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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:56:03
[00:00.71]Previously on grey's anatomy"... 前情提要
[00:02.83]I slept with izzie. 我和Izzie上床了
[00:03.92]George told me...everything. George什么都沒瞞我
[00:06.13]You named me ava,and I was more me 你給我起名叫Ava
[00:08.30]as ava than I'll ever be as rebecca. 從此我就是Ava 不是Rebecca
[00:10.66]Dr.Hahn,I was pleasantly surprised to hear you were joining us today. Hahn醫(yī)生 你來這里 我真是很驚喜
[00:14.47]You remind me of myself when I was an intern... 你讓我想起我實習的時候...
[00:17.25]focused,intense,cold. 專注 積極 冷漠
[00:20.01]- My mother's dead,isn't she? - Yes. - 我媽媽死了 是嗎? - 是的
[00:22.60]Let's do this once. 這個我們只談一次
[00:23.89]I'm fine.She's cremated. 我很好 她火化了
[00:25.52]I picked out a beautiful urn,and she's hanging out in the back of my closet. 我選了一個很漂亮的骨灰罐 我把她放在我的柜子后面
[00:28.47]Any more questions about my dead mother,or can we get back to work? 對我的亡母你們還有什么疑問 我們可以繼續(xù)工作去了吧?
[00:37.21]Pick me.Choose me.Love me. 挑我 選我 愛我
[00:42.33]You're the love of my life.I can't leave you. 你是我此生至愛 我怎舍得離你而去
[00:45.18]But you're constantly leaving me. 但你卻常常棄我不顧
[00:48.64]Imagine my disappointment when I wake up after five years 想象一下 我五年后醒來
[00:51.10]and discover that you're no more than ordinary. 發(fā)現(xiàn)你還是那么平庸
[00:58.23]there's a reason surgeons learn to wield scalpels. 外科醫(yī)生為何要學會用手術刀?
[01:02.18]We like to pretend we're hard,cold scientists. 我們喜歡裝成鐵石心腸的科學家
[01:06.49]We like to pretend we're fearless. 假裝自己天不怕 地不怕
[01:10.37]Pick me.Choose me.Love me. 挑我 選我 愛我
[01:16.74]But the truth is,we become surgeons because somewhere,deep down, 但事實是 我們成為外科醫(yī)生 因為在內心深處的某個地方
[01:21.22]we think we can cut away that which haunts us... 我們堅信能切除深深困擾著 我們的問題
[01:27.55]what are you guys doing up? 你們倆不睡覺在干什么呢?
[01:29.19]- Couldn't sleep. - Couldn't sleep. - 睡不著 - 睡不著
[01:30.81]Weakness,frailty... 缺點 孱弱
[01:34.09]death. 死亡
[01:46.28]what is that? 那是什么?
[01:49.82]My mother. 我媽媽
[01:52.67]Happy freakin' halloween. 嚇死人的萬圣節(jié)快樂
[02:03.64]Yang... Yang...
[02:05.66]you're moving out of burke's place,huh? 你要搬出Burke的住所了 是嗎?
[02:07.78]Yes,sir. 是的 先生
[02:10.20]My wife has filed for divorce. 我妻子提出離婚了
[02:13.54]I'm very sorry,sir. 很抱歉 先生
[02:15.24]At any rate,I need a place to live. 我至少要找個地方住
[02:17.64]And burke's place... I-I was there once. Burke住的地方... 我去過一次
[02:20.46]I suppose actually it's your place now,right? 我想其實現(xiàn)在已經是你的寓所了吧?
[02:22.63]No,it's still burke's place. 不 還是Burke的
[02:28.29]Now it's yours. 現(xiàn)在是你的了
[02:39.06]what are we looking at? 那是什么?
[02:41.01]Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work. Meredith把她媽媽放在小包包里 帶她來上班
[02:44.24]I had to get her out of my closet.She was haunting me. 我必須把她從柜子里拿出來 她使我心神不安
[02:47.38]And now she's haunting us all. 現(xiàn)在她會使我們都不安的
[02:49.97]- I'm putting her to rest. - Meredith is cleansing. - 我要讓她安息 - 她想消解
[02:52.13]In tribal culture,when one wants to cleanse the past, 部落文化中 如果有人想消解過去
[02:55.14]one cuts off all of one's ha and buries it in the earth. 會剃掉所有的毛發(fā)埋起來
[02:58.04]You might try that,too. 你也可以試試
[03:01.35]okay,listen up. 好的 聽好了
[03:02.82]Today is a holiday,which means the pit will be overrun. 今天是萬圣節(jié) 病人會爆滿
[03:05.93]You've got the usual drunken stupidity... 除了平時常見的醉酒事故...
[03:07.88]and then you've got seattle's annual chain saw 還有西雅圖一年一度的
[03:10.87]pumpkin carving contest. 鏈鋸刻南瓜比賽
[03:12.84]I love this city. 我喜歡這城市
[03:13.98]Stay on your toes,stay on top of your interns,okay? 警醒一點 管好你們的實習 好嗎?
[03:16.13]So we should round before heading to the pit or... 先巡房再去急診? 還是...
[03:18.05]yeah,you should direct your questions to dr.Bailey,stevens. 你的問題直接問 Bailey醫(yī)生 Stevens
[03:20.96]oh,we're directing our questions to dr.Bailey? 有問題都直接問Bailey醫(yī)生?
[03:23.82]Oh,not you.Just stevens. 不 你不是 只有Stevens是
[03:25.68]why is stevens directing her questions to dr.Bailey? 為什么Stevens有問題 直接問Bailey醫(yī)生?
[03:28.88]Because she's been sleeping with my husband. 因為他和我丈夫上過床
[03:37.19]All righty,then. 好吧
[03:38.42]Have a good day. 日安
[03:49.69]Okay,this is even more disturbing than your bagful of mommy. 這個比你那一袋子媽媽還要 讓人心煩
[03:52.99]His medication was due half an hour ago. 半個小時前就該給他發(fā)藥
[03:55.57]I mean,the man is living in the hospital while he waits on a heart. 他住在醫(yī)院等心臟
[03:58.26]Erin,honey. Erin 甜心
[04:00.02]I'm thinking it's kinda hard for anyone to take you seriously in your mouse costume. 我想你打扮成這樣 沒人會把你的話當真的
[04:05.21]See,I work with 5 year olds,dad. 我的工作是陪一群5歲的小朋友 爸爸
[04:07.75]My costume is appropriate.Hers is not. 所以我的裝扮很合適 而她的卻不合適
[04:10.94]Look,I'm...I'm just ying, 看 我只是說
[04:13.06]if you have time for halloween costumes, 如果你有時間準備萬圣節(jié)戲服
[04:15.09]you probably have time to provide my father with basic care. 你怎么會沒時間照顧我爸爸
[04:18.12]Hi,I'm dr.O'malley. 嘿 我是O'malley醫(yī)生
[04:20.87]We'll take care of your father right away. 我們馬上去照顧您父親
[04:22.38]Thank you. 多謝
[04:25.22]you should always make sure they have their meds before you do anything else. 確定病人的藥都給了 再做其它事
[04:28.09]- Okay. - Thanks. - 好的 - 謝謝
[04:30.71]I like your costume. 我喜歡你的戲服
[04:32.39]Oh,well,dr.Yang said that we c... . 嗯 Yang醫(yī)生說.. .
[04:34.64]Yang...is screwing with you. Yang醫(yī)生在耍你呢...
[04:38.94]Oh,I knew i *** 哦 我就知道是這樣
[04:43.19]are you the doctor? 你是醫(yī)生嗎?
[04:44.83]- Oh,I am. - Good. - 哦 是的 - 很好
[04:47.81]That's...that's gooD. 很...好
[04:49.97]is your leg hurting you? 你的腿疼嗎?
[04:51.44]It's...it's not the leg. 不...不是腿
[04:53.45]It's the foot. 是腳
[04:54.53]And...and it's nohurting so much as... as it's not mine. 不是很疼 因為它不是我的
[04:59.77]Something happened.I-I can't explain it. 發(fā)生了一些事情 我無法解釋
[05:01.47]But this...this foot does not belong to me. 但這腳的確不是我的
[05:04.14]It...it'S... 它...它...
[05:06.75]it... 它...
[05:08.35]it...it feels like it's a corpse foot. 它感覺像尸體的腳
[05:11.58]Oh,did you lose feeling in the foot?Is it numb? 你能感覺到它嗎?是不是麻痹了?
[05:13.63]No,it's...it's not numb. 不 它 沒有麻痹
[05:15.19]It's just... 只是...
[05:16.72]it's not mine. 它不是我的
[05:18.48]Please,I'm...i'm not crazy. 求你了 我沒有發(fā)瘋
[05:20.52]I-I work at a bank.I'm not crazy.Please. 我在銀行工作 我沒有發(fā)瘋 求你了
[05:23.13]I just... I-I need a surgeon. 我...我只是想要個外科醫(yī)生
[05:24.66]I need you to get me a surgeon who will remove it. 我想你叫個外科醫(yī)生把它切掉
[05:28.86]A surgeon who will remove your foot? 找個外科醫(yī)生切掉你的腳?
[05:31.28]A surgeon who will amputate your seemingly healthy foot? 找個外科醫(yī)生截掉你的 看上去很健康的腳?
[05:42.97]oh! 噢
[05:47.23]What is that? 那是什么?
[05:48.39]- It's charts. -Meredith. - 病歷 - Meredith
[05:50.47]- It's my mom. - What? - 是我媽 - 什么?
[05:52.08]I had her in the cubby,and she was freaking people out. 我把她放在儲物柜里面 大家不高興
[05:53.87]So I was just gonna go put her in the car. 所以我想把她放在車上
[05:55.73]Do you think that's disrespectful,to leave her in the car? 你覺得把她一個人留在 車上很不敬嗎?
[05:58.11]It's a littlE... 只是有點...
[05:59.63]- it's not that strange. - Oh. - 這并不那么荒誕 - 哦
[06:01.98]I'm trying to figure out how to put her to rest. 我只是想怎么才能讓她安息
[06:04.36]I can't shove her in the back of my closet anymore. 我不能再把她塞在柜子后面了
[06:06.53]I have to deal with her. 我得處理她的事
[06:07.82]- Well... - and this is me - 嗯 - 這就是我
[06:09.83]trying to evolve. 想改善自己
[06:12.05]I'm trying here.So... 我就從這里開始 那么...
[06:13.91]cubby or car? 儲物柜還是車上?
[06:15.86]You're asking me if I think you should put your mom's 你問我應該把你媽媽的骨灰
[06:18.07]ashes in your cubby or your car? 放在儲物柜還是車上?
[06:20.92]Okay,and you don't think that's very,very strange? 你不覺得這樣很荒誕嗎?
[06:23.10]are those really your mom's ashes? 這些真是您媽媽的骨灰嗎?
[06:25.42]It's strange,right?It's strange. 真的很荒誕? 很荒誕
[06:27.88]Are you lost? 你迷路了嗎?
[06:29.09]No,my mom works in the cafeteria. 不 我媽媽在飯廳工作
[06:31.59]And she said I could come up here and look for dr.Sloan. 她叫我過來找Sloan醫(yī)生
[06:34.18]Do you know him? 你認識他嗎?
[06:35.22]- Um,can you take care of him? - Yeah. - 嗯 你能照顧一下他嗎? - 嗯
[06:38.12]Can you... 你能...
[06:39.31]take care of her? 處理好她嗎?
[06:46.37]Good morning. 早上好
[06:49.22]Don't do that.Don't smile at me. 別這樣 別對我笑
[06:51.17]Don't smile at her.Don't smile at me,either. 別對她笑 也別對我笑
[06:53.18]- We're on to you. - We've compared notes. - 我們盯上你了 - 我們交流了經驗
[06:55.37]- Compared notes?Really? - Mm-hmm. - 我們交流了經驗? 真的? - 嗯
[06:57.36]Compared notes,compared pickup lines compared techniques. 交流了經驗 交流了搭訕的話和技巧
[07:00.41]Techniques? 技巧?
[07:02.17]- Identical. - Identical. - 如出一轍 - 如出一轍
[07:03.68]Identical? 如出一轍?
[07:04.85]- We formed a club. - Nurses unite against mark sloan. - 我們成立了一個俱樂部 - 護士反Mark Sloan聯(lián)合會
[07:09.88]Are there any,uh,club activities? 你們俱樂部有沒有 活動 ?
[07:18.65]Oh,man.You would not believe what just happened to me. 哦 伙計 你肯定不信剛才我經歷了什么事
[07:20.87]- There's a,uh,kid looking for you. - What? - 嗯 這里有個孩子找你 - 什么?
[07:25.25]Daddy? 爸爸?
[07:27.27]What? 什么?
[07:32.12]- nicely done. - Thanks. - 裝的不錯 - 謝謝
[07:33.82]- I'll be getting you back for that. - Looking forward to it. - 我要為此報復你的 - 隨時恭候
[07:38.03]You're not my father. 你不是我爸爸
[07:39.74]But I am hoping you'll build me some ears. 但我希望你能幫我做一對耳朵
[07:43.75]Dr.Karev,request for you. Karev醫(yī)生 有任務
[07:45.70]Curtain three. 3號隔間
[07:47.29]Dr.Karev,I'm feeling a little under the weather. Karev醫(yī)生 我覺得有點不適
[07:50.39]And...and rather than risk spreading germs to the patients, 為了避免把我的細菌傳染給病人
[07:53.22]I thought I would head home for the day. 我覺得我該請假回家
[07:54.61]Norman,do you want to be a surgeon or do you want to go to bed? Norman 你想當外科醫(yī)生還是想 回家睡覺?
[07:57.15]Because it's one or the other. 因為這兩件事非此即彼
[07:58.33]Surgeons stand up through 10-,12-,15-hour surgeries without food, 外科醫(yī)生站著做手術 10-12-15 小時 什么也不吃
[08:00.90]without bathroom breaks without complaints. 不上廁所 不抱怨
[08:03.65]Surgeons do not go home because we have a tickle in our throat. 外科醫(yī)生不會回家睡覺 僅僅因為嗓子有點癢
[08:09.03]Well,it's not a tickle in my throat as much as... 嗯 這并不是嗓子癢那么簡單的...
[08:10.86]- make yourself busy,norman. - Right. - 去找點事做 Norman - 好吧
[08:20.09]All the moms in my town, 我鎮(zhèn)子上的每個母親
[08:21.92]they all dress up for halloween. 都因為萬圣節(jié)穿上了戲裝
[08:24.25]So I was thinking,what would I want to be if... 所以我就在想...
[08:27.53]if I had to dress up or what I... 如果我要裝上戲裝的話...
[08:29.50]and the only thing I could come up with,the only thing that I wanted to be... 我能想起的唯一的角色 我最想成為的角色 ..
[08:35.61]was ava. 就是Ava
[08:57.22]Greys.Anatomy Season4 Episode 5 Haunt You Every Day 醫(yī)人當自強 第四季 第5集 "Haunt You Every Day" 揮之不去
[09:01.90]You found him. 你找到他了
[09:03.75]You two know each other? 你們認識?
[09:05.58]You know his parents? 你認識他的父母?
[09:07.36]His mom works in the cafeteria. 他媽媽在飯廳工作
[09:09.35]What's all this? 這些是什么?
[09:10.43]It's letters from the kids in my class. 我班上的同學寫的
[09:12.42]Letters to mE. 給我的信
[09:13.74]He has the internal structure to hear, 他有內部聽覺器官
[09:15.76]he just doesn't have a canal or external structure. 只是沒有耳道和外部結構
[09:18.85]So I thought if I came in with my letters, 所以我想我把這些信帶來
[09:21.65]dr.Sloan might feel sorry for me and do the surgery for free. Sloan醫(yī)生會可憐我 為我免費做手術
[09:25.23]Uh,look,I'd like to help,I would if I could, 嗯 我很樂意幫忙 如果力所能及的話
[09:28.46]but pro bono surgery... 但是免費慈善手術...
[09:29.68]you should probably know that on my way here this morning, 你知道嗎 我今天來這兒的時候
[09:31.69]three different people thought I was in a costume. 3個人都認為我穿了戲服
[09:34.29]My head looks like a permanent halloween costume. 我的頭就像永久的萬圣節(jié)戲服
[09:38.96]Just thought you should know that. 我想你應該了解這個
[09:41.07]You're good. 真能說
[09:43.00]Pro bono surgery is not just about me giving you my time. 慈善手術需要的不僅是我的時間
[09:46.40]A surgery like this requires O.R.Time, 手術需要占用手術室
[09:48.68]an anesthesiologist,a general surgeon to remove the cartilage from your ribs, 還要一名麻醉師 一名普外醫(yī)生 把你肋骨上的軟骨切下來備用
[09:52.56]at least two surgical nurses. 至少還要兩個護士
[09:55.35]Couldn't you ask them for help? 你不能叫他們來幫忙嗎?
[09:57.94]I could,but I don't have any social capital. 我可以 但是我沒有 這樣的聲望
[10:01.00]The nurses hate me. 護士們討厭我
[10:02.29]They've formed a club that's all about hating me. 她們組織了一個 專門恨我的俱樂部
[10:04.77]And the other doctors don't owe me any favors 其他醫(yī)生也沒欠我情
[10:06.58]'cause ie never done any for them. 因為我沒為他們做過什么
[10:09.15]I'm sorry. 抱歉
[10:10.68]I wish I could help. 要是我能幫忙就好了
[10:13.14]I would if I could. 做得到一定做
[10:18.51]I have social capital. 我有人緣
[10:21.37]Or I don'T. 或者說不是我有
[10:22.47]Nobody knows me,but they knew my mother. 沒人認識我 但他們認識我媽
[10:24.63]So maybe I can make this happen. 也許我能幫上忙
[10:26.61]Fine,make it happen.You manage that, 好 你負責準備好
[10:29.03]I'm all yours. 我就幫你做
[10:32.17]These people who knew your mother, 那些認識你媽的人
[10:34.76]do they know you brought her to work in a baggie? 知道你用袋子把她帶來工作嗎?
[10:46.81]Oh,you... 你...
[10:51.45]you didn't come for me.You... 你沒來找我 你...
[10:55.00]you chickened out. 你膽小退縮了
[10:56.90]When I... when I was leaving,when I was... 當我... 要走的時候...
[11:00.89]when I asked you to give me a reason to stay, 當我要求你把我留住的時候
[11:03.25]you chickened out,which I-I get. 你退縮了 這我理解
[11:05.29]I get that.It was a lot. 我理解 情況很
[11:07.54]It was scary,and I-I know I can be kinda intense, 很嚇人 我也逼得太緊了
[11:10.08]but I thought...I thought... 但我以為...以為...
[11:12.44]oh! 噢!
[11:13.55]I thought after the... the chickening out part,I thought... 但我以為驚慌過后
[11:17.95]you would come for me. 你會來找我的
[11:22.15]I came back for you,which basically... 我現(xiàn)在又回來找你 這
[11:25.93]makes me a beggar. 讓我像個乞丐一樣
[11:27.98]I'm a beggar for halloween. 我是個萬圣節(jié)乞丐
[11:30.38]And now you're mocking me. 你還嘲笑我
[11:31.96]I'm not mocking you. 我沒笑你
[11:42.39]We need... 我們得...
[11:43.68]to talk. 談談
[11:45.12]We will. 等一下談
[11:48.88]Body dysmorphic disorder? 懼畸障礙?
[11:50.55]You can prescribe him some antianxiety meds to try to lessen the urgency he's feeling. 給他開點抗焦慮藥減輕他的急躁
[11:55.29]The man is requesting an amputation, 他可是要求截肢啊
[11:58.18]and the best you can come up with is antianxiety meds? 而你頂多開點抗焦慮藥?
[12:01.82]Dr.Bailey. Bailey醫(yī)生
[12:05.03]Chain saw contest time? 鏈鋸比賽?
[12:06.53]Yep. 對的
[12:08.29]Mr.Miller. Miller先生
[12:10.40]I have to get to the E.R. 我得去急診室了
[12:12.29]But I'm gonna write you a prescription 給你開張?zhí)幏?br /> [12:15.13]for some medication I think may help you. 這些藥應該能幫上忙
[12:16.99]Medication? 藥?
[12:17.83]I need... I-I need a surgeon. 我需要... 我需要的是手術
[12:19.54]A surgeon can take off the foot. 一個能截肢的醫(yī)生
[12:21.72]Get me a surgeon! 給我找個外科醫(yī)生!
[12:23.06]I am a surgeon,and I can tell you right now 我就是個外科醫(yī)生 可以告訴你
[12:25.74]that you won't persuade me 你說服不了我
[12:26.95]or any other surgeon to do what you're asking. 或任何一個醫(yī)生給你截肢
[12:29.08]Please try this medication. 請你乖乖吃藥
[12:33.50]- I have an earless boy. - I'm sorry? - 我有個沒耳朵的男孩 - 啥?
[12:37.90]Sloan has agreed to build him ears pro bono Sloan同意義務給他建構耳朵
[12:41.24]if you will donate the O.R. 要是你能捐一個手術室
[12:43.29]- And all the equipment... - I'm sorry,grey. - 和其他設備的話... - 抱歉 Grey
[12:45.38]My pro bono slate is full. 公益手術已經排滿
[12:47.68]There are protocols to be followed,all sorts .. 我也要遵守制度 有很多
[12:50.51]- of red tape. - trick or treat. - 無法通融的 - 不給糖果就搗蛋
[12:52.82]Get it?He's trick-or-treating... 懂嗎? 你要不給耳朵...
[12:54.91]for ears. 他就搗蛋
[12:57.09]Grey... Grey...
[12:58.15]you know,my mother,she was big on pro bono surgeries. 我媽 可是個熱衷公益事業(yè)的醫(yī)生
[13:06.54]O.R.2 is free at 6:00 P.M. 2號手術室下午6點有空
[13:09.13]Thank you. 謝謝
[13:15.88]if you two need to talk,I could wait over there. 你們要談話 我可以回避
[13:18.00]Why? 為什么?
[13:19.00]It's not like we have any secrets anymore. 像我們還能有什么秘密似的
[13:20.75]Callie told everyone. Callie跟所有人說了
[13:22.22]- Everyone. - Yeah,it's gonna be a long day. - 所有人 - 是啊 今天難熬啊
[13:25.02]erin shanley,34,massive head trauma when a brick came through her windshield. Erin Shanley 34歲嚴重腦外傷 磚頭砸在擋風玻璃
[13:28.93]G.C.S. Of 3 in the field. 3級昏迷
[13:30.30]A brick came through her windshield? 磚頭砸到了行駛中的擋風玻璃?
[13:31.51]Damn kids were screwing around on a bridge,halloween crap. 小孩在天橋胡鬧呢 萬圣節(jié)噩夢
[13:33.73]I'm looking at brain matter here. 我看到腦組織了
[13:35.01]I checked.She's a donor. 看過了 她是器官捐贈者
[13:38.44]Oh,my god. 我的天啊
[13:39.44]What? 怎么了?
[13:40.41]her father's on three.He's waiting for a new heart. 她爸爸就在3號病房 等著心臟呢
[13:45.20]It was awesome. 太過癮了
[13:46.99]It was the sickest pumpkin head you ever saw. 這是我鋸過的最變態(tài)的南瓜頭
[13:50.73]And then the next thing you know,it's,like,blood gushing, 接下來 就只看到鮮血四濺
[13:53.76]and it totally stained my pumpkin head. 沾滿在我的南瓜頭上
[13:55.76]- You don't say? - Made it even sicker,though. - 是嗎? - 不過 這樣就更變態(tài)了
[13:58.39]I brought it in...the digit. 我把手指帶來了
[14:00.84]Oh,you have the finger? 斷指在你那?
[14:02.11]Yeah,but it's,like,lodged in the chain saw. 對 不過卡在鏈鋸里面了
[14:05.70]Wait. 等等
[14:06.81]It was right here. 剛才還在這
[14:08.45]- Who took my saw? - What... - 誰拿了我的鋸? - 什么...
[14:09.86]- sir,the cut isn't clean enough to consider re... - yo,who took my saw? - 先生 切口還不夠干凈 - 喲 誰拿了我的鋸?
[14:18.92]oh... 噢...
[14:20.32]oh,no. 噢 不
[14:22.83]- What is that noise? - I have no idea. - 那是什么聲音? - 不知道
[14:28.34]aah! 啊!
[14:32.08]Aah! 啊!
[14:33.64]Sick! 變態(tài)!
[14:36.47]The tibial nerve is shot. 脛骨神經斷了
[14:37.76]There's nothing salvageable here. 沒什么可挽回的了
[14:39.59]Completely mangled. 全毀了
[14:40.79]I can't believe he held that saw to his leg long enough... 無法相信他還鋸了那么長時間
[14:43.04]was he high? 他吸毒了?
[14:44.09]No,I just gave him some morphine for the pain, 沒有 我只給了點嗎啡減輕痛楚
[14:45.83]but the tox screen was clean before that. 但此前毒理測試呈陰性
[14:48.26]Unbelievable. 難以置信
[14:50.19]All right,I'll finish the job. 好 我來收尾吧
[14:52.10]Yang,go ahead and prep him for complete amputation. Yang去準備一下做截肢手術
[14:54.70]Thank you. 謝謝
[14:56.93]Thank you so much. 真是太感謝了
[14:59.14]Hey,you okay? 你還好吧?
[15:00.73]Oh,severed limbs don't sit well with me. 不太習慣看到這種截肢的場面
[15:02.47]Just a little queasy is all.But I'm fine. 只是有點反胃 沒事
[15:04.22]I'll help dr.Yang. 我去幫Yang醫(yī)生
[15:07.55]Okay. 好
[15:10.52]gottlove halloween... 真喜歡萬圣節(jié)...
[15:12.63]when all the crazies come out to play. 這么多瘋人奇事上演
[15:15.06]Mm,I kind of get it. 有點明白你意思
[15:16.28]I mean,I get that you can wake up one day, 你可以有天醒來
[15:18.73]and your life doesn't feel le your own. 發(fā)現(xiàn)生活不像自己的
[15:21.23]I heard... 我聽說了...
[15:23.05]about your marriage. 你的婚姻情況
[15:25.12]And if there's anything you need me to do to 要是你需要我?guī)兔?br /> [15:27.21]cheer you up,I'm around,day or night... 給你打氣 我隨時候命 無論白天夜晚
[15:32.91]night in particular. 特別是夜晚
[15:34.69]I was married. 我已為人妻了
[15:36.30]I said "till death do us part," okay?In a church. 我說過"只有死亡才能把我們分開" 在教堂里
[15:39.22]I mean,it was the church of elvis,but still it was a church. 雖然是貓王教堂 總還是教堂啊
[15:42.38]I just... 我就是...
[15:44.19]I can't believe this is my life. 無法相信我的人生就是這樣子
[15:49.64]I don't understand.How did this happen? 我不明白 怎么會這樣?
[15:52.02]How could this happen? 怎么會這樣?
[15:56.35]injuries like these happen very quickly. 事情發(fā)生得很快
[15:58.88]She probably didn't feel any pain at all. 她可能不會感覺到任何痛苦
[16:02.46]M-mr.Shanley. Shanley先生
[16:05.26]According to erin's driver's license... Erin的駕駛執(zhí)照顯示...
[16:08.67]she was an organ donor. 她是器官捐贈者
[16:12.25]And as next of kin, 作為她的近親
[16:14.88]if you agree to take her off of life support, 如果你同意停止她的維生系統(tǒng)
[16:19.30]you could direct the heart to yourself. 心臟可以直接移植給你
[16:25.39]She is young,she was healthy. 她年輕健康
[16:27.76]She would be a perfect match for you,sir. 與你絕對匹配
[16:30.18]Could you just please go away? 請你們離開?
[16:31.94]- Mr.Shanley,if you would just... - please,please go away.Please. - Shanley先生 或者你可以... - 求你們了,走吧
[16:37.98]Dr.O'malley will bring you to see your daughter O'malley醫(yī)生會帶你去見你的女兒
[16:41.23]if you like. 如果你愿意的話
[16:51.55]- oh! - Oh,so sorry. - 噢! - 抱歉
[16:52.85]- Excuse me. Oh,no,no. - 不好意思 - 不 不
[16:53.68]- You okay? - No apology necessary. - 你還好吧? - 不需要道歉
[16:55.42]- Okay. - I'm sydney,by the way. - 好的 - 我叫Sydney
[16:57.16]Dr. Sydney heron.General surgery. Sydney Heron醫(yī)生 普通外科
[16:58.94]Big fan of your work.Yeah. 你的擁護者
[17:00.60]Uh,we were seated together once at an m&M. 有一次在M&M 我們坐在一起過
[17:03.18]Anyway,uh,now seems as good a time as any to make it official... 不管了 我覺得現(xiàn)在是個好機會...
[17:06.24]our introduction. 作一下自我介紹
[17:07.60]Ah,derek shepherd.Pleasure. 啊 很榮幸 我是Derek Shepherd
[17:08.96]It's,uh,it's very,very nice to meet you. 非常高興認識你
[17:11.51]Nice meeting you,too. 我也很高興認識你
[17:17.82]yothink she's pretty? 你覺得她漂亮么?
[17:19.23]Yeah.I like cheerful people. 我喜歡樂觀積極的人
[17:21.73]I can be cheerfuL. 我也能樂觀積極
[17:23.26]I think the ashes thing makes that kinda unlikely. 通過骨灰這件事 我看夠嗆
[17:27.48]Dr.Bailey, Bailey醫(yī)生
[17:28.95]we're gonna help,uh,rebuild a little boy's ears today,pro bono. 我們要幫一個孩子重建耳朵 慈善事業(yè)
[17:32.95]And I thought maybe you could donate some time. 你能不能奉獻一點時間
[17:35.22]Uh,thanks to the fine, 由于某位直立市民...
[17:36.81]upstanding citizen who cut off his foot on my watch, 在我監(jiān)護下切下了自己的腳
[17:39.85]I've got a mountain of paperwork. 我得做一堆文案工作
[17:41.60]On top of that,I promised to try and get out here 另外 我保證要盡快離開這里的
[17:44.53]in time to see my son in his halloween costume. 回家看我兒子的萬圣節(jié)裝扮
[17:47.25]Is tuck even old enough to know what halloween is? Tuck那么大的孩子就懂得萬圣節(jié)了?
[17:49.79]He's not, 他還沒有
[17:50.93]but his father is,and that's who I promised. 不過他爸爸懂 我跟他爸爸保證的
[17:54.41]Trick or treat. 不給糖果就搗蛋
[18:00.29]For ears? 來要耳朵?
[18:01.62]- He's trick-or-treating for ears? - Yeah. - 不給耳朵就搗蛋? - 是啊
[18:04.60]Could you also persuade some of the surgical nurses to help out? 你能不能勸說幾個外科護士一起幫忙?
[18:08.45]They seem to really like you. 護士一般都喜歡你
[18:11.44]- Trick or treat. - Uh,stop that. - 不給糖果就搗蛋 - 停停
[18:16.01]All right,I'm in. 好吧 我加入
[18:27.73]she's warm.It doesn't make sense. 她身體還是熱的 我想不通
[18:30.66]I'm -'m sorry. 很抱歉
[18:33.23]She's breathing with the help of machines. 她在依靠呼吸機生存
[18:36.22]Erin... Erin...
[18:37.47]the person that you knew... 你認識的那個人...
[18:40.31]isn't there anymore. 已經不在了
[18:50.13]Uh... 呃...
[18:51.47]would you bring the paperwork? 你能不能把文件拿來?
[18:55.82]You can have her... 我想捐獻...
[18:57.66]have her...her organs.That's what she wanted. 捐獻她的器官 這是她的愿望
[19:01.53]And her heart? 她的心臟呢?
[19:06.39]Give it to someone else. 捐給別人吧
[19:12.66]We could scatter her off the roof. 你可以把她撒在屋頂上
[19:15.65]She was afraid of heights. 她恐高
[19:17.06]They're ashes,meredith. 那是骨灰 Meredith
[19:18.63]The ashes aren't acrophobic. 骨灰不會恐高
[19:21.56]I need to put my mother to rest. 我需要讓我媽媽安息
[19:23.29]I need to not become her. 我不想變成她
[19:24.76]I need to not die emotionally crippled and alone. 我不想感情破裂 孤獨終老
[19:27.69]And I need to not attend the wedding of derek shepherd and sydney heron. 我不想參加Derek Shepherd 和Sydney Heron的婚禮
[19:32.31]I need to put my mother to rest. 我得讓我媽媽安息
[19:34.73]Sydney heron? Sydney Heron?
[19:51.14]just ask. 有什么問題就問
[19:54.55]So you two are together? 你們倆在一起了?
[19:56.83]Yeah. 是啊
[19:57.81]Like "together" together,in love together? "在一起"的那個一起 你們倆戀愛了?
[20:00.22]Sexy love,not sibling love? 情人間的愛 不是伙伴間的
[20:02.79]Yes.Yeah. 是啊
[20:04.53]We're together. 我們在一起了
[20:06.21]And...you two have been... 你們倆一直...
[20:09.38]I mean,without any of us knowing... doing this the whole time? 一直...背著我們這么做?
[20:13.53]- Just once. - Iz. - 就一次 - Izzie
[20:15.54]I said she could ask questions. 我同意她發(fā)問了
[20:18.74]Just once. 就一次
[20:20.55]And now we're waiting to... 現(xiàn)在我們等待著...
[20:22.74]be together... 在一起...
[20:24.91]out of respect. 嚴肅認真地
[20:26.07]For callie's feelings. 為了Callie的感受
[20:34.11]- she's not judging. - Right. - 她沒在批判你 - 是啊
[20:41.39]I have an earless boy waiting for me. 我有個沒耳朵的孩子等著我呢
[20:44.49]but... 但是...
[20:47.04]I'm happy for you guys. 我替你們高興
[20:59.10]norman. Norman
[21:00.29]Do you have to go? 你要走了么?
[21:01.29]No. 不
[21:02.29]Norman can get by fora few more minutes without me. Norman不差這幾分鐘
[21:07.39]How are you? 你怎么樣?
[21:08.42]I mean,how have you been? 我是說 你最近怎么樣?
[21:11.72]I'm in love with my daughter. 我很愛我的女兒
[21:13.34]She's perfect.She's... 她很完美 她很...
[21:15.86]I mean,she sucks on her fingers.It's her new thing. 她現(xiàn)在經常吃手指 剛學會的
[21:18.81]And she makes,like,this perfect little cartoon suckling sound. 她吃手的聲音跟卡通里面一樣
[21:25.32]And your husband? 你丈夫呢?
[21:28.88]My husband's in love with my daughter,too. 我的丈夫也喜歡我的女兒
[21:35.12]You look tired. 你看上去很疲勞
[21:36.58]I haven't been sleeping much. 我沒怎么睡覺
[21:39.53]I haven't been sleeping much either. 我也沒怎么睡覺
[21:41.33]The baby wakes up all the time. 孩子總醒
[21:44.53]Not as much now that I figured out that if wrap her in whatever shirt I'm wearing... 現(xiàn)在好多了 我發(fā)現(xiàn)只要我用我的衣服裹著她...
[21:50.11]She smells you. 她能聞出你
[21:53.49]And she sleeps. 然后就能睡著了
[21:56.11]Alex... Alex...
[21:58.29]what are we doing? 我們在干什么?
[21:59.98]I mean,what are... what are we gonna do? 我是說 我們今后要怎么做?
[22:15.50]dr.Hahn. Hahn醫(yī)生
[22:16.62]Thank you for coming at such short notice. 感謝你及時趕到
[22:18.21]Oh,not a problem. 哦 沒關系
[22:19.34]Are we harvesting the heart for U.N.O.S. 采集心臟是送到器官資源共享中心
[22:21.25]Or is the recipient here? 還是移植給這里的接受者?
[22:22.49]I'm hoping the recipient is here,but he hasn't agreed yet. 我希望給這的接受者 不過他還沒同意
[22:26.02]I've never had much trouble talking a heart patient into taking a heart. 勸病人接受移植還有這么多麻煩?
[22:30.67]It's his daughter's heart. 是他女兒的心臟
[22:32.81]Okay. 好的
[22:35.22]-Get him to O.R.Two and page torres. -Okay. - 送到二號手術室 呼叫Torres醫(yī)生 - 好的
[22:38.02]Where are you going? 你要去哪?
[22:39.14]-his daughter was in an auto accident. -Hey,uh,what's hahn doing here? - Hahn在這干什么? - 她已經被宣布腦死亡了...
[22:42.45]-She's been declared brain dead... -heart transplant. 心臟移植
[22:44.16]Don't even think about it.It's my patient. 做夢都別想 那是我的病人
[22:45.70]Dr.Hahn,I understand you're doing a heart transplant today, Hahn醫(yī)生 我知道 你今天要做心臟移植術
[22:48.61]and I thought I'd volunteer to scrub in. 我志愿參加手術
[22:50.19]Isobel stevens.She's my patient,the donor. 我是Isobel Stevens 捐贈人是我的病人
[22:52.29]So if you need any information,I have it,all of it. 如果你需要任何信息 我這都有
[22:54.73]She's...she's my patient. 她是...她是我的病人
[22:56.94]You've got some eager junior residents around here. 你們這有不少饑渴的新住院醫(yī)生啊
[22:59.52]Mm,lucky me. 嗯 我很幸運
[23:01.38]Take your pick. 你自己選吧
[23:03.64]Well,yang,I appreciate the offer,but I date men. Yang醫(yī)生 謝謝你的熱情 不過我只跟男人約會
[23:07.49]So I don't think you'll be able to impress me the way you've impressed your mentors in the past. 所以你跟導師搞得那一套 對我不管用
[23:12.11]I... 我...
[23:13.41]what? 什么?
[23:14.41]You sleep with them,right? 你跟他們睡過了 對么?
[23:15.84]Preston burke,colin marlowe... that's your thing. Preston Burke和Colin Marlowe 你經常這么干
[23:18.96]It's my...it's... I'm...I'm sorry. 我...不好意思
[23:23.04]What does that have to do with anything? 這兩件事有什么關系?
[23:24.76]My theory is if you had the chops in the O.R. 我認為如果你有進手術室的資質
[23:27.53]You wouldn't need to try to impress in the bedroom. 就不需要靠跟人上床才進得去了
[23:31.07]Stevens,is it? 你叫Stevens 對吧?
[23:32.07]It is. 沒錯
[23:33.07]Let's go,stevens. 走吧 Stevens
[23:39.95]You know,I bust my ass here, 我付出了那么多努力
[23:41.63]and burke skips town with my cardio reputation. Burke卻帶著我在 心血管專業(yè)的名譽就這么走了
[23:44.06]So now instead of a heart transplant, 現(xiàn)在我得不到心臟移植手術
[23:45.97]oh,I get to participate in the amputation of a crazy man's foot. 卻要參加一個瘋子的截肢手術
[23:49.01]I'm not... crazy. - 我沒有... - 就是瘋了
[23:50.51]Cutting off your foot is crazy. 把自己的腳切下來就是瘋了
[23:52.64]Walking through your life like you have noower, 過著人生卻充滿無力感
[23:55.16]like you have no say... no say in your own destiny... 連自己走向何方也無權作主...
[23:58.76]like you have no control over your own body, 連自己的身體都無法控制
[24:01.53]walking through life like that is what's crazy. 這樣走在人間才是瘋了!
[24:06.54]I still think it's cutting off your foot with a chain saw that's crazy. 我感覺用鏈鋸把腳鋸下來就是瘋了
[24:13.19]Mr.Shanley, I'm dr.Hahn. Shanley先生 我是Hahn醫(yī)生
[24:16.55]The transplant team is in place if you're ready to say good-bye. 移植小組已經就緒 不知你是否準備好跟她告別了
[24:23.70]You must not have children. 你準沒有孩子
[24:26.05]I'm sorry? 什么?
[24:27.18]If you had children,you'd never say that. 如果你有孩子 你肯定不會那么說
[24:28.79]You'd never say,"if you're ready to say good-bye. 你不會說"你是否準備好跟她告別了"
[24:34.20]Mr.Shanley,I'm very sorry,but I want to suggest one last time... Shanley先生 我很抱歉 我最后建議您一次...
[24:39.78]no,I am not taking her heart. 不 我不要她的心臟
[24:41.56]I can't have my daughter's heart beating in my chest. 我不能讓我女兒的心臟 在我的胸腔里跳動
[24:44.01]It would haunt me every day of my life.No! 這會讓我的每一天都很不安 不!
[24:46.92]All right. 好吧
[24:49.08]I'm very sorry for your loss. 對你失去的親人 我很遺憾
[24:53.98]Page me when he's ready. 他準備好了就呼叫我
[25:02.06]Mr.Shanley... Shanley先生...
[25:04.52]I don't have kids,so I don't know what it's like to lose a child, 我沒有孩子 所以感受不到失去孩子的痛苦
[25:07.97]but I do know what it's like to lose a parent. 不過我知道失去父母的痛苦
[25:10.93]Your daughter loved you.I saw her this morning. 你的女兒深愛著你 我早上還見過她
[25:13.52]She was fighting for you. 她為了你爭取
[25:16.02]She was fighting for your life. 為了你的生命爭取著
[25:18.76]You're her dad. 你是她的爸爸
[25:21.22]You're her dad.She didn't want to leave you. 你是她的爸爸 她不想離開你
[25:24.17]I know that. 我知道
[25:26.46]I also know that she would want you to have her heart. 我也知道 她想讓你擁有她的心臟
[25:35.82]I would've given my dad my heart if I could. 如果我可以 我也會把心臟給我的爸
[25:41.25]If I could've saved him... 如果我可以救他...
[25:45.62]I would've given him my heart. 我愿意獻出我的心臟
[26:03.31]All right. 好吧
[26:12.43]-It's not my fault hahn chose me. -Whatever. - Hahn選我又不是我的錯 - 隨便吧
[26:14.61]I can't believe that you are judging me. 不敢相信你在評斷我
[26:16.39]That after what hahn said to you,that you are judging me. Hahn醫(yī)生跟你說過以后 你就在評斷我
[26:19.59]It's not the same thing. 這不是一碼事
[26:20.79]It is the same thing. 是一碼事
[26:22.03]It's exactly the same thing. 絕對是一碼事
[26:25.44]I'm sorry that I hurt callie. 我很抱歉傷害了Callie
[26:27.24]I didn't mean to hurt her. 我沒想傷害她的
[26:28.94]You slept with her husband. 你跟她丈夫睡覺了
[26:30.31]I slept with my boyfriend. 跟我睡覺的是我男朋友
[26:32.10]It's not the same thing. 這不是一碼事
[26:33.79]Meredith slept with another woman's husband. Meredith也跟別人的丈夫睡覺了
[26:37.14]Meredith slept with another woman's husband. Meredith也跟別人的丈夫睡覺了
[26:39.97]The two of you are like this closecircle. 你們倆就像是一個小圈子
[26:41.86]You can commit whatever crime you want, and in your little circle,it's all fine. 你們可以犯任何錯 在你們的圈子里 就沒事
[26:45.94]I... 我...
[26:47.43]I know that you didn't sleep with burke to get ahead. 我知道你跟Burke睡覺 并無其他目的
[26:50.62]And if hahn had asked me,I would've defended you. 如果Hahn問我 我也會替你辯護
[26:54.73]I'm not even asking you to defend me. 我都沒要你替我辯護
[26:56.32]I'm asking you to just cut me an inch of slack. 我只希望你能夠別對我那么苛刻
[26:59.71]And believe me when I say that I am sorry I hurt callie. 能夠相信我 我說我無意傷害Callie是真心實意的
[27:06.06]We are not a closed circle. 我們沒有小圈子
[27:09.95]you are. 你們有
[27:17.41]-Dr.Shepherd. -Yes. - Shepherd醫(yī)生 - 嗯
[27:18.84]Here's a question... were there actual shepherds in your lineage? 有個問題 你家祖上真的有牧羊人么?
[27:22.07]I'm sorry.What? 不好意思 什么?
[27:23.10]You know,shepherds.The ones who watch over sheep. 牧羊人(Shepherd) 看管羊群的人
[27:25.02]I mean the geneology My name for example, not actually after the bird 我指姓氏來源 比如我的名字 其實并非來源于鳥類(Heron 鷺)
[27:28.85]You know,I...I'm sorry. 哦 不好意思
[27:29.85]-Would you excuse me? -Of course. - 介意我離開一下么? - 當然不
[27:31.18]Okay,thank you. 好的 謝謝
[27:32.77]yeah,you did this. 你干的吧
[27:34.19]Payback's a bitch. 惡有惡報
[27:35.31]Oh,man.What the hell did you tell her? 你告訴她什么了?
[27:36.53]I put the word out that you were lookin'. 我放出消息說你正空"床"
[27:38.55]That I'm looking? 你是說我空窗?
[27:39.57]Lookin'. 空床'.
[27:40.67]It sounds way dirtier without the G." 這樣聽起來比較淫蕩
[27:42.45]And you wonder why they formed a club? 你還不理解她們?yōu)楹谓M成俱樂部?
[27:44.22]You heard about that? 你聽說了?
[27:46.98]Okay,so we have one plastic surgeon,a general surgeon, an anesthesiologist, 現(xiàn)在有整形外科的 普外的 麻醉師
[27:52.77]one,two,three scrub nurses and an O.R. 三名護士 還有手術室
[27:57.17]Let's call your mom,kid. 我們通知你媽媽
[27:58.53]You're gonna get some ears. 你將得到一雙耳朵
[28:06.98]He cut off his foot. 他砍了自己的腳
[28:10.13]He cut off his perfectly good foot. 他砍了自己完好無缺的腳
[28:12.07]Well,people do some very strange things. 人有時候就會做些莫名其妙的事
[28:14.28]Oh,well. 是啊
[28:16.48]I had the world's shortest marriage. 我有世上最短的婚姻
[28:21.01]I was left in a church while I was literally wearing a wedding dress. 我穿著婚紗被遺棄在教堂
[28:31.41]george cheated on me right in front of me,and I missed it. George背叛了我 就在我面前 而我居然一無所知
[28:36.04]burke sent his mother to say good-bye to me. Burke讓他的媽媽來和我說再見
[28:41.02]I'm gonna be a divorc. 我要離婚啦
[28:42.97]Now erica hahn thinks I'm a fraud. Erica Hahn認為我是混事的
[28:45.29]I'm,uh,I'm not feeling very... 我 我 覺得不舒...
[28:50.39]norman! Norman
[28:51.98]Norman? Norman?
[29:04.42]oh,crap. 糟了
[29:05.93]What? 怎么了?
[29:08.42]My intern,something happened. 我的實習生出事了
[29:10.64]I don't know what. 我也不知道
[29:12.08]We need to talk. 我們得談談
[29:13.64]Well,we will.I'll come back.Okay? 好 等我回來 好嗎
[29:17.16]Okay. 好
[29:19.95]Don't chicken out. 別臨陣退縮
[29:24.96]You know,I'm impressed. 我很吃驚
[29:26.75]I didn't think you'd pull this off. 沒想到你真能辦成
[29:28.55]I'm actually pretty surprised myself, considering it was my first time trick-or-treating. 我也很驚訝 這是我頭一回 玩"不給糖就搗蛋"
[29:33.12]Your first time? 有生以來頭一回?
[29:34.68]My mom never made it home in time to take me, 我媽回家總是太晚
[29:36.80]never got it together to make me a costume. 從沒為我做萬圣節(jié)服裝
[29:39.98]Plus she said it was rude to knock on people's doors and beg for food. 而且她覺得敲門討食物很無禮
[29:49.58]What? 怎么了?
[29:51.34]Just... 只是...
[29:54.22]the apple fell pretty far from the tree,huh? 你不太像你媽媽啊
[30:12.98]Dr.Karev,you want to slow down? Karev醫(yī)生 不要莽撞
[30:14.44]I just heard. 我剛剛聽說
[30:17.10]-Did he have a stroke? -He did. - 他是中風? - 是的
[30:18.63]3 inches to the left,he'd never talk again. 再往左三英寸 他永遠不能說話了
[30:21.55]Yeah,but it's gonna be okay,right? 他會沒事吧?
[30:22.83]No way to know till we get the clot out and he wakes up. 要取出血塊 等他醒來才知道
[30:25.47]But he...but he's gonna be okay... karev,stop talking. - 但是 他會 會沒事的吧 - Karev 別說了
[30:41.94]Is your marriage really over? 你的婚姻真的結束了嗎?
[30:47.60]-I'm sorry. -Thanks. - 我很遺憾 - 謝謝
[30:50.55]Did meredith really bring her mom's ashes to work? Meredith真把她媽的骨灰?guī)н@來?
[31:16.23]Look at that. 看看
[31:18.17]Not a bad day's work. 今天干的不錯
[31:24.66]paddles. 電擊板
[31:30.57]Let's see what we've got. 看看有效果沒
[31:39.93]there it is. 有了
[31:47.51]The it is. 有了
[31:49.78]Norman Norman
[31:52.66]Norman,come on,come on,come on. Norman 醒醒 醒醒
[31:59.07]What happened? 怎么了?
[32:07.70]I just saw a heart transplant. 我剛剛觀摩了一例心臟移植
[32:09.80]I just helped build a little boy some ears. 我剛剛幫個小男孩重建耳朵
[32:12.73]That's cool. 酷
[32:16.02]I dug up my mom's cat. 我把我媽的貓挖了出來
[32:19.77]What? 什么?
[32:21.63]My mom didn't leave any instructions 'cause it was so... 我媽什么遺愿都沒有留下 因為...
[32:26.21]unexpected. 意外
[32:27.83]So... 所以...
[32:29.22]we had to figure out on our own what she would have wanted. 所以我們得自己弄清楚她的遺愿
[32:32.55]And my mom loved that cat. 我媽媽很喜歡那只貓
[32:34.92]So... 所以...
[32:36.07]I dug her up... the cat... 我把它挖了出來 那貓
[32:38.27]um,from her little grave in our backyard. 從院子后面那個小小的墓里
[32:41.26]And I snuck into the cemetery in the middle of the night 然后半夜溜進墓地
[32:44.79]and reburied her right beside my mom. 把它埋在了我媽媽旁邊
[32:47.90]And... 那...
[32:48.99]it was creepy and morbid,carrying around a dead, 那里很陰森 令人毛骨悚然 在墓地里
[32:53.52]decaying cat in the cemetery in the middle of the night,but... 半夜埋葬一只腐爛的貓 但...
[33:00.15]it made my mom really happy. 我媽媽會很幸福
[33:03.32]At least... 至少
[33:05.05]I like to think it did. 我想她會的
[33:09.91]Thanks. 謝謝
[33:11.29]You're welcome. 不用謝
[33:14.65]Look,tucker,I said I'm sorry. Tucker 我說了對不起
[33:16.90]No. 不
[33:18.38]I didn'T... 我不是
[33:20.69]no,I... 不是 我...
[33:23.90]tucker... Tucker...
[33:29.35]perfect. 太好了
[33:36.94]Hi. 嗨
[33:45.42]We just put a man's daughter's heart in his chest. 我們剛把一個人女兒的心臟 放進了他的胸膛
[33:49.70]His daughter's heart? 他女兒的心臟?
[33:52.44]Well,that just makes you want to throw up,now doesn't it? 那只能讓你不舒服 是不是
[33:58.11]You all right? 你還好吧
[34:05.76]You're dr.Bailey.You hear everything. 你是Bailey醫(yī)生 你無所不知
[34:07.88]And if you haven't heard everything,I'm sure you've heard. 即使不是無所不知 你也聽到當著面說了
[34:10.86]About your marriage? 你的婚姻?
[34:12.26]Yeah,I probably would've. 聽了個大概
[34:16.95]I'm sorry... 我很抱歉
[34:18.91]if I... 如果我...
[34:21.43]disappointed you. 讓你失望了
[34:23.62]I'm not your mother,o'malley. 我不是你媽 O'malley
[34:28.79]I have to apologize to her now,too. 我還要跟我媽道歉
[34:34.20]o'malley. O'malley
[34:38.56]look,you're not a bad guy. 你不是壞人
[34:40.76]And I don't mean to let you off the hook entirely, 我不是說讓你放掉內疚
[34:42.66]because what you did was unkind and hurtful and wrong. 你的所為是殘酷的 狠心而且大錯特錯
[34:48.92]But you're not a bad guy. 但你不是個壞人
[34:51.50]I'm...I'm just saying,it... 我 我的意思是
[34:53.22]it takes two. 一個巴掌拍不響
[34:55.19]To reach the point you reached in your marriage,it takes two. 你的婚姻到這份上了 是兩人的事
[35:02.00]I mean...I mean,I'm here late at night,halloween, helping an earless boy get ears, 萬圣節(jié)我工作的很晚 幫一個小男孩重建耳朵
[35:08.59]and my husband wants to act like that isn't an important thing. 但我老公想讓我覺得這不是件重要的事
[35:11.83]He wants to act like... 他想讓我...
[35:14.15]it isn't a good thing that I did today. 覺得我反而做了件錯事
[35:17.04]Now that isn't just on me. 這不僅僅是我的問題
[35:18.78]That's him wanting things to be the way he wants. 他想所有的事都如他所愿
[35:21.80]That's him wanting things to be purely black-and-white. 他想要的 是對錯分明
[35:27.07]I mean,I missed my son's first halloween, 我錯過了我兒子的第一個萬圣節(jié)
[35:32.16]and my heart is aching inside of my chest,but, 我的心 很疼 但是
[35:35.49]you know,that doesn't mean anything. 這毫無意義
[35:37.71]It...it doesn't count because in a black-and-white world, 在對錯分明的世界里 這毫無意義
[35:41.31]I simply didn't make it home,and that makes me the bad guy. 我沒法回家 好像錯的人只有我
[35:45.35]You know,always.I'm always the bad guy. 總是我 總是我的錯
[35:48.45]You hear what I'm saying? 懂了我的意思吧
[35:57.82]Sorry you missed your son's first halloween. 我很遺憾你錯過了他的第一個萬圣節(jié)
[36:03.12]Look,what I'm saying to you is... 我要說的是...
[36:07.23]okay,I was there.All right? 我在場
[36:08.84]I was there the day your father died. 你父親死的那天 我在那里
[36:12.11]I was there when you came back from vegas,married after a week and... 當你從拉斯維加斯結婚回來 我也在那里
[36:20.63]all I'm saying is... 我的意思是...
[36:23.13]it's not black-and-white... 不能簡單分對與錯
[36:26.01]and you're not a bad guy. 你也不是個壞人
[36:43.72]I did not sleep my way to the top. 我不是靠色相走到這一步的
[36:45.60]I'm attracted to a talent that resembles my own,not that it's any of your business. 我總被與我相似的天才所吸引 而這些都不關你的事
[36:49.67]Your comments were unprofessional and inappropriate. 你的評價是不專業(yè)的 不恰當?shù)?br /> [36:52.53]You know what?You're inappropriate and unprofessional. 你本身就是不專業(yè)的
[36:56.94]this is gonna be so much fun. 這絕對會樂趣多多
[37:00.20]Dr.Yang,did you hear? Yang醫(yī)生 你聽說了吧
[37:02.48]Dr.Hahn has agreed to become our new head of cardiothoracic surgery. Hahn醫(yī)生馬上就是心胸外科的掌門人了
[37:08.93]Lookin' forward to it,dr.Yang. 好好努力吧 Yang醫(yī)生
[37:14.44]You can't have my apartment. 你不能住進我的公寓了
[37:21.07]I'M... 我...
[37:22.54]sorry I didn't listen when you said you weren't feeling well. 抱歉 你說你不舒服時我沒聽你的
[37:25.14]I'm sorry I didn't answer your page. 抱歉 沒有回復你的傳呼
[37:28.04]Do you know why I chose surgery? 你知道我選擇外科的原因嗎
[37:29.83]No. 不知道
[37:30.83]I'm a little south of 60 and blood makes me squeamish. 我快到60了 還會暈血
[37:34.43]See,I wanted to go into psych because I like to talk. 我想學心理 因為我喜歡說話
[37:36.95]I've noticed that. 我知道
[37:38.44]but I had this voice in my head telling me to choose surry. 但是腦子里有個聲音告訴我選擇外科
[37:43.35]It was as if... 就像...
[37:45.80]my mary beth was whispering in my ear. 我的守護天使在耳邊低語
[37:49.62]And so I listened. 所以我聽從了她
[37:51.25]And do you know what I think now? 你知道我現(xiàn)在怎么想
[37:54.06]No. 不知道
[37:55.96]I think I was about to have a massive stroke... 我想我中風的時候
[37:59.94]and my mary beth wanted me to be surrounded by... 我的天使想讓
[38:04.16]world-class surgeons when it happened. 世界一流的外科醫(yī)生在我的身邊
[38:11.33]So what are you gonna do now? 你現(xiàn)在打算怎么辦
[38:13.01]Uh,well,I'm gonna go into psych. 我要去念心理學了
[38:15.26]Because you people,you surgeons,my god... 你們這些人 你們這些醫(yī)生 我的天...
[38:18.25]you're all just a bunch of little children running around with your scalpels and your severed feet 你們就是群拿著手術刀和斷腳的小毛孩
[38:23.16]and your inappropriate sex in inappropriate places. 在不恰當?shù)牡胤阶霾磺‘數(shù)膼?br /> [38:26.77]You all need a good shrink. 你們都需要個心理醫(yī)生
[38:36.96]Dr.Grey? Grey醫(yī)生?
[38:39.10]Hi. 嗨
[38:40.42]Hi. 嗨
[38:42.92]I had a goldfish,and when he died,we flushed him down the toilet, 我有條金魚 它死了后 我們把它從馬桶沖走了
[38:47.44]back to the sea. 沖回大海
[38:50.19]Okay. 好的
[38:57.20]back to the sea is better than your cubby. 回到大??偙确旁诠褡永锖?br /> [39:10.72]you okay? 你沒事吧?
[39:12.57]I don't know if I can handle one more night in that hotel. 我不知道還能不能受得了 多住一晚旅館
[39:23.97]What's the matter with you? 你又怎么了
[39:25.99]I have to start dating. 我得開始約會了
[39:31.65]It isn't just surgeons. 不僅僅是外科醫(yī)生
[39:36.76]The truth is,I don't know anyone who isn't haunted by something... 實際上 沒有人是無憂無慮的
[39:42.95]or someone. 或者毫無牽掛
[39:52.59]And whether we try to slice the pain away with a scalpel or shove it in the back of a closet, 不管是想摘除痛苦 還是藏進衣柜
[39:58.71]our efforts usually fail. 這些努力 還是徒勞
[40:06.67]We made it through this day. 我們熬過今天
[40:09.52]Yeah,we did. 是的
[40:13.39]We made it through this day. 我們熬過了今天
[40:27.12]So the only way we can clear out the cobwebs is to turn a new page... 忘卻過去的辦法是寫下新的一頁
[40:31.73]uh,so it's the kitchen,uh,bedroom,bathroom. 這是廚房 臥室 浴室
[40:35.64]There's the sofa. 這是沙發(fā)
[40:36.88]You can sleep here. 你可以睡那
[40:39.51]Great. 很好
[40:40.56]So,uh... 呃...
[40:42.18]do you mind if i clean up a little? 你介意我打掃下嗎
[40:44.15]Yes. 介意
[40:45.71]I mind a lot. 非常介意
[40:52.64]Or put an old story to rest... 或者讓過去的故事就此沉寂
[41:09.99]grey. Grey
[41:12.91]Chief. 主任
[41:15.31]What are you doing,grey?This is a sterile environment. 你干什么Grey? 這里是無菌室
[41:18.75]It's my mother. 這是我媽媽
[41:21.52]And I think this is where she'd want to be. 我想這里 就是她想休憩的地方
[41:48.22]Should we say a prayer? 我們要禱告嗎?
[41:50.89]She didn't believe in anything. 她沒有宗教信仰
[41:53.37]Finally,finally to rest. 最后 最后的沉寂
[41:57.52]Ashes to ashes. 塵歸塵
[42:01.78]Dust to dust. 土歸土
[42:03.41]Grey's anatomy Season4 Episode5 醫(yī)人當自強 第四季 第5集 "Haunt You Every Day" 揮之不去

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