的病人嗎?
[33:12.68]I-I know the picture'shalf smeared and hard to see,but... 我-我知道這照片有點(diǎn)臟 很難看清 但是...
[33:17.48]please tell meit's him. 請(qǐng)告訴我是這個(gè)孩子
[33:19.18]Tell me he has beenright here under my nose, open on your table all dayand not... 告訴我他就在我眼皮底下 一整天躺在你的手術(shù)臺(tái)上...
[33:24.85]drifting alongthe bottom of the ocean. 而不是在大洋深處四處漂流
[33:29.52]please tell me that. 請(qǐng)你告訴我
[33:33.28]Hold the photounder the light so I can get a better look. 把照片放在燈下 讓我好好看一下
[33:37.57]Oh,yeah.Oh,yeah,that's my kid. I could spotthose goofy ears anywhere. 哦 對(duì) 對(duì) 是這個(gè)孩子 到哪我都能認(rèn)出他那對(duì)傻乎乎的耳朵
[33:41.76]- Really? - Really. - 真的? - 真的
[33:51.21]Callie o'malley... Callie O'malley...
[33:53.01]I can't kiss you right now because you're scrubbed in,but tonight... 現(xiàn)在我不能吻你 因?yàn)槟阍谑中g(shù) 但是今晚...
[33:56.24]when you get home,I am going to-- 等你回家了 我要--
[33:58.90]okay,okay.All right. You know what,people? 好 好 好了 知道嗎 伙計(jì)們?
[34:01.14]Let's focus here. George,I'm working. 專(zhuān)心手術(shù) George 我在工作
[34:02.99]- yeah. - I'M... - 對(duì) - 我在...
[34:04.69]- I'm working. - Okay. - 我在工作 - 好的
[34:06.70]So... yeah. 那么...對(duì)
[34:08.21]Bye. 再見(jiàn)
[34:24.20]oh,my god! Oh!Oh,you're safe. 哦 天哪! 哦!你平安無(wú)事
[34:29.90]You're safe. 你平安無(wú)事
[34:31.40]Oh,honey,mommy's sorryshe got lost. 寶貝 媽媽很抱歉 沒(méi)找到你
[34:38.21]They could only puta 20-guage I.V.In, but I think it blew. 他們只能放進(jìn)20忽米(合0.2毫米)的 靜脈輸液管 可我覺(jué)得沒(méi)用
[34:40.77]I'll start a central line, but you have to getout of the way. 我要開(kāi)始用中央導(dǎo)管 但你得離開(kāi)
[34:43.43]We--we put,uh,3 milligramof epi down the E.T.Tube-- 我們--我們?cè)跉夤軆?nèi)插管里 加了3毫克的腎上腺素
[34:46.27]derek! Derek!
[34:46.99]The last dose was three minutesago. 最后一劑是3分鐘前
[34:48.71]- We should push-- - shepherd,get out. - 我們?cè)撏扑?- - Shepherd 出去
[34:50.28]I think we should pushjust 1 at-atropine. 我想我們?cè)撏扑鸵恢О⑼衅?br /> [34:54.27]I think I saw some reactivity in her pupilsbefore the atropine, 我想在使用阿托品前 有看到她的瞳孔反應(yīng)
[34:57.89]and I think she mit have actually had some 我想實(shí)際上她應(yīng)該有--
[34:59.94]- cardiac activity-- - shepherd,get out. - 心臟反應(yīng)-- - Shepherd 出去
[35:05.25]we need to putan external pacer onjust to make sure. 需要安放體外起搏器
[35:07.29]We need to save her life. 我們得救她的命
[35:09.59]You can't do this. We need to do this. 你不能插手 這是我們的工作
[35:11.89]Now go. one,two... 現(xiàn)在出去 1 2...
[35:19.91]go. 出去
[35:20.90]three,four,five. 3 4 5
[35:23.27]Okay,she has a new 18-guagein her left A.C. Push 1 of epi through it. 好 左腹腔新出現(xiàn)18忽米 注射腎上腺素
[35:43.81]the chiefis working on her,man. 主任正在救她 兄弟
[35:46.76]He threw me out. 他把我踢出來(lái)了
[35:55.84]what do you need? 要我做什么?
[36:03.63]I need you to go in there. 我要你進(jìn)去
[36:12.87]Give me a new warm blanket. Her temp's still onlyat 80 degrees. 給我拿挑新的暖和的毯子 她的體溫仍然低于80度
[36:16.58]What can I do? 我能做什么?
[36:18.01]She needs an A.B.G. 她需要A.B.G.(動(dòng)脈血?dú)獠杉?
[36:20.61]Was that v-fib? 是室顫嗎?
[36:21.90]Charge to 300. Let's go,let's go,let's go. 充電300 快點(diǎn) 快點(diǎn) 快點(diǎn)
[36:24.60]okay. clear. 好 開(kāi)始
[36:27.55]Back to asystole. Keep compressions going. 室顫停止 繼續(xù)胸部擠壓
[36:30.93]- Oh,my god. - She's hypothermic. - 哦 老天 - 她體溫過(guò)低
[36:36.14]have you trieda warm peritoneal lavage 有沒(méi)有試過(guò)加溫腹膜清洗?
[36:38.32]or even a continuousbladder lavage with warm fluids? 或是用加溫液體清洗膀胱?
[36:41.70]- you could doa thoracotomy. - Get back the A.B.G. - 可以做開(kāi)胸手術(shù) - 再做一個(gè)A.B.G.
[36:44.33]Okay,now let's go,people. 好 我們開(kāi)始 伙計(jì)們
[37:32.72]How's her temp? 她體溫怎樣?
[37:37.02]- Only up to 81 now. - Come on,meredith.Don't do this. - 現(xiàn)在只升到81度 - 加油 Meredith 別這樣
[38:00.25]- It's meredith? - Yeah. - 是Meredith? - 對(duì)
[38:02.23]Are you sure? Did you see her? 你肯定? 你看到她了?
[38:03.42]Because it could be anybody. 也可能是別人
[38:20.61]- she will come through this. - You don't know that. - 她會(huì)挺過(guò)來(lái) - 你怎么知道
[38:24.84]She will come through this. 她會(huì)挺過(guò)來(lái)
[38:31.13]People die. 人都會(huì)死
[38:34.24]I know people die. 我知道人都會(huì)死
[38:37.11]People die in front of usevery day. 每一天都有人在我們眼前死去
[38:39.52]But I believemeredith will survive this. 但我相信Meredith會(huì)活下來(lái)
[38:43.11]I believe... I believe--I... 我相信... 我相信 我...
[38:48.72]I-I believe in the good. 我-我相信會(huì)向好的方面發(fā)展
[38:57.47]I believe that it's beena hell of a year. 我相信這一年已經(jīng)夠糟了
[39:00.00]And I believe that in the faceof overwhelming evidce to the contrary, 我相信即使面臨鋪天蓋地相反的證據(jù)
[39:05.07]we will all be okay. 我們都會(huì)沒(méi)事
[39:08.50]I believe a lot of things. 我相信很多事
[39:12.73]I believe that... 我相信...
[39:15.32]I believe that dennyis always with me. 我相信Denny始終伴我左右
[39:20.15]And I believe that if I eata tub of butter and no one sees me,the calories don't count. 我相信如果偷著吃了一桶黃油 熱量就不算數(shù)
[39:27.73]And I believe that surgeonswho prefer staples over stitchesare just lazy. 我相信那些喜歡環(huán)狀縫合勝過(guò)縫針的 外科醫(yī)生都有點(diǎn)懶
[39:37.33]And I believethat you are a man who made a terrible mistakemarrying callie. 我相信你娶了Callie是大錯(cuò)特錯(cuò)
[39:44.51]And I believe that because I'm your best friend, 我如此相信是因?yàn)槲沂悄銚从?br /> [39:46.48]I can tell you this,and we can be okay. 我可以告訴你 一切都會(huì)好起來(lái)
[39:49.18]I believe even thoughyou made this mistake,you will be okay. 我相信即使你已經(jīng)犯下錯(cuò)誤 也會(huì)沒(méi)事
[40:05.73]I believewe survive,george. 我相信我們會(huì)熬過(guò)去 George
[40:11.36]I believethat believing we survive 我相信 只要相信會(huì)熬過(guò)去
[40:14.91]is what makes us survive. 我們就能真的熬過(guò)去
[40:24.64]She's gonna be okay. 她會(huì)沒(méi)事的
[40:34.87]push another epi. 再注射腎上腺素
[40:38.44]How many is that? 用了多少了?
[40:40.17]This isher fourth round,sir. 這是第四回了 先生
[40:44.37]- We've been here20 minutes. - Still in asystole. - 已經(jīng)20分鐘了 - 依然沒(méi)有心跳
[40:53.51]we're losing her. 我們失去她了
[41:04.57]Patient: Meredith Grey 病人:Meredith Grey
[41:34.70]hey. 嗨
[41:37.32]hey. 嗨
[41:43.26]Am I... 我...
[41:46.70]dead? 死了嗎?
[41:49.67]You're damn right,you are. 完全正確 你死了
[41:59.02]Holy... 老天...
[42:04.39]Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 16 實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 S03E16 結(jié)束

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