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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:57:50
[00:00.51]the problem with being a resident is... 做為一名住院醫(yī)生
[00:02.95]you feel crazy all the time. 你會(huì)經(jīng)常保持高度緊張狀態(tài)
[00:07.59]you haven't slept in years. 數(shù)年無法安穩(wěn)睡覺
[00:18.68]you spend every day 每天與處在生死關(guān)頭的人打交道
[00:19.59]around people in massive crisis.
[00:23.13]you lose your ability to judge what's normal... 喪失了對(duì)常規(guī)事物的判斷力
[00:25.42]move your crap off the floor before this thing eats it! 把你那雜七雜八的東西移開 別給它們當(dāng)晚餐了
[00:27.79]o - okay. okay,okay,okay. 好
[00:31.75]in yourself or anyone else. 無論是自己還是別人的事
[00:35.74]and yet people are constantly asking you 還有些人會(huì)不停地追問你
[00:37.67]to tell them how they're doing. 他們可好
[00:39.26]how the hell are you supposed to know? 你又怎么會(huì)知道呢
[00:40.91]eggs good? 雞蛋還不錯(cuò)吧
[00:45.11]the baby didn't like the breakfast. 嬰兒不喜歡這早餐
[00:46.32]all right,into the can. come on. 好 知道了 來吧
[00:48.79]you don't even know how you're doing. 你甚至不知道自己過得怎樣
[00:51.68]we had our first honest conversation about your feelings, 我才剛了解你的真實(shí)感受
[00:54.44]and now you want to leave. 而現(xiàn)在你就說要暫停治療
[00:55.65]that timing doesn't strike you as strange? 不覺得這時(shí)機(jī)不合適嗎
[00:57.80]no! and i'm still firing you. 不覺得 堅(jiān)持要炒你魷魚
[00:59.72]-no,you're quitting. -no,i'm not quitting. - 不 是你要放棄 - 才不 我沒有放棄
[01:01.89]-i don't quit things. -well,actually,you do. - 我不會(huì)放棄任何事情 - 說的和做的很不一致啊
[01:04.87]your mother quit your father. your father quit you. 你媽放棄了你爸 你爸放棄了你
[01:07.18]you quit your boyfriend. 你又放棄了你男友
[01:08.27]and if i read your hospital chart correctly, 如果我沒看錯(cuò)你的記錄表的話
[01:10.73]you quit your life momentarily on a couple of occasions. 碰上某些情況 你還會(huì)放棄你的生活
[01:12.99]you quit. it's what you know how to do. 你就只知道怎么去放棄
[01:15.49]now you're really fired. 好 你現(xiàn)在正式被炒了
[01:20.18]now we're getting somewhere. 好 我們又取得些進(jìn)展
[01:22.03]and i want you to handle all my consults. 我許可的事你都可以著手了
[01:23.95]anything you can do without me,do it. 大膽去做那些無需我在場(chǎng)的活
[01:25.47]and book some time in the robotics lab. 在機(jī)器人技術(shù)實(shí)驗(yàn)室那約個(gè)時(shí)間
[01:26.97]i want to give him a tour. 我要帶他參觀一下
[01:28.12]hahn,walter tapley's coming in today. Hahn Walter Tapler今天要來
[01:29.74]do we have anything special that he can scrub in on? 有沒什么特別手術(shù)可以讓他參與一下?
[01:32.12]walter tapley is coming here? Walter Tapley要來?
[01:33.87]the chief was his student. 總醫(yī)師可是他的學(xué)生
[01:35.45]you studied at the right hand of god? 原來你是"上帝"的門徒啊
[01:39.32]we need something impressive. 該秀些杰出成果給他看看
[01:40.61]i will stab someone in the chest if i have to. 有需要的話 我可以表演一下開腸破肚
[01:43.55]o'malley,get boyer ready for his c.t. and prep my lap chole. O'Malley 要Boyer準(zhǔn)備一下透視掃描和手術(shù)用具
[01:46.57]i need to be outta that o.r. by 10:00. 10點(diǎn)前我要走出手術(shù)室
[01:48.28]hahn,plan to be free at 10:00. Hahn 10點(diǎn)左右要有空啊
[01:50.16]o'malley,did patricia say i had any messages? O'Malley Patricia有沒說有我的留言
[01:52.15]yeah,she said... 有 她說
[01:54.89]she said to tell you that your wife hadn't called 她說自你20分鐘前
[01:57.30]in the 20 minutes since you last asked if your wife called. 問你老婆有沒打電話過來后
[02:00.51]all right. 好了
[02:03.79]hey. 我對(duì)這新的病毒治療法可是很有信心
[02:04.76]i'm very optimistic about this new viral cocktail.
[02:07.21]adding in i.l.-2 should make a very big difference. 加一點(diǎn)英特康欣結(jié)果就大不一樣
[02:09.72]we're close. 勝利在望
[02:10.55]we're gonna open this bottle of champagne soon. 馬上可以開香檳慶祝
[02:12.18]i know. 我知道
[02:14.67]-you okay? -i'm fine. - 你沒事吧 - 沒事啊
[02:16.83]listen,clinical trials can be a grind. 臨床試驗(yàn)可是件苦差事
[02:19.28]if this is getting to you,i can do this one on my own. 如果你覺得煩的話 我可以自己來
[02:21.69]i'm not a quitter. 我不會(huì)放棄的
[02:22.31]i don't need you to rescue me. let's just do this. 我也不用你拯救我 這樣做就好
[02:24.78]because waiting is a bad idea. 推遲可不是什么好主意
[02:26.54]i mean,we're talking about your health. 要知道這是你的健康問題
[02:28.05]dr. shepherd can say no if it's such a problem. 如果不妥的話 Shepherd醫(yī)生會(huì)說不可以的
[02:30.11]what am i saying no to? 說什么不可以啊
[02:31.64]is there any way you could push back the surgery a few hours? 能不能把手術(shù)推遲幾小時(shí)?
[02:35.25]my boyfriend's flight was canceled. 我男友的航班取消了
[02:36.96]-i want him to be here. -greta. - 我要他在身邊 - Greta
[02:39.15]he has some questions. 他還有些疑問
[02:40.77]he's so smart about this stuff. 他對(duì)這個(gè)還蠻在行的
[02:41.99]i don't even know what to ask. 而我都不知道該問些什么
[02:43.35]are you reconsidering the procedure? 你要重新考慮這手術(shù)?
[02:45.32]andre and i have had so little time together. 我和Andre在一起的時(shí)間不長(zhǎng)
[02:47.60]we met in january. 一月份才認(rèn)識(shí)的
[02:48.98]i mean,this treatment could kill me,right? 這手術(shù)可能會(huì)要了我的命 是吧
[02:54.38]you have a very aggressive tumor. 你體內(nèi)的是惡性腫瘤啊
[02:55.64]even if we don't operate,you're looking at a few months. 如果不做手術(shù) 你就只能多活幾個(gè)月
[02:57.72]but i'd spend them with andre. 至少那幾個(gè)月是和Andre一起過的
[03:00.57]do you know how precious that is,time with the person you love? 和愛人在一起的最后時(shí)間很珍貴 你懂吧
[03:04.46]greta,please. Greta 拜托啦
[03:05.49]i'm not saying i want to cancel. 我沒說我不做手術(shù)
[03:07.22]i'm just saying i want to wait for andre. 我只想等到Andre來
[03:09.59]he'll help me to decide. 他會(huì)幫我做決定的
[03:11.10]-okay,we can't wait for -he'll be here at 3:00. - 我們不能再等啦 - 他3點(diǎn)就到
[03:20.20]dr. mark sloan. Mark Sloan醫(yī)生
[03:22.28]i used to be a patient of his. 我是他以前的病人
[03:24.80]rebecca? Rebecca
[03:26.70]where have you been? 你到哪里去了?
[03:27.87]hi,izzie. 你好啊 Izzie
[03:28.78]i've-i've called you and left,like,50 messages. 我一直打你電話 還留了大概50條留言
[03:31.87]you seem kind of upset. 你看起來挺不爽的
[03:33.05]well,you're not pregnant,first of all, 首先你沒有懷孕
[03:35.43]and alex has been turning his life 而Alex的生活卻完全變樣
[03:36.79]upside down to be your baby daddy, 就因?yàn)樗瞿銓殞毜睦习?br /> [03:39.06]and i can't tell him because of confidentiality. 但醫(yī)院保密工作規(guī)定我什么都不能跟他說
[03:41.07]so yeah,upset. 真的 我很不爽
[03:42.52]you can talk to alex about anything. 你跟Alex說什么都可以
[03:44.11]i want him involved. and i am pregnant. 我想他參與進(jìn)來 而且我是真的懷孕了
[03:46.47]-you kind of know. -okay. - 你知道的 - 很好
[03:48.26]so if you're not trying to trap alex with a fake pregnancy, 如果你不是想用假懷孕來套住Alex的話
[03:50.70]you won't mind if i do another test,just to be sure. 你不會(huì)介意我再做一次檢查吧 再確認(rèn)一下而已
[03:53.31]trap him? are you out of your mind? 給他設(shè)陷阱? 你瘋啦
[03:55.82]i'm pregnant,and that's a good thing because i want this baby. 我真的懷孕了 這是好事啊 我可要生下這寶寶
[03:58.94]i've always wanted a baby. 我一直想要個(gè)寶寶
[04:01.45]you have a baby. 你已經(jīng)有一個(gè)了
[04:03.65]of course i do. i mean i want another one. 是啊 但我還想要一個(gè)
[04:06.92]do the stupid test again. it'll be fine. 你盡管測(cè)吧 反正都一樣
[04:09.24]and i need to see dr. sloan. can you help me with that? 我要見Sloan醫(yī)生 能幫忙嗎
[04:12.19]yeah,i'll see what i can do. 好 我去看看
[04:15.25]-dr. shepherd. -yes. - Shepherd醫(yī)生 - 怎么了?
[04:18.54]-there's no andre. -what? - 沒有Andre這個(gè)人 - 什么?
[04:20.84]she made him up. he doesn't exist. 她編出來的 這個(gè)人根本不存在
[04:23.19]my sister-she is not a woman who has boyfriends,okay? 我姐姐是沒有男朋友的
[04:26.52]and then four months ago,she goes on a cruise 四個(gè)月前她去了次航海旅行
[04:28.97]and comes back saying she's met her soul mate. 回來后就說遇到心靈伴侶
[04:30.94]right around the time her symptoms started? 時(shí)間和她出現(xiàn)腫瘤癥狀相吻合嗎
[04:32.94]there were no pictures,and nobody has ever seen him. 既沒有他的相片 也沒有人見過他
[04:35.45]can you talk to her? 你能和她聊聊嗎
[04:37.01]can you tell her we can't wait for andre? 跟她說我們不能等Andre
[04:39.74]'cause we could be waiting a long time. 都不知要等到猴年馬月
[04:46.18]-is tapley in there? -no. - Tapley在里面? - 不在
[04:47.43]-you're lying. -yes. - 你說謊 - 是啊
[04:50.82]-tapley in there? -no. - Tapley在里面? - 不在
[04:52.51]-liar. -yes. - 說謊 - 是啊
[04:54.56]-something is wrong with her. -oh,no,it's not. i'm fine. - 這女人瘋了 - 才沒 我好好的
[04:56.85]she cleaned- cleaned the apartment- 她不斷地在打掃衛(wèi)生
[04:59.11]which she has no idea how to do, 又不知道該怎么打掃
[05:00.24]so she basically just pushed dirt around. 可以說她只是把灰塵掃來掃去
[05:01.38]oh,leave her alone. 別管她了
[05:02.41]not everybody has to be happy all the time. 每個(gè)人都有心情不好的時(shí)候啊
[05:04.55]that's not mental health. that's crap. 又不是什么精神病 只是發(fā)泄
[05:06.52]walter tapley's here,and she doesn't want to meet him. Walter Tapley在這里 她卻不想見他
[05:09.09]well,that's-that's bad. 這情況可不妙了
[05:10.93]you know,torres,mind your own business. Torres 管好你自己的事就好
[05:13.49]you-you need to get help. you're killing me. 你該看病了 跟殺了我沒啥兩樣
[05:16.95]if you hang out until hahn gets here, 繼續(xù)閑逛吧
[05:18.15]you might get to meet tapley. Hahn出現(xiàn)的時(shí)候 Tapley就出現(xiàn)了
[05:19.40]i don't give a damn about walter tapley. 我才不在乎Walter Tapley呢
[05:21.53]cristina... are you in the dark place? Cristina
[05:26.51]yeah. 對(duì)
[05:27.56]me,too. 我也是
[05:32.43]there she is. dr. erica hahn, 來了 Erica Hahn醫(yī)生
[05:34.09]our chief of cardiothoracic surgery. 心胸外科的主治醫(yī)師
[05:35.87]it's an honor to meet you,dr. tapley. Tapley醫(yī)生 見到你真榮幸
[05:37.81]i use your modified bypass procedure all the time. 我一直都有采用您開創(chuàng)的搭橋術(shù)
[05:40.76]yeah. well,that was an afternoon well spent. 好啊 一個(gè)下午的時(shí)間沒白費(fèi)
[05:43.39]you came up with that in an afternoon? 您一個(gè)下午的時(shí)間就弄好了?
[05:45.45]it took him six years. 花了6年的時(shí)間
[05:47.05]you're a killjoy,webber. 真是個(gè)掃興鬼 Webber
[05:49.49]i didn't really come here for a visit. 我不是來參觀的
[05:52.51]i have aortic and mitral stenosis with tricuspid regurge. 我主動(dòng)脈和二尖瓣狹窄 三尖瓣反流
[05:56.84]i need a double valve replacement and tricuspid repair. 我要做雙瓣膜置換術(shù)和三尖瓣修復(fù)手術(shù)
[06:02.22]are you sure? 確定嗎
[06:05.61]charts,echos,chest x-rays- everything you need. 圖表 超聲回波 胸透 應(yīng)有盡有
[06:11.56]i may have invented the modified bypass, 我開創(chuàng)了搭橋術(shù)
[06:13.81]but i can't operate on myself. 但卻不能給自己動(dòng)手術(shù)
[06:16.50]and my colleagues won't touch me because i have chronic a-fib, 我的同事都不敢碰我
[06:18.99]因?yàn)槲矣新孕姆款潉?dòng) 肺動(dòng)脈高壓
[06:20.70]pulmonary hypertension and a clot in my left atrium.
[06:24.12]they think if they operate,they'll kill me. 左心房還有個(gè)小瘤
[06:27.09]what makes you think we'll do it if your colleagues won't? 你同事都不敢 怎么就覺得我們敢呢
[06:30.24]i didn't start their careers. 我不是他們職業(yè)生涯的導(dǎo)師
[06:32.69]they can say no to me. 他們可以拒絕我
[06:35.08]webber can't. Webber就不行了
[06:38.00]<font color=#4096d1>-=破爛熊字幕組=- 翻譯:Sara & 顏瑜 & Xgirl 校對(duì):七月 時(shí)間軸:Southwing
[06:42.00]<font color="#4096d1">-=https://www ragbear com=- 實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 第四季第15集
[06:44.69]absolutely not. 絕對(duì)不行
[06:45.78]now hold on. 等等
[06:46.39]-we haven't even disc - have you read the file? - 我們都還沒討論 - 你沒有看他的病例嗎
[06:47.66]his pulmonary arterial pressure is through the roof. 肺動(dòng)脈壓高得直穿屋頂
[06:50.56]he's aware of the risk. 他知道危險(xiǎn)性
[06:51.69]oh! well,in that case,fine. 這樣啊 那好吧
[06:53.37]i don't know what i was so worried about. 我都不知道自己擔(dān)心個(gè)啥
[06:55.01]i may go down in history as the surgeon who killed walter tapley, 也許我會(huì)因?yàn)閹蚖alter Tapley 做手術(shù)失敗而名留青史呢
[06:58.21]but hey,at least they're writing about me? 不過不管怎樣 至少還是寫到我了
[07:00.24]erica,sit down. Erica 坐下
[07:04.58]let me tell you a story. 跟你說個(gè)故事
[07:06.70]-38 years ago,when i was a young intern -i'm sorry. - 38年前我還是個(gè)年輕的實(shí)習(xí)生 - 打斷一下啊
[07:08.35]is this gonna be a story about 你該不會(huì)想講說
[07:09.88]how you were a struggling black med student 你是一個(gè)勤奮的黑鬼學(xué)生
[07:11.61]who wanted to be a surgeon,and no one would give you a chance, 努力想做一名外科醫(yī)生 而又沒人賞識(shí)你
[07:14.64]and walter tapley gave you that chance? Walter Tapley就偏偏是你的伯樂
[07:16.42]he mentored you,and without him, 他指導(dǎo)了你 沒有了他
[07:18.11]-you wouldn't be in this hospital today? -yes. - 就沒有今天的你是吧 - 確實(shí)
[07:20.50]i'm still not gonna operate on him. 我還是不會(huì)幫他做手術(shù)的
[07:24.26]okay,the sex-i thought that was mind-blowing myself, 探討下性問題 我個(gè)人認(rèn)為是興奮不已的
[07:26.18]-but i get the impression that you had a really bad time. -what? - 但感覺你跟我恰好相反 - 什么?
[07:28.61]-why are you avoiding me? -i'm-i'm sorry. i- i lost a patient. - 干嘛要避開我? - 對(duì)不起啊 我的病人過世了
[07:32.42]i'm not trying to avoid you. 我不是在避開你
[07:33.67]so not calling me after the sex 是因?yàn)槟愕木壬鷨T職責(zé)
[07:35.02]-is you being a dedicated lifesaver? -it is. - 才不打電話給我? - 是啊
[07:37.60]so i'll see you later? 那晚點(diǎn)見咯
[07:42.26]you didn't call her? 你沒有打電話給她?
[07:43.57]when was the last time 你最近一次做愛后 打電話給女人是何年何月?
[07:44.25]you called a woman after having sex?
[07:47.49]yeah,well,that's gonna change. 事情不是一成不變的 我現(xiàn)在可要改過自新
[07:48.07]i'm turning over a new leaf. 舊生活有啥問題啦
[07:49.26]what was wrong with the old leaf? 她們叫你鴨? 還真夠幸福的
[07:50.30]so they called you a whore? you're a happy guy.
[07:52.70]walter tapley needs a double valve replacement, Walter Tapley要做雙瓣膜置換術(shù)
[07:54.81]and hahn refuses to give it to him. Hahn不肯幫他做
[07:56.28]-what's her problem? -she thinks she's gonna kill him. - 她出什么毛病啦 - 她覺得會(huì)殺了他
[07:58.08]lightweight. 才智不足
[07:58.89]since when do surgeons turn me down? 打什么時(shí)候開始 外科醫(yī)生都拒絕我的要求啦
[08:00.74]it's her choice. she's the one opening him up. 這是她的選擇 要為他開腸破肚的她
[08:02.70]yeah. yeah,yeah. oh,oh,and another thing. 是啊 還有件事
[08:05.63]if you spend the night with a woman 如果你睡了一女人
[08:07.47]and call her the next day and she doesn't call you back, 第二天又打了電話給她 但她沒回你電話
[08:09.59]does that mean she had a lousy time, 這說明她覺得那質(zhì)量不高
[08:11.09]or does that mean her answering machine was consumed in a fire? 還是說她電話被大火吞噬了?
[08:13.46]see,the chief calls the next day. 總醫(yī)師會(huì)打電話的
[08:14.83]you don't have to call her back. 你根本不用打電話給她
[08:16.36]you-you just met this person. 剛認(rèn)識(shí)一個(gè)人
[08:18.21]it's new. it's fun. it's casual. 既新鮮又好玩 很隨意的
[08:20.06]it's my wife. 那是我老婆
[08:22.44]what,do i call again? 我該再打一次嗎
[08:23.67]no,another call looks desperate. 不 那樣不好
[08:25.57]send her an e-mail. invite her to dinner. 發(fā)封電郵給她 請(qǐng)她吃飯
[08:27.25]just be casual,confident. sexy. - 隨意點(diǎn) 自信點(diǎn) - 性感點(diǎn)
[08:30.78]i mean romantic. 我指浪漫
[08:34.25]-oh,o'malley. -yes,sir. - O'Malley - 怎么了?
[08:36.83]tapley's in 2062. he's getting an e.k.g. Tapley在2062號(hào)房 他要做心電圖
[08:39.01]-and an echo. i assigned yang. -all right. - 還有超聲波 我派Yang去了 - 好
[08:40.83]-oh,one more thing. -okay. - 還有件事 - 說吧
[08:44.93]look,i know i said i wouldn't use you to get my wife back, 我說過我不會(huì)靠你追回我老婆
[08:47.21]but i am a desperate man. 但我現(xiàn)在很絕望
[08:48.52]okay,lay it on me. 好 直說 靠我吧
[08:49.60]draft an e-mail... 寫封電郵
[08:50.89]ask her to dinner. no,no,don't ask her. 問她去不去吃飯 不不 不能問
[08:53.68]tell her. she likes a strong hand. 告訴她 她喜歡強(qiáng)硬態(tài)度
[08:55.56]okay,you want me to ask your wife out 好 你要我用強(qiáng)硬態(tài)度約你老婆
[08:57.01]on a date with a strong hand. - 要自信點(diǎn) - 自信點(diǎn)
[08:58.36]-confident. -confident. - 要隨意點(diǎn) - 隨意點(diǎn)
[08:59.33]-casual. -casual. 還有性感點(diǎn)
[09:00.46]sexy. tell her...
[09:03.27]tell her the train is leaving the station, 告訴她說 過了這村就沒這個(gè)店
[09:05.64]and she better get on it. yeah. 要她抓緊點(diǎn) 就這樣
[09:10.22]-can i talk to you about rebecca? -busy. - 我能跟你談?wù)凴ebecca嗎 - 我很忙
[09:12.96]alex,i gave her a pregnancy test last week. Alex 我上個(gè)星期給她做了產(chǎn)檢
[09:14.83]she's not pregnant. 她沒懷孕
[09:16.76]i wanted to tell you. 我想告訴你
[09:17.77]yeah,well,you're telling me now. 你現(xiàn)在是在告訴我了
[09:18.84]alex,when i told her,she... she said i was wrong. Alex 我告訴她的時(shí)候 她說我錯(cuò)了
[09:22.45]she thinks it's some sort of false negative,which it isn't. 她覺得檢查出錯(cuò)了 但不是這樣的
[09:24.97]she was puking this morning, 她今天早上還在吐
[09:26.25]and her boobs are all blown up. 她的乳房還漲了起來
[09:27.38]i ran it twice. 我檢查了兩次
[09:28.17]well,labs are wrong all the time, 實(shí)驗(yàn)室總會(huì)出錯(cuò)
[09:29.44]and you're wrong all the time. 你也總是出錯(cuò)
[09:31.04]how 'bout you mind your own freakin' business 你干嘛不管管你自己的爛攤子
[09:32.59]and stay out of my life? 別來管我?
[09:37.23]you have my chart, 你拿了我的表
[09:38.15]and i would prefer it if you didn't because i fired you. 我會(huì)希望你沒有因?yàn)槲页戳四?而拿了我的表
[09:40.44]can i have my chart,please? 我能拿回我的表嗎
[09:41.53]it's not appropriate to show up at my door unannounced. 不打聲招呼就出現(xiàn)在我門口是不禮貌的
[09:44.08]and you didn't fire me. you quit. 而且你也沒炒我 是你不干了
[09:45.59]so if you would like to unquit,make an appointment. 所以如果你不想不干 先預(yù)約吧
[09:50.14]-you know.. -make an appointment,grey. - 你知道 - 預(yù)約 Grey
[09:54.61]it's what we do. 這是我們的規(guī)矩
[10:02.31]at the moment,no surgery's been scheduled, 目前沒有為他安排手術(shù)的必要
[10:04.03]so we need to focus on keeping him stable and comfortable. 所以我們要注意讓他保持穩(wěn)定舒適
[10:06.94]anything he wants. 他要什么就給他什么
[10:07.81]he wants a steak,kill a cow. 他要牛排 就去宰牛吧
[10:09.28]karev,bedside p.f.t.s and an a.b.g. Karev 準(zhǔn)備肺功能測(cè)試和動(dòng)脈血?dú)夥治?br /> [10:11.65]yang,run a c-central line- sorry. Yang 架設(shè)中央靜脈導(dǎo)管 對(duì)不起
[10:15.61]ah... damn day care center pages me 可惡 救護(hù)中心呼叫我
[10:18.15]every time he gets a runny nose. 每次他流鼻涕都要這樣
[10:19.44]o'malley,go find out what they want. O'malley 去看看他們要什么
[10:20.87]i need bailey focused on tapley. 我得讓Bailey注意Tapley的情況
[10:22.49]-go to the day care center? -quickly. - 到救護(hù)中心去嗎 - 快
[10:23.90]right man for the job. 這份工作的最佳人選
[10:28.65]grey,tapley needs a central line. do it. Grey Tapley需要中央靜脈導(dǎo)管 去吧
[10:31.58]i don't understand. 我不明白
[10:34.19]take a needle,jab it into his subclavian 拿著針 把它刺進(jìn)鎖骨下動(dòng)脈
[10:36.26]so he can receive medicine and not croak - a central line. 這樣他既能吸收藥物又不會(huì)咳嗽 中央靜脈導(dǎo)管
[10:38.96]but i-well,i've- i've never done one. dr.yang. 但是我沒做過 Yang醫(yī)生
[10:42.87]hey. how'd it go with greta? Greta怎么說?
[10:44.58]i haven't spoken to her yet. 我還沒跟她談過
[10:45.83]you haven't spoken to her yet? 你還沒跟她說?
[10:46.88]i already mixed the virus and the i.l.-2. 我已經(jīng)把病毒和白介素混合好了
[10:48.43]we only have six hours. 我們只有六個(gè)小時(shí)
[10:49.51]we're not gonna wait six hours. 我們不會(huì)等六個(gè)小時(shí)
[10:50.54]we're gonna wait three hours. 我們?cè)俚热齻€(gè)小時(shí)就好
[10:51.60]derek,the guy we're waiting for doesn't exist. Derek 我們等的那個(gè)人不存在
[10:54.68]i want to give her a little more time to enjoy him, 我想多給她點(diǎn)時(shí)間享受有他的日子
[10:57.13]or the idea of him if nothing else. 或者對(duì)他僅有的期待
[10:59.15]because once we remove the tumor, 因?yàn)橐坏┪覀円谱吣[瘤
[11:00.54]it's all gonna disappear. 這一切都會(huì)消失
[11:01.60]it's not real. 這是不真實(shí)的
[11:02.58]it's okay if it disappears. 所以即使消失也沒關(guān)系
[11:03.60]she can go back to her life. 她也能恢復(fù)她的生活
[11:05.17]she was probably a lonely person. 她大概是個(gè)孤獨(dú)的人
[11:06.68]she found a way to have love. 她終于找到贏得真愛的路
[11:08.37]of course she did because that's where love exists, 她當(dāng)然找到了
[11:10.55]in delusional fantasies. 因?yàn)檫@種愛恰恰存在于錯(cuò)覺與幻象中
[11:11.95]real love isn't like that. 真愛不是這樣的
[11:14.93]good to know. 很高興知道這點(diǎn)
[11:20.22]he punched someone named harrison. 他打了個(gè)叫Harrison的人
[11:21.67]you punched a child? 你打了別的孩子?
[11:23.54]apparently there was a graham cracker involved. 似乎是因?yàn)橐粔K全麥餅干
[11:25.80]over a graham cracker?! 因?yàn)橐粔K全麥餅干?
[11:27.75]they said they want you to talk to him. 他們說想你跟他談?wù)?br /> [11:29.09]well,he's 14 months old. 他才十四個(gè)月
[11:31.07]what do they think i'm gonna do, 他們覺得我能干什么
[11:32.01]give him a lecture on nonviolent conflict resolution? 給他作關(guān)于無暴力解決矛盾的演講?
[11:34.53]i really don't know. 我真不知道
[11:35.73]uh,well... my son punches other children. perfect. 我兒子打了其他小孩 很好
[11:40.08]hey. um,dr. yang-who's even more evil than usual- Yang醫(yī)生比平時(shí)更過分了
[11:43.17]asked me to do a central line. 她叫我架設(shè)中央靜脈導(dǎo)管
[11:44.20]okay,this is a big day. 今天是個(gè)大日子
[11:45.08]this is the kind of day that could change things for me. 可能對(duì)我將有重大改變
[11:46.78]in there is tapley,and tapley is god,right? 里面的是Tapley 而Tapley就是上帝 對(duì)吧
[11:49.85]i'm the chief's intern. that makes me close to god, 我是主任的實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生 那會(huì)讓我接近上帝
[11:51.97]which means i can't help you right now, 就是說我現(xiàn)在幫不了你
[11:53.71]-as unchristian as that may sound. -no,you're right. - 盡管這不像個(gè)基督徒會(huì)說的話 - 不 你是對(duì)的
[11:55.83]no,i'll - i'll do walter tapley's central line myself. 我會(huì)自己去為Walter Tapley 架設(shè)中央靜脈導(dǎo)管
[11:57.78]so i puncture his lung? he'll get over it. 即使我刺穿了他的肺 他也會(huì)沒事的
[11:59.04]what? she wants you to do tapley's line? 什么 她要你幫Tapley架中央靜脈導(dǎo)管?
[12:00.88]i'll do it. 我來吧
[12:02.03]yay for georgie! georgie saves the day. 為Georgie歡呼 Georgie今天拯救世界
[12:06.04]i give you tapley,and you pass it over to your intern? 我把Tapley交給你 而你把他交給你的實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生?
[12:08.49]what the hell is wrong with you? 你犯什么毛病啊你?
[12:10.01]do you think if you,um, 你覺得如果你
[12:11.16]kiss the chief's ass enough by taking care of tapley, 能用照顧Tapley這點(diǎn)來拍主任馬屁
[12:13.23]something magical's gonna happen? 就會(huì)有些奇妙的事發(fā)生嗎
[12:15.00]like what,you'll earn your magical resident wings? oh,well,no. 比如說你就會(huì)插上住院醫(yī)師的翅膀?
[12:19.45]no. it's not gonna happen,george. 不 不會(huì)發(fā)生的 George
[12:21.22]you're stuck. you are where you are. 你被困住了 你在停滯不前
[12:23.92]you know,the only way that you'd get out of 你逃離悲慘命運(yùn)的唯一辦法
[12:25.10]your miserable situation is if burke were here, 就是如果Burke還在這里
[12:26.97]because you were burke's guy. 因?yàn)槟闶荁urke的人
[12:29.46]for some reason he pitied your pathetic ass. 不管怎樣他都會(huì)可憐你這可悲的倒霉蛋
[12:31.59]but he's gone now. 但他走了
[12:33.51]no wings for georgie. Georgie失去了翅膀
[12:39.68]was i happy when i was with her? 我跟她在一起時(shí)會(huì)很開心嗎
[12:42.16]off and on. 時(shí)不時(shí)吧
[12:43.64]i think i idealize it. 我想我過于理想化了
[12:45.76]i mean,you wouldn't hang on to a woman who's unavailable, 你不會(huì)老想著一個(gè)得不到
[12:48.36]unpredictable,right? you'd move on,keep it casual. 又猜不了的女人 對(duì)吧 你得前進(jìn) 維持常態(tài)
[12:51.09]don't sell yourself short. 不要低估自己
[12:52.50]allow yourself to grow with rose- 你就跟Rose一起成長(zhǎng)吧
[12:55.09]share experiences,build memories. 分享經(jīng)歷 共建回憶
[12:58.52]-is this the new leaf? -yeah. - 這是新的一頁嗎 - 對(duì)
[13:00.78]needs work. 得工作了
[13:02.75]oh,my god. this is gonna kill me. 天啊 快殺死我了
[13:05.48]nice work. 干得好
[13:06.60]you found the subclavian on the first try. 你一下子就找到了鎖骨下動(dòng)脈
[13:09.31]got yourself a good resident. 你是個(gè)優(yōu)秀的住院醫(yī)師
[13:10.98]actually,uh,sir,i'm an intern. 事實(shí)上 先生 我是個(gè)實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生
[13:12.86]uh,he's the best intern in the hospital. 他是醫(yī)院里最好的實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生
[13:15.79]o'malley,start dr. tapley on a loading dose of amiodarone, O'malley 先給Tapley醫(yī)生 注射一劑量的胺碘酮
[13:19.84]-followed by a continuous infusion. -yes,sir. - 再給他做無間斷點(diǎn)滴 - 好的 先生
[13:22.36]why the hell would he start me on amiodarone? 為什么他要先給我注射胺碘酮?
[13:25.36]o'leary,would you give amiodarone to a man O'leary 你會(huì)給一個(gè)將要
[13:27.76]who's about to have an open-heart procedure? 進(jìn)行心臟手術(shù)的人注射胺碘酮嗎
[13:29.90]george,would you wait outside,please? George 能請(qǐng)你到外面等等嗎
[13:36.59]if you can't get the head of cardiothoracics 如果你找不到心胸橫徑做置換手術(shù)
[13:39.19]to do a valve replacement,then you're not the chief 那你就不是我認(rèn)識(shí)的主任
[13:42.30]i thought you were,and this is not the facility i thought it was. 這也不是我想要的設(shè)備
[13:46.48]so maybe it's better for all of us if i don't get cut open here. 所以也許我不在這里開刀 對(duì)所有人來說會(huì)更好
[13:50.91]would you get these lines off me? 你能幫我撤掉這些管子嗎
[13:52.40]would you get back in that bed? 你能躺回床上去嗎
[13:57.91]i'll talk to her again. 我會(huì)再跟她說說
[14:04.29]you're not even gonna watch the walter tapley surgery? 你連看也不看一下Walter Tapley的手術(shù)嗎
[14:06.84]i don't want five minutes with walter tapley. 我不想只跟Walter Tapley呆五分鐘
[14:08.68]i want five years. 我想要五年
[14:10.44]tapley's a star maker. Tapley是個(gè)星探
[14:11.40]that's why the chief's a star. 所以主任成了明星
[14:13.47]five minutes with tapley is a slap in the face. 跟Tapley呆五分鐘等于打自己耳光
[14:15.90]it's like giving an alcoholic a sip of wine. 就像只給酒鬼喝一滴酒
[14:17.84]lexie's coming over. Lexie過來了
[14:18.66]let's try to keep the carnage to a minimum. 我們盡量將屠殺的殺傷力減至最低
[14:21.09]hey. um,can i talk to you about something? 我能跟你聊聊嗎
[14:25.95]maybe some other time. 改天吧
[14:27.81]-uh,but -look,you know,she hates you. okay? - 但是 - 她討厭你 好了吧
[14:31.83]she's not gonna say it to your face 'cause she's too polite, 她不會(huì)當(dāng)面跟你說 因?yàn)樗难帕?br /> [14:34.41]but she thinks you're annoying. 但她覺得你很煩
[14:35.89]and you showing up here 你在這里出現(xiàn)
[14:36.92]like the good little girl daddy didn't abandon is, 就如同一個(gè)沒被爸爸遺棄的乖女孩
[14:38.94]like,the worst thing that's happened to her in months. 對(duì)她來說是這幾個(gè)月來最難受的事
[14:41.00]and that's saying a lot coming from meredith grey. 這對(duì)Meredith Grey來說是太過分了
[14:52.31]-it's gonna be okay. -wanna bet? - 會(huì)沒事的 - 你確定嗎
[14:58.70]give me two minutes, 給我兩分鐘
[14:59.56]-i'll meet you in the third floor on call room. -no,no. - 我會(huì)在三樓的呼叫室見你 - 不 不
[15:01.02]-we're gonna sit and enjoy a meal together. -i don't get it. - 我們會(huì)坐在這里一起吃頓好的 - 我不明白
[15:04.45]i've turned over a new leaf. 我已經(jīng)翻開新的一頁
[15:05.65]from now on,if you want this,you're gonna get this,too. 從現(xiàn)在起如果你想要這個(gè) 你也會(huì)得到這個(gè)
[15:10.82]shove over,sloan. 彈開 Sloan
[15:12.05]torres and i are gonna share a sapphic salad. Torres和我要分一份沙弗沙拉
[15:14.99]-did i miss something? -yeah,we're lovers. - 我錯(cuò)過了什么嗎 - 對(duì) 我們是愛人
[15:17.28]didn't you know? 你不知道嗎
[15:18.24]it's a love that dare not speak its name. 這是無法言喻的愛
[15:21.38]look me in the eye, 看著我
[15:21.99]-and tell me that you're not thinking about a threesome. -i'm not. - 跟我說你沒在想三人行 - 我沒有
[15:24.41]-the old mark would,but that's no more. -really? - 以前的Mark或者會(huì) 但以后不會(huì)了 - 真的嗎
[15:27.08]you're not,uh,thinking about her and me and you... 你沒在想她和我 還有你
[15:30.85]and a video camera? 還有攝像機(jī)?
[15:34.82]-yeah,on call room,ten minutes. -no. - 呼叫室 十分鐘 - 不
[15:38.72]i am the chief of surgery. 我是外科部的主任
[15:40.19]i am not killing walter tapley. i don't care who you are. 我又不是在殺Walter Tapley 我才不管你是誰
[15:43.17]-should i leave? -no. - 我應(yīng)該離開嗎 - 不用
[15:45.05]he's dying anyhow. 不管怎樣他都快死了
[15:46.82]you'd rather see him die on my watch than under your knife? 你更想看著他死在我的守護(hù)下 而不是你的手術(shù)刀下嗎
[15:49.28]yes. 是的
[15:49.92]-i should leave. -i said no. - 我應(yīng)該走 - 我說了不用
[15:51.35]is there something going on with all the women 是不是所有女人都聯(lián)合起來
[15:52.96]that when i speak,they simply ignore it? 決定把我的話當(dāng)作耳邊風(fēng)?
[15:54.93]you don't leave. you review the file again. 你不用走 你再重新研究病歷
[15:57.48]and if either of you see my wife, 如果你們誰看到我妻子
[15:58.93]you tell her the polite thing to do 你們跟她說 最有禮貌的做法
[16:00.28]is return a man's damn phone call. 是給一個(gè)男人回該死的電話
[16:06.17]see,a tumor in the temporal lobe can blur the line 顳葉上的腫瘤會(huì)混淆
[16:08.70]between imagination and reality. 幻覺與現(xiàn)實(shí)的界線
[16:11.00]it's possible that andre is part of that confusion. 很有可能Andre是幻覺的一部分
[16:17.73]she likes being the successful sister with a husband 她喜歡做個(gè)有丈夫有孩子的成功妹妹
[16:20.54]and kids while i'm the single, 而我單身 可憐
[16:21.93]pathetic one who has to send herself flowers on valentine's day. 情人節(jié)得自己送花給自己
[16:26.03]i found someone,and she can't deal with it. 我終于找到了某人而她無法承受
[16:28.89]-but there are no pictures of him. -you want a picture? - 但沒有他的照片啊 - 你要照片?
[16:33.81]there. 這里
[16:35.24]there. 這里
[16:36.31]and there,and there. 這里 還有這里
[16:38.91]but those are drawings made from images in your head. 但那些都是畫 只是你頭腦里的畫面
[16:42.22]i'm an artist. that's what i do. 我是個(gè)畫家 我就是干這個(gè)的
[16:43.44]what about the journals and the writing? 那文章和日記呢
[16:45.01]-did you do a lot of that before? -leave her alone. - 你之前也經(jīng)常干這個(gè)嗎 - 讓她自己安靜一下
[16:46.98]i didn't have anything to write about before,dr. grey. 我之前什么也寫不出 Grey醫(yī)生
[16:49.30]okay,it's just that there's a symptom- 好了 有這么一種癥狀
[16:50.92]it's called hypergraphia - 叫做多寫癥
[16:52.23]-it's compulsive writing. -leave her alone. - 是一種書寫沖動(dòng) - 讓她自己安靜一下
[16:53.95]i'm in love with a man. 我愛上了一個(gè)男人
[16:56.33]i've touched him and held him. 我摸到了他 我牽著他
[16:58.28]he is not a figment of my imagination. 他不是我的想象臆造出來的
[17:00.27]tell them how you met. 跟他們說你們?cè)趺聪嘧R(shí)的
[17:02.33]i was on a cruise around the greek islands, 我曾經(jīng)環(huán)游希臘群島
[17:04.18]and we had stopped at santorini, 我們?cè)谑ネ欣锬嵬A?br /> [17:05.98]and i was running to get back to the ship,and my shoe fell off. 我正跑著趕回船上 然后我的鞋掉了
[17:08.77]and the horn was blowing, 然后號(hào)角在響
[17:09.66]so i didn't want to stop,so i left it. 我不想停下來 就不管它了
[17:11.63]that night at dinner,andre found me. 那天晚餐時(shí)Andre找到了我
[17:15.19]he had my shoe. 他拿著我的鞋子
[17:16.90]sound familiar? 聽起來很熟悉吧
[17:17.95]-you're mocking me. -no,i'm not. - 你嘲笑我 - 沒有
[17:19.71]i'm trying to make you see. 我只是想讓你明白
[17:21.07]dr. shepherd,does anything about that sound familiar? Shepherd醫(yī)生 有沒有什么跟這個(gè)很像?
[17:25.46]sounds like "cinderella." 就像"灰姑娘"
[17:27.90]what else happened on the boat? 在船上還發(fā)生了什么?
[17:30.47]greta? Greta
[17:31.31]i had my first blackouts. andre was there. 那是我第一次暈倒 Andre在那里
[17:33.48]he carried me to- 他把我?guī)У?br /> [17:34.32]okay,a woman found you on the floor of the bathroom. 好了 一個(gè)女人發(fā)現(xiàn)你躺在洗手間的地板上
[17:37.37]prince charming didn't carry you- 白馬王子沒有把你帶到
[17:38.36]get out!all of you,get out! 滾出去 你們所有人都給我滾出去
[17:40.30]this is a stupid,stupid... 這是一番極度愚蠢的
[17:44.88]stupid conversation. 愚蠢的對(duì)話
[17:47.61]hey,greta,the serum that we use to kill the tumor, Greta 這是我們用來殺死腫瘤的免疫血清
[17:50.25]it only lasts a few hours. so - 只能維持幾個(gè)小時(shí) 所以
[17:51.95]-is it going to expire by 3:00? -no,it is not. - 三點(diǎn)就要過期了嗎 - 不 沒有
[17:54.78]-dr. shepherd -it is not. - Shepher醫(yī)生 - 不會(huì)
[17:59.14]we can wait until 3:00. 我們能等到三點(diǎn)鐘
[18:00.01]we can't wait all day,but we can wait until 3:00. 我們不能等一整天 但我們能等到三點(diǎn)鐘
[18:09.82]hey,you. how's the... 你 那個(gè)
[18:17.58]some of my best work. 我的得意之作之一
[18:19.28]any pulling around the suture lines? 縫合線上有拽感嗎
[18:21.19]no,it's perfect. 不 很完美
[18:22.10]i'm just not sure it goes with the body. 我只是不知道它跟身體搭不搭
[18:26.99]see what i mean? 明白我的意思嗎
[18:28.51]face is a head turner, 臉能讓人回頭
[18:29.54]but the boobs aren't stopping anybody on the street. 但胸沒法使街上的人停下來
[18:34.45]you can close the gown. 你可以穿上病服
[18:37.22]it doesn't match. 這不搭
[18:38.62]it doesn't go with my face. 這跟我的臉不搭
[18:39.56]it doesn't go with my personality. 這跟我的性格不搭
[18:40.84]it's just all wrong. 這完全是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤
[18:42.22]didn't you just tell me you were pregnant? 你不是剛跟我說你懷孕了嗎
[18:43.47]-i can't operate -i don't need a lecture. - 我不能給你做手術(shù) - 我不需要訓(xùn)話
[18:44.82]i just need you to finish what you started. 我只是想你完成你的工作
[18:48.42]can you do that? 你做得到嗎
[18:55.52]-i need to talk to you. -make an appointment. - 我得跟你談?wù)?- 預(yù)約吧
[18:57.55]i don't want to make an appointment just to get my chart back. 我不想預(yù)約 我只想要回我的表
[18:59.84]i'd like you to get it right now. 我想你現(xiàn)在就拿給我
[19:01.49]and i would like to go to the bathroom in peace. 我只想安靜地上個(gè)廁所
[19:03.41]it seems that everybody's dissatisfied here. 似乎這里每個(gè)人都很不滿
[19:05.36]where do you get off suggesting 你能不能不要再說
[19:06.49]that i'm a coward and a quitter? 我是個(gè)懦夫和膽小鬼?
[19:08.00]are you trying to make me feel bad 你想讓我覺得我的生活很糟糕 從而報(bào)復(fù)我嗎
[19:09.38]about my life so that you can fix me?
[19:11.00]-we can talk about it in therapy. -no! i don't need therapy. - 我們可以在治療里談?wù)勥@個(gè) - 不 我不需要治療
[19:16.14]i forgive you. 我原諒你
[19:16.75]-lexie -no,i forgive you. - Lexie - 不 我原諒你
[19:18.74]i forgive you for treating me like crap, 我原諒你把我當(dāng)廢物
[19:20.55]and i forgive you for letting your friend treat me like crap. 我原諒你讓你的朋友把我當(dāng)廢物
[19:22.81]-lexie -i don't know how you get up in the morning. - Lexie - 我不知道你早上是怎么起床的
[19:24.61]i honestly don't. 我真的不知道
[19:26.26]our dad abandoned you,and your mom,by all accounts, 我們的爸爸遺棄了你 而對(duì)你媽媽的評(píng)價(jià)眾口一辭
[19:29.33]was the meanest person ever, 她是最自私的人
[19:30.61]and you can't let derek love you, 你沒辦法讓Derek愛上你
[19:31.97]and it all really,really sucks. 這一切都很糟
[19:33.91]but ever since i knew you existed, 但自從我知道你的存在
[19:35.69]i had this fantasy about my big sister. 我就對(duì)這個(gè)姐姐抱很大的期望
[19:37.78]and you have failed on every occasion 然而無論在什么場(chǎng)合
[19:40.17]to live up to that fantasy,but i still love you, 你都無法達(dá)到這期望 但我還是愛你
[19:43.36]whether you are capable of letting me or not. 不管你是否允許
[19:46.08]so... i forgive you. 所以我原諒你
[19:51.54]???? - 要預(yù)約嗎 - 是的 好呢
[19:53.02]if this man dies under my knife,richard,so help me, 如果這個(gè)人死在我的手術(shù)刀下 Richard
[19:55.79]i will tell every reporter in the land 我會(huì)跟這個(gè)地方的每個(gè)記者說
[19:57.95]that you insisted we do this. 是你在從旁協(xié)助
[19:59.82]-you will look like an idiot. -relax.i'll be fine. - 你就會(huì)像個(gè)大笨蛋 - 放松點(diǎn) 我會(huì)沒事的
[20:05.29]she has impeccable judgment. 她的判斷很正確
[20:08.51]and this may be the dumbest thing i've ever done. 這可能是我做過的最蠢的事情了
[20:14.69]ted ginsburg would've done this,but i wanted a friend. Ted Ginsburg本可以做的 但我想讓朋友來做
[20:19.20]in case i went into the o.r. and didn't come back, 以免我死在手術(shù)室
[20:22.53]i wanted an old friend to say good-bye. 我希望有個(gè)老友跟我告別
[20:28.20]-i'm honored. -don't be. - 我很榮幸 - 別這樣
[20:32.60]i shoulda had a wife... and a bunch of kids... 我應(yīng)該找個(gè)老婆 生群孩子
[20:37.69]so i wouldn't have to track you down 這樣我就不用死纏著你
[20:39.51]to get someone to be at my deathbed. 硬讓你在我臨死時(shí)陪在我病床前
[20:45.95]stevens. Stevens
[20:47.71]what are you treating rebecca pope for? 你怎么看Rebecca Pope?
[20:49.90]for a pregnancy she doesn't have,but she thinks she does. 她自認(rèn)為懷孕了
[20:52.20]doesn't one of you have science on your side? 你們倆都不懂科學(xué)嗎
[20:54.05]yes. she is acting really weird. 對(duì) 她表現(xiàn)得很奇怪
[20:56.37]she wants,uh,breast enhancement surgery. 她想做豐胸手術(shù)
[20:58.56]she thinks her new face doesn't match her body. 她認(rèn)為自己的新形象和身材不配
[21:00.74]we may be looking at acute stress disorder. 她也許得了急性應(yīng)激障礙
[21:02.41]it can happen when people have massive plastic surgeries 像她這樣經(jīng)歷了大規(guī)模整形手術(shù)
[21:04.72]and major trauma like she did. 和嚴(yán)重創(chuàng)傷的人可能引發(fā)這種病
[21:06.15]you look in the mirror,you don't see the same person, 在鏡子里的不是原來的自己
[21:08.07]so you're not sure you are the same person. 會(huì)不確定是否是原來那人
[21:09.36]it can lead to some pretty odd behavior. 這會(huì)使一個(gè)人行為古怪
[21:11.07]like thinking you're pregnant when you're not 比如有自己懷孕了的錯(cuò)覺
[21:12.57]and forgetting you already have a baby? 卻忘了自己已經(jīng)有了個(gè)孩子?
[21:14.50]i want you to make it clear to her that she's not pregnant. 你要跟她說清楚 她沒有懷孕
[21:16.29]then get her a psych consult, 然后給她做心理咨詢
[21:17.68]-then have psych call me. -okay. - 讓心理醫(yī)生聯(lián)系我 - 好的
[21:20.99]here you are,chief. 給你 主任
[21:22.51]uh,no,no,read that - read that to me. 不 不 讀給我聽
[21:23.93]i can't see anything on that tiny screen. 屏幕那么小 我什么都看不到
[21:25.87]-oh,no. that's a bad idea. -speak up,o'malley. - 不 這不好吧 - 大膽的念 O'Malley
[21:28.65]um... "dear adele,eat with me. " "親愛的Adele 和我吃飯吧 "
[21:33.89]the love train is leaving the station, "愛的列車將要離站"
[21:36.31]and you know you want to take a ride" - o'malley. - "你是想上來的" - O'Malley
[21:38.62]"take a ride on my love train." "搭上我愛的列車吧"
[21:41.26]with all due respect,sir, 實(shí)話實(shí)說 先生
[21:42.26]i didn't come up with the train or the station. 列車和車站可不是我編出來的
[21:44.27]okay,give that to me. 好吧 給我
[21:45.05]-i'll do it myself. -yes,sir. - 我自己來 - 是 先生
[21:47.72]hey,so,um,let me get this straight. 我有話就直說了
[21:49.96]if i wander into an on call room, 如果我進(jìn)到值班室中
[21:51.39]you are not gonna follow me? 你不會(huì)跟進(jìn)來嗎
[21:53.90]you ever think about why you need sex all the time? 你想過為什么你總是都饑渴難耐嗎
[21:56.19]is it replacing something? 這是為了掩蓋其他事情嗎
[21:58.06]-or are -i use it to clear my head. - 還是 - 我用這方法來保持清醒的頭腦
[21:59.50]so... on call room. 來吧 值班室
[22:02.12]we can sit in there and talk,but we're not having sex. 我們可以坐著聊天 但不會(huì)發(fā)生關(guān)系
[22:04.72]why? what are we gonna talk about? 為什么 我們會(huì)談什么呢
[22:06.99]at lunch,you seemed to want to talk about threesomes. 中午吃飯的時(shí)候你對(duì)雙飛很感興趣
[22:09.48]you are so not a new man. 你真的一點(diǎn)也沒變
[22:11.19]i mean,i guess if you had to have a threesome, 我想如果你真的想雙飛的話
[22:13.36]erica hahn wouldn't be a bad choice,right? 找Erica Hahn應(yīng)該不錯(cuò) 對(duì)吧
[22:15.77]i mean,she brings that whole "we're naughty, 她給人的感覺就是"我們很調(diào)皮
[22:18.10]and we're getting sent to "我們要被送到校長(zhǎng)的辦公室了"
[22:18.82]the principal's office" thing to it.come on.
[22:21.52]you never thought about reaching across the o.r. table 你想沒想過穿過手術(shù)臺(tái)
[22:24.19]and pulling down her mask, 撕下她的口罩
[22:25.98]ripping off her scrub cap 扯下她的手術(shù)帽
[22:28.28]so that you can grab a handful of that blonde hair- 這樣就可以抓一大把她的金發(fā)
[22:31.87]stop.stop talking about erica hahn. 停 別再說Erica Hahn了
[22:41.14]everything all right? 沒事吧
[22:42.16]one of the founding fathers of cardiothoracic surgery 手術(shù)臺(tái)上躺著的是心肺外科的奠基人
[22:45.67]is on the table,and i am about to slice open his chest. 而我將要剖開他的胸膛
[22:48.67]give me a minute. 讓我安靜一下
[22:52.71]okay. scalpel. 好了 手術(shù)刀
[22:57.36]don't screw it up. 別搞砸了
[23:00.54]i'm gonna kill you. 看我殺了你
[23:03.92]we've got this patient,and she's got true love. 有個(gè)病人她找到了真愛
[23:07.97]do you wanna know why? 知道為什么嗎
[23:09.28]because her boyfriend doesn't exist. 因?yàn)樗哪信笥迅静淮嬖?br /> [23:11.53]derek is all broken up over her, Derek已經(jīng)和她分手了
[23:14.12]like it means something that 但對(duì)她來說
[23:15.56]she's having an affair with a hallucination. 她的愛情只是一個(gè)幻覺
[23:18.51]but derek wasn't ready to 但想要放棄這段感情的不是Derek
[23:19.69]give up on the relationship,and you were. 而是你
[23:21.80]no,i didn't give up. 不 我沒想放棄
[23:22.80]i wanted to try again,and then he went and kissed rose. 我想給他一次機(jī)會(huì) 他卻親吻了Rose
[23:25.97]so he's the one who messes up,not me. 他是那個(gè)搗亂鬼 不是我
[23:28.35]but it's a relationship. 但這是一戀情
[23:29.94]people make mistakes. 人們都會(huì)犯錯(cuò)
[23:31.53]and you stand back,waiting for him to fail so you can say, 你卻什么都不做 等著他出錯(cuò)
[23:34.68]"aha! now i quit." 這樣你就可以說"哈哈 我不玩了"
[23:35.82]no. it wasn't working. 不 我努力也沒用
[23:37.51]was your life not working 是不是你感覺自己失足落水之后
[23:38.97]when you let that slip out from under you? 你的人生就從此沒用了呢
[23:40.76]okay,when are you gonna stop suggesting that i'm suicidal? 你什么時(shí)候可以不暗示我 我有自殺傾向啊
[23:43.48]when you start acting like somebody that wants to be alive. 當(dāng)你像其他人一樣 表現(xiàn)出想要活著的樣子的時(shí)候
[23:46.21]-give me my chart. -why? - 把我的表給我 - 為什么?
[23:47.38]because i'm not suicidal, 因?yàn)槲覜]有自殺傾向
[23:48.62]and if it says that,then it's wrong. 如果你那么寫就是誤診
[23:50.42]what happened last year when you fell in the water? 你落水的時(shí)候發(fā)生什么了?
[23:52.31]i almost drowned. 我差點(diǎn)被淹死
[23:53.20]you think i did that for kicks? 你以為我是找樂子嗎
[23:54.29]you put your hand in a body cavity 你把手伸進(jìn)了
[23:56.53]that contained unexploded ordnance. 一個(gè)裝有炸彈的體內(nèi)
[23:58.62]i was trying to save a patient. 我想拯救一位病人
[24:01.13]why is it that every other person in that room 為什么屋子里其他所有人
[24:03.61]had the sense to hit the deck? 都有意識(shí)到匍匐在地呢
[24:06.23]you know,people run away from this line 人們都會(huì)逃避
[24:08.43]between life and death. 死亡
[24:09.71]you seem to stand on it 你卻在生死間徘徊
[24:11.22]and wait for a strong wind to sway you one way or the other. 等著一陣強(qiáng)風(fēng)把你吹得飄忽不定
[24:16.38]you're careless with your life. 你不在乎自己的生命
[24:18.64]you're not slitting your wrists,but you're careless, 你雖然沒有割腕 但你就是不在乎
[24:20.66]probably because your mother told you 很可能是因?yàn)槟銒寢尭嬖V你
[24:22.13]you were a waste of space on this planet. 你的存在就是浪費(fèi)空間
[24:24.30]the problem is,you believed her. 問題在于你相信了她
[24:26.35]and if you don't watch out,one of these days, 如果今后你還不在乎的話
[24:27.61]you're gonna die because of it. 你會(huì)因此喪生的
[24:33.02]hand me my chart. 把表還給我
[24:36.87]now! 快點(diǎn)
[24:45.72]and???? 永遠(yuǎn)都別提起我媽媽
[24:50.29]there's a leak. go back on bypass now. 發(fā)生泄露 立即回到邊路
[24:52.51]bailey,take the clamps off of the aortic and venous lines. Bailey 松開主動(dòng)脈和靜脈的夾鉗
[24:54.73]okay,grey,take the suction. 好的 Grey 拿著吸管
[24:56.06]the whole left atrium is torn where that clot was adhered. 整個(gè)左心房因凝血而破裂
[24:59.42]metzenbaum scissors. 組織剪
[25:00.54]oh,god. this was a mistake. 天哪 這是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤
[25:02.40]it was irresponsible and stupid, 這是不負(fù)責(zé)又愚蠢的
[25:04.20]and i cannot believe that i let you talk me into it. 不敢相信我當(dāng)初聽了你的
[25:06.96]my reputation's gonna be in the toilet at the end of this day. 我的名聲就毀于今天了
[25:09.85]dan slocum at mercy is gonna have a field day with this, Dan Slocum肯定會(huì)以此為樂
[25:12.97]condescending tool that he is. 他真是個(gè)小丑
[25:14.62]-erica -don't "erica" me,richard. - Erica - 別叫我Erica Richard
[25:16.51]it's not your good name we're gonna destroy here today, 今天毀的不是你的名聲
[25:19.01]much as i wish that it was. 我真希望是這樣
[25:20.42]dr. hahn,it's done. Hahn醫(yī)生 成功了
[25:28.37]no leak. the repair is holding. 沒有滲漏 修補(bǔ)得很成功
[25:31.58]you were saying? 你剛才說什么?
[26:04.03]is that clock right? 鐘走對(duì)的嗎
[26:06.29]i'm sure it is. 我可以肯定
[26:11.75]maybe his plane was delayed. 也許他的飛機(jī)晚點(diǎn)了
[26:14.21]his phone is off. 他的手機(jī)關(guān)機(jī)
[26:14.88]maybe his phone is off because he's still on the plane. 也許是因?yàn)樗€在飛機(jī)上
[26:18.84]he's coming. 他會(huì)來的
[26:29.60]here. 給你
[26:33.64]my head did this? 是我幻想出來的嗎
[26:35.07]no. your tumor did this. 不是 是你的腫瘤幻想出來的
[26:42.55]he was never there? 他不存在嗎
[26:50.51]oh,god. 我的天哪
[26:53.42]oh,god. 我的天哪
[26:56.77]oh,god. 我的天哪
[26:58.45]oh. 我
[27:03.41]how can he not be real? 這怎么會(huì)不是真的?
[27:07.74]i'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[27:20.66]oh,god. 我的天哪
[27:28.88]well,hey there,baby boy. 小伙子
[27:30.54]you managed to make it through the day,huh? 你今天還好吧
[27:33.41]-our son has been punching other children. -yeah,i know. - 我們兒子一直在欺負(fù)別的小孩 - 我知道
[27:38.39]-what you mean,you know? -it's happened before. - 你知道是什么意思? - 這以前就發(fā)生過
[27:41.15]i'm dealing with it. 我正在解決這個(gè)問題
[27:44.06]wait a minute. i had to bribe 等等 我不得不賄賂托兒所的主管
[27:45.46]the director of the day care center 才能讓他繼續(xù)讀
[27:46.84]to get him back in. 我答應(yīng)了帶蘋果片去
[27:48.11]i had to promise to bring apple slices
[27:50.44]and give free mammograms to the teachers. 還得免費(fèi)為老師們做乳房X光片
[27:52.12]now why aren't you telling me what's happening? 為什么你不告訴我出了什么事情?
[27:55.34]i don't judge how you do surgery. 我不會(huì)對(duì)你的手術(shù)評(píng)頭論足
[27:56.61]how about you don't judge how i deal with the baby? 你也別對(duì)我?guī)Ш⒆拥姆绞皆u(píng)頭論足 好嗎
[27:58.09]well,obviously you didn't deal with it. 但顯然你就是沒有帶孩子
[28:00.22]he's punching other children. 他打了其他的小朋友
[28:01.25]of course he's punching people. 他當(dāng)然會(huì)打別人
[28:02.81]he used to be with me all day, 他以前整天都和我待在一起
[28:04.23]and now he's in day care so he can spend ten minutes 現(xiàn)在他在托兒所了
[28:06.61]with you every three hours. 他每3小時(shí)才只能和你待10分鐘
[28:07.48]-so that's just making him violent now,right? -yes,he's got a little- - 這樣他才會(huì)暴力嗎? - 當(dāng)然 他現(xiàn)在
[28:10.10]hey,tuck. Tuck
[28:11.16]hey,can i,uh,take him to say hi for a minute? 我可以帶他先玩一玩嗎
[28:14.55]uh,yeah,sure,sure. 沒問題
[28:16.37]yeah,you wanna go play with the office supplies? 你想去玩玩辦公用品嗎
[28:22.25]look,if you can't communicate well enough to tell me- 如果你和我溝通不了的話
[28:25.68]don't lecture me,miranda bailey. 別教育我 Miranda Bailey
[28:27.55]i'm not one of your students. 我不是你的學(xué)生
[28:29.47]now i know with all the time you spend around here, 你把所有時(shí)間都花到了這里
[28:30.98]it's hard toto differentiate sometimes. 有時(shí)會(huì)工作生活沒了界限
[28:32.76]no,i spend my time here because i'm building a life for us! 錯(cuò) 我在這里工作生活是因?yàn)槲乙B(yǎng)家
[28:37.19]i spend my time here 我花時(shí)間在這里
[28:38.44]because i don't have the luxury of being able to take a year off 因?yàn)槲覜]那個(gè)資本來請(qǐng)一年的假
[28:41.02]and spend it with our child and-and knowing 來陪我們的孩子 而且清楚
[28:43.20]that my career is gonna be there waiting for me 當(dāng)我準(zhǔn)備好回去的時(shí)候
[28:44.94]-when i'm ready to go back. -a luxury? - 還不用擔(dān)心丟掉飯碗 - 資本?
[28:46.64]so you think spending all day every day wiping noses 你以為每天給孩子擦鼻子
[28:49.78]and changing diapers is a luxury? 換尿布是種資本?
[28:51.77]no,i think it's a beautiful thing that you get to do! 不 但你能照顧孩子就是件很美好的事
[28:54.41]and you're taking it for granted! 你卻把這當(dāng)成理所當(dāng)然的事
[28:55.81]-i take it for granted? -yes! - 我把這當(dāng)成理所當(dāng)然? - 對(duì)
[28:57.27]i take our family for granted? 我把家庭當(dāng)成理所當(dāng)然?
[28:58.47]-no,i did not say -no,you did say. - 不 我沒有那么說 - 不 你就是說了
[29:00.22]you did say! 你說了
[29:01.11]-i work because we -you love your work. - 我工作是為了我們 - 是因?yàn)槟阆矚g你的工作
[29:03.67]and i love my family,too! 我也喜歡我的家庭
[29:05.23]because you know i will pick up the slack at home. 因?yàn)槟阒牢視?huì)在家收拾殘局
[29:05.90]it is going to be okay. 一切都會(huì)好的
[29:07.61]so who takes who for granted? 到底是誰理所當(dāng)然啦
[29:09.04]uncle george says it is going to be okay. George叔叔說一切都會(huì)好起來
[29:14.23]this used to happen when i was a kid. 我小時(shí)候也會(huì)這樣
[29:15.46]i'd get a strep test,and it'd come back negative. 我做了個(gè)鏈鎖狀球菌測(cè)試 結(jié)果是陰性
[29:18.76]look,okay,that's your uterus. 看 那是你的子宮
[29:20.78]there is nothing in there. 里面什么都沒有
[29:22.72]-no fetus,no sack,nothing. -but it's too early. it's tiny. - 沒有胎兒 沒有孕囊 什么也沒有 - 現(xiàn)在說還為時(shí)尚早 胎兒太小了
[29:26.31]you can't see anything yet. 還什么都看不到呢
[29:30.83]-what the hell are you doing? -i paged you 20 minutes ago. - 你他媽的在干什么? - 我20分鐘前就傳呼你了
[29:35.13]rebecca,look. Rebecca 看
[29:36.93]okay,this is a fetus at 6 weeks. 這是6周大的胎兒
[29:40.15]all right,it's a tiny spot,but it's there. 盡管很小 還是存在的
[29:41.79]you can see it. 可以用肉眼看到
[29:43.49]look at your uterus. there's nothing there. 看看你的子宮 里面什么都沒有
[29:45.87]nothing. 什么都沒有
[29:47.62]get out. 你給我出去
[29:51.24]here are her labs,and there's a chart note from dr. sloan. 這是她的檢查結(jié)果 還有Sloan醫(yī)生寫的病歷
[29:54.05]i could get a psych consult for you if you want. 如果你需要的話 我可以找一個(gè)心理醫(yī)生
[29:55.80]just get out! 給我出去
[30:01.18]what? 什么?
[30:04.24]there's no baby. 根本就沒有嬰兒
[30:07.23]-i lost the baby? -no,you...you weren't pregnant. - 我流產(chǎn)了嗎 - 不 你根本就沒有懷上
[30:11.04]if you had been pregnant,your beta h.c.g. level 你要是懷孕了的話 貝塔促性腺激素就會(huì)升高
[30:12.92]would have been elevated. 測(cè)試結(jié)果卻沒有變化
[30:14.17]it's zero. 是零
[30:15.55]you didn't miscarry. there never was a baby. 你沒有流產(chǎn) 你根本就沒有懷上
[30:21.81]i can't believe i lost our baby. 真不敢相信 我失去了我們的孩子
[30:24.23]rebecca,you're not hearing me. Rebecca 你沒聽懂我的話
[30:26.79]i'm so sorry. 對(duì)不起
[30:29.40]i'm so sorry i lost our baby. 對(duì)不起我丟了我們的孩子
[30:37.94]it's okay. 沒關(guān)系
[30:39.58]you're gonna be okay. all right? 一切都會(huì)好起來的
[30:44.20]remember,we need to stay in sync. 記住 我們必須同步
[30:46.16]ready? go. 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎 開始
[30:48.62]good. easy. slow,slow. slow down. 好 放松 慢 慢點(diǎn)
[30:50.98]right there. right there. good. 就在那里 很好
[30:54.36]her pressure's rising. she's getting bradycardic. 她的血壓在升高 給她用減慢心率的藥
[30:56.52]okay,so let's push 1 gram per kilo of mannitol,20 lasix. 注射甘露醇 每公斤體重用1克 外加20毫克利尿劑
[30:59.55]see if we can avoid increased i.c.p. 看看能否避免顱內(nèi)壓升高
[31:10.60]is there a problem,dr. grey? 有什么問題嗎 Grey醫(yī)生
[31:14.62]andre's here. Andre來了
[31:28.42]you run everywhere,or is it just you're scared of me? 你到處的跑 你怕我嗎
[31:32.73]i'm just trying to stay on top of things. 我只是想把事情做到最好
[31:34.30]well,you're doing a fine job. 那你做得不錯(cuò)
[31:36.49]it's very impressive work. 令人印象深刻
[31:41.94]sir,if you wouldn't mind mentioning to the chief 先生 如果你不介意向主任提及一下
[31:43.48]that you like my work... 你喜歡我的工作嗎
[31:44.67]i was held back as an intern. 我一直都還是個(gè)實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生
[31:46.97]there was some personal... stuff. 有一些私人原因
[31:49.51]i'm good. 我很不錯(cuò)的
[31:51.13]and,uh,if you would say something to him - uh, 如果你幫我美言幾句的話
[31:53.13]webber would not have made that decision lightly. Webber做決定都很謹(jǐn)慎
[31:57.34]learning is like,um,healing,it happens over time. 學(xué)習(xí)好像康復(fù)一樣需要花費(fèi)很多時(shí)間
[32:05.73]listen... keep running. 聽著 好好表現(xiàn)
[32:08.93]but not because you want to cut corners. 而別想著抄近路
[32:11.58]because it makes you a better doctor. 心里要想要成為一個(gè)更好的醫(yī)生
[32:15.15]you're not supposed to be talking. 你不應(yīng)該說話
[32:17.04]o'leary and i were just,uh, O'leary和我只是
[32:18.47]marveling at the fact that you haven't killed me yet. 很驚訝你沒有治死我
[32:21.22]well,there's always tomorrow. 以后還有機(jī)會(huì)嘛
[32:23.49]check his post-op echo and make sure 給他做術(shù)后超聲檢查
[32:25.19]-there's no residual prolapse. -yes,sir. - 確保沒有殘留性脫垂 - 好的 主任
[32:47.11]-are you okay? -don't ask me if i'm okay. - 你還好嗎 - 別問我好不好
[32:49.95]okay. 好吧
[32:51.52]you make me sick. have some fire. 你讓我惡心 弄出點(diǎn)激情來
[32:54.26]be unstoppable. be a force of nature. 表現(xiàn)出點(diǎn)野性來
[32:57.15]be better than anyone here, 比任何人都強(qiáng)
[32:59.04]and don't give a damn what anyone thinks. 別管別人怎么想
[33:00.93]there are no teams here,no buddies. 這里沒有隊(duì)伍 沒有朋友
[33:04.48]you're on your own. be on your own. 你只有自己 別管別人的事
[33:12.69]dr. yang... Yang醫(yī)生
[33:14.32]i just scrubbed in on walter tapley's double valve replacement. 我剛參加了Walter Tapley的雙瓣膜置換術(shù)
[33:17.63]i watched dr. hahn excise a piece of his pericardium from, 我看著Hahn醫(yī)生切除了
[33:21.18]like,3 inches away. 一片大約3英寸的心包膜
[33:22.78]that's what i got to do while you made notes in charts. 這就是你在作病例的時(shí)候 我干的事情
[33:26.33]so whatever crap you want to rain down on my head,go for it. 不管你怎么對(duì)我噴糞 隨便你
[33:29.78]because i just saw the inside of walter tapley's heart, 因?yàn)槲乙呀?jīng)看到了Walter Tapley的心臟
[33:32.71]and that is something that you will never take away from me. 無論如何 你也不能取走我的這份經(jīng)歷
[33:39.45]-yeah. okay. -okay,then. - 對(duì) 好吧 - 好吧
[33:49.41]hey,tuck. here's tapley's file. Tuck 這兒是Tapley的檔案
[33:51.09]the new labs are in there. 實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果就在里面
[33:52.72]just put it on the pile. 放在那一堆里
[33:54.34]-tucker didn't take him? -i wanted the evening with him. - Tucker沒有帶他走? - 我要帶他一晚上
[33:58.31]you guys get to the bottom of anything? 你們兩個(gè)緣分已盡嗎
[34:02.87]why don't i take tuck for a couple hours? 我來照顧Tuck一會(huì)吧
[34:05.12]you can go talk to him,go fight with him. 你可以跟他談?wù)劵虼蟪骋活D
[34:07.21]you're not gonna fix anything in one day, 眼下解決不了的問題
[34:08.67]but you can go on and keep trying. 繼續(xù)努力就會(huì)日后解決
[34:18.08]what are you doing? 你干什么呢
[34:19.04]i need some of your clothes. 我要借你幾件衣服
[34:20.08]she's staying with me for a couple of days. 她要和我待幾天
[34:21.55]she didn't bring enough stuff. 她的衣服沒有帶足
[34:22.52]did you call her husband? 你給她的丈夫打電話了嗎
[34:23.73]she doesn't want to talk to him. 她不想和他說話
[34:24.73]did you get a psych consult? 你為她找到心理醫(yī)生了嗎
[34:26.89]alex,hey. she had a hysterical pregnancy. Alex 她患的是癔病性懷孕
[34:30.58]-sloan thinks she may have a stress d - -she's fine,okay? - Sloan醫(yī)生認(rèn)為她有可能 - 她沒事 不行嗎
[34:32.54]i can handle it. i'm gonna take care of her. 我能搞定 我會(huì)照顧好她
[34:34.41]just give me some damn girl clothes. 給我?guī)准说囊路托?br /> [34:55.43]there you go. 給你
[35:00.77]tomorrow's board and dr. tapley's echo. 這是明天的安排表和Tapley的超聲波報(bào)告
[35:02.57]hahn is seeing him now. Hahn正在給他檢查
[35:04.01]what are you doing with bailey's child? 你抱著Bailey的孩子干什么?
[35:08.01]dr. bailey and i are in love, 我和Bailey醫(yī)生戀愛了
[35:09.46]and i'll be heading back to vegas with her 只要我和Torres醫(yī)生的離婚手續(xù)辦好
[35:11.07]as soon as my divorce from dr. torres is final. 我就跟她私奔到拉斯維加斯
[35:14.48]we need to write adele again. 我們要再給Adele發(fā)個(gè)郵件
[35:15.73]she replied to my e-mail,but all she sent was a typo. 她回我了 但卻是亂碼
[35:18.79]she's no better at this than i am. 她還不如我呢
[35:21.38]that's not a typo,sir. that's a wink. 這不是亂碼 主任 這是飛眼
[35:22.88]no,that's a semicolon and close parentheses. 不對(duì) 這是 ; )
[35:25.17]turn it sideways. 轉(zhuǎn)過來看
[35:28.71]-well,what the hell does this mean? -she's flirting,sir. - 這是什么意思? - 她在調(diào)情呢 主任
[35:32.32]-oh,that's good. -yeah. - 那很好 - 對(duì)
[35:35.04]o'malley. O'Malley
[35:37.94]good work today. 今天干得不錯(cuò)
[35:43.90]you know what that was? 知道剛才是什么意思嗎
[35:45.66]that was the attaboy. 那是夸我呢
[35:48.27]this may have been the most exhausting day of my life, 今天也許是我一生中最疲倦的一天
[35:50.45]my back is killing me- no offense- 我的背疼得要命 不是說你啊
[35:52.86]and i haven't seen the inside of an o.r. in... 我還沒看過手術(shù)室里面什么樣
[35:56.67]i don't know how long,but-but i got the attaboy. 我不知道多久沒去了 但有人夸我了
[35:59.87]i'm turning it around. 我要時(shí)來運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)了
[36:01.85]and you're gonna get the punching under control,right? 你也會(huì)搞定打人的事 對(duì)吧
[36:05.05]oh,you and me,you know,boy, 我們倆 伙計(jì)
[36:07.75]it takes us a while,but we get there. 我們都要等一段時(shí)間 但我們會(huì)成功的
[36:13.47]we reached the tumor. 我們到達(dá)了腫瘤的位置
[36:17.60]but there was swelling in greta's brain. 但Greta的頭部有水腫
[36:20.79]we did an m.r.i., 我們做了核磁共振
[36:23.38]and it suggested that the swelling in her brain 顯示出腦水腫對(duì)大腦造成了
[36:26.76]caused a great deal of damage. 嚴(yán)重傷害
[36:29.35]it doesn't look like she's gonna wake up. 她不大可能醒來了
[36:34.66]mr. barret... we're so sorry. Barret先生 我們很抱歉
[36:39.70]we should've waited. 我們應(yīng)該等你的
[36:42.51]we didn't think... 我們沒想到
[36:46.05]i didn't think you were coming. 我沒想到你會(huì)來
[36:50.38]the whole story just sounded so incredible. 這個(gè)故事太不可思議了
[36:55.46]she told you about the shoe,right? 她告訴你們鞋的故事了 對(duì)吧
[36:59.74]it makes us both sound crazy. 讓我們兩人聽起來挺瘋狂的
[37:04.12]i could never get that image out of my head... 我永遠(yuǎn)都忘不掉那個(gè)場(chǎng)面
[37:09.19]her running up the gangplank with one shoe, 她穿著一只鞋跑上跳板
[37:12.37]wind in her hair. 風(fēng)吹著她的發(fā)梢
[37:14.69]most beautiful thing i've ever seen. 是我見過最美麗的畫面
[37:18.87]she might wake up,right? 她有可能醒來 對(duì)嗎
[37:21.35]i mean,it's been a fairy tale from the start. 我們的開始就是一個(gè)童話
[37:22.79]they always wake up. 公主總會(huì)醒來
[37:33.03]don't wonder why people go crazy. 別對(duì)人們?yōu)閻郫偪穸泽@
[37:37.59]wonder why they don't. 不這樣才令人吃驚
[37:51.99]in the face of all we can lose in a day... 面對(duì)著一天之間
[37:56.97]in an instant... 轉(zhuǎn)瞬之間就可能失去的一切
[38:04.12]wonder what the hell it is... 想想到底是什么
[38:08.15]that makes us hold it together. 讓我們緊緊相連
[38:23.24]ladies. 女士們
[38:26.23]he's thinking about a threesome. 他在想著雙飛
[38:28.81]-i'm not. -you are. - 我沒想 - 你有想
[38:30.23]he has been... all day. 他一整天都在想
[38:34.75]okay,fine. 好吧 我承認(rèn)
[38:36.36]i got a new leaf,not a lobotomy. 我有了新的腦葉 卻沒有實(shí)施腦葉纖維切斷術(shù)
[38:38.12]-you couldn't handle the two of us. -oh,but i could. i won't,but i could. - 你搞不定我們兩個(gè) - 誰說的 我不會(huì) 但我有這個(gè)能力
[38:43.44]-you wouldn't find it intimidating? -not at all. - 你難道沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)它的威脅嗎 - 一點(diǎn)也不
[39:00.36]see? too much for you. 瞧 非你能力所及
[39:07.08]damn it! 該死的
[39:08.86]on call room right now. 馬上去值班室
[39:27.67]rose. Rose
[39:31.90]-you,you want to go have dinner? -no,i'm sorry. i can't. - 想去吃晚飯嗎 - 不 對(duì)不起 我不能
[39:34.83]oh,come on. 拜托
[39:36.37]derek,we spent a night together and then you vanish. Derek 我們共度了一晚然后你就消失了
[39:39.29]now i wish that i was secure enough to handle that 我希望自己足夠有把握
[39:40.90]without a bruised ego 而非瘀痕累累
[39:41.87]and a lot of processed sugar,but i'm not. 外加并非發(fā)自肺腑的甜言蜜語
[39:43.51]wait,wait,wait. 等等
[39:45.14]can't we just make this easier? 就不能簡(jiǎn)單點(diǎn)嗎
[39:48.07]i don't... look,i don't want- i- see, 我并不想
[39:51.23]i've done complicated. 我曾經(jīng)搞的很復(fù)雜
[39:53.04]i don't want to do that again. 我不想再來一次
[39:55.33]can't this just be easy? 就不能簡(jiǎn)單點(diǎn)嗎
[39:59.35]fun? 有趣點(diǎn)嗎
[40:02.39]we don't need that... fairy-tale thing right now. 我們此刻不需要那個(gè)童話故事
[40:06.09]we just need a little happy. 我們只需要一點(diǎn)開心
[40:52.44]my mother tried to kill herself when i was a kid... 我媽在我小時(shí)候想要自殺
[40:56.88]after the love of her life disappeared. 在她摯愛離開以后
[41:02.53]i never told anybody that before. 我從未告訴任何人
[41:06.53]okay. 好的
[41:10.36]so you think i'm broken? 你認(rèn)為我無藥可救嗎
[41:13.70]fix me. 治好我
[41:15.93]'cause i'm no quitter. 因?yàn)槲也皇前胪径鴱U的人
[41:20.10]let's go. 我們開始吧

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