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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:56:54
[00:00.25]Previously on "grey's anatomy"... 醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 前情提要...
[00:02.18]there's nothing sexual between you and georgie? 你和Gerogie沒有發(fā)生過關(guān)系?
[00:03.92]Mom! 媽!
[00:04.83]Don't you dare come to me for forgiveness,you traitorous bitch. 別想讓我原諒你 你這個叛徒 婊子
[00:07.18]Our marriage is falling apart. 我們的婚姻已經(jīng)破裂了
[00:08.38]You're never here. 你沒有為這個家做過任何事
[00:09.45]dr.Hahn-- I have a thing for her. Hahn醫(yī)生 我對她有好感
[00:11.23]it's gonna end badly. 結(jié)局可能不會很好
[00:12.54]You know what?Cardio is my thing. 心外科是我的天下
[00:13.84]You are flirting with cardio. 你卻跟它“調(diào)情”
[00:15.68]I am married to cardio. 我已經(jīng)跟它“結(jié)婚”了
[00:17.51]Yeah,but what if,while I'm waiting, 沒錯 但是如果 當(dāng)我在等待的時候
[00:18.97]I meet someone who is ready to give me what I want from you? 我遇到了像你一樣的人?
[00:21.33]Are we friends yet? 我們還是朋友嗎?
[00:22.52]-I'm sorry? -Are we friends? -你說什么? -我們是朋友嗎?
[00:23.54]I don't want you to date other people. 我不想讓你跟其他人約會
[00:25.06]I don't want you to date anybody but me. 我不想讓你跟除我之外的人約會
[00:29.22]in the beginning,god created the heaven and the earth. 起初 上帝創(chuàng)造了天地
[00:32.31]At least,that's what they say. 起碼 他們是這么說的
[00:34.03]He created the birds of the air and the beasts of the field, 上帝創(chuàng)造了在天空中飛翔的鳥 在地上跑的野獸
[00:36.92]and he looked at his creation and he saw that it was good. 上帝看著自己創(chuàng)造的東西 他看著是好的
[00:40.73]And then god created man,and it's been downhill ever since. 然后神創(chuàng)造了男人(人類) 但從那之后整個世界就每況愈下
[00:45.00]The woman loves me. 那個女人她愛我
[00:46.53]Erica hahn? Erica Hahn?
[00:47.66]I'm telling you. 聽我說
[00:48.59]We went out last night,had a couple drinks. 昨天晚上我們一起出去喝了幾杯
[00:50.95]You and erica? 你和Erica?
[00:51.95]Just me and hahn. 只有我和Hahn
[00:53.50]And callie. 還有Callie
[00:55.09]oh,all right.So it wasn't a date. 哦 是啊 所以那不算是約會
[00:56.78]xxxxxxx 告訴我 我們這是要去哪兒
[00:58.73]Why does it always have to be about the destination? 目的地就那么重要嗎?
[01:01.21]Why can't it be about the journey? 不能就關(guān)注旅行的過程嗎
[01:02.59]'Cause I'm wearing $300 shoes. 因為我穿的是花300美金買的鞋
[01:04.84]Meredith told me she doesn't want me seeing other people. Meredith跟我說 她不想讓我跟其他人約會
[01:07.40]She found out about you and rose? 她發(fā)現(xiàn)你和Rose的事了?
[01:08.81]No.There's nothing to find out.It was just a kiss. 不是 也沒有什么要發(fā)現(xiàn)的 只不過是個吻而已
[01:10.87]Yeah,but you're not the kind of guy who makes out with nurses in scrub rooms. 是啊 但你不是那種在手術(shù)室外 跟護(hù)士們亂來的人啊
[01:14.46]Not that there's anything wrong with that. 當(dāng)然 那樣亂來沒什么錯
[01:16.07]What do you think? 那你是怎么認(rèn)為的?
[01:17.08]I think it was more than just a kiss. 我的意思是那不止是個吻
[01:18.30]No,no,no,no,the view. 不 不 看景色
[01:20.79]Well,what am I looking at? 哦 我看到的是什么?
[01:23.09]The view from my new house. 從我的新家看到的景色
[01:30.56]the story goes on to say that god created man in his own image, 故事繼續(xù)說道 上帝照著自己的形象造人
[01:34.51]but there's not much proof of that. 但是沒有多少證據(jù)能夠證明
[01:36.45]After all,god made the sun and the moon and the stars,and all man makes is trouble... 別忘了 上帝創(chuàng)造了日月星辰 而男人只是制造麻煩...
[01:40.80]it's a classic victorian design with an open floor plan. 這是一個經(jīng)典的維多利亞設(shè)計
[01:44.68]What are you doing? 你在做什么?
[01:45.84]I'm making an omelet. 我在煎蛋
[01:47.47]What do you think of the house? 你覺得這房子怎么樣?
[01:49.73]The house.I think the house is great. 這個房子嘛 我覺得這房子挺好的
[01:52.34]Well,if you don't like,you know,you can tell me.It's your house,too. 如果你不喜歡的話就告訴我 這也是你的房子啊
[01:57.18]Damn. 該死
[01:59.11]so why are you cooking again? 你為什么又做飯了?
[02:01.55]Lexie,uh,was having a bad night,. 呃 Lexie昨晚過得很糟糕
[02:03.94]and I thought I would do something semi-sisterly 所以我覺得應(yīng)該盡下半個姐姐的責(zé)任
[02:06.99]Really? 真的嗎?
[02:08.69]Really. 真的
[02:13.51]are you getting up? 你起床了嗎?
[02:14.79]No. 不
[02:16.03]Maybe. 差不多
[02:18.22]I don't know. 我不知道
[02:21.80]What's thasmell? 什么味道???
[02:23.09]Someone's cooking. 有人在煮飯
[02:24.04]That's not cooking. 那不是煮飯的味道
[02:25.12]That... 那是...
[02:26.26]that's not cooking. 反正不是煮飯的味道
[02:27.34]You're gonna be late.You know that,right? 你要遲到了 你知道吧?
[02:28.80]I hate work. 我討厭工作
[02:30.13]Since when? -Since I hate it. 從什么時候開始的? 從我討厭的時候開始
[02:32.26]I hate cristina.I hate hahn.I hate it. 我討厭Cristina 我討厭Hahn 我討厭
[02:36.41]Oh,what is that smell? 哦 那是什么味道?
[02:39.52]That smells like sulfur. 好像硫磺的味道
[02:41.39]breakfast. 早飯
[02:42.37]Oh,it's breakfast. 哦 是早飯
[02:45.76]no! 不!
[02:47.92]Don't go.Don't go. -I have to go. 不要去 不要去 我必須得去
[02:49.49]She made breakfast.I'm going. 她做早餐了 我去了
[02:51.22]Now stop.off. 停下來
[03:00.08]Where's your girlfriend? 你女朋友呢?
[03:01.49]Back with her husband,I'm guessing. 跟她老公回去了 我猜的
[03:03.08]And I don't have a girlfriend. 而且我沒有女朋友
[03:04.42]Or a conscience,apparently. 顯然是良心發(fā)現(xiàn)了
[03:05.87]Yeah,but you knew that going in. 呃 但是已經(jīng)過去了
[03:08.07]I'm not saying we have to build it now,but we have to plan it now. 我沒說一定要現(xiàn)在建 但必須現(xiàn)在計劃
[03:10.56]Dude,what the hell is that? 老兄 那到底是什么???
[03:12.33]Meredith cooked. Meredith煮飯了
[03:13.48]She wanted to do something ce for lexie. 她想給Lexie做點什么
[03:14.95]You cooked for me? 你是為我做的?
[03:15.92]It's no big deal. 沒什么大不了的
[03:16.87]Just eggs and avocado and whatever cheese that was in the fridge. 只是些蛋 鱷梨和一些冰箱里的奶酪
[03:21.83]Oh,I love,um,avocados. 哦 我喜歡 呃 鱷梨
[03:25.48]Is it okay? 好吃嗎?
[03:34.40]Okay,honey. 呃 親愛的
[03:36.29]Okay. 好了
[03:37.45]This little man has been fed and changed. 這個小家伙吃飽了 尿布也換了
[03:41.65]There we go. 好了
[03:42.75]Oh,I put the ilding manager's number on my desk. 我把房屋管理員的號碼放在我的桌子上
[03:46.26]Do not believe him when he tells you that he can fix the sink. 如果他說能修下水管的話 別相信他
[03:50.48]Remind him he is the one that broke it when he tried to fix the pipes. 提醒他 就是他把水管修壞的
[04:00.59]Miranda. Miranda
[04:02.58]Oh,oh,you're talking to me now? 哦 哦 你現(xiàn)在肯跟我講話了?
[04:03.97]Now that I'm my way out the door? 在我要出門的時候?
[04:05.38]-You're always on your way out the door. -Tucker-- -你總是要出門 -Tucker--
[04:06.84]no,are you interested in being a part of this family or not?Because-- 不 你還想成為這個家庭的一分子嗎?
[04:08.89]okay,I can't do this,uh,now. 現(xiàn)在沒空爭論這個
[04:11.31]I-I don't have time. 我沒時間
[04:17.08]oh,dr.Toes. 哦 Torres醫(yī)生
[04:18.66]Dr.Hahn,anyone who can outdrink me and still kick my ass at the dartboard gets to call me callie. 比我酒量大 飛鏢比我準(zhǔn)的人 都可以叫我Callie
[04:23.96]Last night was actually fun,wasn't it? 昨天晚上挺有意思的 是吧
[04:27.58]And I'm not a group person. 我不是個愛湊熱鬧的人
[04:29.43]Mm,me neither. 我也不是
[04:30.44]I think it's because i generally don't like people. 想那是因為我不太合群
[04:33.46]Me neither. 我也是
[04:37.68]morning,ladies. 早上好 女士們
[04:39.59]Case in point. 來得正好
[04:46.65]what's so funny? 有什么好笑的?
[04:47.88]And when man finds himself in trouble,which is most of the time, 當(dāng)男人發(fā)現(xiàn)他有麻煩的時候 大多數(shù)的時候都是
[04:51.19]he turns to something bigger than himself-- 他會求助于比他強(qiáng)大的東西--
[04:53.57]to love or fate or religion-- to make sense of it all. 去愛 信仰--去弄明白
[04:56.97]Sweet tart? 甜果餡餅?
[04:58.22]Do you ever eat anything that even remotely resembles real food? 你能不吃垃圾食品嗎
[05:01.05]You'll have to take me to dinner to find out. 你得帶我去吃晚飯才能知道
[05:03.17]I can't do that. 我不能那么做
[05:05.11]That,uh,kiss was... 那個 呃 吻是...
[05:07.67]unexpected. 意料之外的
[05:09.40]I like kissing you. 我喜歡跟你接吻
[05:10.68]I enjoyed kissing you,but,uh,I'm seeing somebody. 享受吻你的感覺 但是 呃 我在跟別人約會
[05:13.45]Meredith grey. Meredith Grey
[05:15.04]Everybody knows about you and meredith grey. 每個人都知道你和Meredith Grey的事
[05:17.68]I have to see it through.I'm sorry. 我要爽約了 抱歉
[05:20.14]Don't be. 不需要
[05:21.21]It was just a kiss. 只是個吻而已
[05:22.74]See you in surgery,dr.Shepherd. 手術(shù)室見 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[05:24.78]But for a surgeon,the only thing that makes any kind of sense is... 但是對外科醫(yī)生來說 唯一一件需要弄懂的事就是...
[05:30.13]medicine. 藥物
[05:31.55]Yes. 沒錯
[05:33.94]Oh,I--back off. 哦 你放棄吧
[05:35.33]Elizabeth archer is my patient. Elizabeth Archer是我的病人
[05:37.03]Technically,she's hahn's patient,but whatever. 確切地說 她是Hahn的病人 但是無所謂了
[05:40.00]Um,I'm scrubbing in on a major coronary artery dissection with hahn, 我要參加hahn主刀的主冠狀動脈剝術(shù)
[05:43.98]and what,you're not gonna fight me for it? 什么? 你不跟我爭這個了?
[05:45.49]I'm not doing the cardio thing anymore. 我不再做心外手術(shù)了
[05:47.39]I am over it. 我放棄了
[05:48.80]You're over it? 你放棄了?
[05:51.88]Uh,why?What do you have? 呃 為什么?你拿的什么?
[05:53.94]Nothing.I'm charting. 沒什么 我在分病歷
[05:55.44]Stevens,elizabeth's archer's chart. 給我Elizabeth Archer的病歷
[05:57.22]Yang has it.You two have fun. 在Yang那里 你們倆玩得開心點
[05:59.41]She's not a cardiothoracic surgeon,but I could've told you that. 她不是個心胸外科醫(yī)生 但我可能那么跟你講過
[06:02.28]I am the rock star. 我就是那個明星
[06:05.93]Karev,are you a rock star? Karev 你是個明星嗎?
[06:07.61]Always. 一直都是
[06:08.64]You're with me today. 那你今天跟我
[06:10.00]Congratulations.Your life just got more interesting. 祝賀你 你的生活變得更有意思了
[06:15.08]Karev doesn't know anything about elizabeth archer. Karev不了解Elizabeth Archer任何事
[06:17.35]You can read,can't you,dr.Karev? 你識字吧 Karev醫(yī)生?
[06:19.07]Uh,yes. 呃 是的
[06:20.70]Elizabeth archer,49,came into the E.R.Yesterday complaining of severe,persistent-- Elizabeth archer 49歲-- 昨天被送到急診室 一直在不斷地喊疼
[06:23.60]an urgent cardiac cath demonstrated dissection of the proximal two-thirds of the L.A.D. 緊急心導(dǎo)管插入術(shù)表明 冠狀動脈左前降支近端三分之二剝離
[06:27.41]She was admitted last night for observation. 她昨晚被允許留院觀察
[06:29.02]While I admire your preparation,dr.Yang, 我很欣賞你做的準(zhǔn)備工作 Yang醫(yī)生
[06:31.21]there is one thing about the patient you failed to notice. 但是有一件事你沒有注意到
[06:36.23]She's gone. 她不見了
[06:42.01]Callie. Callie
[06:43.70]Mrs.O'malley,hi. O'malley夫人 你好
[06:47.78]How have you been? 你還好嗎?
[06:48.97]Well,I've been worried is how I've been. 我一直都擔(dān)心呢
[06:50.98]I--I've called,and I left messages. 我打過電話了 我留過言了
[06:52.90]I know how busy u two are,but you can't pick up the phone once in a while? 我知道你們兩個都很忙 但就不能偶爾接個電話嗎?
[06:56.04]I...I-- never mind. 我...我--我 別介意
[06:58.00]Water under the bridge. 都已經(jīng)過去了
[06:59.36]I was in the neighborhood,and I hope you don't mind, 我在附近 希望你不要介意
[07:01.14]but I just couldn't wait to show you some of the outfits I've been making. 但我等不及讓你看看我做的衣服了
[07:04.91]Out-outfits? 衣服?
[07:06.03]Now don't get mad,but georgie told me you were trying,so... 不要生氣啊 Georgie告訴我 你們在努力造人...
[07:10.67]what do you think? 你覺得怎么樣?
[07:13.12]It's yellow. 是黃色的
[07:15.18]I see that. 我看到了
[07:17.64]Dr.Bailey. Bailey醫(yī)生
[07:18.61]Whatever it is,I don't have time. 不管什么事 我沒時間
[07:21.17]Um,I think I need some epinephrine. 呃 我需要些腎上腺素
[07:25.32]tucker,now's not a good time for--epinephrine? Tucker 現(xiàn)在不方便說 -腎上腺素?
[07:28.48]Uh,the cart's around the corneR.Can you give her the... 呃 在角落那個小推車上 你能把那個... 給她嗎?
[07:31.35]Thank you. 謝謝你
[07:32.47]No,I told you,I put it on my desk. 不 我告訴過你 我放在桌子上了
[07:35.84]uh,I have to call you back. 呃 我一會兒給你打過去
[07:40.72]you're gonna have to step back from the patient,ma'am. 請你不要動那個病人 女士
[07:45.36]ma'am? 女士?
[07:46.64]Just one second. 等一下
[07:47.95]Ms.Archer?Uh,what is she doing here? Archer女士? 她在這兒做什么?
[07:49.58]I have no idea.Who is she? 不知道 她是誰?
[07:51.08]She's hahn's patient.Ms.Archer,uh,you need to get back to your bed. 她是Hahn的病人 Archer女士 呃 你得回到自己的床上
[07:58.23]there. 看吧
[08:01.85]What'd you do to him?He was in v-tach and now... 你對他做什么了? 之前還是室性心動過速 現(xiàn)在...
[08:04.20]I-I healed him. 我-我把他治好了
[08:06.26]I'm a healer. 我是個治療師
[08:15.05]醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 第四季 11集
[08:17.87]You're a faith healer? 你是個信仰治療師?
[08:19.40]I'm a healer,and I have faith,but I'm not sure the two are reted. 我是個治療師 我有信仰 但我不確定這兩者有何關(guān)系
[08:22.75]ms.Archer,you collapsed. Archer太太 您剛才暈厥了
[08:24.29]You could go into cardiac arrest at any moment. 您的心臟隨時都可能停止跳動
[08:26.48]So I'm less interested in what you do for a living than I am with getting you into-- 比起關(guān)注您以何為生 我更關(guān)注把您送進(jìn)(手術(shù)室)
[08:30.51]well,wait.I want to know what she did to mr.Greenwald. 等等 我想知道她對Greenwald 先生做了什么
[08:32.64]I mean,he's been in and out of v-tach all day,and now he's stable. 我是說 他整天心動過速 現(xiàn)在卻穩(wěn)定了下來
[08:36.39]Maybe because of the amiodarone he got two hours ago. 也許是兩小時前注射的胺碘酮 起了作用
[08:39.55]Really? 真的?
[08:40.66]Does amiodarone usually take two hours to kick in? 胺碘酮不會兩小時才起效吧?
[08:43.10]Ms.Archer,you have a coronary artery dissection. Archer女士 您有冠狀動脈剝離
[08:46.82]Dr.Karev and I need to get you into surgery as soon as possible. Karev醫(yī)師和我要盡快給您動手術(shù)
[08:50.96]I appreciate that,dr.Hahn, 很感激 Hahn醫(yī)生
[08:52.50]but I am not going into surgery until we've exhausted all the other possibilities. 在有任何其他方式治愈的可能的情況下 我是不會考慮做手術(shù)的
[08:56.30]Ms.Arc.her,if you don't have the surgery soon, Archer女士 如果您不馬上動手術(shù)
[08:59.67]I can guarantee you that the blood supply to your heart will be cut off, 我保證您的心臟供血會被切斷
[09:03.16]and I'll have to open you up anyway. 到時我還是得給你開膛
[09:05.13]All I'm asking for is that you give me some time and talk me through the surgery 我只是想要你們給我些許時間 談?wù)?br /> [09:09.12]that you'd like to perform so that I may visualize it while I do what I do. 你們要做的手術(shù)是怎樣的 在用我的方法治療自己的時候讓我有個底
[09:13.63]And if it doesn't work,then you can slice me open,okay? 如果我的方法不起作用 就讓你們給我開膛 好嗎?
[09:19.26]Dr.Karev can work with you doing whatever it is that you do. 在你做你的治療時 Karev醫(yī)師會和你在一起
[09:23.94]I'll check in soon. 我馬上要去做手術(shù)了
[09:26.19]Call me when she codes. 她該發(fā)急救信號的時候通知我
[09:33.04]Hey,what are you looking for? 嘿 你在找什么?
[09:34.38]Epinephrine.I need epinephrine. 腎上腺素 我要腎上腺素
[09:36.16]Why? 為什么?
[09:38.37]Oh,what happened to you? 額 你怎么搞的?
[09:40.03]I'm an adult child of an alcoholic is what happened to me. 我是一個酒鬼初長成的閨女 就是這樣
[09:42.01]I have boundary issues. 我愛憎分明
[09:43.19]So when meredith made me eggs this morning,I couldn't not eat them. 早上Meredith給我做了雞蛋 我不得不吃
[09:45.57]I had to pretend I wasn't allergic to eggs. 我要假裝我對雞蛋不過敏
[09:47.94]And now I have a rash covering my entire body. 現(xiàn)在我全身都起了疹子
[09:49.94]Give me your arm. 胳膊伸過來
[09:51.03]I'm codependent,my throat is closing up--. 我老依賴別人 喘不過氣了
[09:54.77]and now my arm hurts 現(xiàn)在我的胳膊好疼
[09:56.87]thanks. 謝謝
[09:58.49]You're welcome. 不客氣
[09:59.37]And thank you for leing me crash on your couch last night. 謝謝你昨晚讓我醉倒在你的沙發(fā)上
[10:01.62]You didn't tell your mom that we broke up? 你沒告訴你媽我們分手了?
[10:03.48]What? 什么?
[10:04.17]Your mom is making us baby clothes 你媽媽在幫我們做嬰兒裝
[10:05.85]because she thinks we're still trying to get pregnant because she thinks we're still married 因為她認(rèn)為我們還沒離婚 還在試著懷孩子
[10:08.86]because she thinks you're still the kind of person who would never cheat on his wife- 因為她還認(rèn)為你是那種永不出軌的男人
[10:11.65]- hand -stitched unisex baby clothes. 手織的男女孩通用的嬰兒裝
[10:13.90]They're yellow and green and go up to toddler sizes. 黃的 綠的 直到會走路時的衣服 都做好了
[10:17.83]And she's waiting for you in the lobby. 她在候診室等你
[10:23.77]So you never really told me what you thought of the house. 你談都沒談你對房子的看法
[10:25.90]I have a house. 我有房子
[10:27.21]Well,that's your house.I'm talking about our house. 你的房子是你的 我談的是我們的房子
[10:29.22]Between yesterday and today u had plans drawn up? 一夜之間你就把什么都計劃好了?
[10:31.74]No,I've had the plans for months. 不 我想了幾個月了
[10:33.00]Between yesterday and today,i decided to share them with you. 這一夜之間 我只決定告訴你我的計劃
[10:35.46]Why? 為什么?
[10:38.24]so nothing's really changed,has it? 那么什么都沒變 是嗎?
[10:39.84]Everything's the same as it was. 什么都和原來一樣
[10:41.61]No,it's just--it's really a lot,and it's fast. 不不 這事情真的太大了 發(fā)生的太快
[10:46.12]Right.Well,I'm just trying to take a step forward. 好的 我只是想有進(jìn)一步的發(fā)展
[10:47.93]Okay,well,there are about 100 steps between where we are right now 我們現(xiàn)在的情況離
[10:51.44]and building our dream house. 共建我們的夢幻愛巢還得進(jìn)100步
[10:52.89]And they'll be fun steps and sexy steps, 有一步的快樂 有一步步的歡愛
[10:55.72]and we'll try not to fall down them together.Okay? 我們不要一蹴而就 好么?
[11:00.14]Okay. 好的
[11:04.40]dr.Bailey. Bailey醫(yī)生
[11:05.59]Uh,s--chief. 嗯 主任
[11:06.87]Yeah,rumor has it dr.Hahn has a patient who's wandering the halls? 聽說Hahn醫(yī)生有個病人老在醫(yī)院里游蕩?
[11:10.53]Oh,she's back in her bed,sir. 她已經(jīng)回床了 先生
[11:11.98]And laying hands on other patients? 還把手放在其他病人身上?
[11:14.35]It was just one patient. 就一個
[11:15.92]And healing them? 還治愈了他們?
[11:17.55]For which there is a perfectly reasonable medical explanation. 這會有很合理的醫(yī)學(xué)解釋的
[11:20.54]of course there is, 當(dāng)然
[11:21.46]but I can't have a hospital full of sick people thinking there's a miracle woman on the cardiac ward. 我不能讓這醫(yī)院的病人相信 這里有一個心臟醫(yī)療區(qū)有奇人
[11:26.28]Creates panic and hysteria,and frankly,it's bad for business. 造成恐慌和歇斯底里 坦白地說 醫(yī)院的生意很受影響
[11:29.78]Are you gonna answer that? 你不接嗎?
[11:30.91]No,sir,I'm not. 不 我不接
[11:32.00]Are you gonna make sure this woman keeps her hands to herself? 你能讓這女人不亂摸別人么?
[11:33.72]Ye sir,I am. 我可以
[11:35.02]Thank you,dr.Bailey. 謝謝Bailey醫(yī)師
[11:42.96]dr.Sloan,why are you endangering the life of my patient? Sloan醫(yī)生 你為什么使我的病人 處于死亡的危險中?
[11:47.43]Because your patient had her hands all over one of my patients. 因為她把手放在我的病人身上了
[11:50.37]She had a staph infection.I was trying to heal her. 她有葡萄球菌感染 我想治好她
[11:52.60]Don't worry your pretty little head about it,sloan.Karev. 你個帥仔可以不用管了 Karev
[11:55.70]Have you noticed that even when you're insulting me,you manage to tell me how pretty I am? 你注意到了嗎當(dāng)你侮辱我的時候 你還是能告訴我我長得很漂亮的
[11:59.31]It wasn't meant as a compliment. 我根本不是想贊美你的
[12:00.89]Is this like a gender reversal thing with you, 你是不是有點性別錯亂
[12:02.88]where you're the big man on campus 認(rèn)為你是學(xué)校里的大男子漢
[12:05.32]and I'm the hot blond whose ponytail you can't stop pulling? 我是那個你禁不住去揪馬尾辮的 那個火辣的金發(fā)女郎?
[12:07.95]Why don't you get that I just don't like you, 你為什么就不明白我就是不喜歡你
[12:10.50]that I think you are a crass, 認(rèn)為你是個又傻
[12:12.55]predatory ape of man who just happens to be a decent surgeon? 又貪掠食的猿人男 而又是個好醫(yī)生
[12:16.65]You want to heal someone? 你想治愈別人?
[12:17.85]Heal her. 治治她吧
[12:19.45]This is really toxic in here.Could somebody take me back to my room? 這里瘴氣很重 能扶我回房么?
[12:22.52]'Cause my healing team should be arriving soon. 因為我的醫(yī)療隊就要來了
[12:24.41]I'll take you. 我來吧
[12:25.87]mrs.O'malley. O'malley夫人
[12:27.30]There she is. 她來了
[12:28.90]Come here. 快過來
[12:29.88]What are you doing here?Does george know you're here? 你在這干嘛?George知道你來了嗎?
[12:32.13]Callie said she'd find him for me. Callie她去幫我叫他
[12:34.21]How are you,dear? 你還好吧 寶貝?
[12:35.52]You okay? 還好吧?
[12:36.58]-You talked to callie? -Poor thing. - 您跟Callie談過了? - 真可憐
[12:38.32]It's gotta be hard for her,you know? 這讓她很不好過 你知道么?
[12:39.96]I mean,you try and you try,but we're all human. 我是說 你一遍又一遍的嘗試 但我們都只是人罷了
[12:43.35]Nobody's perfect. 沒有人是完美的
[12:44.58]And in the end,it's nobody's fault. 最終 誰也不能怪
[12:46.49]I'm so happy to hear you say that. 真高興您能這么說
[12:48.43]I have just felt so terrible about it. 我對此真的很過意不去
[12:51.11]Oh,I know.Me,toO. 我知道 我也是
[12:52.48]You know,we just... 你知道 我們只是...
[12:54.41]we didn't mean for it to happen. 并不是故意的
[12:55.91]I know how that sounds,but it's true. 我知道聽起來很假 但是真的
[12:57.95]We were... 我們...
[12:59.42]we were drunk,and it only happened the one time. 我們都喝醉了 只做了一次
[13:01.83]And I know that doesn't ma it right. 我知道這樣不對
[13:03.30]But you have to believe me,it was never my intention to break up george's marriage. 但你得相信我 我不是故意要 破壞George的婚姻的
[13:06.87]I-I mean,I didn't even know that I was in love with him. 我是說 那時我還不知道 我愛上了他
[13:08.52]And george was so distraught about it. George對此很心煩意亂
[13:10.23]I mean,I think that's why he failed the intern test. 我想這大概是他沒通過 實習(xí)醫(yī)師考試的原因
[13:12.20]He wh-what?He failed? 他 怎么了?沒通過?
[13:14.23]Oh,no.He didn't tell you that part? 哦 不 他沒告訴您這個?
[13:15.87]He didn't tell me any part. 他什么都沒告訴我
[13:18.93]But you said you-- you talked to callie. 但您 您說您和Callie 談過了
[13:20.59]About baby clothes. 談了嬰兒裝的事情
[13:22.30]I thought she was having trouble getting pregnant. 我想她懷孕有困難
[13:24.11]I made baby clothes. 我做了嬰兒裝
[13:25.81]Oh,no. 哦 不
[13:28.71]Mom. 媽媽
[13:32.47]What? 什么?
[13:33.25]I'm sorry. 真抱歉
[13:34.72]I'm so sorry.I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry. 真抱歉 真抱歉 真抱歉
[13:40.27]hey,I-I know I said I'd call you right back... 嘿 我知道我說過我馬上給你打電話的...
[13:42.78]tucker,wait,I can't do this right now.I'm being paged to the E.R. Tucker 別說了現(xiàn)在不行 我被呼到急診室去了
[13:46.45]What do you mean,you're the one paging me? 什么 是你呼的?
[13:48.21]I-I told you never to page me at the hospital unless... 我告訴過你千萬不要在醫(yī)院呼我 除非...
[14:03.17]there was an accident. 發(fā)生了意外
[14:07.62]Xxall four limbs are moving. 四肢都可以移動
[14:09.83]Pupils are responsive and dilating. 瞳孔易感且擴(kuò)大
[14:12.08]There's no neurological damage. 沒有神經(jīng)上的創(chuàng)傷
[14:13.46]Let's get him on a monitor and where's the x-ray for the auma series? 把他放在監(jiān)視器下面 讓x光進(jìn)行一下全套創(chuàng)傷檢查?
[14:16.53]Order a left forearm with the x-rays. 準(zhǔn)備照左前臂X光
[14:18.15]There's bruising and swelling here. 這里淤血腫脹了
[14:19.45]Mama's right here.Little man.I'm right here. 媽媽就在這里 小男子漢 我就在這里
[14:21.51]he was under a bookshelf? 他被壓在一個書架下面?
[14:22.92]The whole thing must have fallen over on top of him. 整個書架幾乎都壓在他身上
[14:24.92]And all those medical books-- he probably tried to climb up and pulled it over. 那些都是醫(yī)書 他可能想爬上去 拿一本看看
[14:28.28]I heard him screaming,and then I found him. 我聽見他的慘叫 然后發(fā)現(xiàn)了他
[14:29.89]Tucker,I'm trying to hear.Stop talking. Tucker 我要聽清楚這個 別講了
[14:31.79]Miranda,let me do that. Miranda 我來吧
[14:33.40]No,no,I got it.I got it. 不不 我能行 我能行
[14:34.54]Miranda. -What? Miranda 什么?
[14:35.96]I-I... 我我我...
[14:37.24]this is why we put the baby gate in the living room. 這就是我們把嬰兒出入的門 放在起居室里的原因
[14:40.58]The gate was open. 門是開的
[14:41.69]You left the gate open? 你沒關(guān)門?
[14:42.81]No,I didn'T. 我關(guān)了
[14:43.72]What are you trying to say,I left the gate open? 那你是什么意思 我沒關(guān)門?
[14:45.28]Accidents happen. 意外總會發(fā)生的
[14:46.29]Not if you take the time to bolt the bookshelves to the wall. 如果你有時間把書柜栓在墻上
[14:49.08]I can't baby-proof every inch of that apartment and watch him at the same time. 我不能在每寸地上都考慮到寶寶 而同時又要照看他
[14:52.09]Well,you weren't watching him,otherwise we wouldn't be here right now. 你顯然沒有照看他 要不然他現(xiàn)在就不會在這里了
[14:54.76]Okay,he's got decreased breath sounds on the left side,and his abdomen's rigid. 左邊有呼吸減少音 腹部僵硬
[14:58.53]What does all this mean? 什么意思?
[14:59.69]It means there may be some internal injuries. 意思是可能有內(nèi)傷
[15:01.37]What kind of injuries? 什么樣的傷害?
[15:02.29]Tucker,we don't have time for questions. Tucker我們沒時間回答問題了
[15:03.58]He needs a full trauma workup. 他需要做全身創(chuàng)口清理
[15:05.01]Clear a C.T.And get me an ultrasound machine. 聯(lián)系一個 CT 還有超聲波機(jī)
[15:08.89]this is not okay,georgie.This is not okay. 這不妥 Georgie 這不妥
[15:12.03]I-I-- you're planning to what? 你準(zhǔn)備怎么辦?
[15:13.60]You're planning to marry izzie now?You're planning an annulment? 你準(zhǔn)備現(xiàn)在娶Izzie?你準(zhǔn)備協(xié)議離婚?
[15:15.76]Okay,this-- this is not about izzie. 這和Izzie沒關(guān)系
[15:17.24]What the hell is it about?Because thissn't okay. 那和什么有關(guān)?因為這很不妥
[15:19.35]This isn't okay with me.I raised you better than this. 這對我來說很不妥 我本把你教養(yǎng)成了一個比現(xiàn)在好的多的人
[15:21.83]This is about the fact that I never should've gotten married in the first place. 這是因為我一開始就不該結(jié)婚
[15:24.30]But you did.You got married.You didn't invite me. 但是你結(jié)了 你結(jié)婚了 你沒請我
[15:27.02]You didn't let me plan a wedding,and I accepted that. 你沒讓我籌辦婚禮 這些我都接受
[15:29.33]I accepted it because you were happy,and that's all that mattered, 我接受是因為你那時很幸福 這個最重要
[15:31.66]but this--I won't accept this.I don't accept this. 但這個 我不能接受這個 我不能接受
[15:33.54]Mom. -We're catholic. -媽媽 -我們是天主教徒
[15:35.10]We don't believe in divorce.And we certainly don't believe in adultery. 我們不相信離婚 更不相信偷情
[15:39.04]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[15:39.89]Well,don't be sorry to me.Be sorry to father mike. 別跟我說抱歉 跟Mike 神父說
[15:42.43]You call him,he'll hear your confession and he'll get you and callie into counseling. 你約他 跟他懺悔 他會讓你和Callie去參加婚姻指導(dǎo)的
[15:46.65]It's too late for that. -It is not too late. 太晚了 -不晚
[15:50.30]You made a vow to callie and a vow to god. 你向Callie宣過誓 你向主宣過誓
[15:55.14]you just don't walk away from that. 我不能就這樣拂袖而去
[15:56.72]This is your soul we're talking about. 我在說你的魂靈
[15:58.76]I have to go. 我得走了
[15:59.76]No,you will not. 不 你不能走
[16:00.81]You will not walk away from me,george o'malley. 你不能就這樣在我眼前走掉 George O'malley
[16:02.61]It's dr.Bailey. 是Bailey醫(yī)生
[16:04.10]I have to go. 我非去不可
[16:12.63]what happened? 怎么了?
[16:13.74]He got crushed under a bookshelf. -Multiple rib fractures. 他被壓在書架下了 -多處肋骨骨折
[16:15.98]Might have dropped a lung. 可能插入肺部
[16:17.12]They're worried there may be damage to the heart. 他們擔(dān)心任何對心臟的傷害
[16:19.48]Okay,yang and stevens,get him to radiology for a head,chest and abdominal C.T. Yang 和 Stevens 帶他去做頭胸 放射 腹部的CT
[16:24.05]O'malley,tell the lab to move fast. O'malley 讓化驗室動作快點
[16:25.83]Karev,clear out.We'll keep you posted. Karev 你先離開 有事再叫你
[16:29.05]I want you to stay with dr.Bailey. 我想讓你陪著Beiley醫(yī)生
[16:30.60]She's pretty worked up,and I want to make sure that doesn't get in the way of the baby's care. 她現(xiàn)在情緒很激動 別讓這個妨礙了孩子的治療
[16:34.14]I don't need a babysitter. 我不要保姆
[16:35.43]I know you don'T. 我知道
[16:37.03]you stay with her. 陪著她
[16:44.64]I'm sorry about that. 抱歉
[16:45.99]Uh,there was an emergency. 外邊有個突發(fā)情況
[16:47.30]Dr.Karev,this is don and mai. Karev醫(yī)生 這是Don和Mai
[16:49.54]Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你們
[16:50.64]He's a skeptic.He shouldn't be here. 他在懷疑我們 他不該出現(xiàn)在這
[16:51.93]Is dr.Hahn coming? Hahn醫(yī)生來了嗎?
[16:53.10]Dr.Hahn's been called into an emergency surgery,so she asked me to talk you through the procedure. Hahn醫(yī)生正在處理急診 她讓我來跟你說說手術(shù)的事
[16:57.31]Is she gonna be long? 她要做很久嗎?
[16:58.51]Well,I'm hoping she's done before your heart blows,but I can't makeany promises. 希望她能在你心臟暴掉之前做完 但我無法確保
[17:02.29]I told you he shouldn't be here. 我說了 他不該在這
[17:04.29]I need someone who knows what they're doing to talk me through the surgery. 我需要懂行的人告訴我手術(shù)的事情
[17:07.32]This... 這個
[17:08.54]this,it's--it's crap. 這都是什么啊
[17:10.48]You're stalling.You're--you're scared. 你在拖時間 你害怕了
[17:11.95]Of course I'm scared. 我當(dāng)然害怕了
[17:13.36]Surgery is... 外科手術(shù)太..
[17:14.85]it's barbaric. 太野蠻了
[17:16.09]You tear flesh and spill blood. 你們撕開肉皮 血肉模糊
[17:18.79]I-I work with light.I work with energy. 我都是用光明和能量搞定一切的
[17:21.42]I visualize healing. 我通過意念來治病
[17:23.17]And if there's even the slightest chance that what I do works,isn't that preferable? 哪怕只有一線機(jī)會 如果我可以成功 這難道不好嗎?
[17:26.74]I don't believe in what you do. 我可不信你做的事
[17:28.21]Well,I'm not asking you to. 我沒讓你相信
[17:29.77]I'm asking you to help me to do it. 我只是想讓你幫我
[17:34.43]Can you imagine how horrible this is for her? 你能想象這對她來說有多糟糕嗎?
[17:36.89]This is why people should not have kids. 所以我說不能要小孩的
[17:39.16]What is the matter with you?That's bailey's baby in there. 你怎么回事? 那可是Beiley的親生骨肉
[17:41.37]No,see,no.It's a trauma case. 不 這只是一起外傷案例
[17:43.16]If we are gonna be at all effective in saving that kid's life, 如果我們要盡全力挽救孩子的生命
[17:46.09]it can't be bailey's baby.He's a blunt trauma case. 我們就不能想著它是Bailey的孩子 他應(yīng)該只是個嚴(yán)重的外傷案例
[17:50.32]you and hahn are exactly alike.The two of you deserve each other. 你和Hahn還真像 天造地設(shè)的一對
[17:53.31]Thank you. 謝謝
[17:54.34]I thought you loved cardio. -Oh,no,no,no,no. - 我還以為你喜歡Cardio - 不不不
[17:56.34]She's pretending not to anymore. 她假裝再也不喜歡了
[17:58.58]Can't take the pressure,huh,iz? 受不了那壓力了吧 Iz?
[18:00.56]You're right,cristina. 你說得對 Cristina
[18:01.87]In the contest to see who can be the best robot,you win. 如果要比誰最冷血 那么你贏了
[18:15.86]tell me again how this happened. 再告訴我一遍事情是怎么發(fā)生的
[18:18.19]You didn't understand me the first time? 我剛說的 你還沒明白?
[18:19.67]Just--just tell me again. 再告訴我一遍
[18:20.81]Somebody left the baby gatopen. 有人打開了嬰兒門
[18:22.42]Somebody. 有人?
[18:23.63]And you... 你..
[18:25.50]you're--you're saying you think I did this? 你是在說 我打開的?
[18:27.72]I'm saying that you were in such a hurry to get out the house this morning, 我是說今早你急匆匆地離開家
[18:32.23]that you were in such a hurry to--to get to work and get away from me-- 你急匆匆地想去上班 離開我
[18:36.04]oh,tucker,this doesn't have anything to do with-- Tucker 這跟你一點關(guān)系都沒有
[18:38.39]why do you think he even went into that room,huh? 那你覺得他為什么會進(jìn)那間屋子?
[18:40.47]You the only one ever goes in there. 只有你進(jìn)去過
[18:42.40]He went looking for his mama. 他進(jìn)去找媽媽
[18:45.69]He went looking for his mama and wound up in the hospital. 他進(jìn)去找他媽媽 然后受傷進(jìn)了醫(yī)院
[18:54.56]Guess you made a bad choice,huh,tucker? 現(xiàn)在是不是覺得你點背了 Tucker
[18:57.79]You picked a bad wife, 找了個差勁的老婆
[19:00.28]she made a bad mother,she made you stay home, 她還是個不稱職的媽媽 她讓你呆在家里
[19:03.97]raise your son,and then she almost killed him. 讓你養(yǎng)活你的兒子 然后她差點弄死他
[19:07.75]Poor you,huh? 你太可憐了 是吧?
[19:17.75]I heard about dr.Bailey's son.How bad is it? 我聽說了Bailey醫(yī)生的兒子 情況有多糟?
[19:19.88]Well, we're still waiting on his studies. 我們還在等結(jié)果
[19:22.52]Derek? Derek?
[19:24.78]Remember before when I was unbelievably cool and let you off e hook for making out with me? 還記得剛才咱們說假裝什么都沒有時 我很冷靜嗎?
[19:28.85]- Well, now I'm angry. - Why? - 我現(xiàn)在生氣了 - 為什么?
[19:30.61]Because you're not making eye contact with me. 因為你根本不看我
[19:32.54]Because we are standing here talking about bailey's baby, and you won't look at me. 因為我們站在這 談?wù)揃eiley醫(yī)生的兒子 你卻看都不看我
[19:38.67]- Sorry. - Better. - 抱歉 - 好多了
[19:40.31]Now it was one kiss, okay? 只不過是一個吻
[19:43.45]It was a good kiss, maybe even a great one, but are we going to let one maybe-great kiss 那是個不錯的吻 也許是個非常棒的吻 但我們不能讓一個可能很棒的吻
[19:48.18]get in the way of what, up until now, has been a really great professional relationship 妨礙了我們之間的工作關(guān)系
[19:50.87]even though you didn't know my name until recently? 況且不久前你都不知道我叫什么
[19:53.33]No, we are not. 我們不能這樣
[19:55.30]So... 所以
[19:56.90]friends? 還是朋友?
[19:59.48]Friends. 朋友
[20:01.03]Good. 很好
[20:05.61]Bailey wants to know if tuck's films are ready. Bailey想知道Tuck的片子出來沒有
[20:08.44]What...is that?What's that shadow?Where's his heart? 怎么回事? 陰影是什么? 心臟呢?
[20:12.22]- You can't see it because- - his stomach's in his chest. - 看不見 因為 - 他的胃在他的胸腔
[20:14.30]There's visceral herniation, a positive collar sign. 有疝氣 衣領(lǐng)征
[20:17.09]which indicates a diaphragmatic hernia. 就是說是膈疝
[20:19.97]It's a ruptured diaphragm, which is the least of his problems, 隔膜破裂是最好的情況
[20:24.43]'cause the force of the trauma injured his thoracic aorta. 因為外傷的力量損傷了胸部主動脈
[20:28.67]You see this, in the chest cavity next to the stomach? 看見這個了嗎?胸腔里緊挨著胃的?
[20:31.45]That's colon. 是結(jié)腸
[20:33.13]And around the colon is fluid, which could mean the colon is ruptured 結(jié)腸周圍是液體 說明結(jié)腸可能已經(jīng)破了
[20:37.50]and there's fecal matter floating around that could infect the aortic repair, 排泄物在周圍流動 會感染到主動脈的修復(fù)
[20:42.15]and that complication can be fatal. 那個并發(fā)癥是致命的
[20:49.23]What are y'all standing around for? 你們都站在這干什么?
[20:50.89]Uh, page hahn and the chief.Book an O.R. 呼叫Hahn和主任 訂手術(shù)室
[20:57.93]Okay, they repaired the hole in the diaphragm, 他們剛搞定隔膜的漏洞
[21:00.12]and dr.Hahn is just about to inspect the mediastinum. Hahn醫(yī)生正在檢查縱隔
[21:02.45]Okay, is she gonna repair with sutures or prosthetic graft? 她要縫合還是要修復(fù)植皮?
[21:05.21]- Don't know. - Don't know? - 不知道 - 不知道?
[21:06.78]She didn't say. 她沒說
[21:10.67]Dr.Bailey. Bailey醫(yī)生
[21:12.26]Dr.Bailey, are you kidding? Bailey醫(yī)生 你別鬧了
[21:14.15]I need to be with my son. 我要和我兒子在一起
[21:15.86]- Miranda- - I have no intention of getting in the way. - Miranda - 我不會礙你們的事
[21:18.00]I just--I can't stand out there.I can'T. 我就是 不能站在外面 我做不到
[21:20.65]I need to be with my son. 我要跟我兒子在一起
[21:22.39]And what we need, dr.Bailey, is to not have our patient's mother Bailey醫(yī)生 我們不能讓病人的母親
[21:26.37]watching us perform his surgery. 看著我們做手術(shù)
[21:28.75]Dr.Grey, please escort dr.Bailey back outside. Grey醫(yī)生 把Bailey醫(yī)生送出去
[21:31.52]No.There will be no escorting of ... 不 不能把Bailey醫(yī)生
[21:33.04]Bailey anywhere, dr.Grey. 送到任何地方 Grey醫(yī)生
[21:36.10]You can proceed. 你繼續(xù)
[21:37.39]I will not proceed until you leave this O.R. 你離開手術(shù)室我才繼續(xù)
[21:39.95]Now do you want me to stand here talking to you, 你現(xiàn)在想讓我站在這跟你說話
[21:42.34]or do you want me to try and save your baby's life? 還是讓我盡力留住你兒子的命?
[21:50.06]Miranda. Miranda
[21:51.84]I just want to hold my son's hand. 我就想握著他的手
[21:53.39]I just want to hold his hand.Please. 我就想握著他的手 求你了
[21:55.70]I'll--I'll hold his hand. 我來握著
[21:58.58]Dr.Grey can hold this retractor, right? Grey醫(yī)生來拿著這個牽引器
[22:01.52]Yes. 好
[22:02.66]I'll hold tuck's hand, dr.Bailey, if it's-- if it's okay with you. 我握著Tuck的手 Bailey醫(yī)生 這樣行吧
[22:06.43]I'll hold-- I'll hold his hand. 我握著他的手
[22:20.82]okay, everybody, let's get back to work. 大家 繼續(xù)工作
[22:37.08]Mrs.O'malley.What are you-- O'malley女士 你在..
[22:39.12]I-I couldn't leave. 我不能離開
[22:41.47]When harold was here, when he was sick, dr.Bailey took such good d care of him. Harold在這的時候 他生病的時候 Bailey醫(yī)生把他照顧得很好
[22:46.38]I couldn't leave knowing her son was in trouble, knowing both our sons are in trouble. 我不能離開 因為我知道他兒子有麻煩了 而且我的兒子也不大順利
[22:53.23]Mrs.O'malley, I just-- O'malley女士 我只是
[22:56.40]I know you think m old-fashioned, and maybe I am. 我知道你覺得我是個老古董 也許我真是
[23:00.34]But it doesn't matter what I think. 但這跟我的想法沒關(guān)系
[23:02.72]In god's eyes, marriage is forever. 上帝眼中 婚姻是永久的
[23:05.85]Well, if it's any consolation, 不知道這樣能不能讓你感覺好點
[23:07.59]george and I got married on the vegas strip at a 24-hour church of elvis. George和我是去的拉斯維加斯 在一個24小時教堂里結(jié)的婚
[23:12.32]I'm not sure god was even there. 搞不好上帝沒在那
[23:14.62]He's everywhere. 他無處不在
[23:19.16]I used to believe in god... 我以前也相信上帝
[23:22.57]and marriage...and heaven and hell. 和婚姻 還有天堂 地獄
[23:27.06]But you don't anymore? 你現(xiàn)在不信了?
[23:34.14]I believe in love... 我相信愛
[23:38.40]and second chances... 給彼此一個機(jī)會
[23:41.16]and that even though george wasn't the one for me, 盡管George不是我能依賴的人
[23:44.22]it was okay that I believed that he was because... 我也曾經(jīng)相信過他是 因為
[23:48.34]well, for a little while, at least... 至少有一段時間
[23:51.23]I got to be an o'malley. 我也是O'malley家的一員
[23:57.85]And I really loved being an o'malley. 我真的很喜歡作為O'malley的一員
[24:08.17]He's back. 他回來了
[24:09.65]I'm sorry to interrupt, but your, 抱歉打擾你們 但你的..
[24:11.47]uh, most recent echo shows the dissection is extending. 最新的心臟回音表明裂口正在擴(kuò)大
[24:14.68]You need to let me prep you for surgery. 你需要讓我為你準(zhǔn)備手術(shù)
[24:16.63]Oh, no.No, not yet.We haven't finished our work. 不 現(xiàn)在還不行 我們還沒完事
[24:20.60]You're gonna die. 你要死了
[24:21.81]Do you know how mai knew you were back, even with her eyes closed? 你認(rèn)為Mai是怎么知道你過來的 她連眼睛都沒睜開
[24:25.10]Uh, she heard me? 她聽見了?
[24:26.34]She felt you. 她感覺到的
[24:27.74]It's like a--like a pull, like a darkness. 像拉了她一下 像一種黑暗在靠近
[24:30.54]Right, right.I'm--I'm the angel of death.Got it. 好吧 好吧 我是死亡天使 我知道了
[24:32.93]No.You're not the angel of death, dr.Karev. 不 你不是死亡天使 Karev醫(yī)生
[24:36.79]You're--you're actually a very sweet boy. 你其實是個很討人喜歡的男孩
[24:39.29]He's got a beautiful heart, wouldn't you say, mai? 他心地善良 對吧 Mai?
[24:41.48]I would, but his gut and his throat... 對 但他的五臟六腑和他的喉嚨
[24:43.38]they're blocked. 被封死了
[24:44.18]Second chakra's worse. 第二個脈輪更糟糕 (第二個脈輪為生殖輪)
[24:46.56]Seriously?You're talking about chakra? 不會吧? 你們在說脈輪?
[24:48.68]We're talking about how you've got a darkness at your throat chakra, 我們是指 你用來說話的喉輪 是怎么變得一片漆黑
[24:51.52]where your voice should be because whater happened to you was so, 因為在你身上發(fā)生的事情都很..
[24:55.19]so ugly and went on for so long that you don't talk about it. 不堪 導(dǎo)致很長一段時間 你絕口不提
[25:00.18]You were hurt so badly that sometimes you want to hurt other people just to 你被傷得很深 所以你有時也想傷害其他人
[25:04.27]- - just to spread it around. 就是為了讓它蔓延
[25:07.22]You were a good boy, dr.Karev, a good, sweet boy, but you're not a very good man. 你是個好男孩 Karev醫(yī)生 一個很招人喜歡的男孩 但你不是個好男人
[25:15.54]What happened to you? 發(fā)生過什么?
[25:19.59]Your artery is shredding. 你的動脈快要堅持不住了
[25:21.45]You need surgery. 你需要手術(shù)
[25:23.04]I'm not a very good man, but I do tell the truth. 我不是個好人 但我說實話
[25:25.61]And the truth is, if you don't get this surgery fast, you're gonna die. 實話就是 如果你不盡快進(jìn)行手術(shù) 你就會死掉
[25:39.03]...I left it on the desk. 我把這個放在桌子上
[25:40.94]I was in a hurry, so I looked at the clock and I walked out of the door. 我當(dāng)時很著急 我看了看表 然后出來了
[25:44.38]- I...the gate. - Miranda, this isn't helpg. - 門... - Miranda 這不管用
[25:47.97]The gate was open.Did I close the gate? 門是開著的 我關(guān)門了嗎?
[25:51.36]Okay, look, I walked out of the bedroom into the office, and I wrote a note 好了 我從臥室出來 去了辦公室 我寫了條子
[25:54.57]-- this isn't-- this isn't helping. 這樣沒用
[25:56.30]- I can't remember. - Stop this.This is not helping. - 我記不得了 - 別這樣 這樣不管用
[25:58.53]I can't remember if I closed that gate. 我記不起來我是不是關(guān)門了
[26:00.31]That's my baby, that's my baby, and I can't remember if closed the gate. 那是我的孩子 是我的孩子 我卻想不起來是否關(guān)門了
[26:02.02]-It doesn't matter.It does not matter. - It does matter! - 沒關(guān)系 沒關(guān)系 - 有關(guān)系
[26:04.47]It matters because I'm his mother, and I can't have done this to him. 有很大關(guān)系 因為我是他媽媽 我不能這么對他
[26:06.77]I can't have hurt him this badly. 我不能讓他傷得這么重
[26:08.81]- You didn't do this. - Things just happen. 不是你做的 事情就那么發(fā)生了
[26:10.40]No, they don't just happen. 不 他們不該那么發(fā)生
[26:11.76]Things don't just happen. 事情不該就那么發(fā)生
[26:13.51]People make decisions. 我們自己做決定
[26:15.44]People prioritize. 自己選擇事情的優(yōu)先權(quán)
[26:17.03]Okay, the world just doesn't happen! 世界不該就這么著的
[26:19.22]Okay, it's not on god. 跟上帝沒關(guān)系
[26:20.70]It'sn me or it's on tucker! 是我的事 是Tucker的事
[26:22.81]Stop it!Stop.Stop. 停 別說了 別說了
[26:23.92]- It's on me! - No, stop it. - 是我 - 不 停下
[26:27.04]just...just stop it. 先停下
[26:31.90]you're a good mother. 你是個好媽媽
[26:33.98]Tucker is a good father. Tucker是個好爸爸
[26:36.33]You love your baby. 你們愛你們的孩子
[26:37.92]People make mistakes. 人人都會犯錯
[26:41.55]You didn't do this to your son, and neither did your husband. 不是你害你兒子這樣的 也不是你丈夫的錯
[26:52.74]he wants to build us a house, with kids' bedrooms and french doors, 他想給建一個我們倆的房子 有嬰兒房和法式的門
[26:57.69]and that scares me to death. 搞得我很緊張
[26:59.31]Why?Just 'cause of the rose thing? 為什么? 是因為Rose嗎?
[27:02.79]Well, that shouldn't scare you.It was just one kiss. 應(yīng)該對你不造成影響啊 不過是一個吻而已
[27:05.75]One kiss? 一個吻?
[27:07.10]Yeah, I w--I wasn't eavesdropping. 是啊 我--我不是故意要偷聽的
[27:08.73]It wasn't like they were being secretive about it. 他們也沒有偷偷摸摸的
[27:10.34]It was just something that happened. 只不過就這么發(fā)生了
[27:12.20]Now that you guys are back together, it's not happening anymore, so... 既然你們現(xiàn)在又在一起了 而且他倆也沒有什么 那就...
[27:15.82]derek kissed rose? Derek吻了Rose?
[27:17.13]Yeah, but you knew tha. 是啊 你知道的
[27:21.74]that I'm an idiot. 你知道我真是個白癡
[27:30.95]Okay, the stomach's repaired. Ok 胃修復(fù)了
[27:32.27]There's no splenic laceration. 沒有脾臟撕裂
[27:34.21]Now all I have to do is get the chest tube in, and we're done. 現(xiàn)在我只要把胸管插進(jìn)去就完工了
[27:39.39]That's good, tuck. 干得不錯 Tuck
[27:40.76]That means you're in better shape than we thought. 說明你的構(gòu)造比我們想象得要好
[27:42.23]That means you're almost outta here. 說明你就要出這手術(shù)室了
[27:44.81]Dr.Yang, would you like to do the honors? Yang醫(yī)生 你要不要過來幫一下?
[27:49.19]I can trade places with you if you'd like. 你愿意的話我可以跟你換位置
[27:53.37]Uh, no.I'm okay.I'm okay here. 哦 不 我很好 我在這兒很好
[28:02.20]Both of which we repaired, so the surgery was a success. 我們都做了修復(fù) 所以說手術(shù)很成功
[28:04.84]However, there is a lot of fluid in the chest cavity, so at this point, 但是他胸部還有很多積水 所以
[28:09.19]we have no way of knowing whether he'll be able to breathe on his own anytime soon. 我們不知道他什么時候才能自主呼吸
[28:13.09]I know that. 我知道
[28:14.26]You don't think I know that? 你以為我不知道?
[28:15.78]Uh, we'll be moving him to the pediatric I.C.U. 呃 我們會把他帶到嬰兒重癥監(jiān)護(hù)
[28:19.10]We'll be watching him closely. 我們會密切關(guān)注他的
[28:20.73]Can I see my son now? 我現(xiàn)在可以看他了嗎?
[28:22.10]Absolutely. 當(dāng)然可以
[28:31.14]Uh, you're new here. 呃 你是新來的
[28:32.84]You don't know me. 你不了解我
[28:34.04]And if what you did today ends up saving my son's life, I'll thank you for it. 如果你今天所做的救了我兒子的話 我會很感激你的
[28:37.90]But if I never have to look at you again after that, that'll be all right with me. 不過真希望謝過之后都不用再見到你
[28:55.45]We never baptized him. 我們從來都沒給他洗禮
[28:57.69]We kept putting it off, thinking we were gonna find time, and--and now... 我們一直在延后 覺得我們會有時間 然后 然后現(xiàn)在...
[29:03.02]we will find the time. 我們會找時間
[29:07.85]When this is over and tuck is fine... 等這一切都結(jié)束了 Tuck好了以后...
[29:12.00]you and i are gonna find time, and we are gonna baptize our baby. 我們就找時間 給我們的孩子洗禮
[29:46.86]How's tuck? Tuck怎么樣了?
[29:50.26]Oh, he's still not breathing on his own. 他還不能自主呼吸
[29:52.46]You know, I wish I could help, but I can't think of anything I can do. 我希望我能幫到忙 可是我想不到我能做些什么
[29:57.07]Cristina always knows what to do. Cristina總是知道該怎么做
[29:59.59]What's your deal with her?With yang? 你跟她之間到底怎么了? 你跟Yang?
[30:02.73]Nothing.There's no deal.I don'T... 沒什么 沒什么事情 我不...
[30:04.98]I'm crippled with envy. 我被嫉妒沖昏頭了
[30:06.37]Of yang? 嫉妒Yang?
[30:08.07]'Cause she's better at cardio than you? 因為她在心血管方面比你強(qiáng)?
[30:10.23]She's not better than me. 她不是比我強(qiáng)
[30:12.76]She just... 她只是...
[30:15.37]she knows what she wants. 她知道她要什么
[30:17.59]She has this faith in her skill, in herself, in her future in cardio. 她對心血管科的信仰 表現(xiàn)在她的技巧里 她的身體里 還有她的未來里
[30:23.68]It's an unwavering faith. 這是她不會動搖的信仰
[30:26.37]She knows who she is, and I want that. 她知道自己是誰 我也好想像她一樣
[30:29.66]I was chasing cardio because I want what she has. 我主攻心血管只是因為她想要
[30:33.36]She's a robot. 她太冷血了
[30:34.57]Not the robot part. 我不是說她冷血那方面
[30:36.00]The--the faith part. 我是說她的信仰
[30:39.17]I want that. 我也想像她一樣有信仰
[31:00.91]There's probably a thousand scientific reasons 也許有成千上萬個科學(xué)的理由可以解釋
[31:04.24]why mr.Greenwald's heart rate just suddenly stabilized. 為什么Greenwald先生的心臟 為什么就那么突然穩(wěn)定了
[31:08.52]Without question. 那是毫無疑問的
[31:09.92]And why mrs.Mccaffrey's staph infection just suddenly disappeared. 還有為什么Mccaffrey夫人的 葡萄狀球菌感染突然就消失了
[31:15.75]Sloan's patient?She's fine? Sloan的病人對吧? 她還好吧?
[31:19.39]I mean, don't get me wrong, I have faith.I do. 我是說 不要誤解我 我有信仰
[31:26.43]But faith isn't medicine. 可是信仰不是解藥
[31:29.79]Faith...can't heal you. 信仰...不能治愈你
[31:34.92]Well, that may be so. 嗯 也許的確如此
[31:37.68]But then again... 但話說回來...
[31:40.33]it can't hurt. 相信一次也無妨
[31:48.21]- hey. - hey! - 嘿 - 嘿!
[31:49.84]How's tuck? Tuck怎么樣?
[31:50.99]He's intubated, and, uh, we won't know anything for a few hours. 他插管了 然后 呃 現(xiàn)在的情況還不清楚
[31:54.87]How are you holding up? 你怎么樣?
[31:56.80]Who's rose? Rose是誰?
[32:01.87]rose is a circulating nurse. Rose是個負(fù)責(zé)循環(huán)的護(hù)士
[32:04.33]I kissed her once.I'm sure you know that. 我吻了她一次 我想你知道
[32:06.17]That's why you're asking me. 所以你才問我
[32:07.32]-When? - When? - 什么時候? - 什么時候?
[32:08.91]- When did you kiss her? - Yesterday.Now are we gonna talk-- - 你什么時候吻她的? - 昨天 現(xiàn)在我們是不是要談--
[32:11.20]so yesterday you were making out with scrub nurses, 所以說昨天你還在跟一個護(hù)士鬼混
[32:13.61]and today you're building our dream house. 今天你就在建造你的夢想之屋了
[32:15.83]Yesterday we were dating other people. 昨天我們在和不同的人約會
[32:17.39]-That's not the point. - That is the point. - 那不是重點 - 那就是重點
[32:20.64]I told you I wanted to marry you... 我告訴過你我想要和你結(jié)婚...
[32:23.33]that I wanted to build a house and a life with you, and you weren't ready. 告訴過你我想要建造一個房子 然后和你一起生活 但你沒準(zhǔn)備好
[32:25.94]And rose is? 那Rose就準(zhǔn)備好了?
[32:27.98]You don't want to build a life wh me. 你不想和我一起建造一個生活
[32:29.58]You want someone. 你只是想要一個人
[32:30.83]You want someone who wants the same things that you want. 想要一個和你想要的東西一樣的人
[32:35.66]I knew the minute I showed you those plans that you'd find some reason to walk away. 我就知道說出我的計劃之后的 下一秒你就會找借口逃脫
[32:39.25]So what, you called my bluff? 那又怎么樣 你覺得我是在虛張聲勢?
[32:40.43]I did because I can't do this anymore. 是的 只是我不能再這樣下去了
[32:42.77]I can't do the fighting, the back and forth.I can'T. 我不想再吵下去了 分分合合的 我不想這樣下去了
[32:45.03]Are we together or are we not? 我們到底是在一起還是不在一起?
[32:46.35]We were together. 我們曾經(jīng)在一起過
[32:47.32]I was in love with you. 我曾經(jīng)深愛著你
[32:48.76]You didn't tell me you were married. 可是你沒有告訴我你結(jié)婚了
[32:50.43]Okay, so now we're gonna have that fight again. 好了又要說那事了
[32:52.05]You didn't tell me about your nurse. 你還沒有告訴我你跟護(hù)士的事
[32:53.68]You want to know why I'm not ready to build a house with you? 你想知道為什么 我不能和你一起建一座房子嗎?
[32:56.18]This is why.Because i cannot trust you. 這就是為什么 我不信任你
[32:58.60]You can't trust anybody. 你誰都不信任
[33:03.06]And no matter what I do... 而且不管我做什么...
[33:06.16]you're always gonna look for reasons not to trust me. 你始終都會找到不信任我的理由
[33:09.53]I can't do it anymore. 我再也受不了了
[33:12.63]I c-- I can'T. 我不--我受不了了
[33:15.80]Well, neither can I. 我也受不了了
[33:50.09]I need you to hold hands. 我要你們把手握起來
[33:55.76]Why? 為什么?
[33:57.44]Because the energy in here, it'S...it's not heang. 因為這里的能量 還...還不夠
[34:02.05]So I need you to hold hands and focus all of your love on this child. 所以我要你們把手握起來 把你們所有的愛都集中到這個孩子身上
[34:09.61]For a few minutes, I want you to try to forgive each other. 在這幾分鐘內(nèi) 我希望你們原諒對方
[34:16.22]Can you try to do that? 你們可以試試嗎?
[35:27.37]it's not for you. 不是給你的
[35:28.51]It's for little tuck. 是給小Tuck的
[35:31.69]Is he better? 他有沒有好一點?
[35:32.89]We don't know yet. 我們還不知道
[35:34.97]I know I haven't called you in a while 我知道我有段時間沒有打你電話了
[35:37.13]and that there's a lot that I haven't told you, and I know I messed up. 有很多事我也沒有告訴你 我知道我搞砸了
[35:41.89]But I didn't want to cause you any more pain, 但是我不想給你增加更多的痛苦了
[35:44.70]and I didn't want to disappoint you. 我也不想讓你失望
[35:46.19]You disappointed yourself, georgie. 是你自己讓自己失望了 Georgie
[35:47.80]You should be disappointed in yourself. 你應(yīng)該對自己感到失望
[35:51.36]I am. 我是對自己感到失望
[35:54.34]I don't even recognize myself anymore. 我都快認(rèn)不出我自己來了
[35:58.31]This isn't the guy that I wanted to be. 我以前不想變成這樣的人
[36:02.90]Who do you want to be? 那你想變成怎么樣的認(rèn)?
[36:06.22]The guy bailey named her baby after. Bailey用來給他兒子起名的那個人
[36:10.50]I want to be that guy again. 我想變回那個人
[36:14.05]You won't go to counseling? 你不去見婚姻顧問?
[36:19.58]That's just gonna hurt everyone more. 那只會再次傷害到彼此
[36:25.49]I miss your dad. 我想你爸爸了
[36:28.40]Me, too. 我也想
[36:30.63]Move back home.I'll take care of you. 搬回家住吧 我想照顧你
[36:35.47]Well, I think it's time that I start-- start taking care of myself. 嗯 我想是時候--是時候我自己照顧自己了
[37:09.58]hey, uh, it-- it doesn't help me to have you all clustered here, watching. 嘿 呃--你們都杵在這兒看
[37:13.66]It just doesn't help me. 一點忙都幫不上
[37:15.22]I appreciate that you're, uh, that you care, that you're concerned, 你們的好意我心領(lǐng)了 我很感謝你們
[37:17.76]but I don't need to be watched. 但是我不需要你們看著我
[37:20.15]Miranda, he's choking. Miranda 他快窒息了
[37:21.44]He's chok-- 他--
[37:25.49]Oh, thank goD. 哦 天哪
[37:27.63]What are you-- what are you talking about? 你在-- 你在說什么?
[37:29.14]no, it's good.It's good. 不 這是好事 這是好事
[37:29.85]He's fighting the tube.It means he can breathe on his own. 說明他在排斥管子 他已經(jīng)能自主呼吸了
[37:39.96]I need your help. 我要你幫忙
[37:52.87]hahn said you'd have a heart attack this afternoon, and, uh, you didn'T. Hahn說你今天下午會心臟病發(fā) 可是 呃 你沒有
[37:56.16]So you think there might be something to this healing thing after all? 所以你相信了畢竟還是有一種治愈之力的?
[37:58.81]No, but, uh, I'm gonna help you anyway. 不 但是 呃 我還是打算幫你
[38:01.01]Or, uh, she is. 或者說 她可以幫你
[38:02.60]Uh, this is dr.Steven 呃 這是Stevens醫(yī)生
[38:04.09]-hello. -Hi. - 你好 - 嗨
[38:06.61]I'm sorry.I'm--I'm not sure what I'm doing here. 對不起 我--其實我也不知道我來這兒干嘛
[38:10.77]Oh, you're gonna talk her through a coronary artery dissection repair. 哦 你得來說服她接受 冠狀動脈切開修復(fù)的手術(shù)
[38:14.13]She's an expert? 她是專家?
[38:15.54]No, no, no.She's a second-year resident like me. 不 不 不 她和我一樣 也是第二年的住院醫(yī)師
[38:17.77]But she's been focused on, uh, cardiothoracics for a while, 不過她主攻心血管有段時間了
[38:20.23]and she's seen the procedure done. 而且她也旁觀過手術(shù)的過程
[38:21.86]Well, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but-- 額 很感謝你想要做的 但是--
[38:24.28]uh, she's, uh, she's like a bright yellow, right? 呃 她 呃 她是明黃色的對吧?
[38:27.23]What? 什么?
[38:28.82]What I'm saying is she's an optimist. 我是說她是個樂觀主義者
[38:30.94]She's the opposite of me. 她和我完全相反
[38:32.50]She's exactly the kind of person you want helping you, right? 她就是你們想要來幫助你們的人不是嗎?
[38:35.29]she brightens you, that's for sure. 她照亮你了 那倒是肯定的
[38:37.03]Shut up. 閉嘴
[38:38.32]What are we talking about? 我們在說什么啊?
[38:39.87]Just talk her through the surgery before she croaks, all right? 在她翹辮子之前說服她接受手術(shù)好不?
[38:42.63]Can you do that? 你做得到嗎?
[38:44.33]Um, you want me to talk you through it? 嗯 你想要我來跟你解說嗎?
[38:46.98]Uh, in as much detail as possible, yes. 呃 越詳細(xì)越好
[38:50.11]Okay, uh... 好吧 呃..
[38:52.38]yang's got nothing on you. Yang一點也比不上你
[38:57.18]okay, there are four chambers in your heart, OK 你的心臟有四個腔室
[39:01.11]and ere are three major coronary arteries that supply blood and oxygen... 有三條主動脈輸送血液和氧氣...
[39:05.04]as doctors, we know more about the human body now than at any other point in our hisry. 作為醫(yī)生 我們對人體所了解的 比歷史上任何時候都要多
[39:10.88]They extubated him. 他們給他拔管了
[39:12.89]His blood pressure's up, too. 血壓也升高了
[39:14.25]Good. 不錯
[39:16.26]Did you know that his middle name is george? 你知道他的中間名是George嗎?
[39:18.60]- Tuck's? - After me. - Tuck的中間名? - 是跟我取的
[39:22.36]I thought dr.Bailey didn't like interns. 我以為Bailey醫(yī)生不喜歡實習(xí)生的
[39:24.48]Oh, no. 哦 是啊
[39:26.56]Yeah, she doesn'T. 她不喜歡
[39:29.02]D-- did you find an apartment yet? 你-- 你有沒有找到公寓?
[39:31.90]Because I was thinking of... 因為我在想...
[39:33.98]I was thinking maybe I'm gonna get one, and... 也許我去找一套公寓 然后...
[39:36.33]but the miracle of life itself-- why people live and die, 但是生命本身這個奇跡--為什么人有生死
[39:40.49]why they hurt or get hurt-- is still a mystery. 為什么人們互相傷害--仍舊是個迷
[39:44.36]Here's the thing... 聽好了...
[39:47.87]-you're too pretty. - Oh, come on. - 你非常帥 - 哦 得了吧
[39:49.61]No, so pretty, in fact, that if we didn't work together, 不 是很帥 事實上 如果不是同事的話
[39:54.47]we would probably be... 我們也許可能...
[39:58.38]but the point is we do work together. 但重點是 我們是同事
[40:01.40]And in order for me to do my job, 而且為了讓我做好這份工作
[40:04.05]I need to leave who I am outside the doors of this hospital.So... 我不能把個人情感帶進(jìn)這個醫(yī)院 所以...
[40:13.04]oh, hey.You ready? 哦 嘿 你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
[40:14.76]I am. 好了
[40:16.20]Where you guys going?You going to joe's? 你們?nèi)ツ膬? Joe的酒吧?
[40:18.06]I'll come meet you. 過會兒就去找你們
[40:18.91]Good night, dr.Sloan. 晚安 Sloan醫(yī)生
[40:21.75]We want to know the ason, the secret, the answer at the back of the book... 我們想要知道原因 秘密還有書本的答案...
[40:26.74]do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? 你今晚愿意和我共進(jìn)晚餐嗎?
[40:31.31]I thought you weren't free. 我以為你沒空
[40:32.79]Turns out I am. 現(xiàn)在有空了
[40:34.53]And I'd like to go out with you tonight. 而我今晚想和你出去約會
[40:36.95]Do you want to go out with me? 你愿意嗎?
[40:39.36]That'd be nice. 不錯啊
[40:40.64]Because the thought of our being all alone down here is just too much for us to bear. 因為我們實在是忍受不了孤獨
[40:47.60]How's he doing? 他怎么樣了?
[40:49.15]He's gonna be just fine. 他會好起來的
[40:53.62]Where's your husband? 你丈夫呢?
[40:56.04]Uh, he went home to get some sleep... 呃 他回家睡會兒...
[41:00.38]and to pack his things 'cause he's getting himself a hotel room tonight. 然后收拾下東西 因為他今晚要去酒店住
[41:07.03]I'm sorry. 我很遺憾
[41:09.53]For some reason, life just seems to make a lot more sense when you're looking at a baby. 不知道為什么 當(dāng)你看著孩子的時候 生命就一下子便得有意義很多
[41:16.37]But at the end of the day... 但是當(dāng)一天結(jié)束的時候...
[41:19.10]the fact that we show up for each other, in spite of our differences, 不管我們的信仰是什么 除開我們各自的不同
[41:25.64]no matter what we believe, is reason enough... 我們陪伴在彼此的身邊 這已經(jīng)足夠作為理由...
[41:30.40]to keep believing. 讓我們堅持信仰

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