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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:57:59
[00:02.16]my mother used to say that for a surgeon,a day without death is a rare gift. 我媽常說 沒有死亡的一天 對(duì)外科醫(yī)生是恩賜
[00:16.44]time of death...11:53. 死亡時(shí)間 11:53
[00:22.09]Every day we face death. 每天我們都目睹死亡
[00:24.30]Every day we lose life. 每天我們都失去生命
[00:30.74]time of death...136. 死亡時(shí)間 18:36
[00:35.65]Time of death...15:52. 死亡時(shí)間 15:52
[00:42.29]And every day we're hoping for a stay of execution. 每天我們都希望 延緩死神的腳步
[00:48.30]What do you remember about it? 你還能記得什么?
[00:51.58]Uh,we were at home. 我們?cè)诩?br /> [00:55.89]You were there? 你在場(chǎng)?
[00:56.97]Yes,was there. 是的
[01:03.83]It's okay to talk about it. 你可以說出來
[01:10.41]Dr.Wyatt,my mother took a scalpel and sliced her wrists in front of me. Wyatt醫(yī)生 我媽在我面前拿手術(shù)刀割腕
[01:15.03]and I sat on the kitchen floor in a pool of her blood, 我坐在廚房地板 她的血泊中
[01:17.53]waiting until she passed out so I could call 9-1-1. 等著她暈倒 我才可以打911
[01:21.23]It's not okay to talk about it. 這并不容易說出來
[01:26.05]Why did you wait until she passed out? 為什么要等到她暈倒?
[01:29.91]She asked me not to bere she slit her wrists, 她割腕前叫我別報(bào)警
[01:32.86]so I knew I would get in trouble if I tried to save her life. 如果救她 我會(huì)有麻煩
[01:36.84]But you did save her life. 但你這樣做了
[01:40.08]She didn't want it saved. 她想死
[01:44.06]You must be very angry at her. 你很生她的氣吧
[01:46.81]No. 不
[01:49.39]Not at her. 不是她?
[01:50.79]Who are you angry at? 那對(duì)誰?
[01:54.33]We're attached to death. 我們與死亡相連
[01:58.51]chained. 像戴著枷鎖的
[02:00.18]like prisoners. 囚犯
[02:04.19]captives. 和俘虜
[02:09.14]- Do you want to dance it out? - No. - 想跳舞發(fā)泄嗎? - 不想
[02:11.90]- Do you want to drink tequila? - No. - 想喝龍舌蘭酒嗎? - 不想
[02:14.66]Do you want to call me names,mock me endlessly? 想罵我 取笑我嗎?
[02:19.52]No. 不想
[02:20.79]- I'm trying to cheer you up. - Yeah?Well,stop it. - 我在幫你打氣 - 夠了
[02:23.04]It's annoying. 你很煩
[02:24.25]And it's not working. 沒用的
[02:25.37]I'm deep in the wilderness here. 我情緒極度低落
[02:31.89]do you want the sparkle pager? 想要夢(mèng)幻傳呼機(jī)嗎?
[02:35.72]That's not funny. 別開玩笑
[02:36.71]You're sad.Actually sad. 你很難過 非常難過
[02:38.30]Do you know how I know it's the right thing to do to give you the sparkle pager? 這是我想到的最好法子
[02:41.18]Because you're so sad,you're not even asking me for it. 你難過得已經(jīng)不會(huì)纏著我要了
[02:43.51]Shiny,shiny pager with lots of shiny,shiny surgeries. 夢(mèng)幻傳呼機(jī) 和很多夢(mèng)幻手術(shù)
[02:48.19]If I were the kind of person who kissed people,I would kiss you. 如果我會(huì)親人 肯定會(huì)親你的
[03:01.26]I tried to change. 我努力改變
[03:03.37]turn over a new leaf. 重新開始
[03:05.84]But the leaf isn't turning you weren't ready to change. - 但生活還是老樣子 - 你沒準(zhǔn)備好
[03:09.20]And that's okay. 這沒關(guān)系
[03:11.02]Adele wanted me to change,to retire. Adele要我改變 要我退休
[03:13.68]Well,I'm still the chief,and this weekend,I'm moving back home. 我還是主任 這周末 我要搬回家
[03:17.47]- Does adele know that? - She'll be fine. - Adele知道嗎? - 她會(huì)接受的
[03:19.37]She was wrong.I was right. 她錯(cuò)了 我是對(duì)的
[03:21.35]And now we're... doing it like bunnies. - 現(xiàn)在我們... - 非常笨拙
[03:24.15]I can't change.I can't change.I can't change. 我沒法改變
[03:28.13]Be who you are. 做你自己
[03:29.65]I am who I am. 我就是我
[03:32.36]A man. 一個(gè)男人
[03:33.72]A man. 一個(gè)男人
[03:36.27]A man who is who he is... I have a right to be that man. 一個(gè)堅(jiān)持自我的男人 我要做那樣的人
[03:40.50]I'm not gonna say anything. 我什么也不說
[03:42.57]No judging. 不發(fā)表評(píng)論
[03:44.32]I'm gonna miss living on the land. 我會(huì)懷念島上的生活的
[03:45.84]It is a beautiful piece of land. 很美的地方
[03:47.76]Wanna buy it? 想買嗎?
[03:49.62]You can't sell this land. 你不能賣這塊地
[03:51.41]You have blueprints. 你有藍(lán)圖
[03:52.68]This is ur living room window. 你客廳的窗就對(duì)著這里
[03:54.43]The house that derek built. Derek造的房子
[03:55.64]Yeah,well,that's over. 算了
[03:56.53]I'm thinking about getting a place in town. 我想在城里找個(gè)地方住
[03:58.43]But you love this land. 但你喜歡這地方
[03:59.54]This land d ferry boats are who you are. 這片土地和渡船 那才是你
[04:02.25]A man can change. 人會(huì)變的
[04:04.50]I'm selling the land. 我要賣這塊地
[04:06.92]And ferry boats. 至于渡船
[04:08.86]crash. 已經(jīng)沉了
[04:25.40]- Morning. - Hey. - 早上好 - 好
[04:27.63]all right. 好的
[04:29.32]Here we go. 給你
[04:30.74]Come N. 吃吧
[04:33.77]hey,can you take my cases this morning? 上午你能接手我的病人嗎?
[04:35.52]Check in on my post-ops? 替我檢查術(shù)后的患者?
[04:36.94]You're not coming to work? 你不去上班了?
[04:38.09]Nah,I'm gonna hang with rebecca,watch movies. 不去了 我要和Rebecca一起看電影
[04:40.19]So if you could cover for me. 你幫我頂一下班
[04:42.51]hey,take a bite. 吃一口
[04:43.98]Yeah,I'll cover for you. 好的
[04:46.04]Um,alex.she's not looking very good. Alex 她不太好
[04:49.33]She's fine. 她沒事
[04:53.44]come on.Take a bite. 來 吃一口
[04:59.62]Dr.Bailey,I got an answer for you from the chief about your schedule. Bailey醫(yī)生 關(guān)于你的日程安排
[05:03.69]He said you're not spending enough hours in the O.R. 主任說 在門診和專職工作以外
[05:06.11]Between the clinic and your chief resident work. 你的手術(shù)時(shí)間不夠
[05:08.45]You need to spend at least 15 to 20 more hours per week in surgery 每周要多花15到20小時(shí)做手術(shù)
[05:12.17]in order to sit for your boards. 這樣才能保住你的位置
[05:14.08]Should I tell the chief that's possible? 我可以跟主任說 你能做到嗎?
[05:17.40]- Dr.Bailey? - Hush. - Bailey醫(yī)生? - 噓
[05:18.58]I'm trying to see something. 我在努力看東西
[05:20.41]When I'm trying to see something,I can't do it if you're asking me questions. 你問問題會(huì)讓我分心
[05:24.93]What are you trying to see? 你在看什么?
[05:26.28]Dr.Bailey,listen,I am really worried about ava. 我很擔(dān)心Ava
[05:29.87]I mean rebecca.I mean alex.Well,alex and rebecca. 我是說Rebecca和Alex
[05:33.72]who used to be called ava,so that's why I keep... 以前她叫Ava
[05:35.34]anyway,listen,she's crazy,d I don't mean funny crazy.Okay? 她精神不正常 我說真的
[05:38.97]Alex is home with her right now,and he's all "take a bite,take a bite." Alex在家里陪她 不停的說 來一口 來一口
[05:41.75]It's weird and sad and. 很反常很可憐
[05:44.55]I want to help,but I don't know what to do. 我想幫忙 可不知道該干什么
[05:46.07]So I'm gonna need you to tell me what to do. 請(qǐng)你告訴我該怎做
[05:49.70]- What do I do? - She's trying to see something. - 我該怎么辦? - 她正努力看東西
[05:50.99]When she's trying to see something, 這種時(shí)候
[05:51.91]she doesn't need you in her face asking questions. 她不希望你問問題
[05:53.35]You don't see me asking her questions. 沒看到我不說話嗎?
[05:54.87]What are you trying to see? 你在看什么?
[05:58.40]The bigger pture. 大局
[06:08.38]it's just you and me and erica. 只有你 我和Erica
[06:10.76]and we're grabbing you,ripping off your clothes. 我們緊抱著你 扯掉你的衣服
[06:14.06]And then you're naked.You're so hot. 把你脫得一絲不掛 你性感
[06:16.43]and naked. 而且赤裸著
[06:18.16]and then erica starts kissing you. 然后Erica開始親吻你
[06:20.99]- hold on a minute. - Erica's kissing you - 等會(huì) - Erica在吻你
[06:22.06]like you need to be kissed. 好像你求之若渴
[06:24.38]and then I pin your hands. 然后我把你的雙手
[06:27.71]- Hold on a minute. - above your head. - 等會(huì) - 按在你頭上面
[06:29.76]And then I watch as she uses one finger... 然后我看著她用一根手指...
[06:33.17]hold on a minute! 等一下!
[06:38.86]Okay,I'm sorry,'cause that was good for me... 好吧 抱歉 我很享受你說的話
[06:42.21]that was really,really good for me.Good boy. 真的很享受 你很棒
[06:44.75]But I have a big trauma coming in downstairs,so, 我有個(gè)外傷病人在路上
[06:47.57]um,we're gonna have to do this the fast way,okay? 我們速戰(zhàn)速?zèng)Q吧
[06:54.60]every page needs to go in every set of documents. 每頁都要?dú)w入一份文檔
[06:56.37]Miss one,and you're on scut for a month. 漏了一頁 這種活再讓你們干一個(gè)月
[06:58.40]These are the most promising set of clinical trial patients yet, 這些是最有希望的臨床實(shí)驗(yàn)患者的資料
[07:00.88]- and I don't want any mistakes. - hardass. - 不能出一點(diǎn)差錯(cuò) - 真難搞
[07:02.63]Where were you last night? 你昨晚在哪?
[07:03.60]I had to stay with cristina.She needed me. 我在陪Cristina 她需要我
[07:05.40]That's so nice. 你人真好
[07:06.63]But rebecca's at the house. 但Rebecca在家里
[07:07.74]I needed you. 我需要你
[07:08.55]Apparently she's crazy. 她瘋了
[07:09.95]Now,george,we've had this discussion, George 我們討論過這事
[07:11.27]and we decided that it's not appropriate to call izzie crazy. 我們認(rèn)為 不該把Izzie叫做瘋子
[07:13.78]She's spirited. 應(yīng)該說她精神飽滿
[07:15.48]- Spirited. - Yeah.Not me! - 精神飽滿 - 恩 不是我!
[07:17.46]I'm not crazy.Rebecca's crazy. 我沒瘋 Rebecca瘋了
[07:19.61]And...and alex is pretending she's not. Alex假裝她沒有
[07:21.27]- It's... - hello. - 實(shí)在是... - 大家好
[07:22.58]H...I-I was just helping meredith collate. 我正在幫Meredith Collate的忙
[07:24.26]I'm on my way to check on your patients right now. 我這就去檢查你的病人
[07:25.63]- I swear. - That's fine. - 我保證 - 沒關(guān)系
[07:27.12]Take your time. 別著急
[07:29.66]You seem. 你看上去
[07:30.50]cheerful. 心情愉快
[07:31.41]I'm gettin' my groove back. 我的狀態(tài)又回來了
[07:32.94]I'm gettin' ggy with it. 我神清氣爽
[07:34.45]I'm gettin' down with the. 我要開始
[07:35.97]get down. 翩翩起舞了
[07:37.66]- Meredith gave me the sparkle pager. - what? - Meredith給我夢(mèng)幻尋呼機(jī)了 - 什么?
[07:39.22]She needed it for her mojo. 她需要借此恢復(fù)元?dú)?br /> [07:41.25]Did you ever stop to think that maybe I needed it? 你沒想過也許我也需要它呢?
[07:42.53]Oh,you'd waste the sparkle pager. 讓你用是浪費(fèi)
[07:43.72]I need it to get out from under hahn. 有了它 我才能不受Hahn的擺布
[07:45.52]I won't have to beg her for O.R.Time if I have the pager. 我再也不用求她去做手術(shù)了
[07:48.25]You know,if she's not gonna teach me,I'm gonna teach myself. 如果她不教我 我也會(huì)自己告訴自己的
[07:50.29]She's just gonna use it for evil. 她會(huì)用它干壞事的
[07:51.73]I. 而我
[07:52.61]I would use it to do good. 才會(huì)用它做好事
[07:54.05]And besides,the pager is sacred. 再說 尋呼機(jī)是很神圣的
[07:56.25]Sacred sparkle. 神圣的夢(mèng)幻尋呼機(jī)
[07:58.03]you can't just give it away. 你不能隨便送人的
[07:59.11]You can't do that.Right?She can't do that. 你不能這樣做 對(duì)吧? 她不能這樣做
[08:00.59]I think it's nontransferable. 我覺得尋呼機(jī)不能轉(zhuǎn)讓
[08:02.11]You don't make the rules. 輪不到你定規(guī)矩
[08:04.52]but I am the chief's intern. 我是主任的實(shí)習(xí)生
[08:06.25]Uh,you're the chief's bitch. 你是主任的奴才
[08:07.74]And you have no power. 而且沒有權(quán)力
[08:08.92]because the power...oh! 因?yàn)闄?quán)力在
[08:10.24]is in the pager. 尋呼機(jī)之中
[08:11.11]Oh,look,that's the chief with something important and powerful. 主任有要事呼我了
[08:14.52]No need for pagers covered with glue and glitter when you work for the chief. 為主任工作才不需要 用膠水粘得花里胡哨的尋呼機(jī)呢
[08:20.11]About rebecca... 至于Rebecca
[08:21.12]me and my world-class neurosurgeon are gonna use a brilliant, 我還有我的世界級(jí)神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)師正要
[08:23.69]cutting-edge technique to save a life. 使用卓越的高精尖技術(shù)拯救一個(gè)人生命
[08:25.58]So I don't have time for crazy.Work it out. 沒時(shí)間管瘋子 你自己解決吧
[08:32.23]A trauma. 外傷
[08:34.87]what do we got? 我們遇到什么情況了?
[08:35.89]It's not,"what do we got?" 不是 我們遇到什么了
[08:36.77]It what do I got,and I don't know yet. 而是我遇到什么了 而且我還不知道
[08:37.92]Well,check the sparklpager rules 'cause whatever it is,it's mine now. 看看夢(mèng)幻尋呼機(jī)法則吧 不管病人情況如何 現(xiàn)在都是我負(fù)責(zé)
[08:41.23]- Hey,what do we have? - I don't know yet. - 情況怎么樣? - 還不知道
[08:42.43]- I don't know. - no. - 我不知道 - 不行
[08:43.42]sparkle pager. 夢(mèng)幻尋呼機(jī)
[08:44.03]You can't sparkle pager it. 你不能用夢(mèng)幻尋呼機(jī)
[08:45.58]It's not her pager. 這不是她的
[08:46.39]Uh,yang,it's yours. Yang這是你的
[08:47.79]Stevens,you need to cover the pit. Stevens你來補(bǔ)缺
[08:48.99]And didn't you volunteer to oversee karev's post-ops? 你不是自愿監(jiān)護(hù)Karev的術(shù)后患者嗎?
[08:51.12]Yes,-t I- come on. 是 可是...
[08:52.40]I don't have time for pettiness.Go 我沒工夫處理瑣事 走吧
[08:55.48]Hey,callie. 嘿 Callie
[08:56.87]Hi. 嘿
[08:57.81]Hello,erica. 你好 Erica
[08:58.99]What's the matter with you? 你怎么了?
[08:59.86]Nothing. 沒事
[09:00.76]Just...n-nothing. 沒事
[09:01.84]- You look all hot and bothered. - NO. - 你看上去躁動(dòng)不安 - 沒有
[09:03.64]It's just... there's a trauma,and it's really big. 都是因?yàn)檫@個(gè)外傷病人 很大的外傷
[09:07.45]That's all.It's big.It's a big trauma. 就這樣 很大 很大的外傷
[09:10.76]You're acting weird. 你很反常
[09:12.24]- she uses one finger... - really big trauma. - 她用一根手指... - 很大的外傷
[09:14.90]I swear,torres,it's like you never seen a really big trauma before. 我發(fā)誓Torres從沒見過更大的外傷了
[09:23.00]Oh,my. 噢 天啊
[09:27.56]really big trauma. 確實(shí)是很大的外傷
[09:35.55]So how do you want to handle this? 怎么處理?
[09:44.97]help me. 幫幫我
[09:49.47]Really big trauma. 巨大的外傷
[09:54.81]Please. 求求你了
[09:57.55]help me. 幫幫我
[10:00.99]醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 第四季大結(jié)局 重生
[10:02.83]you dared. 你們慫恿他
[10:04.91]him to lay in a vat of cement at a construction site. 鉆進(jìn)建筑工地的水泥桶
[10:07.54]We never thought he'd do it. 我們沒想到他真的去做
[10:09.27]I-it's andy. 這可是Andy
[10:10.11]He never does anything. 他向來縮手縮腳
[10:11.40]He doesn't have the guts,right? 膽小怕事
[10:13.37]You just snuck into a construction site and dared your friend... 你們偷偷溜到建筑工地 慫恿你們的朋友...
[10:16.86]he's not our friend. 他不是我們的朋友
[10:18.27]I mean,the four of us,we're friends. 我們四個(gè)人才是朋友
[10:20.18]But,uh,he's not really r friend. 他不是我們的朋友
[10:23.96]Okay,you dared him to lie down in concrete. 好吧 你們激他躺在水泥里
[10:26.65]Nobody made m do it. 沒人強(qiáng)迫他這樣
[10:28.95]You're making it sound like we did sometng wrong. 你這樣說好像我們做錯(cuò)了什么一樣
[10:34.17]how long? 多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?
[10:35.28]what? 什么?
[10:35.89]How long did your not friend lay in that vat of cement unable to move 你們這四個(gè)天才
[10:40.06]before you four geniuses, 未來的兄弟連 未來的特雷莎修女
[10:42.45]you band of brothers,you future mother teresas... 讓不是你們朋友的這個(gè)人躺在水泥桶里
[10:44.18]how long did he lay there in that quick drying cement yelling 大聲呼救不能動(dòng)彈
[10:46.80]that he couldn't move before you called the police? 之后多久才報(bào)的警?
[10:51.98]Yeah. 是啊
[10:53.13]That's what I thought. 早料到會(huì)這樣
[10:58.92]what do you want to do first? 你想先做什么?
[11:00.48]I don't know. 我不知道
[11:03.23]Okay. Well, what do you want us to do first? 那你想先讓我們做什么?
[11:05.83]I don't know. 我不知道
[11:06.64]All right, look, we blasted him out of the job site, 聽我說 我們把他從工地炸出來
[11:08.75]but we figured, don't blast him too close. 但我們沒敢炸太深
[11:10.51]But this is a lot of concrete, 他身上還有一大堆混凝土
[11:12.51]so if you're planning on treating him, 所以如果你打算醫(yī)治他
[11:14.37]we need to get started. 我們得馬上開始
[11:15.63]- So what do you want to do? - I don't know! - 你打算怎么做? - 我不知道!
[11:25.71]I'm sorry. 對(duì)不起
[11:28.21]Uh,okay,I-I know I'm not doinmy best to instill a sense of confidence in my abilities. 我正在努力 建立信心
[11:33.75]Um,you know,it's just that you are trapped in what I'm guessing is several tons of, 你被困在估計(jì)幾噸的水泥里
[11:39.09]ment and I've never seen a boy... wait,how old are you? 我從沒見個(gè)一個(gè)孩子... 對(duì)了 你多大了?
[11:44.72]19. 19歲
[11:46.19]Then you're a man then. 那你就是男人了
[11:46.89]I've never seen a man trapped in several tons of cement before. 一個(gè)男人困在幾噸的水泥了 這是史無前例的
[11:51.11]But now that I have,I'm gonna figure this out. 但現(xiàn)在看到了 我會(huì)解決的
[11:53.45]Okay,I'm...I'm gonna work with other surgeons, 好了...我會(huì)和其他醫(yī)生一起
[11:54.99]d we're going to figure out a plan and we're gointo save you. 我們共同商討救治計(jì)劃 我們會(huì)救你的
[11:59.77]okay,I never,ever promise life,but I'm promising this to you. 聽著 我從來不許諾 但我跟你保證
[12:05.07]Do you understand? 明白么?
[12:06.56]- I do. - Okay. - 明白 - 好的
[12:07.99]I-I don't know much yet,but the one thing I do know is that the cement you're encased in 我了解得還不多 但我知道的一點(diǎn)是
[12:14.04]is slowly leeching the water from your body, 你身上的水泥 會(huì)吸收你身體的水分
[12:17.26]and you're gonna need all the water you can get,so no crying. 你很需要水分 所以別哭了
[12:21.42]You're a strong young man. 做個(gè)堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的男人
[12:22.49]I know you can do this. 你能行的
[12:26.92]Good. 很好
[12:28.52]Good. 很好
[12:31.87]Okay,you're gonna live. 好的 你會(huì)活下去的
[12:34.54]I'll make sure that you live. 我保證
[12:40.31]here you go. 好了
[12:47.08]hello. 你好
[12:48.31]- Hello. - dr.Grey,is this him? - 你好 - Grey醫(yī)生 是他么?
[12:50.58]Him? 他?
[12:51.48]Oh,she has a pet name for you. 他給你取了個(gè)外號(hào)
[12:53.39]The seattle grace brain butcher. 西雅圖仁愛醫(yī)院大腦開顱手
[12:56.21]Beth. Beth
[12:57.22]I'm sorry. 對(duì)不起
[12:58.16]Oh,no,no,that's fine.That's me. 不不 沒事 我就這樣
[12:58.97]- Hi. - Dr.Shepherd. - 嗨 - 我是Shepherd醫(yī)生
[13:00.08]- How do you do? - Nice to meet you. - 你好 - 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你
[13:01.18]- Nice to meet you as well. - Pleasure. - 也很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你 - 我也是
[13:03.56]Um,that hand's just for show. 這只手只是擺擺樣子
[13:05.86]So come on,tell me. How does this work? 跟我說說 手術(shù)怎么回事
[13:07.94]You're going to inject a live virus into her tumor? 你們要向她的腫瘤里注射活菌?
[13:10.70]Mm-hmm. 對(duì)
[13:11.58]And that's safe? 安全嗎
[13:12.68]Well,the virus is still in testing stages. 活菌還在試驗(yàn)階段
[13:15.06]I've made some adjustments that I hope will destroy the tumor. 我已經(jīng)做了調(diào)整 希望能終結(jié)腫瘤
[13:17.64]Hey,tumor destroyers. 嘿 腫瘤終結(jié)者
[13:19.34]I like that. 我喜歡這名字
[13:20.38]Has this ever worked before? 之前成功過嗎
[13:23.34]No. 沒有
[13:24.10]so I'm your lab rat. 我成了你的小白鼠
[13:25.41]- beth.-I'm just saying,if this works, - Beth - 我的意思是 如果成功了
[13:27.63]my name will go down in the annals of some medical book. 我的名字就會(huì)出現(xiàn)在某本醫(yī)科書上
[13:30.12]That's kinda cool. 太牛了
[13:31.51]Not if I beat you to it. 如果我在你之前成功 你就不行了
[13:33.17]oh,beth. Beth
[13:33.89]This is our other clinical trial patient. 這是我們另外一位臨床試驗(yàn)者
[13:35.87]Jeremy. Jeremy
[13:37.38]You didn't call. 你沒打電話
[13:38.72]They know each other? 他們認(rèn)識(shí)?
[13:39.40]I thought you backed out. 我以為你反悔了
[13:40.63]Oh,as if I'd break our pact? 我會(huì)破壞我們的約定嗎?
[13:42.29]Come here. 過來
[13:44.95]they know each other. 他們認(rèn)識(shí)
[13:53.55]what is he doing here? 他在這干什么
[13:55.25]Well,his surgery is this afternoon. 他的手術(shù)在今天下午
[13:56.60]I knew she didn't find this clinical trial on her own. 我就知道她不是自己找到這個(gè)臨床試驗(yàn)的
[13:59.53]They met when they were both being treated at mayo last year. 他倆是去年在梅奧診所治療時(shí)認(rèn)識(shí)的
[14:02.94]They went through chemo together,radiation,joined a support group. 他們一起化療 一起做放射 參加了一個(gè)支持團(tuán)體
[14:06.43]you don't want them to be together? 你不想他們?cè)谝黄?
[14:08.45]Look,we like jeremy. 我們喜歡Jeremy
[14:10.20]He's a good enough kid. 他是個(gè)好孩子
[14:11.51]And I feel for him that he's going through this alone,but we worry about beth. 我很同情他沒人陪 但我們也擔(dān)心Beth
[14:15.31]She thinks that she's in love with him. 她覺得她愛上了他
[14:17.25]We just don't want her getting so attached to someone that might. 我們不想讓她跟誰那么親近 而且這個(gè)人還有可能
[14:22.92]die. 死
[14:24.23]If something happens,if he doesn't survive. 如果發(fā)生意外 如果他沒成功
[14:27.88]beth won't want to live. Beth就不想活了
[14:32.87]She has to want to fight to stay alive. 她必須要有活下來的信念
[14:40.84]There's a binder on occupational medicine articles in my office. 我辦公室里有一本職業(yè)病學(xué)的材料
[14:44.17]There should be a toxicology section. 里面有毒理學(xué)部分
[14:46.23]See if you can find anything on cement. - Yes,sir. - 你去看看能不能找到關(guān)于水泥的資料 - 是
[14:48.27]And let shepherd or grey know I need to see th. It's important. 讓Shepherd或者Grey來找我 告訴他們非常重要
[14:51.00]Will do. 馬上
[14:52.12]Oh,my god. Oh,my god. 我的天 我的天啊
[14:56.88]My god. 我的天
[15:01.12]Why...wh... what is everybody doing standing around here? 怎么...你們都站著干什么呢
[15:06.19]This is what your guys told us to do. 你的人就是這么告訴我們的
[15:08.18]And exactly where are my guys? 我的人都去哪了
[15:14.18]no more time. 沒有時(shí)間了
[15:15.28]This is what we have to do. 我們就得這么做
[15:16.67]I am telling you,I am right. 我告訴你 我才是對(duì)的
[15:17.27]Why is the patient in there and all of you are in here? 為什么病人在那 你們?cè)谶@?
[15:21.19]dr.Torres is worried about the limbs. Torres醫(yī)生擔(dān)心骨頭的問題
[15:22.78]Dr.Bailey is worried about abdominal crush injuries. Bailey醫(yī)生擔(dān)心腹部擠壓傷
[15:24.84]dr.Sloan feels the third-degree burns should take the first look, Sloan醫(yī)生覺得應(yīng)該先看三級(jí)燒傷
[15:27.91]and dr.Uh,Hahneels the heart and lung issues are gonna kill him before, Hahn醫(yī)生覺得 心臟和肺部的傷口是致命的
[15:31.33]um,we get to any of this. 要從某一個(gè)部位開始
[15:32.67]So in other words... no one can agree on where to start. - 或者說 - 還不知道要從哪開始
[15:34.70]No,I know where to start. 不是 我知道從哪開始
[16:02.66]The cement's contracting,and if I don't get in there, 水泥在收縮 如果我不動(dòng)手的話
[16:04.33]he could lose both of his legs and his right arm. 他的胳膊和右手都保不住
[16:05.83]Well,he can live without a leg. 沒了腿他還能活
[16:06.98]I'd like to see him live without a liver. 但他不能沒有肝臟
[16:08.17]So we're saying we'd prefer him to suffer a longslow painful death 我們現(xiàn)在爭(zhēng)執(zhí)不下 而水泥里的堿在慢慢侵蝕他的皮膚
[16:11.09]as the alkaline in the cement continues to burn through his skin? 我們是要看他慢慢被折磨致死嗎?
[16:14.39]You can't just start chipping away. 你別把重點(diǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移到你那
[16:16.17]Once his circulation opens up,the built-up toxins will stop his heart, 一旦循環(huán)加速 現(xiàn)有的毒素就會(huì)置他于死地
[16:20.65]not to mention rhabdomyol... -we could treat that with dialysis. - 更別提什么橫紋肌瘤了 - 我們可以做血液透析
[16:23.07]Yang,let us work. Yang 你別插嘴
[16:24.22]Chief,I found an article,but it doesn't say a lot. 主任 我找到一篇文章 但沒說很多
[16:25.53]I can put in a swan-ganz. 我可以置入漂浮導(dǎo)管
[16:26.58]People encased in cement are also usually at the bottom of a river. That's going a little overboard. - 被水泥裹住的人經(jīng)常是在河底 - 有點(diǎn)過了吧
[16:29.11]You are so wrong. 你完全錯(cuò)了
[16:30.10]I'm so wrong? 我錯(cuò)了?
[16:30.81]you are. Wrong. 對(duì) 你錯(cuò)了
[16:31.43]You two working together on this? 你倆聯(lián)手對(duì)付我啊?
[16:32.69]Okay,everybody stand down! 所有人都住口
[16:35.46]We are fighting the clock,people. 我們?cè)诟鷷r(shí)間賽跑
[16:37.05]It took one hour for the kids to call 9-1-1. 那個(gè)孩子花了一個(gè)小時(shí)打911求救
[16:39.58]It took three hours for search andeescu to get this guy cut out of the cement. 找到他 把他從水泥里救出來 又花了三個(gè)小時(shí)
[16:43.15]That gives us less than four to six hours to get him out of e cement and into the O.R. 我們現(xiàn)在只有4-6個(gè)小時(shí)的時(shí)間 把他從水泥里弄出來 送進(jìn)手術(shù)室
[16:47.07]Before he is dead. 保住他的命
[16:49.30]Now we are figing one hell of a clock. 我們已經(jīng)爭(zhēng)執(zhí)了一個(gè)小時(shí)
[16:51.31]Every minute counts. 每一分鐘都很重要
[16:52.54]We work as a team or that man dies. 我們要一起努力 要不他就死路一條
[16:56.46]Do you understand? 明白了
[16:57.54]Yes,sir.Of course. 明白
[16:59.06]Where do you want me,chief? 我要干什么 主任?
[17:00.57]Go find grey and be her intern for the day. 去找Grey 今天當(dāng)她的實(shí)習(xí)
[17:02.40]I already have too many bodies in the room. 我這里人手夠了
[17:05.80]What's the patient's name? 病人叫什么
[17:07.04]Andrew langston. Andrew Langston
[17:08.82]Okay,let's go save his life. 好 一起努力吧
[17:13.88]Hey. 嘿
[17:19.98]You intimidate me a little. 你嚇到我了
[17:21.65]I mean,you're not an intimidating person, 你不是讓人害怕的人
[17:24.14]but the legend.of meredith and derek. 但Meredith和Derek的傳奇
[17:28.22]it'S. 有點(diǎn)
[17:29.33]intimidating. 讓人生畏
[17:31.23]There's no legend. 沒什么傳奇
[17:32.46]He's selling his land because of you. 他賣了他的土地 因?yàn)槟?br /> [17:34.53]There's a legend. 這就是傳奇
[17:36.11]Derek's selling his land? Derek賣了他的地?
[17:37.69]He doesn't say it's because of you, 他沒說是因?yàn)槟?br /> [17:39.44]but he was making plans to build a house when the two of you were together, 但你倆在一起時(shí) 他還打算建個(gè)房子呢
[17:42.73]and now... I'm...I'm not trying to. 但現(xiàn)在 我盡量不
[17:47.69]I just really like him. 我真的喜歡他
[17:50.22]And you. 而你
[17:51.69]intimidate me. 讓我覺得害怕
[17:54.97]There's no legend. 沒什么傳奇
[17:57.46]Okay. 好吧
[18:00.00]Okay. 好吧
[18:02.81]Okay. 好吧
[18:13.55]izzie had a question about some post-ops. Izzie想讓你參加術(shù)后治療
[18:19.96]what'd I miss? 我錯(cuò)過什么了?
[18:21.07]What? 什么?
[18:22.31]The movie,what'd I miss? 電影 剛才演什么了
[18:29.49]hey.Hey. 嘿 嘿
[18:30.86]I'm sorry. 抱歉
[18:32.72]Don't be sorry. 別說抱歉
[18:35.22]I think. 我覺得
[18:38.63]I wet my pants. 我尿褲子了
[18:45.58]Oh,that's,uh,that's okay. 哦 那個(gè)沒事
[18:50.33]that's...that's okay. 沒事
[18:53.82]I'll do better. 我下次改正
[18:55.14]I promise. 我保證
[18:56.96]Don't worry about it. 別擔(dān)心
[18:58.02]You're doing fine. 你現(xiàn)在做的很好
[19:04.25]come on. 來吧
[19:07.66]I forgot to tell you. 忘了告訴你
[19:08.92]Guess who called me. 猜猜誰給我打電話了
[19:10.16]Carrie from our support group? 支持團(tuán)體的Carrie
[19:11.83]Have you talked to her lately? 你最近跟她聯(lián)系了嗎
[19:14.73]No,she. 沒有 她...
[19:16.11]oh,god. 天啊
[19:17.86]Her husband said that they tried radiation one last time,but he said it was bad. 她丈夫說他們最后一次嘗試放射 結(jié)果不好
[19:23.57]The last day,she didn't even recognize him. 最后一天 她都不認(rèn)識(shí)他了
[19:26.55]And the pain. 那種痛苦...
[19:28.13]hey. 嘿
[19:30.39]At least we don't have to worry about that. 至少我們不用擔(dān)心
[19:33.12]You know? 你知道嗎
[19:34.94]This surgery will work. 手術(shù)肯定能成功
[19:37.09]Okay? 好吧
[19:38.03]And...and if it doesn't,at least we'll die quick. 就算沒成功 我們也不會(huì)有痛苦
[19:48.43]dr.Grey,I thought we talked about changing beth's room. Grey醫(yī)生 我們說過要給Beth換房間
[19:53.58]The room is fine,and it's right down the hall from jeremy. 這間病房很好 和Jeremy在同一樓道
[19:58.02]I'd like to move her as soon as possible. 我想讓她盡快換房間
[20:00.13]I'm sorry,mrs.Monroe, 抱歉 Monroe夫人
[20:01.24]I checked,and there aren't any beds available. 我查了 沒有空閑床位了
[20:03.35]Not in a private room. 除非不是單間
[20:10.80]mom,why don't you go find dad? 媽媽 你怎么不去找爸爸?
[20:12.94]Uh,I-I can wait for him here. 我等他來
[20:17.02]mom,why don't you go find dad so I can kiss jeremy without you watching? 媽媽 你為什么不去找我爸 這樣我就能和Jeremy接吻了
[20:21.81]I think it's time jeremy went back to... mom,I don't understand wh... - 我想Jeremy該回房間了... - 媽媽 我就不明白...
[20:27.09]nurse! 護(hù)士!
[20:30.55]I need a nurse 我要找個(gè)護(hù)士
[20:31.53]He's seizing! 他在抽搐!
[20:36.75]Let's run a second set of labs before surgery. 手術(shù)之前 再做一組檢查
[20:41.62]How's beth? Beth怎么樣了?
[20:42.94]Was sh...was she scared? Or. 有沒有嚇到?
[20:44.73]oh,she's fine. 哦 她沒事
[20:46.95]Uh,the chief wants to talk to you or shepherd. 主任找你或者Shepherd
[20:49.17]He says it's important.I'll go. - 他說事情很重要 - 我就去
[20:50.44]And he put me on you today. 他讓我今天跟你實(shí)習(xí)
[20:51.59]So what can I do? How can I help? 我能做什么呢? 能幫什么忙?
[20:52.90]Oh,you can,uh,run labs for me. 哦 你可以幫我做檢查
[20:54.92]Labs,that's it? 只有檢查?
[20:56.00]Yeah. Thanks. 沒錯(cuò) 謝謝
[21:01.50]Hi. 嗨
[21:11.35]What's that? 這是什么?
[21:12.86]I'm pouring vinegar on your flesh to minimize the burns inside your skin caused by the cement. 往你身上倒醋 減小因?yàn)樗嘁鸬钠つw內(nèi)灼燒
[21:19.36]I'm burning from the inside out? 我體內(nèi)在灼燒?
[21:23.08]I'm dying. 我要死了
[21:24.55]I'm dying,aren't I? 我要死了 對(duì)吧?
[21:25.57]Hey,hey,andrew. That word's not allowed anymore. Andrew 不許你再這么說了
[21:27.52]I'm banning that word from your vocabulary. 我不許你用這個(gè)詞了
[21:29.70]Can you move your fingers? 你的手指能動(dòng)么?
[21:32.76]That's very good. 很好
[21:34.86]I'm not usually this dumb. 我平時(shí)不這么傻的
[21:37.71]I make the dean's list. 我是優(yōu)秀生
[21:38.98]I tutor. 還做助教
[21:40.64]I'm...I'm not. 我...不是
[21:42.39]I'm not uslly the guy who's dumb enough to jump into a tub of cement for a girl. 我不是那種為了女孩 愿意跳進(jìn)一缸水泥的傻小子
[21:46.79]Wait,not the girl you came in with? 等等 不是那個(gè)送你來的女孩吧?
[21:50.79]You did this for her? 你為了她這么做?
[21:52.46]Lola. Lola
[21:53.92]The guys dared me. 大伙說我不敢
[21:55.39]She was watching. 她在一旁看著
[21:56.97]And I. 而我...
[21:59.12]she was wching. 她在看著呢
[22:05.02]And now not only is she totally unimpressed,but now after I'm gone, 現(xiàn)在不僅她無動(dòng)于衷 而且我死了以后
[22:10.49]she'll remember me forever as the idiot who was dumb enough to jump into a tub of cement. 她會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)認(rèn)為我是個(gè)傻子 愿意跳進(jìn)一缸水泥里
[22:15.76]Hey,come on. 嘿 拜托
[22:16.52]We all mess up. 大家都會(huì)犯錯(cuò)
[22:17.98]I'm the guy who ed in a block of cement trying to impress a girl. 我將為了博女孩歡心 而死在這陀水泥里
[22:23.02]I'm like han solo. 我就像Han Solo
[22:27.14]In "star wars"? "星球大戰(zhàn)"里的人物
[22:29.16]He was encased in carbonite? 他被困在焦炭炸藥里...
[22:33.40]you wanted to see me? 您找我?
[22:35.27]I,uh,I got a call from the I.R.B.... 職業(yè)道德委員會(huì)給我電話了
[22:38.52]The national board that oversees and reviews clinical trials. 他們負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)視 復(fù)查臨床實(shí)驗(yàn)
[22:42.20]You've had 11 deaths. 你們的實(shí)驗(yàn)已有11例失敗了
[22:43.95]They're giving you one last patient. 他們只給你最后一個(gè)病人
[22:45.41]You get it today under the wire,and hope for the best. 大限是今晚 自求多福吧
[22:48.23]At midnight,if you lose him,they're gonna shut you down,period. 今晚如果他死了 他們會(huì)暫停你們的實(shí)驗(yàn)
[22:52.39]One last patient. 最后一個(gè)
[22:56.59]You're angry at him... the chief. 你生主任的氣了
[22:58.89]But why? Why am I angry at him? 但為什么? 我為什么生氣呢?
[23:00.76]Because you have opened up your past. 你開始回想過去
[23:03.10]It's like you're reliving it all right now. 就像你正在重溫
[23:05.28]You're angry with him. 你對(duì)他不滿
[23:06.46]You're angry with your mother. 對(duì)你媽媽不滿
[23:07.54]You're angry with yourself. 對(duì)你自己也不滿
[23:10.03]The chief went back to his wife. 主任回到他老婆身邊
[23:11.62]My mother didn't want to live. 而我媽媽卻有意輕生
[23:12.85]I get that. 我都知道
[23:13.72]He did what he had to do. 他做了無奈的選擇
[23:14.83]She did what she had to do. 她也做了無奈的選擇
[23:15.91]Meredith,I don't think your mother wanted to kill herself. Meredith 我不覺得你媽媽想自殺
[23:17.76]No,she did. 不 她想的
[23:19.03]How can you be sure? 你怎么這么確定?
[23:19.83]How can you be sure she didn't? 你又怎么確定她不想呢?
[23:21.06]You weren't there. 你又不是當(dāng)事人
[23:22.76]The answer is right in front of you. 答案就在你面前
[23:26.52]Think about it. 想想吧
[23:29.70]the I.R.B. Is saying I failed? 職業(yè)道德委員會(huì)說我失敗了?
[23:30.73]You haven't failed yet. 你還沒失敗
[23:31.88]I failed meredith. 我已經(jīng)失敗了 Meredith
[23:32.68]I'll sign the discharge order for beth. 我要簽署B(yǎng)eth的手術(shù)取消令
[23:34.58]No,you can't send beth home. 不 你不能讓Beth回家
[23:35.89]This surgery is her last shot. 手術(shù)是她最后的機(jī)會(huì)
[23:36.84]You have until midnight. 最終期限是今晚
[23:38.07]Jeremy's surgery's today. Jeremy今天手術(shù)
[23:39.14]So you move jeremy's surgery up. 你把Jeremy的手術(shù)提前
[23:40.49]We do beth's this afternoon. 今天下午給Beth手術(shù)
[23:41.60]You can fit them both in before the midnight deadline. 你可以在今晚的期限之前 做完兩人的手術(shù)
[23:43.57]Damn it.If I could just get the virus dosage right. 別急 先讓我把病毒劑量掌握好
[23:45.31]Right. We're so close. You haven't failed. 沒錯(cuò) 我們快成功了 你還沒失敗過
[23:47.22]Yeah,but are we going too far here? 是啊 我們是不是有點(diǎn)過了?
[23:48.93]These are people's lives. 這些都是人命
[23:51.78]is my ego too big here? 是不是我有點(diǎn)自負(fù)了?
[23:53.77]Your ego is just the right size. 你這是自信
[23:55.51]We can do this. 我們能成功的
[23:58.08]Two patients. 兩個(gè)病人
[24:00.78]Bends the rules without breaking 'em. 不違反規(guī)則 有所通融
[24:04.90]You'll clear it with the chief? 你去跟主任說清楚?
[24:06.17]Yeah. 好的
[24:09.06]Jeremy's going into surgery soon? Jeremy要手術(shù)了?
[24:11.05]In a couple of hours. 幾小時(shí)內(nèi)吧
[24:12.31]How is he? 他怎么樣了?
[24:13.58]Oh,he's stable. 挺穩(wěn)定
[24:15.76]Yeah?-Yeah,he's actually better than stable. - 真的? - 是啊 特別穩(wěn)定
[24:17.78]He called me the angel of death. 他管我叫死神之翼
[24:21.03]he's good then. 看來他不錯(cuò)
[24:24.29]Can I see him? 我能見他么?
[24:26.54]Honey,no. 寶貝 不行
[24:27.97]Oh,I'll just be gone a few minutes. 我就離開幾分鐘
[24:30.03]Can you get me a wheelchair,please? 能幫我推個(gè)輪椅么?
[24:31.42]If you're going to have surgery today,you need to rest. 如果你今天手術(shù) 就要休息好
[24:33.55]You don't need to be... oh... we just want to spend some time with you. 你不能... 我們想跟你多待一會(huì)
[24:37.48]That's all. 僅此而已
[24:38.55]Please. 拜托了
[24:43.78]We're the last two. 我們是最后兩個(gè)
[24:45.60]What? 什么?
[24:47.86]From our support group. 我們支援小組
[24:49.76]Jeremy and I are the last two still alive. Jeremy和我是僅存兩個(gè)還活著的
[25:00.98]Hey. 嘿
[25:01.81]Have you seen cristina? 看到Cristina沒?
[25:02.80]Because I've done everything I know to do, 我做了所有我會(huì)做的
[25:04.19]everything I'm supposed to do,but if she sees me doing nothing, 還有所有我該做的 我怕她看到我閑著
[25:06.13]I am not in the mood to get yelled at today. 不然又該兇我了 我今天心情本來就不好
[25:07.91]She's in with the cement boy. 她在水泥男孩那
[25:09.27]There's a cement boy? Don't bother. - 水泥男孩? - 別自尋煩惱了
[25:10.81]They don't need interns in... they don't want interns in there. 他們不需要實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生
[25:13.23]Interns are in the way! 實(shí)習(xí)生礙手礙腳!
[25:14.93]I'm not complaining. 我不是抱怨
[25:16.09]Two minutes. Two minutes of complaining between me and you. 2分鐘 咱倆互訴苦水
[25:17.94]No one has to know. 你知我知
[25:20.20]I have all this power! 我有能力!
[25:21.74]Supposedly. 話說起來
[25:23.05]I supposedly am imbued with the power of being the chief's intern. 我的能力足夠勝任主任的實(shí)習(xí)生
[25:26.74]But there's a cement boy,and I'm stuck in here, 但我還困在這 不能參與水泥男孩的手術(shù)
[25:29.67]running labs and researching the effects of cement on the human body 做檢查 查閱水泥對(duì)人體的影響
[25:32.66]in the vain hopes that somebody asks me a question. 空等著誰能來問我問題
[25:35.56]I'm not in with the cement boy because even though I have all this power, 我不能參與水泥男孩的手術(shù) 因?yàn)殡m然我有能力
[25:39.49]I can't use it because it's not real power. 但卻使不出來 因?yàn)榇蠹也幌嘈盼?br /> [25:42.19]It's fake power? 虛假的能力?
[25:42.94]Fake power. 虛假的能力!
[25:44.36]I can go into the chief's office whenever I want. 我可以隨心所欲進(jìn)出主任辦公室
[25:47.50]You know what he has in there? 你知道那里有什么嗎?
[25:48.61]Files. 文件
[25:49.56]Confidential files on every resident in this hospital. 每個(gè)住院醫(yī)生的私密文件
[25:52.33]And I'm just allowed in,and he's not worried 我可以自由出入 他完全不擔(dān)心
[25:54.83]because he knows and I know that I don't have any real power. 因?yàn)樗叶记宄?我沒有實(shí)在的能力
[25:59.15]I don't have the power to look at those files. 反正我"看不懂"那些文件
[26:01.17]Would it make you feel better if you could look at the files? 如果你看了 會(huì)感覺好些么?
[26:02.96]You know what would make me feel better? 你知道 什么才能讓我感覺好些?
[26:04.54]It would make me feel better if I could feel like there was a reason for this, 如果他們能給我個(gè)合理解釋
[26:07.43]that there was a point. 我才能感覺好些
[26:11.41]Oh,god. 哦 天啊
[26:12.84]My poor,poor parents. 我可憐的父母
[26:14.70]How would they face anyone at the funeral? 他們要如何在我的葬禮上面對(duì)親友呢?
[26:17.12]Oh,okay,andrew,you're gonna make a lot mistakes in your life, 好了 Andrew 人生中還會(huì)犯很多錯(cuò)誤
[26:20.33]but mistakes are...they're... they're just pieces. 但錯(cuò)誤...只是生活的一部分
[26:22.67]Like this is a foolish piece,but,you know,it's just a piece. 這是愚蠢的部分 不過只是一部分
[26:26.87]You need to be proud of the whole picture. 你要看得長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)一些
[26:28.73]The whole picture defines you,not just this one piece. 你不是只有這一部分的 而是過去的所有經(jīng)歷
[26:32.87]I'm a loser.I'm a loser.I'm a loser.I'm a loser. 我是個(gè)廢物 我就是個(gè)廢物 廢物 廢物
[26:37.59]- Come on.Uh,andrew. - I'm a loser. - 快點(diǎn) 呃 Andrew - 我是個(gè)廢物
[26:39.82]Andrew.Hey,hey,l-listen to me. Andrew 嘿 嘿 聽我說
[26:42.40]Han solo is not a loser. 漢-索羅可不是個(gè)廢物
[26:44.72]Han solo got encased in carbonite,and...and that was a big mess, 漢-索羅被凍結(jié)在碳棺材中 樣子丑得不行
[26:48.62]but that's not what he's remembered for. 但人們記住他 不是因?yàn)檫@件糗事
[26:50.40]He's remembered as the guy who made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs 而是因?yàn)樗茉?2秒內(nèi) 穿越極速去走私
[26:54.61]and who braved the subzero temperatures of the ice planet hoth 并且面對(duì)霍斯星的 低溫環(huán)境 不屈不撓
[26:57.69]in order to save someone he cared about from the big,ugly wampa. 只為了從丑陋的怪獸丸帕手里 救出自己在乎的人
[27:01.33]He is remembered as the guy who swooped down at the last minute, 人們銘記他 是因?yàn)樗谧詈笠豢?偷襲達(dá)斯-維達(dá)成功
[27:04.03]blasted darth vader out of the sky so that luke could use the force and... 將維達(dá)震飛到軌道外 這樣盧克就能運(yùn)用他的原力...
[27:08.20]and destroy the damn "death star," okay? 摧毀該死的"死星" 明白不?
[27:10.76]Princess leia saved him from the carbonite. 莉亞公主把他從碳棺材中救出來
[27:13.76]and they fell in love and they saved the universe 他們相愛并拯救了宇宙
[27:17.16]and had twin jedi babies that went on to save the universe again. 接著雙胞絕地寶寶 又一次拯救了宇宙
[27:21.33]Right?Now that's the whole picture. 明白不? 這就是整個(gè)故事
[27:23.43]The carbonite,it was just a piece,okay? 被困碳棺材只是個(gè)小插曲 明白不?
[27:26.05]yeah. 嗯
[27:33.67]What?So I like science fiction.Somebody got a problem with that? 咋啦 老娘就愛看科幻 不行啊?
[27:36.25]- no.no.It's great. - no,not at all.Cool. - 沒問題 很不錯(cuò) - 一點(diǎn)問題都沒 酷
[27:39.27]Do what you doing. 干好你們自己的活兒
[27:48.19]so I got jeremy's labs back,and he's good to go for surgery. Jeremy的實(shí)驗(yàn)室檢查結(jié)果出來了 可以動(dòng)手術(shù)了
[27:50.91]Chief sign off on that? 主任同意了?
[27:52.11]Y-yeah. 呃嗯
[27:55.46]where are you going? 你要去哪?
[27:56.44]Get a wheelchair. 推個(gè)輪椅過來
[27:58.79]what are you doing? 你在干什么?
[28:00.65]My...my mom went to go call my grandma,and my dad went to the cafeteria. 我...我媽給外婆打電話去了 我爸去了餐廳
[28:04.77]There wasn't a wheelchair in my room. 我房間里沒有輪椅
[28:07.20]I just want to see jeremy.Please. 我只想去看下Jeremy 求你了
[28:09.59]I don't want the seizure to be the last time I see him. 我不想最后一次看到他 是他癲癇發(fā)作時(shí)
[28:12.57]Please.I-I just need to see him.Please let me see him. 求你了 我就想見見他 求你讓我去見他
[28:14.77]Okay,let's go. 好的 我們走
[28:16.00]To getto be alone with jeremy? 我能和Jeremy獨(dú)處會(huì)嗎?
[28:17.93]I mean "alone" alone? 我是說那個(gè)"獨(dú)"處?
[28:22.09]Alone? 獨(dú)處?
[28:23.71]We've never done it,either of us. 我們從沒體驗(yàn)過 我倆都沒
[28:25.88]We've been waiting until we both were tumor free, 我們一直想等腫瘤好了再說
[28:27.85]but the surgery... anything could happen. 可那手術(shù)... 任何事都可能發(fā)生
[28:31.16]We can do it,right? 我們可以體驗(yàn)下 對(duì)吧?
[28:33.07]It...it...it won't kill us or anything? 這...對(duì)我們不會(huì)有生命危險(xiǎn)吧?
[28:35.95]No,no. 嗯 不會(huì)
[28:38.08]No,it won't kill you. 不會(huì)有生命危險(xiǎn)
[28:39.77]I mean,you've done it,right? 我是說 你肯定體驗(yàn)過 對(duì)吧?
[28:43.26]With each other? 你是說我跟她?
[28:44.42]He...I've...he's done... he's done it,and I've done it,yeah. 他...他體驗(yàn)過 我也是 嗯
[28:48.05]What's it like?Is it magical? 感覺如何? 是不是很神奇?
[28:50.41]Yes. 對(duì)
[28:51.94]It can be. 可以很神奇
[28:52.92]With the right person. 只要跟對(duì)的人一起
[28:58.11]I'm gonngo get you some clothes. 我?guī)湍隳靡路?br /> [29:00.66]You got shampoo in there? 里面有洗發(fā)水嗎?
[29:10.16]I don't understand. 我不明白
[29:12.52]I don't understand. 我不明白
[29:13.91]I was pregnant. 我明明懷孕了
[29:15.92]I was pregnant. 我明明懷孕了
[29:17.58]I know I was. 我知道的
[29:18.73]I was pregnant.I don't know. 我明明懷孕了 我不明白
[29:21.28]It's okay. 沒事的
[29:22.66]I don'T. 我不...
[29:23.93]it's okay. 沒事的
[29:24.41]- I... - you just got confused.That's all. - 我... - 你只是弄錯(cuò)了 僅此而已
[29:27.38]You just got confused,okay? 你只是弄錯(cuò)了而已 好嗎?
[29:32.16]okay.... 嗯...
[29:37.41]* I was a little girl alone in my little world for me * <Dream> by Priscilla Ahn
[29:37.41]* 在這個(gè)小世界 我只是個(gè)小女孩 幻想有一個(gè)屬于自己的小小家 *
[29:49.79]* I played pretend between the trees * * 假裝大樹就是屋梁 *
[29:53.31]* and fed my houseguests bark and leaves * * 我喂飽了來做客的小狗 *
[29:56.36]* and laughed in my pretty bed of green * * 在我青草做的漂亮小床里歡笑 *
[30:01.98]* I had a dream * * 我有這么一個(gè)夢(mèng)想 *
[30:05.33]* that I could fly from the highest swing I had a dream * * 夢(mèng)想當(dāng)秋千蕩到最高點(diǎn)時(shí) 我便能展翅飛翔 我有這么個(gè)夢(mèng)想 *
[30:19.30]I have never in my life gotten a patient laid 我這輩子沒讓任何一個(gè)病人"體驗(yàn)"過
[30:22.40]much less two patients. 更別提兩個(gè)病人了
[30:24.29]It's really sweet. 你可真體貼
[30:26.38]We're pimps. 我們是拉皮條的
[30:28.20]yentas. 也是八婆
[30:30.60]- they're so in love. - Oh,yeah. - 他們?nèi)绱讼鄲?- 嗯 是啊
[30:33.90]It's all new and fresh and exciting. 這"體驗(yàn)"對(duì)他們來說 肯定是無比新鮮和萬分激動(dòng)的
[30:36.51]I've never been a fan of new. 我不是那種喜歡新鮮事物的人
[30:38.29]I like to know the person,their bodies,what makes them moan. 我更傾向于了解對(duì)方 熟悉她們的身體 以及怎樣讓她們爽到
[30:43.10]Oh,boy. 噢 糟糕
[30:44.63]Did something happen?Beth isn't in her om. 發(fā)生什么事了? Beth不在房間里
[30:46.75]Oh,well,that's because I had my intern take her down for a pre-op M.R.I. 噢 因?yàn)槲易屛业膶?shí)習(xí)生 帶她去做術(shù)前核磁共振了
[30:52.15]Thank god. 感謝上帝
[30:53.24]I was afraid she was lying somewhere in pain. 我還擔(dān)心她會(huì)摔倒在地 喊著疼呢
[30:55.82]No,she's noin any pain. 不會(huì) 她不會(huì)喊疼的
[30:58.42]We should go to the conference room 跟我去下會(huì)議室吧
[30:59.58]because there's lots of clinical trial paperwork that you haven't filled out yet. 很多臨床實(shí)驗(yàn)的文案需要你們填寫
[31:03.11]- Thank you. - You bet. - 謝謝 - 不客氣
[31:06.96]Yep,I'll be here,doing my thing. 嗯 我會(huì)在這 "堅(jiān)守崗位"
[31:11.28]all right,it's at 20 centimeters.Inflate the balloon,yang. 好的 在20厘米處 開始充氣 Yang
[31:14.28]I am. 我在充呢
[31:14.97]All right.So then inflate it more. 好吧 那就再多充點(diǎn)
[31:16.72]Yes,dr.Hahn. 是的 Hahn醫(yī)生
[31:17.84]Every time they loosen another piece of concrete,this leg swells even more. 每拿掉一塊水泥塊 腿部的水腫就更嚴(yán)重
[31:20.54]His pressure is 18. 壓力已經(jīng)到180毫米汞柱了
[31:22.06]All right,does he have a pulse with that? 嗯 同時(shí)伴有搏動(dòng)嗎?
[31:27.15]I always did enjoy a good game of twister. 我向來喜歡玩這游戲
[31:35.58]It's finished.I'm in. 搞定 進(jìn)去了
[31:36.74]Yang,do not sew that in. Yang 先別縫合
[31:38.49]Hold it.I will check your work when I'm done. 等著 我忙完這邊就過來檢查
[31:41.73]Chief,I've gotta do a fasciotomy. 主任 我得實(shí)施筋膜切開術(shù)
[31:43.74]What?A what? 什么? 要做什么?
[31:45.78]we've got to relieve the pressure in your leg or you could lose the entire limb. 我們得降低你腿部的壓力 否則你可能失去整個(gè)下肢
[31:49.30]Don't worry. 別擔(dān)心
[31:50.67]You probably won't feel a thing. 你應(yīng)該不會(huì)有任何感覺
[31:53.81]Oh,god. 哦 上帝
[32:09.48]Hey,dr.Stevens. 嘿 Stevens醫(yī)生
[32:11.26]What's going down? 還好伐?
[32:13.87]What's going down? 還好"伐"?
[32:15.96]Cristina sparkle paging me out of cement boy. Cristina用她的炫呼機(jī)特權(quán) 搶走了我的水泥男孩
[32:18.79]Alex not answering the phone... alex and his insane girlfriend. Alex不接我電話...Alex跟他的瘋女友
[32:21.81]Alex!Alex! Alex! Alex!
[32:24.51]I'checking in.Call me back. 情況如何 回我電話
[32:26.10]God.The things we do fothe people we love. 上帝啊 關(guān)心愛人 從破事做起喲
[32:28.07]Exactly.It'S..... 就是嘛 真是...
[32:35.48]how'd it go? 感覺如何?
[32:36.99]- Derek.- What? - Derek - 怎么了?
[32:39.51]How'd it go? 感覺如何?
[32:42.01]it was.... 感覺...
[32:44.88]it was amazing. 太神奇了
[32:46.62]Thank you. 謝謝
[32:49.84]We have to take jeremy down to the O.R.now 我們得送Jeremy去手術(shù)室了
[32:55.03]okay. 好吧
[32:58.77]Okay.okay. - 好吧 - 好
[33:02.61]So I-I. 那我...
[33:04.29]I'll see you after? 手術(shù)完了 再來找你?
[33:06.48]Definitely. 一定
[33:08.35]I don't think,um. 我不認(rèn)為...呃
[33:10.98]I'm not sure you'll be conscious,uh,before we take beth,so. 我不確定在Beth手術(shù)前 你能否清醒過來
[33:18.50]so... 所以...
[33:19.61]so I'll see you after your surgery. 那我等你做完手術(shù) 再來見你
[33:21.94]All right.See you after at. 好的 手術(shù)后見
[33:29.19]Wait,jer.Wait. 等等 Jeremy 等一下
[33:30.35]Yeah.Yeah. 嗯?
[33:33.76]What if you die? 要是你死了怎么辦?
[33:36.14]I won'T. 我不會(huì)死的
[33:38.14]What if I die? 那要是我死了怎么辦?
[33:40.62]You won'T. 你也不會(huì)死的
[33:43.32]Okay,but. 好的 可...
[33:48.42]you changed my life,jeremy west. 你改變了我的生活 Jeremy West
[33:51.05]You made it better,you made it brighter, 你讓它變得更精彩 更充滿光芒
[33:54.08]- full of joy,and if I die... - don't you dareie. - 充滿歡樂 所以如果我死了... - 我不許你死
[34:00.29]Okay? 懂嗎?
[34:02.27]We're not finished yet. 我們還沒結(jié)束呢
[34:05.26]I'm not finished loving you. 我還沒愛夠你
[34:19.46]Okay,go ahead. 好了 去吧
[34:21.41]Go ahead.Get your head chopped open. 加油 去把腦袋切開
[34:23.67]I'm right behind you. 我就在你身旁
[34:46.33]do not kill him. 千萬別弄死他哦
[34:55.55]you nervous? 緊張嗎?
[34:57.01]I have my ego to keep me warm. 我的自信足以讓我溫暖安定
[35:00.63]Can't you feel it? 你感覺不到嗎?
[35:01.66]What? 什么?
[35:02.70]The majesty of lifesaving. 這拯救生命的神藥
[35:06.44]When did you become an optimist? 你什么時(shí)候變這么樂觀了?
[35:12.65]Selling your land. 你要賣掉那塊地啊
[35:15.27]trying to move forward. 試著繼續(xù)我的生活
[35:18.44]So am I. 我也是
[35:25.44]who's there? 誰?
[35:27.10]george o'malley. George O'Malley.
[35:28.81]I was paged to the supply closet. 有人呼我來儲(chǔ)備室
[35:30.70]Are you alone? 就你一個(gè)人嗎?
[35:32.08]lexie? Lexie?
[35:33.54]Um,remember how I said I wasn't a thief? 呃 記得我說過 我不是賊嗎?
[35:38.29]I think maybe I am. 我想我是賊
[35:40.16]alexandra caroline grey. Alexandra Caroline Grey
[35:42.34]I couldn't help it. 我抑制不住自己
[35:43.34]I had to know.And then once I knew,i knew. 我忍不住想看 然后看完了 我就知道是這樣的
[35:45.20]No,we have to get these back to the chief's office right now. 不 我們得趕緊把這些送回主任辦公室
[35:47.93]It doesn't matter now.I know.I read them all. 已經(jīng)不重要了 我已經(jīng)知道了 我都看完了
[35:49.38]I tried to stop reading,but I couldn't, 我試著想停 但就是停不下來
[35:50.82]and I have a photographic memory, 而且我有著過目不忘的記憶力
[35:51.93]which is how I got through harvard med... my photographic memory. 靠著它 我混完了哈佛醫(yī)學(xué)院... 我那過目不忘的記憶力
[35:54.39]And I read all the files,and the information is now burned into my brain, 我把這些文件都看了 這些信息都印在我腦子里了
[35:57.07]- and I read your file... - no,no,I don't wanna know. - 我把你的文件也看了 - 不 不 我不想知道
[35:59.11]George,you failed the intern exam by one point. George 你的實(shí)習(xí)考試差一分就過關(guān)了
[36:01.86]One point. 就差一分
[36:20.42]the O.R.Is booked and standing by. 預(yù)約了手術(shù)室 并準(zhǔn)備好了
[36:26.40]dr.Bailey,what is it? Bailey醫(yī)生 怎么了?
[36:29.00]something. 有東西
[36:34.12]we're missing. 我們忽略了
[36:35.84]we're forgetting something. 我們忽略了某樣?xùn)|西
[36:38.37]Gangrene,compartment syndrome,compression,fluid balance,electrolytes. 壞疽 間隔綜合征 壓迫 體液平衡 電解質(zhì)平衡
[36:45.21]What is it? 是什么?
[36:46.86]What is it? 到底是什么?
[36:48.09]Gangrene,compartment syndrome,compression,fluids,electrolytes. 壞疽 間隔綜合征 壓迫 體液平衡 電解質(zhì)平衡
[36:53.46]Gangrene,compartment syndrome,compression,fluids,electrolytes. 壞疽 間隔綜合征 壓迫 體液平衡 電解質(zhì)平衡
[36:58.12]Gangrene,compartment syndrome,compression,fluids,elec... 壞疽 間隔綜合征 壓迫 體液平衡 電解質(zhì)平衡
[37:05.77]bladder. His bladder. 膀胱 他的膀胱
[37:08.46]We've been hydrating him and hydrating him for over four hour now. 我們一直在給他補(bǔ)水 已經(jīng)超過4個(gè)小時(shí)了
[37:11.98]Oh,if we don't get a catheter in him quick. 噢 不趕快給他插個(gè)導(dǎo)尿管的話
[37:14.03]his bladder's gonna explode. 他膀胱會(huì)脹破的
[37:22.40]Can I have mayo? 能加點(diǎn)蛋黃醬嗎?
[37:24.62]See? 瞧
[37:25.67]You have an appetite. 你有胃口了
[37:26.85]That's a good sign. 這是好征兆
[37:31.83]hey,iz.I'll be right back. 嘿 Iz 我馬上回來
[37:36.21]- What's going on? - How's rebecca? - 怎么了? - Rebecca情況如何?
[37:38.27]She's fine.What do you need? 她很好 你要干什么?
[37:40.20]Did she eat?Did you call her husband? 她吃東西沒? 你跟她丈夫打電話了嗎?
[37:41.65]- Iz... - Don't get mad at me because I care. - Iz... - 別生我氣 我這是在關(guān)心呢
[37:43.97]Not caring.Butting in. 不是關(guān)心 是多管閑事
[37:45.58]I'm butting in because I care. 我多管這閑事 都是因?yàn)槲谊P(guān)心你
[37:47.22]You know how you care? 你知道怎么關(guān)心我 會(huì)更好嗎?
[37:48.35]By covering me at work,not by calling me every hour and asking... hang on. 你可以幫我干我的活兒 而不是不停地打電話問...等一下
[37:52.71]- Rebecca? - Alex? - Rebecca? - Alex?
[37:54.81]Rebecca? Rebecca?
[37:58.30]Alex? Alex?
[38:04.91]time of death...11:47. 死亡時(shí)間...11點(diǎn)47分
[38:16.77]rebecca! Rebecca!
[38:32.21]You don't have to say any....thing.Don't say it. 你們什么都不用說了 別說
[38:39.95]alex? Alex?
[38:41.32]Are you still there? 你還在聽嗎?
[38:42.91]Alex? Alex?
[38:44.61]- I'm so sorry. - Don'T. - 我很抱歉 - 別說了
[38:49.54]don't say anything. 什么都別說
[38:52.27]Okay?Don'T...say...anything. 好嗎? 什么都別說
[38:56.13]Don't say anything. 什么都別說
[38:58.25]Don't say anything. 什么都別說
[39:01.49]Don't you say anything to me. 什么都別對(duì)我說
[39:03.83]Don't say anything.Don't say anything....... 什么都別說 什么都別說...
[39:29.60]what happened? 怎么了?
[39:30.28]I need betadine,saline and a suture kit. 我需要碘酒 生理鹽水和縫線的工具箱
[39:32.55]- What happened? - She cut herself. - 怎么了? - 她割腕了
[39:33.92]It was an accident. 是個(gè)意外
[39:34.98]I've got this. 我能搞定
[39:35.99]How much blood has she lost? 她流了多少血?
[39:39.06]- Alex. - she's fine. - Alex - 她沒事的
[39:40.39]I've got this. 我能自己搞定
[39:42.81]given the situation,I would understand if you didn't want to proceed with the surgery. 鑒于所發(fā)生的事情 如果你不想做手術(shù)我們也會(huì)理解
[39:49.49]But we did learn from jeremy,and the formulation of the viral cocktail will be adjusted. 但是我們從Jeremy那里得到教訓(xùn) 混合病毒的配方會(huì)被進(jìn)一步改善
[39:53.99]We have not yet had a positive outcome. 但我們至今沒有成功的例子
[39:56.64]Liz? Liz?
[39:58.71]I want to take her home. 我想帶她回家
[40:00.90]I understand. 我能理解
[40:02.43]No.I want the surgery. 不 我要?jiǎng)邮中g(shù)
[40:04.31]Honey. 親愛的
[40:06.57]honey,that's the grief talking. 親愛的 你只是太傷心了
[40:08.69]I want the surgery today. 我想今天就動(dòng)手術(shù)
[40:12.34]Well,there are no other clinical trials out there. 嗯 因?yàn)闆]有前例的原因
[40:15.02]No one else has any answers. 誰也不知道結(jié)果如何
[40:17.97]Dr.Shepherd has worke very hard on this... Shepherd醫(yī)生一直很努力地在研究...
[40:19.59]meredith. Meredith
[40:20.91]We're not letting you have the surgery because you want to die with jeremy. 不能因?yàn)槟阆牒蚃eremy一起死 就讓你動(dòng)這個(gè)手術(shù)的
[40:25.53]If I go home,I die. 如果我回家的話 還是死路一條
[40:28.29]I die in a few weeks,a few days. 幾天之后 最多也就幾周
[40:32.12]I don't want to lose you. 我不想失去你
[40:37.11]Mom. 媽媽
[40:38.47]you won'T. 你不會(huì)失去我的
[40:40.47]because I'm not finished. 因?yàn)槲疫€有很多事情要做
[40:45.55]Daddy. 爸爸
[40:47.16]he loved me. 他愛我
[40:49.19]Yeah,you know,jeremy really loved me. Jeremy 真的很愛我
[40:52.85]And he'd be so mad if...if I just gave up. 他一定不想讓我就這么放棄
[40:59.61]Please. 求你們了
[41:02.35]do the surgery today. 今天就動(dòng)手術(shù)吧
[41:11.62]lola. Lola
[41:12.54]Andrew's asking for you. Andrew想見你
[41:13.74]So could you come with me,please? 你能跟我來一下嗎?
[41:18.69]hey,um,is,uh,is he okay? 嗯 他沒事吧?
[41:22.16]No,he's not okay. 不 他的情況不好
[41:22.89]He's stuck in a block of cement. 他被困在一大塊水泥里
[41:26.00]actual hardening-by-the-second,concrete cement. 每秒都變得越發(fā)堅(jiān)固的水泥
[41:27.90]How could he possibly be okay? 他怎么可能沒事呢?
[41:34.40]You care about him. 原來你還是關(guān)心他的
[41:38.81]He's my friend. 他是我的朋友
[41:40.77]I,um,I know I told you he wasn't,but he'sy friend. 嗯 雖然我剛才說過他不是 但他真的是我的朋友
[41:47.05]I think he's more than that. 我想你們的關(guān)系還不止如此吧
[41:48.93]And I think you're too proud to admit it to your friends and maybe even to yourself. 我想你太愛面子了 不敢向你的朋友承認(rèn) 甚至你自己也不能接受這點(diǎn)
[41:53.31]mommy,I have a boo-boo.Kiss it better. 媽咪 我受傷傷了 親一下就好了
[41:57.86]hey,he is in pain,he is scared,and he needs someone he knows to hold his hand. 嘿 他現(xiàn)在很痛苦 而且情緒不穩(wěn)定 需要有人握住他的手
[42:05.56]Lola.Hold my hand. Lola 握握我的小手
[42:09.92]sew what they think. 別管他們?cè)趺聪?br /> [42:11.67]This matters. 你對(duì)他很重要
[42:13.12]They don'T. 他們無關(guān)緊要
[42:16.96]I can't help him. 我不能幫他
[42:23.11]You're gonna hate yourself for this. 你會(huì)因此恨自己的
[42:26.08]Later. 回見
[42:27.95]you're gonna hate yourself for this,and you'll be right. 你會(huì)因此恨自己的 馬上就會(huì)
[42:40.34]I don't think this looks right. 還是沒完全放回原樣
[42:41.68]Cristina is dyslexic,but she got straight a's all during med school and she has a phd. Cristina有誦讀障礙 但她在醫(yī)學(xué)院門門都拿A 還得到博士學(xué)位
[42:45.93]It's pretty amazing. 真的挺牛的
[42:46.80]Eight letters of recommendation in her file. 她的檔案里面有八封推薦信
[42:48.75]Does this look right? 現(xiàn)在好了嗎?
[42:49.39]Is this how it was when you found 'em? 剛開始是這樣放的嗎?
[42:50.44]Izzie went to college at night. Izzie讀的是夜校
[42:51.83]It took her six years to graduate,and she volunteered as a candy striper. 花了六年才畢業(yè) 她還當(dāng)過志愿做護(hù)理人員
[42:54.77]Patients wrote her letters of rec. 她的推薦信都是病人寫的
[42:56.16]We gotta get outta here before someone catches us. 我們得在被發(fā)現(xiàn)之前離開這里
[43:01.42]and alex...he wrote this essay to get in,this moving, 還有Alex... 他是靠一篇文章才進(jìn)來的
[43:04.25]beautiful essay about how his grades weren't that good during med school 一篇?jiǎng)尤说奈恼?通篇都在解釋為何自己成績(jī)不好
[43:06.75]because he was suffering from testicular cancer. 他說自己得了睪丸癌
[43:09.72]- What? - He said he lost a ball. - 什么? - 他說他割了一個(gè)蛋蛋
[43:10.93]but I've seen him naked. 但我跟他上過床
[43:12.11]He has two mangerines,george,two pouch potatoes. 他有兩個(gè)大東西 兩個(gè)垂著的大土豆
[43:14.15]He lied.He's a liar. 他撒謊 他這個(gè)騙子
[43:15.13]Stop telling me information I don't wanna know. 不要再說這些我不想知道的事情了
[43:16.78]One point.Just one point. 一分 就只差一分
[43:18.11]How can they keep you back for one point? 他們?cè)趺茨芤驗(yàn)橹徊钜环志蛼斓裟?
[43:19.66]Just forget about it. 忘了吧
[43:20.54]Photographic memory. 過目不忘的記憶力
[43:21.72]I can'T. 我也揮之不去
[43:24.76]We'll get it right with beth. Beth這次肯定能成功的
[43:26.21]She just lost the love of her life. 她剛失去了她的至愛
[43:27.55]How could you encourage her to do the surgery? 你怎么能此時(shí)勸她做決定呢?
[43:29.24]How could you encourage her not to? 你怎么能勸她不做呢?
[43:30.44]You know,it's not me with the big ego,it's you. 你知道嗎 不是我在自負(fù) 而是你
[43:32.58]You backed me into a corner there. 你把話都說到那地步了
[43:33.66]What was I supposed to do,say no? 我還能怎么著 說不嗎?
[43:35.21]- Derek... - I can'T. - Derek... - 我做不到
[43:37.04]She's a kid. 她還是個(gè)孩子
[43:37.73]She's a kid who's gonna die without the surgery. 她是個(gè)不做手術(shù)就會(huì)死的孩子
[43:39.65]She'll die with the surgery. 做了也會(huì)死
[43:41.11]That's what you and i do together,we kill things over and over and over again. 這就是我們?cè)谝黄鹱龅?我們?cè)跓o止境的殺生
[43:44.86]We've killed 12 people,and now because of you,I will kill a 13th. 我們已經(jīng)殺了12個(gè)人 現(xiàn)在因?yàn)槟?第13條人命又要死在我手上了
[43:49.24]When beth's surgery's over,we're done. Beth的手術(shù)一結(jié)束 你我就玩完了
[43:50.72]I don't want to work with you,I don't want to see you,I don't want to talk to you. 我不想和你共事 也不想見到你 也不想和你說話
[43:53.37]We're done. 我們之間結(jié)束了
[44:03.30]okay,andy,we're ready to begin. 好的 我們要開始了
[44:05.81]Oh,wait. 噢 等等
[44:07.68]is she. 她...
[44:08.94]lola? Lola來了沒?
[44:09.89]Uh,she... I couldn't find her. 嗯 我找不到她
[44:11.94]Uh,she went to eat or something. 她可能去吃飯了
[44:14.17]we need to start the catheter. 我們要插尿管了
[44:16.31]Okay. 好的
[44:17.41]Now you're gonna feel some pressure. 你現(xiàn)在會(huì)覺得有點(diǎn)漲
[44:20.55]She didn't go to eat. 她沒去吃飯
[44:22.18]She just didn't want to come,right? 她只是不想來 對(duì)吧?
[44:25.88]Lola likes to hang out with me. Lola喜歡和我一起玩
[44:29.36]Or she did... used to... before I did this. 至少以前她很喜歡 在我變成這樣之前
[44:34.67]Once,she almost. 有一次 她差點(diǎn)兒
[44:37.43]there,uh,coulda been a kiss,but I. 就吻我了 但是我
[44:41.76]chickened out. 我退縮了
[44:42.85]Yeah,well,maybe you don't need to be kissing her. 嗯 你不需要她來吻你的
[44:45.28]No,I do. 不 我需要
[44:46.93]I do.I do need to be kissing her. 我真的很需要她的吻
[44:49.25]My whole life is about kissing her. 我活著就是為了吻她
[44:50.79]okay,catheter's in. 好的 尿管插好了
[44:51.81]The guys are on their last piece of cement. 只剩一塊水泥了
[44:56.70]thank god. 謝天謝地
[44:57.96]The hard part's over.Right? 危險(xiǎn)期過了 是嗎?
[44:59.79]- The hard part's over? - Yang,get a crash cart ready. - 危險(xiǎn)期過了嗎? - Yang 準(zhǔn)備好推車
[45:01.51]All right,I've got calcium. 好的 鈣準(zhǔn)備好了
[45:03.89]d50 and insulin.Ready. D50和胰島素 就位
[45:08.26]The hard part is over? 危險(xiǎn)期過了嗎?
[45:10.99]Okay,um,there is a chance that when the nice gentlemen 好的 有一種可能是在這種情況下
[45:15.67]take off the final piece of cement there on your abdomen, 移走你身上的最后一塊水泥時(shí)
[45:20.04]all the toxins that have been building up underneath the concrete 混凝土下劇集的毒素
[45:23.15]will rush to your heart,and you'll crash. 可能回流到你的心臟 那時(shí)你會(huì)休克
[45:26.83]And you...your heart will stop and you'll stop breathing. 你可能會(huì)心臟停止跳動(dòng)且停止呼吸
[45:30.40]Um,but no,there's no need to make that face because we will restart your heart, 不 不用擔(dān)心 我們會(huì)讓你的心臟重新跳動(dòng)
[45:35.50]and we will put in a tube that will breathe for you and r... 我們還會(huì)插上導(dǎo)管幫助呼吸
[45:38.07]and rush you right to e O.R.,Okay? 然后馬上把你送到手術(shù)室 懂了嗎?
[45:39.34]We are good at what we do. 我們都很在行的
[45:42.10]Just,if you see the warm,welcoming light,do not go into it. 只是 當(dāng)你看見溫暖的亮光時(shí) 千萬別走進(jìn)去
[45:50.09]let's go. 我們開始吧
[45:53.71]okay,we're gonna do this on three. 好的 我數(shù)三下就開始
[45:55.77]Okay,one. 好的 我看著導(dǎo)管
[45:56.90]all right,watch the leads.
[46:10.33]There he goes. 好了
[46:11.50]clear his airway. 清理下他的導(dǎo)氣管
[46:14.60]all right. 好的
[46:16.11]One,two. 1 2
[46:18.65]three. 小心 輕一點(diǎn)
[46:22.25]watch his head.push the lidocaine,vec and versed. 推注利多卡因 肺達(dá)寧 咪達(dá)唑侖
[46:23.88]bailey. Bailey.
[46:24.54]got the intubation. 導(dǎo)氣管插好了
[46:25.86]Go. 快
[46:29.74]What do you mean? 什么意思?
[46:30.62]I don't know what you mean when you say she didn't want to die. 我不知道你為什么說她不想死
[46:33.19]When you were sitting on the floor with your mother,what did she say to you? 當(dāng)你和你媽媽坐在地板上的時(shí)候 她對(duì)你說了些什么
[46:39.71]She told me to be extraordinary. 她說過要我卓爾不凡
[46:41.71]She said that she had failed,but that I should be extraordinary, 她說她沒有做到 但是我應(yīng)該如此
[46:44.77]that I shouldn't depend on anyone. 還有我不應(yīng)該倚靠任何人
[46:49.05]"Be an extraordinary woman,meredith," is what she said. 她說 "Meredith 成為一個(gè)卓越的女人"
[46:52.23]And so you became a surgeon,just like her. 所以你就選擇作她的職業(yè) 外科醫(yī)生
[46:55.03]Yes. 沒錯(cuò)
[46:55.67]Which means you have all the tools to figure this out for yourself. 這說明你擁有解決問題所需的一切資源
[46:58.88]But I just... you need to work this through,meredith. - 但是我只是... - 你必須挺過去 Meredith
[47:02.38]I promise you,when you do,you're gonna be glad. 我保證 當(dāng)這一切過去后 你會(huì)重拾笑臉
[47:18.87]my head is exploding. 我的腦袋就快炸了
[47:20.25]Make it unexplode. 那就忍著別炸
[47:22.25]Are. 你?
[47:23.23]- are you mad at me? - no - 你是在生我的氣嗎? - 沒有
[47:25.45]Then why are you talking to me in that voice? 那你為什么用那樣的語氣和我說話?
[47:27.14]There's no voice. 沒有什么語氣
[47:27.80]There's a voice. 你有
[47:29.05]and I did you a favor. 而且我?guī)土四愦竺?br /> [47:30.45]But you didn't do me a favor. 你沒有
[47:31.92]You just made it clear that I'm still me...the almost guy. 你只是又強(qiáng)調(diào)了一遍我還是個(gè)實(shí)習(xí)生
[47:35.50]All that separates me from the rest of my class is one point,one point? 區(qū)分我和其他人只是這1分而已? 1分?
[47:39.14]I mean,it would've been okay if it was 50 points or even ten points,but one? 如果差的是50分或者是10分 那也比這強(qiáng) 但是只有一分?
[47:42.75]That means it was right there,it was in my hand,and I let it slip away. 這說明我本可以做到的 但是我沒有把握機(jī)會(huì)
[47:47.05]It...I didn't want to know that. 我不想知道這些
[47:48.65]Do you get that? 現(xiàn)在你明白了嗎
[47:49.84]That knowing that if I had just,what,checked "a" instead of "b," that. 我當(dāng)時(shí)要是多對(duì)一道選擇題
[47:53.95]that that one point separates me from freedom. 就能靠那1分解脫自己
[47:55.50]I have been running my tail off,busting my ass to make up for one lousy point,proving. 現(xiàn)在我知道 我這么辛苦努力 就是因?yàn)槟前装V的一分之差
[48:05.97]you didn't do me a favor. 所以你并沒有幫我什么
[48:06.70]Don't kid yourself. 別自欺欺人了
[48:12.23]Well,at least. 那至少現(xiàn)在
[48:13.63]now you know you have what it takes. 你知道你不比他們差了
[48:15.53]Yeah. 恩
[48:20.40]This arm's almost bandaged,then we're gonna move to the other one,okay? 這個(gè)手臂快包扎好了 我們現(xiàn)在包扎另一只哦
[48:24.16]Okay. 好的
[48:26.10]I've prescribed her alpralam and clonazepam. 我給她開了阿普唑侖和氯硝西泮 (皆為抗焦慮所用的強(qiáng)力鎮(zhèn)定劑)
[48:28.61]Psych will be down within an hour, 心理治療師一個(gè)小時(shí)后就下來
[48:29.83]but I thought it'd be good to have something to keep her calm until they get here. 我想在心理治療師下來之前 最好做點(diǎn)什么讓她鎮(zhèn)靜下來
[48:32.46]She doesn't need any drugs or any psych. 她不需要任何的藥物和心理咨詢師
[48:37.29]She needs a psych consult to be admitted. 她需要心理咨詢師來給她確診
[48:39.22]Look,I'm not admitting her. 我不會(huì)讓她看診
[48:40.05]You're not taking her home. 你不可以帶她回家
[48:41.13]I was watching her every minute until you called. 在你打電話之前 我一直守著她
[48:42.67]You shouldn't have to watch her every minute. 你不應(yīng)該時(shí)時(shí)刻刻守著她
[48:45.02]You're not on today,so she was admitted under my name, 你今天不當(dāng)班 所以她是我的病人
[48:47.43]which means I get to decide the treatment plan. 所以我有權(quán)決定如何治療
[48:49.07]She needs to be put on a hold so... 她應(yīng)該被固定住 這樣才...
[48:50.23]damn it!Would you leave us alone,you stupid bitch? 媽的 離我們遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn) 你這個(gè)八婆
[49:07.91]You're supposed to be sitting down. 你們應(yīng)該坐一會(huì)兒
[49:09.63]That's what the breaks are for. 手術(shù)間隙就是用來休息的
[49:11.11]We've been on our feet over nine hours.Rest your legs. 你已經(jīng)站了9個(gè)小時(shí)了 坐一會(huì)兒吧
[49:13.23]My legs are good. 我的腿沒問題
[49:15.09]It's inappropriate,don't you think,thinng about sex during surgery? 你覺不覺得在手術(shù)的時(shí)候想著做愛很不合適?
[49:19.20]I'm just saying what I've been witnessing all day. 你這一整天的表情我都看在眼里
[49:21.63]This poor kid's entire body was encased in cement. 可憐的孩子 整個(gè)身體都被水泥嵌住了
[49:25.19]His legs are crushed,his vessels and nerves nearly cut off completely,and still. 腿部骨折 神經(jīng)和血脈也基本都斷了 但我還是
[49:30.64]I was turned on. 我還是欲火焚身
[49:33.03]this entire time,I've been turned on because of you and your dirty talk. 這段時(shí)間 我一直欲火焚身 就是因?yàn)槟?還有你的那些情色的話
[49:36.64]It wasn't my dirty talk. 不是我說的那些情色的話
[49:38.49]It's what I was dirty talking about. 而是話里面的那個(gè)人
[49:40.63]What? 什么?
[49:41.51]Erica. Erica
[49:42.70]You and erica. 你和Erica
[49:44.94]no. 不要搞
[49:45.66]That'S. 沒有的事
[49:46.70]- no. - Callie. - 沒有 - Callie
[49:47.77]- what? - It's okay. - 恩? - 這很好
[49:49.61]I wish I was all someone thought about. 我多希望有個(gè)人也這么想著我
[50:00.35]You had 14 letters of recommendation. 你有14封推薦信
[50:07.25]Cristina had eight,meredith had four,izzie had 10,but you had 14. Cristina有8封 Mere有4封 Izzie有10封 而你有14封吶
[50:11.89]And the words that they used to describe you... 而且推薦信里對(duì)你的描述....
[50:13.59]nobody had recommendations like yours. 沒有人得到過如此的評(píng)價(jià)
[50:16.04]People said the others were smart,they said that they were hard workers, 大家說其他人都天資聰穎 他們說他們都很認(rèn)真
[50:19.40]they said that they were good. 他們說他們都很好
[50:21.29]But your letters? 但是知道他們?cè)趺丛u(píng)價(jià)你嗎
[50:22.95]They said you were great. 他們說你很卓越
[50:24.99]They spoke of your kindness,your attention to detail. 他們說到了你的善良 細(xì)心
[50:27.36]They talked about how hard you try and that you never give up. 他們說你一直很努力 而且從不放棄
[50:31.37]They painted a picture of the kind of doctor that I hope to become. 他們對(duì)你的描述 正是一直以來我心中的榜樣
[50:35.78]It was an honor to read those letters because now I know that 讀到這些信真是很榮幸 因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在我知道
[50:39.09]what separates you from the others isn't one stupid point. 你和其他人的區(qū)別才不是那1分
[50:42.59]What separates you from the others is greatness. 區(qū)別你和其他人的是你的"卓越"
[50:46.55]So don't you dare let one point hold you back. 所以不許再因?yàn)槟?分而退縮
[51:02.18]Okay,I'm covered in blood. 好 我身上都是血跡
[51:03.41]Talk fast. 有話快說
[51:04.21]Alex brought rebecca in. Alex帶Rebecca進(jìn)了醫(yī)院
[51:05.33]She tried to hurt herself. 她有自殘傾向
[51:06.51]And now he's talking about taking rebecca home. 現(xiàn)在他又想帶Rebecca回家
[51:08.76]And? 所以呢?
[51:09.75]She needs to be admitted. 她必須被確診
[51:10.79]She needs a psych consult. 她需要一個(gè)心理咨詢師
[51:12.14]- And? - Can you just do your job? - 然后呢? - 你能不能去搞定他倆?
[51:14.65]I am doing my job. 我在搞定我的工作
[51:16.15]- I'm sorry. - I'm helping - 抱歉 - 我在救一個(gè)
[51:16.79]a 19-year-old man that I promised would get to live get to live. 我答應(yīng)救活他的19歲男孩
[51:20.55]That's my job as a surgeon. 這是我作為一個(gè)外科醫(yī)生的職責(zé)
[51:22.15]I took my son to day care when I came in. 我把我兒子送到了看護(hù)中心
[51:24.21]That's my job as a mother. 這是我作為一個(gè)媽媽該做的
[51:25.28]And I'm standingere asking you,what are you going to do about your patient? 現(xiàn)在我問你 你打算怎么處置你的病人?
[51:29.18]That's my job as chief resident. 這是我作為住院總醫(yī)師的職責(zé)
[51:30.48]Now w about you do your job? 好了 你是不是該去履行你的職責(zé)?
[51:33.56]- I can'T. - I don't know what to do. - 我做不到 - 我不知道該怎么辦
[51:34.78]Stevens. Stevens
[51:35.93]She's your patient. 她是你的病人
[51:37.59]He'S. 他是
[51:39.33]her loved one. 他是...她愛的人
[51:40.80]Come on,you know what to do. 拜托 你知道該怎么做的
[51:42.15]It's just hard to do it. 就是不敢行動(dòng)罷了
[51:46.06]Okay,I'll try. 好吧 我盡量
[51:47.15]No,you don't have to try. 不 你不能只是盡量而已
[51:48.41]You're a doctor trained by me,with all the skills that god gave you. 你是我的徒弟 有做醫(yī)生所需的一切天賦
[51:51.97]You have everything you need. 你什么都有
[51:59.03]Each one teach one. 名師出高徒
[52:02.63]Where are we? 進(jìn)行得如何了
[52:03.55]Sloan,hahn and torres are done.We're up. Sloan Hahn和Torres的任務(wù)完成了 輪到我們了
[52:05.75]We just unclamped the portal vein. 我們剛打開主靜脈
[52:07.21]Blood flow is good to the liver. 血流對(duì)肝臟有好處
[52:09.62]Uh,right,chief? 沒錯(cuò)吧 主任?
[52:10.60]Absolutely right. 完全沒錯(cuò)
[52:12.19]Good job. 做得好
[52:13.15]good,then we're ready to... 好 那么我們現(xiàn)在要...
[52:28.24]I think I liked it better when you were saying boring science stuff. 我寧愿聽你講無趣的科學(xué)術(shù)語
[52:36.93]I'm never good enough. 我永遠(yuǎn)不夠出色
[52:40.21]no matter what I say or what I do. 無論我怎么努力
[52:44.92]I never wanted to do this. 其實(shí)我從不想這么做
[52:48.42]This clinical trial is making me a failure. 這次臨床試驗(yàn) 我徹底失敗了
[52:54.31]I fail her over. 我辜負(fù)了她
[52:56.69]and over. 一次
[52:59.08]and over. 又一次
[53:03.43]You mean "them." 你是指"他們"
[53:06.85]When you say,"fail her," you mean "fail them". 你說"辜負(fù)了她" 其實(shí)是"辜負(fù)了他們"
[53:11.76]the patients. 病人們
[53:28.34]he's gonna need an embolectomy. 他需要做栓子切除術(shù)
[53:29.95]Call hahn back here. 把Hahn叫回來
[53:31.30]A clot in the right pulmonary artery. It's pretty massive. 右側(cè)肺動(dòng)脈有血塊 情況不妙
[53:33.45]I could get to it with a thoracotomy. 我可以做胸廓切開術(shù)找出血塊
[53:34.63]-Uh,hahn will assess him when she gets here. -I can get to it. - 先等Hahn來看看情況如何 - 我能找到血塊
[53:37.31]The lung automatically retracts,leaving the area for embolectomy clear. 肺部的自動(dòng)收縮 可以為栓子切除術(shù)留出空間
[53:40.43]He's already severely compromised. 他已命懸一線
[53:42.03]We'd waste time setting up bypass,time his brain won't be perfusing. 做分流術(shù)只會(huì)浪費(fèi)時(shí)間 因?yàn)樗R上會(huì)腦部缺氧
[53:45.54]It'll take me seconds. 我只需要一小會(huì)兒
[53:47.17]I've done it before. with burke. 我以前和Burke一起做過
[53:51.35]I promised this kid he would live. 我答應(yīng)過讓他活下去
[53:55.80]dr.Bailey,take over C.P.R. Bailey醫(yī)生 進(jìn)行心肺復(fù)蘇
[53:58.18]Yang. I'm right here if you need me. Yang 我會(huì)在這里協(xié)助你
[54:05.61]10-blade. 給我10號(hào)手術(shù)刀
[54:22.77]you don't have to do this. 你不必這么做
[54:25.40]-Come on. What are you,scared? -Yes. - 怎么 你害怕了? - 是的
[54:32.09]Me,too. 我也怕
[54:34.25]So let's just. leap. 我們快點(diǎn)開始吧
[54:37.49]Okay? 好嗎?
[54:40.87]Okay. 好的
[54:55.25]-what is it? What happened? -He threw a P.E. - 什么情況? 他怎么了? - 肺水腫
[54:56.96]So what,you decided yang would be the best person to open him up? 你認(rèn)為Yang是開胸的最佳人選?
[54:59.73]She's a bit of a cardiac savant if you haven't noticed. 她是個(gè)很好的心胸科專家 只是你沒注意到
[55:01.92]Oh,really? Is that why she went through the fourth istercoal space insteaof the fifth? 原來如此 所以她進(jìn)入了 第四肋間隙而不是第五肋
[55:05.05]Couldn't get in through the fifth 第五肋間隙進(jìn)不去
[55:06.18]because there's gauze pushing up the diaphragm from the abdominal surgery. 腹部手術(shù)中的紗布 會(huì)把橫隔膜向上推
[55:08.81]This could be easier if you did it under fluoro. 用熒光鏡透視鏡會(huì)方便很多
[55:11.06]Already had the T.E.E. Here. I'm doing just fine with it. 用了經(jīng)食管超聲心動(dòng)圖檢查 我能搞定
[55:13.33]But you could reach it better if...all right,forget it. I'll do it myself. 但你能更容易地...算了 我自己來
[55:15.78]-Gown,please. -I've got this. - 手術(shù)袍 麻煩 - 我已經(jīng)在做了
[55:16.96]No,if you had done it... just shut up and let me work. - 不行 如果你以前做過... - 閉嘴 讓我安靜工作
[55:23.16]Let her work,dr.Hahn. 讓她做吧 Hahn醫(yī)生
[55:37.80]Shepherd scheduled two craniotomies for the clinical trial today? Shepherd今天預(yù)定了 兩個(gè)臨床試驗(yàn)的開顱術(shù) ?
[55:41.01]Yes,we lost the first one,but the second one. 是的 第一個(gè)失敗了 但第二個(gè)
[55:43.32]-I told meredith one patient. -Dr.Grey said she cleared it with you. - 我告訴Meredith就做一個(gè)手術(shù) - Grey醫(yī)生說你知道情況的
[55:48.00]Did she? 她這么說?
[55:49.94]I. 我...
[55:51.53]sir,I might be mistaken. 主任 我可能搞錯(cuò)了
[55:54.20]I don't think you are. 你沒搞錯(cuò)
[56:00.12]she's holding steady. 她的情況穩(wěn)定
[56:02.64]The I.C.P.'S 13. 顱內(nèi)壓為13毫米汞柱
[56:05.17]We'll see. 不知結(jié)果會(huì)如何
[56:06.75]Derek. Derek
[56:08.58]she's still alive. 她還活著
[56:10.40]We've gotten this far. 我們已經(jīng)盡力了
[56:12.42]She's still alive. 她還活著
[56:13.96]For how long? 還能活多久?
[56:16.34]-You can go. -I'll stay with her. - 你走吧 - 我要陪著她
[56:19.49]No,it's just. 不用了
[56:21.54]I'll do it. You can go. 我陪著 你走吧
[56:42.74]yang flew solo,and you should be celebrating yang獨(dú)挑大梁 你應(yīng)該為她高興
[56:46.64]because that means you're doing your job... 這意味著你在恪守職責(zé)...
[56:49.27]teaching her how to save a life. 教導(dǎo)她如何挽救生命
[56:52.86]Residents are like. 住院醫(yī)生就像初出茅廬的愣小子 充滿著干勁
[56:55.07]puppies,eager d enthusiastic, and you need to learn how to teach without crushing their spirit. 你要學(xué)會(huì)不打擊他們自信 的前提下教導(dǎo)他們
[57:02.61]Now you want to work here with my residents, 如果你想和我的住院醫(yī)生共事
[57:06.10]then you need to do better. 你要做得更好
[57:08.12]You need to be a better teacher. 當(dāng)個(gè)更好的老師
[57:26.23]don't make me regret backing you up. 我這么支持你 別讓我后悔
[57:29.35]No,sir. Absolutely not,sir. 絕對(duì)不會(huì)的 先生
[57:31.82]Thank you,sir. 謝謝 先生
[57:33.73]Puppies. 現(xiàn)在的年輕人啊
[57:41.82]Rebecca. Rebecca
[57:43.59]this is dr.Shapiro from psych. He's gonna be examining you. 這位是精神科的Shapiro醫(yī)生 他會(huì)為你做個(gè)診斷
[57:46.77]Iz... he's gonna ask you a few questions while dr.Karev and I talk. Alex? - Iz... - 我們不在時(shí) 他會(huì)問你些問題 Alex?
[58:03.18]-What did I tell you? -She's my patient. - 我和你怎么說的? - 她是我的病人
[58:05.16]I decide her treatment plan. 我為她制定治療計(jì)劃
[58:06.68]I am not releasing her without a consult. 沒有會(huì)診前我不會(huì)讓她出院的
[58:08.68]If you try to take her out of this hospital without my okay, 如果你想擅自把她帶走
[58:11.24]I will call the police and have you arrested. 我就報(bào)警抓你
[58:12.85]-You can't have me arrested. -Try me. - 你不會(huì)報(bào)警的 - 有種你試試
[58:15.07]Look,iz,you're worried. I see that,and I understand. Iz 我知道你很擔(dān)心 我理解
[58:18.48]But you're...you're being a little unreasonable. 但你...有點(diǎn)不可理喻了
[58:21.03]-I've got this. -No,you don't have it. I have it. - 我明白你的心情 - 不 你沒權(quán)利處置她 權(quán)利在我手上
[58:24.36]-I'm taking her home. -No. No! - 我要帶她回家 - 不行!
[58:27.89]What,are you gonna bodily restrain me? 你要對(duì)我進(jìn)行人身限制?
[58:29.49]I will if I have to. Are you gonna hit a woman? 迫不得已我會(huì)的 難道你會(huì)打女人?
[58:30.98]-I will if I have to. -Alex,she's sick. - 迫不得已我也會(huì)的 - Alex 她有病
[58:34.56]She needs help you cannot possibly give her. 你幫不了她
[58:36.66]I can take care of her. 我能照顧她
[58:37.72]No,you can'T. You have no idea what you're doing. 你辦不到 你不知道自己在干什么
[58:40.12]You could do more damage by taking her home. 帶她回家會(huì)造成更大的傷害
[58:42.29]Look,I can take care of her. I've done this before. 我能照顧她 我這么做過
[58:44.55]Alex... she's just going through a bad patch. - Alex... - 她只是受到了打擊
[58:47.48]People go through a bad patch. All right? 打擊后需要恢復(fù)期
[58:49.63]I. I-I-I can feed her and I can... 我能讓她吃飽穿暖...
[58:51.87]I can change her and I can bathe her and I can watch her. 我可以改變她 給她洗澡 守護(hù)她
[58:54.43]Until the bad patch is over,I can take care of her. 直到她度過難關(guān) 我能照顧她
[58:58.05]Look,I took care of my mom,and I can take care of her. 我能照顧我媽 我也能照顧她
[59:02.33]-You've done this before. -I've done this before. - 你曾這么做過 - 我曾這么做過
[59:05.36]I have done this before,izzie. 我曾這么做過 Izzie
[59:07.97]But I was a kid then,and I'm a man now,so I'll be better at it. 那時(shí)我還是個(gè)孩子 但現(xiàn)在我是男人 我能做得更好
[59:11.89]-I have done this before. -Stop. - 我曾經(jīng)這么做過 - 別說了
[59:15.72]You don't have to say anymore. 你不用說了
[60:03.99]You're here early. 你來得真早
[60:05.65]I never went home. 我沒回去
[60:06.71]I knew you'd want to monitor your patient. And I figured you were tired after surgery,so. 我想你手術(shù)后應(yīng)該累了 所以我留著幫你看護(hù)病人
[60:10.63]How is he? 他怎么樣?
[60:11.87]His vitals are stable. 生命體征穩(wěn)定
[60:13.18]He received 16 liters over the first 24 hours. 他24小時(shí)內(nèi)輸了16公升生理鹽水
[60:16.08]I changed it down to 125 cc's per hour. 我調(diào)到了每小時(shí)125毫升
[60:19.24]His urine output's good at 37 cc's per hour. 他的尿量固定在每小時(shí)37毫升
[60:22.01]He had some anxiety at 3:00 A.M., 凌晨3點(diǎn)曾出現(xiàn)驚厥
[60:23.90]And then again at 5:00 A.M. ,Which I treated with diphenhydramine. 5點(diǎn)又出現(xiàn)一次 所以我給他用了苯海拉明
[60:27.45]Yeah,good. Good job. 做得很好
[60:29.96]it's not a good job. 不好
[60:33.70]O'malley? O'malley?
[60:36.22]It's not a good job for me. 這不是我應(yīng)該做的
[60:39.62]Sitting by his bedside recording urine output and giving antianxiety meds all night. 整晚坐在他身邊 記錄尿量 給他服用鎮(zhèn)定劑
[60:46.60]it's not a good job for me. 不是我該做的
[60:48.48]Running labs for meredith grey,that's not a good job for me. 為Meredith Grey做試驗(yàn) 也不是我應(yīng)該做的
[60:52.36]It's not a good job for me because I'm better than that, and you know I'm better than that. 我應(yīng)該有更好的前途 你知道我這是大材小用
[60:56.60]Maybe if I wasn't good at my job or maybe if I had struggled and was lagging behind. 可能我不是那么出色 可能我再努力還是趕不上別人
[61:04.89]my personality... I'm not karev,I'm not yang,I'm not meredith... 這就我的性格... 我不是Karev 不是Yang 不是Meredith...
[61:09.20]I'm not hardened,I get that. I get it. 我性格軟弱 只能唯命是從
[61:13.12]I don't have the personality of a surgeon. 我不是做外科醫(yī)生的命
[61:16.38]Maybe that's why you made the mistake of not thinking 或許這就是為什么別人 都獲得了第二次機(jī)會(huì)
[61:20.88]that I deserve a second chance when everyone else around here has gotten one, 而你卻沒有考慮再給我一次機(jī)會(huì)
[61:25.53]but,sir,it is a mistake because I'm excellent. 但這不對(duì) 主任 因?yàn)槲液艹錾?br /> [61:28.77]I'm excellent at my job. 我能出色地完成任務(wù)
[61:30.52]And I did fail my test,but I deserve a second chance. 盡管我沒能通過測(cè)試 但應(yīng)該再給我個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)
[61:41.75]Okay. 好的
[61:45.19]Ok ? 可以嗎?
[61:47.18]Okay,you can retake the test. 你可以重新測(cè)試
[61:55.92]okay. 好的
[61:58.43]She hasn't woken up yet. 她還沒有醒
[62:01.21]Sometimes it takes longer with brain surgery for the body to recover. 有時(shí)腦部手術(shù)病人 需要更長(zhǎng)的康復(fù)時(shí)間
[62:06.34]But she could not wake up? 她會(huì)醒不過來嗎?
[62:09.20]Could she die? 她會(huì)死嗎?
[62:11.03]That's a possibility,but I'd rather not worry about that until we have to. 有可能 但不到山窮水盡時(shí) 我不希望考慮這個(gè)可能性
[62:15.16]When? 什么時(shí)候?
[62:16.58]When what? 什么時(shí)候?
[62:19.30]When will we. have to start worrying about that? 我們何時(shí)開始考慮這個(gè)可能性?
[62:37.37]You're still here. What,did you sleep in the waiting room? 你還沒走 你睡在等候室?
[62:40.21]Look,I like him. All right,I do. 我喜歡他 真的
[62:43.32]But he doesn't need to know that. Nobody needs to know that. 但他沒必要知道 誰都不必知道
[62:46.14]He needs you,and you're too worried about what your friends think? 他需要你 而你還在擔(dān)心他的想法?
[62:49.31]What do you know about it? 你什么都不了解
[62:50.84]Do you know what it'd be like for me,for him,if they knew? 如果他們知道了 你明白我和他會(huì)怎么樣嗎?
[62:54.18]You think it's easy? 你以為這是輕而易舉的事情?
[62:58.55]I think it's better to be honest. 誠(chéng)實(shí)是金
[63:03.76]He's alive. 他還活著
[63:05.16]Barely,but. 盡管仍然危險(xiǎn)
[63:07.61]he's alive. 但他還活著
[63:17.05]I,uh,called your husband. 我給你丈夫打了電話
[63:20.21]He says he took the baby and left you two months ago. 他說2個(gè)月前他帶著孩子離開了你
[63:25.45]He says. 他說
[63:38.32]you have something called underlying borderline personality disorder, 你有潛在的邊緣人格障礙癥
[63:42.83]which means you were fragile to start with,so this. 意思就是你很脆弱
[63:46.33]this has probably been coming on for a while. 可能有一段時(shí)間了
[63:49.77]Probably since your... your accident. 或許是從那次事故開始...
[63:53.40]When they change your face. 他們?yōu)槟阏巳?br /> [63:57.27]I helped change yourace. 我?guī)椭鵀槟阏巳?br /> [64:00.60]you couldn'T. 你無法接受
[64:06.63]you need help,rebecca,and I can't give it to you. 你需要幫助 Rebecca 但我無法幫你
[64:14.34]So you're gonna stay here tonight,and tomorrow. 今晚和明天你就留在這里
[64:20.42]tomorrow,they're gonna transfer you to a psychiatric facility. 明天他們會(huì)把你轉(zhuǎn)移到精神治療中心
[64:26.17]I think that's better. 那樣比較好
[64:30.46]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[64:37.34]I. I really tried. 我已經(jīng)努力了
[64:41.14]I wanted to be better for you. 我想為你做得更好
[64:46.58]I know how hard it is for you to trust people, and I wanted to be someone you could depend on. 我知道你不輕易相信別人 我希望能成為你信賴的人
[64:53.92]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[64:58.23]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[65:02.48]It's okay. You tried. 沒關(guān)系 你努力了
[65:11.37]So you convinced shepherd to do the second surgery without my approval. 未經(jīng)我允許 你就說服Shepherd 做了第二個(gè)手術(shù)
[65:15.47]-So? -So? - 那又如何? - 那又如何?
[65:19.62]That's how you speak to the chief,"so"? 你用這種腔調(diào)和主任說話 "那又如何"?
[65:23.92]My mother tried to kill herself after you left. 你離開后 我母親試著自殺
[65:27.32]Did you know that? 你知道嗎
[65:30.36]Did you know that? 你知道嗎
[65:33.96]I didn't know that. I'm sorry. I didn't know. 抱歉 我不知道
[65:36.52]I... she was a brilliant surgeon. 她是個(gè)出色的外科醫(yī)生
[65:40.07]How could you do that to her? 你怎能離開她?
[65:43.23]She was a talented,gifted,extraordinary surgeon. 她是個(gè)出色 非凡的外科醫(yī)生
[65:52.66]Meredith? Meredith?
[66:02.89]Tell me. 說
[66:04.24]She was a surgeon. 她曾是位外科醫(yī)生
[66:05.61]She was an excellent surgeon. 一位非常優(yōu)秀的外科醫(yī)生
[66:07.40]If she was really trying to kill herself,she wouldn't have slit her wrists. 如果她真想自殺 不用非得割脈
[66:10.66]She knew better. She would've taken the scalpel and cut her carotid artery. 她知道更好的辦法 比如用手術(shù)刀在脖子上劃一下
[66:14.56]It would've taken seconds to die. 那樣很快就會(huì)死掉
[66:16.75]She didn't really want to die. 她沒想死
[66:18.32]She was an excellent,gifted,extraordinary surgeon. 她是一位有天賦而且卓越的外科醫(yī)生
[66:21.12]She didn't want to die. 她沒想死
[66:22.86]What did she want? 她想要怎樣?
[66:23.66]She wanted richard to come back to her. 她想要Richard回到她身邊
[66:25.45]And why didn't he come back? 那他為什么沒回頭?
[66:27.18]Well,because. he never knew about it,and she was too stubborn to ask. 因?yàn)樗恢肋@事兒 而她又太倔強(qiáng)了不肯開口
[66:32.92]What does that mean? 那意味著什么?
[66:34.29]Well. that part I don't know. Could you just tell me that part for once? 我也不知道 這次你來告訴我吧?
[66:38.37]I can. 好的
[66:40.22]It means that you are a gifted,talented,extraordinary surgeon,exactly like your mother, 那意味著 跟你母親一樣 你也是一位有天賦而且卓越的外科醫(yī)生
[66:46.26]but the difference is,you get to learn from her mistakes. 但不同的是 你要從她的錯(cuò)誤中學(xué)習(xí)
[66:54.08]Be extraordinary. 做最棒的
[66:59.07]She wasn't talking about surgery. 她說的不是手術(shù)
[67:02.07]No,she wasn'T. 沒錯(cuò)
[67:06.44]She wasn't talking about surgery at all. 她說的完全不是手術(shù)
[67:19.43]Well,do I or do I not keep my promises? 看看 我沒有違背承諾吧?
[67:25.39]You do. 是啊
[67:27.79]And remember what I said about the bigger picture? 記得我說的要看長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)些嗎?
[67:32.70]yeah. 是的
[68:04.10]he's been waiting his whole life for that,huh? 為這個(gè)吻 他都等了一輩子吧
[68:06.91]Yes,he has. 是的 沒錯(cuò)
[68:20.82]I know you have two balls. 我知道你沒得過睪丸癌
[68:22.68]And you better hope I never tell the chief. 你最好祈禱我別去告密
[68:29.62]Alex? Alex?
[68:31.74]Hey. 嘿
[68:33.79]Are you okay? 你還好嗎?
[68:49.09]-are those beth's films? -Yes. - 這是Beth的片子? - 是的
[68:50.96]These are from two days ago,and these are from today. 這些是兩天前拍的 這些是今天拍的
[68:54.30]Would you hand me the calipers,please? 請(qǐng)把卡鉗遞給我好嗎?
[69:04.25]This one is smaller than that one. 比以前小了
[69:06.40]The tumor's shrinking. The virus is working. 腫瘤在萎縮 病毒起作用了
[69:08.23]Oh,my god. 哦 天啊
[69:10.82]-you have to go tell derek. -No. - 你該去告訴Derek - 不
[69:14.41]You have to tell derek. 應(yīng)該是你去
[69:16.23]It's the kind of news he'd want to hear from you. 這種消息他一定想從你口中聽到
[69:21.13]Rose. Rose
[69:23.32]congratulations on your major medical breakthrough. 恭喜你在醫(yī)學(xué)上的重大突破
[69:27.63]It's the stuff of legends. 這將是日后的傳奇
[69:37.77]Oh,you gotta take this sparkle pager back. 你最好把這亮閃閃的呼機(jī)拿回去
[69:39.64]I am drunk on the power. 我被它的力量迷住了
[69:41.55]-Where is it? -I think it might actually be mystical. - 它在哪? - 我想對(duì)我來說很神秘
[69:44.05]-Have you seen derek? -Nope. - 看到過Derek嗎? - 沒有
[69:49.13]um,you paged,dr.Yang? 你呼我 Yang醫(yī)生?
[69:52.71]Grab that banana from my cubby. 把我柜子里的香蕉拿來
[69:58.30]You...you want me to. peel it for you? 你... 想讓我替你剝皮嗎?
[70:00.68]No,I want you to learn the running whip stitch. 不 我想讓你學(xué)繞線虛線縫法
[70:03.01]I'm gonna teach it to you. Take the needle. 我會(huì)教你 拿著針
[70:06.92]Chart,please. 請(qǐng)給我病歷
[70:08.03]Thank you. 謝謝
[70:29.62]hi. 嗨
[70:35.90]Hey. 嘿
[70:38.98]You're alive. 你活著
[70:43.93]Yeah. I'm alive. 是啊 我還活著
[70:58.54]Not just for show anymore. 不能再表演了
[71:03.37]No. 不能
[71:21.37]that's not sanitary. 那可不衛(wèi)生
[71:24.88]Uh,a little closer together. Try again. 再緊點(diǎn)兒 再試試
[71:28.26]Dr.Yang,thank you for... uh-huh. Yang醫(yī)生 謝謝你...
[71:38.57]How'd it go? 怎么樣了?
[71:42.39]Awful. 可怕
[71:43.98]yeah. 沒錯(cuò)
[71:52.11]Okay,um. 好吧
[71:54.34]th...uh,these are for you. ... 這些是給你的
[71:57.04]Why are you giving me your keys to the clinic? 為什么把你診所的鑰匙給我?
[71:58.30]I'm not giving you my keys to the clinic. I'm giving you the clinic. 不是給你診所的鑰匙 是給你診所
[72:03.44]What? 什么?
[72:04.67]I've seen the bigger picture. 我考慮了全局
[72:07.44]I love the clinic. I love what it means,I love what it is. 我愛這個(gè)診所 我愛它所代表的意義 我愛它
[72:11.35]But I don't love it as much as I love surgery. 但我更愛手術(shù)
[72:14.12]I don't love it as mh as I love being chief resident. 我更愛當(dāng)住院主治醫(yī)生
[72:18.23]I don't love it as much as I love. my husband and my child. 我更愛我的丈夫和孩子
[72:23.23]I have seen the bigger picture,and I can't do everything and still have everything. 我考慮了全局 我不可能做到魚和熊掌兼得
[72:30.93]So I have to,uh. 所以我得...
[72:33.52]let some pieces go. 放棄一部分
[72:36.26]This piece. 這部分
[72:39.40]This is your piece. 現(xiàn)在是你的了
[72:41.38]I've watched you earn this piece the hard way,the awful way. 我看到你辛苦地為之努力
[72:48.57]Knowing. 我知道
[72:51.37]that I can give the clinic to someone like you. 我能把診所托付給像你這樣的人
[72:54.05]you have grown. 你已經(jīng)在成長(zhǎng)
[72:57.21]into a fine doctor,izzie stevens. 成長(zhǎng)為一名很出色的醫(yī)生 Izzie Stevens
[73:04.50]Thank you. 謝謝
[73:13.82]The denny duquette memorial clinic is in your hands. Denny Ququette診所現(xiàn)在歸你了
[73:18.00]You make me proud. 你讓我自豪
[73:28.94]Derek! Derek!
[73:30.94]He's not there. 他不在這兒
[73:42.39]I'm not a bad man. 我不是個(gè)壞人
[73:45.06]I know I'm the villain in your story,but I'm not a bad man. 我知道在你的世界里 我就是個(gè)惡棍 但我不是壞人
[73:57.82]So you want to finish what we started yesterday? 想繼續(xù)做昨天你沒做完的事兒?jiǎn)?
[74:00.89]Or you can finish what you started. 還是做你沒完成的吧
[74:11.82]I'm growing. 我在成長(zhǎng)
[74:14.44]Go. Get outta here. 去吧 快去
[74:27.64]Hey. 嘿
[74:29.40]I wanted to see if you wanted to grab a drink. 想喝一杯嗎
[74:31.67]-I find my keys. -Maybe we could,um. - 我的鑰匙找不到了 - 也許我們能...
[74:36.74]I had something I wanted to talk to you about. 我想跟你談?wù)?br /> [74:38.20]I had the damn keys this morning. 那見鬼的鑰匙早上還在
[74:39.75]I put them in this bag,but I can't remember... 我放到了這個(gè)包里 但我不記得...
[74:42.18]-this whole thing with yang has got me so messed up. -Erica. - Yang 的事讓我快瘋了 - Erica
[74:45.87]What? 什么?
[74:47.88]I'm saying something. 我在跟你說話
[74:55.16]I just... I wanted to say. 我只想... 我想告訴你
[75:00.92]I just wanted to say. 我只是想..
[75:07.80]meredith! Meredith!
[75:17.56]richard? Richard?
[75:19.74]I want to come home. 我想回家
[75:21.50]Richard... look,I am a good man. Richard... 聽著 我是個(gè)好人
[75:23.84]I'm a good man. 我是個(gè)好人
[75:25.65]Look,I spend my days being a good man for the hospital,for my residents,for my patients. 聽著 我把自己獻(xiàn)給了我的醫(yī)院 我的醫(yī)師和病人都認(rèn)為我是個(gè)好人
[75:31.18]I'm a good man who made one mistake with a woman 20 years ago. 我是一個(gè) 20年前在別的女人身上犯過錯(cuò)誤的好人
[75:34.89]I am a good man for everybody but you. I know that. 除了你 所有人都認(rèn)為我是好人 我知道的
[75:38.75]Don't you think I know that? 你以為我不知道嗎?
[75:41.12]But I am a good man. 但我是個(gè)好人
[75:43.19]and I am your husband. 我是你丈夫
[75:46.31]and I love you. 我愛你
[75:49.35]Now I am not asking you to come home. 現(xiàn)在我不是求你讓我回家
[75:53.90]I'm telling you. 我是告訴你
[75:56.36]I am your husband,and I want to come home to my wife. 作為你的丈夫 我想回家 回到我妻子身邊
[76:09.76]well. 嗯..
[76:12.56]it's about time. 是時(shí)候了
[76:19.12]Meredith. Meredith
[76:30.19]-I'm retaking my intern test. -Oh,my god. - 我要重新進(jìn)行實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)師考試 - 哦 我的天
[76:33.41]I talked to the chief and made my case,and I'm taking the test. 我和主任談過了 說了我的想法 我要重新考試了
[76:36.34]Lexie,I know I was mad before,but thank you,thank you,thank you. Lexie 我知道我剛開始的態(tài)度不好 但是真的太謝謝你了
[76:40.12]Thank you. 謝謝你
[76:41.33]Get out the liquor,'cause we are celebrating. 把酒拿出來 我們要慶祝
[76:57.92]-I'm sorry. -Whatever. - 我很抱歉 - 沒事
[77:09.24]Not whatever. 別說沒事
[77:11.45]I'm sorry. 我很難過
[77:13.99]about rebecca and your mom. 關(guān)于Rebecca和你母親的事
[77:18.70]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[77:28.35]-Alex. -please. - Alex - 求你了
[77:31.56]Just this once. 就這一次
[77:34.49]Just for this one night,please. 就這一晚 行嗎
[77:37.16]please. 求求你
[78:07.39]please. 求求你
[78:14.24]Please. 求求你
[78:30.08]hey,we goin' home. 嘿 我們回家
[78:34.22]Oh,home to daddy. 回家去找爸爸
[78:37.38]Yeah. Yeah. 好的 好的
[78:43.52]Meredith? Meredith?
[78:58.03]brain ma. corny. idiotic. I cannot believe I did this. 笨蛋 傻瓜 白癡 真不敢相信我這么做了
[79:02.10]stupid loser. 愚蠢的失敗者
[79:03.39]son of A. 真他媽...
[79:04.72]I could be at home instead of. 我應(yīng)該待在家的
[79:07.47]-Stupid. -meredith. - 笨蛋 - Meredith
[79:09.98]Where have you been? 你去哪了?
[79:11.40]I've been waiting and waiting for you, 我一直都在等你
[79:13.39]and I did this stupid,embarrassing,humiliating,corny thing, 還作了這么尷尬又愚蠢 又丟人又白癡的事兒
[79:17.10]and I was just gonna tell you that this over here 我只是想告訴你 那邊的那個(gè)
[79:19.71]is our kitchen and this is our living room, 是我們的廚房 這兒是起居室
[79:23.66]and over there,that's the room where our kids could play. 還有那邊 是我們孩子做游戲的地方
[79:26.53]I had this whole thing about "I was gonna build us a house," 我一直有這樣的念頭 "我要建個(gè)我們自己的家"
[79:28.75]but I don't build houses because I'm a surgeon. 但不是因?yàn)槲沂峭饪漆t(yī)生才要蓋的
[79:30.90]And now I'm here feeling like a lame-ass loser. 現(xiàn)在我就像個(gè)腦殘的笨蛋
[79:35.47]I got all whole and healed,and you don't show up. 我終于把我的問題解決了 而你卻沒有出現(xiàn)
[79:39.56]And now it's all ruined because you took so long to come home. 因?yàn)槟慊貋硖?現(xiàn)在這些全糟蹋了
[79:41.99]And I couldn't even find that bottle of champagne. 我甚至找不到那瓶香檳
[79:53.28]This is the kitchen? 這是廚房?
[79:55.75]Living room? 起居室?
[79:58.79]Little small. 有點(diǎn)兒小
[80:00.92]I think the view is much better from here. 我想這兒的景色更好點(diǎn)兒
[80:03.61]And that's the room where the kids are gonna play? 那是孩子們做游戲的房間?
[80:11.28]Where's our bedroom? 我們的臥室在哪?
[80:14.33]I'm still mad at you,and i don't know if I trust you. 我仍然生你的氣 我也不知道是否相信你
[80:17.83]I want to trust you,but I don't know if I do. 我想要相信你 但不知道我能不能做到
[80:19.53]So I'm just gonna try. 所以 我會(huì)試試
[80:20.66]I'm gonna try and trust you because I believe that 我會(huì)試著相信你 因?yàn)槲蚁嘈?br /> [80:22.85]we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart and I wanna be. 我們能成為出色的一對(duì) 而不是各自平凡 我想要這樣
[80:53.78]-I have to go. -What? - 我要走了 - 什么?
[80:56.23]In order to kiss you the way I want to kiss you, 為了以我想要的方式吻你
[80:59.62]in order to do more than kiss you,I need to speak to rose. 為了能更好地吻你 我要去和Rose說清楚
[81:05.54]I want my conscience clear so that I can do more than kiss you. 我要對(duì)得起自己 那樣才能更好地吻你
[81:13.53]Stay here. 在這兒等著
[81:16.42]Don't move. 別走
[81:19.27]Wait for me. 等我回來

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