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[00:00.00]****** "迷失" 前情提要
[00:01.78]******Back here. 拯救小島的唯一方法 John 就是讓你們的人回到島上
[00:05.13]The chopper was headed for the boat.The boat-- 直升機(jī)當(dāng)時(shí)正飛向船 那條船--
[00:06.56]no, they're fine, john, and they're already home. 不 他們沒事 John 他們已經(jīng)平安歸家
[00:09.38]So you have convince them to come ck. 所以你得說服他們回來(lái)
[00:11.03]How? How am i supposed to do that? 我怎樣才能做到呢?
[00:13.34]You're gonna have to die, john. 你得犧牲 John
[00:16.63]You're going down there? 你要爬下去?
[00:18.60]What exactly are you hoping to find? 你希望能找到什么呢?
[00:20.55]A way off the island. 離島之法
[00:33.41]once you get all of your friends together-- 一旦將你的朋友們聚齊--
[00:35.24]and it must be all of them, everyone who left-- 必須得是每一個(gè)離島的人
[00:37.84]once you've persuaded them to join you, 當(dāng)你成功說服他們加入
[00:39.98]eloise hawking will tell you exactly how to come back. Eloise Hawking會(huì)告訴你回島方法
[00:44.30]Richard said I was going to die. Richard說我必須得死
[00:46.86]That's why they call it sacrifice. 這正是人稱"犧牲"的原因
[02:12.36]caesar. Caesar
[02:16.39]ilana. What's up? Ilana 什么事?
[02:19.77]Find anything? 找到啥了?
[02:21.26]No. Nothing useful. 沒有 都是無(wú)關(guān)緊要的
[02:22.79]Then what'd you just put in your bag? 那你偷塞進(jìn)包包里的是什么?
[02:36.47]If you want it, it's yours. 你想要 就給你了
[02:40.37]We found someone--a man. 我們找到了個(gè)人--男的
[02:44.18]What? 什么?
[02:45.16]Roxanne was scting just south of here, and he was just standing in the water. Roxanne在偵查這里南面時(shí) 看見他站在水里
[02:50.37]He's wearing a suit. 他竟穿著一套西裝
[02:51.96]- Nobody recognizes him? - No. Whoever he is, he didn't come with us. - 沒有人認(rèn)得他? - 沒有 無(wú)論他是誰(shuí) 都不是我們同行的人
[02:55.27]Then how do we know he isn't one of the ones who disappeared? 我們咋知道他不是失蹤的其中一人?
[02:57.48]He's not. 他不是
[02:58.48]And how do you know? 你又怎么知道的?
[02:59.27]Because he wasn't on the plane. 因?yàn)樗皇秋w機(jī)的乘客
[03:02.57]What did this man have to say? 這個(gè)人要說什么呢?
[03:03.96]You can ask him yourself. 你自己?jiǎn)査?br /> [03:24.66]Hello. 你好
[03:26.33]hello. 你好
[03:28.27]My name is caesar. What's yours? 我叫Caesar 你呢?
[03:38.61]My name is john locke. 我叫John Locke
[04:04.87]Lost Season05 Episode07 迷失 第五季 第7集
[04:19.19]Morning. 早上好
[04:21.17]Hello. 你好
[04:23.40]Breakfast? We found a tree. They're pretty good. 早餐? 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了棵樹 果實(shí)很鮮美
[04:27.06]Much obliged. 謝謝!
[04:29.05]- I'm ilana. - John. - 我叫Ilana - John
[04:33.96]Are those your boats? 那些是你們的船?
[04:36.35]No. They were already here. 不是 它們老早就在這了
[04:39.89]There used to be three, but the pilot and some woman took one. 原本有三條 但飛行員 和那啥女人劃走了一條
[04:44.91]Didn't tell anyone, just ran off in the middle of the night. 他們誰(shuí)也沒告訴 就在半夜悄然離開
[04:48.55]The pilot of the plane that brought you here? 把你們載來(lái)的飛行員?
[04:50.58]Yes. That's right. 是的
[04:53.71]Do you have a passenger list? 你有乘客名單嗎?
[04:58.54]you'll have to talk to caesar. 你得問問Caesar
[05:15.62]I think this is the best mango I've ever eaten. 這是我吃過最香的芒果
[05:22.12]Body remembersyou being on the plane. 沒人記得你是否在飛機(jī)上
[05:26.24]Well, I don't remember being on it either. 我也不記得自己在機(jī)上
[05:28.18]- What do you remember? - I remeer a lot. - 那你能想起些什么? - 我能想起很多事呢
[05:30.63]Like why you're dressed up so nice? 比如為何你衣履整齊?
[05:34.90]No, but I can guess. 不記得 但我能猜到
[05:36.53]Please. Guess. 拜托 猜一下
[05:41.72]I think this suit is what they were gonna bury me in. 我想這套西裝是我下葬時(shí)穿的
[05:47.69]- Sorry? - You asked what I remembered. - 什么? - 你問我能記起什么
[05:55.27]I remember dying. 我記得瀕死的一刻
[06:10.32]good luck, john. 一路順風(fēng) John
[06:21.52]say hello to my son. 向我兒子問好
[06:23.93]Who's your son? 你兒子是誰(shuí)?
[06:42.83]T** 突尼斯
[07:16.09]is anybody in there? Can you help me? 有人在嗎? 能幫幫我嗎?
[08:03.78]God! 老天!
[08:25.36]where is this? where am I? Where am I? Where is this? 這是哪里? 我在哪里?
[08:35.74]sir, where am I? Who are you? 先生 我在哪里? 你是誰(shuí)?
[08:41.15]Where am I? Do you speak english? 我在哪里? 你懂英語(yǔ)嗎?
[08:47.83]you swallow. swallow. 你吞 吞下
[09:04.12]where are we? 我們?cè)谀睦?
[09:06.30]oh--what? What? What?What-- 什么? 什么--
[09:08.86]you bite. Bite! 你咬 咬住!
[09:50.94]john? John?
[09:53.55]John, wake up. John 醒醒
[10:04.29]You had a compound fracture. 你有開放性骨折
[10:06.97]The doctors here did their best, but I had a specialist flown in to reset your leg properly. 這里的醫(yī)生已盡力 但會(huì)有個(gè)專家 飛回來(lái)為你的腿錯(cuò)位回正
[10:19.21]it's nice to see you again, john. 很高興再見到你 John
[10:22.01]- Do I know you? - yes. - 我認(rèn)識(shí)你嗎? - 是啊
[10:26.84]I understand your being confused. 我理解你的困惑
[10:30.09]Imagine how I feel. 試想我的感受
[10:33.58]I met you when I was 17. 我17歲時(shí)初遇你
[10:37.29]And now all these years later, here we are. 這么多年過去了 我們又重逢了
[10:42.92]You look exactly the same. 你相貌仍如初
[10:47.45]who are you? 你是誰(shuí)?
[10:48.90]my name is charles widmore. 我叫Charles Widmore
[10:53.61]Tell me, john. How long has it been for you since... 告訴我 John 自從我們初遇
[10:58.09]we first met, since you walked into our camp and you spoke to richard? 自從你走進(jìn)營(yíng)地 找Richard談話 過了多久了?
[11:04.97]Four days. 四天
[11:07.32]that's incredible. 不可思議
[11:09.15]- The camera in the desert-- that was yours? - Yeah. - 在沙漠中的相機(jī)是你的? - 正是
[11:12.54]How did you know I'd be there? 你咋知道我會(huì)在那里?
[11:14.18]Because that's the exit. 因?yàn)槟鞘莻€(gè)出口
[11:17.01]I was afraid benjamin might fool you into leaving the island, like he did with me. 我本擔(dān)心Benjamin會(huì)把你騙出島 就像當(dāng)初騙我一樣
[11:23.46]I was their leader. 我曾是他們的領(lǐng)頭
[11:26.10]The others? "其他人"?
[11:27.40]They're not the "others" to me. They're my people. 對(duì)我來(lái)說不是"其他人" 他們是我的人
[11:30.33]We protected the island peacefully for more than three decades. 我們?nèi)畮啄暌詠?lái) 和平地保護(hù)著小島
[11:34.91]But then I was exiled by him... 但后來(lái)我被他驅(qū)逐...
[11:40.35]just as you were. 就像你之前一樣
[11:41.61]No. Ben wasn't even there when I left. He was already gone. 不 我走時(shí)Ben根本不在 他先行離開了
[11:45.40]I-I... I wasn't exiled. I... chose to leave. 我不是被驅(qū)逐的 我自愿離島
[11:50.06]Why... would you do that, john? 為什么你會(huì)那樣做 John?
[11:59.38]You've come to bring them back... the ones who left. 你來(lái)帶他們回去 那些已經(jīng)離島的人
[12:03.92]no. 不
[12:07.04]I understand you lying to me. I do. 我能理解你在說謊 真的
[12:11.15]But there's something you should know. 但有一點(diǎn) 你該知道
[12:12.78]All your friends who left the island? 那些離開小島的朋友?
[12:16.55]They've been back three years. 他們?nèi)昵熬突貋?lái)了
[12:18.86]Three years? 三年?
[12:20.14]And they've gone back to their normal lives. 他們已過回了日常的生活
[12:22.61]and none of them has spoken a word of truth about where they were. 他們對(duì)自己那段經(jīng)歷 都一概扯謊以對(duì)
[12:34.19]I have to bring them back. 我得把他們帶回去
[12:35.74]And I'm gonna do everything in my power to help you do that. 我會(huì)盡力幫你
[12:41.62]Why? 為什么?
[12:43.96]"Why"? "為什么"?
[12:45.87]Why would you help me? 你為什么要幫我?
[12:50.46]Because there's a war coming, john. 因?yàn)轳R上就會(huì)有一場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)發(fā)生 John
[12:54.65]And if you're not back on the island when that happens, 如果開戰(zhàn)時(shí)你不在島上
[12:58.78]the wrong side is going to win. 邪惡的一方就會(huì)勝利
[13:11.02]"jeremy bentham"? Jeremy Bentham?
[13:12.86]He was a british philosopher. 他是個(gè)英國(guó)哲學(xué)家
[13:15.09]Your parents had a sense of humor when they named you, so why can't I? 你父母給你命名的時(shí)候很有幽默感 那為什么我不行呢?
[13:15.09]John Locke也是一英國(guó)哲學(xué)家名
[13:20.81]This should be money enough for now. 這些錢暫時(shí)夠用了
[13:24.00]The phone's international. 手機(jī)全球都可以用
[13:26.27]If you need to reach me, for anything, just press 2-3. 如果你需要聯(lián)系我 不管為了什么 按2 3就行了
[13:31.72]The folder contains your people's whereabouts, everyone that was on the island that left. 文件夾里有所有你要找的人的地址 所有那些本來(lái)在小島上但半路走掉的
[13:41.40]You've been watching them? 你一直都在監(jiān)視他們?
[13:42.63]I'm deeply invested in the future of the island, john. 我深深的關(guān)心小島的未來(lái) John
[13:46.69]So, yes, I've been watching them. 所以是的 我一直在監(jiān)視他們
[13:51.81]I wouldn't mention I'm involved in this. 我不會(huì)提起自己也參與進(jìn)來(lái)的
[13:53.31]I can't imagine what they think of me, having listened to benjamin's lies. 既然已經(jīng)聽過了Benjamin的謊言 我無(wú)法想象他們會(huì)怎樣想我
[13:56.68]How do I know that you're not the one who's lying? 我怎么知道你沒有說謊?
[13:58.82]I haven't tried to kill you. 我沒企圖要?dú)⒛?br /> [14:01.46]Would you say the same for him? 而他 你也能這么說么?
[14:07.44]you still don't trust me. 你還是不相信我
[14:08.72]You sent a team of killers and a boatload of c4 to the island. 你派了一隊(duì)殺手和一船的C4炸藥去小島誒
[14:12.62]That... doesn't exactly scream "trust." 這... 好像不能博得"信任"吧
[14:15.65]I needed linus removed... 我得把Linus除掉...
[14:18.26]so it could be your time. 那樣你就能放心運(yùn)作了
[14:21.58]Right. 好吧
[14:23.05]The island needs you, john. 小島需要的是你 John
[14:26.03]It has for a long time. 它等了好久
[14:27.97]What makes you think I'm so special? 你為啥覺得我如此特別?
[14:33.57]Because you are. 因?yàn)槟憔褪悄敲刺貏e
[14:45.00]Your chariot has arrived. 你的戰(zhàn)車來(lái)了
[14:46.69]He said I would die. 他說我會(huì)死的
[14:49.20]I beg your pardon? 再說一遍?
[14:50.23]Richard alpert. He said the only way to get them to come back was if I died. Richard Alpert說讓大家回去 的唯一方法是 我得犧牲
[14:55.63]I don't know why he said that, but I'm not gonna let that happen. 我不知道他為什么那么說 但我不會(huì)坐視不管的
[15:03.59]This is matthew abaddon. 這位是Matthew Abaddon
[15:05.42]He'll take you anywhere you need to go, protect you from whomever intends to do you harm. 他會(huì)帶你去你想去的任何地方 他還會(huì)保護(hù)你不受任何人的傷害
[15:13.18]Mr. Locke. Locke先生
[15:26.33]good luck, john, and godspeed. 祝你好運(yùn) John 抓緊點(diǎn)時(shí)間
[15:50.24]Anything you need, mr. Locke, you just let me know. 不管你需要什么 Locke先生 告訴我就行
[15:53.43]Anything. 不論什么
[15:56.96]Anybody from your past you want me to look up for you? 你過去有沒有什么人需要我 查查的?
[16:01.06]The whole world thinks you're dead, mr. Locke. 整個(gè)世界的人都以為你死了呢 Locke先生
[16:03.07]There must be somebody who'd be happy to see you. 一定有人看到你會(huì)很開心的吧
[16:04.95]Please don't talk to me. 請(qǐng)你不要跟我說話
[16:07.64]You got it. 沒問題
[16:16.80]but we're almost at the airport, so you're gonna at least have to tell me where we're ing first. 但咱馬上就要到機(jī)場(chǎng)了 所以你至少得告訴我咱們?nèi)ツ膬喊?br /> [16:21.68]Santo domingo. 圣多明各(多米尼加首都)
[16:31.53]****** 圣多明各 多米尼加共和國(guó)
[16:50.52]espera. Necesito terminar este techo. 等等 我得把屋頂蓋完
[16:55.30]P*seme otra viga. 還有根梁給我
[17:01.50]hey, sayid! 嗨 Sayid!
[17:03.20]Mira! Tienes un visitante. 看! 有人來(lái)找你
[17:13.56]I don't believe this. You actually want me to go back? 我真不敢相信 你真想讓我回去?
[17:16.54]I-I know how it sounds, sayid, but you have to trust me. 我知道聽起來(lái)不怎么樣 Sayid 但是你得相信我啊
[17:19.77]This is the only way to save them. 這是救他們的唯一方法
[17:21.49]I'm not going back. 我不會(huì)回去的
[17:24.64]For two years, I was manipulated into thinking I was protecting everyone on the island. 都兩年了 我一直被操縱著還以為 自己是在保護(hù)小島上的其他人呢
[17:28.24]Who was manipulating you? 是誰(shuí)在操縱你?
[17:30.74]Ben. Ben
[17:36.25]So who is manipulating you, john? 那誰(shuí)在操縱你 John?
[17:38.23]This is coming from me, nobody else. 這是我自己的想法 與別人無(wú)關(guān)
[17:41.41]I know you, sayid. 我了解你 Jayid
[17:43.10]And deep down in your heart, you know we never should've left the island. 你一定深知 我們當(dāng)時(shí)就不該離開小島
[17:46.24]It's only because I left the island that I was finally able to marry the woman I loved. 只因我離開小島 我才終于和我心愛的女人結(jié)婚
[17:53.05]We spent nine months together-- the best nine months of my life, john. 我們一起度過了九個(gè)月 我這輩子最棒的九個(gè)月 John
[18:00.18]That's what I know in my heart. 那才是我深知的
[18:04.24]where is she now? 她現(xiàn)在在哪里?
[18:06.45]She was murdered. 她被謀殺了
[18:14.91]I'm sorry. 真抱歉
[18:17.84]Why do you really need to go back? 為什么你非要回去不行?
[18:21.99]Is it just because you have nowhere else to go? 是因?yàn)槟銦o(wú)別處可去么?
[18:30.15]If you change your mind, I'll be staying under the name "jeremy bentham" in L.A. 如果你改主意了 我現(xiàn)在在洛杉磯 以Jeremy Bentham的假名
[18:33.35]At the westerfield hotel. 在Westerfield賓館里住著
[18:38.11]And if you change your mind, you're welcome to come back here and do some real good. 而如果你改主意了 歡迎你回來(lái)真正幫點(diǎn)兒忙
[18:47.55]Good-bye, john. 再見 John
[18:55.57]****** 紐約
[19:07.90]You asked if there was someone you could look up for me. 你之前問過我 有沒有人需要你查查的
[19:10.64]Yes, I did. 對(duì) 我這么說過的
[19:13.22]Her name is helen-- helen norwood-- and she was living in los angeles. 她叫Helen Helen Norwood 她住在洛杉磯
[19:17.68]She an old girlfriend of yours? 她是你以前的女友?
[19:24.20]help me get out of the car. 幫我下車
[19:30.15]so that's michael dawson's son, huh? 那個(gè)就是Michael Dawson的兒子了哈?
[19:32.51]Yeah. Boy's gotten big. 對(duì) 小孩兒長(zhǎng)大了
[19:50.22]Um, I'm--I'm-a be right back. I'm-a go. 嗯... 我去去就來(lái) 我得....
[19:54.45]I'll give you two some privacy. 我先讓你倆單獨(dú)聊聊
[20:03.71]- hey, john. - Hi, walt. - 嗨 John - 嗨 Walt
[20:06.12]- What happened? - I hurt my leg. - 你這是怎么了? - 我把腿傷了
[20:09.80]You don't seem surprised to see me. 你看到我好像不太吃驚啊
[20:12.86]I've been having dreams about you. 我經(jīng)常能夢(mèng)到你
[20:15.46]You were on the island, wearing a suit, and there are people all around you. 你在一個(gè)小島上 身穿一身西服 周圍有好多人
[20:20.31]They wanted to hurt you, john. 他們想傷害你 John
[20:22.94]Good thing they're just dreams. 幸虧只是夢(mèng)而已啊
[20:26.18]Is my dad... is he back on the island? 那我爸... 他回到小島了么?
[20:29.55]I haven't talked to him in three years. 我都三年沒跟他說過話了
[20:31.82]I figured he must've gone back. 我猜著他肯定是回去了
[20:36.93]Um, last I heard, your dad was on a freighter near the island. 最后一次是我聽說 你父親在 小島周圍的一個(gè)貨船上
[20:44.41]So why'd you come to see me? 那你怎么來(lái)看我了呢?
[20:53.05]I just wanted to make sure you were okay. 我只想確保你沒事兒
[20:55.63]Yeah. I'm doing pretty good. 哦 我過的挺好的
[20:59.56]Well, I gotta go. It was good seeing you, john. 我得走了 見到你很高興 John
[21:02.83]Yeah. Take care. 我也是 保重
[21:12.23]I take it you didn't invite him along. 我猜你沒請(qǐng)他一起吧
[21:15.10]Boy's been through enough. 這孩子經(jīng)歷的夠多的了
[21:17.35]That's 0-for-2, mr. Locke. 找了兩個(gè)人 一個(gè)回去的也沒有 Locke先生
[21:19.13]Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought you had to bring everyone back. 可能是我理解錯(cuò)了 但你不是得把所有人都帶回去么
[21:22.90]I only need to convince one. And if I can do that, the rest will come. 我只需要說服一個(gè)就行 如果成功 其余的就會(huì)跟著來(lái)的
[21:28.76]And maybe i was mistaken, but I thought you we my driver. 可能是我理解錯(cuò)了 我還以為你是我司機(jī)呢
[21:42.12]****** 加州 圣羅薩
[21:56.99]hello, hugo. 你好 Hugo
[22:02.64]So you didn't make it, huh? 看來(lái)你沒活下來(lái)啊 嗯?
[22:06.28]Pardon me? 啥意思?
[22:07.47]You didn't make it. It's cool. No biggie. 你沒活下來(lái)啊 沒什么大不了的
[22:11.82]You're not the first person to visit me, you know. 你不是來(lái)看我的第一個(gè)人
[22:14.47]But what's up with the wheelchair? 怎么還坐上輪椅了?
[22:16.04]Uh, I broke my leg falling down a hole. 我掉進(jìn)了一個(gè)洞 把腿給摔了
[22:19.22]Is that how you died? 你就是這么死的?
[22:23.64]Hugo, I'm not dead. Hugo 我沒死啊
[22:28.80]Sure you're not. 好好好 你沒死
[22:29.78]No, I-I promise you, I'm very much alive. 不是 我向你保證 我活的好好的啊
[22:33.12]Hey, susie, am I talking to a dude in a wheelchair right now? 嗨 Susie 我現(xiàn)在在跟一個(gè) 坐輪椅的伙計(jì)說話么?
[22:36.30]Yep. 對(duì)啊
[22:40.45]Whoa, dude. What are you doing here? 天 老兄 你來(lái)這干嘛?
[22:43.84]I need you to come back to the island with me. 我要你和我回去島上
[22:46.25]Wait. What? 等等 啥?
[22:47.52]And not just you, but everybody who left. 不只你 離開的人都要和我回去
[22:50.13]- You mean jack and kate-- - everybody. - 你是說Jack Kate... - 所有人
[22:56.42]I'm sorry, dude. I don't think that's gonna happen. 抱歉 老兄 這不可能
[22:59.63]Jack's a doctor now, and--and sun's, like, got her baby, and kate's got aaron. Jack現(xiàn)在是醫(yī)生了 Sun有了小孩 Kate有Aaron
[23:08.55]dude, be cool. Don't look, but we're being watched. 老兄 穩(wěn)住 別往那看 有人在監(jiān)視我們
[23:14.29]dude! 老兄!
[23:16.11]- Oh, don't worry. He's with me. - What? - 別擔(dān)心 他和我一起來(lái)的 - 什么?
[23:18.46]He's just driving me around. He's okay. 他只是開車載我來(lái)回 沒關(guān)系的
[23:20.21]That dude is far from okay. 那個(gè)家伙肯定有問題
[23:22.60]When I first got locked up in here, he showed up, claiming that he worked for oceanic air. 我剛被關(guān)在這里的時(shí)候 他出現(xiàn)了 說他是為大洋航空工作的
[23:26.69]He's evil! 他是壞人!
[23:28.16]You should not be trusting that guy. 你不該信任那個(gè)人
[23:29.62]- Please, just listen to me. - No, no, no! I'm not listening to you! - 請(qǐng)聽我說 - 不不不 我不要聽你的
[23:32.02]- Hugo, please, listen. - La, la, la, la, la I wanna go back in. - Hugo 拜托 聽我說 - 啦啦啦啦 我要進(jìn)去
[23:35.74]- I wanna go back in. - Hugo-- - 我要進(jìn)去 - Hugo
[23:36.74]no, I'm not going anywhere with you! Go away! Bye! 不 我哪兒也不去 走開 再見
[23:41.25]- Get out of here! - You're safe. - 快離開! - 你很安全
[23:54.29]That's three visits now. 已經(jīng)是第三個(gè)了
[23:56.66]you may wanna step up your game, mr. Locke, or we're all in serious trouble. 你要加快進(jìn)度 不然我們都會(huì)很麻煩
[24:04.35]what exactly is it that you do for mr. Widmore, matthew? Matthew 你為Widmore工作 具體是做什么
[24:10.53]you're ready to talk about it now, huh? 你打算談這個(gè)了嗎?
[24:15.17]John... John...
[24:17.03]you're not really gonna pretend you don't remember 你不是真的想假裝你不記得了吧
[24:18.76]that I was an orderly in the hospital right after your accident? 你的那場(chǎng)意外后我出現(xiàn)在你的醫(yī)院
[24:22.28]That I was the one who told you to go on your walkabout? 是我叫你去參加那個(gè)遠(yuǎn)足
[24:25.59]The same walkabout that put you on the plane that crashed on that island? 才使你上了那飛機(jī) 最后墜毀在那個(gè)島上
[24:30.74]No. I remember. 是的 我記得
[24:33.90]I help people get to where they need to get to, john. 我?guī)椭鷦e人去他們想去的地方 John
[24:38.38]That's what I do for mr. Widmore. 這也正是我為Widmore做的事
[24:50.45]****** 加州 洛杉磯
[25:02.54]the answer is no. 答案是不
[25:05.35]Kate, I don't think you understand-- Kate 我認(rèn)為你還不明白
[25:07.44]no, you made yourself perfectly clear. 不是的 你已經(jīng)解釋的很清楚了
[25:09.38]Everyone on the island is gonna die if I don't go back. 如果我不回去那個(gè)島上的所有人都會(huì)死
[25:12.76]And the answer is no. 但答案還是不
[25:14.26]Why? Don't you care about them? 為什么?你不關(guān)心他們嗎?
[25:22.14]- Have you ever been in love, john? - What? - 你曾經(jīng)愛過嗎 John? - 什么?
[25:26.23]I think about you sometimes. 有時(shí)我會(huì)想起你
[25:28.80]I think about how desperate you were to stay on that island. 想起你用盡一切方法想待在那個(gè)島上
[25:38.13]And then I realized... 然后我發(fā)現(xiàn)...
[25:42.16]it was all because you didn't love anybody. 這是因?yàn)槟阏l(shuí)都不愛
[25:46.96]That's not true. 這不是真的
[25:49.63]I loved someone... 我曾經(jīng)愛過...
[25:52.53]once. 一次
[25:56.94]Her name was helen. 她的名字是Helen
[26:04.05]What happened? 發(fā)生了什么事?
[26:06.88]Well... it--it... it just didn't work out. 呃...我們沒有走到最后
[26:14.52]Why not, john? 為什么 John?
[26:20.88]I was angry. I was... 我很憤怒 我很...
[26:27.60]ob-obsessed. 困...困擾
[26:30.74]And look how far you've come. 瞧瞧你經(jīng)歷了多少
[26:49.39]Let me help you, mr. Locke. 讓我?guī)湍惆?Locke
[26:51.17]- did you find her? - Find who? - 你找到她了嗎? - 誰(shuí)?
[26:53.58]Helen norwood--the woman I asked you about. Helen Norwood 我和你提起過
[26:56.41]No, I didn'T. I'm sorry. 沒有 我很抱歉
[26:58.42]three years is a long time. 3年是很長(zhǎng)的一段時(shí)間
[26:59.78]It's possible she got married, changed her name. 也許她結(jié)婚了 改名了
[27:01.56]- Maybe she moved out of state. - You found everyone else! All of them. - 也許她搬到國(guó)外了 - 其他人你都找到了
[27:06.75]Sayid was in the middle of nowhere, but you can't find helen because she moved? Sayid在個(gè)鳥不拉屎的地方都能找到 而你卻因?yàn)镠elen搬家了 就說找不到?
[27:11.46]Your job is to get people to where they need to get to? 你的工作是把別人帶到他們想去的地方?
[27:13.65]Well, I need to get to her. 我想去她那
[27:20.36]****** 加州 圣莫尼卡
[27:37.41]what happened to her? 發(fā)生了什么事?
[27:39.68]She died of a brain aneurysm. 她得了腦部動(dòng)脈瘤死的
[27:42.23]I'm very sorry, mr. Locke. 我很抱歉 Locke先生
[27:53.29]She loved me. 她愛過我
[27:56.11]If I had just... 如果我...
[28:02.57]we could've been together. 我們會(huì)還在一起
[28:05.06]Maybe you could have. 也許吧
[28:07.27]That wouldn't change anything. She'd still be gone. 但無(wú)法改變什么 她還是會(huì)死
[28:09.70]Would she? 是嗎?
[28:15.36]Helen is where she's supposed to be. 這就是Helen的歸宿
[28:18.64]As sad ait is, her path led here. 雖然很悲慘 但是她的命運(yùn)就是如此
[28:21.56]And you path, no matter what you did or what you do, your path leads back to the island. 而你 不管你曾做過什么或者現(xiàn)在做什么 都會(huì)重新回到那個(gè)島上去
[28:30.01]You say that like it's all det--inevitable. 你說的好像一切都是無(wú)法避免的
[28:33.20]Mr. Widmore told me richard alpert said that you were going to die. Widmore先生告訴我說Richard Alpert說你會(huì)死
[28:37.29]So you tell me, john. 那你告訴我 John
[28:38.93]Is that inevitable, or is it a choice? 那是注定的 還是可選擇的?
[28:41.16]What, you think i wanna die? 怎么了 你覺得我想死嗎?
[28:43.69]How is that... 怎么會(huì)...
[28:45.35]how could you possibly think that's a choice? 你怎么會(huì)覺得那是一個(gè)選擇?
[28:52.87]I'm just your driver. 我只是你的司機(jī)
[29:11.91]matthew! Matthew!
[30:16.34]what are you doing here? 你到這來(lái)干嘛?
[30:23.26]jack, how did you find me? Jack 你怎么找到我的?
[30:26.10]You were in a car accident and you were brought into my hospital. 你出了車禍 被送到我的醫(yī)院
[30:30.61]What are you doing here? 你到這來(lái)干嘛?
[30:37.92]we have to go back. 我們必須回去
[30:41.89]of course. Of course we do. 當(dāng)然了 那是一定的
[30:44.82]Jack, the people I left behind ne our help. Jack 被我們丟下的人需要我們的幫助
[30:47.19]- We're supposed to go back-- - because it's our destiny? - 我們應(yīng)該要回去 - 因?yàn)檫@是我們的命運(yùn)?
[30:49.92]How many times are you gonna say that to me, john? 你打算重復(fù)多少次 John?
[30:52.48]How can you not see it? 你怎么會(huì)還沒發(fā)現(xiàn)?
[30:54.63]Of all the hospitals they could've brought me to, I end up here. 他們可以把我?guī)У饺魏我患裔t(yī)院 但是卻把我?guī)?lái)了這里
[30:57.73]You don't think that's fate? 你不覺得這是命運(yùn)么?
[30:59.01]Your car accident was on the west side of los angeles. 你的車禍發(fā)生在洛杉磯的西部
[31:02.27]You being brought into my hospital isn't fate, john. 你被帶來(lái)我的醫(yī)院并不是命運(yùn) John
[31:05.64]- It's probability. - You don't understand. It wasn't an accident. - 幾率而已 - 你不明白 這不是意外
[31:09.08]- Someone is trying to kill me. - Why? Why would someone try to kill you? - 有人要?dú)⑽?- 為什么? 為什么有人想殺你?
[31:12.70]Because they don't want me to succeed. 因?yàn)樗麄儾幌胛页晒?br /> [31:14.89]They wanna stop me. 他們想阻止我
[31:16.27]They don't want me to get back because I'm important. 他們不想我回去 因?yàn)槲沂侵匾娜?br /> [31:22.45]Have you ever stopped to think that these delusions 你有沒有想過 這些幻想
[31:28.03]that you're special aren't real? 說你是特別的這些幻想并不是真的
[31:31.43]That maybe there's nothing important about you at all? 有沒有想過可能你根本就不重要?
[31:35.06]Maybe you are just a lonely old man that crashed on an island. 也許你只是一個(gè)墜落在島上 孤獨(dú)的老人
[31:41.62]That's it. 就是這樣而已
[31:45.51]Good-bye, john. 再見 John
[31:48.79]Your father says hello. 你父親向你問好
[31:53.26]What? 你說什么?
[31:56.05]A man--the man who told me to move the island-- the man who told me how to bring you all back-- 那個(gè)人 那個(gè)叫我移動(dòng)小島的人 那個(gè)叫我?guī)慊厝サ娜?br /> [32:01.00]he said to tell his son hello. 他叫我向他兒子問好
[32:03.33]It couldn't have been sayid's father, and it wasn't hurley's, so that leaves you. 他不可能是Sayid的父親 也不是Hurley的 只有你
[32:08.30]He said his name was christian. 他說他叫Christian
[32:13.73]My... my father is dead. 我...我父親死了
[32:18.76]Well, he didn't look dead to me. 在我看來(lái)未必
[32:20.88]he died in australia three years ago. I put him in the coffin! 他三年前就死在澳大利亞 我親手把他放進(jìn)棺材!
[32:26.73]He's dead. 他不在了
[32:28.18]Jack, please, you have to come back! Jack 拜托 你一定要回去!
[32:30.33]You're the only one who can convince the rest of 'em. 你是唯一能說服他們的人
[32:32.43]You have to help me! You're supposed to help me! 你一定要幫我! 你應(yīng)該幫我!
[32:34.22]John, it's over! It's done. John 都完了! 結(jié)束了
[32:37.05]We left, and we were never important. So you... 我們已經(jīng)離開了 我們?cè)僖膊皇顷P(guān)鍵 所以請(qǐng)你...
[32:41.42]you leave me alone. 不要來(lái)煩我
[32:43.32]And you leave the rest of 'em alone! 也請(qǐng)你不要去煩其他人!
[33:03.37]****** 真希望你信了我
[35:12.23]john? John? John? John?
[35:19.50]****** John 你在干嘛?
[35:22.51]wait, please. John, stop! 等等 拜托 John 停下來(lái)!
[35:28.33]h-how did you find me? 你是怎么找到我的?
[35:30.21]I have a man watching sayid. 我叫人監(jiān)視Sayid
[35:33.20]I'm watching all of them,keeping them safe. 我叫人盯著每個(gè)人 保護(hù)他們
[35:37.09]When you turned up, he called me. 你一出現(xiàn) 他就告訴我了
[35:39.25]Who... who... w-w-what are you doing here? 誰(shuí)... 是誰(shuí)... 你來(lái)這干嘛?
[35:43.15]- John, just calm down. - What do you want from me? - John 冷靜 - 你到底想我怎樣?
[35:45.01]- Please, let me help-- - answer the question! - 請(qǐng)讓我?guī)湍?- - 回答我!
[35:47.09]I'm trying to protect you. 我在保護(hù)你
[35:49.68]Protect me? 保護(hù)我?
[35:55.12]You shot him. 是你開的槍
[35:57.65]You killed abaddon. 你殺了Abaddon
[35:59.60]Yes. Yes, I did. 是 是 是我做的
[36:03.05]But it was only a matter of time before he tried to kill you. 我是為了保護(hù)你不被他殺
[36:05.61]I was just trying to get to you, but you drove off and crashed. 我本想來(lái)找你 但你開翻了車 出了車禍
[36:08.74]- Why?Why would-- - he was working for charles widmore. - 為什么? 這都是為什么 - 他是Charles Widmore的人
[36:11.07]- He's extremely dangerous. - No! - 他極度危險(xiǎn) - 你說謊!
[36:13.06]Widmore came to me. He saved me. Widmore找到我 救了我
[36:16.50]No, john, he used you. 不是 John 他是在利用你
[36:17.94]He waited till you showed up so that you could help him get to the island. 他一直在等你出現(xiàn) 好利用你帶他去小島
[36:21.64]Charles widmore is the reason I moved the island! 就是因?yàn)镃harles Widmore 我才移動(dòng)了小島!
[36:25.79]So that he could never find it again, to keep him away so that you could lead. 好讓他永遠(yuǎn)都發(fā)現(xiàn)不了 遠(yuǎn)離他的勢(shì)力范圍 你來(lái)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)我們
[36:40.92]You can't do this. 你不能這么做
[36:43.01]If anything happens to you... 如果你有個(gè)三長(zhǎng)兩短...
[36:46.27]john, you have no idea how important you are. John 你完全不知道你有多重要
[36:51.99]Let me help you. 讓我?guī)湍?br /> [36:56.66]there is no helping me. 我不需要任何人的幫助
[37:01.31]I'M... 我...
[37:05.25]I'm a failure. 我沒用
[37:06.31]- No, john, you're not. - I am! - 不 John 不是這樣的 - 就是!
[37:10.71]I couldn't get any of them. I couldn't get a single one of them to come back with me. 我一個(gè)都說服不了 沒有一個(gè)人愿意和我回去
[37:16.04]Lead anyone. 我能領(lǐng)導(dǎo)誰(shuí)啊我
[37:17.92]Jack booked a ticket. Jack已經(jīng)定票了
[37:23.10]W-what? 什么?
[37:24.36]A plane ticket from los angeles to sydney, tonight. 洛杉磯到悉尼的機(jī)票 今晚
[37:27.66]Return trip first thing in the morning. 第二天一早返程
[37:36.01]Whatever you said to him, john--it worked. 不管你對(duì)他說了什么 John--起作用了
[37:38.62]And if you got jack, you can get the rest of them. 如果你能說服Jack 其他人都不是問題
[37:48.51]john... you can't die. John... 你不能死
[37:52.43]You've got too much work to do. 你任重道遠(yuǎn)
[37:55.92]We've gotta get you back to that island so that you can do it. 我們必須回到小島 一切都在等著你
[38:15.87]please, john. Come on. 拜托 John 來(lái)吧
[38:24.08]come down. 下來(lái)吧
[38:43.43]I know we can do this, john. 我們一定會(huì)成功的 John
[38:46.03]you haven't even been to sun yet. 你還沒找到Sun呢
[38:49.70]- Let's start with her. - No. - 我們從她開始 - 不
[38:52.49]I... 我...
[38:55.21]I promised jin that I wouldn't bring her back. 我答應(yīng)了Jin不帶她回去
[38:57.35]- Jin is alive? - Yeah. - Jin還活著? - 是的
[39:00.70]Yeah. But he didn't want her to know. He--he wanted me to tell her that his... 但是他不想讓她知道他還活著 他讓我告訴她...
[39:05.93]that his body washed up on the beach. 他的尸體被沖到沙灘上
[39:09.42]And, uh, he gave me his wedding ring to prove it. 他還給了我他的結(jié)婚戒指來(lái)證明
[39:12.49]All right. 那好
[39:15.03]a promise is a promise. 君子一言
[39:27.04]thank you. 謝謝
[39:31.40]you're welcome. 沒事
[39:34.43]Come on. 來(lái)
[39:40.82]let's go. 我們走
[39:44.03]I know we can do this. 我們一定行的
[39:46.47]once we can get them all in the same place... 一旦我們把他們都帶回去...
[39:51.14]I don't know where we go from there, but we'll figure something out. 我不知道怎么回去 但我們一定會(huì)想到辦法的
[39:55.33]I know where we go. 我知道怎么回去
[39:58.53]There's a woman here in los angeles. 但洛杉磯有個(gè)女人
[40:00.96]- A woman? - Yeah, I don't know exactly where, - 一個(gè)女人? - 嗯 我不知道具體在哪
[40:03.81]but she shouldn't be that hard to find. Her name is--is, uh... 但我想她不難找 她叫--叫 呃...
[40:08.99]eloise hawking. Eloise Hawking
[40:13.62]Eloise hawking? You sure? Eloise Hawking? 你確定?
[40:15.30]Yeah, yeah. Yeah, why? Do you know her? 是 是 是的 怎么了? 你認(rèn)識(shí)她?
[40:20.18]Yes. John. I know her. 是的 John 我認(rèn)識(shí)她
[42:01.75]I'll miss yo johN. 我會(huì)想你的 John
[42:05.72]I really will. 真的
[42:37.18]that symbol-- it belongs to an organization called the dharma initiative. 那個(gè)標(biāo)志 屬于一個(gè)叫達(dá)摩組織的
[42:42.90]They were conducting some experiments here a while back. 他們以前在這里做實(shí)驗(yàn)
[42:47.00]How do you know that? 你怎么知道的?
[42:48.13]I spent more than a hundred days on this island. I know a lot. 我在這里住過很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間 我知道很多事
[42:51.02]A hundd days? 很長(zhǎng)?
[42:52.67]So when we crashed, you were already here. 也就是說我們飛機(jī)失事時(shí)你就在這里了?
[42:55.92]No. No, I, uH... I left. 不 不 我... 我離開了
[43:01.26]How long ago did you leave? 你離開了多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?
[43:04.21]the timing would just confuse ya. 說這個(gè)會(huì)使你糊涂的
[43:07.44]Well... how did you get back? 那... 你怎么回來(lái)的?
[43:10.51]To be honest, that part's a bit of a mystery to me. 老實(shí)說 對(duì)這個(gè)我也不甚了了
[43:13.96]Okay, john locke... 那好 John Locke...
[43:16.92]I have a mystery, too. 我也有個(gè)難題
[43:19.67]Maybe you can help me with it. 也許你能幫幫我
[43:22.00]I'm happy to try. 非常樂意
[43:24.52]On the plane, I was sitting across the aisle from that really big guy with curly hair. 飛行中時(shí) 我坐在走道旁 在我旁邊的是個(gè)有卷發(fā)的大個(gè)子
[43:29.96]When the plane started shaki-- really shaking-- 飛機(jī)開始搖晃時(shí)--很搖晃--
[43:32.89]there was a big noise and a bright light. 有聲巨大的噪音和一道白光
[43:35.99]And this really big guy with curly hair... 這個(gè)卷發(fā)大個(gè)子...
[43:38.53]was gone, man. I mean, literally gone. 就不見了 真的不見了
[43:41.43]And it wasn't only him. 不止他一個(gè)人這樣
[43:43.94]Some of us saw it happen to other people, too. 我們有些人也看到其他人這樣
[43:47.17]So, mr. John locke, do you have an idea about what happened? 所以 John Locke先生 你知道這是怎么回事嗎?
[43:55.34]I think... 我想...
[43:57.65]I might know how I came to be here. 我也許知道了我怎么回來(lái)的了
[44:02.65]But that would involve me finding my friends. 但我需要找到我的朋友們
[44:04.65]- Do you have a-a-a passenger list? - No. - 你有乘客名單嗎? - 沒有
[44:07.68]The pilot took it when he ran off. 飛行員走時(shí)一并帶走了
[44:09.41]And everyone's accounted for-- all the people? 所有人都在這?
[44:11.62]O-other than the--the ones who disappeared. 除了這些消失的
[44:13.77]Yeah, yeah, except for the people who got hurt. 是的 是的 除了這些傷員
[44:16.55]"The people who got hurt"? "傷員"?
[44:51.70]U know him? 你認(rèn)識(shí)他?
[44:54.85]Yeah. 是
[44:59.56]He's the man who killed me. 他就是"殺"我的人

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