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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:52:15
[00:09.00]I just never thought about it. 我從來沒想過
[00:11.20]What I would do,you know? 我要怎么辦?
[00:12.30]What the dream would be if I couldn't have my dream. 如果不能擁有夢(mèng)想 那夢(mèng)想該是什么呢
[00:17.30]Empty office. 空空的辦公室
[00:19.80]Okay, what are we doing?I thought we were going to lunch.Why are we still sitting here? 我們要干什么? 現(xiàn)在該去吃午飯 為什么我們還傻等在這
[00:22.20]We're doing what I do when I get depressed.Just wait. 我失落的時(shí)候就會(huì)這么做 你耐心等等
[00:25.50]-What time do you have? -It's 5 to 1:00. - 你的表幾點(diǎn)? - 差5分1點(diǎn)
[00:28.70]You know what? I'm glad I can't have a child. 要知道 不能有孩子我很高興
[00:31.20]With my luck, I'd probably have a kid with two heads. 這很幸運(yùn) 也許我孩子會(huì)有倆腦袋
[00:33.10]It--it's actually better.I'm grateful. 這樣更好 我很感激
[00:35.60]I don't have to think about it.The option is... 我不用思前想后 這件事...
[00:38.90]off the table. 已經(jīng)不用決擇了
[00:41.20]-What time do you have? -5 to 1:00. - 你的表幾點(diǎn)? - 差5分1點(diǎn)
[00:42.80]You people are obsessed with time. 你們?cè)趺催@么關(guān)心時(shí)間
[00:49.00]Here he comes. 他來了
[01:01.60]Hi, dell. 嗨 Dell
[01:30.30]Greys Anatomy Season 3 Episode 23 醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 第三季 第23集
[01:44.10]-Have a nice... surf. -I'll see you guys after lunch? - 沖浪...愉快 - 咱們午飯后見?
[01:56.00]oh, my god. 哦 我的天
[01:59.90]-You two should be ashamed of yourselves. -admit it.You feel better. - 你們倆也不害羞 - 招了吧 你看了以后也挺高興
[02:03.70]And if not, there's another showing in an hour, 如果沒效果 1小時(shí)后還有一場戲
[02:07.50]and it's wet. 而且是濕著身子
[02:12.10]My brain is bleeding? 我的腦子在流血?
[02:13.70]How could my brain have been bleeding since the accident? 我的腦子怎么可能從事故以后 就一直流血呢?
[02:15.80]Well, it could be from the trauma, 可能是由于外傷
[02:17.00]but it also could be from one of your surgeries. 但也有可能是由于某次手術(shù)
[02:19.20]Dr. Shepherd,I've been living in this hospital long enough to know Shepherd醫(yī)生 我在這間醫(yī)院住了夠久了
[02:22.00]when there's something one of you isn't saying. 一眼就能看出來你還有要說的
[02:25.10]Because of the location of the bleed, 因?yàn)槌鲅奈恢?br /> [02:27.30]you need to be awake during surgery. 所以手術(shù)過程中你要保持清醒
[02:29.00]You'll be sedated, alert,but but it can be a really dangerous process. 你會(huì)被麻醉 監(jiān)視 但手術(shù)會(huì)非常危險(xiǎn)
[02:32.70]There's a lot about the brain we don't know. 人的大腦還有很多尚待研究
[02:34.10]So... I could potentially get my memory back? 那么說...我有可能恢復(fù)記憶?
[02:38.60]Mm. It's possible.Amnesia can be a symptom, 有這種可能 健忘可能只是表面癥狀
[02:40.80]but I think it's a long shot. 不過成功機(jī)率不高
[02:42.30]I'll do some brain mapping and see if anything happens,but-- 我會(huì)給你做腦電圖 看看有沒有效果 但...
[02:44.40]but I could.get my memory back? 但我能恢復(fù)記憶 對(duì)么?
[02:48.50]You're back? What happened? 你又回來了? 怎么了?
[02:50.20]She's got a fever, and I think I hear a small murmur. 她發(fā)燒了 而且能聽到心臟雜音
[02:53.50]-A heart murmur? -Don't be dramatic. - 心臟雜音? - 不要激動(dòng)
[02:56.60]-At least it's not the hiccups. -Could be complications from the endoscopy. - 至少現(xiàn)在不打嗝了 - 可能是內(nèi)窺鏡的并發(fā)癥
[02:59.70]Bacterial endocarditis? 細(xì)菌性心內(nèi)膜炎?
[03:00.90]You'll have to get tests, and if they come back positive, 你還要進(jìn)行檢查 如果結(jié)果是陽性的
[03:03.50]you'll be admitted for I.V. Antibiotics. 你就要靜脈注射抗生素
[03:05.40]-Which should knock it right out. -See? I told you. - 可以抑制微生物 - 看吧? 我跟你說了
[03:08.00]Don't be dramatic. 不要激動(dòng)
[03:15.90]Hey, hey. You're supposed to wait for me. 嘿 你應(yīng)該等我來的
[03:17.90]I'm going crazy just sitting there. 總坐在那 我快瘋了
[03:20.60]Hey, look,I'd be freaked out, too, 嗯 如果有人要給我開顱
[03:21.80]if somebody was about to open up my head. 我也會(huì)嚇壞了
[03:23.50]But dr. Shepherd,he's the best. 但Shepherd醫(yī)生是最好的
[03:25.30]I can't hold my baby, right? 我不能抱我的孩子 是么?
[03:27.10]She's--she's in that incubator. 她還在嬰兒保溫艙里
[03:29.80]And so the nurses told me to talk to her. And I try. 護(hù)士讓我跟她說說話 我想試著去做
[03:33.80]Guess what. Right now, 但你猜怎么樣
[03:35.30]I have nothing to say. 我竟然不知道說什么
[03:36.50]You know, I don't even remember what it feels like to be outside, 我都不記得在戶外是什么感覺了
[03:40.00]to have the wind in my face or rain or... 清風(fēng)拂面 或者小雨...
[03:42.30]I know the surgery is dangerous, but... 我知道手術(shù)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn) 但...
[03:44.70]I'm not freaked.I can't wait. 我不害怕 我不想等了
[03:47.50]Well, there's no guarantee the surgery's gonna bring back your memory. 不能保證手術(shù)就能讓你重拾記憶
[03:50.20]But there's a chance. 但至少有希望
[03:52.30]It's better than nothing. 總比沒有強(qiáng)
[03:56.30]good news.Uh, paul's lack of sex drive comes from a hormone imbalance. 好消息 Paul的性欲減退是由于荷爾蒙失調(diào)
[04:00.90]-So paul still likes sex? -Yeah, well, he's a guy and he's not dead, - 那么Paul仍然喜歡性愛? - 是啊 他是個(gè)男的 又沒有死
[04:04.20]so I'm guessing yeah.He just--he just can't do anything about it. 所以我猜是的 他也只是無能為力
[04:07.30]-And that's good news? -The bad news is that - 這是好消息? - 壞消息是...
[04:09.00]there could be many causes to this imbalance,some more serious than others. 荷爾蒙失調(diào)可能引起更多 更嚴(yán)重的影響
[04:13.60]So final diagnosis and treatment could be a lengthy process. 所以確診和治療過程會(huì)很漫長
[04:17.10]We're gonna have to run more tests. 我們要做更多的檢查
[04:18.50]So it might be a while before paul can help kathy... 所以Paul幫助Kathy緩解之前...
[04:22.20]-take the edge off. -Tell her to try swimming. - 還需要一段時(shí)間 - 告訴她 可以去試試游泳
[04:24.10]It's easier on the knees. 那樣膝蓋更舒服
[04:30.00]so... 嗯...
[04:32.00]-you're the quack. -Uh, I went to med school. - 你是庸醫(yī) - 我讀過醫(yī)學(xué)院
[04:34.80]I'm also a licensed herbalist,and I spent five years in china learning alternative medicine. 我有草藥醫(yī)生執(zhí)照 在中國學(xué)習(xí)過5年的替代療法
[04:40.20]Like I said... quack. 像我說的...庸醫(yī)
[04:44.00]Come here. 過來
[04:45.70]Unless you need to go tell someone you saw goody johnson with the devil. 省得你告訴別人你看到了 美女伴惡魔的一幕
[04:50.10]Okay. 好吧
[04:52.70]-Lie down on the table. -Why? - 躺在這 - 為什么?
[04:54.60]I wanna show you that I'm not a quack. 我要讓你看看我不是庸醫(yī)
[05:00.90]I'm not taking my clothes off. 我可不脫衣服
[05:03.00]Did I ask you to take your clothes off? 請(qǐng)問我讓你脫衣服了么?
[05:19.00]now... 現(xiàn)在...
[05:24.00]you carry a lot of tension in your shoulders and above your right eye. 你的右肩和右眼過于緊張
[05:27.50]What do you mean? 你什么意思?
[05:29.20]You're blocking some serious emotion. 你封閉了太多的情感
[05:32.10]Hang on. 堅(jiān)持一下
[05:33.20]What--what are you doing? 你要干什么?
[05:45.50]Stop saying "ow."It doesn't hurt. 不要叫喚了 又不疼
[05:50.80]-Okay, I'm done. -Wait, wait, wait, wait.Where are you going? - 好了 弄好了 - 等一下 等一下 你要去哪?
[05:52.70]-You can't leave me here like this. -Lie there. Don't move. - 你不能把我這樣扔在這了 - 躺好了 不要?jiǎng)?br /> [05:55.80]Breathe.You're going to experience a rush of emotion, 呼吸 你要感受情感的迸發(fā)
[05:58.70]a release of...psychic pain. 釋放...精神的創(chuàng)傷
[06:11.10]Hello? 喂?
[06:13.40]Hello? 喂?
[06:15.90]I don't feel anything... 我什么也沒感覺到...
[06:18.50]except stupid for... 除了苯苯地...
[06:20.60]letting a cute hippie boy put needles in my face. 讓一個(gè)花花公子把針扎我臉上
[06:23.60]Hello! 喂!
[06:26.30]Yeah, pete... 那個(gè)Pete...
[06:28.20]I... 我...
[06:30.00]this isn't working.I don't have any... 這個(gè)不管用 我沒有...
[06:33.30]psychic pain.I... I'm great. 精神創(chuàng)傷 我...我很好
[06:37.40]Barren, but... 不能生育 但...
[06:39.60]fan-freakin'-tastic. 實(shí)在太奇怪了
[06:43.20]You can come back now. 你可以回來了
[06:44.40]I am not feeling any,you know, rush of emotion or anything. 我沒有感覺到什么情感的迸發(fā)
[06:47.90]I don't feel... anything. 我沒有...什么感覺
[06:57.50]I don't feel anything at all. 我完全沒感覺
[07:04.90]I don't feel anything at all. 我完全沒感覺
[07:13.50]I hate L.A. 我恨洛杉磯
[07:17.90]-Hey. -Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿
[07:19.20]I heard susan was back.Is everything okay? 聽說Susan回來了 她沒事吧?
[07:21.20]Oh, an infection.She'll be fine. 有點(diǎn)感染 會(huì)沒事的
[07:23.00]Oh, good, 'cause I figured if anything was wrong,you'd tell me. 好的 因?yàn)槿绻惺裁词?你可以告訴我
[07:25.20]If it was serious, I would, in a very "letting you in" sort of way. 如果很嚴(yán)重 我會(huì)告訴你的 讓你充分參與
[07:28.90]-You know, it's weird. -What? - 這很不可思議 - 什么?
[07:30.20]My father--we're almost talking. 我爸爸 我們幾乎談話了
[07:33.90]Really? 真的?
[07:35.80]-How's the trailer? -It's freezing. - 拖車怎么樣? - 太冷了
[07:38.40]you want to eat later? 你一會(huì)要吃飯么?
[07:40.10]I'll bring something over. 我給你帶點(diǎn)來
[07:41.30]-Are you using me for central heating? -Among other things. - 你想拿我當(dāng)暖氣么? - 還有其他原因
[07:43.40]-Okay. -All right. - 好的 - 太好了
[07:49.60]-Lisa? -I think something is wrong. - Lisa? - 我感覺不舒服
[07:51.90]-She's in pain. -Lisa? - 她很痛 - Lisa?
[07:53.80]Addison,something is not right.Oh, my god. Addison 有點(diǎn)問題 哦 我的天啊
[07:56.10]-I think I just wet my pants. -No, your water broke. - 我把褲子弄濕了 - 不 你的羊水破了
[07:58.70]She's in labor,and it's coming fast. 她要分娩了 馬上就要生了
[07:59.90]I'll call an ambulance.Uh, go get cooper. 我來叫救護(hù)車 幫我接Cooper
[08:01.90]And let the hospital know we're coming and call the chief. 告訴醫(yī)院我們馬上到 并通知主任
[08:04.10]I don't want any problems when I try to scrub in. 我不希望手術(shù)前出現(xiàn)什么問題
[08:06.10]Breathe. 呼吸
[08:07.50]-I need to push!-Don't push. - 我快要生了! - 不要在這里生
[08:09.50]Get her into labor and delivery right away.Jim, check her in. 送她進(jìn)產(chǎn)房 然后馬上分娩 Jim 給她掛號(hào)
[08:14.60]Lisa! Is she okay? Lisa! 她還好么?
[08:16.70]-Are they okay? -What happened? - 他們還好么? - 怎么了?
[08:18.00]-It's too early. -She's not due for another month. - 時(shí)間太早了 - 應(yīng)該還有一個(gè)月啊
[08:19.60]Well, I'm guessing that the stress of you all fighting and crowding her, 我估計(jì)是你們給她施加了太多的壓力
[08:22.10]declaring yourselves the father didn't help.Move! 總說你自己是爸爸沒有用 讓開!
[08:34.60]any word on lisa and the baby? 有Lisa和孩子的消息了么?
[08:37.70]we're still waiting. 我們也還在等
[08:40.60]-Therapy sucks. -Said the shrink. - 治療真討厭 - 精神科醫(yī)師這么說
[08:42.60]No, I mean my particular brand of therapy might actually be... 不 我是說我的治療也許只是...
[08:46.40]full of crap. 一堆廢話
[08:48.10]People talking about their problems endlessly, 人們總是在抱怨自己的問題
[08:50.20]telling people to think positively, visualize their destiny. 勸誡人們要積極思考 認(rèn)清命運(yùn)
[08:53.90]-It doesn't work? -I think positively. - 這不管用么? - 我思考很積極
[08:55.60]I visualize my destiny. 清楚自己的命運(yùn)
[08:58.60]And look, just look. 你看看 看看
[09:01.50]-What am I lookin' at? -Me... - 我看什么? - 我...
[09:05.40]my pathetic,miserable existence. 可憐痛苦的存在個(gè)體
[09:08.90]he left six months ago.He was a loser! 他六個(gè)月前走了 他是個(gè)失敗者!
[09:13.20]Do you know he peed a little bit every time he coughed? 你知不知道他一咳嗽就會(huì)尿出一點(diǎn)?
[09:16.10]Like an incontinent old woman.He smelled like pee. 就像一個(gè)失禁的老女人 聞上去就像小便
[09:20.30]and there I was, in the car, crying, 而我在車上 哭泣
[09:22.50]and I'm a serious feminist. 我是絕對(duì)的男女平等主義者
[09:25.10]Not to mention,my no-sex couple? 更不必說我的無性愛伴侶
[09:26.80]Turns out it was a hormone thing. It's physical. 結(jié)果是荷爾蒙紊亂 器質(zhì)性的
[09:29.10]In the old days we would've talked and talked and talked as paul got sicker and sicker. 過去我們總是不停的聊 而Paul的病越來越重
[09:34.90]My profession's becoming irrelevant. 我的專業(yè)變得很不適用
[09:38.60]maybe it's a good thing. 也許是件好事
[09:40.10]People should just tell the truth to the people in their lives. 人們應(yīng)該對(duì)身邊的人講實(shí)話
[09:42.80]They can'T. 他們做不到
[09:43.90]-If they could, we'd all be healthy. -Like me. - 如果可以的話 我們都能健康了 - 就像我
[09:46.50]-You're not healthy.You're in denial. -I am not in denial. - 你不健康 你在逃避 - 我沒有逃避
[09:48.60]You're in denial,and you're angry. 你在逃避 而且很生氣
[09:51.00]You're the angriest man I know. 你是最易怒的人
[09:52.30]Is that why you won't sleep with me? 這就是你不想跟我上床的原因么?
[09:53.60]You're in denial,you're angry, 你在逃避 而且很生氣
[09:55.70]and you use sex as weapon to deflect it. 性愛是你逆轉(zhuǎn)它的武器
[10:00.00]Oh. 哦
[10:01.80]now stimulating area 11. 現(xiàn)在開始刺激11區(qū)
[10:04.90]Ava, can you name this object? Ava 這是什么東西?
[10:06.70]-Flowers, pink and blue. -Avoiding area 11. - 花 粉色和藍(lán)色的 - 避開11區(qū)
[10:10.00]Moving superiorly.This will be area 12. 向上移動(dòng) 這是12區(qū)
[10:14.90]Una cara con los ojos azules y el pelo rubio. (西班牙語)
[10:20.00]-Was that spanish? -Was it? - 剛才是西班牙語? - 是么?
[10:22.30]Okay, I'm going on to 13. 好的 我繼續(xù)13區(qū)
[10:24.40]Il maison avec des galets rouge. (法語)
[10:28.70]all right.Now you're just showing off. 你就像是在炫耀
[10:30.30]Each language is stored in a different area of the brain. 每種語言記錄在大腦的不同區(qū)域
[10:32.20]And as I stimulate them...this will be 14. 我每次刺激都有反應(yīng)...這是14區(qū)
[10:34.50]So this isn't from the surgery? She actually speaks spanish and french? 那么說這不是手術(shù)的原因? 她本來就會(huì)說西班牙語和法語?
[10:37.40]Alex...das ist noch das haus. Alex...(德語)
[10:40.30]-And german? -She's hypoventilating. - 還有德語? - 她肺換氣不足
[10:42.20]Let's puther under and work on the bleed. 先放下這個(gè) 處理腦出血
[10:43.60]Can't we keep going just a few more minutes? 我們不能再繼續(xù)幾分鐘了么?
[10:45.10]Maybe she can get her memory back along with the languages. 也許她能像記起語言一樣重拾記憶
[10:47.10]If we don't control this bleed,she'll lose a lot more than her memory.She'll die. 如果我們不控制出血 她失去的就比記憶更多 她會(huì)死
[10:53.10]-why is this happening so fast? -Uh, doctors? - 為什么發(fā)生的這么快? - 醫(yī)生?
[10:56.20]Cooper, she's crowning. Cooper 胎頭娩出
[10:57.50]All right,just don't push, lisa. 好的 先不要用力 Lisa
[10:58.80]-Oh, push? Okay. -No! No, don't push, lisa. - 用力么? 好的 - 不! 不 不要用力 Lisa
[11:01.70]The cord's wrapped around the baby's neck. 嬰兒臍帶繞脖
[11:03.20]Oh, I'm sorry!I can't help it! 哦 抱歉! 我控制不了!
[11:05.50]God! Oh! 老天! 哦!
[11:11.50]-I'll hold her.You clamp and cut. -okay. - 我抱著她 你來剪臍帶 - 好
[11:12.80]-Is she okay? -Hang 20 of oxytocin. - 她還好嗎? - 給她20單位催產(chǎn)素
[11:17.30]8 french suction catheter. 8號(hào)吸引導(dǎo)管
[11:20.20]-Why isn't she crying? -Dr. Freedman's gonna be working on her. - 她怎么沒哭? - Freedman醫(yī)生會(huì)照顧她
[11:23.10]We need to focus on your right now, lisa. 我們現(xiàn)在得重點(diǎn)照顧你 Lisa
[11:24.90]Fortunately, you're not bleeding that much, 幸運(yùn)的是你出血不多
[11:26.50]so we should be able to remove the placenta by... 我們可以把胎盤取出 用...
[11:31.60]-by--by what? By what? -put her under, now. - 用 用什么? 用什么? - 按住她
[11:35.20]What's going on? 怎么了?
[11:36.30]Her uterus must have ruptured because of the placenta accreta. 胎盤增大 她的子宮肯定裂開了
[11:38.80]-We have to open her up. -No, no, no, no, no. - 我們得給她開腔了 - 不 不 不
[11:40.50]-The baby's not crying. -B.P.'S 58 over 32. - 孩子沒哭呢 - 血壓58/32
[11:42.90]-Don't put me under till the baby cries. -We don't have time, lisa. - 孩子沒哭前 不要給我麻醉 - 我們沒時(shí)間了 Lisa
[11:44.90]We have to put you under right now. 我們現(xiàn)在就得麻醉
[11:50.90]-go, addison. -Okay. - 上吧 Addison - 好
[11:52.70]Hang two units of b-positive and make sure we have plenty on standby. 給她輸2包B型陽性血 確定血源足夠
[11:56.40]She's gonna exsanguinate if we don't move quickly,people.10-blade. 如果我們動(dòng)作不夠快 她就會(huì)失血過多 伙計(jì)們 10號(hào)刀
[12:05.20]Lisa lost a lot of blood, Lisa流了很多血
[12:07.00]we had to put the baby on oxygen, but they are both stable. 我們不得不給孩子輸氧 但母子平安
[12:10.70]-Who's the father? -What? - 誰是孩子的父親? - 什么?
[12:12.90]You said you sent off for the paternity test. 你說你會(huì)送去做親子鑒定
[12:15.00]-Which one of us is the father? -Did lisa say anything, - 我們當(dāng)中誰是孩子的父親? - Lisa有說
[12:17.40]her decision about the baby? 要怎么處理孩子了嗎?
[12:20.90]Lisa lost a lot of blood, Lisa流了很多血
[12:23.40]we had to put the baby on oxygen, but they are both stable. 我們不得不給孩子輸氧 但母子平安
[12:27.30]I say it again 我又說了一遍
[12:28.80]because it seems like you didn't hear me the first time. 因?yàn)槟銈兒孟鬀]有聽明白
[12:31.60]They almost died.Lisa almost died. 她們差點(diǎn)就死了 Lisa差點(diǎn)就死了
[12:34.60]And so I didn't have time,what, with, um, trying to save her life, 所以我沒時(shí)間 呃 在救她的命的時(shí)候
[12:38.90]to pause and check on the paternity test or ask her about the baby's future. 停下來做個(gè)親子鑒定 問問她對(duì)孩子有什么打算
[12:43.40]What is wrong with you people? 你們這些家伙是怎么回事?
[12:46.50]-C-can--can we see the baby? -No. - 我們 能 能看看孩子嗎? - 不行
[12:49.20]None of you go near lisa or the baby until I say so. 在我允許你們之前 誰也不能接近Lisa或是孩子
[12:51.90]The child is not a possession that you fight over. 那孩子不是可以爭奪的所有物
[12:56.70]And by the way,not that you asked, 順便告訴你們
[12:58.40]it's a girl--6 pounds, 9 ounces. 是個(gè)女孩 6磅9盎司(約5斤)
[13:20.30]I don't remember. 我想不起來
[13:22.40]Hey.We got it, the bleed. 嘿 我們找到了 那個(gè)出血點(diǎn)
[13:25.10]You're gonna be fine. 你會(huì)好起來的
[13:26.80]By the way, uh,you rocked that surgery. You spoke three languages. 順便告訴你 你震驚了手術(shù)室 你能說3種語言
[13:31.50]I don't remember anything. 我什么事也不記得
[13:35.90]The surgery was sup-- 手術(shù)應(yīng)該可以...
[13:39.40]I th--I thought I would... 我以為 我可以...
[13:44.40]what am I gonna do? 我該怎么辦?
[13:46.10]What if... what if I never remember anything? 如果...如果我一輩子都記不起來呢?
[13:58.40]You sick, o'malley? 你不舒服嗎 O'malley?
[14:01.20]You feel fine.Take an aspirin and get off my clean bed. 你沒事 吃顆阿司匹林 從我干凈的床上滾下去
[14:06.50]You been married a long time, right? 你結(jié)婚很長時(shí)間了 對(duì)吧?
[14:08.50]-O'malley, I do not have time to answer-- -did you have doubts... - O'malley 我沒時(shí)間回答... - 你有沒有對(duì)...
[14:13.20]about your marriage?I don't mean,uh, insecurities. 你的婚姻產(chǎn)生過動(dòng)搖? 我不是說沒有安全感
[14:16.30]I mean really serious doubts. 我是說 嚴(yán)肅認(rèn)真地動(dòng)搖過
[14:17.70]Dr. Bailey, I need you to sign this before I can discharge bed ten. Bailey醫(yī)生 希望你簽好這個(gè) 我好讓10號(hào)床的出院
[14:20.50]No. He's supposed to get an I.V. Dose before discharge. 不行 他得打個(gè)點(diǎn)滴再出院
[14:23.80]Why don't people listen? 難道你們聽不懂嗎?
[14:31.30]Someday you'll have to explain to me how antibiotics actually work. 總有一天你得跟我解釋一下 抗生素到底是什么東西
[14:34.40]They are miraculous. 它們太神奇了
[14:36.30]Good afternoon.Uh, dr. Bailey asked me to look in. 下午好 Bailey醫(yī)生讓我過來看看
[14:39.40]Everything looks good. 一切看起來都不錯(cuò)
[14:40.60]We are going to take you to radiology to get a central line 我們要帶你去放射科做個(gè)中心靜脈置管
[14:43.80]-to continue your I.V. Antibiotics outpatient. -Okay. - 繼續(xù)注射靜脈抗生素 - 好的
[14:50.30]Hey, will you show your dad the cafeteria? 嘿 能帶你爸去逛逛自助餐廳嗎?
[14:52.40]-Sure.We're on to you,you know? -What? - 當(dāng)然 我們都聽你的 - 什么?
[15:02.90]Dr. Bailey.I was...looking for some privacy, Bailey醫(yī)生 我想...找點(diǎn)私人空間
[15:06.30]and, uh, I didn't think anyone would come looking for me down here.I apologize. 還有 我想沒人會(huì)來這兒找我 抱歉
[15:11.10]No problem.Take your time. 沒關(guān)系 請(qǐng)自便
[15:13.80]-Uh, dr. Bailey. -Yeah. - 呃 Bailey醫(yī)生 - 恩
[15:17.00]Um, you've been married a long time now, right? 你結(jié)婚很長時(shí)間了 對(duì)吧?
[15:20.20]Do you think it matters if one person... 你認(rèn)為其中一個(gè)...
[15:24.30]-is--is more ready? -O'malley! - 過于主動(dòng)會(huì)有什么問題嗎? - O'malley!
[15:29.50]-Yeah. -Come here. - 我在 - 過來
[15:34.60]-Yes. Hi, dr. Burke. -I want the two of you to talk to each other. - 是 你好 Burke醫(yī)生 - 我想你們倆可以相互談?wù)?br /> [15:38.00]I want you to talk to each other and leave my marriage out of it. 我要你們倆自己談?wù)?別把我的婚姻扯進(jìn)去
[15:40.90]I also want you to leave my clinic out of it. 我還要你們別把我的診所扯進(jìn)去
[15:43.10]And by that, I mean get out. 也就是說 現(xiàn)在給我滾
[15:45.10]I need the space,I need the peace, I need the quiet, and I need it now. 我需要空間 我需要平靜 我需要安靜 我現(xiàn)在就要
[15:48.00]-Sorry. -Yeah, right, sorry. - 抱歉 - 是 沒錯(cuò) 抱歉
[15:56.40]cooper, you're blocking the caffeine. Cooper 你擋著我喝咖啡了
[16:00.10]He's blocking the caffeine. 他擋著咖啡機(jī)了
[16:02.10]Cooper, if you move,I'll give you a cookie. Cooper 如果你挪開 我就給你塊餅干
[16:04.40]hey, did something go wrong with lisa's surgery? 嘿 Lisa的手術(shù)出問題了嗎?
[16:06.20]No, uh, we handled it.Addison--she is, 沒有 我們處理得不錯(cuò) Addison 她...
[16:08.70]pretty excellent.She's pretty excellent. 很厲害 她非常厲害
[16:14.40]okay, only because you've sighed twice... 好吧 你都嘆了兩聲氣了...
[16:17.00]what's the matter, cooper? 到底怎么了 Cooper?
[16:22.50]I don't go to hookers.I don't go to strip clubs. 我一不召妓 二不看脫衣舞
[16:24.90]I meet women on the internet that want to meet me. 我在網(wǎng)上結(jié)識(shí)愿意見我的女性
[16:28.00]So I like 'em a little younger and a little dirtier. 我希望她們年輕一點(diǎn) 淫蕩一點(diǎn)
[16:31.30]Is that wrong? 難道這也錯(cuò)了?
[16:35.60]It's wrong? 錯(cuò)了?
[16:36.90]You need to meet a grown-up. 你得認(rèn)識(shí)一個(gè)成年人
[16:38.30]You need to date someone your own age. 你得跟一個(gè)差不多年紀(jì)的約會(huì)
[16:39.40]Someone without a porny internet name and--and perhaps no criminal past. 一個(gè)沒有色情網(wǎng)名的 沒有前科的
[16:43.40]-A nice girl. -A viable girl. - 一個(gè)體面的好女孩 - 一個(gè)有盼頭的女孩
[16:44.90]Someone with whom you can have a relationship. 一個(gè)你可以跟她發(fā)展發(fā)展的
[16:46.60]You're a respected doctor. 你是個(gè)受人尊敬的醫(yī)生
[16:47.80]Go out in the real world,meet a woman your own age and ask her out. 去感受一下真實(shí)的世界 見見同年齡的女性 約她們出去
[16:51.70]Be a man, cooper. 做個(gè)男子漢 Cooper
[16:54.50]Be a man. 做個(gè)男子漢
[17:07.40]there you are. 你在這兒
[17:09.10]I just stopped by to see how lisa and the baby are doing. 我過來看看Lisa和孩子怎么樣了
[17:15.80]-you okay? -Yeah. I just--I... - 你還好吧? - 是 我只是 我...
[17:19.70]I had a little too much surgery today.But I'm--I'm good. 我今天做了太多手術(shù) 但我很好
[17:25.70]you look good. 你看上去不錯(cuò)
[17:27.90]you look... beautiful. 你...很漂亮
[17:33.00]Sam told me that I had to stay away from you Sam告訴我得離你遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)
[17:34.80]-because you're naomi's friend, but-- -stop it. - 因?yàn)槟闶荖aomi的朋友 但... - 別說了
[17:36.80]-What? -You're flirting. - 什么? - 你在調(diào)情
[17:38.30]-What's wrong with flirting? -What's wrong with it? - 調(diào)情錯(cuò)了嗎? - 錯(cuò)了嗎?
[17:40.50]What's wrong? 錯(cuò)了
[17:42.40]What's wrong is that I don't have time for it. 因?yàn)槲覜]精力對(duì)付這個(gè)
[17:45.10]I am... out of time. 我...沒時(shí)間
[17:47.10]I missed my chance.And now I have two eggs left. 我錯(cuò)過了機(jī)會(huì) 現(xiàn)在我只剩下兩個(gè)卵子了
[17:50.30]I might as well have no eggs left.I am egg-less. 我也可能沒卵子了 我沒卵子了
[17:54.50]Naomi says that she's dried up? I'm the one who's dried up. Naomi說她干涸了? 我才是干涸的那個(gè)
[17:57.10]I'm all barren and dried up. 我不孕又干涸
[17:59.30]And I have clearly been wasting my time on men. 顯然我在男人身上浪費(fèi)時(shí)間
[18:01.80]I mean, I might as well take up hobbies, 我是說 也許我可以培養(yǎng)個(gè)愛好
[18:04.00]like needlepoint or, um, collecting those little ceramic dolls, you know? 象繡繡花 或收集小陶器娃娃 你懂嗎?
[18:08.20]Because that's what dried up women do. They do needlepoint. 因?yàn)槟遣攀歉珊缘呐嗽撟龅?她們繡花
[18:11.70]They do not waste their time flirting with men who clearly just want to get laid. 她們才不浪費(fèi)時(shí)間 跟那些到處播種的男人調(diào)情
[18:16.30]they do not waste their time... 她們決不能浪費(fèi)時(shí)間...
[18:20.60]telling overly personal... 跟完全陌生的人...
[18:23.80]information about their eggs to total strangers. 說關(guān)于她們卵子的隱私
[18:27.10]Oh, my god. I'm sorry. 哦 我的老天 真是抱歉
[18:29.90]What are you doing? 你想干什么?
[18:33.00]I'm gonna kiss you. 我想吻你
[18:34.80]I'm gonna kiss you with tongue. 我想舌吻你
[18:37.80]I'm gonna kiss you so you feel it. 我想吻你 讓你感受到
[18:40.80]Okay? 好嗎?
[18:44.20]Okay. 好
[19:14.30]Why'd you do that? 你為什么這么做?
[19:16.90]To remind you... 提醒你...
[19:19.00]that you're not dried up. 你沒有干涸
[19:24.20]If you need me to remind you again... 如果你想要我再次提醒你...
[19:27.70]let me know. 告訴我
[19:31.20]Okay. 好
[19:42.10]-when did the cramping start? -A little while ago. - 什么時(shí)候開始疼的? - 有一會(huì)兒了
[19:44.40]-What is it? Is it-- -probably nothing serious. - 是什么? 是... - 也許沒什么關(guān)系
[19:46.70]It could just be a reaction to the antibiotics. 也許只是對(duì)抗生素的排斥
[19:48.60]We may have to switch to another one, but it may mean another night here. 我們可能得換一種 但得再留院觀察一個(gè)晚上
[19:53.00]It's okay, it's okay. 沒關(guān)系 沒關(guān)系
[19:55.20]It's okay. 沒關(guān)系
[20:03.00]Wait. 等等
[20:05.20]I know--I know that you think we're awful, 我知道 你認(rèn)為我們是爛人
[20:07.30]and I think that we're awful. 我也認(rèn)為我們是爛人
[20:09.70]I just, um... 我只是 呃...
[20:12.40]I just wanted a baby so badly. 我只是太想要個(gè)孩子了
[20:14.90]I just wanted a baby. 我只想要個(gè)孩子
[20:16.40]And I don't care who the father is, I don't care if the baby's mine. 我不在乎誰是孩子他爸 我也不在乎孩子是不是親生的
[20:19.70]All that matters is the baby. Is--is she gonna be okay? 最主要的是孩子 她會(huì)好起來吧?
[20:24.00]Just tell me that she's gonna be okay. 請(qǐng)告訴我她會(huì)好起來的
[20:30.60]She's gonna be okay. 她會(huì)好起來
[20:35.20]Thank you. 謝謝你
[20:37.00]You're welcome. 不用謝
[20:46.00]-I hear callie's going to be a bridesmaid. -Yeah. - 我聽說Callie要做伴娘 - 對(duì)
[20:51.90]Would you, um, 你會(huì) 呃...
[20:53.10]say that you were the one that needed more urging to get married? 說你是那個(gè)比較想結(jié)婚的嗎?
[20:57.20]Oh, I hadn'T... 哦 我還沒...
[20:59.20]really been thinking about it. 真正考慮過這事
[21:00.50]I--it just, uh, seemed like a good idea at the time. 只是在那時(shí)這個(gè)主意看上去不錯(cuò)
[21:06.40]You and cristina have been together for a while. 你和Cristina談了好一陣子了
[21:08.40]You got married pretty fast. 你真是閃電結(jié)婚
[21:09.40]So in theory it's better to know someone pretty well. 所以理論上說 越了解對(duì)方
[21:11.90]-Way better than-- -still, no guarantees. - 就越... - 還是沒什么保障
[21:16.20]I-I don'T... 我 我不...
[21:18.90]-believe in divorce. -Neither do I. - 想離婚 - 我也不想
[21:23.80]Is it possible... 你認(rèn)為...
[21:25.80]do you think,to love two people... 有可能同時(shí)愛上...
[21:31.20]at the same time? 兩個(gè)人嗎?
[21:33.80]I, uh... 我 呃...
[21:36.20]I'm still hoping it's possible just to love one person. 我還是希望只能愛一個(gè)人
[21:41.70]Hey. 嘿
[21:42.80]So, uh, it's not gonna be too weird, right? 不會(huì)太奇怪吧 對(duì)吧?
[21:45.10]-Me as a bridesmaid? -No, no, it's fine. - 我做伴娘? - 不不 很好
[21:46.90]-'Cause I can tell cristina-- -I said it's fine. - 也許我可以跟Cristina說 - 我說了很好
[21:48.70]-Really, no worries. -So, um... - 真的 別擔(dān)心 - 所以 呃...
[21:52.30]did george tell you he's thinking about transferring to mercy west? George告訴你他考慮調(diào)到西慈醫(yī)院了嗎?
[21:54.70]Yeah. Sounds like a good idea. 說了 聽上去不錯(cuò)
[21:58.80]-So we're fine? -Oh, we are. Fine. - 很好? - 是 很好
[22:03.40]Hey, that last dress was okay, wasn't it? 嘿 最后一條裙子不錯(cuò) 對(duì)吧?
[22:06.37]I mean, it was too tight and I couldn't breathe, but... 我是說 它太緊了 我都不能呼吸了 但...
[22:10.15]- A wedding's just one day, right? - Yeah. - 結(jié)婚只要一天 對(duì)吧? - 對(duì)
[22:12.05]- Yeah. - Yeah. - 對(duì) - 對(duì)
[22:15.49]Yeah. 對(duì)
[22:17.16]Santa Monica 圣莫尼卡
[22:18.80]We got Paul’s M.R.I. back, Paul的核磁共振結(jié)果出來了
[22:20.96]and I've consulted with dr. Straley at sloan-kettering. 我去咨詢了癌癥中心的Straley醫(yī)生
[22:24.52]We found a tumor on your adrenal gland.All right? 我們?cè)谀愕哪I上腺發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)腫瘤
[22:27.25]It sits right on top of the kidney, 正好在腎臟上方
[22:28.58]and it's what's been causing your low sex drive. 這正是你性欲冷談的原因
[22:32.23]So it wasn't me? He's got a condition. 所以不是因?yàn)槲? 是因?yàn)樗?br /> [22:35.33]A-a tumor, that's not too... 腫瘤 那不是太...
[22:38.90]You can treat that, right? 你們能治好 對(duì)吧?
[22:41.65]These tumors are usually aggressive and found late 這些腫瘤往往是具有侵略性 發(fā)現(xiàn)很遲
[22:44.51]because the symptoms are so subtle. 因?yàn)榘Y狀非常微弱
[22:47.54]what is that mean? 什么意思?
[22:48.91]Treatment is difficult and risky, 治療很困難 而且很冒險(xiǎn)
[22:51.34]but there is hope. 但希望還是有的
[22:54.11]Oh, my god, honey, I can't believe I yelled at you. 哦 老天 親愛的 我還對(duì)你大喊大叫
[22:57.25]I'm so sorry. 真是對(duì)不起
[22:59.29]It's all right, honey. It's okay. 沒關(guān)系 親愛的 沒關(guān)系
[23:00.76]No, I'm horrible.I'm so sorry. I love you so much. 不 我太可怕了 我真抱歉 我太愛你了
[23:23.89]Hello? 喂?
[23:27.87]Hello? 喂?
[23:32.06]Are you there... 你在嗎...
[23:34.54]Elevator god? 電梯之神?
[23:37.34]It's me, Addison. 是我 Addison
[23:40.21]What? 什么?
[23:41.83]- Hi. - Hi. - 你好 - 你好
[23:44.75]Okay, look, you may be a figment of my imagination, 好吧 也許你只是我的想象
[23:47.70]or maybe I'm going completely insane, 或許我已經(jīng)精神錯(cuò)亂了
[23:50.60]I don't know.Or maybe... 我不知道 或許...
[23:52.82]This is payback for my crimes on some ginormous karmic level, I don't know. 這是我最大的報(bào)應(yīng) 我不知道
[23:57.20]I just... 我只是...
[23:59.41]I just want to tell you I'm sorry for yelling at you. 我只是想告訴你我很抱歉對(duì)你大喊大叫
[24:06.14]Okay? 好嗎?
[24:08.85]Okay. 好的
[24:14.63]Well... 那么...
[24:16.57]Bye. 再見
[24:21.98]I am such a screwup... 我搞砸了...
[24:24.90]In my life. 我的人生
[24:26.69]Up until now, I have been really great at one thing. 直到現(xiàn)在 我只擅長一件事
[24:30.78]I am great... 做...
[24:33.66]At being Paul’s wife. Paul的好妻子
[24:35.64]And I thought he didn't want me anymore. 我以為他不要我了
[24:37.32]I thought--I was sure that he was in love with somebody else. 我以為 我確信他愛上別人了
[24:40.70]Of course you were. 你當(dāng)然會(huì)了
[24:42.91]I lied to Paul. 我對(duì)Paul撒了謊
[24:46.82]I was with a man that night that I didn't come home. 那天我沒回家 是跟一個(gè)男人在一起
[24:53.69]I didn't even find him that attractive. 我甚至不覺得他很迷人
[24:55.28]I just told myself that I wasn't gonna settle for being alone, you know? 我只是告訴自己我不想孤孤單單 你知道嗎?
[24:59.38]Kathy, you were reacting to what was in front of you. Kathy 你只是對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)做出反應(yīng)罷了
[25:03.12]There was no way you could know what was really going on. 你不可能知道到底出了什么事
[25:06.05]What do I do now? 我現(xiàn)在該怎么辦?
[25:16.24]You do what you're great at. 做你擅長的事
[25:19.39]You love your husband. 愛你的丈夫
[25:28.25]You're gonna have to tell me that a lot, okay? 你要常常提醒我 好嗎?
[25:31.75]Okay. 好的
[25:37.76]Hey, everyone else is gone. I was heading out. 嘿 其他人都走了 我也要出去
[25:40.83]Uh, unless-- 呃 除非...
[25:42.36]I was gonna get some food. You want something? 我去找點(diǎn)吃的 你要嗎?
[25:45.82]Oh... No.I... 哦...不 我...
[25:48.30]I ate. Thanks for asking. 我吃過了 謝謝
[25:52.71]Another night? 改天嗎?
[25:55.76]- Dell, are you-- - asking you out on a date?Yes. - Dell 你在... - 約你出去? 對(duì)
[25:57.84]- You can't ask me out. - Yes, I can. - 你不能約我出去 - 不 我可以
[26:00.06]- No, you can't. - I asked. - 不 你不能 - 我已經(jīng)約了
[26:02.02]You're--you're a fetus. 你還是 還是個(gè)孩子
[26:05.07]You could be my fetus. 你都可以做我兒子了
[26:07.11]Coo coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson. Coo coo cachoo Robinson夫人 (電影<畢業(yè)生>中的歌詞)
[26:08.94]You can't use "the graduate" as a defense. 你不能拿<畢業(yè)生>當(dāng)借口
[26:11.48]You can't use a movie made before you were born as a defense. 你不能拿你出生前的電影當(dāng)借口
[26:14.27]Go out with me. 跟我出去約會(huì)
[26:16.44]I like you, and you like me. 我喜歡你 你也喜歡我
[26:24.51]- Dell. - Yeah. - Dell - 在
[26:28.91]Never gonna happen. 永遠(yuǎn)不可能
[26:44.20]I'm starting to think L.A. Is like new york, but with a beach. 我開始把洛杉磯看作紐約 只是多了一個(gè)海灘
[26:48.07]Why do you think we moved here? 你想我們?yōu)槭裁窗岬竭@兒?
[26:50.98]Uh, Pete. 呃 Pete
[26:52.93]Uh, isn't it time for you to get some refills? 呃 是不是該你去拿酒了?
[26:55.62]Thanks. Thanks, buddy. 謝謝 謝謝 兄弟
[27:03.18]Okay, pete is my friend, don't get me wrong, but-- 好了 Pete是我朋友 別會(huì)錯(cuò)意 但...
[27:06.97]why are you warning me about him? 你為什么要警告我?
[27:08.39]What, is he like a serial killer? Is he a felon? 他看上去象個(gè)連環(huán)殺手? 還是他是個(gè)重罪犯?
[27:10.96]Is he sesecretly my ex-husband's best friend? 還是他是我前夫的"秘密好友"?
[27:14.52]His wife died eight years ago. 他妻子8年前去世了
[27:17.74]- Now I feel shallow. - No, it's just... - 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我真膚淺 - 不 只是...
[27:20.81]He can't connect with women. 他沒辦法跟女性有所發(fā)展
[27:22.87]He's a good man, but if you want someone who's gonna be there, 他是個(gè)好人 但如果你找個(gè)人依靠
[27:26.35]then Pete's not that guy. 那就不會(huì)是Pete
[27:30.38]- You ready? - Yeah, good. - 你準(zhǔn)備好了? - 對(duì) 很好
[27:41.33]This is nice, huh? 很不錯(cuò) 對(duì)吧?
[27:44.19]- It is. - Yeah. - 對(duì) - 對(duì)
[27:53.90]No, no. Oh, no. 不 不 哦 不
[27:55.63]- What? - That's not nice. - 什么? - 那可不好
[27:57.18]- Oh, you s-- - hold it, hold it, hold on. - 哦 你... - 打住 打住 打住
[27:58.86]You said, "be a man." 你說 "做個(gè)男子漢"
[27:59.66]Oh, cooper, I commend you. 哦 Cooper 我欣賞你
[28:01.91]You're making an effort. But I'm--I'm-- 你有了點(diǎn)進(jìn)步 但我 我...
[28:04.14]but I'm your friend. 但我是你朋友
[28:05.59]You can't be a man with your friend. 你不能對(duì)你朋友出手
[28:08.95]- Isn't that settling? - Kinda, yeah. - 不是這樣嗎? - 是吧 對(duì)
[28:15.06]- Yes. - Okay. - 對(duì) - 好
[28:16.69]- Settling. - Great. - 是這樣 - 好極了
[28:17.91]- Thank you, yes. - But we're good? - 謝謝 沒錯(cuò) - 我們還是好朋友?
[28:19.30]- We're very good. - Okay. - 我們是好朋友 - 好
[28:23.85]Hey, ex-best friend. 嘿 前好友
[28:25.29]- Hey, ex-husband. - You are drunk. - 嘿 前夫 - 你醉了
[28:27.59]Ten more minutes, and I start dancing, and I require company. 再十分鐘 我要跳舞 我要人陪
[28:35.73]I don't think I've ever seen her drunk before. 我想我還沒見她喝醉過
[28:39.60]Sam... Sam...
[28:44.56]Did you cheat on her? 你是不是有外遇?
[28:46.71]Over the years, there have been temptations, 幾年里 總有些誘惑
[28:50.32]but, no... 但 沒有...
[28:52.62]I didn't. 我沒有
[28:53.42]Was there a lot of fighting or... 經(jīng)常吵架 還是...
[28:57.05]Hardly ever. 幾乎沒有
[29:00.28]Honestly... 老實(shí)說...
[29:03.38]It was bad, what I did. 我做了很糟的事
[29:08.12]I have no good reason. 我無從解釋
[29:11.72]I woke up one day... 某一天我醒來
[29:14.43]And I couldn't do it anymore. 然后我就再也不能待下去了
[29:17.55]It wasn't even a choice. 甚至都沒有猶豫過
[29:21.68]I had a thought... 只是有了個(gè)想法...
[29:24.37]Next thing you know... 接著
[29:26.86]I'm burning it all down. 我就把什么都搞砸了
[29:29.63]I left her. 我拋棄了她
[29:33.02]I don't know why. 我不知道為什么
[29:36.63]I don't know why. 我不知道為什么
[29:39.24]- What kind of a person does that? - Hell if I know. - 什么人會(huì)那么做? - 你問我我問誰
[29:43.44]And I did it, too. 而且我也那么做過
[29:51.72]So I ran into Allan... At whole foods. 后來我遇到Allan... 在Whole Foods超市
[29:54.77]Wanna hear something funny? 想聽笑話嗎?
[29:57.22]He said he didn't believe in marriage, that marriage wasn't for him. 他說他不相信婚姻 婚姻就是他的墳?zāi)?br /> [30:00.72]But I guess that was wrong, because it only took him four months. 但我想他錯(cuò)了 因?yàn)椴胚^了四個(gè)月
[30:05.62]Four months after we broke up, he got married, 我們分手四個(gè)月后 他結(jié)婚了
[30:08.63]to someone who can't be more than 25 years old. 娶了一個(gè)不到25歲的姑娘
[30:11.93]Isn't that funny? 好笑吧?
[30:29.30]It heads off rejection. 這樣免得被拒絕
[30:32.39]What? 什么?
[30:34.09]That's why I like the internet. 所以我熱愛因特網(wǎng)
[30:36.43]I can't stand the... 我不能忍受...
[30:39.32]It's horrible, being rejected. 被拒絕的話 太可怕了
[30:42.90]It is. 是啊
[30:56.20]Preston, I thought you had a late surgery. Preston 我以為你晚上還要做手術(shù)呢
[31:04.21]You know all that... 你知道那些...
[31:06.54]"I trust you" crap? "我相信你"之類的廢話嗎?
[31:08.36]You've been pulling that on me since I was this high. 從我這么高的時(shí)候 你就一直嘮叨這些鬼話
[31:10.57]- Preston, language. - No. - Preston 不準(zhǔn)說粗話 - 不
[31:13.82]"I trust you" is code for "learn from your mistakes." "我相信你"就代表著 "從你的錯(cuò)誤中吸取教訓(xùn)"
[31:18.95]This is not a mistake. 這不是錯(cuò)誤
[31:20.14]- I never said it was a mistake. - Cristina never knows - 我也從沒說過那是錯(cuò)誤 - Cristina永遠(yuǎn)不知道...
[31:23.81]what's good for her. That's who she is. 什么對(duì)她好 她就是這樣的人
[31:25.97]- Preston-- - she hates change. - Preston... - 她厭惡改變
[31:28.67]I lead. I have to. 那我就帶頭 我必須帶頭
[31:31.02]And then she's grateful. 然后她就很開心
[31:32.20]That's how it was with dating, with moving in. 我們就是這么開始約會(huì) 然后同居的
[31:34.95]Then I'm pleased for you. 我為你高興
[31:37.44]Look, I am going to make her happy, mama. 聽著 我想讓她快樂 媽媽
[31:40.83]The wedding is a huge step, 結(jié)婚是件大事
[31:42.25]and she's being a great sport. You know why? 她已經(jīng)很努力了 你知道為什么嗎?
[31:44.21]Because she will be happy someday. 因?yàn)榻K有一天她會(huì)幸福的
[31:48.44]If you are so sure... 如果你這么確信...
[31:51.29]Why are you yelling at me? 為什么還對(duì)我大喊大叫?
[32:01.57]What happened? 發(fā)生什么事了?
[32:02.88]She's septic. 她有敗血癥
[32:03.88]The sooner we can get her to an O.R., The sooner we can help her. 越早送她到手術(shù)室 越早能救她
[32:05.98]- Let's move.Move. - Richard, what--what happened? - 讓開 讓開 - Richard 什...什么情況?
[32:07.71]Extremely rare complication. 非常罕見的并發(fā)癥
[32:08.99]Toxic mega colon with a perforation. 巨結(jié)腸中毒 并發(fā)穿孔
[32:11.01]Can you get your dad out of this room, please? 讓你爸爸出去 好嗎?
[32:12.24]This fast? How could-- 這么快? 怎么...
[32:13.74]sometimes it progresses this rapidly. Very rarely, but sometimes. 有時(shí)這個(gè)過程就是很快 非常罕見 但確實(shí)會(huì)有
[32:16.98]We booked an O.R. 已經(jīng)預(yù)定手術(shù)室了
[32:17.75]You're going into surgery right now? I-I didn't sign a consent form. 你們馬上就要?jiǎng)邮中g(shù)嗎? 我...我都沒簽知情同意書
[32:20.87]She needs surgery right now, Thatcher. Not tomorrow, not later today. 她需要立刻手術(shù) Thatcher 等不到明天 也等不到晚些時(shí)候
[32:24.44]- Right now. - Thatcher. - 立刻! - Thatcher
[32:25.60]- Honey, listen-- - we need you to stay back, okay? - 親愛的 聽著 - 你得待在這兒 好嗎?
[32:36.61]You're gonna be okay. This happens. 你沒事的 肯定會(huì)沒事的
[32:38.44]You're gonna be okay. 你沒事的
[32:40.29]We're losing her pulse she's coding. 她快沒脈搏了!
[32:42.09]Okay, let's go. Let's move.Move. 好了 我們開始 快點(diǎn) 干活!
[32:51.48]She's okay, huh? 她沒事 嗯哈?
[32:53.52]I mean, after all she went through, she still looks pretty awesome. 我是說 她經(jīng)歷了這么多依然很漂亮
[32:57.69]Lisa, we need to know what you want to do with the baby. Lisa 我們要知道你想怎么處理這個(gè)孩子
[33:01.37]Carol-- she wants this so bad. Carol 她想得這么急啊
[33:03.64]This is about what you want. 現(xiàn)在決定權(quán)在你手上
[33:06.60]We did find out the paternity. 我們確實(shí)查清了父子關(guān)系
[33:07.97]No, no. I don't wanna know. 不 不 我不想知道
[33:12.40]She's awesome, though. 她這么漂亮
[33:15.77]You don't have to decide right now. 你不需要馬上決定
[33:17.66]No. I know what I want to do. 不 我知道我要干嘛
[33:24.73]Lisa gave the baby to carol. Lisa把孩子給了Carol
[33:26.59]On the condition they'd all be part of her life. 條件是他們都要成為孩子生命中的一部分
[33:28.95]So it turns out the baby will have three dads anyway. 所以這個(gè)孩子將有三個(gè)爸爸
[33:31.52]- And two moms. - Lisa did a good thing. - 和兩個(gè)媽媽 - Lisa做了件好事
[33:34.50]They look happy. 他們看上去很幸福
[33:37.94]They look like a family. 就像一家人
[34:08.56]- Izzie, look-- - look, I don't want you to go. - Izzie 聽著... - 聽著 我不要你走
[34:10.65]To mercy west-- I don't want you... 去西慈醫(yī)院 我不要你走...
[34:13.79]It's not fair. 這不公平
[34:17.96]I know we can't help what happened, and I know that we didn't... 我知道事已至此 我也知道我們沒有...
[34:22.34]I stood in that bridal shop with your wife, 我和你老婆站在婚紗店里
[34:24.94]and I smiled and I talked, and I felt like... 我笑著 說著 我覺得...
[34:30.83]It's not fair. 這不公平
[34:32.89]I don't want you to go to mercy west because I'm losing my best friend, 我不要你去西慈醫(yī)院 因?yàn)槲易詈玫呐笥岩x我而去
[34:35.71]and it's not fair. 這不公平
[34:39.89]It's just not fair. 就是不公平
[35:17.97]We can't. 我們不能
[35:20.29]I know. 我知道
[35:24.11]Hey. I was looking for you. 嗨 我正在找你
[35:26.13]You ready to go? 準(zhǔn)備走了嗎?
[35:35.01]A lot of folks would kill for what you have, you know? 一大幫人想像你一樣呢 你知道嗎...
[35:37.74]A clean slate. 有一段清白歷史
[35:40.47]So you don't remember? So what? 你想不起來? 那又如何?
[35:44.16]You'll make new memories. 你會(huì)有新的回憶
[35:46.37]Oh, wow. Look at that. 哇哦 看那個(gè)
[35:49.02]It's so beautiful. 真漂亮
[35:55.60]How can you be so... 你怎么能這么...
[35:58.63]You're so good with me. 對(duì)我這么好
[36:01.65]What's wrong with you that you can't be this good with someone you have feelings for? 你為什么在面對(duì)對(duì)你有好感的人時(shí) 不能這么好?
[36:07.11]What happened to you, Alex? 你怎么回事啊 Alex?
[36:17.49]Maybe I don't remember. So what? 也許我想不起來了 那又怎樣?
[36:56.92]W-we did everything... We could. 我... 我們竭盡...全力了
[37:13.62]You--you said it was really simple 你... 你說這手術(shù)很簡單
[37:16.48]and that it was this... 而這就是...
[37:18.40]Small thing. 簡單嗎?
[37:19.87]- It was. - She had the hiccups. - 以前是的... - 她只是打嗝
[37:25.95]She came here... 她來這兒...
[37:27.82]Because-- because she trusted you. 是因?yàn)?.. 因?yàn)樗湃文?br /> [37:31.66]I trusted you. 我相信你
[37:35.44]- Meredith, just stop...Okay, just stop. - No, don't.Don't. - Meredith 停下...停下 - 不 別這樣
[37:39.50]At some point, maybe we accept that the dream has become a nightmare. 某種程度上 也許我們要接受 美夢(mèng)會(huì)變成噩夢(mèng)的事實(shí)
[37:45.73]She had the hiccups. 她打嗝
[37:50.32]Oh, god. The hiccups. 哦 上帝 打嗝
[38:02.73]They've left. It's just us. 他們都走了 只剩我們了
[38:06.18]Oh, thank god. Ohh. 哦 感謝上帝 哦
[38:19.47]- I got a dress. - Yeah? - 我買了件裙子 - 是嗎?
[38:24.40]You happy? 你快樂嗎?
[38:27.84]Yeah. Are you...Happy? 是啊 你呢...快樂嗎?
[38:33.68]Yeah. 是啊
[38:39.58]We tell ourselves the reality is better. 我們告訴自己現(xiàn)實(shí)更好
[38:47.53]Limes! 酸橙來了!
[38:48.95]- Limes. - Limes. 酸橙!
[38:50.16]So what are we drinking to this time? 這次喝酒為了什么?
[38:52.20]Friends. Crappy friends. 朋友 蹩腳的朋友
[38:55.17]Family. Crappy family. 家人 蹩腳的家人
[39:03.06]Again? 再來?
[39:04.65]- Again. - Again. - 再來 - 再來
[39:07.94]Who wants another? 誰想再來一杯?
[39:21.88]We convince ourselves it's better that we never dream at all. 我們說服自己寧愿從來沒有過夢(mèng)
[39:26.76]But the strongest of us, the most determined of us, 但我們最堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的 最有魄力的...
[39:31.08]we hold on to the dream. 則是抱有夢(mèng)想
[39:33.13]You're ugly and old. 你真是又丑又老
[39:34.97]I'll miss you, too. 我也會(huì)想你的
[39:37.00]Okay. 好吧
[39:42.61]There is an empty office. 那兒有間空的辦公室
[39:45.31]Don't tempt me. 別勾引我
[39:46.95]Think about it. 考慮一下啊
[39:50.64]Or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. 或者我們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己 面對(duì)著一個(gè)從未想過的新夢(mèng)想
[39:57.40]Hold the door. 等一下
[39:59.73]We awake to find ourselves... 我們意識(shí)到自己...
[40:02.83]Against all odds... 一反常態(tài)地...
[40:06.24]Feeling hopeful. 充滿希望
[40:08.58]This is gonna sound... 這好像有點(diǎn)...
[40:11.09]When no one else is around, the elevator kind of, uh... 當(dāng)身邊空無一人 這電梯就有點(diǎn)...
[40:16.85]Talks to me. 像在跟我對(duì)話一樣
[40:20.60]- Hi, Tilly. - Hey, Pete. - 嗨 Tilly - 嗨 Pete
[40:24.23]That's Tilly. 那是Tilly
[40:25.42]She works security. The camera is right there. 她負(fù)責(zé)安保 攝像頭在那兒
[40:30.07]Oh. 哦
[40:34.97]Hello, Tilly. 你好 Tilly
[40:36.72]Hey, I get my kicks wherever I can. 嗨 我能隨時(shí)隨地滿足我的好奇心
[40:41.46]- You goin' home? - Yeah... - 你回家? - 是啊
[40:44.38]Home. 回家
[40:46.13]You get what you came for? 你來干嘛?
[40:48.58]I honestly... 說真的
[40:50.81]Don't know. 我也不知道
[40:54.40]Do you want me to kiss you again? 你想我再吻你一次嗎?
[40:58.48]I think... 我想...
[41:00.90]Not. 算了吧
[41:02.43]Because of the elevators where you come from? 是因?yàn)槟愠俗碾娞輪?
[41:04.04]Those horny, aphrodisiac elevators? 那些淫蕩的 催情的電梯?
[41:07.91]Yeah, that, and, um... 哦 那個(gè)...嗯...
[41:10.06]I'm not interested, so... 我沒興趣 所以...
[41:12.80]Oh. 哦
[41:25.51]You're interested. 你是有興趣的
[41:29.70]And if we're lucky, we realize... 如果幸運(yùn)的話 我們會(huì)意識(shí)到...
[41:33.32]In the face of everything, in the face of life... 面對(duì)人生 面對(duì)一切
[41:41.89]The true dream... 那個(gè)真實(shí)的夢(mèng)...
[41:45.69]Is being able to dream at all. 正在從容上演

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