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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:56:27
[00:00.26]Previously on "grey's anatomy". 前情回顧
[00:02.28]what's the matter with you? 你怎么了?
[00:03.11]I have to start dating. 我得開(kāi)始約會(huì)了
[00:04.14]The sex with izzie. it's like she's trying too hard. 和Izzie做愛(ài) 好像她太急于表現(xiàn)了
[00:07.72]I got fired. 我被炒了
[00:08.61]What's the problem with you and your sister anyway? 你和你妹妹之間到底是怎么了?
[00:10.18]she's not my sister. 她不是我妹妹
[00:11.57]we have the same dad. 我們有同一個(gè)父親
[00:12.57]You killed my wife. You took her from me. 你害死了我妻子 你從我身邊奪走了她
[00:14.39]What do you need,scotch,vodka,gin? 你要什么 蘇格蘭酒 伏特加還是杜松子?
[00:16.45]Just don't tell meredith. 不要告訴Meredith
[00:19.67]there comes a point in your life when you're officially an adult. 法定成年后 生活就開(kāi)始了新的篇章
[00:24.25]Suddenly you're old enough to vote,drink and engage in other adult activities. 一下子 你就擁有了選舉權(quán) 可以喝酒 還可以參與成人活動(dòng)
[00:30.33]So. 所以
[00:31.82]why the brain? 為什么是大腦?
[00:33.53]Why biology's crown jewel? 為何能成為生物學(xué)領(lǐng)域的冠珠? (比喻吸引人的 有價(jià)值的)
[00:35.08]You mean why did i go into neurosurgery? 你是想問(wèn)為什么我選擇神經(jīng)科?
[00:37.09]Come on. Share. 來(lái)吧 說(shuō)說(shuō)吧
[00:38.35]Share with sydney. 和Sydney分享下
[00:39.87]It was the headset with the magnifying glasses that tipped the scale for me. 我看中的是頭盔式帶燈放大鏡
[00:45.32]and the man has a sense of humor. 富有幽默感的男人
[00:47.76]I like that. 我喜歡
[00:48.92]Suddenly people expect you to be responsible. 一下子 別人希望你變成有責(zé)任感
[00:52.41]serious,a grown-up. 嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)某赡耆?br /> [00:57.18]Work stuff. 工作的事情
[00:58.96]Um,as if you didn't know. I'll just be a sec. 馬上回來(lái)
[01:04.60]I think they're on a date. 我想他們?cè)诩s會(huì)
[01:06.15]That's definitely a date,right? 絕對(duì)是約會(huì) 對(duì)嗎?
[01:08.05]Maybe she's dying. 也許她快死了
[01:09.11]Is she dying? Is that why? 她快死了嗎? 所以你才...
[01:11.43]Oh,come on. Grow up. 別這樣 成熟點(diǎn)吧
[01:12.47]She's nice. She asked me out. 她不錯(cuò) 主動(dòng)約我
[01:13.93]Want me to fake a heart attack? I do a great fake heart attack. 要我假裝心臟病嗎? 裝這個(gè)我可棒了
[01:16.41]-Here she comes. -Carry on. - 她來(lái)了 - 繼續(xù)
[01:18.36]It's sydney. 那是Sydney
[01:19.40]In the movies,when the handsome but sensitive football pyer 電影里 英俊而機(jī)敏的足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員
[01:22.37]kisses the awkward,freaky girl in front of the whole school. 當(dāng)著全校的面親吻的 那個(gè)笨拙而怪異的女孩
[01:25.72]that girl is her. 就是她這類
[01:26.81]You are very awkward and freaky. 你也很笨拙怪異
[01:32.87]we get taller, 我們逐漸長(zhǎng)高
[01:33.46]EFFRCTIVE***M.D 日常聲明 即日生效 住院總 Miranda Bailey
[01:35.76]we get older. 我們逐漸變老
[01:39.92]but do we ever really grow up? 但我們真的長(zhǎng)大了嗎?
[01:45.69]Do you know what kind of batteries these take? 你知道該用幾號(hào)電池嗎?
[01:47.64]Double "A. 五號(hào)
[01:48.36]" Is it really? Do you have one? 真的? 你有嗎?
[01:51.20]I have some in my locker. Yeah. 我柜子里有 啊噢
[01:58.12]We're avoiding them now. It's come to that. 如此看來(lái) 我們都在躲著他們
[02:00.01]Why are you avoiding izzie? 你為什么要躲著Izzie?
[02:02.61]It's like we're not us anymore. 仿佛我們都變得不像自己了
[02:03.72]Everything used to be so easy. Talking at least used to be easy. 從前一切都很自然簡(jiǎn)單 至少能輕松聊天
[02:06.39]Now look. We can't even talk anymore. 可是現(xiàn)在 我們甚至都不說(shuō)話了
[02:09.81]Oh,derek went on a date with sydney heron last night. Derek昨晚和Sydney出去約會(huì)了
[02:13.18]It was probably a fake date to make me think he's healthy and moving on. 興許是個(gè)假約會(huì) 好讓我覺(jué)得他很健壯 還有分手的計(jì)劃
[02:16.18]And do you think he's healthy and moving on? 你這樣想了嗎?
[02:17.97]-Can we just take the stairs? -Okay. - 我們就走樓梯吧? - 好的
[02:25.39]Bailey. I,uh. Bailey 我
[02:27.54]just,uh,I wanted to congratulate you. 我只是想恭喜你
[02:29.75]I'm sorry if things got. 我很抱歉 如果這事...
[02:31.61]you deserve the job. 你理當(dāng)?shù)玫竭@個(gè)職位
[02:33.29]Oh,does she ever. 她一直是啊
[02:34.57]Come here,new chief resident. Huh? 來(lái)吧 新的住院總醫(yī)師
[02:36.42]Someone deserves a big hug. 給你個(gè)大擁抱
[02:37.84]oh,come on,sydney. 好啦 Sydney
[02:39.49]Well,I admit,I'm a. I'm a wee bit jealous. 好吧 我承認(rèn) 我是有些小嫉妒
[02:41.75]But the chief has made his decision,and I will abide by it. 但主任做了決定 我只好照做啦
[02:44.97]Oh,callie,I'm,uh,I'm so sorry. Callie 我 我很遺憾
[02:48.44]I'm fine with it. 沒(méi)關(guān)系
[02:49.27]Oh,good. We're being a-a brave soldier. 哦 好 我們要做堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的戰(zhàn)士啊
[02:51.76]No,really. I'm fine with it. 不 我真的沒(méi)事兒
[02:55.00]Let's not spoil this moment for miranda. Okay? 別破壞了Miranda的幸福時(shí)刻 好嗎?
[02:58.61]All right,listen up. 好了 聽(tīng)好了
[03:00.87]I have nothing but respect for the job done by Dr. Torres, 對(duì)于Torres醫(yī)生所做的 我充滿敬意
[03:04.88]but things are gonna be different from here on in. 但現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始要有一些變動(dòng)
[03:07.37]things are totally weird between george and me. We can't even hold a normal conversation. 我和George之間變得很奇怪 甚至都不能正常交談
[03:10.50]This will be a professional environment. 這里是一個(gè)專業(yè)場(chǎng)所
[03:13.29]So your love lives,your hopes and dreams, 所以你們的愛(ài)情生活 你們的希望和夢(mèng)想
[03:16.19]the little joys and tragedies that make you who you are have no place in my hospital. 你們個(gè)人的小樂(lè)子 小麻煩 在我的醫(yī)院里是沒(méi)有容身之處的
[03:20.56]He's acting like a total stranger,like I don't even know him. 他好像變成了陌生人 我好像從不認(rèn)識(shí)他
[03:23.01]The locker room is for changing,not for crying. 更衣室是用來(lái)?yè)Q衣服 而不是用來(lái)哭泣的
[03:26.27]The on call room is for napping,not for anything that requires a locked door. 待命室是用來(lái)休息 而不是做那些需要避人耳目的事的
[03:31.30]Oh,my god. Don't even get me started on the sex. 天啊 更不要提性愛(ài)了
[03:33.20]It is just tragic. It's like. 簡(jiǎn)直就是場(chǎng)災(zāi)難 就像
[03:34.91]stevens,did you hear a word I said? Stevens 你有在聽(tīng)我說(shuō)話嗎?
[03:39.01]Grow up,I believe,is my point. 成熟點(diǎn)吧 我確信這才是關(guān)鍵
[03:42.26]uh,Dr. Bailey,um,can you make sure I stay on Dr. Hahn's cardio service? Bailey醫(yī)生 你能確保 我在Hahn醫(yī)生的心臟科工作嗎?
[03:46.07]Adalrey done. 已經(jīng)弄好了
[03:47.41]But if you piss her off or mess up or in any way embarrass me,that's it,no more chances. 但如果你惹毛了她 搞砸了事情 總之讓我難堪的話 那就再?zèng)]機(jī)會(huì)了
[03:51.61]Thank you. Thank you. I will be the best resident she's ever had. 謝謝 我會(huì)是她接觸過(guò)的最棒的住院醫(yī)生
[03:54.51]No,yang,i will be the best resident she's ever had. 不 Yang 我才是她接觸過(guò)的最棒的住院醫(yī)師
[03:57.34]Yes,rightsecond to you. 對(duì) 僅次于你
[03:59.39]His incision is healing nicely. 他的傷口愈合得很好
[04:01.46]No erythema or purulent discharge. 沒(méi)有紅斑也沒(méi)有化膿
[04:03.95]He'll be monitored,and we'll try weaning him off the drip once his meds are maximized. 他會(huì)被監(jiān)控 一旦藥物達(dá)到最大劑量 我們就會(huì)停止輸液
[04:07.80]After discharge,we expect him to follow up in the cardiac clinic. 我們會(huì)建議他 在出院后繼續(xù)到心臟門(mén)診跟進(jìn)
[04:10.46]There are four other people here,yang. 這兒還有4個(gè)人呢 Yang
[04:12.59]How about letting one of them talk? 讓他們也說(shuō)說(shuō)怎么樣?
[04:18.36]Mr. Talbot's cardiomyopathy is unusually complicated,that's all. Talbot先生的心肌癥出奇的復(fù)雜 就這樣
[04:21.61]You know,you could take a cue from Dr. Stevens. 你可以請(qǐng)教下Stevens醫(yī)生
[04:24.50]She knows what's going on with her patients,and she's inclusive. 她知道病人的狀況 也能做到給大家平等的機(jī)會(huì)
[04:30.06]what do we got? 怎么了?
[04:30.84]High school bus crash. Bunch of kids just came in. 高中校車撞車 剛送來(lái)一堆孩子
[04:33.34]We got more on the way. 更多的還在路上
[04:35.21]Tricia hale,17,vital signs stable. Tricia Hale 17歲 生命跡象穩(wěn)定
[04:37.49]Sustained a large facial laceration,trauma to the buttock area and an open fracture to the lower right leg. 臉部大面積創(chuàng)傷持續(xù)性出血 椎骨損傷 右小腿開(kāi)放性骨折
[04:42.47]Okay,trauma room two. 二號(hào)外傷室
[04:43.60]It's still bleeding. My face is still bleeding. 還在流血呢 我的臉還在流血
[04:45.93]All right. We'll get to that in a minute,okay? 好的 我們馬上就處理 好嗎?
[04:47.62]We? No,try the head of plastic surgery. 我們? 不 我要整形外科的頭兒
[04:50.26]No one is touching my face until I've spoken to the head of plastic surgery. no one. 除非讓我見(jiàn)到整形外科的頭兒 否則別想碰我的臉 誰(shuí)都不能
[04:54.04]34-year-old passenger marcus king,no complaints except deep cuts on his left arm. 34歲乘客Marcus King 除左臂深度割傷外 病人并無(wú)表示有其他不適
[04:59.93]Stable on route. 情況穩(wěn)定
[05:00.90]listen,I'm fine. Please help the kids first. 聽(tīng)著 我沒(méi)事 先救那些孩子
[05:03.60]They're being taken care of,sir. What happened? 有人在照看他們了 出了什么事?
[05:05.48]I was taking the kids on a tour of colleges. 我?guī)Ш⒆觽儏⒂^大學(xué)
[05:07.75]We're from california. 我們來(lái)自加利福尼亞
[05:09.04]The bus slid down an embankment. 汽車在一個(gè)堤壩處滑輪
[05:11.18]one,two,three. 一 二 三
[05:15.76]Mandi? Mandi?
[05:18.83]Mandi! Mandi!
[05:20.92]Marcus? Marcus?
[05:24.34]Mandi? Mandi?
[05:27.99]-What's your name? -Danny. - 你叫什么? - Danny
[05:30.33]Hey,uh,danny,I'm gonna take this off so I can have a look,okay? 嘿 Danny 我要拿下這個(gè)看看 好嗎?
[05:47.52]Man,high school really does suck. 天 高中真夠惡心的
[05:53.36]Grey's Anatomy Season 4 Episode 8 醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 第四季 第8集
[05:55.61],It was that asshat sully and his stupid friends! 都是那個(gè)白癡Sully和他的笨蛋朋友!
[05:59.75]The driver kept turning around,telling them to shut up. 司機(jī)一直回頭叫他們閉嘴
[06:01.88]I'm just drawing a logo,and suddenly I'm upside-down. 我正在畫(huà)一個(gè)標(biāo)志 突然頭沖下翻了過(guò)來(lái)
[06:04.41]And the pencil went,like,all the way in danny's eye. 鉛筆就這么筆直插進(jìn)了Danny的眼睛
[06:06.41]Yeah,I can see that. 恩 我看到了
[06:07.44]Should I call his parents? 我該通知他的父母嗎?
[06:08.71]Why don't you let us do that? 不妨讓我們?nèi)プ霭?
[06:09.88]Sully and those jerks should be in jail. You should be calling the police,not my parents. Sully和那幫混球該去坐牢 你們?cè)撏ㄖ?而不是我的父母
[06:13.09]You just need to not think about those kids,okay? 你不要去想他們了 好嗎?
[06:14.99]You're gonna be out of high school soon. You never have to see 'em again. 你就要離開(kāi)高中 不會(huì)再見(jiàn)到他們
[06:17.25]Oh,yeah. I still gotta finish. 說(shuō)的是 但總還得讀完啊
[06:18.40]Danny,you need to calm down. Okay? Danny 你得鎮(zhèn)定下來(lái) 好嗎?
[06:19.60]'Cause when you raise your voice when you get upset, your blood pressure shoots up,and you could lose your eye. 因?yàn)闊┰晔鼓闾嵘艘袅?導(dǎo)致血壓飆升 你就會(huì)失去你的眼睛
[06:22.90]I need you to stay calm. 我希望你保持冷靜
[06:24.28]Okay,I'll try. 好吧 我試試
[06:27.68]Listen,I reallyan't feel what you're doing. 聽(tīng)著 我真感覺(jué)不到你的動(dòng)作
[06:29.99]But I hope you're not leaving a big,ol' scar. 但我希望你別給我留下個(gè)陳年老疤
[06:32.74]no,no. No,no. 不會(huì)
[06:35.31]Just a few little stitches. I do stitches all the time,so. 就縫幾針 我這個(gè)干得多了
[06:39.55]do you want me to take over,Dr. Bailey? 要我接手嗎 Bailey醫(yī)生?
[06:41.16]Uh,no,no. I do stitches all the time,o'malley. 不 我縫過(guò)的多了 O'Malley
[06:43.80]I just thought with all the more serious injuries coming in,you'd want me to take over. 還以為你會(huì)希望我接受 好去處理更嚴(yán)重的傷者呢
[06:47.14]I'm fine here. 我在這兒就很好
[06:48.75]You're not the boss of me. 你不是我的頭兒
[06:50.68]Actually,I'm the boss of him,if you want to know. I'm the chief resident. 事實(shí)上 我才是他的頭兒 我是住院總醫(yī)師
[06:54.82]-What? -Yeah. - 真的? - 是啊
[06:56.68]oh,mandi. 哦 Mandi
[06:58.26]You know something? I'm not surprised. 知道嗎? 我可不吃驚
[07:00.28]Hey,did you know that we went to high school together? 知道嗎? 我們是高中同學(xué)
[07:02.68]-Really? -Yeah,yeah. - 是嗎 - 是啊 是啊
[07:03.78]And this girl right here,she is a genius. 這個(gè)女孩啊 她可是個(gè)天才
[07:06.07]Used to help me with all my homework. 我所有的作業(yè)都是她幫忙搞定的
[07:07.80]Just a few papers. that's all. 就幾份卷子而已
[07:10.71]Oops. 哦
[07:11.59]Dr. Bailey. Bailey醫(yī)生
[07:12.75]I-I do stitches all the time. 我經(jīng)??p傷口
[07:14.75]I know,but you might want to take a listen. 我知道 但你最好來(lái)聽(tīng)一下
[07:16.23]Something wrong with my ticker? 心跳出問(wèn)題了?
[07:23.20]okay. 好的
[07:30.82]um,part of your heart,uh,may be working overtime, 你心臟的某個(gè)部分 可能跳得過(guò)快
[07:35.93]so,I,uh,will get his E.K.G. And page hahn. 所以我來(lái) 幫他做心電圖 通知Hann
[07:40.11]Will you finish the sutures? 你能來(lái)完成縫合嗎?
[07:43.13]you can't finish this? 你縫不好?
[07:47.23]I. yes. 我 當(dāng)然能
[07:49.16]I can do it. Sure. 當(dāng)然能
[07:50.90]I'll do it. You go get hahn. 我來(lái) 叫Hahn過(guò)來(lái)
[07:55.45]okay. 好吧
[07:56.83]You better be able to fix my face. 你最好能修好我的臉
[07:59.18]I have pom statewides in a month. 不到一個(gè)月 我就要參加州際跳操比賽
[08:00.92]You're a cheerleader? 你是拉拉隊(duì)隊(duì)長(zhǎng)?
[08:02.28]I'm a pom. 我是跳操隊(duì)員
[08:03.45]Cheerleaders just jump around. 拉拉隊(duì)隊(duì)長(zhǎng)就只會(huì)蹦蹦跳跳
[08:05.01]Poms are dancers. 跳操隊(duì)員是舞者
[08:08.76]I was on the football team. 我以前是足球隊(duì)的
[08:10.05]Yeah,I'm not sure you're gonna be doing any dancing in the next month. 我肯定你下個(gè)月不能跳什么舞
[08:12.78]You better be lying. 最好你是在說(shuō)笑
[08:13.72]Not lying. You have very serious knee and leg fractures,not to mention a cracked coccyx. 不是說(shuō)笑 你膝蓋和腿部的骨折嚴(yán)重 更別提尾骨裂痕了
[08:18.24]What the hell is that? 到底是什么意思?
[08:20.00]That's the bone at the bottom of your spine. 是你脊椎尾部的骨頭
[08:22.59]The bottom of your bottom. 你臀部的上邊
[08:24.20]My ass? 我的屁股?
[08:25.65]I broke my ass? 我摔壞了屁股?
[08:26.88]That's one way to look at it. 可以這么說(shuō)
[08:28.89]Don't look at it. 別看
[08:30.36]Okay,you're gonna need surgery. 你需要手術(shù)
[08:31.83]But the good news is that we'll put you under so that we can fix the bones and Dr. Sloan can fix your face all at the same time. 但好在 為了修復(fù)這些骨傷 你得維持俯臥 所以Sloan醫(yī)生可以在同時(shí)治好你的臉
[08:37.89]You better be good. 你最好是個(gè)出色的醫(yī)生
[08:39.85]Baby,you're not gonna find anybody better than me. 寶貝 你找不到比我更好的了
[08:46.88]oh,my god. Hot cheerleader ass. 哦天啊 火辣的拉拉隊(duì)隊(duì)長(zhǎng)的屁股
[08:51.04]take a cue from stevens. 向Stevens討教
[08:53.07]From izzie stevens. Seriously? 向Izzie Stevens討教 說(shuō)真的?
[08:54.90]You need to cut izzie some slack. Her and george are having problems. 你得放Izzie一馬 她和George之間出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題了
[08:58.07]Already? It's only been a week. 這么快? 才不過(guò)一周而已啊
[09:00.05]At that point,you don't even talk. All you do is have sex. 既然如此 還不如光做愛(ài)少交流
[09:02.39]Doesn't mean you can't have problems. 那也不代表沒(méi)有煩惱
[09:03.82]Derek and I are having all kinds of sex,and he's dating other people. Derek和我試過(guò)各種體位 可他呢 現(xiàn)在還和別人約會(huì)
[09:07.91]You didn't hear any of this. 你們聽(tīng)不懂我們說(shuō)的吧
[09:08.91]Oh,please. 哦 拜托
[09:14.16]Fine. Whatever. 好 無(wú)所謂
[09:15.86]You paged me because you couldn't handle a few stitches on a wino? 只是簡(jiǎn)單的縫合 你都處理不了 還要呼我嗎?
[09:18.26]He keeps hollering for Dr. Grey. I wasn't sure if I should get her or call the cops or what. 他一直嚷嚷著要找Grey醫(yī)生 我不知道是該通知她還是警察什么的
[09:24.90]that's not Dr. Grey. Dr. Grey's a girl. 他可不是Grey醫(yī)生 Grey醫(yī)生可是個(gè)女孩
[09:28.28]I want my daughter! 叫我女兒來(lái)!
[09:29.81]Stay here. Make sure he doesn't leave. 待在這兒 別讓他跑了
[09:32.93]would you page. 你能...
[09:33.92]-would you page her? -Karev. - 能幫我呼她嗎? - Karev
[09:36.15]keep meredith out of it. 別讓Meredith攪和進(jìn)來(lái)
[09:38.72]Get lexie. 找Lexie吧
[09:40.40]-Yes,sir. -g-r-e-y! - 好吧 - g-r-e-y!
[09:44.04]I need to talk to you about your dad. 我要和你談?wù)勀愀赣H的事
[09:45.89]Oh,you know what? I don't want to talk about my dad. 知道嗎? 我現(xiàn)在可不想提他
[09:47.77]In fact,we're never gonna talk about him again,okay? 事實(shí)上 我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)和你討論這個(gè)話題
[09:50.52]You helped me out once. Now it's over. 你上次幫了我 就這樣
[09:57.94]I can't believe I gotta fill out all this stuff. 難以置信 我居然要填那么多東西
[10:00.59]I mean,a kid gets a bump on the head,and you've. you've practically gotta write a novel? 就好比 一個(gè)孩子頭上腫了個(gè)包 你們也要寫(xiě)本小說(shuō)嗎?
[10:06.72]listen,mandi,I know you're really bus but if there's any chance, Mandi 我知道你很忙 但是是不是可能
[10:09.85]any chance at all you could help me with some of this stuff. 能不能幫我一起把這堆東西搞定
[10:12.17]patients are supposed to fill those out. It's not really the doctor's job. 這些得由病人自己來(lái)填 這并非醫(yī)生的工作
[10:14.24]You be quiet. 這兒輪不到你說(shuō)話
[10:15.25]Uh,don't worry about it,marcus. We'll figure out something. 別擔(dān)心 Marcus 我們會(huì)幫你辦妥的
[10:18.45]Good ol' mandi. You always got my back,huh? Mandi 你真好 總是維護(hù)我
[10:20.88]You hush now. 輪到你閉嘴了
[10:22.43]I hate to interrupt the reminiscing,but I am trying to listen here. 我不想打擾你們敘舊 但我這兒還在聽(tīng)診
[10:31.16]you do have atrial fibrillation. 你的心房有纖維性顫動(dòng)
[10:33.45]But you're not symptomic,so that's a good sign. 但好在目前還沒(méi)有癥狀
[10:35.64]We'll start you on some blood thinners and do an outpatient workup. 我們會(huì)先給你使用血液稀釋劑 然后做一個(gè)常規(guī)檢查
[10:39.79]A treatment plan you could've made yourself,Dr. Bailey, Bailey醫(yī)生 如果不是象傻瓜似的那么多廢話
[10:42.97]if you weren't acting like such a blithering idiot. 這種治療方案 你自己就可以擬定了
[10:49.84]Teacher's pet's in trouble. 老師的寵兒有麻煩了
[10:51.96]Oh,come on. Hush now,marcus king. 別鬧啦 安靜點(diǎn)兒 Marcus King
[10:57.17]hey,you paged? 嘿 你呼我的?
[10:58.29]-Yeah,your dad's here. -What? - 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 你爸爸來(lái)了 - 什么?
[11:00.01]He's drunk,he's noisy,and you need to take him off my han. 他喝醉了 吵得要命 你快接手吧
[11:02.72]I have a broken ass I have to get back to. 還有個(gè)摔壞的屁股等我處理
[11:04.86]Call lexie. 還是叫Lexie吧
[11:05.84]I called lexie. She's not coming. 我叫過(guò)lexie了 她不來(lái)
[11:07.86]And the next person I'm gonna call is the cops. 接下來(lái)我就要通知警察了?
[11:09.50]-Leave me alone. ' -Cause the guy's ready to get outta here,and there's no way he can drive. - 讓我一個(gè)人靜靜 - 因?yàn)樗x開(kāi) 但顯然開(kāi)不了車
[11:14.14]Meredith! Meredith!
[11:16.49]oh,gosh. It's good to see you. 天哪 能見(jiàn)到你真是太好了
[11:17.92]See!That's her. Meredith grey. 看哪! 這就是Meredith grey
[11:25.06]|I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[11:27.01]I really,really am. 真的真的很抱歉
[11:28.42]I'm sure you are. 我相信
[11:29.49]The last time I was here,I said some. 上次在這兒我對(duì)你說(shuō)了些
[11:32.23]terrible things to you. 很過(guò)分的話
[11:34.24]Telling you not to come to susan's funeral? It wasn't your fault. 不讓你出席susan的葬禮? 那不是你的錯(cuò)
[11:38.01]I know you did everything you could. 我知道你已經(jīng)盡力了
[11:40.25]What I said to you. 那些沖你嚷嚷的話
[11:42.35]I'll regret it till the day I die. 真會(huì)讓我抱憾終生
[11:45.75]And the drinking. 還有酗酒
[11:49.43]is unacceptable,yeah. 的確 讓人難以接受
[11:52.33]But today,uh. 可是 今天
[11:54.84]today is susan's birthday.. birthday,and I. 今天是susan的生日啊... 可我還...
[12:02.62]should I go get lexie? 要我去叫Lexie嗎?
[12:04.45]Nojust you. 不用了 你在就好
[12:07.88]I just want you. 我只想和你聊聊
[12:13.24]I never knew what to say to them. 在高中 我一向不知道
[12:14.95]In high school. kids like him. 怎么跟象他這樣的孩子交流
[12:17.01]they were always so. 他們總是很...
[12:18.78]separate from the rest of us,you know,alone. 與其他人格格不入 獨(dú)來(lái)獨(dú)往
[12:23.40]It wasn't like that for me. I. 我就不像這種類型
[12:25.50]I was prom queen and class valedictorian. 我是舞會(huì)皇后 還是做畢業(yè)致辭的代表
[12:28.67]Yeah,I wouldn't broadcast that. 明白 我就不會(huì)到處說(shuō)
[12:30.47]I had a great group of friends,you know? 我曾有一群很好的朋友 你知道嗎?
[12:34.29]Not really. 不怎么清楚
[12:37.04]Well,let's see what we got here. 讓我看看
[12:40.28]-oh,you see that,Dr. Stevens? -Yeah. - 你看到那個(gè)了嗎 Stevens醫(yī)生? - 是
[12:43.75]Looks like the pencil lifted up one of the branches of the A.C.A. 看來(lái)這支鉛筆刺破了大腦前動(dòng)脈的血管
[12:46.87]Is that a-a bleed? 那是出血點(diǎn)嗎?
[12:48.39]It is. It's a little one. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 是個(gè)小的
[12:50.13]We need to get that pencil out of there before it gets any bigger. 我們得搶在它變大之前把筆取出來(lái)
[12:52.29]I'll book an O.R. 我來(lái)預(yù)定手術(shù)室
[12:58.07]I am not a blithering idiot. 我不是個(gè)只會(huì)廢話的笨蛋
[13:00.01]Hahn had no right to speak to me that way,no right at all. Hahn沒(méi)資格那么說(shuō)我 完全沒(méi)資格
[13:03.13]But marcus isn'T. 不過(guò)Marcus并不是...
[13:05.17]well,he's just not an old friend,is he? He'S. 他并不是單純的老朋友啊吧?
[13:08.82]he was maybe your boyfriend or. 或許是你的昔日男友...
[13:11.76]you know,high schoosweetheart or. 或者你的高中甜心?
[13:14.43]I was his tutor. Okay? 我是他的家教 明白了?
[13:16.05]He was a track star,didn't have a lot of time for homework, 他是學(xué)校的體育明星 沒(méi)時(shí)間做回家作業(yè)
[13:19.22]so I helped him with his math and reading. 所以我就幫他做數(shù)學(xué)和閱讀作業(yè)
[13:23.35]and. 還有
[13:25.45]french and chemistry. 法語(yǔ)和化學(xué)
[13:29.03]Then he was just a friend? 那他只是個(gè)普通朋友?
[13:32.11]Really? 真的?
[13:35.18]Okay,there was some talk,the possibility of us going to the homecoming together,but it. 當(dāng)然 也有一起回家的路上聊聊天 不過(guò)
[13:40.34]it didn't work out,and I was fine with that. 僅此而已 我早就習(xí)慣了
[13:44.28]Certainly not a blithering idiot. 當(dāng)然我不可能在今天
[13:47.00]today. 變成只會(huì)廢話的笨蛋
[13:49.01]nor any other day in my life. 以后也永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)
[13:55.86]These and that and that. Thank you. 這些還有那個(gè) 多謝幫忙
[13:59.41]Is it me,or are there teenyboppers staring at you? 那些傻孩子似乎正盯著你呢
[14:04.80]I get that a lot. It started when I was there age,never really went away. 我經(jīng)常遇到這種事 從跟她們一邊大時(shí)起 就沒(méi)有結(jié)束過(guò)
[14:10.08]Is that so? 那個(gè)也是嗎?
[14:17.61]what can I do for yoladies? 我能為你們做點(diǎn)什么 小姐?
[14:19.04]Tell him. 告訴他嘛
[14:19.81]No,it's. it's embarrassing. 不要啦 太難為情了
[14:21.91]You can tell me. 放心說(shuō)吧
[14:24.10]You look exactly like her dad. 你長(zhǎng)得實(shí)在太像他老爸了
[14:32.19]swing and a miss. 漏球啊
[14:35.97]I'm going crazy with this hahn thing. 我快被Hann搞瘋了
[14:38.12]Every time I try and impress her,she hates me even more. 每次我想要打動(dòng)她 結(jié)果都讓她更討厭我
[14:44.66]Not worth getting hung up on. 根本不值得掛心
[14:47.97]Why,did something happen? 怎么這么說(shuō)? 出了什么事?
[14:49.81]Apparently they're not even talking to each other at this point. 可以肯定的是他們現(xiàn)在都不說(shuō)話了
[14:53.70]I know it's wrong,but that makes me feel better. 我知道這樣不對(duì) 不過(guò)我確實(shí)好受多了
[14:55.91]You're not gonna sit? 你不找位子坐嗎?
[14:56.68]Um,I was gonna,but I-I really need to cram. I got a really big surgery today. 我倒是想 不過(guò)真得走了...、 今天有個(gè)大手術(shù)
[14:59.86]You know,we're operating on the kid with the pencil,so I'll see you. 那個(gè)插著鉛筆的孩子需要手術(shù) 那么回見(jiàn)
[15:02.73]-Okay,see you around. -Okay. - 回頭見(jiàn) - 好
[15:06.26]Will she be able to sit on her butt again? 她還能用屁股坐下嗎?
[15:08.39]Or will she have to carry around one of those toilet seats for the rest of her life? 還是說(shuō)她余生都要用到那種便盆?
[15:10.83]She'll have full use of her butt in a few weeks. 過(guò)不了幾周她的屁股就會(huì)恢復(fù)功能
[15:15.34]I am so,so honored to be filling in for you as captain. 我很榮幸能頂替你成為隊(duì)長(zhǎng)
[15:19.32]You're filling in for me as captain? 你要頂替我做隊(duì)長(zhǎng)?
[15:21.47]I prayed on it,and god seems to think it's the right move. 我一直為此祈禱 似乎上帝也認(rèn)為這么做是對(duì)的
[15:24.93]Oh,okay. 哦 好吧
[15:26.82]Oh,and I don't want youo worry. 你也不用擔(dān)心
[15:28.19]I called randy,and I think I might have convinced him to still take you to homecoming 我給Randy打過(guò)電話了 雖然你的臉和屁股都?xì)Я?br /> [15:31.53]even though your face and your butt's all messed up. 但我還是讓他保證會(huì)帶你參加返校節(jié)
[15:33.54]I bet he'll take you. 我保證他會(huì)帶上你的
[15:34.99]He's classy that way. 那樣他就顯得很有風(fēng)度
[15:36.26]Okay,so now that we've established that randy's a classy guy,visiting time is over. 好啦 我們都知道了Randy是個(gè)不錯(cuò)的家伙 不過(guò)探病時(shí)間到了
[15:41.16]Bye,sweetie. 再見(jiàn) 親愛(ài)的
[15:43.17]I hope they don't ruin your face. 但愿他們不會(huì)毀了你的臉
[15:44.61]Go! 快走!
[15:49.24]Kinda sucks,huh? 是不是感覺(jué)有點(diǎn)兒遜?
[15:51.25]little manicured vultures. 修指甲的小壞蛋
[15:53.61]My life is over. 我的人生全完了
[15:57.37]my life is over. 我的人生全完了
[15:59.28]Mom. 媽媽
[16:01.32]I-I love you,too. 我...我也愛(ài)你
[16:03.53]Will. will you. 你能不能...
[16:05.32]will you tell dad. 能不能告訴爸爸...
[16:07.35]hello? 喂?
[16:09.04]Hello? 喂?
[16:13.91]Thanks to your piece-of-crap phone,my mom's gonna think I died. 多虧你這垃圾電話 我媽會(huì)以為是我的亡靈在跟她講話
[16:21.62]-This is where. -yeah. - 到了? - 是的
[16:23.45]But we'll keep you updated. 一有進(jìn)展 我們就會(huì)通知你
[16:30.83]You better not end up blind and go to some blind kid's school,'cause,um, 你最好別瞎了 進(jìn)一些盲人學(xué)校 因?yàn)?..
[16:36.92]if I have to go back to junior year without you,you're gonna be deadeat. 如果我得面臨獨(dú)自升學(xué)的境況 你就是個(gè)大賴皮
[16:45.78]later,freak. 再見(jiàn) 小怪物
[16:47.79]You're the freak. 你才是個(gè)怪物
[16:49.44]-You are. -You are. - 你才是 - 是你
[17:10.88]I promised this kid life gets better after high school. He deserves to see that. 我對(duì)這個(gè)孩子保證高中之后的生活 會(huì)更加美好 他理應(yīng)看到那些
[17:14.12]He's got a good friend. That's something. 他已經(jīng)有了個(gè)好伙伴 這就很不錯(cuò)
[17:16.61]That girl has been by his bedside all day. 那個(gè)女孩整整一天一直陪在他身邊
[17:18.82]Yeah,but even so,those cliques,they're miserable. 的確 盡管如此 那些小團(tuán)伙 就很可悲了
[17:21.51]He just needs to know it passes eventually. 他只需要知道 最終這都會(huì)過(guò)去
[17:26.22]sorry,Dr. Shepherd. 抱歉 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[17:28.29]What's so funny? 有什么好笑的?
[17:32.01]I'm just not sure we've come as far as you'd like to think,clique-wise. 我只是不確定 我們是否已經(jīng)如你想象 擺脫了結(jié)派的時(shí)期
[17:36.54]-We? -The hospital. - 我們? - 整個(gè)醫(yī)院的人
[17:38.61]You think the hospital's clique-y? Oh,damn it. 你覺(jué)得醫(yī)院也有小團(tuán)體? 噢 可惡
[17:41.72]The artery's burst. 這里的動(dòng)脈破裂了
[17:42.88]His brain is swelling. It's cutting off blood supply. 他的腦部充血了 會(huì)阻塞血液供給
[17:44.83]Okay,push 80 grams of mannitol. 注射80克的甘露醇
[17:47.27]Okay,let's go. 好了 加把勁
[17:49.92]How do I tell his best friend that he's gonna be in a coma for the rest of his life? 他將終生昏迷 我要怎么把這個(gè)事實(shí)告訴他最好的朋友?
[17:53.81]You can't tell her yet,derek. The family has to know first. 現(xiàn)在還不行 Derek 你必須先告訴他的家人
[17:56.93]Danny's doctor. Danny的主治醫(yī)生啊
[17:58.50]Oh,thank god. 噢 謝天謝地
[18:00.20]It's only been a few hours without day,and I'm already starting to freak out. 離開(kāi)Danny不過(guò)才幾個(gè)小時(shí) 我就開(kāi)始渾身不自在了
[18:03.66]I mean,look what I have to put up with. 瞧我都要忍受些什么
[18:05.48]They're crying. like,actual real tears. 到處都在哭 好像真?zhèn)乃频?br /> [18:08.03]'cause they're so worried about danny,which would be fine if they knew who danny was. 因?yàn)樗麄兌荚趽?dān)心Danny 可惜沒(méi)幾個(gè)人真正認(rèn)識(shí)Danny
[18:13.74]whatever. 所以 管他們呢
[18:16.16]Can I see him? 我能見(jiàn)見(jiàn)他嗎?
[18:19.76]He hasn't woken up yet. 他還沒(méi)清醒
[18:23.34]But he's okay? 可是他的情況還好吧?
[18:25.74]As soon as I know something,I'll let you know. 一旦有新進(jìn)展 我就會(huì)告訴你
[18:28.95]Okay. 那好吧
[18:38.61]you think she'll recover full function of her knee? 你覺(jué)得她的膝蓋還能像原來(lái)一樣?
[18:40.46]I hope so,'cause if she doesn't get back on the pom-pom brigade,her life is totally over. 希望如此 否則 她的生活可就毀了
[18:45.15]Man,you'd think the way they treat her,she'd be ready to ditch the whole thing,but no. 天 看著她們對(duì)待她的方式 會(huì)覺(jué)得 她還是拋開(kāi)一切的好 但是不
[18:49.84]Of course she's not gonna walk away from that. 她當(dāng)然離不開(kāi)這些
[18:51.64]It's her life. It's her identity. 那是她的生命 她的價(jià)值
[18:53.45]It's the only way she understands herself in the world. 是讓世界理解她自己的唯一方式
[18:57.51]I heard one of the,uh,sweet young things told mark he looked like her dad today. 聽(tīng)說(shuō)今天有個(gè)小姑娘說(shuō)Mark 長(zhǎng)的像她老爸
[19:00.79]harsh. 太殘酷了
[19:02.03]What does that have to do with anything? 那和這有關(guān)系嗎?
[19:03.98]Well,you just seem really empathetic to her plight,you know? 只是你似乎特別能領(lǐng)會(huì)她的難處?
[19:06.48]Loss of identity,shattered self-image. 喪失價(jià)值 形象也毀了
[19:09.88]-You seem pretty happy about what happened to her. -No. - 聽(tīng)起來(lái)你有點(diǎn)幸災(zāi)樂(lè)禍啊 - 才沒(méi)有
[19:12.12]she's just happy 'cause stevens and o'malley hit the skids. 她高興 只是因?yàn)镾tevens和O'Malley 之間有摩擦了
[19:16.37]didn't I tell you not to tell anybody? 不是跟你說(shuō)別說(shuō)出來(lái)嗎?
[19:27.32]I pulled all the x-rays for tomorrow's scheduled surgeries. 我把明天安排的手術(shù) 需要的所有X光片調(diào)了出來(lái)
[19:29.98]And what am i supposed to do with them? 那我要做些什么呢?
[19:32.63]Oh,I thought I could put them in the O.R. If you needed me to. 噢 如果需要的話 我可以把它們送去手術(shù)室
[19:34.98]Well,I don'T. 不需要
[19:41.64]Back off. 收手吧
[19:43.61]What? 什么?
[19:45.01]You're being a brownnoser. 你都成馬屁精了
[19:45.65]-I'm helping her. -No,you're annoying her. - 我是在幫她 - 不 你是在煩她
[19:47.74]You got a chance to show her what you can do,and now you're blowing it. 你有機(jī)會(huì)向她展示你的能力 但你正在摧毀它
[19:49.93]And trust me,these kinds of chances do not come around all the time. 相信我 這種機(jī)會(huì)并不是一直有的
[19:53.85]So,you know,just back off. 所以你現(xiàn)在還是收手吧
[20:02.76]I'm sorry I didn't know you when you were in high school. 很遺憾 我并不了解你的高中生活
[20:06.12]I've regretted it every day,not knowing you. 我每天都為不了解你而懊悔
[20:10.25]Sometimes I still worry about you. 有時(shí)候我還是為你擔(dān)心
[20:11.73]Then other times I think,you know,maybe that's what made you so strong. 但有時(shí)候我又覺(jué)得 這正是你如此堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的原因
[20:15.64]Not an excuse. Not at all. 這不是借口 真的不是
[20:17.86]But you are so strong. Gosh. You're stronger than lexie. 你很堅(jiān)強(qiáng) 比Lexie堅(jiān)強(qiáng)
[20:22.30]I don't know her that well. 我跟她不熟
[20:26.87]true. 確實(shí)如此
[20:29.76]You're a very impressive person,meredith. 你很出色 Meredith
[20:33.19]I'm so proud of you. 我很為你驕傲
[20:37.81]I'm a lifetime. 我此生
[20:40.67]lifetime's worth of proud. 都為你驕傲
[20:44.11]anyway. 隨便啦
[20:50.36]How was your date with sydney? 你跟Sydney的約會(huì)如何?
[20:51.88]Oh,I was wondering when you were gonna bring that up. 還在想你什么時(shí)候會(huì)提這事呢
[20:59.02]-My dad's in the E.R. -Really? - 我爸在急診室里 - 真的?
[21:02.09]He cut himself. 他把自己割傷了
[21:03.84]He's not bad company,actually. 其實(shí)他倒不是很煩人
[21:05.87]He's quite funny and charming. drunk. 風(fēng)趣迷人 還大醉
[21:10.81]Is it weird that I like my drunk dad better than my regular dad? 我爸喝醉了之后比平時(shí)討我喜歡 是不是很奇怪?
[21:14.21]A little. 有點(diǎn)
[21:20.12]are you okay? 你還好嗎?
[21:21.74]Yeah. I,um. 嗯 我...
[21:24.51]but my patient's in a coma,and he's never gonna wake up again. 我的病人陷入昏迷 再不會(huì)清醒過(guò)來(lái)
[21:27.81]His best friend isn the waiting area. 他最好的朋友在等候區(qū)坐著
[21:31.31]The poor thing thinks he'S. 可憐她還以為...
[21:33.81]she thinks he's gonna wake up any second. 以為他隨時(shí)會(huì)清醒過(guò)來(lái)
[21:37.21]I don'know. 我無(wú)措
[21:45.96]I don't believe it. Who told you? 我不信 誰(shuí)告訴你的?
[21:48.06]Henry. He was observing in,uh,sloan's surgery, Henry 他在觀摩Sloan的手術(shù)
[21:50.16]and he said that sloan announced it to the whole O.R. 說(shuō)Sloan告訴手術(shù)室里的所有人
[21:54.98]-O'malley and stevens are done. -Yeah. - O'Malley跟Stevens完了 - 對(duì)
[21:57.49]-They didn't even last a week. -I know. - 都不滿一星期 - 就是啊
[22:00.11]Can I have the key back to my house? 能把我的房門(mén)鑰匙還來(lái)嗎?
[22:02.22]Hey. What? 什么?
[22:03.68]The key to my house,I want it back. I heard we broke up,so I want it back. 我房子的鑰匙 還給我 聽(tīng)說(shuō)我倆分手了 所以我要拿回來(lái)
[22:06.33]Can I have it please? 能還我嗎?
[22:07.23]Um,you know right now I don't have any idea what you're talking about? 坦白講 我完全不知道你在說(shuō)什么?
[22:09.32]Really? Apparently everyone's talking about the fact that we broke up. 真的嗎? 所有人都說(shuō)我們分手了
[22:12.11]Who have you been talking to,george? 你跟誰(shuí)說(shuō)過(guò)什么 George?
[22:13.48]Nobody. I mean,I talked to meredith. 沒(méi)什么人 跟Meredith說(shuō)過(guò)
[22:15.86]-See,I knew it. -What do you mean,you knew it? - 我就知道 - 什么 你知道?
[22:17.44]You been talking to her? 你跟她說(shuō)過(guò)?
[22:19.87]Yeah,but only after you were talking to her. 對(duì)啊 但是在你跟她說(shuō)了之后
[22:23.61]So,uh,I'm not the only one who talked to her then. 那么 不只我一個(gè)人跟她說(shuō)過(guò)啦
[22:25.58]You talked to her first. 你先跟她說(shuō)的
[22:44.39]What is my dad doing here? 我爸在這干嘛?
[22:47.49]Your dad came in drunk this morning. That's what I was trying to tell you earlier when you blew me off. 今早你爸喝醉入院了 你趕我走那會(huì)兒 我本打算告訴你的
[22:51.80]So. so you run to meredith? 那你就去找Meredith?
[22:54.66]The one person that I asked you not to tell? 我告訴過(guò)你不要告訴她
[22:57.74]I was trying to help,okay? 我是想幫忙 好嗎?
[23:00.34]Right. 說(shuō)得好
[23:05.14]You know,you haven't changed. 你都沒(méi)變
[23:07.68]I mean,not even one bit. 一點(diǎn)都沒(méi)變
[23:09.55]You get this very intense look on your face when you're serious,you know? 知道嗎 你一旦認(rèn)真的時(shí)候 面部表情就會(huì)變得很凝重?
[23:14.53]It's your serious,home-work-doin' face. Hasn't changed. 就是你認(rèn)真做功課的表情 一點(diǎn)沒(méi)變
[23:18.87]Dr. Bailey, Bailey醫(yī)生
[23:21.57]is that a patient form I see in your hand? 你手上拿著的是病人資料表嗎?
[23:24.73]Yes,I suppose it is. 我想是的
[23:27.18]Patients are supposed to fill out patient forms. 病人資料表該由病人填寫(xiě)
[23:29.60]You have work to do,your own work. 你該去做你自己的工作
[23:31.84]Yes,sir. 遵命
[23:33.34]mandi? Mandi?
[23:35.02]-Mandi? -Mandi,I'm not. - Mandi? - Mandi 我不是...
[23:38.22]-I'm not feeling so. -marcus? Marcus? - 我感覺(jué)不是... - Marcus? Marcus?
[23:40.63]-Pulse-ox is dropping. -Pressure is 82 over 48. - 血氧濃度正在下降 - 高壓82低壓48
[23:43.21]Tell radiology we need a stat spiral C.T. And page Dr. Hahn. 通知放射科準(zhǔn)備做加急螺旋CT 通知Hahn醫(yī)生
[23:46.52]Dr. Shepherd. Shepherd醫(yī)生
[23:48.65]Marissa. Marissa
[23:49.76]I know danny's parents aren't gonna be here for a couple more hours, 我知道Danny的父母短期內(nèi)不會(huì)過(guò)來(lái)
[23:53.78]but could I at least see him? Please. 但可不可以讓我先看看他? 拜托
[23:59.40]all right,come on. Let's. let's go sit down. 過(guò)來(lái)坐吧
[24:17.15]See,the,uh. 聽(tīng)我說(shuō)...
[24:21.82]when I removed the pencil,the artery burst. 我取出鉛筆的時(shí)候 動(dòng)脈爆裂了
[24:27.64]When the brain swells that much,it has nowhere to go. 一旦大腦充血如此嚴(yán)重 就只有一個(gè)結(jié)果
[24:35.12]The hemor. 大出血
[24:52.12]I am getting two cups of coffee. 我要弄兩杯咖啡
[24:54.25]two. one for me,one for my dad. 一杯給我 一杯給我爸
[24:57.38]He's here. 他在醫(yī)院里
[25:00.29]What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?
[25:01.70]At this exact moment in O.R. Two,Dr. Hahn is performing a pulmonary embolectomy. Hahn醫(yī)生此時(shí)正在2號(hào)手術(shù)室 進(jìn)行肺栓子切除手術(shù)
[25:08.32]A pulmonary embolectomy,meredith. 肺栓子切除手術(shù) Meredith
[25:10.43]So what's the problem? You're on her service. Just go. 那怎么了? 你歸她管 去吧
[25:12.78]No,I can't because that will make me a brownnoser,and everybody hates brownnosers. 不行 去了我就成了馬屁精 所有人都討厭?cǎi)R屁精
[25:17.72]I cannot be a brownnoser. 所以我不能當(dāng)馬屁精
[25:21.33]Okay. So. 好吧 那...
[25:23.15]there'll be other embolectomies. You can let this one slide? 還會(huì)有肺栓子切除手術(shù) 你就別參加這次的唄?
[25:25.65]No,no,no. No,I can't! 不! 我做不到!
[25:27.34]I don't know how to just let a pulmonary embolectomy slide. 我不知道要怎么放棄 一次肺栓子切除手術(shù)
[25:30.68]Sure you can. It's just like cutting a class. 就跟翹課差不多 你能做到的
[25:36.22]You never cut a class. 你從來(lái)沒(méi)翹過(guò)課
[25:37.98]Never,not once. 一次也沒(méi)有
[25:45.26]That was a pretty big V.S.D.On the echo. 超聲心動(dòng)圖上看到 極其明顯的心室中隔缺損
[25:47.59]I'm gonna have to do an additional arteriotomy of the right P.A. 我要在右胸再做 一次動(dòng)脈切開(kāi)術(shù)
[25:51.43]You should've taken the situation seriously. You should've ordered further tests. 你本該更小心一點(diǎn) 本該給他做進(jìn)一步的測(cè)試
[25:55.29]Maybe I should've. Or maybe you should've. 也許我該 或者說(shuō) 你該想到
[25:58.00]And if you weren't so busy flirting with the patient like a love-struck teenager,maybe you would have. 你若不是象小姑娘似的忙著跟病人調(diào)情 也許早這么做了
[26:04.34]Forceps,please. 請(qǐng)給我鉗狀骨針
[26:08.50]This is so sad. I used to walk by his house every day. 真慘 我以前天天從他家走過(guò)
[26:12.13]He was in my algebra class,I think. 好像他跟我一起上代數(shù)課
[26:18.43]Marissa. Marissa
[26:21.49]I know that this seems impossible right now,but you will get through this. 我知道你現(xiàn)在感覺(jué)很不真實(shí) 但你會(huì)挺過(guò)去的
[26:26.36]Danny would've wanted you to. Danny也會(huì)這樣希望
[26:27.59]You don't know what he would've wanted. You're just like them. 你不知道他怎么想 你跟她們一樣
[26:30.94]You're a prom queen,and you're trying to act like you know what it's like for me. 你們是學(xué)校的舞會(huì)皇后 做出副感同身受的樣子
[26:36.29]You have no idea what it's like. 但你們根本一無(wú)所知
[26:41.46]I wasn't a prom queen. 我不是學(xué)校的舞會(huì)皇后
[26:45.52]I was the girl in the cheap c thes from the trailer park who got pregnant and got thrown in the pregnant girls' class. 我是個(gè)窮孩子 住拖車?yán)?很早就懷了孕 被扔進(jìn)孕婦班
[26:53.37]None of the mothers would let their kids hang out with me. 沒(méi)人愿意自己的孩子跟我交往
[26:57.51]But I got through it. 但我挺了過(guò)來(lái)
[26:59.57]You will get through this. 你也會(huì)的
[27:01.68]I'm gonna write a letter to his mom and dad. 我準(zhǔn)備給他父母寫(xiě)封信
[27:04.60]That's really beautiful. 這么做真善良
[27:06.77]-Get out. -What? - 出去 - 什么?
[27:08.53]Get out. You're not even supposed to be in here. 出去 你們本來(lái)就不該進(jìn)來(lái)
[27:10.29]-She's here. -She's his friend,his best friend. - 她也在啊 - 她是他的朋友 最好的朋友
[27:14.40]Go away. Go. 走開(kāi) 快走!
[27:20.63]I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. 對(duì)不起 我本無(wú)意...
[27:22.74]it's okay. 沒(méi)關(guān)系
[27:25.05]You just lost your best friend. It's. 你才剛失去了最好的朋友
[27:27.29]it's the worst thing in the world. 那是最糟糕的
[27:31.31]-Oh,Dr. Shepherd. -Yes. -Shepherd醫(yī)生 -什么事?
[27:33.97]I'm sorry. a-about danny metcalf. 我很抱歉 關(guān)于Danny Metcalf
[27:36.87]It looked like it was hard on you,whicis good. 你為此似乎很難受 這點(diǎn)很好
[27:39.19]If I had a son going through that,I'd want the surgeon to be fully invested like you were. 如果我兒子出了那種事 我希望他的醫(yī)生跟你一樣投入
[27:46.95]You have no idea who I am,do you? 你不知道我是誰(shuí) 對(duì)嗎?
[27:49.09]Of course I do. 當(dāng)然知道
[27:51.78]bye,Dr. Shepherd. 再見(jiàn) Shepherd醫(yī)生
[27:55.73]You're the nurse in O.R. Two? The one that talked about cliques? 你是2號(hào)手術(shù)室的護(hù)士? 說(shuō)小團(tuán)伙的那個(gè)?
[27:59.03]Yeah. Right? 對(duì)吧?
[28:04.61]I am never gonna be captain again. 我再也當(dāng)不了隊(duì)長(zhǎng)了
[28:08.77]You know,I was. I was fired from a job recently. 我最近也被撤職了
[28:10.93]you were fired from being a doctor,and they let you cut open my ass? 你已經(jīng)不是醫(yī)生 醫(yī)院還讓你切開(kāi)我的屁股?
[28:14.07]Okay,shut your trap for eight seconds and let me finish. 閉嘴聽(tīng)我說(shuō)完
[28:19.56]I didn't get fired from being a doctor. 我還是醫(yī)生
[28:20.96]I got fired from being,like,well,our version of squad captain, 只是被撤除了醫(yī)院的"隊(duì)長(zhǎng)"職務(wù)
[28:28.15]which is mostly about organizing crap. 其實(shí)就是組織協(xié)調(diào)各類雜事的職務(wù)
[28:31.95]not about surgery. 但跟手術(shù)無(wú)關(guān)
[28:33.82]-So? -So. - 那又如何? - 所以...
[28:37.54]I got to go back tohe part that I like,which. 我又能回歸到我喜歡的工作上
[28:41.97]it's kind of a gift. 所以這也是一種恩賜
[28:50.11]hahn. Hahn
[28:51.78]Oh,my god. Oh,my god. 天啊
[29:16.94]Uh,you paged,Dr. Hahn? 你找我 Hahn醫(yī)生?
[29:18.35]Apparently when you ask for copies of the C.T. Angio around here, 顯然 在這家醫(yī)院要CT血管造影片
[29:22.32]people think it's all right to just give you the slices that contain the clot. 他們只會(huì)給你出現(xiàn)血栓的局部圖
[29:27.92]Can you please bring me the entire C.T.? 你能去幫我取來(lái)完整的嗎?
[29:32.11]Absolutely,yes. Absolutely. I'll do that right now. 當(dāng)然可以 我這就去
[29:43.46]Your dad was in the E.R. Today. 你爸爸今天進(jìn)了急診室
[29:45.59]I know. 我知道
[29:46.46]So you know he was drunk and he put his hand through a window. 那你知道他喝醉酒 徒手破窗?
[29:49.80]Yeah. Anything else? 對(duì) 還有別的嗎?
[29:51.34]I know it was susan's birthday,and I'm su it was a very hard day for the both of you. 今天是Susan的生日 我想你們倆都不好過(guò)
[29:57.27]And he wasn't actually a problem. He was kind of charming. But. 他也不算個(gè)麻煩 還有點(diǎn)可愛(ài) 但是...
[30:02.37]he seemed very sad,and I'd hate to see it happen again. 他看上去很傷心 我不想再見(jiàn)到他這樣
[30:05.90]So maybe you should think about keeping a better eye on him. 所以興許你該更小心的看好他
[30:14.76]Every day is my mother's birthday. 每天都是我媽的生日
[30:19.15]My mother was born in march. 她是三月出生的
[30:22.25]He lied.He's a liar. 他說(shuō)謊了 他是個(gè)騙子
[30:24.83]And I'm glad,really,I'm glad that you found him charming. 我真高興 他會(huì)讓你覺(jué)得可愛(ài)
[30:28.23]I'm sure he was delightful. 他肯定會(huì)欣喜若狂
[30:29.98]He's a blast after five drinks. 喝上五瓶他就會(huì)大鬧
[30:31.87]Not so much after nine,though.He gets a little weepy and mean. 喝到九瓶就變得刻薄 開(kāi)始嚎哭
[30:35.29]He's a drunk,meredith. 他就是個(gè)酒鬼 Meredith
[30:37.11]He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are, 他剛才多半在跟你講 你非常出色
[30:40.78]how sad he is that he doesn't get to spend more time with you. 以及他多后悔沒(méi)花時(shí)間陪你
[30:44.30]Yesterday he said that I was his favorite daughter. 昨天他說(shuō)我是他最中意的女兒
[30:47.14]The day before,I was an ungrateful bitch. 前天呢 我就是個(gè)沒(méi)良心的賤貨
[30:49.75]The week before,he wrote me a check for $20,000 一星期前他簽了張兩萬(wàn)美圓的支票給我
[30:53.01]because he said I deserved everything life had to offer because he was so proud of me, 因?yàn)樗X(jué)得我該擁有一切我想要的 因?yàn)樗晕覟闃s
[30:57.15]a lifetime's worth of proud. 我是他一生最大的驕傲
[31:00.63]So thank you for letting me know that I need to keep a better eye on him. 我真得謝謝你來(lái)提醒我 該多關(guān)心下他
[31:04.68]Thanks. 太感謝你了
[31:18.29]meredith,you want to come in for a minute and sit down? 要不要進(jìn)來(lái)休息下?
[31:25.40]meredith? Meredith
[31:35.64]I'm sorry about all this. 對(duì)此我很抱歉
[31:37.57]Meredith,please.You have nothing to apologize for,nothing at all. 別這么說(shuō) Meredith 你完全沒(méi)必要道歉
[31:40.94]I'm keeping you from doing your job. 我妨礙你工作了
[31:42.76]This is my job,at least part of it. 這就是我的工作 至少是其中一部分
[31:45.76]Think of it as. 把這兒想成是...
[31:47.03]the principal's office,only I'm the nice principal. 校長(zhǎng)辦公室 只不過(guò)我是個(gè)和藹的校長(zhǎng)
[31:52.06]Anyway,I promised your mom I'd take care of you. 再說(shuō) 我答應(yīng)過(guò)你母親會(huì)照顧好你
[31:54.29]I told you,you don't have to do that. 我說(shuō)過(guò) 你沒(méi)必要這樣
[31:55.96]I know.I know I don'T. 我知道 我知道沒(méi)必要
[31:59.28]But I do. 可我關(guān)心你
[32:12.29]- Hey,you. - Hey,you. - 嗨 - 醒了
[32:18.52]I guess I'm still alive and kickin',huh? 看來(lái)我還活著 我的心還跳著
[32:20.71]You're gonna be kickin' for a good long time now,marcus king. 還夠它跳上好長(zhǎng)一陣子的 Marcus King
[32:34.48]Ndi. Mandy
[32:37.36]you have always been my angel. 一直以來(lái)你都是我的天使
[32:40.12]I never would've made it through this day without you. 沒(méi)你我不可能混到今天這模樣
[32:43.60]- Come on. - mandi,I mean it. - 我... - Mandy 你就是我的天使
[32:45.83]Thank you.I thank you. 謝謝你 真的很感謝你
[32:50.81]My mama thanks you. 我母親也很感謝你
[32:53.27]and you know my daddy thanks you. 我父親也是 你知道的
[32:56.19]You tell your mama and daddy I said they're welcome. 記得告訴他們 不用謝了
[33:02.38]oh,hey.I was,uh, 哦對(duì)了 我在想
[33:04.20]I was wondering if you got a chance to finish up that paperwork. 你能不能幫我把那些單子填了
[33:07.98]I wouldn't ask,but,you know, 我知道這樣不好 但是...
[33:11.88]I think a lot of it was kind of important. 那些東西似乎很重要
[33:14.64]No,I didn'T.Uh,I-I was planning on,uh. 沒(méi)事 我 本來(lái)就準(zhǔn)備...
[33:18.35]I just gotta,uh,you know,finish it right now. 馬上去幫你填好
[33:23.53]Thanks. 謝啦
[33:26.13]You're the best. 你最好了
[33:50.82]With all due respect,this has reached critical mass. 我已經(jīng)忍無(wú)可忍了
[33:53.16]You saved his life,and he's taking you for granted. 你救了他的命 他卻完全不當(dāng)回事
[33:56.57]You know what he deserves? 你知道他該得到什么嗎?
[33:58.16]A long speech. 一次印象深刻的談話
[33:59.56]You need to go right back in there and you need to give him a long,long speech. 就現(xiàn)在 你該過(guò)去跟他好好談一下
[34:32.46]I don't do secrets. 我不來(lái)保密那套
[34:34.52]I don't do any of that 15-year-old,"ooh, 那是十幾歲小孩子才玩的 什么
[34:37.70]I'm gonna tell you,but don't tell anyone else. "我只告訴你 千萬(wàn)別告訴別人"
[34:41.49]" We're not talking about who made out with who at the halloween dance. 但這也不是十幾歲孩子談的無(wú)聊八卦
[34:45.04]This was a private family issue. 這是跟我家庭相關(guān)的私事
[34:48.53]Your dad's a drunk. 你爸還只是個(gè)酒鬼
[34:50.00]I had to start cleaning up my dad when I was 7. 我七歲起就得幫我爸洗澡
[34:52.25]That's when I turned into the grown-up of the family. 我那時(shí)就充當(dāng)了家里的成年人
[34:54.82]So you got to wait till you were 24. 處理些你到24歲才開(kāi)始要面對(duì)的問(wèn)題
[34:56.90]Good for you. 你夠幸運(yùn)的了
[35:06.24]Night,bailey. 嗨 Bailey
[35:08.19]- Sit down. - What? - 坐下 - 什么?
[35:09.89]- Sit down! - you okay? - 給我坐下 - 你還好吧?
[35:14.09]What do you care? 好像你在意似的?
[35:15.83]With your hair products and your perfect little face,perfect little life. 弄著時(shí)髦的發(fā)型 戴著張精致的臉 過(guò)著你完美的小日子
[35:21.58]what do you care how I am? 你會(huì)在意我怎么樣?
[35:23.25]My perfect little life?Have you been paying attention at all? 我的完美小日子? 你有留意過(guò)嗎?
[35:25.20]Yeah,I pay attention. 當(dāng)然
[35:26.60]I pay attention. 我當(dāng)然留意過(guò)
[35:28.50]I pay attention to people in all walks of life,all types. 各種各樣的人我都留意著 形形色色的
[35:33.30]I notice people. 我關(guān)注人群
[35:34.90]I see people.It's guys like you who don't see people like me. 我注意所有人 只有你這種人才不把我這樣的人當(dāng)回事
[35:39.29]I don't see you? 我沒(méi)把你當(dāng)回事?
[35:40.84]Clear.I'm not talking about you,shepherd. 明擺著我不是在針對(duì)你 Sherperd
[35:44.59]Just.guys like you who don't see girls like me. 我是說(shuō)你們這些男人 總沒(méi)把像我一樣的姑娘放在眼里
[35:50.94]We don't exist for you. 對(duì)你們來(lái)說(shuō) 我們根本不存在
[35:52.57]We exist to do homework. 只有在要人幫忙作業(yè)的時(shí)候才想起我們
[35:55.60]We exist to build your ego up. 在需要人幫忙重拾自信的時(shí)候才想起我們
[36:02.43]I am a successful married mother. 我結(jié)婚了 當(dāng)媽了 事業(yè)也很成功
[36:07.61]I am chief resident. 我是住院總醫(yī)師
[36:09.99]I am the chief resident of a major metropolitan hospital. 我在一家大醫(yī)院當(dāng)住院總醫(yī)師
[36:14.04]I'm a surgeon who saved his life today. 我今天參與了他的手術(shù) 挽救了他的性命
[36:25.01]and he still doesn't see me. 可他仍然不把我當(dāng)回事
[36:29.66]I may as well still be that high school girl with the mushroom haircut 我永遠(yuǎn)只是那個(gè)頂著蘑菇頭的高中女生
[36:35.75]and the coke bottle asses and the band uniform, 戴著一對(duì)圓框眼鏡 穿著一身樂(lè)隊(duì)服
[36:40.53]the girl who didn't get to go to the homecoming dance 甚至沒(méi)有人邀請(qǐng)我參加返校節(jié)舞會(huì)
[36:42.55]'cause it didn't even occur to him to ask me. 因?yàn)樗麖臎](méi)想過(guò)要邀請(qǐng)我
[36:46.25]All those late nights tutoring him, and it didn't even occur to him to ask. 那么多個(gè)輔導(dǎo)他學(xué)習(xí)的夜晚 他根本連想都沒(méi)想過(guò)...
[36:56.25]Band uniform?Really? 樂(lè)隊(duì)制服? 真的嗎?
[37:01.37]Do I look like I want to be mocked by you right now? 我現(xiàn)在看起來(lái)像想被你挖苦的樣子嗎?
[37:05.42]No,you don'T. 我看不是
[37:07.16]I'm just gonna say one thing. 我只想告訴你
[37:09.78]In high school,I was 110 pounds, and I hadn't yet figured out hair product, 我高中的時(shí)候有110磅重 連發(fā)型是什么都不知道
[37:14.99]so I had a big afro,and,uh,I had acne. 我當(dāng)時(shí)剪著大大的非洲式發(fā)型 還滿臉?lè)鄞?br /> [37:21.65]and I,too,wore a band uniform. 而且 我穿的也是樂(lè)隊(duì)制服
[37:28.04]Sax. 我吹薩克斯管
[37:32.39]Oboe. 我是雙簧管
[37:42.22]and i would've been honored... to take a girl like you to homecoming. 如果當(dāng)時(shí)能跟像你一樣的女孩子 去返校節(jié)舞會(huì) 那就是我的榮幸
[37:49.05]In some ways we grow up. 在某種意義上 我們"長(zhǎng)大"了
[37:52.68]We have families. 組建新的家庭
[37:55.37]We get married. 結(jié)婚
[38:00.17]divorced. 或者離婚
[38:03.61]I was trying to think of a long speech. 我一直在想該如何好好跟你談?wù)?br /> [38:06.67]you know,like bailey with the long speeches. 好像Bailey式的談話
[38:08.34]And then I jus.just,everything I wanted to say to. 可 之后 所有我想對(duì)你說(shuō)的話...
[38:16.33]it.it just is,I can't talk to you. 我就...對(duì)你我就說(shuō)不出口
[38:17.87]I...that's why I talked to meredith. 所以... 我才跟Meredith講
[38:19.40]I just...I don't know why. 我也不知道為什么
[38:23.67]It used to be. 我們以前...
[38:28.23]it used to be. 我們以前的關(guān)系...
[38:31.75]that I was the only person you could talk to, 我是你唯一愿意傾訴的對(duì)象
[38:34.59]and you were the only person I could talk to. 你也是我唯一愿意傾訴的對(duì)象
[38:36.25]I know. 我知道
[38:38.81]I'm in love with this incredible guy,and we're having problems. 我愛(ài)上了個(gè)不可思議的人 然后我們之間有了矛盾
[38:44.22]And my best friend,he would know what to say to me about it. 而我那個(gè)最好的朋友 他一定知道這時(shí)候該跟我說(shuō)些什么
[38:48.54]I need to be able to talk to my best friend. 我需要跟那個(gè)好朋友談?wù)?br /> [38:50.27]I cannot get through this without my best friend. 沒(méi)有他我不知道該怎么辦
[38:52.75]Why isn't this easier? 為什么不能簡(jiǎn)單點(diǎn)?
[38:56.80]I don't know. 我也不知道
[39:00.24]Well,I want my best friend back. 我想要回我的好朋友
[39:03.80]Me,too. 我也是
[39:05.01]But for the most part,we still have the same problems that we did when we were 15. 但大多數(shù)時(shí)候 在十幾歲時(shí)困擾過(guò)我們的麻煩還會(huì)出現(xiàn)
[39:11.00]Hey,rose. 嗨 Rose
[39:12.73]Rose. Rose
[39:15.11]You know my name. 你知道我叫什么
[39:16.44]I had to ask around,but now I know. 我問(wèn)了一圈人 不過(guò)現(xiàn)在我知道了
[39:18.41]Well,good for you.Good night. 還不錯(cuò) 晚安
[39:19.87]Hang on.You know,I should've recognized you from the O.R.Today. 等等 我之前本該認(rèn)出你的
[39:23.36]We worked together for three hours,and it's thoughtless. 我們今天在手術(shù)室一起工作了3小時(shí) 是我太遲鈍了
[39:29.44]I've worked on 36 of your surgeries, 我參與過(guò)36個(gè)你主刀的手術(shù)
[39:32.28]and today was the first time we made eye contact. 直到今天你才注意到我
[39:36.26]Like I said,hospital's no better than high school. 如我所說(shuō) 醫(yī)院沒(méi)比高中好多少
[39:40.84]Good night,Dr. Shepherd. 晚安 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[39:45.49]Someone figured out how to get back on the horse. 某人又"重震雄風(fēng)"了
[39:48.06]What?No,no,no.I was just,uh,talking about work. 什么? 不 只是點(diǎn)公事
[39:50.85]Coulda fooled me. 別以為騙得了我
[39:54.22]Hey,dad.You want to get a drink? 嘿 爸 要不要去喝一杯?
[40:02.25]doctors "s" and "S." How are we this evening? 哥倆好 今晚過(guò)得如何?
[40:05.29]Hiya,sydney. 嗨 Sydney
[40:06.96]Derek,do you think I just could talk to you for one quick minute? Derek 我們能單獨(dú)談?wù)剢?
[40:10.06]Yeah.Have a seat. 當(dāng)然 請(qǐng)坐
[40:21.38]- derek. - Sydney. - Derek - Sydney
[40:22.60]I'm a lot of woman. 我還是很女人的
[40:24.34]Okay?I bring home the bacon. 我把熏肉買(mǎi)回家
[40:26.67]Fry it up in a pan,serve it with eggs or on a sandwich or crumbled up in a cobb salad. 在平底鍋里炸一炸 旁邊再加個(gè)雞蛋 或是做成三明治 弄成沙拉
[40:31.10]Well,you do a lot with bacon. 你真知道不少熏肉的做法
[40:32.24]Not just bacon. 不只是熏肉
[40:33.98]But,derek,I bring a lot of things to the table. 我會(huì)給這個(gè)家做更多的事
[40:37.12]And I'm looking for a man who can do the same,a man who can meet my needs,all my needs. 而我也在找一個(gè)能滿足我各種需要的對(duì)象 一個(gè)能為家的人
[40:43.50]I just don't think you're ready. 我并不認(rèn)為你有這種準(zhǔn)備
[40:46.80]Well,you might be right. 也許你說(shuō)對(duì)了
[40:49.56]Well,I won't let this affect our work if you won'T. 希望這樣的私事不會(huì)影響我們的工作
[40:51.86]I won'T. 不會(huì)的
[41:00.77]No matter how much we grow taller. 不論我們長(zhǎng)多高
[41:07.24]grow older. 長(zhǎng)多大
[41:09.84]apparently I'm not good at meeting needs. 似乎我不太會(huì)滿足別人的需要
[41:12.29]And I don't bring that much to the table. 也不是家庭型的好男人
[41:15.06]I'm awkward and freaky. 而我則是又笨拙又帶點(diǎn)神經(jīng)質(zhì)
[41:19.76]We are still forever stumbling. 我們總會(huì)有迷惑不前的時(shí)候
[41:22.00]do you want to get out of here? 走了嗎?
[41:23.51]I do. 好的
[41:30.81]Forever wondering. 總會(huì)有想不通的時(shí)候
[41:36.05]forever. 總是
[41:39.38]young. 不夠成熟

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