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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:56:20
[00:01.22]Previously on "grey's anatomy"... "醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強"前情提要...
[00:03.03]alex,please tell me that you don't live with meredith grey. Alex 別告訴我你和Meredith一起住
[00:05.63]The more available he gets,the more I pull away. 他越容易接近 我逃得越遠(yuǎn)
[00:08.92]I'm used to being number one. 我一直都是最棒的
[00:10.43]I will help you.We'll be like a team. 我會幫你的 咱們得團(tuán)結(jié)
[00:13.24]Dr.Hahn has agreed to become our new head of cardiothoracic surgery. Hahn醫(yī)生同意做我們心臟科的頭了
[00:16.48]Lookin' forward to it,dr.Yang. 但愿如此 Yang醫(yī)生
[00:18.42]Ah,good morning. 早上好
[00:19.92]- Trout for breakfast... - again. - 早餐吃鱒魚...又吃
[00:22.33]Tonight we will have hot,perfect sex. 今晚我們來次火辣完美的做愛
[00:27.17]I'm exhausted. 我精疲力盡了
[00:28.48]Maybe tonight's not the perfect night. 也許今晚不是時候
[00:41.99]before we were doctors,we were med students. 當(dāng)醫(yī)生之前 我們都是醫(yī)科生
[00:44.85]Which meant we spent a lot of time studying chemistry. 就是說我們學(xué)了很久化學(xué)
[00:48.16]- Wow. - Yeah. - 喔 - 是的
[00:52.20]- that was... - aerobic. - 那真... - 像有氧運動
[00:55.43]- Aerobic bad? - No,no. - 這樣不好? - 沒 沒有
[00:58.92]- Why,do you think it was bad? - No. - 怎么 你覺得不好? - 沒有
[01:01.59]- Okay. - No,I mean,obviously we both were nervous. - 好吧 - 不 我是說我們都太緊張了
[01:05.14]Well,yeah,we've been, 是啊 的確如此
[01:07.22]uh,you know,waiting for so long.It was like... 長期的等待就像...
[01:09.74]- it better be good. - Yeah.No,better be worth it. - 所以期待會好 - 希望等待物有所值
[01:13.36]- that's a lot of pressure. - Yeah. - 壓力太大了 - 是啊
[01:17.87]- Let's just do it again. - Yeah,let's get right back on that horse. - 我們再來一次 - 好啊 重新上馬
[01:22.56]Organic chemistry,biochemistry... 有機(jī)化學(xué) 生物化學(xué)...
[01:25.61]we learned it all. 我們?nèi)珜W(xué)過
[01:27.25]What's new with you? 最近有什么新聞?
[01:28.90]I saw my half sister half naked. 看到我妹妹半裸了
[01:33.28]- What's new with you? - I had dinner and a movie... - 你又干嘛了呢? - 吃飯 看電影...
[01:36.64]with the chief. 和主任一起
[01:39.74]Hey... 嘿...
[01:41.78]you could stay. 你可以留下來
[01:44.40]Yeah,I think I'm gonna go. 我想我該走了
[01:46.34]Leave you wanting more and all of that. 留給你更多無限遐想
[01:48.77]But when you're talking about human chemistry,only one thing matters... 可一提到人體化學(xué) 只與一件事有關(guān)...
[01:56.75]either you've got it... 要么有...
[01:58.97]or you don'T. 要么沒有
[02:05.52]Dry cleaning. 去干洗
[02:07.79]Yeah.You want some coffee? 想來點咖啡嗎?
[02:09.09]And tell them that there is a stain on the left sleeve of the blue one. 跟他們說藍(lán)色這件左袖上有處污漬
[02:13.98]I'm thinking "godfather" tonight. 今晚我想看"教父"
[02:17.65]Sounds good. 聽上去不錯
[02:18.98]I'm gonna make 'em an offer they can't refuse. 我將給他提出一個他不可能拒絕的條件
[02:23.15]- that's brando. - yeah.Got that. - 學(xué)的是白蘭度 - 看出來了
[02:27.67]thank god 謝天謝地
[02:33.24]hey,i'm taking meredith grey from you this week. 嘿 把Meredith Grey借我一禮拜
[02:35.97]Her mother was a good surgeon,and I want to see what she's like. 她媽是個出色的外科醫(yī)生 我想看看她咋樣
[02:39.33]Well,that's not how it works here.You get assigned a residenT. 我們這是由上頭給你指派住院醫(yī)生的
[02:41.92]There's a schedule. 已經(jīng)安排好了的
[02:43.66]well,the schedule doesn't take into account certain things. 進(jìn)程安排可沒考慮到特殊情況
[02:47.36]- Like what? - Like the fact that I don't want yang. - 比如呢? - 比如我不想要Yang
[02:50.85]You can have stevens. Stevens給你
[02:52.08]She's good,and I'm sure shepherd won't mind. 她不錯 我確信Shepherd不會介意的
[02:56.48]Won't mind what? 不介意什么?
[02:58.56]Oh,she's sassy. 她太拽了
[03:00.70]She's a woman of substance.You two have nothing in common. 很有實力 你倆一點共同點沒有
[03:03.45]Oh,I'm late.I had to drop off the chief's dry cleaning. 我來晚了 幫主任送衣服去干洗了
[03:06.62]You're doing his laundry? 你幫他洗衣服?
[03:08.00]We're helping each other out. 我們互相幫助
[03:09.23]Yeah?What's he doing? 是嗎?那他幫你什么忙?
[03:10.83]He has an extensive dvd collection. 他收藏了海量的碟片
[03:15.15]You're dating the chief. 你和主任拍拖呢
[03:20.87]- I don't care if you sleep with lexie. - Oh,I just can't do it at my house. - 我不介意你和Lexie上床 - 只是不能和她在我家做
[03:24.24]- It's my house. - Oh,get over it. - 那是我家 - 忍忍吧
[03:26.78]- It was a onetime thing anyway. - Alex. - 僅此一次 - Alex
[03:28.48]What?Seriously,one timE. 什么? 真的 就一次
[03:30.36]What's the problem with you and your sister anyway? 你們姐妹這是怎么了?
[03:32.32]She's not my sister. 她不是我妹妹
[03:36.54]Hey. 嘿
[03:38.05]- You look weird. - I don't look weird. - 你看上去很奇怪 - 我可不奇怪
[03:40.37]- What's wrong? - I look fine. - 怎么了? - 我很好
[03:41.91]I know you. 我了解你
[03:44.08]It's horrible... e sex... 這太恐怖了...性愛...
[03:47.67]with izzie... 和Izzie...
[03:50.54]horrible it's like she's trying too hard. 她好像過分努力了
[03:54.36]It's...it's... you ever see a porno? 這...這...你看過色情片嗎?
[03:56.04]Not that izzie's a porno.She's an angel. 當(dāng)然Izzie可不是個蕩婦 她是個天使
[03:57.77]But it's like she's trying to channel a porn star. 她表現(xiàn)的像個艷星
[04:01.19]And she's trying to act all dirty and sexy,which sounds great,right? 她努力表現(xiàn)得下流又性感 聽上去不錯 對吧?
[04:04.74]But in reality,I just want to say, 可回到現(xiàn)實里 我只想說
[04:08.03]"izzie,just 'cause you can do that with your legs doesn't mean that you should." "Izzie 即使你腿能擺那種造型 也不意味你該那么擺"
[04:16.63]- I want to run. - Run.Run.Run now. - 我想走了 - 走 走 快走
[04:22.57]Oh! 哦!
[04:24.98]- I love george. - Oh,god. - 我愛George - 上帝
[04:26.57]I do.I love him. 是的 我愛他
[04:27.78]And I'm so happy because he's kind and smart and,um,sweet and sexy. 我很高興他善良聰明溫柔又性感
[04:34.09]He's perfect.Perfect. 他太完美了 完美
[04:35.28]Except for the fact that he kisses like a chicken. 除了他的吻像雞啄的事實外
[04:37.32]You know,a chicken pecking the ground for food, 就那種在地上啄食的雞
[04:39.28]I just pecking and pecking and pecking? 啄啊 啄啊 啄啊?
[04:41.54]And when he's pecking at me like that,I forget that I love him. 當(dāng)他來啄我的時候 我就忘了自己多愛他
[04:43.79]I forget that he's kind and...and sweet and sexy, 我忘了他的善良...溫柔和性感
[04:46.12]and I just want to scream,"stop pecking me!" 我只想大喊"別啄我了!"
[04:48.59]Did he peck you ke a chicken,mer? 他也會像只雞那么啄你嗎?
[04:51.53]- Morning. - Cristina needs me. - 早上好 - Cristina找我
[04:54.16]I'm painting burke's apartment so I can stop calling it "burke's apartment"... 我在漆Burke的公寓 這樣就能不叫它"Burke的公寓"了
[04:58.27]a happy color... red,like blood. 讓人愉快的顏色... 紅的 像血一樣
[05:01.21]Plus,I am on cardio this whole week... 還有這周我會去心胸外科...
[05:03.85]one of the benefits of living with the person who makes the schedule. 這就是和定進(jìn)程表的人生活的好處
[05:09.04]I'm on post-op again. 我又分在術(shù)后復(fù)建組
[05:10.98]Second week in a row. 連續(xù)兩星期
[05:12.61]Trade with me. 和我交換吧
[05:13.88]Oh,yeah.No way. 沒門
[05:15.56]- I was talking to meredith. - Why?I'm with hahn. - 我在跟Meredith講話 - 為什么? 我可跟Hahn一起
[05:18.03]Dude,wake up and smell the surgical board. 伙計 醒醒 聞聞手術(shù)安排板吧
[05:22.25]3 days ago,there was a code in room 2037 and no resident to cover iT. 3天前 2037房有緊急情況 可沒醫(yī)生過去
[05:26.63]- I-I... - the schedule is a mess,your mess. - 我-我... - 安排得一塌糊涂 你安排的
[05:29.70]Clean it uP. 快去弄好
[05:32.82]Chief had on his stern face. 主任開始擺臭臉了
[05:34.95]Yeah,you know,I was... I was happy this morning. 是啊 我...我今天早晨心情不錯
[05:38.08]You know why? 知道為啥?
[05:39.59]Because I have back-to-back surgeries today. 因為我今天手術(shù)不斷
[05:43.17]You have on your I-want-something fa. 你擺著一副"我要幫忙"表情
[05:45.89]Will you cover for me,just do the chief resident thing so I can stay happy? 你能掩護(hù)我 幫我干住院總醫(yī)師的活 讓我繼續(xù)高興下去嗎?
[05:49.59]Just today.Please,please,please. 就今天 求你 求你了
[05:51.28]- So you want me to... - be me. - 你想讓我... - 做我
[05:53.11]But,you know,better. 或者 更好的是
[05:54.56]Be you. 做自己
[06:00.16]How's it going,jerry? 咋樣啊 Jerry?
[06:01.92]If by "how's it going," you're asking me "咋樣啊" 如果你是在問我
[06:03.79]if I've had the pleasure of taking a crap yet, 剛才拉的爽不爽
[06:06.05]dr.Karev,the answer is it's not going. Karev醫(yī)生 答案是不爽
[06:09.36]Nothing's going.Nothing's moving. 什么都沒拉出來 一點蠕動感都沒有
[06:11.02]It's been five days since your bowel resection. 你做了腸切除術(shù)也有5天了
[06:13.18]- You should be... - crapping by now? - 你應(yīng)該... - 能拉出來?
[06:15.24]What's the problem?Did you people botch the surgery? 咋回事? 你們搞砸了吧?
[06:17.88]Is there crap leaking out into my body? 難道屎全倒流回我體內(nèi)了?
[06:20.34]- E surgery was a success... - listen,dr.Karev... oh,mama! - 手術(shù)很成功... - Karev醫(yī)生...哦 天哪!
[06:26.73]I've been divorced twice.My children won't talk to me. 我離過兩次婚 孩子們都不理我
[06:29.94]I've battled addictions,filed for bankruptcy. 我有戰(zhàn)爭狂癮 也破過產(chǎn)
[06:33.11]My life has basically sucked. 我的人生超失敗
[06:35.50]But through it all,the one thing I had going for me was I crap like clockwork. 唯一的優(yōu)點就是每天大便很規(guī)律
[06:40.58]It's a simple pleasure.I want it back. 這種單純的幸福 我想再找回來
[06:43.25]So get your little prescription pad 所以快拿你的處方單
[06:45.38]and write me a prescription to make me crap. 給我開副藥讓我拉出來
[06:52.18]Grey and hahn? Grey和Hahn?
[06:55.48]Hey,she can't do this. 嘿 她不能這么做
[06:57.07]She can't just not teach me.It's her job. 她不能就這么不教我 可這是她工作
[06:59.61]Torres has to make her teach me. Torres得讓她教我
[07:01.36]- If the chemistry isn't there... - it's not chemistry.She doesn't like me. - 要是你們沒化學(xué)反應(yīng)... - 無關(guān)化學(xué) 她就是不喜歡我
[07:04.34]She says it's chemistry. 她說是因為化學(xué)反應(yīng)
[07:06.95]No,I'm going to torres. 我去找Torres
[07:08.29]Uh,dr.Torres... Torres醫(yī)生...
[07:10.23]wanted me to tell you... 讓我告訴你...
[07:13.23]to find another specialty. 去選另一個專業(yè)
[07:15.78]- W-why? - It's not gonna work with hahn. - 為什么? - 既然和Hahn合不來
[07:17.79]So you need to fin a way to make it work with another specialty. 你得找另一個能合得來的專業(yè)
[07:21.47]I suggest you try the E.R. 建議你考慮下急診室
[07:24.06]- What? - This isn't a request. - 什么? - 這不是個請求
[07:26.05]This is an order from your chief resident. 是你們頭的命令
[07:31.16]The E.R.Can be a candy store. 急診室里應(yīng)有盡有
[07:33.07]You've got car crashes,impalements.What do you got? 你會遇到車禍 刺穿 什么情況?
[07:35.35]Sprained ankle and an infected bunion. 腳扭傷和腳趾發(fā)炎感染
[07:38.65]It can also strip you of your will to live. 還會讓人失去活著的勇氣
[07:41.10]Okay,go,troll,find me something good. 好 到處轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn) 給我找點好東西
[07:45.46]Dr.Yang. Yang醫(yī)生
[07:47.33]Has meredith said anything to you about me? Meredith和你說起過我嗎?
[07:48.90]'Cause she's been avoiding me for days. 她躲我好多天了
[07:50.44]You know,what did I say to you about talking to me about your personal life? 以前是跟你說 關(guān)于和我談你的私生活這件事?
[07:53.05]Help!My...my baby. 救命!我...我孩子
[07:55.03]I-I was carrying her down the stairs and I fell,anshe hit her head. 我-我抱著她下樓 不小心摔下來 她碰到了頭
[07:58.47]She was crying in the car,and now she's not crying anymore. 在車?yán)镆恢笨?現(xiàn)在卻不哭了
[08:00.86]I'm too scared to look.Someone please tell me my baby's alive. 我不敢看 求你們誰能告訴我孩子還活著
[08:03.89]- Okay,let me have the baby... - she can't be dead,right? - 把孩子給我... - 她不會死的 對吧?
[08:05.50]You don't die from just falling down the stairs. 從樓梯上摔下來不至于死的
[08:07.23]- She's... - please,let me help.Let me help. - 她... - 讓我?guī)湍?讓我?guī)湍?br /> [08:08.91]I'll take the baby.That's fine.Okay. 我看看孩子 很好
[08:10.72]Oh,my god. 上帝
[08:15.02]oh,my god. 上帝
[08:18.10]She's breathing. 她有呼吸
[08:20.50]Her fontanelle feels tense.She's lethargic. 她囟門繃緊 昏睡過去了
[08:22.91]Take her to trauma two and page shepherd. 抱她去創(chuàng)傷2科 通知Shepherd
[08:25.01]- Thank you. - You're welcome. - 謝謝 - 不用謝
[08:25.92]Thank you so much.Thank you 非常感謝 謝謝
[08:28.26]Okay,ma'am,um,you can,uh,stop hugging me 別 別再抱著我了
[08:30.80]so I can take care of your baby. 這樣我才能照顧你孩子
[08:32.49]Ma'aM. 女士
[08:35.00]Ma'am?Ma'am? 女士? 女士?
[08:36.82]-=www.rrting.com/English/television/=- Sync: rrting - 消聲匿跡 翻譯:一亭如煙 王棫垚 lulu 才貓 校對:puppyzuo 風(fēng)中的飄零 Samuel 時間軸:消聲匿跡
[08:38.89]I'm not getting a hetbeaT. 沒心跳
[08:40.36]No pulse. 沒脈搏
[08:42.62]Get me a crash cart. 叫救護(hù)車
[08:44.23]She's not breathing. 她沒呼吸了
[08:46.35]Grey's Anatomy Physicd Atraction...Chemical Reaction Season 4 Episode 7 醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強 第四季 第7集 肉欲吸引...化學(xué)反應(yīng)
[08:53.71]- dr.Yang? - Teresa brotherton,lost vitals and coded. - Yang醫(yī)生? - Teresa Brotherton 失去生命跡象無心跳
[08:56.52]I needled a tension pneumo on the right side.She regained vitals. 我在右邊肺部開孔放氣 她開始有生命跡象
[08:58.87]She's got so much air in the soft tissues,it's obscuring the ultrasound. 軟組織吸入過多空氣 導(dǎo)致超聲探測不明顯
[09:02.54]Probably punctured an airway as well as her lung. 可能氣道和肺部穿孔
[09:04.69]Feel that? 感覺一下?
[09:06.55]Uh,I was talking to grey. 我是在和Grey說
[09:08.54]We've got it from here,dr.Yang. 我們開始接手了 Yang醫(yī)生
[09:16.13]call C.T.Tell them we're on our way. 打電話給C.T.室 說我們有病人送去
[09:19.72]And you didn't see him swallow it? 你沒看到他吞下去?
[09:21.32]You were making your collages while our son quietly choked to death? 當(dāng)兒子快窒息而死的時候 你還在做你的抽象拼畫?
[09:24.19]Itas one marble. 就一顆彈珠而已
[09:25.52]Brian,honey,tell your dad you're not dead. Brian 寶貝 告訴你爸你不會死的
[09:27.38]Then ask your mom what the hell collage art is. 問問你媽到底抽象拼畫是啥玩意?
[09:29.23]Maybe if you came to my studio sometime,you could see for yourself. 也許哪天你能來我工作室 就可以自己看看了
[09:31.99]Okay,look,I'm too busy working to pay for that studio... 為了開你的工作室我努力賺錢呢...
[09:34.26]okay,mom,dad,just shut up,okay? 行了 爸媽 拜托你們閉嘴吧?
[09:38.19]sorry.They're annoying. 對不起 他們太吵了
[09:39.55]- brian,that's rude. - I wonder where he gets that from. - Brian 太沒禮貌了 - 也不知道是跟誰學(xué)的
[09:42.52]Well,there's not much we can do except wait for it to pass. 除了等它自己出來 我們也沒辦法
[09:45.14]- So he's fine? - It was one marble. - 也就是說 他沒什么? - 就是一個彈珠
[09:47.78]He's not choking or drooling. 他既沒有窒息 也沒有流口水
[09:50.20]He'll be fine. 他會好的
[09:52.98]But I still get something,right? 但我還是能提出要求 對吧?
[09:54.53]You said after we went to the hospital,I'd get whatever I wanted. 你說過只要去了醫(yī)院 就會滿足我的一切要求
[09:56.65]Solutely,sweetie.You were really brave. 沒錯 寶貝 你真勇敢
[09:58.73]- yeah,buddy,anything you want. - Okay. - 是的 孩子 什么都行 - 好的
[10:01.90]I want you guys to get a divorce. 我想要你們倆離婚
[10:07.67]- How about a puppy? - No,don. - 要條小狗嗎? - 不 Don
[10:09.49]What?A boy should have a puppy. 怎么了? 男孩子就該有條小狗
[10:11.02]- We talked about this earlier. - I know we talked about it,but look,the kid... 我知道我們之前談過了 可是孩子...
[10:13.65]we'll infiltrate with a mixture of bupivacaine 我們會注入一些布比卡因(麻醉藥)
[10:17.73]then lido with epi along these areas here. 然后在這塊區(qū)域注射腎上腺素
[10:21.37]is there a surgery that can make me look like her? 什么手術(shù)能讓我變得跟她一樣?
[10:23.58]You're much prettier than dr.Stevens. 你比Stevens醫(yī)生漂亮多了
[10:25.59]Then how come I can't even remember the last time I had sex? 那為什么 我連上次享受性愛的日子都不記得了
[10:28.81]I'll bet dr.Stevens can remember the last time she had sex. 我打賭Stevens醫(yī)生 肯定記得她上一次做愛的時間
[10:31.99]- Harriet,don't harass the residents. - She's young.She still has her looks. - Harriet 不要為難住院醫(yī)生 - 她很年輕 還有著漂亮的外表
[10:35.16]Although,sweetie,you're already getting worry lines. 不過甜心 看你愁容滿面的樣子
[10:37.37]What do you possibly have to be worried about? 你有什么可發(fā)愁的?
[10:39.34]Nothing.I-I don't have worry lines. 沒什么 我才沒有發(fā)愁
[10:42.06]Oh,oh,your frown line is already prominent. 你的法令紋越來越明顯了
[10:44.38]Whatever is wrong in your fe,you need to fix it quick. 不管你生活中出現(xiàn)什么問題 最好盡快解決
[10:47.06]Because once this stuff starts to turn south, 因為一旦它越來越長
[10:49.39]honey,it is a long way back.Trust me. 親愛的 想回復(fù)原狀就很難了 相信我
[10:52.64]Know what this is? 知道這是什么嗎?
[10:54.61]Looks like multiple rib fractures and a massive hemothorax. 像是多處肋骨骨折 還有嚴(yán)重的胸腔積血
[10:57.61]Actually,it's you giving up O.R.Two. 實際上 它代表你要放棄二號手術(shù)室
[11:00.36]My patient is emergent. 我的病人情況緊急
[11:02.09]What do I tell my patient? 那我怎么跟我的病人說?
[11:04.21]If it were me,I'd tell her to age gracefully. 要是我 就請她平靜地老去
[11:10.93]your baby has a slight brain contusion. 你的孩子有輕微腦挫傷
[11:13.01]Her brain's bruised.It's minor. 她的頭部挫傷了 不是很嚴(yán)重
[11:14.74]But I'd like to keep her here for observation. 但我想把她留下來繼續(xù)觀察
[11:17.15]I-I gotta tell you,dr.Shepherd, 坦白告訴你 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[11:19.94]I'm listening to you,but I'm not hearing anything you're saying. 我并沒心思聽你說的
[11:22.92]Dr.Hahn is taking my wife into surgery right now, Hahn醫(yī)生要給我的妻子做手術(shù)了
[11:25.34]and I need to go be with her. 我要去陪她
[11:28.08]You know what you're doing.G-go ahead and do it. 你確定怎么做 就去做吧
[11:30.47]I need to go be with my wife. 我得跟我妻子在一起
[11:33.52]Wait. 等等
[11:35.23]Um,what's your daughter's name? 你女兒叫什么名字?
[11:38.52]She doesn't have one yet. 還沒有取名
[11:41.08]We just adopted her a week ago, 我們一周前才領(lǐng)養(yǎng)的
[11:43.85]just been trying to get to know her. 剛開始慢慢了解她
[11:50.13]clear. 準(zhǔn)備
[11:54.40]clear. 準(zhǔn)備
[11:57.29]push the intracardc epi. 心內(nèi)注射腎上腺素
[12:00.63]Get ready to cross-clamp the aorta. 準(zhǔn)備夾住大動脈
[12:03.85]the heart's responding.Sinus rhythm. 心臟有反映了 節(jié)奏規(guī)律
[12:06.06]All right,that's twice in two hours this woman has died. 好的 兩個小時內(nèi)再出現(xiàn)一次 這個女的就死定了
[12:09.08]Let's pick up the pace,everyone. 我們加快速度 各位
[12:10.92]The less time she's on the table,the better. 她的手術(shù)時間越短越好
[12:13.52]Quite a rush,huh? 趕得很吶
[12:19.41]Hahn took my O.R. Hahn搶了我的手術(shù)室
[12:21.55]She's pushy. 真愛現(xiàn)
[12:25.03]Pushy and rude. 愛現(xiàn)還無禮
[12:27.96]- Is she doing a stapled tractotomy? - Yeah. - 她在做釘合神經(jīng)束切斷術(shù)? - 是啊
[12:30.39]She's trying to save as much lung tissue as possible. 她想盡可能保全肺組織
[12:35.97]Doesn't make up for pushy and rude. 這也不能彌補她的缺點
[12:39.90]No,it doesn'T. 嗯 不能
[12:48.63]You paged me? 你呼我了?
[12:50.11]Yeah,um,I was wondering, 是啊 我想問問你
[12:52.99]do you think I could pick her up? 我能不能把她抱起來?
[12:54.95]The baby? 這個孩子
[12:56.33]I mean,the father hasn't really been down here,and she's been through so much already. 她已經(jīng)受了不少苦 父親又不在身邊
[13:01.17]that's not why you paged me. 這不是你呼我的原因
[13:03.98]- It's not? - No. - 不是嗎? - 不是
[13:05.94]You paged me because your legs are still shaking from the other night, 而是那晚之后你的雙腿還在顫抖
[13:08.46]and you're trying to work up the nerve to invite me to a friendly,neighborhood on call room. 你鼓起勇氣 想邀我到隔壁友好的待命室
[13:14.90]Actually,I paged you because I wanted to know if you could 實際上 我是想說...
[13:17.93]please tell meredith that I had no idea that her house was your house. 能否請你告訴Meredith 我并不知道你們倆住在一幢房子里
[13:21.89]I mean,she and I w... we were making progress,and... 我們倆的關(guān)系正在改善...
[13:24.31]and now she must think that I'm a stalker. 但現(xiàn)在她肯定以為我想偷窺她
[13:26.88]Sorry. 對不起
[13:28.15]Uh,your issues can't be my ises. 你的問題我也幫不了
[13:30.57]But I am here for the sex if you need it. 不過如果需要性愛 記得找我
[13:33.95]If I need it? 如果我需要?
[13:35.80]You know you need it. 你清楚自己是需要的
[13:42.29]have you seen dr.Torres? 你看見Torres醫(yī)生了嗎?
[13:44.18]She promised me a breakdown for next week's E.N.T.Conference by the end of the daY. 她答應(yīng) 今天會把下周耳鼻喉會議的明細(xì)交給我
[13:49.39]Uh,she asked me to pass it along. 她讓我給你
[13:51.00]Must have slipped my mind.My apologies. 我準(zhǔn)是忘了 抱歉
[13:53.55]Oh,good.I mean... 哦 很好 我是說...
[13:55.57]this is good.This is... 這很好...
[13:57.77]- nice work. - Thank you. - 干的不錯 - 謝謝
[13:59.41]I mean,yeah. 我是說 是啊
[14:10.03]Sorry. 對不起
[14:11.14]I'm sorry. 實在對不起
[14:12.62]- Oh,no,it's fine. - It's just... 哦 沒關(guān)系 只是...
[14:16.34]- Sorry. - You go that way.I go... - 對不起 - 你朝這邊 我來這邊...
[14:18.68]you know,we... 你知道我們...
[14:20.37]we should... we should...stop for a sec. 我們該...暫停一下
[14:23.93]We should just,uh,we're a little nervous and awkward. 我們有點緊張 笨手笨腳
[14:26.89]We just have to admit that we're nervous d we're awkward. 我們必須承認(rèn)這一點
[14:29.26]- Yeah,it's a little awkward. - Yeah. - 是啊 有點笨手笨腳 - 是啊
[14:30.59]Because why?Because we're nervous. 為什么呢? 就因為我們緊張
[14:32.87]so we just need to,you know,get over ourselves. 所以我們要克服緊張情緒
[14:35.27]How? 怎么做?
[14:42.04]we could pick a fantasy. 我們可以幻想
[14:45.56]- What? - You know,a fantasy. - 什么? - 幻想
[14:48.85]We could pick a fantasy,any... 我們可以幻想...
[14:51.98]fantasy.Any... 幻想 比如...
[14:54.74]I will do anything that you want me to. 我會對你言聽計從
[14:59.74]Anything? 什么都聽?
[15:05.97]- That's what you wanted? - No. - 你就想要這個? - 不是
[15:08.89]I mean... 我是說...
[15:10.80]y-yes,but... 是的 但...
[15:13.19]that's not what I meant. 我不是這個意思
[15:16.21]- What did you mean then? - Okay,let's just not ever talk about this again. - 那你什么意思? - 好了 咱倆別談這個了
[15:20.22]Please? 求求你了
[15:22.80]We have chemistry,george. 我們很來電 George
[15:24.69]I know we have it because we had the best sex I have ever had in my life. 我很確信 因為我們有過最完美的性愛
[15:27.46]- Do you remember that sex? - I do. - 你還記得那一次么? - 記得
[15:30.11]It's vague and it's in flashes,but I do. 雖然有點模糊不清 但我還記得
[15:33.33]I want that sex back.We can do this. 我想重新體會一次 我們可以這么做
[15:36.53]Well,I want that sex back. 我也想重新體會
[15:40.13]I think I chipped my tooth. 我可能弄壞我的牙了
[15:44.53]Well,I've been tryingto do what you said,but it's not working. 我按你說的做了 但不管用
[15:47.65]Uh,what... what did I say? 呃...我說什么了?
[15:49.33]To try another specialty. 嘗試別的專業(yè)
[15:50.94]Yeahcristina,I have back-to-back surgeries, Cristina 我這手術(shù)不斷
[15:52.97]and I don't know what you're talking about,so... 我不知道你在說什么
[15:55.54]uh,dr.Bailey said it was your idea,but I thought maybe I could have some input... oh! Bailey醫(yī)生說是你的主意 我想我是不是可以...
[15:58.27]Oh.... 哦...
[15:59.63]Oh,yeah.Yeah,that. 哦 對對 沒錯
[16:01.45]The...yeah,my idea to... for you to try other specialties. 是我的主意...讓你換個專業(yè)
[16:07.79]So can I,uh,can I scrub in with you? 我能加入你的手術(shù)么?
[16:10.23]You hate ortho. 你討厭矯形外科啊
[16:11.56]No,I love ortho.But I can't observe anymore. 我喜歡矯形外科 我不能再旁觀了
[16:14.30]I need to scrub in,even if it's on ortho, 我需要參加手術(shù) 即使是矯形外科
[16:18.12]which I love. 這個我最喜歡的專業(yè)
[16:22.86]Okay. 好的
[16:28.50]- morning. - Morning. - 早上好 - 早上好
[16:33.38]I'm a person of substance. 我是個很有用的人
[16:35.60]Plastics isn't all face-lifts.I do many... 整形手術(shù)不僅僅是表面功夫 我也做了...
[16:38.07]substantial,life-changing surgeries. 很多實實在在 改變別人一生的手術(shù)
[16:43.27]hey. 嘿
[16:45.05]Um,the stain's still there. 呃...污垢沒洗干凈
[16:47.88]So next time,stand there,make sure you watch 'em mark it with the tape. 下次記得看著他們貼上標(biāo)簽了再走
[16:54.24]and everyone thinks it's so easy being chief's gigirlfriend. 別人都以為作頭兒的女朋友很容易
[16:58.24]if you need to tk,I'm here. 想聊聊得話 我奉陪
[17:07.49]oh,hi. 哦 嗨
[17:09.52]Uh,I just came by to update him on the baby. 我只是來告訴他孩子的情況
[17:13.38]But I can,uh,come back. 不過 我可以過會兒再來
[17:16.69]Listen,I had,uh... 聽我說 我不...
[17:18.47]I had no idea it was your house. 我不知道那是你家
[17:21.02]I...and...and,you know,I...I'm not the girl who sleeps around. 我...你知道 我不是朝三暮四的人
[17:24.46]I'm not.It's just,you know,I...there's so much going on at home... 我不是那種人 只是家里的變故太多了...
[17:27.68]hey,how is she doing? 她怎么樣了?
[17:32.09]She made it through the night. 她挺過這一夜了
[17:33.74]That's a very good sign. 這是好跡象
[17:37.53]Oh,yeah. 哦 是啊
[17:39.29]Yeah,well,she's strong.She'll make it. 是啊 她很堅強 會挺過去的
[17:42.59]She's not gonna let that baby grow up without a mother.Huh? 她不會讓孩子失去母親 對嗎?
[17:49.27]Hey,you're okay. 嘿 你沒事了
[17:53.02]uh,no,don't... don't try to talk,okay? 不...別急著說話 好嗎?
[18:01.28]Your baby's fine. 你的孩子很好
[18:03.34]She's feeding well.S-she's doing great. 她胃口很好 狀況不錯
[18:06.12]I can get her if you'd like. 如果想見她 我可以把她推過來
[18:09.80]Dr.Grey,why don't you go get the baby? Grey醫(yī)生 你去孩子那吧
[18:13.25]You're dr.Grey,too?Are you two sisters? 你也姓Grey? 你們是姐妹嗎?
[18:18.59]No.Uh,just same last name. 不是 同姓而已
[18:32.88]I was just thinking about this crap I took in the army. 我還在懷念當(dāng)兵那會兒 大便很有規(guī)律
[18:35.80]Still nothing?I gave you a pretty good laxative. 還沒有? 我已經(jīng)讓你充分放松了
[18:38.16]Not strong enough apparently. 顯然還不夠
[18:40.17]Have a seat,dr.Karev.If I can't crap,you're going to sit here while I reminisce. 坐下來 Karev醫(yī)生 如果我拉不出來 你就坐在這聽我回憶
[18:46.94]Morning,harriet. 早上好 Harriet
[18:48.31]Let's get you out of bed,get you mobile. 來下床走動走動
[18:50.81]Mm,I'm in too much pain.Leave me alone. 我特別疼 讓我自己呆會
[18:53.10]Yep,the best thing for pain is to get you out of bed,get you movin'. 是啊 止痛最好的方法就是讓你下床 活動活動
[18:55.61]- You'll feel much better. - I will feel better if you leave. - 你會好起來的 - 只要你走開 我自然會好
[18:58.62]- Harriet... - stop scowling. - Harriet... - 別皺眉頭了
[19:00.83]You can scowl later when you actually have something to scowl about... 等真要發(fā)愁那會兒再說吧...
[19:05.00]when your ass expands and you get a double chin. 比如你的屁股又胖了 長了雙下巴
[19:07.56]But right now,you are young.You should be having fun. 但現(xiàn)在你還年輕 應(yīng)該盡情享受
[19:10.35]Go,start enjoying your life. 走吧 享受你的生活
[19:12.57]You're getting uglier by the minute. 你每分鐘都在蒼老
[19:19.53]her heart stopped again. 她心跳又停止了
[19:20.77]They got it started,but look,I can't deal with her right now. 他們剛開始 可是瞧那 我現(xiàn)在管不了她
[19:23.97]Could you just take her back? 能先把她推回去嗎?
[19:28.21]now!Could you take her away now? 別磨蹭了!馬上把她推回去吧?
[19:36.75]uh,dr.Torres,could i talk to you a minute? Torres醫(yī)生 能跟你說幾句話么?
[19:39.95]Uh,I'm in the middle of a shattered femur. 我正在處理粉碎的股骨
[19:42.47]Thank god for men who ride motorcycles,right,yang? 上帝保佑那些騎摩托車的人 對嗎 Yang?
[19:46.21]right. 是
[19:48.10]Uh,there are some scheduling issues you have to deal with. 有一些日程安排需要你處理一下
[19:51.28]Yeah,can you handle it again?Thanks. 你來處理吧 謝謝了
[19:58.86]I need to talk to dr.Torres. 我要找Torres醫(yī)生
[20:00.34]My patient won't crap and won't stop talking about it.I'm done. 我的病人拉不出來 廢話不斷 我受不了了
[20:03.20]Is dr.Torres in there?My face-lift won't walk,and she is abusive. Torres醫(yī)生在嗎? 我那個做除皺術(shù)的病人 不肯下床 而且說話很難聽 我受不了她了
[20:06.03]- I can't work with her. - Dr.Shepherd's ready to discharge teresa brotherton's baby, Shepherd醫(yī)生準(zhǔn)備 讓Teresa Brotherton的孩子出院
[20:09.16]but the father's in no condition take care of her. 但她爸爸沒時間照顧她
[20:11.91]Okay,is there a problem? 好的 有什么問題嗎?
[20:13.67]Uh,just a little administrative traffic jam. 行政事務(wù)擠在一起
[20:16.29]Dr.Torres has it under control. Torres醫(yī)生可以搞定
[20:22.92]Okay,here's what's gonna happen... 好 現(xiàn)在這樣做...
[20:24.63]take crap man and put him in the same room with lazy face-lift. 把胡說男和懶惰整容女放到一起
[20:27.70]They can abuse each other. 讓他們互相折磨
[20:29.20]The baby can stay another night. 嬰兒可以再住一晚
[20:31.92]Now get out of here.And if anyone asks, 現(xiàn)在走吧 如果有人問起
[20:34.09]none of this was my idea. 別說是我的主意
[20:37.39]Excuse us.Where does it hurt? 哪疼?
[20:39.28]- everywhere. - Didn't the marble come out? - 哪都疼 - 大理石沒出來嗎?
[20:41.10]Yeah,last night. 昨晚出來了
[20:42.83]Oh,it really hurts.I ate some morE. 真疼 我又吃了更多
[20:45.28]you what? 你什么?
[20:46.76]You said you took the rest from his room. 你說你把剩下的都拿走了
[20:48.34]- I did. - Well,obviously you didn'T. - 我拿了 - 很明顯 你沒有
[20:51.11]- brian,how many did you eat? - Eight. - Brian 你吃了多少? - 8個
[20:58.95]is this what you ate? 這是你吃的?
[21:00.69]Brian,this isn't a marble.This is a magnet. Brian 這不是大理石 是磁鐵
[21:03.02]page dr.Bailey.Tell her it's an emergency. 呼叫Beiley醫(yī)生 告訴她有急診
[21:06.54]The magnets take the path of least ristance to get to each other. 磁鐵沒受到任何阻礙 吸在一起
[21:10.07]If that means going through the wall of the intestine, 如果要穿過腸壁
[21:13.44]then that's what they're gonna do. 就會穿過
[21:14.90]Yeah,yeah.I'm looking at perfed bowel here. 我在看這穿孔的腸子
[21:17.51]He's gonna need surgery. 他需要動手術(shù)
[21:19.99]Dr.Bailey... Bailey醫(yī)生
[21:22.41]there's another one,and it's moving. 還有一個 還在動
[21:24.56]Like a slow-motion gunshot. 像顆慢慢移動的子彈
[21:26.82]All right,we gotta stop it before it rips through his stomach and kills him. 好 在穿破胃 危及到他生命前 我們把它取出來
[21:37.33]Here we go,jerry. 我們到了 Jerry
[21:38.57]What the hell is this? 你們搞什么?
[21:39.70]Oh,room shortage.You're gonna have to double up. 病房緊缺 加個床
[21:42.35]- What? - Yeah.Harriet,meet jerry. - 什么? - Harriet 這是Jerry
[21:44.89]- This is absurd. - Oh,not so angry,jerry. - 太荒唐了 - 別這么大火氣 Jerry
[21:47.30]It's not good for the complexion.Right,harriet? 這會讓你臉色難看 好吧 Harriet
[21:49.74]Harriet,jerry may be monopolizing the bathroom for a few hours, Harriet Jerry可能會獨占浴室?guī)仔r
[21:52.38]so if you need to go,I'd go now. 如果你想去的話 現(xiàn)在就去
[21:54.13]- This is unacceptable. - I n't even think it's legal. - 不能這樣 - 這不合法
[21:56.82]Well,my advice would be to get yourselves discharged as quickly as possible. 我的建議是 你們都能盡早出院
[22:00.21]See ya. 回見
[22:06.37]I have seven magnets in my tray. 盤子里有7塊磁鐵
[22:09.48]He said he swallowed eight. 他說他吞了8塊
[22:11.82]He has a hole in his diaphragm. 橫隔膜上有個洞
[22:14.43]One could have wandered up to his chest.Forceps. 那一塊可能滑進(jìn)胸腔了 鉗子
[22:17.52]Aren't you gonna repair the diaphragm? 你不打算修復(fù)橫隔膜嗎?
[22:18.87]Uh,first I want to see if the magnet will find me. 我先看看磁鐵能不能被吸出來
[22:24.50]you know he did this so his parents would get a divorce? 你知道他這么做是為了讓他父母離婚嗎?
[22:27.04]They fight all the time,so 他們一直吵個沒完
[22:28.90]he made himself sick so they would take him seriously. 他讓自己生病 就能引起他們的重視了
[22:31.04]I bet they take him seriously now. 我想他們現(xiàn)在把他當(dāng)回事了
[22:33.45]They said they'd try not to fight so much. 他們說盡量不吵架
[22:35.60]I am elbow deep in their 8 year old... 我像他們這么大時 也總逞強
[22:38.91]Sounds like something a little extra effort can't fix. 聽上去像 再努力也無濟(jì)于事
[22:43.20]You're probably right. 你說的對
[22:44.66]I am so right about so many things,it'll make your head spin. 我很多事情都說的對 這會讓你覺得頭大
[22:53.38]her hands are beautiful. 她的手真好看
[22:55.74]I mean,surgically,the finesse. 我指從外科手術(shù)角度來說 技術(shù)很好
[22:59.47]I was in ortho all day. 我一整天都在正骨
[23:01.00]There is no finesse to breaking bones. 弄骨頭不要什么技術(shù)
[23:03.18]- Yeah,it's carpentry. - Carpentry. - 是木匠活 - 木匠活
[23:06.06]You want finesse,you should try plastics.It's all finesse. 你想要技術(shù) 就該試試整形外科 純技術(shù)
[23:08.89]Yeah,no room for error when you're dealing with someone's face. 你在處理別人的臉時 絕不能犯錯
[23:15.05]It's more than just face-lifts. 不只是整容手術(shù)
[23:17.06]I'm a board certified E.N.T.I take out tumors. 我是有資格認(rèn)證的耳鼻喉科醫(yī)生 我可以取出腫瘤
[23:22.86]It's also a lot of face-lifts. 也有很多整容手術(shù)
[23:25.58]But even aace-lift... 即使是整容手術(shù)
[23:27.67]I'm changing a life. 我也是在改變別人的生活
[23:30.29]I'm holding someone's future in my hds. 我手里握著別人的未來
[23:38.70]Holding a heart is way better. 握著心臟更好
[23:54.62]she's good. 她很好
[23:57.35]She's sleeping,but we can go in if you want to... 她睡著了 但你想進(jìn)去的話也行
[24:04.62]dr.Hahn said that,uh,teresa'S... Hahn醫(yī)生說 Teresa
[24:10.17]she's not in good shape. 她的情況不好
[24:12.28]Her other lung is leaking now. 另一個肺也有穿孔
[24:15.49]And they can't operate because her heart is too weak from all the strain. 不能動手術(shù) 因為她的心臟太脆弱 承受不了這么大的壓力
[24:21.92]So they're gonna see if she's gonna make it through the night 先要看看她能不能熬過今晚
[24:24.75]and reassess in the morning. 明天早上再評估
[24:27.93]I am so sorry. 我很抱歉
[24:31.54]I-I need tknow who to call just in case my wife doesn't make it. 我想知道 萬一我妻子不行了 我該找誰
[24:37.23]I can't do this on my own. 我自己做不到
[24:40.60]I know what I'm capable of,and I-I can't raise a kid without my wife... 我有自知之明 沒了我妻子 我不能獨自一人撫養(yǎng)這孩子
[24:46.14]a kid that's not even my own blood. 更別說是和我沒血緣關(guān)系的孩子
[24:50.19]The kid deserves a family. 孩子該有個家
[24:52.53]And hey,I'm not a bad guy,and I-I see her,anshe's... she's good,you know? 我不是壞人 我看著她 她很好
[24:57.38]She's...she's a good baby,but I'm not... 她是個好孩子 但我不是
[25:00.80]you're her father. 你是她父親
[25:02.45]Sh-she needs you. 她需要你
[25:04.59]She needs you now more... 現(xiàn)在更需要你
[25:07.69]- you're her father. - I don't feel like her father. - 你是她父親 - 我覺得不是
[25:10.93]I look at her,and I d... I s... 我看著她 我...
[25:16.41]I see that she's not mine.She's just a baby. 我覺得她不是我的 她只是個孩子
[25:34.45]Did you do tonight? 你今晚做什么?
[25:35.93]I stayed late at work because my house is a broel. 我要工作到很晚 因為我的房子被霸占了
[25:39.94]- what did you do - oh,no. - 你呢? - 哦 對了
[25:43.00]- What? - Oh,dinner and a movie. - 什么? - 晚餐和電影
[25:45.28]- Dinner and a movie? - Oh! - 晚餐和電影? - 哦
[25:46.55]- All right,dinner... - oh,dear. - 好吧 晚餐 - 親愛的
[25:49.43]Uh,uh,I'm sorry. 抱歉
[25:50.74]I'll just,uh... okay,I'm...I'm...I'm sorry. 我只是...抱歉
[25:53.07]I'm sorry,okay? 我很抱歉
[25:55.47]It's a box of fuN.You know? 一盒子好玩的東西
[25:59.12]It's just been... 就是
[26:01.21]- too much.Too much pressure. - Yeah. - 太多了 壓力太大 - 對
[26:04.47]Too much trying.We just gotta get back to having fun. 試了太多次 我們還是先找點樂趣
[26:09.03]- So it's a box of props? - It's a box of fun. - 一盒子小道具? - 一盒子好玩的東西
[26:11.46]Okay. 好吧
[26:14.01]Can I... 我能不能...
[26:19.08]A box of fun and booze,'cause I figure it can't hurt. 一盒子好玩的東西和酒 應(yīng)該不會有事
[26:21.36]Yeah,yeah.Oh,that... 對 對
[26:24.24]- that's a... no. - You know what?Don't... don't...don't say it. - 那是 不 - 知道嗎 別說出來
[26:26.72]- This will work. - Yeah? - 這會管用 - 是嗎?
[26:27.95]We will work.We just need to take the pressure off. 會有用的 我們需要甩掉壓力
[26:31.34]- We have e house to ourselves tonight. - Good. - 今晚這房子只屬于我們 - 很好
[26:33.45]We're gonna have a drink and we're gonna play. 我們把酒當(dāng)歡
[26:38.68]- we'll play. - Play... - 我們玩 - 玩
[26:41.38]with our box of fun. 玩一盒子好玩的東西
[26:52.33]you definitely don't want to go in there. 你肯定不想進(jìn)去
[26:54.10]Oh,alex. Alex
[26:55.94]- George and izzie? - Yeah. - George和Izzie? - 對
[27:01.80]I think the chief just saw me naked. 剛才主任好像看見我裸體了
[27:03.98]Nice. 很好
[27:07.76]I thoughtI said no having sex with her at this house? 我想我說過別在這和她做愛
[27:10.23]I didn't invite her over. 我沒請她過來
[27:14.91]- Hi. - Hey. - 嗨 - 嗨
[27:18.06]Um,alex,do you want to get a drink at joe's? Alex 想去Joe的酒吧喝一杯嗎?
[27:20.82]Yeah,sure. 好的
[27:23.21]Alex. Alex
[27:27.77]There's no rule that says he can't have a drink with me. 沒有規(guī)定說 我不能和他喝酒吧
[27:30.26]Actually,there is.I'm making one. 其實有的 我現(xiàn)在制定一條
[27:32.23]No drinking with alex,no sleeping with alex. 不能和Alex喝酒 不能和Alex上床
[27:34.87]What exactly did I ever do to you? 我到底怎么你了?
[27:36.35]Get your own friends. 找你的朋友去
[27:37.77]Get your own life. 過你的生活
[27:39.12]Stop living in mine. 離開我的生活
[27:41.67]Screw you. 去你的
[27:43.62]I...I'll wait at the car. 我在車上等你
[27:49.64]I know that was mean,but she's everywhere. 我知道這樣不好 但到處都是她
[27:52.00]You say she's not your sister. 你說她不是你妹妹
[27:53.43]You say you don't want to know her. 你說你不想了解她
[27:55.04]So why the hell do you care so much? 那你干嗎如此在乎?
[28:00.44]I don'T.I don'T. 我沒有 我沒有
[28:03.32]I don't care. 我不在乎
[28:13.56]- morning. - Hey. - 早 - 嘿
[28:15.74]- Gotta get to work. - Yeah,yeah,me,too.Gotta go,gotta go. - 該去上班了 - 對 我也是 該走了
[28:25.21]all I'm saying is,the next time you have company,lock the door. 我要說的是 下次你有客人來 請鎖門
[28:29.72]All I'm saying is,next time you come over,you shouldnock. 我要說的是 下次你要過來 請敲門
[28:45.60]- where is she? - Oh,well. - 她呢? - 哦
[28:47.84]It looks like she finally got out of bed. 她終于能下床了
[28:53.57]oh! 哦
[28:55.15]Oh,my god! 天哪
[28:57.14]We're adults.Don't look so shocked. 都是成年人了 別這么吃驚
[28:59.49]she always looks like that. 她一直都那樣
[29:04.27]well,I guess he finally crapped. 我想他終于拉出來了
[29:07.73]- what? - Even they have chemistry. - 什么? - 連他們都能有化學(xué)反應(yīng)
[29:12.85]Dr.O'malley,he'S... O'Malley醫(yī)生 他
[29:15.35]brian...he's really gonna be okay,right? Brian 他會好起來的 對吧?
[29:17.36]Kids bounce back more quickly than adults,so... 孩子比成人恢復(fù)的快
[29:21.93]we used to be really happy. 我們以前真的很快樂
[29:24.56]I'm sorry? 什么?
[29:25.73]My husband and I,we really were... 我和我丈夫 我們真的...
[29:27.97]before. 以前
[29:30.80]Brian was a colicky baby,and don lost his job, Brian小時候經(jīng)常腹痛 Don丟了工作
[29:34.20]and my mother died,and all this baggage piled up. 我母親也去世了 所有倒霉事湊在一起
[29:37.03]- I'm s...I'm d... - I just keep thinking that we have to get back there. - 我正在... - 我一直在想 我們要回到過去
[29:42.28]Maybe brian's right.Maybe don and I do need a break from each other. 也許Brian是對的 我和Don需要分開
[29:46.89]We haven't been happy in a long time. 我們很久都不快樂了
[30:00.20]She put her on a heart and lung machine in her room? 她把心和肺的機(jī)器放在房間里?
[30:02.83]Yeah.She wasn't gonna survive another day without the surgery, 對 如果不做手術(shù) 她就活不到明天
[30:05.63]and she was too unstable to transport to the O.R., 她情況很不穩(wěn)定 根本無法送去手術(shù)室
[30:08.01]So hahn had to bring the O.R.To her. Hahn把手術(shù)室給她搬來了
[30:10.23]- It's pretty genius,right? - It's genius. - 太有才了 對吧? - 太有才了
[30:13.56]Dr.grey. Grey醫(yī)生
[30:16.27]Make sure her lines are clear. 確保所有的線都開著
[30:18.15]The last thing we need is a kink to send her into arrest. 我們最后要做的就是用 線的扭結(jié)制動她的心臟
[30:21.05]Anybody gets so much as a bad feeling,we stop and we reassess. 有人感覺不對時 我們就停止 再來過
[30:25.28]She's gonna make it,right? 她會好起來 對嗎?
[30:27.03]He said he's gonna give her baby up if she doesn't make it. 他說如果她不行了 他就不要那孩子
[30:29.28]- She has to make it. - okay,people... - 她必須得撐過去 - 好了 大伙
[30:30.47]- kinda busy right now,lex. - Road trip. - 現(xiàn)在有點忙 Lex - 開始移動
[30:37.41]Hey. 嗨
[30:39.04]Mr.Brotherton,we need to go now. Brotherton先生 我們現(xiàn)在就得走
[30:41.42]I will send dr.Grey out to you with periodic updates. 我會讓Grey醫(yī)生定時出來告訴你情況
[30:46.26]I promise I'm gonna do everything in my power to fix your wife. 我保證會竭盡全力治好你妻子
[31:13.00]- I've got a thing for her. - you don't have a thing for her. - 我有樣?xùn)|西要給她 - 你沒有東西要給她
[31:15.40]I do.I do.I have a thing for her. 我有 有的 我有東西要給她
[31:17.64]- It's gonna end badly. - You don't know that. - 結(jié)局會很糟 - 你不知道
[31:19.22]- Yes,I do. - What do you know?You're dating the chief. - 我知道 - 你知道什么? 你在和主任約會
[31:21.49]You know what?That joke's not funny anymore.It's overused. 知道嗎? 這個笑話不好笑 都被說濫了
[31:33.56]- lover's quarrel? - Oh,jeez. - 小兩口拌嘴了? - 啊呀
[31:35.49]we're not quarreling.It's not a quarrel. 我們沒拌嘴 那不是拌嘴
[31:37.75]More importantly,we're not... 更重要的是 我們不是...
[31:39.54]if I...go through the trouble to choose a movie, 如果我千辛萬苦地選好電影
[31:43.27]he should have enough common courtesy to mention it if he makes other plans... 而他另有安排 至少該禮貌地通知我一下
[31:47.45]a phone call,a note,something. 打個電話 留個便條之類的
[31:49.41]And if he'not gonna pick up my shirts,just tell me. 如果他不能幫我去取衣服 就說一聲
[31:51.88]I'll pick them up. 我會取的
[31:53.25]I'm perfectly capable of picking up my own shirts. 我自己能搞定我的衣服
[31:56.03]No.No,you're not. 不 你不能
[31:57.17]You're not capable of picking up your shirts. 你搞不定你的衣服
[31:59.35]You're not capable of doing anything on your own. 你自己什么事都做不成
[32:01.88]If I wasn't around,you'd starve in a dirty shirt and die a lonely death. 如果沒有我 你會穿著這臟衣服挨餓 然后孤獨地死去
[32:05.28]Oh,for god sakes. 拜托 看在老天的份上
[32:06.64]You know,I offered you a place to put your trailer, 我給你地方讓你停車
[32:08.65]and you've been taking advantage ever since. 打那以后 你就得寸進(jìn)尺地占便宜
[32:10.72]You can't handle picking up the dry cleaning or doing the cooking,so I have to pick up all the slack. 你搞不定衣服也不會做飯 最后還是我來收拾爛攤子
[32:17.52]Hold that thought. 你等著
[32:20.88]You see?He can't handle the truth. 看 他連真相都接受不了
[32:24.21]I definitely have a thing for her. 我肯定對她有感覺
[32:29.48]Miranda,do you have any idea why the brothertons' baby's still here? Miranda 為啥Brothertons的孩子還在這?
[32:33.44]I believe dr.Torres decided to keep the baby here for another day. 我想Torres醫(yī)生決定 讓這孩子再留院一晚
[32:37.46]Well,why would she do that if dr.Shepherd was ready to discharge her? Shepherd醫(yī)生都批準(zhǔn)出院了 還留干嗎?
[32:41.07]I don't know.You'd have to ask dr.Torres. 我也不知道 你得問Torres醫(yī)生
[32:44.73]I mean,if it was me and the mother kept coding, 如果母親一直這樣 是我的話
[32:47.14]I might keep the baby around so they could get a little more time together. 可能會讓孩子呆在她身邊 盡量讓她們多呆會
[32:53.65]And why did torreshave stevens and karev put their patients in the same room? 為何Torres醫(yī)生讓Stevens 和Karev的病人住一間房
[32:58.96]That's a clear violation of protocol. 這顯然不合規(guī)矩
[33:01.46]Uh,you'd have to ask her. 你得去問她
[33:04.26]But those two patients were impossible, 但這倆病人都不愿意
[33:06.95]and neither one was willing to follow post-op instruction,so... 做術(shù)后康復(fù)程序 所以...
[33:10.98]I mean,if it was me,I would put them both in the same room 要是我的話 我就把他倆放一間房
[33:13.82]so they could encourage each other to get out of here. 讓他們互相鼓勵 爭取早日出院
[33:16.77]And she told dr.Yang to find a new specialty? 她讓Yang醫(yī)生找個新專業(yè)?
[33:21.17]That's a pretty odd thing to say to someone who has such an affinity r cardio. 對執(zhí)著于心胸外科的人這樣說 還真奇怪
[33:26.73]Again,you'll have to ask torres. 重申 你得去問Torres醫(yī)生
[33:29.63]But maybe it has to do with the fact that erica hahn's putting her through her paces, 也許是Erica Hahn把她給困住了
[33:34.45]so yang needs to see what else is out there, Yang需要去看看外面的世界
[33:36.81]otherwise she won't fight hard enough to stay with cardio. 否則她只能在心胸外科停滯不前
[33:39.80]I'm just guessing.You need to ask torres. 猜猜而已 你得去問Torres醫(yī)生
[33:44.26]That's just what I'm gonna do. 這正是我要做的
[33:58.50]okay,it's been an hour.We should've heard something. 已經(jīng)過了一小時 該有消息了吧
[34:01.86]Well,the fact that we haven't heard anything is good. 沒消息就是好消息
[34:04.82]That means that they've got her in the O.R. 這說明他們還在手術(shù)中
[34:06.93]And they've opened her up. 打開她的胸膛
[34:09.63]You know,every step of this that she survives is good. 每個步驟 都能讓她更好的活下來
[34:15.34]Oh,god. 天哪
[34:18.35]So we were able to find one puncture in her remaining lung. 我們在她僅剩的肺里找到了穿孔
[34:22.44]We're preparing to place a patch over it. 正準(zhǔn)備修補它
[34:25.79]And hopefully at's the only leak,and hopefully the patch will hold. 希望這是唯一的穿孔 也希望能修補好
[34:34.94]I should be getting back. 我該回去了
[34:43.73]You know,you said your wife bonded instantly with the baby. 你說你妻子有母子保險
[34:49.19]For some people,it's like that. 對有些人來說 是那樣的
[34:51.29]For other people,they need a little more time with a baby before they can feel like a family. 對另一些人來說 需要多陪陪孩子 才會有家庭感
[34:56.80]I bet you know her better than you think you do. 我打賭你比想象中更了解她
[34:59.82]All I know is that she cries. 我只知道她很能哭
[35:03.03]Okay?And she eats a lot. 好吧? 也很能吃
[35:06.21]We were going through formula like crazy. 買奶粉買瘋了
[35:08.76]And she sleeps with her hand up under her chin. 她把手放在下巴那兒睡去
[35:13.70]And she likes my wife. 她喜歡我妻子
[35:17.20]Teresa soothes her,you know? Teresa能讓她平靜下來
[35:19.07]She puts her hand on her back... 輕撫她的背
[35:22.93]she let's her suck on her finger. 讓她吮著她的手指
[35:25.62]But that's all I know. 這是我所了解的
[35:27.56]That's five things no one else knows. 有五件別人不了解的事
[35:30.16]That's five things. 五件事
[35:42.96]The patch is secure. 修補很安全
[35:44.89]Water,please. 水 謝謝
[35:50.26]All right.Let's see if I earned my paycheck today. 好 來看看 今天我有沒有工資拿
[35:53.46]Go to manual.Give me a breath. 手動操作氣囊
[36:06.64]- no bubbles. - So far,so good.Another breath. - 沒有氣泡 - 目前很好 再來一次
[36:13.95]I see bubbles. 有氣泡
[36:16.47]patch is secure.Clamp. 修補很安全 手術(shù)鉗
[36:20.78]Oh,we got another leak. 還有一處穿孔
[36:22.35]Grey,hold on to this clamp,please. Grey 請拿著手術(shù)鉗
[36:30.91]dr.Torres,you got a moment? Torres醫(yī)生 有空嗎?
[36:33.35]Uh,don't,actually,because I have two more surgeries today. 沒有 因為今天我還有兩個手術(shù)
[36:35.31]But I know the schedule's been a little crazy. 我知道進(jìn)程表有點緊湊
[36:36.69]- I'll get on it tonight. - No,you're not,actually. - 我今晚會搞定的 - 你不會
[36:39.46]Okay,you're right. 說的對
[36:41.04]- It may not happen till tomorrow,but,uh... - you're not gonna get on it at all. - 可能到明天才能... - 你完全搞不定
[36:59.24]Mr.Brotherton,we did everything we could,but...l? Brotherton先生 我們盡力了 但...
[37:32.55]- Hey. - HeY. - 嘿 - 嘿
[37:34.99]Cool lounge. 休息室很酷
[37:36.33]Yeah,no interns allowed. 實習(xí)生勿進(jìn)
[37:38.08]I know that. 我知道
[37:41.00]Um,I was looking for you because I was wondering if... 我正找你呢 我想問...
[37:44.92]if you would meet me later... 你等會能不能見我...
[37:47.78]in the on call room. 在待命室
[37:50.66]I can'T. 不能
[37:52.37]- Oh,I... I thought you said that... - yeah,I know what I said,but I can'T. - 我以為你說過... - 我知道我說過 但不行
[37:58.57]- Because of meredith. - Look... - 因為Meredith - 聽著
[38:01.93]I'm not getting involved in whatever you two got going on. 我不會攪和到你們中間去
[38:04.97]I'm not choosing sides. 我不會選站在誰那邊
[38:07.89]Except...clearly you are. 只是...你已經(jīng)選了
[38:20.84]dr.Bailey... Bailey醫(yī)生
[38:23.38]you've been covering for dr.Torres. 你在幫Torres醫(yī)生
[38:26.05]Chief,I... I've just been shuffling a little paperwork for her. 主任 我只是在幫她做文書工作
[38:30.40]You've been doing the lion's share of the chief resident's work... 你把住院總醫(yī)師的活都做得差不多了
[38:34.87]all the responsibility and none of the credit. 責(zé)無旁貸 卻得不到一丁點功勞
[38:39.01]You deserve the credit. 這功勞是你的
[38:41.13]Yodeserve the job. 這職位也是你的
[38:43.63]I should've given it to you in the first place. 一開始 我就該給你的
[38:46.54]I hope you'll take it now. 現(xiàn)在 我希望你能接受
[38:48.88]Because what you do and how you do it 因為你的盡心盡力
[38:53.63]makes this hospital work. 才讓這所醫(yī)院運轉(zhuǎn)
[38:59.37]Well,it's about time you noticed. 這時候你注意到了
[39:57.00]can I pick her up? 我能帶走她嗎
[39:59.13]Yeah,of course.Nurse. 當(dāng)然 護(hù)士
[40:18.66]it's okay. 沒事了
[40:23.52]I remembered a sixth thing. 我記得第六件事
[40:28.09]She hates the car seat... 她討厭車座
[40:31.61]u-unless you put this little duck up under her head.You know? 除非讓她看見這只小鴨子
[40:36.11]Hey. 嘿
[40:39.83]I'm gonna name you keisha,okay? 我要叫你Keisha 好嗎
[40:43.10]'Cause that's what your mommy wanted to name you. 因為你媽媽就想這么叫你
[41:04.70]I am not stalking.I just... 我不是在跟蹤你 我只是...
[41:08.46]I hate apples.Hate them. 我痛恨蘋果 痛恨至極
[41:12.00]Think they shouldn't be allowed to be a fruit.That's one. 它們沒資格被叫做水果 這是第一件事
[41:15.46]And...and two,I can draw really,really well on an etch a sketch. 第二件事 我的素描刻蝕畫的很好
[41:20.59]Like,really well,like,I could be a professional if,you know,that profession existed. 就像是專家級的 如果有這專業(yè)的話
[41:27.30]I play the trombone...badly. 我吹長號...但很爛
[41:29.65]Uh,I like math. 我喜歡數(shù)學(xué)
[41:32.18]And I notice that you do this thing with your hands when you're trying to make a point, 我發(fā)現(xiàn) 你說明觀點時做的手勢
[41:35.50]like...like...like this,with your hands. 就像 像這個手勢
[41:38.28]And I know that that's about you,but I... I do it,too, 雖然是在說你 但我也做這手勢
[41:42.30]so it's also about me. 所以也是在說我
[41:44.18]And so that's five... 就是這五...
[41:48.14]five things that I'm hoping will make it a lile bit harder for you to hate me. 五件也許能讓你少恨我一點的事
[42:10.32]I told her i could draw with an etch a sketch. 我告訴她 我會素描刻蝕
[42:13.88]Of all the things I could've chosen,I... 能說得都說了 我...
[42:16.46]no wonder she thinks I'm pathetic. 她覺得我可悲 這一點不奇怪
[42:24.04]- I saw your transplant today. - I know. - 我今天觀摩了你的移植手術(shù) - 我知道
[42:27.21]- You have extraordinary technique. - I know. - 卓越的技術(shù) - 我知道
[42:30.46]Can I buy you a drink? 能請你喝一杯嗎
[42:32.66]I have,uh,rather extraordinary techniques myself. 我的技術(shù)也很卓越
[42:38.48]You're not attracted to me. 你不是被我的人所吸引
[42:40.08]You think you are,but you're not. 你認(rèn)為是 但不是
[42:42.52]You're attracted to my skill 你被我的技術(shù)所吸引
[42:44.46]and my confidence and maybe how hot I look with my hands on a heart. 還有我的自信 也許我把手放心臟上很性感
[42:48.73]But mostly,you're attracted to me because I'm not attracted to you. 最重要的是 因為我對你不感冒 所以吸引了你
[42:56.79]I told her I couldn't see her anymore. 我告訴她我不能再見她
[43:00.04]You did? 你說了?
[43:01.85]Whatever.I don't need another chick with issues. 隨便了 我不需要再來一個女性問題
[43:05.30]Thank you. 謝謝
[43:09.90]alex.. Alex
[43:14.91]alex.. Alex
[43:17.40]will you take my sister home? 你能送我妹妹回家嗎?
[43:19.89]Come on,she plays the trombone anwhatever. 拜托 她吹長號什么的
[43:23.54]Just take her home,please. 就送她回家 謝謝
[43:44.97]I finished painting. 我粉刷完了
[43:47.21]I got fired. 我被解雇了
[44:01.97]I married adele two years out of college. 畢業(yè)兩年后 我就和Adele結(jié)婚了
[44:05.36]There's a lot I need to learn to do for myself. 有很多事 我得自己學(xué)
[44:17.51]just pick up your own shirts from now on. 從現(xiàn)在開始 自己取衣服吧
[44:23.65]"taxi driver"? "出租車司機(jī)"? (電影名 羅伯特·德尼羅主演)
[44:25.66]Meredith is coming oveR. Meredith今晚要過來
[44:29.02]Better get back to my trailer. 我還是回自己車?yán)锶グ?br /> [44:37.28]you talkin' to me? 還有什么要說的嗎?
[44:39.80]De niro? 羅伯特·德尼羅?
[44:50.44]Alex,I'm...I'm fine.Thank you. Alex 我...我沒事 謝謝
[44:52.81]Um,really,you can...you can go. 真的 你...你可以走了
[45:04.04]What a pleasant surprise. 真是個意外驚喜啊
[45:06.93]- It's dr.Karev,isn't it? - Yes,sir. - Karev醫(yī)生 對吧 - 是的
[45:11.09]All right,well,don't want to interrupt you two. 那我不打擾你們倆了
[45:13.84]- Wait,dad,you're going out? - Just down to the store. - 等等 爸爸 你要出去? - 只是去下商店
[45:17.91]- Dad. - It's just down to the store,lexie. - 爸爸 - 我就去下商店 Lexie
[45:22.97]- Uh,why don't I go? - You know,my car,it's right here. - 我去吧? - 我開車過來的
[45:25.09]I'm fine. 我沒事
[45:26.95]What do you need,scotch,vodka,gin? 你要買什么 威士忌 伏特加 杜松子酒?
[45:35.58]Scotch. 威士忌
[45:48.88]Uh... 嗯
[45:50.78]just... 不...
[45:52.25]don't tell meredith. 不要告訴Meredith
[46:01.38]- What did you do tonight? - Nothing. - 你今晚干什么了? - 沒什么
[46:04.90]- You? - Nothing. - 你呢? - 沒什么
[46:09.73]It's late.Shouldn't you be going soon? 很晚了 你還不回去?
[46:13.61]I just want to lie here for a few more minutes. 再躺幾分鐘
[46:25.05]That...was amazing. 太 太棒了
[46:28.30]- finally. - See?**** - 終于 - 看見沒? 我們就該這么做
[46:33.18]that was as good as the first time. 和我們的初夜一樣棒
[46:35.67]No,it was better. 比那晚還棒
[46:39.26]- way better. - Way,right. - 棒多了 - 沒錯 棒多了
[46:40.69]Because,well,we weren't drunk,and well,I'm not married.and... 我們沒醉 我也沒結(jié)婚 另外...
[46:45.16]- that was just... - incredible. - 那次只是... - 難以置信
[46:54.15]You're lying. 你撒謊
[46:57.32]Well,so are you. 你也是
[47:01.55]Chemistry... 化學(xué)反應(yīng)
[47:03.70]either you've got it... 要么有
[47:06.17]or you don'T. 要么沒有

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