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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:52:06
[00:00.00]Previously on "grey's anatomy"... "實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾"前情提要...
[00:01.60]you and red make a pretty good team. 你和紅發(fā)女郎合作得很好
[00:03.56]- Don't tell sloan. - Oh,she and sloanaren't happening. - 別告訴Sloan - 哦 她跟Sloan合不來
[00:06.77]- I'm not what you're looking for. - What are you talking about? - 我不是你要找的人 - 你在說什么?
[00:09.37]Once a man-whore,always a man-whore,right? 一朝墮落 永遠(yuǎn)墮落 不是么?
[00:11.18]I keep telling her there's more to life than surgery and career. 我一直囑咐她 生活比外科和事業(yè)更重要
[00:14.99]Mother. it has to be small. 媽媽 婚禮規(guī)模要小
[00:16.54]Make an appointment at city hall,and that'll be that. 在市政廳里舉行婚禮 就這樣
[00:19.37]I don't know if I wanna keep trying to breathe for you. 我不知道我是否想一直代替你呼吸
[00:22.07]I'll go. 我要走了
[00:22.81]He said he spent the day in the clinic when he spent it doing god knows what with izzie stevens. 他說他整天都在門診里 其實一直在跟Izzie Stevens鬼混
[00:26.64]You're gonna transfer to mercy west? 你要轉(zhuǎn)到西慈醫(yī)院?
[00:28.18]I mean,no offense. Today was awesome. It's just you're not my girlfriend. 無意冒犯 今天很性福 但你終究不是我女朋友
[00:31.93]Okay? 好么?
[00:35.70]the dream is this-- 夢想就是這樣
[00:37.45]that we'll finally be happy when we reach our goals. 如愿以償?shù)臅r候我們會喜出望外
[00:41.11]Find the guy,finish our internship-- 找到男友 渡過實習(xí)期
[00:43.59]that's the dream. 這就是夢想
[00:45.19]Then we get there. 夢想實現(xiàn)后
[00:46.70]And if we're human, 只要是個人
[00:48.51]we immediately start dreaming of something else. 就會轉(zhuǎn)去夢想其他的事
[00:51.23]It's 3:00 in the morning. What are you doing up? 凌晨3點 你不睡覺干什么?
[00:53.73]What are you doing up? 你不睡覺干什么?
[00:55.99]- I can't sleep. - What are we watching? - 睡不著 - 我們要看什么?
[00:59.24]- Why can't you sleep? - No reason. - 怎么你也睡不著? - 不知道
[01:02.15]Because if this is the dream... 因為如果就這就夢...
[01:05.89]then we'd like to wake up... 那我們情愿醒著
[01:10.34]now,please. 現(xiàn)在 拜托
[01:14.69]okay. 好的
[01:16.55]Cristina,stop lurking. Cristina 不用偷看了
[01:18.53]Come and say good morning to your guests. 過來跟客人說早安
[01:21.38]Good morning,mother. 早上好 媽媽
[01:23.61]Uh,good morning,missus... 呃 早上好
[01:25.92]mama. 媽媽
[01:27.21]What... 什么
[01:28.90]what's every-- 大家...
[01:30.89]everyone doing here so early? 大家這么早來干什么?
[01:33.16]Early? 早?
[01:34.97]Darling,by the look of the calendar,we should've been here six months ago. 寶貝 按照預(yù)定的日子 我們六個月前就該來了
[01:37.63]She doesn't understand what goes into planning a wedding. 她不知道怎么準(zhǔn)備婚禮
[01:43.56]Breathe. 深呼吸
[01:45.58]Sip... 吸氣...
[01:46.75]and breathe. 呼氣
[01:49.31]The police haven't found anything on our jane doe. 警察也沒找到關(guān)于無名氏的線索
[01:51.59]Well,I believe she calls herself ava now. 她現(xiàn)在管自己叫Ava
[01:53.77]Yes,well,she doesn't seem to be getting her memory back. 看來她的記憶很難恢復(fù)
[01:56.78]Well,now that the rest of her medical problems are taken care of,I'll see what I can do. 既然剩下的醫(yī)療問題都有著落了 我也看看我能幫上什么忙
[01:59.70]- That'd be great.Thanks. - Has anybody seen addison? - 那太好了 謝謝 - 看見Addison了么?
[02:02.73]- Uh,she's gone. - Gone? - 她走了 - 走了?
[02:04.63]- She took a leave of absence. - Why? - 她去休假了 - 為什么?
[02:06.88]- I mean,did she-- did she tell you why? - What'd you do to her,mark? - 她說原因了么? - 你要干什么 Mark?
[02:08.87]She didn't give a reason. 她沒說原因
[02:10.50]Did she tell you where she was going? 她說她要去哪了么?
[02:13.91]all she said was she needed some time, 她只說她需要時間
[02:16.33]"to be happy and free,"if I recall correctly. "想要快樂自在"如果我復(fù)述的沒錯的話
[02:19.32]Excuse me. 失陪了
[03:32.33]I'm sorry.I'm sorry. it's just... 不好意思 不好意思 我只是...
[03:35.24]um... 呃...
[03:37.08]where I come from... 在我們那兒
[03:39.53]elevators tend to be this kind of aphrodisiac. 電梯就像是壯陽藥
[03:43.38]you know?People get on 'em,and they just get all horny. 跨入電梯 人就色起來了
[03:47.85]Oh,no! No,no. 哦 不! 不不
[03:49.33]Not that I'm,uh,not that I'm talking about you and I. 不 我不是說你跟我
[03:52.22]No. I'm--I'm just saying,it--it's a relief. 不 我只是說 這就像是種解脫
[03:55.09]You know,to be on a not horny elevator. 坐上一個不好色的電梯
[03:58.90]You know? Just get on... 你知道么? 坐上電梯
[04:01.17]and ride... 起動
[04:02.88]without the sex. 沒有性
[04:07.49]right? 對么?
[04:12.63]oh,my god. 我的天啊
[04:14.99]I'm becoming a crazy freak... 我快成瘋狂怪人了...
[04:17.81]a crazy,inappropriately chatting freak. 瘋狂的嘴拙的怪人
[04:22.50]becoming? 快要變成?
[04:24.57]seems like you're already there. 貌似你已經(jīng)變成了
[04:34.51]hey. 嘿
[04:35.21]Oh,hi. 哦 嗨
[04:38.29]Hello. 你好
[04:41.95]Someone have bones that need resetting or... 有人需要正骨嗎
[04:45.82]bridesmaid. 伴娘
[04:46.91]Excuse me? 什么?
[04:52.25]Bridesmaid. 伴娘
[04:55.37]My mother and... 我媽媽和...
[04:56.92]burke's mother have been talking on the phone, Burke的媽媽電話聯(lián)系過了
[04:59.27]and now they are here... 她們現(xiàn)在來了
[05:01.51]- with me. - to plan the wedding. - 跟我一起 - 籌備婚禮
[05:04.38]Oh. 哦
[05:05.42]Cristina led us to believe that you were friends. Cristina說你們是朋友
[05:11.98]- okay. I guess. - Good. - 好吧 是吧 - 太好了
[05:14.70]It's settled. 解決了
[05:19.53]uh,whoa. Wait. Um... 哦 等等
[05:21.91]what are you-- are you--are you... 你們在干什么
[05:23.98]you actually asking me to be-- to be one of my bridesmaids? - 你想讓我當(dāng)... - 當(dāng)伴娘
[05:36.08]- did you get any sleep? - I did,actually, - 你睡覺了么? - 睡了
[05:38.29]after I evicted a raccoon who chewed his way into the luggage compartment. 把在儲藏室覓食的浣熊趕走之后
[05:42.45]- The trailer. - Yes. - 拖車?yán)?- 是啊
[05:45.73]So while you were sleeping... 浣熊在你睡覺時候來的
[05:50.76]when I drowned, 當(dāng)我溺水時
[05:52.61]it was different for you than it was for me. 咱倆的感受是不同的
[05:55.83]Something happened to me. 我經(jīng)歷了一些事
[05:58.42]And I really don't know how to explain it without sounding like... 而我不知道要怎么解釋
[06:04.77]I just-- I feel different. 感覺不同
[06:07.13]I wanna be better at everything,and I wanna let you in. 我每件事都想做好 想讓你融入
[06:12.85]I swear. 我保證
[06:15.85]Did you practice that? 這段你練習(xí)過么?
[06:18.66]with hand gestures,but I dropped those. 準(zhǔn)備了手勢 但我放棄了
[06:23.61]Just,now is not the time to give up on me,okay? 現(xiàn)在不是離開我的時候 明白么?
[06:26.43]That's what I'm saying. 我就想說這個
[06:28.37]Okay. 好的
[06:29.41]- Okay? - Yep. - 好的? - 是啊
[06:47.24]Oceanside wellness group. ??滇t(yī)院
[06:50.41]Uh,yes. You're confirmed for tuesday at 4:00. 是的 你要確認(rèn)周二下午4點的預(yù)約
[06:56.77]Oh,no.No,ma'am. No,I'm not a doctor. 哦不 夫人 我不是醫(yī)生
[07:08.78]yeah,I don't know what you should do about the itchiness "down there. 是的 我不知道如何處理"癢"的問題
[07:12.38]" Okay.Okay. Okay,bye. 好的好的 再見
[07:15.35]Hi. 你好
[07:16.10]I,uh, 我...
[07:17.64]I think I'm in the right place. I'm looking for,uh... 我應(yīng)該找對地方了 我要找...
[07:20.58]maya,is that you? Maya 是你么?
[07:23.40]Addison! Addison!
[07:24.14]Oh,my god. 哦 我的天
[07:25.70]You got so big. 你長大了
[07:27.40]What are you,like,45 now? 你像多大的 45么?
[07:29.19]Maya,you're gonna be late for sch-- Maya 你上學(xué)要遲到了吧
[07:31.80]addison. Addison
[07:33.10]Naomi. Naomi
[07:34.51]Surprise! 給你個驚喜!
[07:36.27]Oh,I got lost like eight times, 我迷路了好多次
[07:38.17]smell like someone who's been driving in car a for two days, 聞上去就像開了一兩天的車
[07:41.38]and I think I just had some kind of psychotic break in your elevator,but,um... 而且還在你的電梯里精神錯亂了一下 不過...
[07:46.40]surprise! 給你個驚喜!
[07:49.14]maya,go get your backpack. Maya 去拿書包
[07:53.19]so... 那么
[07:55.17]- what do you want,addison? - I miss you. - 什么事 Addison? - 我想你了
[07:57.31]Really? 真的?
[07:58.69]'Cause I haven't heard from you in over a year. 你一年多沒跟我聯(lián)系了
[08:01.08]Unless you count the christmas card,which was nice. 除非算上圣誕卡片 那張還挺漂亮
[08:03.81]I know,I know. I'm sorry about--I'm sorry about that. 我知道 我明白 我很抱歉
[08:05.81]I left you messages on your pager. I e-mailed you. 我給你的尋呼留言 給你發(fā)郵件
[08:07.71]I had some really special conversations with your voice mail. 還給你的語音郵箱發(fā)了特別對話
[08:09.90]Can we just let this go? I've been having some rough times lately,okay? 我們能翻過這頁么? 我最近日子不好過 好么?
[08:12.82]- I got divorced. - So did I. - 我離婚了 - 我也是
[08:16.21]Oh,my god. 哦 我的天
[08:18.28]You and sam? 你和Sam?
[08:19.92]addison. Addison
[08:20.83]- Bye,daddy. - Bye,baby. - 再見 爸爸 - 寶貝 再見
[08:23.70]- Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿
[08:25.42]- sam,I'd say good to see you,but... - yeah. - Sam 很高興見到你 - 是啊
[08:27.52]Your face is everywhere. 你在這里曝光率很高啊
[08:30.06]"body language"? 《肢體語言》
[08:31.81]uh,yeah,I just-- I had a few thoughts,I wrote 'em down,and that'S... 是啊 我有點想法 就把它們寫下來了
[08:35.25]and now you're the common man's medical guru. 你現(xiàn)在是普通人的醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)袖了
[08:39.11]Hey,dell,can you push my appointments back an hour? Dell 能不能把我的預(yù)約推后一小時?
[08:41.27]- Oh. - I have to rescue cooper. - 哦 - 我要去救Cooper
[08:42.64]This is addison. Addison,this is our shrink. 她是Addison Addison 她是我們的精神科大夫
[08:45.65]Violet. Hi.Bye. 叫我Violet 再見
[08:47.28]- What did cooper do this time? - What does cooper always do? - Cooper這次又怎么了? - Cooper每次都做什么?
[08:49.84]a woman. 女人
[08:51.36]I'm his colleague,not his chauffeur. 我是他同事 不是他司機(jī)
[08:53.44]So this is,uh... co-op medicine,huh? 這是合作醫(yī)院 是么?
[08:56.04]Yeah,doctors working together. 是啊 醫(yī)生們一起工作
[08:58.29]It's me,naomi, 我 Naomi
[08:59.55]we have a pediatrician,a shrink,an alternative medicine practitioner-- 一個兒科醫(yī)生 一個精神科醫(yī)師 一個替代醫(yī)學(xué)醫(yī)生
[09:03.18]- could--could you excuse us for just a minute? - Sure,I can. - 我跟她談?wù)?- 當(dāng)然可以
[09:06.14]- Good morning,naomi. - Oh,shut up. - 早上好 Naomi - 閉嘴吧
[09:08.00]So you two still work together? 你們還在一起工作?
[09:10.77]hey,pete. 嘿 Pete
[09:12.26]Who is that redhead with your ex-wife? 跟你前妻一起的那個紅發(fā)女郎是誰?
[09:14.72]She's hot. 她很火辣
[09:16.08]Possibly insane,but hot. 神經(jīng)有點問題 不過挺漂亮
[09:18.69]Don't even think about it. 別想了
[09:20.67]You work with your ex-husband 你跟你的前夫一起工作
[09:23.07]in a shrine for your ex-husband. 在你前夫的地盤
[09:26.22]It's actually a good book. 那本書不錯
[09:28.43]And we're friends. We stayed friends even after we got divorced. 我們現(xiàn)在還是朋友 離婚后也還是朋友
[09:32.24]It's very healthy. We're healthy. 我們關(guān)系很健康
[09:35.31]What happened between you and sam? 你和Sam怎么了?
[09:37.52]Addison,you and I were close in med school. It was a long time ago. Addison 你我是醫(yī)學(xué)院的好朋友 很久以前的時候
[09:40.74]Oh,naomi, 哦 Naomi
[09:43.06]come on. 拜托
[09:44.27]You can't stay mad at me forever. 你不能永遠(yuǎn)埋怨我
[09:46.34]I know you. 我了解你
[09:48.59]- You got fat. - I did not. - 你胖了 - 我沒有
[09:50.10]- Your hair looks hideous. - It does not. - 你頭發(fā)很嚇人 - 哪有
[09:51.91]And you're getting really,really ugly. 你現(xiàn)在變得十分十分的丑
[09:55.24]I've missed you,too. 我也很想你
[09:59.38]so... 所以...
[10:00.91]why are you really here? 你來這干什么?
[10:02.46]You're a fertility specialist,one of the best. 你是最優(yōu)秀的受孕科專家
[10:08.32]- You want to have a baby? - I want to have a baby. - 你想要個孩子? - 是的
[10:16.38]Crey’s Anatomy Season 3 Episode 22 實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 第三季 第22集
[10:21.29]susan grey. Susan Grey
[10:22.43]You sure you're in the right place? 你沒走錯地方吧?
[10:24.01]I have reflux... 我有反流癥
[10:26.18]acid reflux. 胃食管反流癥
[10:27.82]And the,uh,hiccups come and go... 犯病的時候
[10:30.29]when it gets really bad. 就經(jīng)常打嗝
[10:32.40]they've stopped a few times,but lately it's been getting... 好過一陣子 但最近
[10:35.59]worse. 越來越厲害了
[10:36.70]- have you had chlorpromazine?Here you go. - Thank you. - 用過鹽酸氯丙嗪嗎? - 謝謝
[10:38.98]Um,isn't that the crazy person's drug? 那不是給精神病人用的嗎?
[10:41.56]it's used as an anti-psychotic, 確實可以治療精神病
[10:44.11]but it's helpful with hiccups. 但對抑制打嗝也有幫助
[10:46.86]and if we don't stop these soon,you will be a crazy person. 如打嗝不盡快停止 你會變精神病的
[10:50.33]ah. 啊
[10:51.53]okay. 好了
[10:53.04]Hey,how is meredith doing? Meredith最近怎么樣?
[10:54.75]I know they have that big intern exam coming up,and she's been really busy. 她有個挺重要的考試 應(yīng)該很忙
[10:58.99]I tried to call,but... 我打電話過去 可是...
[11:01.13]uh... 嗯...
[11:03.76]hey,no hiccups. 嘿 不打嗝了
[11:06.72]chlorpromazine. 鹽酸氯丙嗪的作用
[11:10.99]You know,I'm not getting any younger,you know?And I always planned to have one, 我不可能再年輕了 其實以前一直打算要一個孩子的
[11:13.51]it's just--well,now clearly,a man is not in the cards for me. 只是想法一直不明朗 而且男人也不想要孩子
[11:16.72]I mean,this is addison post mcdreamy,post mcsteamy. 經(jīng)過了夢幻先生 好色先生之后
[11:20.61]- You know,I just have to... - mcwhat? - 我必須... - 什么先生?
[11:23.25]Forget it. You know what? Let's never "mc" anything. 管他呢 別再提那些了
[11:25.98]A baby,that is... 孩子
[11:28.60]my answer. 我要孩子
[11:29.76]Find a sperm donor,have a baby. 找個精子捐獻(xiàn)者 生個孩子
[11:32.06]My new dream--a baby. 新的夢想 生個孩子
[11:34.30]A baby's not really an answer. It's more of a crying,puking,non-answer. 生孩子可不容易 眼淚 嘔吐 都少不了
[11:37.88]- Yeah,but you did it. - Yeah,with a husband. - 是啊 但你挺過來了 - 嗯 可我有丈夫啊
[11:39.66]Yeah,but you did it. You got married,you had a baby. 你挺過來了 結(jié)了婚 生了小孩
[11:43.13]You're my example. 你是我的榜樣
[11:45.83]Okay,we should check your F.S.H. 好的 先要檢查促卵泡激素
[11:47.76]And your estradiol levels,and we should probably do and antral follicle count. 測試雌激素水平以及竇卵泡計數(shù)
[11:51.61]Holy crap. 天哪
[11:53.82]I'm gonna have a baby. 我要生小孩了
[11:59.37]ooh. The treadmill,huh? 傷得不輕啊
[12:03.21]Okay,what's going on? 怎么弄的?
[12:05.27]I tried to take it up to ten and do the hilly terrain mode,which you can do, 我調(diào)到10檔 山地模式
[12:08.32]but only if you're an olympian,so I paused and I went flying off. 難度有點高 一不留神 就摔了出去
[12:10.83]No. I mean,what's going on with you pushing yourself this hard? 我是問你 干嘛這么拼命練習(xí)
[12:14.56]This is your fourth sports injury in three months. 3個月里你4次運(yùn)動受傷
[12:20.94]I am a sexual person. 我有性需求
[12:22.81]I'm a normal sexual person. 正常的性需求
[12:24.65]I like sex. I need sex. 我喜歡性愛 需要性愛
[12:26.78]And he won't do it. He won't have sex with me. 他不肯和我做愛
[12:28.81]He just... won'T. 不肯
[12:30.98]I'm hoping you're talking about your husband. Well,I'm not hoping because of the no sex part-- it's been 18 months. 希望你指的是你先生 如果是你先生 也挺不幸的
[12:34.25]-Vit's been 18 months. - Wow. - 一年半了 - 哇哦
[12:35.49]18 months! 一年半!
[12:37.19]Do you have any idea what that is like? 你能夠想象嗎?
[12:39.15]My husband won't do it. 我先生就是不肯跟我做
[12:41.68]- So you know what I do? - Uh,you run. - 知道我怎么辦嗎? - 嗯 跑步
[12:43.29]I run. I run so I won't sleep with someone else. 我拼命跑步 防止紅杏出墻
[12:46.42]I run so I have someplace to channel my energies. 跑步釋放能量
[12:49.02]I run so I won't pick up a tire iron and beat my husband to death. 否則我都要拿鋼管把他打個半死
[12:51.58]I need sex! 我需要性生活!
[12:57.54]- You'd do it with me,right? - Hmm? - 你肯跟我做 是吧? - 嗯?
[13:01.26]I think you need to spend some time with our therapist. 你應(yīng)該多找找我們的心理醫(yī)生
[13:08.59]hey! 嘿!
[13:14.54]hey. 嘿
[13:17.16]thanks for the ride. 謝謝你載我
[13:22.77]- hey,have you been crying? - Where's your car? - 你是不是哭了? - 你車呢?
[13:24.45]- Were you crying? - Where's your car? - 是不是哭了? - 車呢?
[13:25.71]- Were you crying? - You wanna walk? - 是不是哭了? - 想下車嗎?
[13:28.83]I met a girl at a bar... 我遇見了一位姑娘
[13:32.82]on the internet... 在網(wǎng)上遇見的
[13:34.89]and she borrowed my car. 她借了我的車
[13:38.73]- did you file a police report? She might bring the car back.She was gorgeous and hot and s - - 報警沒? - 她可能會把車還我的 她很漂亮
[13:41.95]okay,cooper,cooper,cooper. 你這人啊
[13:43.62]All right,so you meet a strange woman on the internet again. 又一次見女網(wǎng)友
[13:47.19]You bring her back to your apartment to have sex with you again, 又把她帶回公寓過夜
[13:50.14]and she steals from you again. 又被人偷了東西
[13:52.27]What does that suggest to you about you? 你自己就不反省一下?
[13:55.93]That I'm an optimist. 我是個樂天派
[13:58.21]That I believe in magic.t there is a soul mate... 我相信感覺 我的心靈伴侶
[14:01.59]out there waiting for me. 等待我去尋找
[14:08.43]oh,violet... 噢 Violet
[14:12.25]allan's not worth it. You deserve better. 不值得為Allan哭 他配不上你
[14:14.80]I know that. I do. 我知道 真的
[14:17.35]I'm not... 我不要...
[14:18.75]I'm not crying about him. I'm not. 我不要為他流淚
[14:21.56]don't look at me. Look over there. 別看我 看別處
[14:32.75]I switched my hours at the clinic so I can go to the bridal shop.Yay! 我換了班 可以去婚禮大采購了 好呀!
[14:35.45]Did she cheer? She just cheered. 她好開心
[14:37.54]- Someone's not being very bride- - I am not a bride.I am a surgeon. - 你怎么都不像結(jié)婚的樣子 - 我不是新娘 我是外科醫(yī)生
[14:40.98]Don't tease the caged animal. 別在太歲頭上動土
[14:42.99]You're not excited? 你不興奮嗎?
[14:44.79]I'm excited. I love weddings. 我興奮極了 我喜歡婚禮
[14:46.84]Weddings are all about hope and the future. 婚禮意味著希望和未來
[14:50.04]Okay. I rescheduled an A.C.L. 我重新安排膝關(guān)節(jié)前交叉韌帶手術(shù)
[14:51.97]Repair,but I wanna be clear. 但事先說明
[14:54.36]I will not be wearing pink or baby blue. I do not do flowers in my hair. 不穿粉紅色 不穿藍(lán)色 頭上不戴花
[14:57.47]And I will never be seen with a bow on my ass,okay? 屁股上也不戴蝴蝶結(jié)
[14:59.61]See? She's got the right attitude. 看吧 態(tài)度正確
[15:01.68]thank you very much. 非常感謝
[15:03.55]Hey. 嘿
[15:04.83]hey. 嘿
[15:06.73]Hi. 嗨
[15:07.51]I--I'm here with susan. She's down in the clinic. 我陪Susan來的 他在門診
[15:09.96]- The clinic?Is everything okay? - yeah. - 在門診? 沒事吧? - 沒事
[15:11.97]Callie's a bridesmaid? Callie當(dāng)伴娘?
[15:16.54]Yeah.Yeah,ca--yes,of course. Callie's a bridesmaid. 對 當(dāng)然 Callie當(dāng)伴娘
[15:19.46]- fun. - yeah. 很好玩的
[15:22.17]Yeah. 是的
[15:25.16]You gotta do it. That kid of yours is gonna need you on your feet. 你必須走走 為了肚子里的孩子
[15:28.27]She's cute,huh? She's a cute shriveled kid. 她很可愛 雖然瘦瘦的
[15:31.46]She's cute.Come on. Let's keep walking. 很可愛 來 多走走
[15:35.61]so... where is she? 她人呢?
[15:38.01]Red--I thought that was on. 紅發(fā)女 你們倆開始了吧
[15:39.87]- walk. - Gossip. - 走吧 - 小道消息
[15:41.29]Oh,you called it. 你說的對
[15:44.42]She was too serious about the whole thing. 她太認(rèn)真了
[15:46.72]- And alex is a rolling stone. - I was being thoughtful. - 而你是個浪蕩子 - 我是為她著想
[15:49.58]Yeah,right.And dumping red after one night is sensitive? 風(fēng)流一夜后把人家甩了是為她著想?
[15:53.74]Come on. You need to buff up. 來 你該多鍛煉鍛煉
[15:55.69]So did she just take off? 她就這樣走了?
[15:57.83]What'd you say to her? Did she cry? 你怎么跟她說的? 她哭沒?
[16:01.07]ow. 啊
[16:01.86]Idiot. You divorced naomi? 白癡 你和Naomi離婚了?
[16:03.91]Look,just mind your own business,ok--ouch. 與你無關(guān) 啊
[16:07.19]Moron.She is my best friend. 笨蛋 她是我最好的朋友
[16:09.82]Stop hitting me on top of my head. 別再打我頭
[16:12.09]- Did you cheat?Di- - okay. - 你是不是有外遇了? - 好吧
[16:14.38]two things I learned way back in kindergarten-- 在幼兒園 我學(xué)會兩件事
[16:16.73]one,keep your hands to yourself, 一 管好自己的手
[16:19.15]two,he who smelt it dealt it. 二 賊喊捉賊
[16:22.50]- That makes no sense. - Yeah.Well... - 什么意思? - 就是這樣
[16:25.28]you cheated. 你有了外遇
[16:26.97]You cheated on your husband with his best friend. 你和丈夫最好的朋友好上了
[16:29.50]There.Smelt it,dealt it-- it works. 典型的賊喊捉賊
[16:31.32]You're using fart logic. 狗屁邏輯
[16:33.12]Hey,if you want details,go see naomi. She won't talk about it. - 想知道細(xì)節(jié) 問Naomi - 她不肯說
[16:35.83]- Well,then you get no details. - I'm on her side.You know that. - 那沒辦法了 - 我站在她一邊 你知道的
[16:38.44]- That's why you get no details. - Oh,details! - 所以你不知道細(xì)節(jié) - 快說!
[16:40.65]Woman,be quiet. 別鬧
[16:45.05]I've missed you. 挺想念你的
[16:47.18]Yeah. 嗯
[16:50.68]Well,you know,naomi's known you longer, Naomi認(rèn)識你久些
[16:52.99]so she gets custody of you in the divorce. 離婚后 你歸她
[16:58.81]yeah. 嗯
[17:01.43]so,uh,other than project baby,this is strictly a vacation. 我不是來生小孩的 是來度假的
[17:05.33]I am here to read trashy novels and go to the beach. 我來這里 看小說 曬海灘
[17:09.17]Okay,nobody over 30 goes to the beach. 超過30的不能去海灘
[17:11.61]- You should stay here at the practice, - hang on. - 你留在這里工作算了 - 打住
[17:13.87]see how we work. 我們肯定合作愉快
[17:15.81]it's more fun than a stuffy hospital. 比呆在醫(yī)院好多了
[17:17.99]and we have an empty office. 而且有辦公室空著呢
[17:19.62]Nai,are you trying to lure me? Nai 想引誘我啊?
[17:22.77]look,maybe. We do have sunshine and cute boys. 算是吧 不過這里有陽光和帥哥
[17:25.74]Yeah,speaking of which,cute boy behind the desk is tracking you with his eyes. 說到帥哥 桌子后面有一個一直盯著你
[17:30.00]- No,he's not. - Oh,cute boy wants naomi. - 才沒有 - 帥哥喜歡Naomi
[17:34.41]okay,maybe you should shut up... and go get some coffee or something... 還是閉嘴吧 去喝點咖啡什么的
[17:38.24]please. 去吧
[17:43.14]- You have to stop that. - Stop what? - 你別再這樣了? - 別再怎樣?
[17:45.28]You cannot watch me like that. It'S... 別老是這樣看著我
[17:48.21]not something you can do. I won't allow it. 這不好 我也不允許
[17:50.67]You can't make rules about my eyes. 我看什么你都要管啊
[17:52.01]- that's enough! - no! - 夠了! - 不!
[17:53.62]- Did you hear that? - all of you,just stop it! - 什么事情? - 都給我住手!
[17:58.08]Did you hear that? 什么事情?
[17:59.87]- What was that? - Did I just hear-- 什么?
[18:04.24]- I'm the father of that child! - No,I'm the father! - 我才是孩子的父親! - 你不是 我才是!
[18:06.22]- If it's anybody's baby,it's mine! - Stop it! - 孩子是我的! - 住手!
[18:08.08]- calm down,everybody!Just-- - hey,hey,hey,hey! - 別激動 各位! - 嘿 嘿!
[18:11.06]A little help here. A little help. 快來幫忙
[18:13.18]- oh,my god,cooper! - cooper! - 我的天 Cooper! - Cooper!
[18:14.70]Oh,Dr.Freedman! Freedman醫(yī)生!
[18:16.83]- Oh,god! - Oh,that's great. - 天哪! - 噢 棒得很
[18:18.77]- Really great. - You gotta be kidding me. - 棒得很 - 這么夸張
[18:25.30]- you could've called. - Oh,it's such a silly problem. - 怎么不打電話給我? - 這毛病真夠傻的
[18:28.64]- Hiccups? - We didn't want to bother you. - 打嗝? - 我們不想給你添麻煩
[18:30.61]well,it's not silly if you can't sleep. 都影響睡眠了 要重視的
[18:32.66]Chlorpromazine is good,but it doesn't always work long-term. 鹽酸氯丙嗪效果挺好 只是藥效不持久
[18:37.06]we've had some good result with endoscopic gastroplication. 胃鏡下黏膜縫合術(shù)效果不錯
[18:41.27]We put a tube down your throat 把一根管子伸進(jìn)喉嚨
[18:43.27]and sew together the bottom of your esophagus 將食道底部縫合
[18:45.42]to protect it from the acid in your stomach. 以防止胃部酸性液體回流
[18:47.57]It would be an outpatient procedure. 是個門診手術(shù)
[18:49.33]I'm sold. Ready when you are. 好吧 聽你們的
[18:52.51]You're sure that that's not-- just think of it like breathing into a very expensive brown paper bag. - 想好了嗎? - 就當(dāng)破財消災(zāi)吧
[18:59.05]okay,let me see if I can explain this to everyone. 好的 我來解釋一下
[19:02.19]So carol was married to rick. Carol曾和Rick結(jié)過婚
[19:05.02]Carol is now married to doug. Carol現(xiàn)在是Doug的妻子
[19:06.79]Keith is lisa's husband. Keith是Lisa的丈夫
[19:08.52]- Uh,I'm rick's husband. - Life partner. - 不 我是Rick的丈夫 - 伴侶
[19:11.21]- You're just mad I left you for a man. - I'm lisa's husband. - 你是氣我為了男人離開你 - 我是Lisa的丈夫
[19:13.85]- And lisa is the-- surrogate carrying my child. - surrogate carrying my child. - Lisa是-- - 是我孩子的代孕母親
[19:17.21]- Our child. - you are not the father!You don't know that,rick! - 我們的孩子 - 孩子不是你的! 你怎么知道 Rick!
[19:20.29]- I am so sick of you! - Hey,hey! - 你讓我惡心死了! - 嘿!
[19:22.35]O-okay,okay. 好的
[19:23.66]Let's all try to remember that we are in a place of healing. 請記住這里是醫(yī)院
[19:26.98]Uh,lisa... Lisa
[19:29.04]h-how are you feeling? 你感覺怎么樣?
[19:34.96]guilty. Guilty is how she is feeling. 她感到愧疚
[19:38.82]wh-why is that,lisa? 為什么 Lisa?
[19:40.40]Because the same week that I brought her here to be inseminated, 因為我?guī)齺硎茉挟?dāng)天
[19:43.98]she had sex with him... 她和他
[19:46.11]and him... 他
[19:47.58]and him. 還有他上了床
[19:49.62]And we have no idea who the father is. 沒人知道孩子是誰的
[19:53.36]yeah,she,um,really gets around. 她是很受歡迎
[19:58.52]Okay,how does this happen? How do you pick a super freak for a surrogate? 怎么會這樣的? 怎么選了個怪人來做代孕母親?
[20:01.87]I-I screened her. There was nothing thereto indicate she was-- 我查過她 沒看出來她是個--
[20:04.35]sex crazed? 性愛狂?
[20:05.84]- Insatiable? - Cooper-like? - 欲望強(qiáng)烈? - 像Cooper那樣?
[20:07.46]Ooh. Okay. 嗯 好的
[20:08.57]The point is,everybody's flipping out over nothing. 問題是 大家都在白忙活
[20:10.62]Medically,it has to be rick's baby. 醫(yī)學(xué)上來說 應(yīng)該是Rick的小孩
[20:12.56]We implanted lisa with a fertilized embryo from carol's egg and rick's sperm. 我們把Carol的卵子和Rick的精子 發(fā)育而成的受精卵植入Lisa體內(nèi)
[20:16.78]Then rick implanted some more of his own for good measure. 然后Rick通過別的途徑植入了更多精子
[20:19.85]- before he decided he was gay. - I've treated doug. - 在他當(dāng)同性戀之前 - 我給Doug看過病
[20:22.44]I have him on valerian root for anxiety and stress. 有些焦慮和壓力 我給他用過纈草根
[20:25.39]And I knew he was fooling around,but with his new wife's surrogate? 知道他喜歡亂來 沒想到搞了代孕母親
[20:28.88]Can I just,uh... 我想說...
[20:30.92]I think the more pressing issue,uh,here, 我覺得更大的問題是
[20:33.40]is that,uh,lisa's had no prenatal care. Lisa沒有接受過產(chǎn)前護(hù)理
[20:35.76]- She took off right after her,uh— - sex-a-thon? - 她一完事就離開了 - 濫交?
[20:40.16]Hi.We haven't officially met. 你好 還沒自我介紹
[20:41.75]Cooper. Pediatrics. 我叫Cooper 兒科大夫
[20:43.04]Hi.Uh,yeah,she... 你好 她...
[20:44.56]left town,and,uh,she and the baby need a complete workup. 她當(dāng)時就離開了 她和孩子都需要檢查
[20:47.30]Um,who's your usual G.Y.N? 你們這里的婦科大夫是誰?
[20:50.15]Uh,she left the practice rather suddenly. 她前陣子突然離開了
[20:56.42]I didn't do anything. 不怪我
[20:59.90]Well,look,I would be happy to examine her. Trashy novels can wait. 我來給她檢查吧 小說可以晚點看
[21:01.55]Have you ever thought of... 你有沒有考慮過
[21:03.41]plying your trade in sunnier climes,addison? 到這里陽光明媚的地方來工作?
[21:05.79]"Sunnier climes"? 陽光明媚?
[21:07.58]Now we see why he has to type to pick up women. 怪不得要在網(wǎng)上著女人了
[21:09.84]Hey! 嗨!
[21:10.89]Besides,we have a very strict no consorting rule here now. 我們這里現(xiàn)在嚴(yán)禁同事交往
[21:17.03]I didn't do anything. 又不怪我
[21:23.65]I can't wait to tell meredith her stepmom hiccupped through the whole thing. 我等不及告訴Meredith 她繼母至始至終都在打嗝
[21:26.68]She should be here for this. 她該呆在這里
[21:28.20]Susan asked her to be with her father. Susan讓她陪著她父親
[21:30.60]She said he's having a lot of anxiety. 她說他非常不安
[21:35.39]And... 那么
[21:36.77]meredith is supposed to help with that? Meredith又能怎么樣呢?
[21:40.81]you know there's nothing to worry about. 沒什么好擔(dān)心的
[21:44.17]what I... 我...
[21:46.75]what I worry about is molly living in a new city alone with a baby most of the day. 我所擔(dān)心的是 Molly幾乎整天 獨自帶著孩子住在陌生的城市
[21:52.68]That's hard. And lexie,who'S...about to start her residency. 那很困難 還有Lexie 她就要開始住院實習(xí)
[21:57.74]She's a really good student,but it's grueling. 她的確是個好學(xué)生 但那很折磨人
[21:59.61]I know. 我知道
[22:01.76]You know. Right. 你知道 沒錯
[22:03.57]And... I worry about you,too. 此外 我也擔(dān)心你
[22:07.65]How you're getting on,your mom-- none of that was... 你如何應(yīng)付你媽媽的事 沒有一件是...
[22:10.89]simple. 簡單的
[22:15.23]Susan's really on you to talk to me,huh? Susan真的指望你能跟我談?wù)?哈?
[22:20.86]I got to admit,I'm envious... 我得承認(rèn) 我很嫉妒
[22:23.28]that she's getting to know you,and I'm not yet. 她漸漸了解你 可我還沒
[22:30.25]I think she may be faking these hiccups. 我覺得她打嗝可能是裝的
[22:33.29]To get... 為了
[22:34.67]us in the same place? 讓我們一處呆著?
[22:40.82]I guess I'm just not very sexual. 我覺得自己只是不太熱衷性生活
[22:43.61]He's having an affair. He's not in love with me anymore. 他在搞外遇 他不再愛我了
[22:45.67]That's not true,honey. I love you.I love you so much. 不是這樣的 親愛的 我愛你 非常愛你
[22:48.58]I-I want to do it. 我想做愛
[22:52.98]I just want to want to do it. 我只是希望有想做的感覺
[22:55.60]Okay,paul,I'm gonna give you some homework for next session. 好了 Paul 為了下個階段 我要給你布置些家庭作業(yè)
[22:59.36]Homework? 家庭作業(yè)?
[23:00.59]- Have sex with your wife. - Yay! - 與你妻子做愛 - 就是!
[23:02.79]- Well,but- - no matter what. - 可是... - 無論何事
[23:04.48]Whether you're in the mood or not,have sex. 不管你是否有心情 做愛就對了
[23:07.09]Do it in the bed,do it on the kitchen floor. Do you have a pool? 在床上 廚房地板上 家里有泳池嗎?
[23:09.50]- Yes. - Okay,do it in the pool. - 有 - 那好 還可以在池里做
[23:11.89]Have sex. No pressure,no judgment,no expectations. 做愛 不要強(qiáng)制 不要抱怨 不要期待
[23:15.45]Have sex. Just...do it. 做愛 做就對了
[23:19.50]- We do need a new G.Y.N. - Right. - 我們確實需要一個新的婦科醫(yī)生 - 沒錯
[23:21.55]And addison seems... Addison似乎
[23:26.17]oh.Nuh-unh.No.Absolutely not. 哦 不行 絕對不行
[23:28.60]- What? - Addison is a nice person. - 為什么? - Addison是個好人
[23:31.47]She is a decent person. She is a person. 她是個正派的人 她是人
[23:35.52]- I'm lookin' for a person. - Man,you're just looking. - 我是在找人 - 兄弟 你只是在找
[23:39.27]At least I'm trying. 至少我在嘗試
[23:40.93]Dr.Feelgood. Feelgood醫(yī)生
[23:42.69]- Hey. - I love you. - 嘿 - 我愛你
[23:44.23]Hi. Thank you. 嗨 謝謝
[23:46.14]Okay,dr.Feelgood, this is what I'm saying. 好的 Feelgood醫(yī)生
[23:49.34]Your career is taking off,girls like that are throwing themselves at you. 你的事業(yè)已經(jīng)起步 那樣的女孩拼命討好你
[23:53.36]- You should be celebrating. - Celebrating? I just got a divorce. - 你該慶祝一下 - 慶祝? 我剛離婚
[23:56.28]You got a little tiny dog,and you cook it chicken,and you talk to it. 你養(yǎng)了只小狗 給它做飯 跟它聊天
[23:59.85]- That's not normal. - Hey,easy.All right? - 這不正常 - 嘿 別急 好嗎?
[24:03.23]I'm alone because I choose to be. It's--it's a choice. 獨身是我自己的選擇
[24:06.45]So you're saying that you're not interested in addison,but I can't have her. 也就是說 你對Addison沒有興趣 可我也不能找上她
[24:10.38]See,addison isn't the type of woman you have. 瞧 Addison不是你的類型
[24:13.10]She's a marriage woman. All right? 她渴望婚姻 明白嗎?
[24:15.04]- She's gonna want a commitment,and you- - hey,I do not sleep around. - 她想要承諾 可你- - 嘿 我可沒有四處留情
[24:18.14]No. You are a serial monogamist,all right? 對 你不斷謹(jǐn)守一夫一妻 行了吧?
[24:20.95]You--you date a girl,you romance a girl,and then when it's time to commit, 你跟一個女孩兒約會 制造浪漫 可是一到承諾的時候
[24:23.92]- you cut and you run. - I do not. - 你就分手 跑路 - 我沒有
[24:25.40]Linda,uh,karen,uh,julie. Linda Karen Julie
[24:28.70]Then there was tricia,amy,carrie,the other linda- 然后是 Tricia Amy Carrie 另一個Linda
[24:32.02]- we can't forget- - fine. I won't ask her out. - 我們不能忘記- - 好吧 我不會約她
[24:33.57]Good boy. That's a good boy. 好人 真是好男人
[24:37.59]and the week before I implanted the embryo,you slept with how many,three? 在我植入胚胎的前一周 你跟多少人上了床 三個?
[24:40.78]Three men. 三個男人
[24:42.09]We're almost done here,lisa,and then we'll do the amniocentesis. 這里就要結(jié)束了 Lisa 然后我們要做一個羊水診斷
[24:45.29]- You're on carol's side. - I'm carol's doctor. - 你站在Carol一方 - 我是Carol的醫(yī)生
[24:48.15]You came to us.You applied to be a surrogate. It was your choice. 你來找我們 應(yīng)征成為代孕者 那是你的選擇
[24:51.38]I know.I just-- 我知道 我只是--
[24:53.48]I was about to hand my body over to a baby that's not mine for nine months, 當(dāng)時我就要把身體 交給一個不屬于我的孩子 長達(dá)九個月
[24:58.64]which is a big responsibility.That... 責(zé)任重大
[25:02.31]hit me-- the responsibility-- and I just... 這份責(zé)任刺激了我
[25:07.70]they all wanted me. 他們都想要我
[25:10.08]me. 我
[25:12.11]And f-for once,I just stopped thinking and I just... 然后 我腦子就不轉(zhuǎn)了
[25:18.07]I did something wild. 有了些瘋狂的舉動
[25:24.63]- dr.Montgomery,is something wrong? - I'm gonna run some more tests. - Montgomery醫(yī)生 有什么問題嗎? - 我要再做些檢查
[25:31.13]You promise me you'll take it easy. 向我保證 你會放輕松的
[25:33.02]I have a stack of dvds to watch,and I expect your father to feed me by hand. 我有一堆DVD等著看 還期待你父親親手喂我吃飯
[25:42.68]So just call if you have any questions. 那么如果有疑問 給我電話
[25:45.13]It was nice t-talking with you. 很高興跟你談?wù)?br /> [25:49.74]- Bye. - Bye-bye. - 再見 - 再見
[26:06.27]any news about mercy west? 西慈醫(yī)院有消息嗎?
[26:07.77]Uh,there's a spot. 只有一個空缺
[26:09.49]There's a lot of takers,but they said it looks good. 可有很多申請者 但他們說情況不錯
[26:12.89]- So after the intern exam- - I'm not an unfaithful guy. - 那么實習(xí)考試結(jié)束后 - 我不是一個不忠實的男人
[26:15.84]I'm not a cheater. 我不喜歡出軌
[26:19.64]You think it'll happen again if you stay here... 你覺得要是還呆在這里 還會再發(fā)生
[26:21.52]- no.I don't know. - With me? - 不 我不知道 - 跟我?
[26:25.18]George. George
[26:27.23]I have to go. 我得走了
[26:32.98]- sam. - Yeah. - Sam - 什么事
[26:34.47]So paul and kathy,I gave them an assignment. I told 'em to do it. Paul和Kathy 我給了他們一個任務(wù) 讓他們?nèi)プ?br /> [26:37.93]- He didn't rise to the occasion. - Nothing? - 他臨場也沒勃起 - 沒有?
[26:40.45]- No wood. - Not even a twig. - 沒成金箍棒 - 連繡花針都不是
[26:42.87]There's gotta be something physical going on,right? 肯定有些身體問題 對嗎?
[26:45.19]Because the only other option-- that he just doesn't love her anymore-- 因為另外一種可能 就是他不愛她了
[26:49.25]- I mean,that's just... - not the only option. - 我的意思是... - 不是唯一的可能
[26:52.97]I mean,did they meet in the drama department in college? 他們是在大學(xué)戲劇社遇上的嗎?
[26:55.54]Could be a thyroid thing,anemia. Could be a bunch of stuff. 可能是甲狀腺問題 貧血癥 有很多可能性
[26:58.11]- Have you checked for extreme ugliness? - Okay,not funny. - 回事太丑的問題嗎? - 行了 這不好笑
[27:00.07]- Will you get back to me... - yes,I will. - 過會兒來找我 好嗎? - 好的
[27:01.30]- With what you find soon? - Okay.Yes. - 帶著你發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題? - 好的
[27:02.27]And,cooper,you know what? 另外 Cooper 你知道嗎?
[27:04.34]- Ugly people have sex,cooper. - Ew. 丑人也需要性生活 Cooper
[27:06.03]- Ugly people are people,too. - Okay. - 丑人也是人 - 好的
[27:17.60]hello? 你好?
[27:21.70]Hello? 你好?
[27:25.05]Hello? 你好?
[27:28.07]Hello? 你好?
[27:35.64]you fill out this E.E.G. Request on ava? Ava的腦電圖申請是你填寫的?
[27:37.95]Yeah,you asked for it. 是的 是你要求的
[27:38.99]I asked you to run labs on her every other day. What the hell is this? 我讓你兩天一次幫她檢查 這是什么?
[27:41.79]Shepherd's doing a full neuro workup. Just get the hell of my-- Shepherd在做全面的神經(jīng)檢查 別再該死地--
[27:44.51]go ahead. I would love to have an excuse to lay you out. 繼續(xù) 我很樂意有個理由打你
[27:48.54]I didn't do anything. 我什么都沒做
[27:49.89]Whatever you didn't do sent addison running for the hills. 就是你沒做 才讓Addison匆匆逃走了
[28:03.27]Okay,this guy is 6'2",dark hair,green eyes,totally healthy. 好的 這個人高1.88米 深色頭發(fā) 綠色眼睛 非常健康
[28:07.97]He plays the violin,and he's a physicist. 會拉小提琴 而且是個物理學(xué)家
[28:11.21]That is good sperm. 這是很好的精子
[28:13.12]Geeky,but,uh,good. 有點書呆子 可是不錯
[28:15.40]Lisa has extra donors if you want to borrow one. Lisa那還有其他供體 如果你想借的話
[28:18.56]Her tests come in yet? 她的測試有結(jié)果了嗎?
[28:20.00]No,tomorrow. I don't want to ring any alarm bells till we're sure. 明天 沒確定之前 我不想拉響警報
[28:23.84]What about this guy? He's a marine biologist.Good hair. 這人怎樣? 海洋生物學(xué)家 頭發(fā)很好
[28:28.55]Are you sure you want to do this,have a baby? 你真的打定主義要生孩子了嗎?
[28:32.13]Your life is really gonna change. 那會徹底改變你的生活
[28:34.31]That's why I'm doing this. 所以我想這么做
[28:36.27]I want my life to change. I need... 我想要改變生活 我需要...
[28:39.57]my life to change. 改變生活
[28:41.41]I mean,look,you have maya. You're family. 瞧 你有Maya 有個家
[28:44.98]You did everything the way you were supposed to. You didn't wait. 所有事 你都按部就班地完成了 沒有遲疑
[28:50.19]Maybe I should have. 也許我應(yīng)該...
[28:53.51]Waited. 好好考慮
[28:54.51]What do you mean? 什么意思?
[28:56.18]addison,I did everything exactly the way I was supposed to. Addison 我的一切完全按部就班
[29:00.74]After college,I never dated anybody but sam,because he was the one. 大學(xué)畢業(yè)后 除了Sam我沒跟其他人約會過 因為他就是我的那個人
[29:04.21]I never had sex with anybody but sam because cheating is wrong. 除了他 我沒跟別人做過愛 因為背叛是不對的
[29:08.77]I had a baby because... 我有了孩子 因為...
[29:11.27]that's what you do when you get married. 那是結(jié)婚后該做的
[29:14.11]I never made a single mistake. I did everything right. 我從沒犯過一個錯 一切都做的很對
[29:17.87]And then sam comes home and says he wants a divorce. 可是后來 Sam說他想離婚
[29:22.12]So all those photos you're... 所有那些你...
[29:24.51]busy admiring,all they are are reminders of all the stuff I didn't do. 不停欣賞的照片 都在提醒 我沒有做過的事情
[29:29.55]I'm 38 years old,and I don't know how to have fun. 我38歲了 可我不知道如何尋找樂趣
[29:32.46]That's not lucky. That's sad.So just... 那不是幸運(yùn) 那很悲哀 所以...
[29:34.82]shut up about lucky! 別再說幸運(yùn)了!
[29:42.18]Poor... 可憐
[29:43.79]sad... dried up naomi. 悲哀 被甩的Naomi
[29:47.70]Shut up. 閉嘴
[29:48.89]Poor little,special talented doctor girl. 可憐的 擁有特殊才能的醫(yī)學(xué)女生
[29:53.72]let's make a made-for-tv movie... 我們來拍一部電視電影
[29:56.00]about the poor little,dried up special girl who has no fun. 關(guān)于 可憐悲哀 沒有樂趣的特殊女孩
[30:01.15]I could put you out. You'd have to sleep in the car. 我能把你趕出去 那你就只能睡在車?yán)锪?br /> [30:05.51]I just... 我只是...
[30:07.75]I just wish I'd been a little more like you. 我只是希望 有一點點像你
[30:10.66]What,an adulterous bitch who forgot to have kids? 什么 一個通奸的婊子 忘了要個孩子?
[30:34.86]Violet? Violet?
[30:38.95]- Allan. - Hey! - Allan - 嘿!
[30:40.30]Great to see you. 很高興見到你
[30:41.46]- How you doing? - I'm great. - 你怎么樣? - 我很好
[30:42.84]Really. I'm really wonderful. 真的 我真的好極了
[30:46.68]Well,I saw you and I-- I didn't want to be rude. 我看到你 不想唐突
[30:49.21]So I hope it's okay. 希望這沒關(guān)系
[30:52.04]you know,it's just... it's really wonderful to see you. 知道嗎 見到你真的非常好
[30:55.03]You look,uh... 你看上去
[30:57.70]you look really wonderful. 你看上去真的好極了
[30:59.35]They didn't have the gouda you like,but they had a camembert- 這里沒有你喜歡的古達(dá)干酪 不過有卡門貝干酪
[31:03.17]- hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
[31:05.84]This is violet. 這是Violet
[31:06.94]Violet--oh,violet. Violet 哦 是Violet
[31:09.20]Hi. Nice to meet you. 嗨 很高興見到你
[31:11.17]I-I'm cami. 我是Cami
[31:13.45]- Okay. - Allan's wife. - 好的 - Allan的妻子
[31:17.28]god,I still can't get used to that word--wife. 上帝 我還是不習(xí)慣這個詞 妻子
[31:22.54]- yeah. - Wife? - 是啊 - 妻子?
[31:28.98]- How long have you been married? - Newlyweds-- eight weeks. - 你結(jié)婚多久了? - 新婚 八周
[31:33.30]Oh. 哦
[31:36.42]Congratulations. 恭喜了
[31:43.82]We'll see you. 以后再見了
[31:46.98]nice to meet you. 很高興見到你
[32:09.51]hey,addison,uh,latte? Or ac--more of a cappuccino. 嘿 Addison 要拿鐵嗎? 還是來杯卡布奇諾
[32:13.75]- Lisa's baby has something called placenta accreta. - Is that bad? - Lisa的孩子有些胎盤增生的問題 - 嚴(yán)重嗎?
[32:17.54]The placenta abnormally attaches to the uterine wall. 胎盤反常地附著在胎盤壁上
[32:19.97]It makes delivering dangerous for both mom and baby. 在生產(chǎn)中 會同時對母嬰造成危險
[32:23.38]- But there was something else. - That's not enough? - 不過還有別的 - 這還不夠?
[32:25.63]The baby has some genetic markers that don't match carol,just lisa. 這孩子有些遺傳標(biāo)記 與Carol不符 而是Lisa的
[32:30.80]What? The embryo-- 什么? 胚胎--
[32:32.27]- did not implant. - This is lisa's baby? - 沒有植入 - 這是Lisa的孩子?
[32:34.64]Which also means that the paternity is once again up for grabs. 意味著爭奪父權(quán)會再次發(fā)生
[32:39.72]- Good luck. - I'm off to the beach. - 好運(yùn) - 我要去海灘了
[32:41.57]Uh,you can't leave. Someone has to tell the patient. 你不能走 得有人告訴病人
[32:45.39]Honestly,I ha--I have... 說實話 我...
[32:48.50]low people skills with anybody over 12. 對12歲以上的人都缺乏交流技巧
[32:50.36]It--it's true. An internet hooker just stole his car-- 是真的 一個網(wǎng)絡(luò)妓女剛偷了他的車
[32:52.82]violet! Privacy. She was not-- Violet! 隱私 她不是--
[32:55.42]she just...she borrowed my car. 只是借了我的車
[33:01.46]she--she borrowed it. 她借我的
[33:03.41]Borrowed. 借的
[33:09.73]911 turbo,hand-sewn leather seats. 911 Turbo 手工縫制皮椅
[33:16.18]911 turbo with hand-sewn leather seats. 911 Turbo 帶有手工縫制皮椅
[33:18.14]Who does that to a 911? 誰會這樣對待一輛911?
[33:21.10]A chick. A crazy chick. 一個女人 一個瘋女人
[33:24.22]- But she was so hot. - A crazy hot chick. - 可是她那么性感 - 一個性感瘋女人
[33:26.25]I loved that car. 我喜歡這輛車
[33:27.86]That was a single man's car. 那是單身男人的車
[33:29.95]That's the point. I mean,I-- I thought maybe I was done being single. 這是重點 還以為我可能要結(jié)束單身了
[33:36.42]I thought she was gonna be the mother of my children. 我以為她會是我孩子的母親
[33:38.33]What was her name again? 她叫什么名字來著?
[33:39.69]Sexyboobs316. 性感乳房316號
[33:45.60]are you... dude,are you crying? 兄弟 你在哭?
[33:49.19]No. 不是
[33:50.49]You better be crying about that car and not over sexyboobs315. 你最好在哭這輛車 而不是那個性感乳房315號
[33:54.30]316. 316. 316號
[33:57.83]I can'T.I-I can'T. I'm gonna hurt him. 不行了 我要打人了
[33:59.43]Let's just say he's crying over the car and the woman. 不如說 他在哭這輛車以及這個女人
[34:04.05]All right? There we go. 好嗎? 行了
[34:06.08]Let it out. 哭出來吧
[34:07.91]let it out. 哭出來吧
[34:13.89]Uh,cristina? Cristina?
[34:22.63]That's a pretty one. 那件很漂亮
[34:23.90]Moves very well in it. Looks quite natural. 穿著行動很方便 非常自然
[34:27.23]- You paged? - I need you over here. - 你找我? - 我這兒需要你
[34:30.41]Should I be seeing you in the dress before the wedding? 我該在婚禮前看到你穿著禮服嗎?
[34:33.65]You think I'm wearing this? 你以為我穿著這個?
[34:39.44]- well,it is very feminine. - Exactly. - 非常柔美 - 正是
[34:41.65]Do you know your mother booked a chapel that sits 200 people? 知道你母親預(yù)訂了200人席位的教堂嗎?
[34:45.81]Okay,how did i get bridesmaids,huh? 我怎么會要伴娘 哈?
[34:48.04]freakin' stupid cotton-candy colored bridesmaids? 異常遲鈍 棉花糖裝扮的伴娘?
[34:51.76]No offense. 不想冒犯
[34:53.42]what happened to our small ceremony? 我們商量的小型儀式呢?
[34:55.41]What happened to you and me at city hall? 不是說好只有我倆在市政廳的嗎?
[34:59.21]I didn't--I didn't think you were serious. 我以為你不是認(rèn)真的
[35:02.71]I am not wearing this. 我不要穿這個
[35:06.17]Oh,I gotta get to the hospital. 哦 我得去醫(yī)院了
[35:08.53]You know,we should,uh,give 'em some privacy. 知道嗎 我們該給他們一些私人空間
[35:11.86]What? 什么?
[35:13.99]Oh! Oh,you want me to go over there with you... 哦! 你想讓我跟你一起進(jìn)去
[35:18.04]- by myself. - Yeah. - 只有我 - 是的
[35:21.61]You want a big wedding? 你想要一個大型婚禮?
[35:23.52]You want the chapel,you want the guests and me in a white dress? 教堂 賓客 還要我穿白色婚紗?
[35:28.55]Well... 這個嘛
[35:30.88]yes. 是的
[35:33.85]I'm a traditional man,cristina. 我是個傳統(tǒng)的男人 Cristina
[35:35.40]- Are you kidding me? - No. - 你在開玩笑嗎? - 不是
[35:44.21]The saleslady has another batch of dresses for you to see,cristina. 女店員還要給你看另一批禮服
[35:49.05]Oh,thank you... mama. 謝謝 媽媽
[35:57.53]Cristina has certainly made quite an effort. Cristina已經(jīng)非常努力了
[36:01.14]Tried on,I would say,over a hundred dresses, 試了 我想想 超過一百件禮服
[36:04.47]and that certainly could not have been easy for her. 這對她顯然很不容易
[36:07.55]Yeah,mama,I know she seems disinterested in wedding planning. 媽媽 我知道她對打點婚禮沒什么興趣
[36:11.59]But cristina... 但是Cristina
[36:13.22]she's not cold. 她并不冷漠
[36:14.86]- I know she seems cold-- - preston... - 我知道她看上去有點
[36:17.12]if you think cristina is right for you,I trust you. 如果你覺得Cristina適合你 我支持你
[36:23.61]I trust your instincts. 我相信你的直覺
[36:38.07]and the baby-- the,um,the baby isn't even mine? 那個孩子 根本不是我的?
[36:41.51]- Honey,calm down. - Calm down? - 親愛的 冷靜點 - 冷靜?
[36:43.44]You mean I can keep this baby if I want to? 如果我想留下孩子 可以隨便我嗎?
[36:46.61]Uh,legally,yes. 法律上來說沒問題
[36:48.88]So who's the father? 那誰是孩子的父親?
[36:50.39]We won't know the paternity of the baby till after lisa delivers. 在Lisa產(chǎn)后才會知道
[36:53.43]More urgent at the moment is the placenta accreta. 目前最緊要的是胎盤植入
[36:57.07]The fact is,lisa is at risk of having a life-threatening hemorrhage and Lisa的大出血會危及生命
[37:01.53]the baby could deliver preterm. 而且可能導(dǎo)致胎兒早產(chǎn)
[37:03.74]So you're saying they could die? 會有生命危險?
[37:05.64]There is a risk of death,yes. 有這樣的可能
[37:08.87]Lisa,I know you're scared. Lisa 我知道你很害怕
[37:11.47]If you do go into preterm labor,you'll have a c-section. 萬一早產(chǎn) 我們將安排剖腹產(chǎn)
[37:15.79]And they'll monitor it and control it so that 醫(yī)生會嚴(yán)密監(jiān)控
[37:17.97]they have a better chance of saving your uterus and your life. 這樣可以更好保證你和胎兒的安全
[37:21.70]And you'll save us,me and the baby? 你會救我和孩子的 對嗎?
[37:24.90]Well,I have... 這個 我..
[37:26.41]I have to get back to seattle. I have a practice. 我得回西雅圖去了 我要出診
[37:28.42]But I can refer you to someone local who-- 不過我可以把你交給這里..
[37:30.10]no,I want you.You be there. 不 我只要你
[37:43.38]I thought kathy was coming to the appointment today. 我以為今天是Kathy來
[37:49.45]Just--kathy didn't come home last night. Kathy昨晚沒回家
[37:51.56]And,you know,I don't blame her,but it's just... 我不怪她 只是
[37:53.99]what--what if she's with some guy right now? 要是她現(xiàn)在正和男人勾搭在一起怎么辦?
[37:56.30]Some guy--some--some guy who can... 那種會...
[37:59.76]- who can bring it? - Okay. - 會勃的男人 - 好了
[38:02.11]Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's okay.All right? 事情還沒確定別亂猜 沒關(guān)系的 好吧?
[38:04.99]There are plenty of medical reasons for low sex drive. All right? 性欲低下有很多原因的
[38:08.84]Sorry. Sorry. 抱歉
[38:10.28]- Honey... - where were you? - 親愛的 - 你去哪兒了?
[38:13.49]I was out. 我出去了
[38:15.14]All night? 出去了一整晚?
[38:18.43]And I had a chance to cheat,believe me. 我本有機(jī)會背叛你的 相信我
[38:21.41]But I passed. Okay? 但是我沒有 明白嗎?
[38:23.11]I passed up being with someone who actually wants to be with me because I am stuck with you. 我放棄了那個要和我在一起的男人 因為我陷在你這兒了
[38:29.20]you're crying? 你還哭?
[38:30.24]Okay,let's--let's all just calm down here. 好了 大家都冷靜點
[38:32.13]All right-- I'll be in the waiting room. 好吧 我去候診室
[38:34.93]Oh! She's starting to hate me. 她開始討厭我了
[38:38.95]What am I gonna do if little paul can't perform? 要是小東西還是不能正常工作怎么辦?
[38:41.42]Okay. 沒關(guān)系
[38:42.72]Don't talk about your penis while you hug another man. 你抱著個男人的時候 能不能不要討論陰莖的問題
[38:47.00]I'm sorry,man. 不好意思 伙計
[38:47.75]- It's okay. - I'm sorry. - 沒事了 - 很抱歉
[38:48.69]- Let's draw some blood. - Okay,let's draw some blood. - 抽點血 - 好的 抽血
[38:56.02]What's in L.A.? 洛杉磯那邊都有誰?
[38:57.42]What? 什么?
[38:59.30]For addison. 我說Addison呢
[39:01.29]Any idea... 知不知道
[39:02.93]what she might be doing there? 她在那邊做什么?
[39:05.56]naomi and sam are down there,I guess. I don't know. Naomi和Sam在那邊吧 我也不太清楚
[39:08.88]You all right? 你沒事吧?
[39:11.51]We were gonna try. 我們本來在努力的
[39:14.17]We were gonna make a go of it... 我們本來會成功的
[39:16.08]as a couple. 會成為一對兒的
[39:19.36]She bet me I couldn't go 60 days without having sex. 她跟我打賭說我沒法禁欲60天
[39:21.86]Oh.Let me guess. You couldn't do it. 讓我猜猜 你的確做不到
[39:25.62]No,she couldn'T. 不 是她做不到
[39:30.80]She didn't want to be with me. 她不想跟我在一起
[39:33.18]I thought she did. 我以為她很愿意呢
[39:35.69]I thought she might. 以為她可能吧
[39:38.86]But she didn'T. 可她就是不想
[39:42.54]And I caught her. You know... 被我逮了個正著 你知道的
[39:45.04]sleeping with somebody else? 捉奸在床?
[39:48.34]oh,that must have been so hard for you. 那就太讓你難過了
[39:52.14]not that I can't relate. 那樣的痛苦是我無法形容的
[39:55.29]So I told her I did it. 所以我告訴她我破戒了
[39:57.28]You told her you did it? 你告訴她你破戒了?
[39:59.04]I told her I lost the bet. I told her I slept with someone. 我告訴她我賭輸了 和別人上床了
[40:02.68]I figured if she didn't want to be with me,she shouldn't have to feel guilty about it. 既然她不愿意和我在一起 我這么說她也不會感到愧疚了
[40:06.92]Selfless. 真是無私
[40:09.62]- That'S...out of character. - Yeah. - 不像你啊 - 的確
[40:13.95]Anyway,uh... 隨便了
[40:17.87]I was just wondering if you knew what was in L.A. 我只是想問你洛杉磯那邊都有誰
[40:20.50]No. 不知道
[40:28.19]okay,now I am going to the beach. 我要去海邊了
[40:30.99]Wait,addie. 等等 Addie
[40:32.88]Your test results came back in. 你的化驗結(jié)果出來了
[40:34.54]Oh,good. Because,um,I picked a donor. 好啊 我選好了捐贈人
[40:38.15]I think I'm gonna go with physicist guy. 我想我得和學(xué)物理的家伙一起去了
[40:40.73]Your F.S.H. Level is high. 你的基礎(chǔ)卵泡刺激素水平過高
[40:43.95]Well,they're high this month. We can do,uh,ovarian stimulation. 這個月一直都這樣 可以用刺激卵巢療法
[40:47.46]And your antral follicle count is only two. 竇卵泡計數(shù)只有2
[40:53.38]That could be due to stress. 應(yīng)該是壓力過大了
[40:54.64]Addison,I'm sorry. Addison 很抱歉
[40:57.15]I did all the tests. 所有的測試都做了
[40:59.81]There's no fertility potential here. 你不能生孩子了
[41:08.18]okay. Uh...
[41:11.32]this is good. This is,um... 很好
[41:14.45]oh,this is just... perfect. 再好不過
[41:17.17]- Addison-- - I have the great guy. - 我嫁了個好男人
[41:19.51]I don't have a baby because I'm focusing on my career. 因為我專心工作就一直沒要孩子
[41:22.77]And then I have the other guy. I don't have his baby because he's not the great guy. 之后遇上另外一個男人 我還是沒要孩子 因為他不是個好男人
[41:26.69]And now I don't have the great guy or the other guy, 現(xiàn)在誰都不屬于我了
[41:29.43]and I'm finally ready to have a baby,and I can'T. 我終于想要個孩子 卻再也不行了
[41:32.05]That is so... 這..
[41:35.11]exactly what my life is. 我的生活就這樣子阿
[41:39.28]- Addie,there are other options. - Yeah,I know about the options. - Addie 還有別的選擇 - 是的 我知道
[41:43.75]I'm so sorry. 我真的很遺憾
[41:45.39]I know how much you wanted this. 我知道你有多想要個孩子
[41:49.64]It's okay. 沒事的
[41:52.17]I just,um... 只是我
[41:56.08]I just didn't realize I was out of time,that's all. 我沒想到來不及了
[42:02.21]Addie,please stay so we can-- Addie 留下來吧這樣我們可以--
[42:04.06]no,it's okay.I'm fine. Thank you... 不用了 沒事的 我很好 謝謝
[42:07.01]for telling me.Thank you. I will see you at home. 你告訴我 謝謝 家里面見
[42:20.98]looks like you had a bad day. 看起來你今天不太好過阿
[42:23.88]Okay... 好了
[42:25.92]enough. 夠了
[42:28.07]Okay? Not today. 行嗎? 今天不是時候
[42:29.77]This is not a good day. All right? 今天糟透了明白嗎?
[42:31.60]So why don't you just... 你給我
[42:33.80]shut up? 閉嘴
[42:36.54]Shut up!.... 閉嘴!
[42:49.33]all right,then. 好了

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