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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:56:46
[00:01.26]Previously on "grey's anatomy"... "醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強" 前情提要
[00:03.26]this is mary daltry. 她是Mary Daltry
[00:04.32]She lost consciousness behind the wheel. 她開車時失去意識
[00:05.95]How's shane--mypartner? 我的搭檔Shane怎么樣了?
[00:07.31]I just didn't want her to see.I thought she might take offense. 我不想讓她看見 她可能會感覺被冒犯
[00:10.18]Can you get my wife? 能叫我妻子來么?
[00:11.76]- Baby? - You're gonna drill into my skull? - 寶貝? - 你要在我的頭骨上鉆孔?
[00:14.59]Are you kidding me?The navigational system is dead? 開什么玩笑? 導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)死機了?
[00:16.46]Damn it, stan.Stan.Stan. 該死的 Stan Stan Stan
[00:19.57]Can I watch the surgery?Can I--can you sneak me in? 我能觀看手術(shù)么? 你能偷偷帶我進去么?
[00:22.32]you're busted. 你完了
[00:23.42]I'm going to tell him.I don't want him seeing other people. 我要告訴他 我不想他約別人
[00:26.64]What? 怎么了?
[00:28.08]Nothing.I'M...gonna be late. 沒什么 我...要遲到了
[00:30.42]We need to talk. 我們應(yīng)該談?wù)?br /> [00:31.98]My wife gets panicky if she doesn't know what's going on. 如果我妻子不知道情況 就會很慌張
[00:34.34]I will keep her updated. 我會即時告訴她情況
[00:35.59]You seeing anyone? 你在跟人約會嗎?
[00:52.09]at the end of the day, 一天下來
[00:53.58]the experience of practicing medicine bears little resemblance to the dream. 從醫(yī)的經(jīng)歷與期望中的完全不一樣
[01:01.70]Are you--are you-- are you really okay? 你...你真的沒事么?
[01:05.22]Yeah. 是啊
[01:07.35]Alex, come on. Alex 拜托
[01:08.45]That was intense-- intense and crazy and just awful. 太瘋狂 太可怕了
[01:12.90]H-how can you be okay after a day like that? 經(jīng)歷了這樣的一天 你怎么會沒事?
[01:15.59]We go into medicine because we want to save lives. 我們從醫(yī)是為了拯救生命
[01:18.92]U did a good job today, and it was not easy. 你今天做得很好 這件事不容易
[01:22.63]What you did was not easy. 你做得很不簡單
[01:25.09]It was brave. 而且很勇敢
[01:26.71]We go into medicine because we want to do good. 我們從醫(yī)是為了積德行善
[01:34.01]We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride. 我們從醫(yī)是為了追求忙碌 追求刺激和駕馭感
[01:39.22]But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses. 但一天下來 我們的腦子里只有失落
[01:44.53]What we lie awake at night replaying is the pain we caused... 我們因此失眠 躺在床上 回想我們帶來的痛苦...
[01:51.44]the ills we couldn't cure... 和我們無法治愈的病痛
[01:53.71]I don't want you to date other people. 我不希望你跟別人約會
[01:56.16]It may not be enough for you, but I'm trying herE. 也許我不能讓你滿意 但我已經(jīng)努力了
[01:59.34]I don't want you to date anybody but me. 我不希望你約其他人 除了我
[02:03.08]The lives we ruined... 我們毀掉的生命...
[02:06.18]or failed to save. 或是說 沒能救活的
[02:12.27]At the end of the day, the reality is nothing like we hope. 一天下來 希望與現(xiàn)實總是天壤之別
[02:17.60]The reality is, at the end of the day, 一天下來 現(xiàn)實往往...
[02:20.06]more often than not, turned inside out and upside down. 背道而馳 顛倒錯亂
[02:25.62]Over here! 在這里!
[02:27.05]Meredith, get in there.We don't have time to lose. Meredith 你進去 我們時間不多了
[02:29.11]Okay.I got the shirt open. 好的 我剪開襯衫了
[02:31.11]I'm almost there. 我快好了
[02:33.34]Stop!Stop! 停下來! 停下來!
[02:34.93]Stop!Just hold still! 停下來! 不要動!
[02:37.08]Okay.Okay, that's it.I got--I got it. 好的 好的 我控制住了
[02:39.39]It stopped.I got it. 不噴了 我弄好了
[02:41.81]Holy crap. 我的天啊
[02:43.36]My artery blew. 我的頸動脈爆裂了
[02:45.10]Your artery blew. 你的頸動脈爆裂了
[02:46.61]I didn't think that would really happen. 我沒想到真的會發(fā)生
[02:47.70]I mean, I thought it was something that the doctors say might happen because they have to, 我以為醫(yī)生是要以防萬一 才說會爆裂的
[02:51.51]but I didn't think that it would really happen. 我沒想到真的會這樣
[02:53.35]Me neither. 我也沒想到
[03:01.10]their local tech's in spokane. 他們的技術(shù)人員在斯波坎市
[03:02.99]That's five hours away. 有5小時的路程
[03:04.17]Did you tell them I was in the middle of somebody's brain? 你告訴過他們我們在做腦部手術(shù)么?
[03:05.80]Yes.The tech is still in spokane. 是啊 但不能改變他們在斯波坎市的事實
[03:08.85]You can't just pull the probes out and go to a full craniotomy? 你能不能把探針取出來 然后進行全開顱術(shù)么?
[03:12.59]No.Why not? 不 為什么不行?
[03:14.58]Uh, the probe is in the tumors. 問題出在腫瘤里
[03:16.32]Pulling out without the navigation system could damage the brain tissue. 如果沒有導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng) 取出探針可能會傷到腦組織
[03:19.79]And you can't leave the probe in very long without risking swelling. 但探針不及時取出又會引起腫脹
[03:22.37]That's good.What's your name? 很好 你叫什么名字?
[03:23.55]Two.Steve.Steve mostow. Steve Steve Mostow
[03:26.01]Dr.Steve mostow, intern. Steve Mostow醫(yī)生 我在實習(xí)期
[03:28.24]All right, steve, I need you to run to the nurses' station. 好的 Steve 我需要你跑去護士站
[03:30.09]Tell them to make an announcement. 告訴他們發(fā)一份通告
[03:31.38]Tell tm we need computer technicians in O.R.Three. 說三號手術(shù)室需要電腦工程師
[03:33.54]Go fast, and scrub in on your way back. 速去速回
[03:35.13]Yes, sir. 是的 先生
[03:36.00]- Dr.Shepherd. - Yes. - Shepherd醫(yī)生 - 我在
[03:37.70]I did three semesters in computer science before I switched to nursing. 我轉(zhuǎn)去學(xué)護理前 學(xué)過三個學(xué)期的計算機
[03:41.13]I don't know what's wrong, but if it's something reasonably basic, I... 我看不出是什么問題 但如果問題簡單的話...
[03:46.46]I'd feel a lot better about this if your voice wasn't shaking. 如果你的聲音不顫抖 我感覺會好些
[03:48.99]My voice shakes when I'm nervous. 我緊張時 聲音就會顫抖
[03:50.32]I'm an imperfect person, but it doesn't mean I can't fix the computer. 我沒有那么完美 但不等于我不會修電腦
[03:53.04]All right, rose has three semesters of computer science at-- what school did you go to? 好的 Rose學(xué)過三個學(xué)期的計算機 你在哪所學(xué)校學(xué)的?
[03:56.48]Santa cruz. 圣克魯茲大學(xué)
[03:57.50]That's a party school. 雜牌大學(xué)
[03:58.45]You want to insult my education, or do you want me to try and help you save your patient? 你是想侮辱我的學(xué)歷 還是想讓我?guī)兔饶愕牟∪?
[04:01.36]Ay, who can beat three semesters of computer science at santa cruz? 有誰比在圣克魯茲大學(xué) 學(xué)過三學(xué)期計算機的人厲害么?
[04:05.07]Anybody? 有么?
[04:08.36]Okay, give it a shot. 那好 試一試吧
[04:10.44]I appreciate the vote of confidence. 感謝你對我的贊同
[04:14.47]can you see anything yet? 能看見了么?
[04:16.59]Uh, I see the diaphragm moving. 我看到隔膜在動了
[04:18.93]Move it up a little more. 在往上來一點
[04:21.31]- Okay, meredith. - I'm working on it. - Meredith - 我正在處理
[04:24.07]you're not doing a very good job. 你干的不怎么好
[04:26.60]I am doing a dn fine job. 我干的非常好
[04:28.57]Don't you worry. 你不用擔(dān)心
[04:31.93]can you--can you-- can you close his eyes? 你能...合上他的眼睛么?
[04:34.65]What? 什么?
[04:36.09]Stan-- can you-- can you close his eyes? Stan 你能合上他的眼么?
[04:41.53]I'm sorry...so sorry. 很遺憾 我很抱歉
[04:47.84]Meredith, um, uh, stop.Stop right there. Meredith 停下來 就在那
[04:50.18]I want to freeze that frame. 我希望在這里定格
[04:51.77]Yeah, his pericardium's full of blood. 他的心包膜里充血
[04:54.18]That's not good.That's not good at all. 這可不好 太不好了
[04:56.37]Oxygen, I.V.Start kits.Arnie, monitor. 氧氣供應(yīng) 靜脈點滴 工具箱 Arnie 你去拿監(jiān)控儀
[04:58.93]Uh, you, pericardiocentesis kit. 你去取心包放液穿刺術(shù)的工具
[05:01.62]His anaty's all screwed up because he's hanging upside down. 因為身體倒掛 他的內(nèi)臟不容樂觀
[05:05.21]Get someone from cardio.Go. 找個心血管科的人來 快去
[05:10.40]I got tucker waiting for me in the lobby, and I'm already late. Tucker正在大廳等我 我已經(jīng)遲到了
[05:13.12]Do me a favor and take the patient through the post-op. 你幫我完成這個手術(shù)
[05:16.75]What? 怎么了?
[05:18.56]Okay, I wanted to say that when you took me off of hahn's service today 好吧 我是想說 你今天把我從Hahn那調(diào)過來
[05:21.66]- - dr.Bailey, there's something wrong with him. Bailey醫(yī)生 他出問題了
[05:23.04]His blood pressure's bottomed out. 他的血壓太低了
[05:26.60]- Dr.Bailey? - O'malley... - Bailey醫(yī)生? - O'malley...
[05:29.47]okay, I need you to talk to tucker. 好的 我需要你告訴Tucker
[05:31.79]I need you to ask him to wait. 你去請他等一等
[05:33.72]And he's not going to be inclined to wait, so I need you to ask him nicely. 他并不喜歡等 所以你要心平氣和的說
[05:36.75]Can you please go and ask him nicely to wait? 能拜托你去心平氣和的告訴他等下嘛?
[05:40.49]- Yes, ma'am. - I won't be long. - 好的 - 我不會太久
[05:42.76]you see this, stevens? 你看見了么 Stevens?
[05:44.19]The sternum's cleaned out, which means we're almost outta here. 胸骨被清理干凈了 意味著我們的工作差不多了
[05:47.26]You don't want to stay and watch me work? 你不想留下來看我做手術(shù)么?
[05:49.26]you know, it's offensive, dr.Sloan, flat-out. 你這樣很無禮 Sloan醫(yī)生 快點吧
[05:51.91]I asked you if you wanted to stay and watch me work.How's that offensive? 我請你留下來看我手術(shù) 怎么無禮了?
[05:54.34]Oh, and now you play dumb? 哦 你又開始裝傻了?
[05:55.93]Does that work for you because of the way you look? 你的長相是不是幫了你不少忙?
[05:57.93]What the hell are you talking about? 你究竟在說什么?
[05:59.21]I'm saying, if you were homely, you would've lost your job a long time ago. 我是說 如果你其貌不揚 早就失業(yè)了
[06:04.53]dr.Hahn, the chief needs you in the ambulance bay. Hahn醫(yī)生 主任那邊需要你
[06:06.61]We have a paramedic with cardiac tamponade. 有一個醫(yī)務(wù)人員心包膜充血
[06:08.95]All righty, then.Let's go, stevens. 那好 我們走 Stevens
[06:11.94]Okay. 好的
[06:14.90]nick, can, uh, can you reach your call button? Nick 你夠得著呼叫鈕嗎?
[06:18.38]I think so. 我想可以
[06:19.07]No, no, no, no.Don't move that much. 不不不 不要劇烈移動
[06:21.98]Okay, um, uh... 好的...
[06:24.63]just...can--can you reach your phone... 你能摸到電話么...
[06:28.95]- without moving very much? - I think so.I think so. - 不移動太多? - 我想可以
[06:32.43]- I got it. - Okay, good.Good, good, good. - 我拿到了 - 好的 太好了
[06:33.99]Okay, um, dial-- al 8, okay? 好的 按8號鍵 好么?
[06:37.61]okay. 好的
[06:39.64]Is that--is that 8? 我撥的是8么?
[06:40.37]Okay, okay. 好的 好的
[06:41.96]put it to my ear, okay? 放到我耳朵邊 好么?
[06:44.38]hello, nurses' station. 你好 護士站
[06:45.70]Hi.Hi, uh, this is dr.Grey. 你好 我是Grey醫(yī)生
[06:47.81]Um, yeah, mr.Hanscomb's carotid just blew. Hanscomb先生的頸動脈爆裂了
[06:50.72]Uh, c-c-can you page dr.Sloan for me, please? 你能幫我呼叫Sloan醫(yī)生么?
[06:53.79]A-and also dr.Yang? 還有Yang醫(yī)生?
[06:55.49]And--ah!I'm gonna go ahead and call this a code blue. 啊! 還要報一個藍色警報
[06:58.45]Yes, code blue. 是的 藍色警報
[06:59.80]- Can you announce that, please? - Right away. - 能幫我播報一下么? - 好的
[07:01.43]Thank you. 謝謝
[07:02.68]- Oy, you can put it down now. - Code blue. - 你能放下電話么? - 藍色警報
[07:04.28]That means I'm dead, right? 這意味著我要死了 對么?
[07:05.68]I meanthat's what they call when people go, like, flatline? 如果人們快死的時候就說藍色警報吧?
[07:08.41]No.I figure we can use all the help we can get. 不是 我是想動用一切能幫上忙的東西
[07:20.22]greys.anatomy Season 04 Episode 10 醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強 第四季 第10集
[07:23.64]I don't care who it is.I don't care who it is, jolene. 我不管是誰 不管是誰 Jolene
[07:26.41]I am leaving this hospital when I am finished here. 我做完這手術(shù) 就要走了
[07:28.83]I don't care if the patient is on fire. 無論病人是不是快不行了
[07:30.23]I'm not scrubbing in anywhere else. 別的手術(shù)我都不能參加了
[07:31.68]It's dr.Yang'S.Lexie grey is paging you 9-1-1. 是Yang醫(yī)生的呼機 Lexie Grey的911呼叫
[07:34.16]Dr.Yang, your intern called a code blue on a patient who apparently is not code blue. Yang醫(yī)生 你的實習(xí)生報告了藍色警報 而他的病人并沒有心跳停止
[07:38.05]What do you mean? 你什么意思?
[07:39.11]- Why would she call a code if- - go find out. - 她為什么呼叫了... - 去看看
[07:41.50]Well, I thought you needed me here. 我以為你這里需要我
[07:42.75]You said you needed me here, and that's why you pulled me off of cardio. 你說你需要我 才把我從心臟手術(shù)里叫出來的
[07:45.06]No, I'm fine.Go kick some intern butt. 沒事了 你去處理實習(xí)生吧
[07:50.41]How you doing, dr.Grey? 怎么樣了 Grey醫(yī)生?
[07:52.15]Lexie.I'm okay.You okay? Lexie 我很好 你呢?
[07:55.20]Well, I'm a little freaked out if I'm being honest. 實話實說 我有點害怕
[07:57.69]Mostly 'cause you look like carrie at the prom. 因為你就像是舞會上的魔女
[08:00.42]Seriously, you're wearing, like, half my blood. 說真的 你身上有我一半的血了
[08:02.50]Which is why we're hanging some more right now. 所以我們在給你供更多的血
[08:04.09]- I'm having trouble getting a vein. - why? - 很難找到血管 - 為什么?
[08:06.39]He's hypovolemic.His veins are flaccid. 失血量太大 靜脈很微弱
[08:08.87]That's not a nice thing to say. 這可不是什么好消息
[08:10.55]That--that's not a nice thing to say at all. 完全不是
[08:12.48]- Oh, okay. - Son of a bitch! - 哦 沒事 - 該死的!
[08:15.19]- It's okay! - Grey, stop that bleeding. - 沒關(guān)系! - Grey 趕緊止血
[08:16.97]- It's okay. - Stop the bleeding. - 沒關(guān)系 - 趕緊止血
[08:19.07]I--my hand slipped.I-I got it. 我的手滑了一下 現(xiàn)在好了
[08:21.51]That-- that can't happen anymore. 不能再這樣了
[08:23.43]That can't happen anymore, okay? 不能再這樣了 行么?
[08:24.99]Just apply steady, firm pressure. 按壓的穩(wěn)定堅實一點
[08:26.88]I-I called for sloan. 我呼叫Sloan了
[08:28.43]Should we just take him to an O.R. 我們現(xiàn)在就帶他去手術(shù)室么
[08:29.91]Or-- no, there's no O.R.I was just down there. 手術(shù)室都滿了 我剛從那過來
[08:34.39]Tyler, uh, you should run and get some more blood.Just in case, okay? Tyler 以防萬一 你再去拿點血過來 好嗎?
[08:37.88]Keep applying pressure.I'm gonna go get sloan. 按住 我去找Sloan過來
[08:39.74]Wait, you're leaving? 等等 你要離開?
[08:40.43]I'll be right back.You can do this. 我馬上就回來 你可以做到的
[08:41.91]You're doing this. 你能做到的
[08:46.40]Are you seeing this, karev? 看到?jīng)] Karev?
[08:47.99]How I'm tightening the cable by hand? 看到我如何固定縫合線了嗎?
[08:54.41]- That's my face. - What? - 那張是我的臉 - 什么?
[08:56.17]Up there in the gallery, I built that face. 在觀摩走廊里的那張臉 出自我手
[08:58.31]That's jane doe. 是那個無名氏
[08:59.39]The one with amnesia. 患了失憶癥的那個
[09:00.99]Is she a surgeon? 她是個外科醫(yī)生?
[09:02.16]I don't, uh... 我不 嗯...
[09:03.45]oh, you are-- you are so busted. 噢 這下...這下你完蛋了
[09:05.42]Dr.Sloan, it's nick hanscomb. Sloan醫(yī)生 Nick Hanscomb出事了
[09:06.82]His carotid blew. 他的頸動脈爆裂了
[09:08.26]Karev, I need you to irrigate thoroughly, finish up and pack the wound. Karev 我要你進行徹底清洗 縫合 然后包扎好切口
[09:10.60]Wait, you're leaving? 等一下 你要走了?
[09:11.48]He can survive without me.My other guy can'T. 這個病人沒我死不了 另一個就不行了
[09:12.95]Oh, there's no O.R.Available. 但是已經(jīng)沒有手術(shù)室了
[09:14.27]This one will be. 這間就可以
[09:15.35]I need you to get this room turned around asap. 你們盡快把這里騰出來
[09:16.97]I'm bringing down my carotid bleed. 我去把頸動脈爆裂的病人帶過來
[09:21.85]Tucker. Tucker
[09:25.35]She's busy, right?She can't make lunch? 她在忙吧? 趕不上中飯了?
[09:27.31]No, she can.She can make lunch.Just a slightly later lunch. 她能趕得上 只是會稍微晚一些
[09:30.08]- She's in surgery. - Always is. - 她在給病人開刀 - 總是這樣
[09:31.72]- Yeah, it's just taking a little longer than she ex- - always does. - 是的 手術(shù)比她預(yù)期的要稍長些... - 向來如此
[09:35.27]she's having a really bad day. 今天她很不好過
[09:37.20]She's saving the life of a white supremacist. 她在救一個白人至上主義者
[09:40.61]This is not a good day. 今天不是什么好日子
[09:41.81]So she asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind just waiting just a little while longer, 她讓我過來問你 能不能多等一下下
[09:45.79]please.She did say please, 拜托了 她說"拜托了"
[09:49.38]which, as you may know, is not a word she uses that frequently, so... 你知道 她很少這么說的 所以...
[09:53.80]she really is sorry.It--this shouldn't be much longer. 她真的很抱歉 這...應(yīng)該不會太久
[09:56.74]Fine.But tell miranda I said don't keep me waiting long.Please. 好吧 但是告訴Miranda 別讓我等太久 "拜托了"
[10:01.87]Okay. 好的
[10:05.57]lucy. Lucy
[10:11.44]Uh, if it's all right with you, 嗯 如果可以的話
[10:12.88]I'd like to update mr.Nolston's family and meet you in the ambulance bay. 我想去和Nolston的家屬說一下最新情況 我們在救護車那見?
[10:19.78]he's your patient.Don't you want me to keep the family informed? 他是你的病人 你不想讓我及時告知家屬病情嗎?
[10:22.29]I want you to think like a surgeon. 我希望你從外科醫(yī)生的角度去思考
[10:23.96]You're thinking like a social worker, and if you want to be a social worker, 你的想法像個社工 如果你真的想當(dāng)社工
[10:26.83]you can save yourself a lot of effort, because the training is 2 years, not 12. 你可以給自己省掉很多麻煩 因為培訓(xùn)期只有2年 而不是12年
[10:30.80]But if you want to be a surgeon, you caupdate the family when the crisis has passed. 但是如果你想當(dāng)外科醫(yī)生 你可以在危機都搞定后再通知家屬
[10:36.24]You're right.Absolutely.I'm sorry.I... 你是對的 當(dāng)然 對不起 我...
[10:45.24]- steve. - Uh, yes, sir? - Steve - 是 先生?
[10:47.04]Did you bring anybody with you? 你帶幫手來了嗎?
[10:48.36]Uh, no.The nurses made an announcement, and I waited, but no one came. 呃 沒有 護士發(fā)出通知了 我等了會 但是沒人過來
[10:52.28]- Rose? - Damn. - Rose? - 該死
[10:54.14]Damn it, damn it, damn it. 該死 該死 該死
[10:55.35]Rose. Rose
[10:56.45]I don't have the steadiest hand. 我的手在抖
[10:57.32]I need to reconnect some wires, and I don't have the steadiest hand, 我必須把幾根線重新接上 而我的手老在抖
[10:59.49]and when you talk to me, it is less steady. 而我還要跟你說話 這就抖得更厲害了
[11:01.23]So it's about the wires? 是線路的問題嗎?
[11:02.66]I think so.I'm pretty sure. 我猜是的 我確定
[11:04.40]All right.I'll do it. 好吧 讓我來
[11:05.31]- What? - I'll do it. - 什么? - 讓我來
[11:06.45]Yosaid yourself you don't have steady hands. 你說你的手會抖
[11:07.97]Because I'm nervous. 因為我很緊張
[11:08.80]Yeah, no, I got that. 是 我知道
[11:09.97]Let me take care of e wires. 讓我來接那幾根線吧
[11:11.33]I'm a neurosurgeon.I have steady hands. 我是神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)生 我的手很穩(wěn)
[11:13.00]You're holding the leads in the patient's brain. 可你正拿著病人腦內(nèi)的探針
[11:15.49]Okay.Steve, how's your hand? 好吧 Steve 你的手怎么樣?
[11:18.16]- Is it steady? - Uh, yes, sir. - 夠穩(wěn)嗎? - 呃 是的 先生
[11:19.69]Good.It better be or you'll kill my patient. 很好 最好是 否則你會殺了我的病人
[11:21.73]Hold this very, very still. 千萬 千萬保持不動
[11:23.50]Yes, sir. 好的 先生
[11:24.37]Very still. 盡量不動
[11:26.22]Good. 很好
[11:29.62]Sterile sleeves, gloves, plea. 給我消毒過的袖套和手套
[11:31.32]Tell me what I've got to do. 告訴我該怎么做
[11:36.01]- You talked to tucker? - Yes. - 你和Tucker談過了? - 是的
[11:37.70]He says as long as you'rout soon, he'll wait. 只要你盡快結(jié)束 他會等你的
[11:39.83]Oh, mother of...the hepatic vein was injured. TMD 肝靜脈損傷了
[11:43.13]Uh, can you check for a new murmur? 你能再檢查一下是否有雜音嗎?
[11:44.83]Yeah, checking now. 好的 我這就檢查
[11:45.91]O'malley, I need you to go talk to tucker. O'malley 你幫我去和Tucker說一下
[11:47.95]Just ask him to wait a little longer. 叫他再多等一會
[11:50.76]But I just scrubbed in. 我剛洗手進來
[11:51.59]O'malley, ask him. O'malley 去問他
[11:52.86]Yes, ma'am. 是 女士
[12:06.63]A person can only rise so high. 人只能升華到這個程度了
[12:10.60]Now I'm rising above, but there's a ceiling, and I'm about to hit it. 我在自我升華 但也有個極限 我就快到了
[12:15.93]let me guess.Air embolus? 我猜是氣栓?
[12:22.91]we're about to start the pericardiocentesis. 我們準(zhǔn)備開始做心包放液穿刺術(shù)
[12:26.01]But with the position of his body, the blood won't be pooled to the base of the heart, 但是由于他身體倒掛著 血液無法流入心臟
[12:29.56]I'd still use the subxiphoid rather than the parasternal. 較之胸骨旁 我更傾向于從劍突下走
[12:32.94]Right.Okay. 好吧
[12:34.03]Meredith, did you hear that? Meredith 你聽到了嗎?
[12:35.54]yeah.Is the kit ready yet? 聽到了 工具準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
[12:37.64]Yeah, I'm getting it ready for you now. 是的 現(xiàn)在就給你準(zhǔn)備
[12:41.52]how you doing, ray? 你怎么樣 Ray?
[12:42.99]Grey, you've got to be careful with this technique. Grey 你插針的時候必須非常小心
[12:45.64]If you aim the needle incorrectly, you could nick the very-thin-walled right atrium. 如果插錯地方 你可能會弄破極薄的右心房壁
[12:50.05]Which could cause a cardiac rupture. 從而導(dǎo)致心臟破裂
[12:51.26]A cardiac rupture, a tension pneumothorax 心臟破裂 張力性氣胸 等等
[12:53.45]- - basically there's about six different ways she could kill him. 理論上說 大概有六種致死的并發(fā)癥
[12:56.53]Are they talking about me? 他們是在說我嗎?
[12:58.12]No, don't listen to them, ray. 不 別聽他們說話 Ray
[13:00.47]Dr.Hahn... Hahn醫(yī)生...
[13:01.98]shut up. 閉嘴
[13:07.56]Sir, you're gonna be fine. 先生 你會沒事的
[13:10.81]stevens, go get me an 18 gauge needle before this man's heart explodes in his chest. Stevens 在這家伙心臟爆裂前 快去給我拿一根18號規(guī)格的針
[13:15.38]Got it. 知道了
[13:23.30]How you doing, karev? 你怎么樣 Karev?
[13:24.74]Yeah, good.I'm fine. 很好 我很好
[13:26.54]My nose itches. 我鼻子發(fā)癢
[13:28.39]It itches like crazy. 癢死了
[13:29.21]Yeah, that's the anxiety. 是嘛 是焦躁引起的
[13:30.61]You know you can't scratch it, so it itches. 你知道不能去抓 所以更癢
[13:35.28]- What did you do? - Nothing.I was irrigating. - 你干什么了? - 什么也沒做 我只是在沖洗
[13:37.68]All right, I need more suction.Let's get some exposure here. 好吧 我需要進行更多的抽吸 把這照得亮點
[13:39.66]It's coming from inside his chest. 是從胸腔內(nèi)冒出來的
[13:41.81]I think his heart's starting to bleed. 我想是他的心臟出血了
[13:43.99]Hang a unit of blood. 再掛一袋血
[13:45.20]Page hahn and sloan, now! 呼叫Hahn和Sloan 快點!
[13:52.42]Tyler, could you get me more gauze, please? Tyler 請再給我拿點紗布?
[13:54.50]Yeah, sure. 好的
[13:55.28]Why do you need more gauze? 為什么你還要紗布?
[13:56.83]Because I'm bleeding?I'm--I'm still bleeding? 我又出血了?我...我還在出血?
[13:58.66]Well, we have blood going in, too, nick. 我們同時也在輸血 Nick
[14:01.11]Is it going in as fast as it's going out? 出血速度和輸血速度一樣快嗎?
[14:03.58]I'm asking because I'm starting to feel, like, queasy... 我問是因為我開始覺得 好像 惡心...
[14:06.53]and weak, maybe like a-- a person who's losing a lot of blood. 虛弱 像是...像是失血過多
[14:11.63]Okay, I'm transferring now, nick.You ready? 好了 我要換紗布了 Nick 你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
[14:17.30]Lexie... Lexie...
[14:18.98]should I be calling people? 我是不是應(yīng)該打個電話?
[14:20.69]Should I be calling my family oromebody? 給家里或者其他人什么的?
[14:23.11]I think...I think the bleeding stopped. 好像...好像不再出血了
[14:26.91]How you doing, nick? 你覺得怎樣 Nick?
[14:28.49]Oh, dr.Sloan.It's dr.Sloan. 哦 Sloan醫(yī)生 是Sloan醫(yī)生
[14:30.31]I think the bleeding stopped. 好像不再出血了
[14:31.63]- You okay? - Do I--do I look okay? - 你還好嗎? - 我...我看起來還好嗎?
[14:34.57]Actually, you do. 是的 還好
[14:36.69]Dr.Grey, looks like you got the bleeding under control. Grey醫(yī)生 看來你控制住了出血
[14:39.33]why would it stop? 為什么不出血了?
[14:40.43]It could have been the herald bleed, which means, 可能只是暫時的 也就是說
[14:42.56]um, there's a possibility of it bleeding again. 有再次出血的可能性
[14:44.18]But it won't, 'cause I'm gonna get it closed up before it does. 但不會了 因為我會在那之前縫合傷口
[14:46.49]there's no O.R. 沒有手術(shù)室了
[14:47.63]There will be in ten minutes. 十分鐘后就有了
[14:48.64]Dr.Grey, get a pressure dressing on this wound. Grey醫(yī)生 按住傷口
[14:50.71]Dr.Yang, get him prepped for transfer, and straight to O.R.Three. Yang醫(yī)生 作好轉(zhuǎn)移準(zhǔn)備 直接推進第三手術(shù)室
[14:53.13]I'm gonna make sure it's cleared out. 我去確認手術(shù)室
[14:54.57]You did good work, grey. 做的很好 Grey
[14:55.59]Thank you. 謝謝
[14:58.50]I'm in love with you now. 我愛上你了
[15:02.35]I've forgotten entirely about my ex. 我完全把前女友拋在腦后了
[15:10.63]- oh, come on.Are you kidding me? - What? - 哦 拜托 別開玩笑了 - 怎么?
[15:12.78]Oh, I have a patient on the table who's-- I gotta go. 哦 我的一個病人在手術(shù)臺上...我得走了
[15:15.28]erica-- uh, stevens, page the cardio fellow, then book an O.R. - Erica... - 呃 Stevens 呼叫心血管科的人 預(yù)定一間手術(shù)室
[15:18.41]Have it waiting when they get him free. 等把他弄出來后要準(zhǔn)備好手術(shù)室
[15:30.96]Why am I not surprised? 我怎么一點都不意外?
[15:32.21]Dr.Bailey is very sorry.She's very, very sorry. Bailey醫(yī)生說她很抱歉 她非常 非常抱歉
[15:34.95]I'm outta here. 我走了
[15:35.90]She just asked me to ask you if you could wait just a-- a little while longer. 她讓我問你能不能再多等一...一小會兒
[15:38.74]She's almost done with the surgery. 手術(shù)就快結(jié)束了
[15:39.94]It took a-- it's just more complicated than she expected, but she is almost done. 手術(shù)...手術(shù)只是比她想象的稍許復(fù)雜一些 她馬上就結(jié)束了
[15:45.04]Fine, I'll wait. 好吧 我再等一會
[15:46.74]But you tell her I am tired, tired of her choosing everything over me and our marriage. 但是你告訴她我已經(jīng)厭倦了 厭倦她置一切于我和我們的婚姻之上
[15:50.60]You tell her this is the last time.I'm finished. 你告訴她這是最后一次 我們完了
[15:52.31]And you tell her the only reason I'm staying here is to tell her that myself. 告訴她我還留在這只是想當(dāng)面告訴她這些話
[15:57.41]What the hell did you do, karev? 你究竟干了什么 Karev?
[15:58.59]Nothing.Uh, I cut the cable.The bleeding- 什么也沒干 呃 我切斷了電纜 出血...
[16:00.68]- you cut the cable? 你切斷了電纜?
[16:01.77]What, you were showing off for your girlfriend? 怎么 在你女朋友面前顯擺?
[16:03.06]Do you have any idea how screwed you are? 你知道你都干了些什么嗎?
[16:04.75]It's not his fault.One of the heart graft's blew. 不是他的錯 心臟搭橋的一邊爆裂了
[16:06.63]I'm holding this guy's left coronary with a clamp. 我用夾子固定住他的左冠動脈
[16:08.44]Did somebody page hahn? 呼叫Hahn了嗎?
[16:09.39]I'm here.What the hell happened? 我在這 究竟發(fā)生什么事?
[16:10.98]His heart graft blew. 他心臟搭橋的一邊爆裂了
[16:11.82]Oh, damn it. 哦 該死
[16:12.93]the only thing I need you to do, karev, is to stay quiet and get more suction in here. 我只需要你做一件事 Karev 保持冷靜 在這里進行抽吸
[16:16.45]just hold on to that. 堅持住
[16:25.41]O'malley? O'malley?
[16:27.91]Your husband is waiting. 你丈夫在等你
[16:29.79]Good. 很好
[16:31.57]- He's waiting and- - I heard you. - 他在等你 還... - 我聽到了
[16:32.97]Why aren't you scrubbed in?I could use a hand. 你干嗎不洗手上臺?我需要幫手
[16:36.51]He, uh, he said something about you choosing... 他 呃 他說你置...
[16:39.77]everything over your marriage. 一切于你們的婚姻之上
[16:43.47]He said that? 他那么說的?
[16:46.23]What else did he say? 他還說什么了?
[16:47.55]I think that was about it. 我認為就這些了
[16:48.84]You think or you know? 你認為還是你知道?
[16:31.57]- 他正在等你 還有.. - 我知道了
[16:32.97]怎么不過來幫忙? 我這正缺人手呢
[16:48.84]大概? 你確定嗎?
[16:52.05]he--he said that this was the last time and that he was finished. 他說這是最后一次 他受夠了
[16:57.53]I'm in surgery, o'malley. 我正在動手術(shù) O'malley
[17:00.26]Did you tell him that I'm trying to save a man's life here? 你有跟他說我正在救人嗎?
[17:02.94]Yes. 說了
[17:04.24]That I want to be there with him right now, but if I were to leave, 我當(dāng)然想去找他 但如果現(xiàn)在離開
[17:08.20]this man would die, did you tell him that? 這個人會死的 這些你都跟他說了?
[17:09.71]Yeah, yes. 說了
[17:10.80]You need to go back out there and tell him that I took a vow-- a vow to save lives. 你現(xiàn)在就去告訴他 我曾宣誓要拯救生命
[17:16.84]And he might want to member that he also took a vow-- for better or for worse. 他還別忘了 不管怎么說 他也有誓言
[17:20.52]You tell him that it's his job as a husband to understand that. 你就去告訴他 作為丈夫 他有義務(wù)體諒我
[17:25.68]You tell him that I'm standing by my vow, for better or for worse. 無論如何 我正在履行我的誓言
[17:29.04]You tell him I'm holding him to his vow. 也時刻牢記著他的誓言
[17:31.37]You tell him if he's thinking about leaving right now, 你告訴他 如果現(xiàn)在要走
[17:34.43]that he might find himself hurt and wounded and needing an operation, 等哪一天受傷需要動手術(shù)時
[17:39.31]and he may not get a surgeon who is as married to her vows as I am. 他可能不會碰上像我這樣負責(zé)的大夫
[17:42.82]You tell him that. 你就這樣告訴他
[17:47.50]- Can't I just do some charts? - Go. - 我能不能去填填表啥的? - 別廢話
[17:58.21]- it's in. - It's in? - 沒問題了 - 好了?
[18:00.11]Wire's in. 電路修好了
[18:04.23]Steve, are you still? Steve 你沒動吧?
[18:05.78]Yes, sir.Very still. 是的 一點兒也沒敢動
[18:11.07]Stop looking at me like I killed your patient. 別搞得好像我殺了你的病人似的
[18:12.85]I am not a computer technician.I did my best.I gave it a shot. 我又不是電腦技師 我盡力了 多給了它一次機會
[18:15.62]You didn't do your best. 你還沒有盡全力
[18:16.45]Yes, I did do my best.It was my best, damn it. 我盡力了 盡全力了 見鬼
[18:18.78]Shh.Calm down. 噓 冷靜
[18:19.63]Take a deep breath and think. 深呼吸 然后好好想一想
[18:21.05]What did you miss? 有沒有漏掉什么?
[18:22.30]What are you forgetting? 忘了什么沒?
[18:31.78]you forgot the restart button? 忘記按重啟鍵了嗎?
[18:33.85]I forgot to press the restart button. 忘按重啟鍵了
[18:36.81]- It's working. - It's working. - 現(xiàn)在好了 - 現(xiàn)在好了
[18:41.53]santa cruz is not just a party school. 圣克魯茲大學(xué)還是有兩下子的嘛
[18:43.83]- Uh, dr.Shepherd. - Yes. - Shepherd醫(yī)生 - 怎么了
[18:45.42]Uh, sleeves. 袖子
[18:52.71]This was never my plan, to...to die this way. 我從沒想過會這樣死去
[18:56.38]You're not dying, nick. 你不會死的 Nick
[18:57.55]you're going to the O.R. 我們會給你動手術(shù)
[18:59.05]No, I know. 我知道
[19:00.68]That's what I'm saying. 我就是那意思
[19:02.53]I mean, I think we kind of have some say, or at least a feeling. 我想我們或許由此一說或者至少有這種感受
[19:07.44]But I never had that feeling, so I can't die, right? 但我還沒有那感覺 所以我還不會死 對吧?
[19:16.62]I don't feel good.I feel... 我不太舒服 覺得有些..
[19:20.06]Nick... Nick...
[19:22.32]Nick, can you squeeze my hand? Nick 你能抓住我的手嗎?
[19:23.03]Oh, my god.What happened? 我的天 到底怎么了?
[19:24.20]The blood to the right side of his brain is--he had a stroke. 供給他右腦的血液... 他中風(fēng)了
[19:26.28]It looks like he had a stroke. 看上去是中風(fēng)了
[19:27.61]Okay, let's go.Let's move him carefully.Let's go. 我們快點 小心移動他 快
[19:32.25]You can't cry, lexie. 現(xiàn)在還不是哭的時候 Lexie
[19:33.73]This isn't over.You can't cry. 這還沒有完 你不能哭
[19:42.83]you need to find the xiphoid process. 你要找到他的劍突
[19:45.43]Can you feel it? 找了嗎?
[19:47.70]got it. 找到了
[19:48.46]Okay, now go two finger breadths to the left of the xiphoid. 好 現(xiàn)在往劍胸骨左邊移動兩指寬的距離
[19:52.62]I'm there. 可以了
[19:54.55]Here. 拿著
[19:58.59]18 gauge. 18號針管
[20:00.97]That is a ry big needle. 這針管太大了
[20:02.63]I know.I'm sorry. 我知道 對不住了
[20:04.02]You're going to angle the needle toward the left shoulder.Don't stab. 現(xiàn)在 將針尖移動到他的左肩 別傷到他
[20:07.53]You don't want to hit the ventricle, and you don't want to drop the lung. 不要刺到他的心室 肺葉
[20:10.22]That wouldn't help matters either. 那樣救不到他
[20:11.77]I changed my mind.I want out. 我改主意了 我想出去
[20:13.58]This is gonna help you, ray. 這對你有幫助 Ray
[20:15.34]I'm gonna go on three, okay? 我數(shù)三下 好嗎?
[20:17.42]One, two- 1 2-
[20:19.44]- wait.Tell--tell stan's wife I'm sorry. 等等 替我向Stan的妻子致哀
[20:22.50]T-tell sara I'm sorry .. 跟Sara說 我很難過
[20:25.77]tell her yourself.One, two-- 你自己去跟她說 1 2--
[20:29.02]wait.Wait. 等一下
[20:31.25]We're running out of time. 我們沒時間磨蹭了
[20:32.63]- Just wait a minute. - Okay. - 只要一分鐘就好 - 行
[20:34.79]What's taking so long? 里面什么情況?
[20:35.73]He's not ready. 他還沒準(zhǔn)備好
[20:37.84]I'm trying not to be scared. 我在努力平靜下來
[20:39.50]I don't wanna die scared. 我不想這么恐懼的死去
[20:40.97]I wanna not be scared. 我要平靜下來
[20:42.30]Ray, listen to me. Ray 聽我說
[20:45.62]It's good to be scared. 感到恐懼是好事
[20:47.81]It means you still have something to lose. 意味著你并不是一無所有
[20:54.83]Are you scared? 你害怕嗎?
[20:58.18]All the time. 無時無刻
[21:02.91]Okay.That's good. 好吧
[21:05.96]Okay.I'm ready. 我準(zhǔn)備好了
[21:08.42]But don't--don't count. 但是你別數(shù)了
[21:09.80]Just do it.Just do it so I don't know it'S... 扎下去就是了 這樣我不會...
[21:17.60]The infection went to his heart. 他的心臟也受到感染了
[21:19.41]His hack of a surgeon didn't check the grafts. 他的臨時大夫沒有檢查嫁接部位
[21:22.04]I should've caught it. 我早就該發(fā)現(xiàn)了
[21:23.54]I should've checked.I missed it.Damn it. 我本該檢查到的 居然漏了 見鬼
[21:25.58]How did I miss it? 我怎么能忘了呢?
[21:26.77]Stupid.Stupid.Stupid. 太白癡了 我真是個豬頭
[21:28.48]that's fascinating, dr.Hahn. Hahn醫(yī)生 真是奇怪啊
[21:29.95]What? 怎么了?
[21:31.16]You're as unkind to yourself as you are to everyone else. 你對待自己和對待別人一樣地苛刻
[21:33.32]Sloan. Sloan
[21:36.91]Dr.Sloan, his artery blew again, and he appears to be having a left-sided C.V.A. Sloan醫(yī)生 病人的頸動脈又爆了 并且伴隨著左側(cè)中風(fēng)
[21:40.80]- Where is he? - I-- - 他人呢? - 我..
[21:42.04]here.You told me to bring him here. 他在這呢 你讓我把他帶過來的
[21:45.74]Hahn, are you close? Hahn 你快完了嗎?
[21:47.21]No. 沒
[21:48.88]Yang, get him to a sterile procedure room. Yang 找間無菌室
[21:50.81]Run! 快!
[21:51.80]Let's go.This way.Okay, I'm done.I can help. - 走 這邊 - 好 我這邊完了 我來幫忙
[21:53.09]What do you want me to do? 你需要我做什么?
[21:54.21]I need an anesthesiologist, i need a nurse, I need equipment. 我要一名麻醉師 一名護士 以及相關(guān)設(shè)備
[21:56.01]I'm on it. 我去準(zhǔn)備
[21:56.95]Uh, karev, stay with hahn. Karev 你留下來幫Hahn
[22:02.44]This man has four children. 他有四個孩子
[22:04.58]He has four children. 四個孩子啊
[22:11.24]I feel like I'm going in too far. 我覺得好像插得太深了
[22:12.98]Uh,pull back,pull back. 往回拔一點
[22:15.02]Pull back,pull back. 往回拔
[22:16.44]Chief,what am I doing? 主任 我該怎么辦?
[22:17.85]You're too far in. 太深了
[22:18.90]There's some S.T.Elevation. ST段有點抬高
[22:20.22]Try angling more forward. 把角度再往前推一點
[22:25.31]I got it.I got it. 我成功了
[22:28.76]Ray? Ray?
[22:31.70]That feels good. 我現(xiàn)在舒服點了
[22:33.62]I can breathe. 也能呼吸了
[22:34.93]Okay,he's almost stable. 他差不多穩(wěn)定下來了
[22:36.39]Get ready to cut him out. 準(zhǔn)備把他弄出來吧
[22:39.07]All right. 好的
[22:40.30]All righ we're gonna get you outta here. 我們要幫你離開這里了
[22:41.71]We're getting you outta here right now. 我們馬上把你救出來
[22:45.79]oh,you're bleeding. 你流血了
[22:47.38]That's ray's blood. 是Ray的血
[22:48.44]Let me see that. 給我看下
[22:55.31]You could use a couple of stitches. 這兒都要縫針了
[22:58.35]Now you stayed calm and focused and efficient in a very stressful situation. 你在剛才那種情況下 還那么沉著 專心而且迅速
[23:05.32]That's impressive. 表現(xiàn)的很棒
[23:07.64]I was scared. 我很害怕的
[23:09.84]You did it anyway. 但你還是成功了
[23:11.70]Like I said... 就像我說的
[23:13.31]impressive. 很棒
[23:22.03]Do not tell me that there isn't an O.R.Available.This is for the chief of surgery. 別跟我說現(xiàn)在沒有可用的手術(shù)室 這可是院長的手術(shù)
[23:25.90]There is a paramedic's life on the line.You need to find one now. 外面有個救護人員快不行了 你得立刻找到一間
[23:29.04]I'll see where we are. 我盡量找找看
[23:30.36]Dr.Stevens. Stevens醫(yī)生
[23:31.72]Thank god.How is he? 謝天謝地 他沒事吧?
[23:33.18]Um,I-I believe he's still in surgery,but I don't know. 他現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該還在手術(shù)呢 但我不清楚具體情況
[23:38.16]You don't know?Why--w don't you--you-- well, 不知道? 你怎么能不知道呢?
[23:40.52]you said that you were gonna keep me informed and 你說過一有消息就會告訴我們的
[23:42.67]-- I know.I'm sorry.I'm--I'm on another case now. 我知道 很抱歉 我現(xiàn)在還有別的病人
[23:44.75]But I was gonna check back and-- you're on another case? - 但我正要去檢查.. - 你在忙別的病例?
[23:47.77]I'm sorry. 抱歉
[23:49.12]Well,I-I-I have four kids here. 我這有四個孩子
[23:50.57]I have four terrified children who think that their dad's gonna die any minute. 四個孩子都嚇壞了 他們覺得隨時都會失去父親
[23:53.90]I,uh-- did you have lousy instructors who didn't teach you how to be a good doctor, 你蹩腳的老師 難道沒教你怎樣做個好醫(yī)生嗎?
[23:57.31]or just really bad parents who didn't teach you how to be a decent human being? 還是白癡父母沒教你怎么做正人君子?
[24:02.12]stevens,O.R.Two is clearing out now. Stevens 二號手術(shù)室現(xiàn)在空出來了
[24:04.50]Thank you. 謝了
[24:05.71]Uh,my husband is jacob nolston,and he went into surgery hours ago. 我的丈夫是Jacob Nolston 好幾小時前就上手術(shù)臺了
[24:09.44]Could you please just find someone who can tell me whether he is dead or alive? 你能不能找人跟我說下他的情況?
[24:14.48]She said that? 她那么說的?
[24:15.71]Look,if you could just wait a few more minutes,you guys could talk to each other because, 那麻煩你再多等一小會兒 這樣你們就能當(dāng)面交談了 因為
[24:19.71]you know,things get lost in translation,because,you know, 這樣的傳話只會加深誤會
[24:22.39]this is clearly not a way to have what is obvisly a very,very important conversatN. 而且這么重要的事情 很顯然不該通過傳話來進行
[24:25.94]It is clearly not very important. 顯然沒那么重要
[24:28.82]Our marriage is falling apart,and she sends you to save it. 我們的婚姻要完蛋了 她卻派你來挽救
[24:31.84]Tucker. Tucker
[24:34.40]She's in surgery. 她在做手術(shù)
[24:36.66]She's saving a life.She's literally saving a life,and she's gonna be here soon. 在救人 在救一個活生生的人 而且她馬上就會過來的
[24:39.93]She's always saving a person's life.She'll always be here soon. 她永遠都在救人 而且永遠都說馬上會過來
[24:43.34]You go ask her,when exactly is "soon" gonna come? 那你去問她 "馬上"到底指多久?
[24:59.71]excuse me.You're,um... 抱歉 你就是..
[25:02.18]you're the one who came to get me,who told me about stan? 那位來告訴我Stan出事了的人吧?
[25:06.43]Yes. 是的
[25:08.64]Is ray,um... Ray他..
[25:09.94]he's in surgery. 我們在給他做手術(shù)
[25:12.51]Okay. 好的
[25:14.51]I have to go.I have to get-- I have to get outta here,so... 我該走了 我要..我得離開這里..
[25:19.59]look,can you tell him that,um... 這樣 你能不能替我告訴他...
[25:22.97]that I'm sorry that I-- that I can't stay here? 我很抱歉不能陪他?
[25:25.27]But I just--I just can't come back here right now. 現(xiàn)在我真的不能呆在這里
[25:27.57]Ray wanted me to tell you that he's sorry,too. Ray也要我向你道歉來著
[25:30.60]He's sorry he couldn't save stan. 他很抱歉沒能救到Stan
[25:33.11]He wanted me to tell you that in case he didn't make it. 他怕自己熬不過去 所以要我來告訴你
[25:38.74]You think he's not gonna make it? 你覺得他熬不過去?
[25:40.44]I hope he makes it. 我希望他能活下來
[25:42.61]But you won't be here,so... 但是你不打算留下 所以...
[25:47.18]my husband is dead. 我丈夫死了
[25:50.38]He's dead... 他死了
[25:52.33]somewhere in this hospital. 就在這醫(yī)院里
[25:55.61]How am I supposed to-- to stay here? 我怎么能呆得住?
[26:00.92]I don't know. 我不知道
[26:03.29]I don't know. 真的不知道
[26:05.16]But I know that if ray makes it,he's gonna wake up,and he's gonna have no one. 但是我知道 如果Ray活下來 當(dāng)他醒來時 身邊會沒有任何人
[26:11.51]And you're gonna go home,and--and you're gonna have... 你回到家 然后...你身邊也...
[26:15.41]no one. 沒人陪
[26:17.12]I think it's better to have someone. 我覺得有人陪會更好一點兒
[26:19.73]Even if it hurts,even if it's the most painful thing you have to do, 即使這樣會傷心 是最讓你痛苦的事
[26:24.04]even if it's the most painful thing you've ever had to do, 即使這是你做過的最痛苦的事
[26:28.41]I think it's better to have someone. 我覺得還是有人陪會更好一點兒
[26:31.99]See this skin,o'malley? 看見這塊皮膚了么 O'malley?
[26:35.08]It looks a little...jagged. 看起來有點兒...參差不齊
[26:38.08]Does it look jagged to you? 你看著覺得有參差不齊么?
[26:40.40]'Cause if it is jagged,I'm going to have to reposition the incision so that it approximates more correctly. 因為如果有 我就得重切一個口 讓它更精確點兒
[26:48.41]If I do that,this man's swastika tattoo might be unrecognizable. 如果我這么做 這家伙的納粹刺青可能會有點兒模糊了
[26:58.01]Yeah,it's a little jagged. 對 是有點兒參差不齊
[27:01.09]I thought so,too. 我也這么覺得
[27:05.01]He left,right? 他走了是么?
[27:07.18]Yes,he left. 是 他走了
[27:10.87]10-blade. 10號刀
[27:14.91]more lap pads,stevens. 再拿點兒防水襯褥 Stevens
[27:17.27]Pack them all around the heart. 在心臟周圍放滿
[27:25.03]suction. 吸一下
[27:28.84]Come on,ray. 加油 Ray
[27:29.99]Fight. 挺??!
[27:34.19]You will not die. 你不會死的
[27:50.50]don't do this,mary.Come on. 你不能死 Mary 挺住
[27:52.64]Don't do this. 你不能死
[27:54.24]I need more light.Can I get more light? 我需要再亮點兒 能不能把燈再調(diào)亮點兒?
[27:58.10]Come on.Come on. 挺住 挺住啊
[28:00.22]he's coding. 他快不行了
[28:01.58]Come on. 挺住
[28:02.65]Live.Please live.Please. 活下來 請你活下來 求求你
[28:06.27]Please. 求你了
[28:23.06]He looks bad.He... 他看起來情況不太好 他...
[28:25.33]he looks really bad. 情況真的很不好
[28:26.82]Well,his heart was severely damaged and his lungs were compromised. 他的心臟嚴重受損 肺部也受到一定損害
[28:31.30]But 's young and strong,and our hope is that he'll be just fine. 但是他很年輕 身體也好 我們只能希望他會好起來
[28:51.57]Ray. Ray
[28:55.33]Ray. Ray
[28:59.71]I'm here. 我在這兒呢
[29:12.98]Well,your liver had more damage than we saw on the C.T. 你的肝臟比CT圖上看到的損傷更嚴重
[29:15.54]And then we found a perforation in your bowel. 我們還發(fā)現(xiàn)腸子上有一處穿孔
[29:18.16]But we took care of it all,and you should have a full recoverY. 不過我們已經(jīng)都修復(fù)過了 你應(yīng)該會完全康復(fù)的
[29:20.61]Well,not a full recovery. 不是"完全"康復(fù)
[29:25.34]Dr.Bai-- she did this on purpose,right? Bai醫(yī)生...她故意的對不對?
[29:29.64]I don't understand. 我不太明白
[29:31.54]Uh,you have a black partner,right? -yeah? - 你有個黑人同事是吧? - 怎么了?
[29:34.16]Mary? -yeah - Mary? - 是啊
[29:36.79]Do you know how she is? 你知道她怎么樣了么
[29:38.37]Oh,you-- are you two friends? 你們 你們倆是朋友?
[29:41.06]Oh,look,I'm not the devil,okay? 我又不是魔鬼?
[29:44.20]I'm just a guy with a belief system. 我只是個有信仰的人而已
[29:48.63]Mary's a nice girl.We save lives together.That's a good time. Mary是個好姑娘 我們一起救人 那一刻很美好的
[29:52.08]Now if she wanted to marry my brother,I'd have a problem with that,but so would a lot of people. 但如果她想嫁給我弟弟 我就有意見了 很多人也都會有意見
[29:57.99]I'm not that much different than most of the people that you know. 我和其他大多數(shù)人差不多
[30:03.63]Well,dr.Bailey did save your life today. Bailey醫(yī)生今天救了你
[30:07.12]A black woman saved your life at great personal cost. 一個黑人女性憑借"崇高的"個人價值觀 救了你
[30:10.14]So maybe next time you're looking at your tattoo, 所以也許下次你看著紋身時
[30:12.64]and you're thinking how much better all us white guys are than everyone else,you think about that. 想想我們這些白人真比其他人好很多嗎 不妨好好想想
[30:17.00]Because between you and me,if i had been alone in that O.R. 說實在的 如果只有我在那間手術(shù)室里
[30:20.60]You'd probably be dead right now. 你現(xiàn)在可能已經(jīng)死了
[30:23.09]And,uh,since we're sharing belief systems, 既然我們在交流各自的信仰
[30:25.88]I believe,if you were dead,the world would be a better place. 我相信 如果你死了 世界會更美好
[30:41.50]How's he doing? 他怎么樣了
[30:43.40]Oh,he's okay. 他還好
[30:44.71]The surgery was pretty hairy. 手術(shù)時狀況多端
[30:46.18]He blew a graft when we were closing. 我們馬上就要移植完的時候他給弄砸了
[30:48.24]But he's starting to rally. 不過之后他又振作起來了
[30:49.99]Good.That's good. 不錯 很不錯
[30:53.43]What are you doing here? 你在這兒干嘛?
[30:54.91]I was just checking-- we did just fine without your help. - 我就是來看一下... - 不用了 我們好著呢
[30:58.05]You mind? 你介不介意離開這兒?
[31:17.15]you're not heading home? 你不回家?
[31:19.68]Just easier at this point to stay here till tucker's asleep. 不妨先坐坐 等Tucker睡著了再回去 比較輕松
[31:26.89]You know,I rose above,too,today. 你知道嗎 我今天也挺過來了
[31:29.97]Yes,you did. 是的 你挺過來了
[31:31.12]You were having a hard day,you were busy rising above, 你今天很難熬 你疲于振作起來
[31:34.77]but so was I,which is why I haven't said anything. 但我也一樣 這也是我什么都沒說的原因
[31:38.41]But now the day is over,and I'm done. 不過現(xiàn)在今天過去了 我也好了
[31:41.83]Excuse me? 什么意思?
[31:42.77]You know,what you did,pulling me off of hahn's surgery,was an abuse of power. 你明白的 你這樣 把我從Hahn那兒調(diào)出來屬于濫用職權(quán)
[31:47.16]you know,you needed help?Okay. 你需要幫助嗎? 好
[31:49.85]But you used me because of the color of my skin. 但是你利用我 僅僅因為我的膚色?
[31:52.69]I mean,you compromised the quality of my education because of my color. 我是說 你無視我接受的教育 卻只看到我的膚色?
[31:58.41]I resent it. 我痛恨這一點
[32:13.76]you saved her life. 你救了她
[32:15.35]No,I fixed her brain,restored her motor skills and did a highly stressful,extremely difficult procedure. 不 我修復(fù)了她的大腦 挽救了她開車技術(shù) 完成了一項超高壓力 極度困難的手術(shù)
[32:19.83]But,no,no,you saved her life. 但 是你救了她 不是我
[32:52.61]Okay. 好吧
[32:54.65]Thanks.That was... 謝謝 這真是...
[32:58.25]okay. 好吧
[32:59.77]Your voice is shaking. 你的聲音在顫抖
[33:01.13]I'm an imperfect person. 我又不是個完人
[33:20.02]Are his parents coming? 他父母來了嗎?
[33:21.88]They're on a plane from california. 在從加利福尼亞過來的飛機上
[33:24.18]You gonna wait? 你要等著?
[33:26.24]Yeah,I'm gonna wait. 是的 我等著
[33:48.65]I don't want you to date other people. 我不希望你和別人約會
[33:51.41]It may not be enough for you,but I'm trying here. 可能對你來說還不夠 不過我在努力
[33:53.98]So I don't want you to date anybody but me. 所以我不希望你和別人約會
[33:57.17]That's it. 就這些
[34:02.25]Except... 除了...
[34:04.56]I'm scared as hell to want you. 我自己都嚇到了我竟然這么想得到你
[34:07.19]But here I am,wanting you anyway. 但是我就在這兒 無管怎么樣 都想得到你
[34:10.29]And fear means I have something to lose,right? 恐懼就意味著我并非一無所有 對嗎?
[34:13.96]And I don't want to lose you. 我不想失去你
[34:20.82]Meredith-- don'T. - Meredith-- - 別...
[34:22.80]Don't say anything. 什么都別說
[34:24.98]I'm gonna leave,and you can say something tomorrow. 我馬上就走 你可以明天說
[34:29.00]That's progress,rht? 這算是進展 對嗎?
[34:46.07]Are you--are you-- are you really okay? 你...你...你真的沒事兒?
[34:51.65]No,alex,come on. 不 alex 別這樣
[34:52.99]That was intense-- intense and crazy and just awful. 今天那么緊張...緊張 瘋狂 簡直糟糕透頂
[34:57.86]H-how can you be okay after a day like that? 這樣一天下來 你怎么可能還沒事兒?
[35:00.53]Uh,alex. Alex
[35:02.08]Alex. Alex
[35:04.12]Why won't you talk to me? 你為什么不愿意跟我說說呢?
[35:06.66]What do you want me to talk about,rebecca? 你想讓我說什么 Rebecca?
[35:09.24]How a guy almost bled out while I watched,or how I got suspended for a week 'cause you were there? 我照看的家伙怎么差點就出血致死? 還是因為你 我就被停職一周?
[35:13.27]Ava.It's ava,not rebecca. Ava 是Ava 不是Rebecca
[35:15.81]Right. 沒錯
[35:16.99]You're playing dress up. 你在玩兒變身游戲
[35:18.19]You're here playing dress up. 你來這兒玩兒變身游戲
[35:20.34]You have a husband,rebecca. 你有丈夫的 Rebecca
[35:21.83]You have a baby,and I have a life. 你有孩子 我也有我的生活
[35:24.53]That girl you were talking to earlier today when you were playing med student? 今天你假裝實習(xí)生的時候 跟你說話的那個女孩兒
[35:27.24]I'm screwing her. 我在跟她在一起
[35:28.76]And she might be a bigger wreck than I am,but at least she's not married, 可能她比我還遜 但至少她沒結(jié)婚
[35:31.62]at least she's not gonna get me suspended,at least she's 至少她不會讓我被停職 至少...
[35:34.36]- -she's not trying to pretend to be somebody she's not. 她不會裝作是別人
[35:36.52]Alex-- no,you gotta ask yourself what you're doing here. - Alex - 不 你得問問自己到底來這兒干什么
[35:39.11]'Cause I think if you could get honest,if you could just tell the damn truth for one minute, 如果你能誠實一點兒 如果你能說該死的一句實話
[35:43.78]I think you have to admit you're not here to talk. 我覺得你就得承認 你來這兒不是為了說話的
[36:14.28]you did a good job today,and it was not easy. 你今天干的很不錯 挺不容易的
[36:18.04]What you did was not easy.It was brave. 你的所作所為很不容易 很勇敢
[36:25.08]We killed him. 我們害死了他
[36:28.80]The hospital... 這家醫(yī)院...
[36:33.20]sloan,us... Sloan 我們...
[36:37.74]we were not prepared. 我們根本沒準(zhǔn)備好
[36:44.30]Yeah,that happens sometimes. 是 有時候會發(fā)生這種事兒
[36:49.63]That'S... 那...
[36:53.40]do you have any idea how backrds that is? 你想過我們幫了多少倒忙嗎?
[36:57.76]We help more than we hurt. 我們救助的遠比傷害的要多
[37:07.55]I have no one. 我沒人陪
[37:36.21]this is gonna sound bizarre. 這聽著會有點兒詭異
[37:39.32]I realize at this point that this is gonna sound bizarre,but... 我知道現(xiàn)在聽著會有點兒詭異 但...
[37:44.69]any chance you people want to get a drink with me? 你們有沒有人想跟我一起去喝一杯?
[37:48.75]Why would we want to do that? 為什么你想讓我們這么做
[37:50.49]She's saying she needs a friend. 她是說她需要個朋友
[37:53.44]Okay.Fine.Let's drink. 好 我們?nèi)ズ染?br /> [37:54.89]You won't hit on me? 你不準(zhǔn)又勾搭我
[37:56.05]I can't promise that. 這我可不能保證
[37:57.02]If I say please? 如果我求你不要呢?
[37:58.12]He still can't promise that. 他還是不能保證
[38:04.13]Fine. 好吧
[38:18.39]hey,I brought supplies. 嘿 我?guī)Я它c兒吃的
[38:33.52]some days,the whole world seems upside down. 某些天 整個世界似乎顛倒過來
[38:36.73]She's got no one. 她沒人陪
[38:54.08]I'm drinking. 我要喝酒
[38:56.44]Are you drinking,lexie? 你喝酒嗎 Lexie?
[38:59.91]Yeah,a drink would be good. 好啊 喝點兒酒挺好
[39:21.88]I was hahn's right hand today. 今天我就是Hahn的助手
[39:26.24]That's-- that's good,right?That's great. 那 那很好是吧? 不錯啊
[39:32.16]I think a patient feels better if they know their kids aren't terrified. 我覺得如果病人的孩子沒有被嚇到 病人會好受很多
[39:37.07]I think they're more likely to pull through surgery if they kn that their wives are not panicked. 我覺得如果他們老婆能夠冷靜點 他們更可能挺過來
[39:40.43]I think those thgs matter. 我相信這些事都很重要
[39:42.04]Well,they do matter. 確實很重要
[39:44.66]I'm never gonna be cristina. 我永遠也做不到Cristina那樣
[39:48.26]It's just not gonna happen.And I am never gonna be erica hahn. 就是不可能的 而且我也永遠做不到Erica Hahn那樣
[39:51.06]I am not... 我不是..
[39:53.02]kick-ass. 最棒的
[39:55.92]Thank god for that. 謝天謝地
[40:08.22]I love you. 我愛你
[40:12.07]I love you. 我愛你
[40:17.88]We're not gonna make this work,are we? 我們這樣行不通的 對嗎?
[40:24.07]Marriage is hard.I mean,even when it's right... 婚姻并不容易 我是說 就算有時候它是對的
[40:27.81]it's hard,and... 也不簡單
[40:34.33]next time I do it,I just want it to be forever. 下一次 我會更加努力 我希望它能夠永久
[40:40.47]And I don't-- I don't think it's our chemistry. 我覺得問題不在我們之間的感覺
[40:45.56]I think it's our timing. 只是時間不對
[40:50.63]But I don't think it's our chemistry. 但是我們彼此是有感覺的
[40:55.39]So we're saying maybe someday? 那你是說以后也可能了?
[41:03.43]Yeah,yeah,we're saying maybe someday. 對 以后的某一天
[41:35.07]Come on,izzie. 來啊 Izzie
[41:37.53]Dance party. 熱舞派對
[41:40.76]You want to dance? 你想跳嗎?
[41:45.52]I will if,uh,you want me to. 如果你這樣希望的話
[41:48.15]And then somehow,improbably and when you least expect it, 然而不知怎的 就在你意料之外時
[41:53.77]the world rights itself again. 這世界又自己重返正軌
[42:06.27]醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強 第四季 第10集 -=結(jié)束=-

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