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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:55:55
[00:00.01]Previously on "grey's anatomy"... 前情提要
[00:02.46]this is the best breakup ever. 這是最好的一次分手
[00:03.86]She's doing mcdreamy. 她又和美夢先生睡了
[00:05.20]Norman is an intern. Norman是個實習生
[00:06.45]I'm your sister. 我是你妹妹
[00:07.34]You're not a girl I ever wanted to have to know 我從來沒想要認識你
[00:09.41]because our dad chose you. 因為我們的父親選擇了你
[00:10.81]My niece's cancer's come back. 我侄女癌癥又復發(fā)了
[00:12.54]She's 17 years old and she's gonna die. 她才17歲 而她就要死了
[00:18.41]Alex,I'm sorry. I can'T. Alex 對不起 我不能...
[00:20.19]I slept with izzie. 我和Izzie上床了
[00:25.94]in life,only one thing is certain... 在人的一生中 只有一件事是確定的...
[00:28.91]apart from death and taxes... 除了死亡和納稅...
[00:31.42]no matter how hard you try, 不管你有多努力
[00:33.52]no matter how good your intentions, 不管你想法多美好
[00:35.80]you are going to make mistakes. 你注定會犯錯誤
[00:37.95]callie. Callie
[00:39.53]You're going to hurt people. 你注定會傷害到別人
[00:41.45]You're going to get hurt. 你注定會受傷害
[00:43.09]And if you ever want to recover... 如果你想修復...
[00:45.20]you haven't said anything in... 你一言不發(fā)...
[00:47.72]in... 已經(jīng)...
[00:54.03]just say something. 你就說句話吧
[00:57.76]Please. 求你了
[00:59.80]Anything. 隨便什么
[01:01.39]There's really only one thing you can say. 你也只能說這么一句
[01:05.91]I forgive you. 我原諒你
[01:09.00]What? 什么
[01:11.87]You made a mistake. 你犯了錯誤
[01:17.74]But we took vows... till death do us part... so... 但我們發(fā)過誓... 直到死亡分開我們...所以...
[01:23.10]I forgive you. 我原諒你
[01:30.73]Izzie,why aren't you picking up your phone? Izzie 為什么不接電話
[01:32.16]You need to pick up your phone. 快接電話呀
[01:33.39]I just talked to callie and... 我剛和Callie談過...
[01:35.31]george. George
[01:36.14]I gotta find izzie. 我要去找Izzie
[01:37.13]- We have rounds in five minutes. - Right after I find izzie. - 五分鐘后我們要巡房 - 等我找到Izzie再說
[01:42.67]You wanna go away with me this weekend? 這個周末想跟我出去嗎
[01:44.12]Why would I want to go away with you? 為什么我要跟你出去?
[01:45.58]Because of this. 因為這個
[01:47.81]We didn't go away when we were a couple. 我們拍拖時都沒怎么離開過
[01:49.93]Now we're not a couple,and not couples have no reason to go away together. 現(xiàn)在我們不是情侶 就更沒有理由這樣做
[01:52.82]Meredith,you're not paying attention. Meredith 你沒搞明白
[01:53.95]I'm talking about 48 uninterrupted hours of this. 我是說48小時不間斷的這個
[01:59.73]Where would we go? 我們去哪里?
[02:00.61]Wine country. 葡萄酒之鄉(xiāng)
[02:01.77]Wine country sounds like a couples' place. 葡萄酒之鄉(xiāng)聽上去 應該是情侶去的地方
[02:03.51]Well,there's wine,there's country,and you wouldn't see any of it. 那兒有酒 有鄉(xiāng)村 但是你什么也看不到
[02:06.39]We'd be in bed all weekend. 整個周末我們會呆在床上
[02:08.66]Oh,a weekend of sex. 整個周末的性
[02:10.72]Now you're paying attention. 現(xiàn)在你明白了
[02:13.23]well,I would have to get someone to cover for me. 我得找個人替我的班
[02:15.15]Okay,so you're in? 好的 那你答應?
[02:16.87]48 uninterrupted hours of this. 48小時不間斷
[02:20.47]I'm in. 我答應
[02:23.99]Oh,great. 好極了
[02:25.77]I'm stuck in the pit protecting smackheads and gangbangers with my idiot interns, 我要保護急診室的吸毒犯和黑幫 不被笨實習荼毒
[02:29.59]and you're getting mcdreamied in the elevator? 而你和美夢先生 卻在電梯里卿卿我我
[02:31.40]Really,smackheads and gangbangers at seattle grace,huh? 西雅圖仁愛有吸毒犯和黑幫?
[02:34.33]My point is,I hate interns. 我是說 我討厭實習生
[02:35.98]Well,lexie's not that bad,is she? Lexie可沒有那么差勁 對吧
[02:37.66]Oh,are we not hating her anymore? 我們不需要再討厭她了嗎
[02:39.39]Oh,no. We still hate the idea of her. 我們還是討厭她的想法
[02:41.45]We just realized we don't have a reason to hate the actual person. 只是沒什么理由討厭她本人
[02:44.49]She's an intern. 她是個實習生
[02:45.66]That's reason enough. 光這點就夠了
[02:47.26]I think you may be the new nazi. 我想你會變成一個新"納粹"的
[02:49.61]Damn right. 說得很對
[02:50.66]I don't see any charts. 我怎么沒看見病歷
[02:56.65]Will you work for me on saturday? 星期六可以替我的班嗎
[02:58.23]What's in it for me? 給我什么好處
[02:59.34]What do you want? 你要什么好處
[03:00.03]- Take norman off my hands today. - Who? - 今天幫我?guī)orman - 誰?
[03:01.95]The world's oldest intern. 世界上最老的實習生
[03:03.69]I've got mynterns in the pit,and he's only gonna slow me down. 我要帶實習生去急診室 他會拖慢我的進度
[03:05.89]Ageist. 年齡歧視
[03:06.62]Deal? 答應否?
[03:08.01]Fine. 好吧
[03:11.15]Rounds. 巡房
[03:11.85]Still can't find izzie. 還是找不到Izzie
[03:12.70]I'm gonna have to put you in the clinic if you miss rounds. 你不來巡房 我就把你塞到門診去
[03:15.02]Oh,the clinic! 門診!
[03:18.32]Uh,ms.Sayles,hi.I'm dr.Bailey. Sayles小姐 我是Bailey醫(yī)生
[03:20.42]Oh,you are? 你是?
[03:21.45]Uh,the boyfriend who warned her not to read on the stairmaster. 提醒她別在踏步機上看書的男朋友
[03:26.62]That's how I did this. 我就是這樣
[03:27.60]I fell off last night. 昨晚摔了下來
[03:29.55]I took a ton of ibuprofen,but when I woke up this morning,it was huge and hideous. 我吃了很多布洛芬 今天早上醒來就腫成這樣了
[03:33.95]How much ibuprofen did you take? 你吃了多少布洛芬
[03:35.67]I usually take some every day anyway,because of the gym, 我平時每天也吃一點 因為減肥的緣故
[03:38.62]so I doubled the dose,but it did nothing for me. 所以我就加倍了劑量 但不起作用
[03:41.08]Okay,let's get some x-rays and then... 好吧 照X光 然后...
[03:42.80]actually,can I justst get ahot of cortisone or something? 我能不能打針可的松 或者別的什么
[03:45.50]I'm supposed to meet my trainer anoon. 我中午要見我教練
[03:47.26]Uh,ms.Sayles,I can't treat you until I find out what's wrong with you. Sayles女士 知道你問題所在之前 我不會給你治療
[03:54.13]Have you seen dr.Stevens? 你見到Stevens醫(yī)生了嗎
[03:55.48]Check the pit. 看看急診室
[03:57.20]Right. 好的
[03:59.84]What time do you think we'll be done? 什么時候可以搞定?
[04:01.65]Just so I can tell my trainer. 我好告訴我教練一聲
[04:06.73]lexie! Sorry. Lexie 對不起
[04:08.01]- Uh,have you seen dr.Stevens? - No. - 你見過Stevens醫(yī)生嗎 - 沒
[04:09.86]- Have you seen dr.Yang? - No. - 你見過Yang醫(yī)生嗎 - 沒
[04:11.24]She told me to meet her here in the pit,and she's not here. 她叫我在急診室等她 但她不在
[04:13.14]I don't want to give that woman any more reasons to hate me. 我不想讓那女人更討厭我
[04:14.92]- Good for you. - I'm prepared. - 很好 - 我做好準備了
[04:16.20]I'm gonna answer every question correctly. 我要答對每一道題
[04:17.39]And I'm not gonna take any more of her crap. 我不要再聽她罵人
[04:18.98]Three! 3號
[04:19.63]Incoming,let's move. 有傷者 快來
[04:21.92]He got hit during a scrimmage. 他在搶球時被打到了
[04:23.33]Are you the coach? 你是教練嗎
[04:24.08]He's my dad. 他是我爸爸
[04:25.01]And his coach. 以及教練
[04:26.12]He was charging the receiver after the kickoff. 他在開球后負責接球
[04:27.87]He got blocked,had his head down,couldn't see the other guy coming. 他被擋住了 頭朝下 看不到別人正沖過來
[04:30.70]I had my head down because the guy blocking me was hoing it down. 我頭朝下是因為 被那個攔截我的人按住了
[04:33.80]You could've gotten past that guy. 你本來可以過他的
[04:35.05]I need you to leave the room. 你得離開這個房間
[04:37.34]Okay,let's cut him out of his equipment. I need the saw. 讓我們把他從護具里弄出來 我要把鋸子
[04:39.10]Dr.GreyI need you to help me stabilize his neck and his head,please. Grey醫(yī)生 請你幫我穩(wěn)住他的脖子和頭
[04:42.27]It's very important,adam,that you not move your head. 這很重要 Adam 你的頭不能動
[04:44.63]I need you to keep perfectly still. 我要你好好地保持別動
[04:46.03]Don't move. 別動
[04:46.92]Relax. 放松
[04:54.03]- O'malley,what's the hur? - Sorry,I can't talk,chief. - O'Malley 什么事那么急 - 不好意思 我來不及說了 主任
[04:59.37]O'malley? O'Malley
[05:00.90]I... 我...
[05:04.99]sorry,I... 對不起 我...
[05:06.55]I just gotta find izzie. 我要找到Izzie
[05:08.44]She's at the third floor nurses' station. 她在三樓的護士站
[05:10.50]Oh. Thanks. 哦 謝謝
[05:12.47]Oh,and...and when you find her, 你...你找到她時
[05:13.88]tell her dr.Torres is looking or her. 告訴她Torres醫(yī)生在找她
[05:21.91]now I know charting doesn't seem as exciting as surgery, 我知道填病歷沒有手術好玩
[05:25.41]but it is every bit as important. 但同樣重要
[05:27.10]Believe me when I tell you,people,penmanship saves lives. 相信我說的 寫字一樣能救人
[05:30.63]Pick up your phone. 接電話啊
[05:31.89]What kind of doctor doesn't pick up their phone? 什么樣的醫(yī)生才不接電話啊
[05:33.72]Is that a 7 or is that a 9? 這是7還是9?
[05:35.24]If I have to ask myself that question in the middle of an emergency,your patient is dead. 如果緊急事故中還要想 那病人就死了
[05:38.94]You killed him with your handwriting. 是你的筆跡謀殺他
[05:42.88]Think about that. 好好想想
[05:45.16]Callie. Callie
[05:46.78]Hey. 嘿
[05:48.34]Hi. 嗨
[05:49.07]We have to talk. 我們要談談
[05:50.64]Okay. Um,about? 好啊 什么事
[05:53.71]George told me. George告訴我了
[05:56.37]- He told you? - Everything. - 他告訴你了? - 所有的事
[05:59.10]Cafeteria,noon,you and me. 自助餐廳 中午見 就你和我
[06:02.75]Be there. 準時
[06:08.07]Dude,is she gonna kick her ass? 她是不是準備找她單挑?
[06:18.70]醫(yī)人當自強 第四季 第4集
[06:19.79]She forgave you? 她原諒了你?
[06:20.75]She said I had a rough year, 她說我這一年不好過
[06:22.96]that people make mistakes,and that... 是人都會犯錯...
[06:26.01]- that I made a mistake. - Oh,so now I'm a mistake? - 我犯了個錯 - 我就是那個錯誤
[06:29.34]back off! 退后!
[06:30.39]No,she said that. I didn't say that. 不 她說的 我沒有那樣說
[06:31.61]What did you say? 那你說了什么
[06:32.52]Um,I didn't expect her to forgive me. 我沒想過她會原諒我
[06:35.36]I expected... 我以為會是...
[06:36.65]rage,uh,bloodshed. 暴怒 和血腥的場面
[06:38.63]No,she's saving all her rage and bloodshed for me. 不 暴怒和血腥是為我準備的
[06:40.91]- She's gonna kill me in the cafeteria at lunch. - No,she wouldn'T. - 她中午會在自助餐廳殺了我 - 不 她不會的
[06:42.94]She breaks bones for a living,george. 她以斷人骨頭為生 George
[06:44.68]She's crazy. 她是個瘋子
[06:45.36]No,she's not crazy. 不 她不是
[06:46.24]Well,she is if she thinks I'm not gonna put up a fight. 如果她以為我不會反抗的話 她肯定瘋了
[06:50.54]I can't believe that kid's dad. 那個老爸難以置信
[06:52.99]I mean,his son is paralyzed,and the guy's still riding him. 我是說 他都癱了 那家伙還在訓他
[06:55.66]Focus more on the medicine,three,and less on the tragedy. 集中注意于醫(yī)學 3號 少管悲劇
[06:58.31]Three? 3號?
[06:59.21]Is that a nickname? 是個昵稱嗎?
[07:00.37]You could say that. 你可以這么理解
[07:03.08]So how would you proceed,dr.Grey? 那你準備怎么做 Grey醫(yī)生
[07:05.61]Oh,um...you won't be able to operate unless you realign his spine,would you? 在重新調整他的脊椎前 做不了手術 對嗎?
[07:10.58]And how would you do that? 那你準備怎么做?
[07:12.85]Traction halo? 做牽引?
[07:14.29]Very impressive,dr.Grey. 說得很好 Grey醫(yī)生
[07:15.83]Your intern year's off to a good start. 你的實習生涯將有個好的開端
[07:18.31]How's it going? 怎么樣了
[07:19.27]How are you and meredith? 你和Meredith
[07:20.53]It's weird,the whole family thing. 家家有本難念的經(jīng)
[07:23.05]And plus,I think she might still hate me. 還有 我想她還是恨我
[07:25.10]She doesn't hate you. 她沒有恨你
[07:26.93]Really? Did she say that? 真的嗎 她這么說的嗎?
[07:27.80]You know,why don't you go see if mrs.Cooley's dressings need changing? 你應該去看看 Cooley太太的敷料是否該換了
[07:30.14]Yang,why don't you go see if mrs.Cooley's dressing needs changing? Yang 你怎么不去看看?
[07:34.35]Certainly. 當然
[07:38.24]Dr.Sloan,dr.Norman shales. Sloan醫(yī)生 這是Norman Shales醫(yī)生
[07:41.04]Oh,dr.Shales,call me mark. Shales醫(yī)生 叫我Mark
[07:43.15]Thank you. 謝謝
[07:44.28]I thought you were on my service. 我以為你是來幫我的
[07:45.61]I am. 是的
[07:46.18]He's my intern. 他是我的實習生
[07:47.54]I know,right? 我了解的
[07:48.34]It's like,"seriously,you're an intern?" 就像 "真的嗎 你是實習生?"
[07:50.55]But it's seriously true. 是真的
[07:52.29]Seriously. 真的
[07:53.54]glad to have you aboar norman. 歡迎加入 Norman
[07:56.84]So is he the one you call,uh... 他就是被你叫做...
[07:58.77]mcdreamy or,mc,uh,sleazy,or mc,uh,wait a minute,what is it? 美夢先生 還是 臟臟先生 到底是什么先生
[08:03.19]- Norman,we have labs to deliver. - Yeah. - Norman 我們要去送化驗單 - 好的
[08:05.38]Labs and discharges. 化驗單和出院通知
[08:07.25]Uh,this one's being discharged to hospice? 這個人要被送到收容所?
[08:09.58]When there's nothi else we can do. 當我們無能為力的時候
[08:11.27]So we have to tell someone they're dying? 我們要告訴他們死期不遠了?
[08:12.76]Don't worry. I'll teach you the protocol. 別擔心 我教你怎么做
[08:15.13]Mcsteamy! 性感先生
[08:16.33]He's the one you girls call mcsteamy. 他就是你們說的性感先生
[08:19.76]you paged me,dr.Bailey? 你找我 Bailey醫(yī)生?
[08:21.59]Oh,I didn't know you were... 我不知道你也...
[08:23.39]I'm in the clinic. Or I was... 我今天在門診...
[08:25.00]what have you got? 什么情況?
[08:26.43]ruthie sayles. Ruthie Sayles
[08:27.31]Says she twisted her ankle falling off the stairmaster. 在踏步機上扭到了腳踝
[08:30.32]She didn't twist it. She crushed it. 這不是扭傷 骨頭都被壓碎了
[08:31.57]We should book an O.R.Right away. 馬上去預定一間手術室
[08:33.50]Dr.Torres,you don't think we should run a few tests first? Torres醫(yī)生 你不覺得 我們還要做其他檢查嗎
[08:36.72]Find out why ruthie's bones are so fragile in the first place? 查查為什么Ruthie的骨頭如此脆弱?
[08:38.84]She's osteoporotic. 她是骨質疏松
[08:40.12]I see it in older women all the time. 上了年紀的女人都這樣
[08:41.52]Now you're seeing it in a 28 year old. 你看到的這例只有28歲
[08:44.31]Oh,right. 哦 對
[08:46.49]Call me when you get the test results. 有了檢查結果再通知我
[08:50.82]I can't talk about it with you. 我不能告訴你
[08:53.67]- Well,is she all right? - Yeah. - 她沒事嗎? - 嗯
[08:57.22]So when giving a patient the bad news, 當你要通知病人壞消息的時候
[08:58.84]you want to be polite and detached,but not cold. 你要彬彬有禮且不帶感情 但是不要太冷酷
[09:01.72]How can you be detached but not cold? 你怎么能不帶感情又不冷酷
[09:03.34]You show that you care without actually allowing yourself to care, 要表現(xiàn)你的關心 但又不能讓自己去關心
[09:06.41]because if you get too emotional,then they get scared, 如果你太情緒化 他們就會很恐慌
[09:09.34]and then they get emotional,and that's bad. 然后他們變得情緒化 事情就糟糕了
[09:11.51]Seriously? 真的?
[09:12.14]Stop with the seriously. 別再說"真的"了
[09:13.88]Uh,I'm sorry. 抱歉
[09:14.89]I know it must be hard being older than most of us, 我知道比我們都年長肯定不容易
[09:17.38]but I think you're gonna go a lot further 但我覺得你還可以走很遠
[09:19.47]if you just let everything else go and focus on the medicine. 你得心無旁騖地集中在醫(yī)學上
[09:22.43]- Hey,are you aware that mcdreamy and the other grey are bonding? - Bonding? - 你知道另一個Grey和美夢先生言談甚歡? - 言談甚歡?
[09:26.05]Over their mutual meredith greyness. 他們唯一的交集就是你
[09:27.49]What do you mean? They're talking about me? 什么意思? 他們在說我?
[09:28.65]- What are they saying? - Oh,I don't know. - 他們說了什么? - 我不知道
[09:29.88]He's making me deal with his patients while they focus on what's really important...you. 他差使我來應付病人 然后他們就在那專心致志的討論你
[09:34.69]Cristina! Cristina!
[09:38.33]What was I saying? 我剛剛說到哪了
[09:39.24]You were saying how important it was to focus on the medicine. 你說集中精力在醫(yī)學上是很重要的
[09:42.12]Just give me the chart. 把病歷給我
[09:43.67]First we're going to apply halo,which uses weights and traction to pull your spine back into place. 我們會使用重量的牽引 將你的脊椎回復原位
[09:48.70]Traction? 牽引?
[09:49.83]Like at the gym. 就像健身那種
[09:50.90]We stretch your upper body using weights until the tension pops the spine into position. 我們利用重量來牽引你的上身 直到脊椎回到原位
[09:54.55]Except unlike at the gym, 這一點都不像健身
[09:56.24]dr.Shepherd needs to attach the traction device directly to your head Shepherd醫(yī)生會在你的頭部 安裝牽引裝置
[10:00.01]by screwing two bolts into your skull. 通過兩根螺絲固定到頭骨
[10:02.38]That sounds painful. 聽起來很痛
[10:03.73]Painful is if he doesn't fix your spine. 痛的是如果治不好你的脊椎
[10:05.59]Painful is you never walk again. 然后一輩子無法行走
[10:09.60]okay. 好的
[10:10.47]We gonna do this thing or what? 我們到底要不要做?
[10:17.86]I told you not to get too emotional. 我告訴過你不要太情緒化
[10:19.74]I couldn't help it. 我控制不來
[10:21.76]What now? 現(xiàn)在怎么辦
[10:26.23]go apologize one last time. 最后一次 再去道歉
[10:33.44]once again,ma'am,we are very,very sorry... 女士 再一次 我們非常 非常抱歉
[10:37.33]very sorry. 非常抱歉
[10:45.63]and now? 現(xiàn)在呢?
[10:46.36]Now we slowly and respectfully back out of the room. 現(xiàn)在我們慢慢地 恭敬地退出房間
[10:55.11]alex,I need a favor. Alex 幫個忙
[10:56.92]I don't have time for favors. 沒時間幫忙
[10:58.38]I'm working here. 我在忙呢
[10:59.27]Well,what are you doing at lunch? 你午餐的時候要干什么
[11:01.05]According to my interns,I'm watching torres kick your ass all up and down the cafeteria. 根據(jù)實習生來報 我要欣賞Torres 在餐廳和你單挑
[11:05.54]How do they know? 他們怎么知道的
[11:06.45]So it's true. 這么說是真的
[11:07.41]What'd you do to her? 你對她做什么了?
[11:08.79]Nothing. 沒什么
[11:09.54]Dude. 老兄
[11:10.43]we need a little help here! 這里需要幫助
[11:14.95]Oh,thank god. Somebody I know. 感謝上帝 我認識你們
[11:16.20]Will somebody please make sure they page my husband? 你們誰去看看我老公什么時候來?
[11:20.55]Who is she? 她是誰?
[11:21.26]It's the chief's niece. 主任的侄女
[11:21.84]camille travis,18,I tried intubating 3 times. Camille Travis 18歲 試圖插管3次
[11:24.14]There's some kind of obstruction. 有什么東西堵住了
[11:24.99]My baby can't breathe. 我的寶貝不能呼吸了
[11:26.18]Sats staying down. They're at 82%. 血氧濃度持續(xù)下降 只有82%了
[11:27.55]She needs a surgical airway. 需要手術導管
[11:28.56]Somebody get me a crike tray. 給我拿個托盤
[11:29.66]How many emergency crikes have you done? 你做了多少例緊急開孔?
[11:30.87]Including this one? One. 包括這個? 一例
[11:32.43]Dude,it's the chief's niece. 伙計 這是主任的侄女
[11:33.81]pulse is getting weaker. 脈搏越來越弱
[11:34.89]So we better not screw this up. 我們最好別搞砸了
[11:36.17]what are you doing? 你在干什么
[11:37.13]trying to help her breathe. 幫她呼吸
[11:41.26]she just slit her throat! 她割開了她的喉嚨
[11:42.84]Suction. I need suction. 抽吸 給我抽吸器
[11:44.41]- Get the retractors in. - There's so much blood. - 用牽引器 - 血太多了
[11:45.70]You didn hit an artery,did you? 你沒有割到動脈 對吧
[11:46.82]No,not on purpose. 沒有 不是故意的
[11:47.95]- Oh,god. - Oh,god. - 老天 - 老天
[11:49.10]Get the tube. 管子拿來
[11:51.59]oh,god. 老天
[11:53.93]sats are going up. 血氧濃度 回升了
[11:55.01]Oh,we did it. 成功了
[11:56.31]Oh,richard! Richard
[12:01.76]What the hell are you doing to my niece? 你對我侄女干什么
[12:07.41]one thing this childdid not need was another surgery. 這個孩子不需要再來一次手術
[12:10.74]She wasn't breathing,chief. 她當時不能呼吸了
[12:11.96]we didn't know what else to do. 我們別無選擇
[12:15.12]You did the right thing. 你做的對
[12:16.55]But camille was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was 14. 但是Camille在14歲的時候 就被診斷出癌癥
[12:20.30]She's had both ovaries removed,a hysterectomy and now this... 她的卵巢和子宮全部被摘除 現(xiàn)在又...
[12:23.16]there it is,the mass. 在這里 那一團
[12:24.49]no wonder she couldn't breathe. 怪不得她不能呼吸
[12:26.27]I can take it out. 我可以摘除它
[12:27.61]But we won't know how many more there are until we do further studies. 直到進一步檢查 誰也不知道究竟有多少
[12:33.10]I'm so sorry,chief. 我很遺憾 主任
[12:37.27]She beat it twice before. 她挺過來了兩次
[12:40.10]She'll beat it again. 她會挺過去的
[12:45.21]I just had to tell a 48-year-old woman that she's gonna die. 我剛剛告訴一個48歲的女人 她快死了
[12:48.36]Yeah? I wish I could tell a 24-year-old woman she's gonna die. 我倒是想去告訴一個24歲的女人 她快死了
[12:55.39]I have gone out of my way to be nice to her, 我史無前例的對她友善
[12:57.95]and this is what she does,talks about me behind my back? 她所干的就是在背后說我?
[13:00.13]When were you nice to her? 你什么時候對她友善?
[13:01.02]I was nice... 我對她很友善
[13:02.25]once. 一次
[13:04.25]My point is... 重點是
[13:05.63]hey,meredith. 嘿 Meredith
[13:06.45]Hey,norman. 嘿 Norman
[13:07.01]'Sup,lexie? 你好啊 Lexie
[13:09.85]come on,norman. 過來 Norman
[13:13.50]Um...dr.Shepherd asked that we meet in adam's room in ten minutes. Shepherd醫(yī)生讓我們十分鐘后 在Adam的房間見
[13:18.91]You could at least acknowledge that you heard me. 你至少可以說聲你聽見了
[13:21.33]You're using the grey sister angle to get in good with the attendings. 你想用Grey妹妹的身份討好主治醫(yī)生?
[13:24.94]I get that. 我知道了
[13:25.89]But you're here on my license. 但你是在我手下做事
[13:27.39]So if you do anything,like kill someone,it's on me. 所以不管你做了什么 比方說殺了人 那是算在我頭上
[13:30.30]So for the rest of the day,you're gonna hug the wall. 往后的時間 你給我貼墻站著
[13:32.55]You're not gonna say anything,you're not gonna do anything. 不要多嘴 不要多事
[13:34.81]You're an intern. 你是實習生
[13:36.05]Are welear... 清楚了嗎
[13:37.58]three? 3號
[13:40.66]Lexie. Lexie
[13:42.36]What? 什么?
[13:43.00]It's lexie,or grey. 我叫Lexie 或者Grey
[13:45.43]It's not three. 我不叫3號
[13:47.21]I have a name. 我有名字的
[13:51.75]your blood tests show low electrolyte levels, 血液檢查顯示你是低電解質
[13:53.60]low calcium and low vitamin D. 缺鈣 缺維生素D
[13:55.40]Have you been dieting? 你在節(jié)食嗎?
[13:57.05]She just lost 40 pounds. 她減掉了40磅
[13:58.96]Will told me if I ever got back down to a size 4,we'd move in together. Will說如果我能瘦到穿4號衣 我們就搬到一起
[14:03.05]How romantic. 多浪漫啊
[14:04.06]We both just needed motivation. 我們都需要動力
[14:05.97]I told him I wouldn't live with a smoker,so he quit smoking. 我告訴他我不會和煙鬼住在一起 所以他就戒煙了
[14:09.24]The problem is,even if dr.Torres is able to repair your fracture, 問題是 即使Torres醫(yī)生治好你的骨折
[14:13.00]it won't do any good unless you're eating more and working out less. 也不會有任何幫助 除非你增加食量 減小運動量
[14:16.62]Am I right,dr.Torres? 對嗎 Torres醫(yī)生?
[14:18.87]Dr.Tor... Torrres醫(yī)...
[14:20.24]hey,are you all right? 你還好吧?
[14:21.27]Uh,uh,.Bailey's right. Bailey醫(yī)生說得對
[14:23.49]So what,you're saying that you won't operate unless she puts on a bunch of weight? 你是說除非她再長個幾斤肉 否則你不會做手術?
[14:26.65]No,but,um... 不是 但...
[14:27.22]then why are we still talking about this? 那我們在說什么?
[14:29.35]We came here to get her leg fixed. 我們到這里來就為了治她的腿
[14:31.06]So fix her leg. 把腿治好
[14:35.30]Okay. 好的
[14:37.34]How'd that discharge- to-hospice patient go? 那個出院的病人情況怎樣?
[14:40.39]Not great. 不太好
[14:42.01]There was crying and tears and... 哭天喊地 淚流滿面還有...
[14:44.61]more tears. 更多的眼淚
[14:45.57]Tears? 眼淚?
[14:46.73]Really? 真的?
[14:47.99]Such a tough old birD. 他可是個硬漢
[14:49.28]I thought he'd take it like a man. 我以為他能像個男人一樣接受
[14:52.20]"He'd take it like a man"? 他能像個男人一樣接受?
[14:54.75]What,I'm sexist now? 怎么 我性別歧視了?
[14:56.96]No,"he" as in "him"? 他是他?
[14:58.83]Joel hanson in 2212. Joel Hanson 2212房
[15:00.57]Not gretchen bitzer in 2213? 不是2213的Gretchen Bitzer?
[15:02.83]Oh,dear. 老天
[15:03.86]I thought that "2" was a "3." 我以為那個"2"是"3"
[15:05.52]Dr.Grey,did you and your intern tell a woman Grey醫(yī)生 你和你的實習生告訴
[15:07.97]who came in to have her moles removed that she was dying? 一個來祛痣的女人說她快死了?
[15:11.06]Oh,dear. 老天
[15:12.39]I mean,crap. 我是說 糟糕
[15:13.35]Oh,crap. 糟糕
[15:17.23]You hear that? 你聽見了嗎
[15:18.68]Like a weight room. 就像舉重室
[15:19.98]There's nothing to be scared of. 沒什么好怕的
[15:21.48]He's been weight training since he was 8 years old. 他從8歲開始就進行舉重訓練了
[15:23.69]what did I say about you and the wall? 我不是讓你貼著墻的嗎
[15:27.08]Dr.Yang,this is still a teaching hospital,isn't it? Yang醫(yī)生 這里還是一所教學醫(yī)院吧?
[15:29.46]yes,sir. 是的 先生
[15:30.19]You need to get a little closer if you want to learn something today,dr.Grey. 如果你今天想學點東西 就必需湊近些 Grey醫(yī)生
[15:34.27]Okay,adam,I'm going to attach the tongs now. 好了 Adam 我要給你戴上夾具
[15:36.56]I need you to stay perfectly still during this procedure. 我要你全程都紋絲不動地躺好
[15:39.43]Let the weights do all the work. 只讓重力作用于你
[15:41.09]Okay,you're gonna feel a little pressure, 你會感到有一些壓力
[15:42.10]but with the meds we've given you,you shouldn't feel any pain. 由于麻藥的作用 你不會感到疼痛
[15:45.74]All right. 好的
[15:48.29]Here we go. 開始了
[15:54.52]Can you imagine being 14 years old and having some doctor tell you you've got cancer? 一個才14歲的孩子得了癌癥 你能想象到么?
[15:59.33]What do you do with that? 應該怎么做?
[16:00.52]Well,you fighT. Camille's a fighter. 應該跟命運搏斗 Camille是個斗士
[16:02.56]You two have that in common. 你們倆彼此彼此
[16:04.80]So what's it gonna be, 結果會如何呢
[16:06.02]stevens gets her bones broken or torres gets taken to the trailer park? Stevens被揍的粉身碎骨 還是Torres被帶到停車場?
[16:09.26]Neither. It's not happening. 兩者皆非 不會那樣的
[16:11.00]But if it does,will you pull her off me? 如果那樣了 你會把她拉開么?
[16:12.90]You gonna tell me what you did to her? 你怎么惹到她了
[16:14.39]You have to promise not to say anything to anybody. 你要保證不告訴別人
[16:17.15]Swear. 發(fā)誓
[16:17.84]I swear. 我發(fā)誓
[16:19.25]Jeez. 天呀
[16:21.90]I slept with georgE. 我跟George睡過了
[16:24.20]I know. 我知道
[16:25.36]I'm a terrible person. 我是個糟糕的人
[16:26.29]Which is why I'm gonna let herget one good punch in. 所以我能容忍她狠狠打我一拳
[16:29.16]Maybe two. 也許兩拳
[16:30.05]I deserve it. 我自作自受
[16:31.62]No,one. Then you pull her off me. 不 一拳 然后你就把她拉開
[16:33.35]You slept with o'malley? 你跟O'Malley上床了?
[16:34.64]Alex,you just said you wouldn't say anything. Alex 你說過你不妄加評論的
[16:36.73]I won't,believe me. 我不會的 你放心吧
[16:38.68]This... 這個...
[16:40.44]I'm embarrassed for you. 我都替你尷尬
[16:42.78]you had one job... one job... read the charts. 你就有一項工作...就一項 照著病歷念就行了
[16:45.38]You want to yell at me some more? 你還要對我多吼幾下么?
[16:46.90]You can,because I am an intern and according to dr.Bailey,yelling is how we learn. 你可以的 因為我是實習生 Bailey醫(yī)生說多被吼幾次才能成長
[16:50.60]Well,I'm not a very good yeller. 我可不擅長對你吼
[16:51.69]Oh,I'm sure it just takes practice. 多練習幾次就擅長了
[16:53.34]Perhaps ms.Bitzer will show us how it's done. 也許Bitzer小姐能給你練習的機會
[16:55.64]Just let me do all the talking. 這次我自己來說吧
[16:57.40]Ms.Bitzer... Bitzer小姐...
[16:59.10]gretchen. Gretchen
[16:59.75]She left about an hour ago. 她一小時前就走了
[17:01.00]She's gone? 她走了?
[17:01.80]Left the hospital? 出院了?
[17:04.38]Feel like yelling now? 現(xiàn)在想吼么?
[17:08.43]Yo C.T.Results showed that not only is the cancer back, CT顯示不僅僅有癌細胞
[17:12.55]it's spread to your chest,lungs and throat. 而且擴散到了胸腔 肺和咽喉
[17:15.41]We have options,though. 不過我們還有辦法
[17:16.75]We can operate. 可以手術
[17:18.12]We can be even more aggressive with the chemo and radiation than the last time. 可以進行比上次更積極的化療和放療
[17:22.49]I just want to go home. 我只想回家
[17:26.42]We could try to treat you at home,but,camille,you... 我們可以嘗試在家治療 不過Camille...
[17:28.47]no,you don't understand. 不 你沒聽明白
[17:31.53]I don't want any treatment. 我想放棄治療
[17:33.88]what? 什么?
[17:34.57]camille,don't say that. Camille 別這么說
[17:35.98]I've tried,mama. 我努力過了 媽媽
[17:37.02]It not working. 但是沒用
[17:38.99]I can't do it anymore. 我再也做不來了
[17:40.47]You can d you will. 你可以的 一定能好的
[17:42.69]You have no choice. 你別無選擇
[17:44.20]I'm 18 now,aunt adele. 我18歲了 Adele阿姨
[17:45.86]I do have a choice. 可以自己選擇了
[17:47.16]You may be 18,baby girl, 也許你滿18歲了 好孩子
[17:49.20]but you are clearly not capable of making life-and-death decisions for yourself right now. 但你現(xiàn)在還沒有能力作生死抉擇
[17:55.16]Tell her,richard. 你跟她說 Richard
[17:56.29]- Camille... - no,you tell her. - Camille... - 不 你告訴她
[17:57.83]Tell her how the radiation almost killed me last time, 告訴她上次的放療幾乎讓我死去活來
[18:01.71]how I got hepatitis and my kidneys shut down and my skin was so raw I couldn'te touched. 讓我患上了肝炎 腎臟衰竭 渾身掉皮 疼得不敢去碰
[18:08.30]- Camille... - I'm dying. - Camille... - 我要死了
[18:10.95]We all know that. 咱們都心知肚明
[18:13.08]I don't want to spend what little time I have left in this hospital. 我不想把最后這段 短暫的時光花在醫(yī)院里
[18:17.18]I want to spend time with my friends. 我想與我的朋友團聚
[18:20.26]I want to sleep in my own bed,and I want to be home. 我想睡在自己的床上 我想回家
[18:25.60]So please don't be my doctor right now. 求求你 現(xiàn)在別做我的醫(yī)生
[18:30.23]Be my uncle who loves me. 做回愛我的叔叔
[18:34.14]Let me go home. 讓我回家吧
[18:40.61]try not to move your head,adam. 盡量不要動你的頭 Adam
[18:42.38]I'm...I'm trying,but... 我...我已經(jīng)在努力了 但是...
[18:45.45]I don't know how much longer I can take this. 我不知道我還能承受多少
[18:48.02]You'll take as much as they give you,son. 多少你都能承受 孩子
[18:49.51]Okay,now come on! You can do this. 加油! 你可以做到
[18:51.03]It's just another few pounds. 再加幾磅力
[18:52.59]- Dr.Yang,maybe we should... - no one asked you. - Yang醫(yī)生 也許我們可以... - 我沒問你
[18:54.98]I-I can'T. 我受不了了
[18:56.36]Please take it off. 拿下來吧
[18:57.19]No,no. Can't quit. 不不 不能放棄
[18:58.14]Push through it. 堅持到底
[18:59.25]Okay,just one more plate. 好的 最后一塊砝碼
[19:00.47]Adam,you're strong. You can handle this. Adam 你很堅強 你能應付的
[19:02.64]Want to be a quitter,do you? Huh,do you? 你也不想做個懦夫吧? 對吧?
[19:04.30]Okay,you know what? That's it. That's it. 行了 好了 好了
[19:05.64]That's 20 pounds. 20磅了
[19:07.64]There,you did it. Right? 你做到了 不是么?
[19:09.23]Told you you could do it. 我就說你能成功吧
[19:10.08]Somebody get him out. Please. Somebody get him out. 誰把他轟出去 拜托了 把他轟出去
[19:13.63]Adam,I'm just trying to help out. Adam 我只是想幫你
[19:14.74]Please get out! Get out! 你快出去! 出去!
[19:16.05]- Get out! Get out! - Adam,adam,calm down. - 出去! 出去! - Adam 冷靜一下
[19:17.89]Try not to upset him. 你別煩他了
[19:18.89]- Adam. adam,calm down. - Get...get... - Adam 冷靜一下 - 出去...出...
[19:20.55]Adam,it's o... it's okay. Adam 沒關系的
[19:21.46]What are you doing? Don't touch him. 你干什么呢? 別碰他
[19:23.17]The slightest movement could... 輕微的移動都會...
[19:25.45]put his hand down,gently. 把他的手放下 輕輕的
[19:29.13]I'm so sorry. I forgot. 萬分抱歉 我忘記了
[19:29.92]Now step away from the patient and leave the room. 離病人遠點 離開這間屋子
[19:32.70]Get out right now or I will throw you out. 趕緊出去 別等我把你扔出去
[19:37.59]Dr.Grey,take over for dr.Yang. Grey醫(yī)生 你接替Yang醫(yī)生
[19:39.54]Dr.Yang,a word. Yang醫(yī)生 我有話對你說
[19:45.27]You are a resident now. 你現(xiàn)在是住院醫(yī)生了
[19:47.38]Your job is to teach interns,not abuse them. 你的職責是教實習生 不是對他們頤指氣使
[19:49.56]I wasn'T. She grabbed his... 我沒有 她碰了他的...
[19:50.81]until you learn to be less competitive and less selfish, 除非你不再這么爭強好勝和自私
[19:52.59]you will not assist on my surgeries. 否則你都不能協(xié)助我的手術了
[19:54.21]You will observe them. 你只能觀摩
[19:55.33]- But she... - you can go. - 但她... - 你可以走了
[19:58.94]Arlene,she's just tired. Arlene 她太累了
[20:00.95]She doesn't know what she's saying. 她不知道自己說了什么
[20:02.99]But she's right. 她說的是對的
[20:04.61]She's not gonna get any better. 她的病不會有所好轉
[20:06.97]We don't know that,arlene. 誰都不知道 Arlene
[20:08.30]There's always a chance. 機會永遠存在
[20:09.23]Not if she doesn't get treatment. 放棄治療就沒有機會了
[20:10.95]You've got to talk to her,richard. 你要開導她 Richard
[20:12.26]You've... you have to convince her. 你要說服她
[20:15.09]She loves yoU. 她喜歡你
[20:15.90]She trusts you. 信任你
[20:17.24]And she's the closest thing we have to a child of our own. 她跟我們自己的孩子沒有區(qū)別
[20:20.37]Richard,I'm begging you. Richard 我求你了
[20:22.26]Please. 求求你
[20:23.75]Save our baby girl. 救救我們的好孩子
[20:30.46]Again,ms.Bitzer,it's very important that you call us back. 再說一邊 是Bitzer小姐 這件事很重要 我等你們電話
[20:34.69]You idiots still can't find her? 你們這些笨蛋還找不到她?
[20:36.30]I called her home,her cell,her next of kin. 我往她家 手機 親戚都打了電話
[20:38.31]I don't care if you have to call every bitzer on the planet. 你給世上所有姓Bitzer的人打了電話 我也不在乎
[20:41.42]Find her! 找到她!
[20:43.74]I am really so very sorry about this. 我很抱歉
[20:46.22]It's not entirely your fault,norman. 不全是你的錯 Norman
[20:47.80]You're just an intern. 你只是一個實習生
[20:48.70]I should've double-checked the charts. 我應該仔細看病歷的
[20:50.43]I was distracted by things I shouldn't be distracted by. 我被雜事搞得心煩意亂
[20:54.42]For what it's worth,lexie grey is a good girl. 無論怎樣 Lexie Grey是個好女孩
[20:57.91]She's very sweet. 她很可愛
[20:59.25]I don't think she would say anything untoward... 我覺得她不會說不中聽的話...
[21:01.95]or uncool. 或者激動的話
[21:07.04]I have bitzers to call. 我還有很多電話要打
[21:10.34]But,you know,you could take the... 不過 你可以帶上...
[21:12.54]norman? Norman?
[21:14.08]Norman? Norman?
[21:17.48]I'm not a bad resident,am I? 我是個稱職的住院醫(yī)生 對么?
[21:19.02]Don't ask me. I lost a patient today. 別問我 我今天丟了個病人
[21:20.98]Oh,you killed someone? 你病人死了?
[21:22.30]Lost. Literally can't find. 丟失 是找不到的意思
[21:25.08]Shepherd says I'm selfish and competitive. Shepherd說我自私 爭強好勝
[21:27.99]What the hell is wrong with that? 自私要強怎么了?
[21:29.31]I kick ass. I'm an excellent resident. 我很了不起 我是最好的住院醫(yī)生
[21:30.99]I'm not. 我不是
[21:31.73]In addition to losing my patient,I also lost my intern. 我不僅丟了病人 還丟了實習生
[21:34.76]Turned around,he was gone. Awol. 一扭臉的工夫他就走了 擅離職守
[21:36.32]See,what...what is wrong with these interns? 什么...這幫實習生怎么了?
[21:38.67]We weren't like this. 我們以前不這樣
[21:39.48]We were great interns. 我們以前是最好的實習生
[21:40.78]I was great. 我是最好的
[21:42.70]You were...you were good. 你...你一般般吧
[21:44.95]- You guys seen callie? - No. - 你們看見Callie了么? - 沒有
[21:46.65]Is it time for herto grind your bones into dust? 她要碾碎你骨頭的時候到了?
[21:49.16]You don't think I can take her? 你以為我贏不了她?
[21:50.61]- Are you guys really doing this? - You heard? - 你們倆要對決啊? - 你也聽說了?
[21:52.64]The whole hospital heard. 這個醫(yī)院都聽說了
[21:53.72]Yeah,well,that explainsthe line at the salad bar. 難怪沙拉柜臺那邊聚了這么多人
[21:55.50]Well,what are you fighting about? 你們?yōu)槭裁礇Q斗?
[21:56.68]Believe me,you don't want to know. 相信我 你不想知道答案
[21:58.08]Alex. Alex
[21:58.69]I'm just saying,whatever it is,it's not worth it. 我說說而已 別管那是什么 總之不值得決斗
[22:01.82]Actually,it is. 實際上值得
[22:02.76]Some things are worth fighting for. 這樣東西值得我們決斗
[22:11.08]O'malley. O'Malley
[22:11.96]Picking up repeat labs for ruthie sayles. 來取Ruthie Sayles的復檢化驗單
[22:13.71]So who's your money on,o'malley?Guess you gotta back the wife,huh? O'Malley 你賭誰能贏? 估計你會支持你老婆吧?
[22:16.18]What?What are you talking about? 什么? 你在說什么?
[22:17.97]The fight downstairs.Torres vs.Stevens. 樓下的決斗啊 Torres對Stevens
[22:20.22]What are they fighting about anyway? 她們?yōu)槭裁礇Q斗啊?
[22:21.40]Oh,maile,that's just a rumor. 哦 Maile 那只是個謠言
[22:23.35]It's not happening. 不會發(fā)生的
[22:24.66]Callie is way too mature for that. Callie已經(jīng)很成熟了
[22:26.22]That's not what my buddy in the cafeteria just said. 自助餐廳的人可不這么說
[22:32.50]- o'malley,your labs! - Gotta go!I'll be right back! - O'Malley 你的化驗單! - 先走一步! 馬上回來!
[22:35.85]I'm just saying,I learned how to fight in a trailer park.Okay? 我在拖車公園學過格斗 知道么?
[22:38.43]Where'd she learn to fight,boarding school?Not quite the same thing. 她在哪學過 寄宿學校? 這可不能相提并論
[22:55.89]I'm a street fighter. 我是街頭霸王
[22:57.87]I've got some badass in me. 我可是有絕招的
[22:59.05]I could take a girl down. 我能放倒一個女生
[23:02.43]izzie. Izzie
[23:10.11]punch with your left.Protect your face with your right. 左手出拳 右手防護你的臉
[23:12.45]No,your hands... protect your surgeon hands. 不...外科醫(yī)生應該重點保護手
[23:13.93]Your face can heal. 臉上受傷還能治
[23:20.44]Here we go. 要開始了
[23:24.27]stevens. Stevens
[23:26.67]Let's do this. 來單挑吧
[23:29.29]Let's go. 走
[23:31.17]Let's go. 走
[23:32.39]- Go where? - You know,go. - 去哪? - 你知道 走吧
[23:38.06]I wanted to talk. 我想談談
[23:42.32]you want to talk.You don't want to kick my ass? 你想談談 你不想和我單挑?
[23:46.00]You thought I was gonna fight you?You... 你以為我要跟你打架?
[23:48.75]that's cr... 真瘋...
[24:11.41]excuse me. 借過
[24:17.16]that's a forfeit.Torres forfeits. 她棄權了 Torres棄權了
[24:19.60]Oh,my god. 天
[24:21.13]You were very ghetto fabulous. 你還真是在貧民窟長大的
[24:24.29]Oh,my god. 天
[24:28.60]What happened?Was there a fight? 怎么回事? 有人打架?
[24:30.04]no. 沒有
[24:30.89]Guess they realized they were fighting over nothing. 估計她們發(fā)現(xiàn)打架沒有意義
[24:43.45]Hey,what do you think's a better weekend getaway,napa or sonoma? 你覺得周末出去旅行怎么樣? Napa或者Sonoma?
[24:46.52]I hope you don't mind if I kill your girlfriend. 要是我殺了你女朋友 希望你別介意
[24:48.89]Well,first of all,she's not my girlfriend. 首先 她不是我女朋友
[24:50.81]Second of all,I do mind. 其次 我會介意
[24:52.58]Interns should be seen and not heard. 實習生應該少說話 多干事
[24:54.20]They shouldn't talk to patients. 他們不能跟病人聊天
[24:55.48]That's how they learn. 那是他們學習的方式
[24:56.74]Which means I have to teach, 也就是說 我要教學
[24:58.72]and then I have to deal with their problems when they screw up. 他們搞砸時 我得處理他們的問題
[25:01.02]Meredith rarely screws up,and she's not an intern. Meredith很少搞砸 而且她不是實習生
[25:03.26]So napa or sonoma,what do you think? Napa或者Sonoma 你覺得怎么樣?
[25:05.05]- Sonoma. - Mm. - Sonoma - 嗯
[25:06.89]Smaller hotels,fewer tourists. 酒店小點 人也少點
[25:09.11]And meredith... Meredith
[25:11.38]she's still an intern.Don't kid yourself. 她還是個實習 別自欺欺人了
[25:13.39]She's green,she's a baby,and the only difference between her 她還是個新手 是個孩子 她和她的跟屁蟲老家伙
[25:15.86]and that old guy she's got trailing her is 之間唯一的差別在于
[25:16.91]that you're not sleeping with the old guy. 你沒和那老家伙睡過
[25:21.80]Sorry I'm late. 對不起 遲到了
[25:22.93]Well,I was just explaining the surgery. 我在解釋手術
[25:25.56]Since your bones have splintered, 因為你骨折了
[25:27.42]dr.Torres will place metal plates and screws to hold the ankle together. Torres醫(yī)生要用金屬片固定你的腳踝
[25:32.00]How long will the recovery time be? 恢復要多久?
[25:33.40]It's hard to say. 很難說
[25:34.53]You'll be in a cast 8 to 12 weeks. 用石膏固定8到12周
[25:37.97]Three months? 3個月?
[25:39.35]Right,dr.Torres? 對 Torres醫(yī)生?
[25:40.66]Longer if she doesn't eat. 她不吃東西的話 時間還會更長
[25:42.19]She eats. 她吃
[25:44.12]Not enough to keep her bones from snapping, 吃的還不夠讓腳踝恢復原樣
[25:45.81]but you don't seem too concerned about that. 但你并不擔心啊
[25:47.06]- What is your problem,lady? - I don't have paroblem. - 你有什么問題 女士? - 我沒問題
[25:49.14]- I'm not the one who has to live with you. - You know what? - 我不是和你一起生活的人 - 知道么?
[25:50.99]- Thiis... you have a problem... - ruthie! - 是你有問題 - Rutie
[25:54.32]in her go ahead. 往這里吐 繼續(xù)吐
[25:55.96]In here. 吐在這里面
[26:00.78]I thought ruthie wasn't going into surgery till tomorrow. 我以為Ruthie要等明天才能做手術
[26:03.02]That's before she started vomiting blood. 在她開始吐血之前是
[26:05.34]She's got a bleeding duodenal ulcer. 她十二指腸潰瘍出血
[26:07.02]How did we not see this? 我們怎么開始沒發(fā)現(xiàn)?
[26:08.29]She came in with a broken ankle. 她因為腳踝骨折進的醫(yī)院
[26:09.81]Her malnutrition and the amount of ibuprofen she's been taking, 她營養(yǎng)不良并且大量服用布洛芬
[26:14.03]she's lucky to be alive. 她該慶幸自己還活著
[26:15.63]why did she do this to herself? 她干嘛這樣?
[26:17.14]'Cause people are stupid and just want to be loved. 人都是傻子 總想得到愛
[26:19.71]That's the only reason anybody does anything. 只有這個原因 人才不顧一切付出
[26:24.39]asystole. 心跳停止
[26:25.96]OK,Start C.P.R. 開始心肺復蘇
[26:30.03]you think he'll walk again? 你覺得他還能走路?
[26:31.59]It's not impossible. 不是不可能
[26:33.82]Mm.We have a bleeder. 是個易出血的人
[26:35.77]I need you to cauterize the vein,dr.Grey. 我要你燒灼下血管 Grey醫(yī)生
[26:38.78]Oh,okay. 好
[26:39.97]I... 我
[26:42.58]I,um... 我
[26:43.85]I-I can't find it. 我找不到血管
[26:44.95]I-I-I can't see where it starts.Um... 我看不到從哪開始
[26:49.05]it's coming too quickly. 太快了
[26:50.82]Stop.Suction around it. 停 把周圍的血吸干凈
[26:52.90]You have to see where the bleed is coming from first. 你先要找到血從哪里來
[26:54.68]Follow the flow to the source.Good. 根據(jù)流動的痕跡找到源頭 很好
[26:57.16]Okay,now bovie it. 好 用電燒灼器燒
[26:59.49]Got it. 好了
[27:00.98]Good job. 做得好
[27:02.63]Dr.Yang,if you don't mind stepping in? Yang醫(yī)生 你來接手吧
[27:09.48]Dr.Grey. Grey醫(yī)生
[27:10.79]Norman,where haveou been? Norman 你去哪了?
[27:12.55]- I was... - norman,do you think you can just cut out on me - 我 - Norman 你覺得關鍵時刻
[27:14.35]in the middle of a crisis? 丟下我一人 合適嗎?
[27:15.60]- I-I went... - where,norman? - 我去 - 去哪里了 Norman?
[27:16.83]Where did you go that was important enough to just disappear in the middle of a shift? 這對解釋你在換班中途消失很重要
[27:21.53]- Ms.Bitzer's apartment. - You went to ms.Bitzer's apartment. - Bitzer女士的公寓 - 你去了Bitzer女士那里
[27:24.53]I told her she had a bill outstanding. 我告訴她 她還沒付錢
[27:26.21]- She's right behind me. - Oh. - 她就在我后面 - 哦
[27:27.94]Oh,but if I may say so,your yelling has improved remarkably. 如果我這么說 你肯定會提高嗓門 大喊大叫
[27:31.58]Thank you. 謝謝
[27:33.16]I-I'm sorry I missed your calls. 抱歉 沒聽到你叫我
[27:34.97]I didn't mean to cut out on my bill. 我沒想不付錢就走
[27:36.43]It's just,I got a lot of living to do and not a lot of time to do it in. 我有好多事情要做 但又沒那么多時間
[27:40.04]- Actually... - I quit my job,dumped my loser boyfriend, - 其實 - 我辭了職 甩了我的衰人男友
[27:43.24]told my boss where he could shove it, 告訴老板他應該少管哪些閑事
[27:45.02]and bought a one-way ticket to iceland, 買了張去冰島的單程票
[27:47.11]where the sun never sets,which is fine by me. 那的太陽永不落 正是我想要的
[27:49.40]I'll sleep when I'm dead,right? 我死的時候會睡著 對吧?
[27:51.32]You're,uh,not going to die,ms. Bitzer. 你不會死 Bitzer女士
[27:55.41]- I'm not? - There was a mix-up with your labs. - 我不會? - 你的化驗結果弄錯了
[27:58.86]You're going to live,hopefully a very long,healthy life. 你還會活著 而且健康長壽
[28:06.08]I quit my job. 我辭職了
[28:09.12]I broke up with my boyfriend. 我跟我男朋友分手了
[28:12.77]I gave up my apartment. 房子我都不要了
[28:16.77]you know how hard it is to find an apartment... 你知道找個房子有多難
[28:19.87]with parking? 帶車庫的那種
[28:35.12]I thought you quit smoking. 我以為你戒煙了
[28:37.26]Wasn't that the deal? 不是說好了嗎?
[28:38.52]Ruthie loses 40 pounds,you quit smoking? Ruthie減掉40磅 你戒煙
[28:40.60]My girlfriend's in emergency surgery. 我女朋友在外科急救室
[28:42.33]I think she'll forgive me for smoking. 我想她會原諒我抽煙
[28:44.19]No,no,she won't,because she's dead. 不 她不會 因為她死了
[28:49.92]Ruthie's dead. Ruthie死了
[28:52.55]Dr.Bailey tried to stop the bleeding, Bailey醫(yī)生試圖止住她的血
[28:54.42]but because she was starving herself and over training, 但因為她絕食加上過度運動
[28:58.67]her heart couldn't take the strain. 她的心臟承受不了
[29:00.66]You think this is my fault? 你覺得是我的錯?
[29:02.37]She wanted to lose the weight. 她想減肥
[29:04.07]I just wanted herto be healthy. 我想讓她健康
[29:05.54]She was healthy 20 pounds ago. 她減掉20磅之前就是健康的
[29:07.09]You just wanted her to be hot, 你想讓她身材好
[29:08.52]- especially if you we gonna move in with her,right? - No,that... - 特別是你想跟她住在一起 是嗎? - 不
[29:11.84]- I loved her. - You didn't love her. - 我愛她 - 你不愛她
[29:14.47]You just didn't want to be alone or maybe 你只是不想一個人 或者也許
[29:16.87]maybe she was good for your ego or... 也許她能滿足你的虛榮心
[29:18.74]or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, 也許她讓你對你悲慘的生活感覺好點
[29:20.96]but you didn't love her because you don't destroy the person that you love! 但你不愛她 因為你決不會毀掉你愛的人
[29:24.29]- Callie! - Get her away from me,man. - Callie - 把她帶走
[29:25.24]- Get her away from me. - You gonna hit me?You gonna hit me? - 把她帶走 - 你要打我? 你要打我?
[29:27.47]Give me any excuse to kick somebody's ass today 給我個借口 讓我今天找個人狠狠揍一頓
[29:29.97]- because I am dying to! - Don't touch me! - 我受不了了 - 別碰我
[29:30.70]dr.Torres! Torres醫(yī)生
[29:33.20]Uh,sir,we are so sorry for your loss. 先生 你失去女朋友 我們深感抱歉
[29:36.57]- O'malley,please take... - sir,why don't you come with me? - O'Malley 帶他去... - 先生 跟我來吧
[29:40.20]Come on. 來吧
[29:45.96]Okay,I'm gonna ask you one last time,are you all right? 我問你最后一次 你沒事嗎?
[29:55.17]I'm fine.It's nothing. 我很好 沒事
[29:57.23]Really? 真的?
[29:58.60]'Cause nothing almost cost you your career just now. 這個"沒事" 差點毀了你的事業(yè)
[30:18.93]The mass we removed from your throat was so big you couldn't breathe. 我們從你嗓子里取出的東西很大 讓你無法呼吸
[30:25.55]Camille... Camille
[30:27.78]what took you so long to come in? 你怎么這么晚才來醫(yī)院?
[30:35.10]I knew the cancer wasn't gone. 我知道癌癥沒好
[30:38.50]It's never been gone. 從來都沒好
[30:40.15]It's never gonna be gone. 也不會好
[30:43.40]And... 而且
[30:44.48]don't tell my mom,but the truth is... 別告訴我媽媽 但事實是
[30:49.03]I was hoping it would kill me before I had to come back here. 我希望回到這之前就死掉
[30:54.28]I'm just so tired,uncle richard. 我太累了 Richard叔叔
[30:58.51]I am so,so tired. 我真的 真的很累
[31:13.96]Camille... Camile
[31:16.74]what I have here is a plan to keep you alive. 我有份計劃 幫你繼續(xù)活下去
[31:21.01]It involves 12 oncologists,8 new drugs, 有12位腫瘤學家 8種新藥
[31:25.45]six experimental treatments from three different continents. 來自3個州的6種實驗性療法
[31:28.41]I have no idea if it'll work. 我不知道會不會起作用
[31:31.72]But as your uncle... 但作為你的叔叔
[31:34.83]I'm begging you to take it. 我求你 接受治療
[31:38.80]Because I know for a fact the world... 因為我知道 世界上
[31:42.85]my world... 我的世界
[31:45.50]is a better place with you in it. 有了你才會更好
[31:49.94]However...as your doctor, 但是 作為你的醫(yī)生
[31:54.69]I promise to do whatever you want. 我保證會聽從你的意愿
[31:59.62]I just want to go home. 我只想回家
[32:04.29]Then let's get you home. 那我們就帶你回家
[32:18.86]Callie. Callie
[32:19.70]Callie,wait.Please,wait. Callie 等等 求你了 等等
[32:21.13]Please. 求你了
[32:25.61]I'm sorry... 我道歉
[32:27.64]about the cafeteria. 餐廳里的事 不好意思
[32:30.33]I didn't know that you wanted to talk to me. 我不知道你想跟我談談
[32:31.93]I thought you wanted to kill me. 我以為你要殺了我
[32:39.14]I'm sorry about everything. 我為所有事道歉
[32:41.30]With george,I... George的事 我
[32:44.92]I'm really sorry. 真的對不起
[32:47.39]I feel terrible. 我感覺很糟
[32:57.88]You feel terrible? 你感覺很糟?
[33:01.36]You took advantage.He was your best friend.I tried to trust you... 他是你的好朋友 你利用這個機會 我試著相信你
[33:05.17]so much,I had convinced myself that it was all in my head,that I was crazy. 我努力說服自己 是我自己瞎想 我自己抽風
[33:08.67]But I wasn't,was I? 但我沒瘋 不是嗎?
[33:10.89]And then you pull that thing in the cafeteria today? 然后你今天在餐廳做那樣的事
[33:12.68]It's not bad enough that you humiliate me by getting in bed with my husband. 我沒那么壞吧? 你非用跟我丈夫上床的手段來羞辱我?
[33:15.48]You have to humiliate me at work,too. 你還在工作上羞辱我
[33:19.75]George might be the one that broke his vows,but you... George違背了他的誓言 但你
[33:23.07]we're women,izzie.You did this to another woman. 我們是女人 Izzie 你這樣對待其他女人
[33:27.01]You... 你
[33:28.41]took something from me. 從我這搶走了東西
[33:29.90]You stole something from me like a petty little thief. 你像小偷那樣從我這偷走東西
[33:32.59]You are the one who should be humiliated. 你才是該被羞辱的人
[33:35.28]You are the one who should be ashamed. 你才是該感到慚愧的人
[33:37.19]You are the one who should... 你才是...
[33:44.28]don't you dare come to me for forgiveness,you traitorous bitch. 你還敢向我祈求原諒 你個背信棄義的賤人
[33:59.33]What,I'm invisible now? 怎么? 我現(xiàn)在透明了?
[34:02.81]What do you want? 你想怎樣?
[34:04.60]So you hate me now,too. 你現(xiàn)在也恨我
[34:06.19]Well,join the club. 好吧 你也跟她一伙了
[34:08.57]You and o'malley? 你和O'Malley
[34:10.86]- O'malley! - What? - O'Malley - 怎樣?
[34:12.42]What is it that I did that is so horrifying? 我那么做很讓人討厭嗎?
[34:17.18]I fell in love,alex. 我愛上他了 Alex
[34:18.96]- He's married. - Yeah,so? - 他有老婆 - 對 那怎么樣?
[34:21.46]You're carrying a big ol' torch for ava 你和那個Ava愛得轟轟烈烈
[34:23.76]or jane doe or whatever it is that you call her,and she's married. 那個無名氏 隨便你叫她什么 她也有老公
[34:26.87]So what gives you the right to judge what I do? 你有什么資格批判我?
[34:29.26]Why do you even care? 你為什么這么在意?
[34:32.45]you told me you weren't ready yet... 你告訴我 你還沒準備好...
[34:35.29]after denny...to be with anyone. Denny走后... 沒準備好和任何人重新開始
[34:37.42]And then o'malley?O'malley. 那O'Malley呢? O'Malley啊
[34:41.97]And then you tell me like I'm one of your chick friends. 然后你告訴我這些 好像把我當閨中密友一樣
[34:44.54]Come on. 省省吧
[34:52.18]Ms.Bitzer,I just wanted to apologize one more time. Bitzer女士 我想再次跟你道歉
[34:55.05]Oh,and I just wanted to say thank you,dr.Grey. 我想和你說聲謝謝 Grey醫(yī)生
[34:59.04]And,you,too,dr.Shales.Bless you. 也謝謝你 Shales醫(yī)生 愿主保佑你們
[35:02.90]Bye-bye. 再見
[35:04.37]- She's not going to sue? - Nope. - 她不告我們了? - 不告了
[35:06.64]Our lawyer talked her into settling. 律師說服她和解了
[35:08.13]Seattle grace just bought that woman four bedrooms 西雅圖仁愛剛為她住的4天院
[35:11.24]and three and a half baths in reykjav鞬. 使用的3次半浴室買了單
[35:13.42]- I'm so sorry. - Well,don't tell me. - 真對不起 - 別對我說
[35:14.94]Tell the chief.I'm writing you both up. 和主任說去 我會寫報告說明你倆的情況
[35:16.62]It wasn't norman's fault.He's my responsibility. 不是Norman的錯 他的責任由我來承擔
[35:19.24]I'm the resident.I'm the only one you should write up. 我是住院醫(yī)生 你只要寫報告說我不對就行了
[35:21.61]That's very noble of you,dr.Grey. 你真高尚 Grey醫(yī)生
[35:23.91]Stupid... 真傻...
[35:26.02]but noble. 不過挺高尚
[35:28.44]Oh. 哦
[35:32.01]For the record,dr.Grey,I don't think you're stupid at all. 說真的 Grey醫(yī)生 我覺得你一點都不傻
[35:35.11]I find you... 我發(fā)現(xiàn)你...
[35:37.12]quite smart. 很聰明
[35:48.10]What did you say to camille? 你和Camille說過什么?
[35:51.30]Adele... I've already lost one baby. Adele...我已經(jīng)失去了一個孩子
[35:54.29]And now I have to lose camille? 我現(xiàn)在要失去Camille嗎?
[35:57.48]I am not going to use camille to try and make up for the fact that I never gave you children. 我不是要利用Camille試著彌補 和你沒小孩的遺憾
[36:02.64]I never asked you to. 我從沒要你彌補
[36:04.39]I asked you to talk to her,to convince her to... 我要你和她談談 說服她...
[36:07.71]I can't do that... 我做不到...
[36:11.01]I can't do that,adele. 我做不到 Adele
[36:12.85]I can give her all the options in the world, 我可以給她很多選擇
[36:15.95]but I cannot make her do what I want her to do. 但我沒法讓她做她想做的事
[36:20.25]I'm her doctor. 我是她的醫(yī)生
[36:22.75]I thought being a doctor was about saving lives. 我一直以為做醫(yī)生是救死扶傷的
[36:26.86]After all these years of choosing your job over your family, 這么多年 你忙于工作 忽略了家庭
[36:31.28]the one time I ask you to do your job to save this family... 這一次我要你認真工作 救活家人...
[36:39.61]adele,I'm sorry. Adele 對不起
[36:43.47]I'm truly,truly sorry,but... 我真的 真的 很遺憾 但...
[36:47.35]so am I,richard. 我也很遺憾 Richard
[37:14.26]callie... Callie...
[37:16.34]you can'T... 你不能...
[37:18.63]just forgive me. 就這么原諒我
[37:22.27]What I did to you... 我對你做的這些...
[37:25.86]I-is unforgivable. 是不可原諒的
[37:28.54]That's how it works.That's what "I forgive you" means. 就是這樣 "我原諒你"就這個意思
[37:32.18]No,see,I... 不 聽我說 我...
[37:33.78]I think it means you don't forgive me.I... 那表示你不原諒我 我...
[37:36.63]you don't know how to talk to me right noW. 你現(xiàn)在不知道怎么和我說話
[37:38.11]I mean,look,you don't...you can't even look at me. 你都...甚至都不看我一眼
[37:41.41]You're so angry that... 你很生氣...
[37:43.66]I think the only way you can deal with me is to say you forgive me and... 你對我 唯一能做的 就是說你原諒我...
[37:48.31]what,we pretend it didn't happen? 然后呢 裝作什么都沒發(fā)生過?
[37:55.05]I... 我...
[37:57.52]it happened. 事情確實發(fā)生了
[37:58.84]And you don't forgive me. 你不原諒我
[38:05.08]You're right. 沒錯
[38:07.89]I don'T. 我不原諒你
[38:21.66]- So I got alex to cover for me. - Oh. - 我讓Alex代班了 - 哦
[38:24.41]- So I can leave right after I round on my patients. - Yeah. - 我巡視完病人就能走了 - 好啊
[38:26.91]- 48 uninterrupted hours... - yeah,yeah.Um... - 48小時無打擾時間... - 是啊 是啊...
[38:30.47]you know what?Maybe this is not a good weekend. 也許這并不是個適合度假的周末
[38:33.04]What did lexie say about me? Lexie說我什么了?
[38:35.44]She didn't say anything.I did all the talking. 她什么也沒說 是我一直說
[38:38.46]Look,don't blame her. 別怪她
[38:39.62]So what,you're friends with my sister now? 怎么 你現(xiàn)在是我妹妹的朋友了?
[38:42.21]I mean,you talk to the other grey about me? 你和我妹妹說到我?
[38:44.73]Mm-hmm. 嗯
[38:47.28]You know what I talked about with the other grey? 知道我和你妹妹說什么嗎?
[38:52.88]All the things this grey won't let me say. 說你不讓我說的
[38:56.71]You can say anything to me. 你可以對我說任何話
[39:01.68]I want to marry you. 我想娶你
[39:06.02]I want to have kids with you. 想和你有孩子
[39:08.09]I want to build us a house. 想為我們建座房子
[39:10.88]I want to settle down and grow old with you. 想安頓下來 伴你終老
[39:15.66]I want to die when I'm 110 years old in your arms. 我想110歲的時候 在你臂彎里死去
[39:20.92]I don't want 48 uninterrupted hours. 我不想只要48小時無打擾時間
[39:25.76]I want a lifetime. 我想要一輩子
[39:30.84]Mm-hmm. 嗯
[39:34.23]Do you see what happens? 明白發(fā)生什么了嗎?
[39:37.69]I say things like that, 我說這些
[39:39.45]and you fight the urge to run in the opposite direction. 你就極力向相反的方向跑開
[39:42.59]It's okay. 沒事
[39:44.31]I understand. 我明白
[39:45.54]I didn't,but now I do.I do.. 我之前不明白 但是現(xiàn)在懂了
[39:49.21]You're just getting started 你才剛剛開始
[39:51.14]And I've been doing this for a long time. 我這樣已經(jīng)很長時間了
[39:53.91]Deep down... 在心理上...
[39:57.59]you're still an intern. 你還只是個實習生
[40:00.14]And you're not ready. 你還沒準備好
[40:02.42]I'm not ready right now. 我只是現(xiàn)在沒準備好
[40:05.47]But things could stay the way they are... 世事依舊...
[40:07.46]And I can get ready.I'll get ready. 我能準備好 會準備好的
[40:09.36]Things can stay the way they are. 世事依舊
[40:12.06]We can still meet in the elevator or the on call room. 我們仍在電梯里或待命室里約會
[40:15.99]And maybe you'll be ready. 也許你會準備好
[40:18.35]And I'll wait. 我會等你
[40:21.17]I'll wait until you're ready. 會等到你準備好
[40:24.45]Okay,then. 好吧 那么
[40:26.43]Yeah,but what if... 是的 但萬一...
[40:28.12]what if while I'm waiting I meet someone 萬一在等待的過程中 我遇到別人
[40:30.62]who is ready to give me what I want from you? 她能給我 我想從你那里得到的?
[40:34.18]What if you do? 你會怎么辦?
[40:40.04]I don't know. 我不知道
[40:50.62]Forgive and forget. 原諒和遺忘
[40:54.86]That's what they say. 正如我們說的那樣
[41:01.13]I just wanted to say,um,thank you for... 我只想說 謝謝你...
[41:04.59]saving my ass today in surgery. 今天手術中幫了我
[41:06.88]Well,that's my job,three. 這是我的工作 3號
[41:09.44]Now where are adam's post-op labs? Adam的術后化驗報告呢?
[41:11.59]It's good advice,but it's not very practical. 是個好建議 但并不實際
[41:15.12]I'll get them,dr.Yang. 我去拿 Yang醫(yī)生
[41:26.50]when someone hurts us... 有人傷了我們...
[41:28.73]we want to hurt them back. 我們想反擊
[41:32.80]Come in. 請進
[41:43.14]Keep it down,will you? 別哭了 好嗎?
[41:45.68]When someone wrongs us,we want to be right. 有人誤解我們 我們想澄清
[41:50.46]Without forgiveness,old scores are never settled... 不原諒 過去無法清零...
[41:55.48]old wounds never heal. 舊傷口無法痊愈
[41:59.90]And the most we can hope for 我們最多希望
[42:01.97]is that one day 有一天
[42:03.52]we'll be lucky enough to forget. 我們夠幸運 可以忘掉
[42:08.14]Proudly Presents 醫(yī)人當自強 第四季 第4集 -=結束=-

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