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[00:00.65]Previously on "lost"... "Lost"劇情回顧...
[00:02.99]now talk. 快說
[00:03.82]Think of the island like a record spinning on a turntable, only now, that record is skipping. 將島看作是轉(zhuǎn)盤上的光碟 但現(xiàn)在光盤跳針了
[00:09.71]Whatever ben linus did down at the orchid station, it may have... Ben Linus在幽蘭站所做的 可能...
[00:14.41]dislodged us. 將我們抹去了
[00:16.39]Dislodged us from what? 從哪抹去了?
[00:18.03]Time. 時(shí)間
[00:21.10]Come on! 拜托!
[00:24.67]it's not stopping! 有完沒完!
[00:28.68]charlotte! Charlotte!
[00:34.67]we have to go backto the orchid. 我們得返回幽蘭站
[00:36.64]That's where all this started. Maybe it's where it'll all stop. 此處系鈴此處解
[00:38.93]This is all happeningbecause they left. 不斷閃回是因?yàn)樗麄兊碾x開
[00:41.07]I think it'll stop if I can bring them back. 我想要是把他們找回來 這就會(huì)停止
[00:43.08]Bring who back? 把誰找回來?
[00:43.99]Jack, sun, sayid, hugo, kate. Jack Sun Sayid Hugo Kate
[00:47.12]Don't you want her to come back? 你不想她回來嗎?
[00:51.74]you sure you don'twant us to lower you down? 確定不用我們把你慢慢放下去?
[00:53.52]Where would be the funin that? 那還有啥好玩?
[01:03.70]John! Damn it, hold on! John! 見鬼 抓緊!
[01:11.03]I think you canlet go of that now. 我想你現(xiàn)在可以放手
[01:19.83]No. No! No! No! No! No! 不...
[01:23.03]James, don'T. James 算了
[01:24.64]Come on! Help me! 來! 幫幫我!
[01:29.12]james... stop. James... 停下來
[01:33.23]we can't help him. 我們幫不了他
[01:35.06]Wherever john went,he's gone. 無論John要去哪里 他已經(jīng)去了
[01:38.13]And wherever we are is beforethat well was ever built. 無論我們身在何時(shí) 也必定在那口井開鑿以前
[01:41.83]Yeah, I'd say way before. 對(duì) 是在很久很久以前
[01:45.81]What makes you-- 你為啥說...
[02:06.93]james! Can you hear me? James! 你能聽到嗎?
[02:09.95]Can anyone hear me? ! 有人聽到我嗎? !
[02:46.68]what the hell was that? 搞什么鬼
[02:49.01]that onewas different. 這次跟以前不同
[02:50.72]It was... that was more likean earthquake. 就像地震一樣
[02:56.44]Locke! Locke!
[02:57.69]James, wait! James 等等!
[03:09.59]great. 很好
[03:20.30]my headache is gone. 我不頭疼了
[03:23.12]yeah, mine is, too. 對(duì)耶 我也是
[03:25.06]And my noseisn't bleeding anymore. 我也不流鼻血了
[03:35.84]I think it's over. 我想已經(jīng)結(jié)束了
[03:39.76]I think john did it. John成功了
[03:47.90]Now what? 現(xiàn)在怎么著?
[03:52.80]Now we wait for himto come back. 我們等他回來
[03:56.67]For how long? 等多久?
[04:05.18]As long as it takes. 有多久等多久
[04:11.05]******** 三年后
[04:35.89]are you kidding me? 你跟我開玩笑?
[04:37.99]I'm gone ten minutes, and you're having a hootenanny? 我走開10分鐘 你就在這開鄉(xiāng)村音樂節(jié)?
[04:40.26]Don't be such a bummer, man. 別掃興 伙計(jì)
[04:41.96]Rosie was justdroppin' off some brownies. You should thank her. Rosie帶了些蛋糕來 你應(yīng)該多謝她
[04:46.09]she shouldn't be here, jerry. We're on the clock, man. 她不該在這兒 Jerry 我們?cè)诋?dāng)班呢
[04:48.70]Ah, mellow out, phil. W-what's gonna happen, huh? 輕松點(diǎn) Phil 能有啥事發(fā)生?
[04:52.29]The polar bears are gonna figure a way out of their cages? 北極熊會(huì)想到怎么逃跑嗎?
[04:54.99]That's not the point. If lafleur finds outwhat you're doing here... 那不是重點(diǎn) 要是LaFleur 知道你在這兒干啥...
[04:57.12]- lafleur's not gonnafind out anything. - It's gonna be my ass, man. - LaFleur不會(huì)知道的 - 不知道個(gè)屁
[04:58.76]- I'm the one who's gonna have to answer to him. - Guys? - 我得向他負(fù)責(zé) - 伙計(jì)們?
[05:00.30]Relax, man. Nobody's gonna find out. 放松 兄弟 沒人會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)的
[05:02.02]Guys. What... 伙計(jì)們 那...
[05:07.52]no. 不好了
[05:10.31]- Is that a hostile? - I don't know. - 敵人? - 我不知道
[05:16.81]is that... horace? 那是... Horace?
[05:38.02]oh, he's got dynamite. 噢 他有炸藥
[05:39.08]- get her out of here! Get her out of here now! Now! - Come on, rosie.You gotta get outta here now. - 把她弄出去! 送她出去! 快! - 來吧 Rosie 你得馬上離開
[05:41.22]- I told you not to bring her here. I told you! - Don't tell anyone you were here. Just go. Go! - 我叫你別把她帶來! - 別跟人說來過 走吧 快走!
[05:44.52]Okay, this is bad. This is bad, man. 壞了 糟透了伙計(jì)
[05:45.82]We gotta get lafleur. 我們得通知LaFleur
[05:46.64]3:00 in the morning. Do you really wanna wake laflr up? 凌晨3點(diǎn) 你真想叫醒LaFleur?
[05:48.01]No, of course not, but-- 當(dāng)然不想 但...
[05:48.78]no, no, no.Maybe--maybe we can handle this ourselves, huh? 不 或許我們自己能解決?
[05:50.31]And maybe raceblows himself up, and lafleur kills us for not waking him. 或許Horace炸死自己 Lafleur會(huì)因沒叫醒他而宰了我們
[05:54.43]We gotta go now! 我們得馬上過去!
[06:03.97]do you wanna knock? 你想敲門嗎?
[06:05.90]you knock. 你敲
[06:09.05]Fine. 好吧
[06:20.28]what? 什么?
[06:21.48]Mr. Lafleur,sorry to bother you, but we got a situationout at the pylons. Lafleur先生 打攪了 標(biāo)塔那兒出了狀況
[06:27.93]what kind of situation? 什么狀況?
[06:30.11]Uh, it's, uh, horace. 是Horace
[06:31.81]He's got dynamite,and he's blowing up trees. 他拿著炸藥在炸樹木
[06:37.94]son of a bitch. 狗娘養(yǎng)的
[06:59.50]Lost Season05 Episode08 迷失 第五季 第8集
[07:04.13]Relax! I'm comin'! 別催! 我來了!
[07:12.66]hey, boss. 嘿 老大
[07:13.90]Evening, enos. You got your zapper with ya? 晚上好 Enos 你帶上微波槍了?
[07:16.42]Yep. you wanna tell me why I need it? 是的 不介意告訴我為啥要用吧?
[07:20.42]'cause our fearless leader is out blowing up trees. 因?yàn)槲覀兡遣灰念I(lǐng)導(dǎo) 在炸毀樹林子呢
[07:23.92]Why's he doing that? 他干嘛這樣?
[07:25.98]'cause he's loaded. 因?yàn)樗茹铝?br /> [07:27.79]Since when does horace drink? Horace何時(shí)開始喝酒的?
[07:29.76]He doesn't, so we're gonna keep this on the down low. 他沒有 所以別聲張
[07:46.03]oh, man. 老天
[07:47.98]All right. You put out that fire. Pack up this dynamite. I'll take him home. 好吧 把火滅掉 收拾好炸藥 我來送他回家
[07:52.18]Why don't you put out the fire, pack up, and--and I'll take him home? 為什么你不滅火和收拾炸藥 而我來把他送回家?
[07:55.77]You wanna tell amy where we found him? 你想去告訴Amy他醉癱在哪里?
[08:01.99]Help me get him up. 幫我把他抬起來
[08:09.90]oh, my god. Is he okay? 噢 天哪 他還好嗎?
[08:11.61]- You tell me. - Bring him inside. - 我也不知道 - 快進(jìn)來
[08:16.63]The couch. The couch is fine. 沙發(fā) 放在沙發(fā)就行了
[08:25.76]Where'd you find him? 你在哪里找到他?
[08:26.79]By the flame, blowing up trees with dynamite. 火堆旁 在用炸藥炸樹林
[08:30.36]Wanna tell me why? 介意告訴我原因嗎?
[08:33.92]We had a fight. 我們吵架了
[08:35.32]Must've been a doozy. 鬧得不輕吧
[08:37.26]Please, jim. It's personal. 拜托 Jim 這是私事
[08:40.50]Personal? You think this isn't gonna get out? 私事? 你認(rèn)為這不會(huì)傳出去?
[08:43.57]It'll be on the coconut telegraph by breakfast. 明早就家喻戶曉了
[08:50.43]it was about paul. 是關(guān)于Paul的事
[08:54.19]Go on. 請(qǐng)繼續(xù)
[08:57.40]What's the matter? You okay? 怎么了? 你還好吧?
[09:01.11]the baby--it's coming. 我快要生了
[09:08.71]oh, hell. 噢 見鬼
[09:11.45]****** 三年前
[09:17.26]I'm not gonna tell her. 我不會(huì)告訴她的
[09:20.18]Don't even tell her. I won'T. 別告訴她 我不會(huì)
[09:25.25]- where's red? - I don't know. - 紅發(fā)妞在哪里? - 不知道
[09:29.92]no. I won't do it. I won't tell her. I won't do it. Won'T... 不 我不會(huì)做 我不會(huì)告訴她 我不會(huì)那樣 不會(huì)...
[09:33.36]daniel? Daniel?
[09:36.28]You okay? 你沒事吧?
[09:40.60]I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna tell her. 我不會(huì)那樣做 我不會(huì)告訴她
[09:43.76]Daniel, where's charlotte? Daniel Charlotte在哪里?
[09:47.68]she's not here. 她不在這了
[09:51.01]ShE... she's gone. 她... 她離開了
[09:55.76]Where? 去哪里?
[09:57.80]She'S... dead. She's dead. 她... 死了 她死了
[10:02.95]There was another flash, anD... and she was... 又有一道閃光 然后... 她就...
[10:07.08]she was just gone. 她就離開了
[10:09.57]Her... body just... 她的...身體就...
[10:15.98]disappeared. 消失了
[10:21.05]She moved on, and we stayed. 她閃走了 我們還留在這里
[10:26.91]- I'm so sorry. - Hold on. Wait a minute. - 我很抱歉 - 停 等一下
[10:29.81]We "stayed"? 我們"留下"?
[10:31.80]We're not traveling through time anymore? Y saying it's over? 我們已不再時(shí)光旅行? 你意思是已經(jīng)結(jié)束了?
[10:34.56]Of course it's over. 當(dāng)然結(jié)束了
[10:36.95]Wherever we are now... 無論我們?cè)诤畏?.
[10:40.05]whenever we are now... 在何時(shí)...
[10:47.94]we're here for good. 就老老實(shí)實(shí)待在這吧
[10:53.38]I won't do it. I won'T. I'm not gonna-- I'm--I'M... 我不會(huì)那樣做 不會(huì) 我不要...我...
[10:57.50]- okay. - I'm not gonna--I w-- I won'T. - 好的 - 我不會(huì)...不會(huì)...
[11:04.64]okay. Swell. Until dan checks back in, I say we head back to the beach. 好極 在Dan恢復(fù)神智前 我認(rèn)為該回去海灘
[11:09.56]When locke gets back with everybody, that's where they'll be looking for us. 當(dāng)Locke帶大家回來時(shí) 他們會(huì)先去那里找我們
[11:12.13]The beach? What, you didn't get enough flaming arrows shot at you? 海灘? 你忘了那次雨水般的火箭?
[11:17.28]And your camp is gone. Why bother? 你們的營地也沒了 回去干嘛?
[11:21.91]Sawyer's right, miles. Sawyer說的對(duì) Miles
[11:24.57]We should go back to the beach. 我們應(yīng)該回到海灘
[11:26.28]We survived there before. We can do it again. 我們上次挺了過來 也可以再來一次
[11:28.05]Or maybe when we get there, you'll--you'll wanna go back to the orchid again. 或許當(dāng)我們到那里 你又想回幽蘭站了
[11:31.71]And then when that gets boring, we can head back to the beach. 然后在那又感到無聊 我們又回到海灘
[11:34.05]It's the only two plans you people have. 你們這些人就只想得到這兩個(gè)計(jì)劃
[11:36.04]Hey, zip it. I'm heading back to the beach. 嘿 閉嘴 我現(xiàn)在要回海灘
[11:39.09]If our stuff's there, great. If not, we build new stuff. 如果我們的東西還在那 那最好 如果不在 我們重新建
[11:41.95]You don't like the plan, good luck. 你不喜歡這個(gè)計(jì)劃 那祝你好運(yùn)
[11:47.81]Who put him in charge? 誰讓他當(dāng)頭兒了?
[12:02.33]Thanks for getting my back for that whole beach issue. 謝謝你支持我
[12:04.72]You should thank me. It was a stupid idea. 你是該感謝我 這主意很愚蠢
[12:09.44]Well, what does that say about you agreeing with me? 那么你為什么同意我
[12:11.81]Any plan is better than no plan. 有計(jì)劃好過沒計(jì)劃
[12:13.32]Besides, if I hadn't aged with you, we'd still be arguing about where to go next. 而且 如果我反對(duì) 我們現(xiàn)在或許還在爭(zhēng)論去哪
[12:17.85]I just hope you figure out something better before we get there. 我希望在我們到那之前 你能想出更好的辦法
[12:22.11]Well, I'm open to suggestions. 好吧 我愿意接受各種建議
[12:40.93]oh, no! No, paul! Oh, god! Oh, god! 不 Paul! 我的天!
[12:45.09]No, no, no, no! no, please! We didn't know! 不...求求你了 我們不知道
[12:49.72]paul, please, please do something. No, no. No, no, no, no, no. Paul 求你了 做點(diǎn)什么 不...
[12:52.63]We were just touring this park. We didn't mean anything. 我們只是逛逛這里 沒別的意思
[12:55.12]We were just having--paul. Paul, please. 我們只是... Paul Paul 求你了
[13:00.26]Oh, my god! No! Oh 我的天 不!
[13:04.24]no, paul, please. Please. 不 Paul 求求你了
[13:06.88]O do you think they are? 你覺得他們是誰?
[13:08.14]Who cares who they are? We don't even know when they are. 誰在乎他們是誰? 我們甚至都不知這是什么年代
[13:12.80]dan. We don't get involved, right? Dan 我們不插手 對(duì)吧?
[13:16.14]That's what you said. 你是這樣說的
[13:18.20]Doesn't matter what we do. 我們做什么都無關(guān)緊要
[13:21.62]Whatever happened, happened. 該發(fā)生的已經(jīng)發(fā)生了
[13:26.28]Yeah, thanks anyway, plato. 是呀 謝謝啊 柏拉圖
[13:28.40]I'm going over there. 我準(zhǔn)備過去
[13:30.00]- You still got my back? - Absolutely. - 你掩護(hù)? - 當(dāng)然
[13:34.79]paul, paul. Talk to me! Talk to me, paul! Paul Paul 跟我句說話 說話呀 Paul
[13:36.82]- on your et!Come on, get up!Now! - no, I can't! I can't! - 站起來 快點(diǎn) - 不 我不 我不
[13:42.28]All right, drop the gun! 把槍放下
[13:45.36]oh, god. 上帝
[14:11.28]it's all right. It's okay. You're safe. It's over. 沒事了 好了 你安全了 都結(jié)束了
[14:20.75]Who are you? 你是誰
[14:36.65]her friend's wearing a dharma jumpsuit. 她朋友穿了件達(dá)摩的工作服
[14:38.73]That put us '70s, '80s. 說明我們現(xiàn)在在70或80年代
[14:40.91]The guys with the bags-- others? 那些被著包的家伙 是其他人嗎
[14:42.95]Beats me. 不知道
[14:43.94]What, y'all don't know each other? 怎么 你們相互都不認(rèn)識(shí)?
[14:45.53]Before my time. 我那時(shí)候還沒來
[14:47.61]sawyer. Walkie. Sawyer 對(duì)講機(jī)
[14:52.03]- we need to go. - I'm on it. - 我們得走了 - 我這就走
[14:57.03]Listen, sweetheart, we gotta get moving now. 聽著 親愛的 我們要走了
[15:00.47]Who are you people? 你們是什么人?
[15:03.34]Our ship wrecked here on the way to tahiti. 我們?nèi)ニL釐u的船在這失事了
[15:04.95]But that ain't important right now, 'cause whoever's on the other end of this-- 不過現(xiàn)在這不重要 不管對(duì)講機(jī)那頭是誰
[15:09.01]those two might've given 'em a call befe we saved you. 在我們救你之前 那倆人也許已經(jīng)和他聯(lián)系過了
[15:13.07]We have to bury them. 我們必須埋了他們
[15:15.28]Bury them? We ain't got time to bury nobody. 埋了他們? 我們沒有時(shí)間去埋任何人
[15:17.54]We--we--we have to. The truce. 我們必須埋 那個(gè)休戰(zhàn)協(xié)定
[15:19.93]Oh, god. we have to bury them. 天吶 我們必須埋了他們
[15:23.28]And--and we have... we have... 還有我們必須...
[15:26.96]and we have to bring it-- him back home. 我們必須將他...將他帶回家
[15:29.73]We have to bring paul back with us. 我們必須帶上Paul跟我們一起回去
[15:32.97]Please. 求你了
[15:35.83]Please? please. 求求你們了
[15:42.69]I'll carry him. 我來背他
[15:47.10]All right, we'll put these guys in the ground and carry your friend back, but we better do it fast. 好吧 我們把這些家伙埋了 然后背你朋友回去 但要盡快
[15:51.73]He wasn'T... my friend. 他并不是...我的朋友
[15:57.87]He was my husband. 他是我丈夫
[16:12.60]All right, listen up. 好吧 聽著
[16:14.36]When we get there, there's gonna be a lot of questions. 當(dāng)我們到那 會(huì)有很人問東問西
[16:16.94]So just keep your mouth shut. Let me do the talking. 所以 管好你們的嘴巴 說話讓我來
[16:18.86]You really think you can convince them that we were in a boat wreck? 你真的認(rèn)為你可以使他們相信 我們是因?yàn)樽拇聛淼竭@
[16:22.38]I'm a professional. I used to lie for a living. 我很專業(yè)的 我以前以騙人為生
[16:24.95]Daniel! Stop! Daniel 停下
[16:46.83]Turn it off. 把他關(guān)掉
[16:48.60]- Turn what off? - Whatever that is. - 把什么關(guān)掉 - 不管那是什么
[16:50.31]It looks like some sort of sonic fence or something. 看起來像是某種聲波防護(hù)欄
[16:55.59]Where did you say your ship was going? 你之前說你們的船是要去哪
[16:57.63]Listen, sister, we're the ones who just saved your life and hid those bodies. 聽著 大姐 我們剛剛救了你的命 還幫你埋了那些尸體
[17:00.62]So how about you trust usand turn that damn thing off? 不如你相信我們 把那鬼東西關(guān)掉
[17:05.82]Okay. Okay, fine. 好吧
[17:20.42]"sonic fence"? Didn't I say let me do the talking? "聲波防護(hù)欄"? 我剛剛不是說讓我來說話嗎
[17:22.42]one more step, dan would've fri his brain. 再走一步 Dan會(huì)炸了自己的腦袋
[17:24.55]His brain's already fried. 他的腦袋早就炸了(傻了)
[17:27.04]Okay, it's off. 好了 已經(jīng)關(guān)掉了
[17:35.41]You first. 你先走
[17:43.26]see? It's fine. 看到?jīng)] 沒事
[17:46.44]All right, let's go. 好吧 我們走
[17:48.38]And going forward, we should all do a better job of trustin'-- 以后我們應(yīng)該信任...
[18:03.47]******* 三年后
[18:10.74]it hurts! 好痛
[18:12.51]You're gonna be okay, amy. Just try and relax. 你會(huì)沒事的 Amy 放松
[18:18.15]where's horace? Does he know his wife's in labor? Horace在哪 他知道他妻子快要生孩子嗎
[18:21.15]He's unavailable. 他來不了
[18:22.29]Look, amy's in a very dangerous situation. The baby's breech. 聽著 Amy的情況很危險(xiǎn) 嬰兒的屁股先出來
[18:24.71]What the hell does that mean? 那究竟意味著什么
[18:25.72]It's upside down. She needs a caesarean. 位置顛倒了 她需要剖腹產(chǎn)
[18:27.52]Well, don't tell me about it. Just do it. 不要告訴我怎么回事 只管去做
[18:29.11]I'm an internist, not an obstetrician. 我是內(nèi)科醫(yī)生 不是產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生
[18:31.11]Our women always deliver on the mainland. 我們這的婦女一直都在大陸生孩子
[18:32.44]Amy was supposed to get on the sub on tuesday. Amy本該周二乘潛艇離開的
[18:34.20]The baby's two weeks early. 孩子早產(chǎn)了兩個(gè)星期
[18:38.48]can you deliver this baby or not? 你到底能不能接生
[18:40.99]I don't know. 我不知道
[18:51.79]Hey, man. Where is she? 伙計(jì) 她在哪?
[19:04.99]what's up? 怎么了
[19:06.01]amy's having her baby. Amy快要生了
[19:07.84]What? 什么?
[19:09.86]did you hear me? She's in trouble. 聽到了嗎 她有麻煩了
[19:12.47]Doc says she needs a caesarean. 醫(yī)生說她需要一個(gè)婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生
[19:15.86]we had an agreement. 我們有協(xié)定的
[19:17.57]Screw our agreement. He ain't never done one. I'm guessing you have. 去他媽的協(xié)定 他從沒接生過 你肯定有吧?
[19:22.42]Don't you understand that every time I try to help a woman on this island give birth, 難道你還不明白 每次我試著給孕婦在這島上接生
[19:26.48]it hasn't worked? 沒有一次成功過
[19:29.58]Well, maybe whatever made that happen hasn't happened yet. 也許這個(gè)年代還沒那回事呢
[19:34.21]You gotta try. You gotta help her. 你必須試一試 你得幫她
[19:36.47]You're the only one that can. 你是唯一能幫她的了
[19:47.78]- the baby's breech. - Yes,but-- - 嬰兒寤生 - 是的 但是...
[19:49.29]- did you try an external cephalic version? - What? No. I-- - 你試過按摩掉轉(zhuǎn)胎位嗎? - 什么 我沒
[19:51.72]it's probably too late. 很可能太遲了
[19:52.79]I'm gonna need a number 12 scalpel,14-gauge sutures--half-round if you've got them-- 12號(hào)的手術(shù)刀和14號(hào)線 圓刀更好
[19:56.51]and an epidural anesthetic. 和麻醉劑
[19:58.54]You're gonna need? 你需要?
[19:59.89]Where is horace? Horace在哪
[20:00.72]I'm speaking for horace now,and I say she's delivering this baby. 我現(xiàn)在代表Horace說話 她來接生
[20:04.25]I don't think it's a good idea. 我不同意
[20:05.34]I want her. 我要她...
[20:07.14]I want her to do it. 我要她來做
[20:12.03]You heard the lady. 聽到了吧
[20:18.68]Listen... 聽著
[20:20.06]you're gonna do great. 你會(huì)完成得很好的
[20:22.10]I know you are. 你一定會(huì)的
[20:26.52]Okay. 好的
[20:44.49]is everything okay? 一切都好吧
[20:47.06]Amy went into labor. Amy開始陣痛了
[20:49.16]I know. 我知道
[20:50.41]Is she okay? 她還好嗎
[20:51.83]I don't know. 我不知道
[20:52.83]There's a problem. 有個(gè)問題
[20:54.30]Juliet's in there. Juliet在里面
[20:55.62]Juliet? Juliet?
[20:56.91]I pulled her out of retirement. 我讓她重操舊業(yè)了
[21:02.67]Any luck? 有什么發(fā)現(xiàn)嗎
[21:04.21]We finished grid 1-3-3 today. 我們今天搜索了1-3-3區(qū)域
[21:06.74]No sign of our people. 沒有我們的人
[21:08.31]No one. 一個(gè)也沒
[21:10.56]Well,1-3-4 then. 那就試試1-3-4
[21:16.35]How long do we look,james? 我們要找多久 James
[21:20.27]As long as it takes. 找到為止
[21:29.14]What happened? 發(fā)生什么事
[21:32.21]it's a boy. 是個(gè)男孩
[21:34.12]He's okay? She's okay? 他跟她還好嗎
[21:38.02]Everyone's okay. 都很好
[22:03.61]how's your head? 你頭怎樣了
[22:06.56]It hurts. 很疼
[22:10.55]where are my people? 我的人在哪
[22:11.67]They're fine. 他們沒事
[22:13.60]Amy told me what happened in the jungle,and I really appreciate what you did. Amy告訴我在叢林發(fā)生的事情 我很感激你們救了她
[22:17.31]Well,y'all got a funny way of showing your appreciation. 你表達(dá)感激的方式真有趣
[22:20.11]We have certain defense protocols. 我們有特定的防守協(xié)議
[22:22.59]There are hostile indigenous people on this island,and we don't get along with them. 島上有懷有敵意的本地人 我們跟他們相處得不好
[22:26.82]So...why don't you tell me who the hell you are? 告訴我你是誰
[22:33.94]My name's james lafleur. 我是James Lafleur
[22:35.88]You can call me jim. 你可以叫我Jim
[22:36.64]How'd you get to the island,jim? 你怎么來到島上的 Jim
[22:40.49]If my friends are safe,why are you asking me all the questions? 如果我的朋友都安全 你為何所有問題都問我
[22:42.92]They told me I need to talk to you,that you're the boat captain. 他們叫我跟你談 說你是船長
[22:49.39]We got caught in a storm. 我們?cè)庥霰╋L(fēng)雨
[22:50.78]Our ship wrecked. 船沉了
[22:52.67]Must've hit the reef. 肯定是觸礁了
[22:55.90]Thankfully,we washed up on shore. 幸運(yùn)的是 我們被沖到岸邊
[22:59.53]What kind of ship? 什么類型的船
[23:00.82]A salvage vessel. 救援船
[23:02.68]Searching for a famous lost wreck. 尋找殘骸
[23:05.32]It's an old slaver out of portsmouth,england,called "the black rock." 一艘從英國樸茨茅斯出發(fā) 販運(yùn)奴隸的船 叫黑石號(hào)
[23:10.55]You heard of her? 聽說過嗎
[23:11.83]Can't say that I have. 沒有
[23:15.82]So...once you got washed ashore, 你們被沖到岸邊
[23:17.92]why were you then wandering around in the jungle? 為什么去叢林閑逛
[23:21.49]Some of our crew were missin'. 我們有些船員不見了
[23:22.70]We were looking for 'em. 我們?cè)谡宜麄?br /> [23:24.19]That's when we came upon your girl instead. 就是那時(shí)遇到你的女人
[23:29.98]Well...I tell you what,jim. 告訴你吧 Jim
[23:32.27]If your crew shows up,we'll send 'em along with ya. 如果你的船員找到了 我會(huì)把他們也送走的(你們先走)
[23:34.94]Send 'em where? 送到哪
[23:36.41]There's a submarine that leaves this island first thing in the morning. 我們有艘潛艇每天早上都離開島
[23:39.59]You and your friends,you're gonna get on it. 你和你的朋友坐上去
[23:41.76]It's gonna drop you off in tahiti. 你們能坐到塔希提島
[23:44.08]You can find your way home from there. 在那你們就可以找到回家的路
[23:46.77]Hold on a minute,chief. 等等 老大
[23:48.51]We just saved that woman's life. 我們剛救了那女人
[23:50.34]Doesn't that earn us a week or two to find the rest of our people? 這樣也不能給我們 一兩個(gè)星期來找我們的人?
[23:52.85]Nope. 不行
[23:53.81]Only people that are allowed to stay on this compound are members of the dharma initiative. 只有達(dá)摩計(jì)劃成員才允許留在這里
[23:58.63]And look,I don't want you to take this the wrong way,please,jim,but you are not dharma material. 我不想你會(huì)錯(cuò)意 Jim 但你不是達(dá)摩計(jì)劃的成員
[24:10.49]we're screwed. 我們完了
[24:12.25]He's probably trying to explain time travel by now. 他現(xiàn)在可能在解釋時(shí)間旅行
[24:15.11]Sawyer's gonna be fine. Sawyer不會(huì)有事的
[24:17.39]What are you lookin' at? 你在看什么
[24:24.06]I lived here for over three years. 我在這里住了三年
[24:26.10]That was my use over there. 那是我的房子
[24:27.85]You were in the dharma initiative? 你參加過達(dá)摩計(jì)劃?
[24:29.81]No. 不是
[24:32.30]The others took over these barracks and wiped out most of the people living in them. 其他人接管了這些營房 殺掉了大部分住在里面的人
[24:36.96]They brought me here on a sub a long time after that. 過了很久之后 他們用潛艇把我接來
[24:40.97]Well...welcome home. 歡迎回家
[24:46.11]Daniel... Daniel...
[24:47.91]no more flash? 沒閃光了?
[24:52.58]No. No more flash. 沒了 不會(huì)再有了
[24:57.31]The record is spinning again. 光盤又轉(zhuǎn)起來了
[25:02.96]We're just not on the song we wanna be on. 只是放的歌曲不一樣了
[25:09.50]where's dad? - 爸爸在哪 - 過來 Luv
[25:10.70]come on,luv.
[25:24.72]charlotte. Charlotte
[25:27.11]hello. 你們好
[25:29.55]Somebody will be along shortly to show you to your rooms. 很快會(huì)有人帶你們到房間
[25:33.05]In the meantime,mr. Lafleur here can fill you in on the situation. 同時(shí)Lafleur先生 會(huì)跟你們交代情況
[25:41.34]"Mr. Lafleur"? Lafleur先生?
[25:42.93]It's creole. 克里奧語
[25:44.26]Improvised. 臨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備的
[25:45.58]What happened in there? 發(fā)生什么事了
[25:46.91]Well,he believed my story. 他相信了我的故事
[25:48.53]But we're gettin' punted. 但我們要被帶走
[25:50.45]The bastard's puttin' us on their sub tomorrow and shipping us off to tahiti. 那渾蛋明天要我們 坐潛艇到塔希提島
[25:53.45]How's that bad news? 這怎么算是壞消息
[26:06.02]Come on! 到里面去
[26:06.94]Inside! 走!
[26:07.88]Move! 快!
[26:18.08]heather,keep an eye on them. Heather 看著他們
[27:29.48]hello,mr. Alpert. 你好 Alpert先生
[27:32.73]Hello,mr. Goodspeed. 你好 Goodspeed先生
[27:33.90]I wish you would've told me you were coming. 來之前打聲招呼
[27:35.42]I would've turned the fence off for you. 我好把聲波柵欄關(guān)了
[27:37.53]That fence may keep other things out,but not us. 柵欄能擋得住別的東西 但擋不住我們
[27:42.04]The only thing that does keep us out,horace,is our truce... 能阻擋我們的是停戰(zhàn)協(xié)議...
[27:46.75]which yove now broken. 而你破壞了它
[27:49.14]I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你在說什么
[27:51.62]Where are my two men? 我的兩個(gè)人哪去了?
[27:58.32]you know what? 知道么?
[27:59.50]Gettin' on that sub is starting to sound like a great idea. 我越發(fā)覺得上潛艇是個(gè)好主意了
[28:03.18]What do you say? Sub anyone? 你們覺得怎樣? 潛艇 有人去么?
[28:04.57]Hold your horses,banzai. 你消停會(huì)兒吧 小日本
[28:05.60]No one's gettin' on a sub. 誰也不許上潛艇
[28:09.00]Okay,lafleur,how well d you bury those bodies? Lafleur 你們把那些尸體埋的嚴(yán)實(shí)不?
[28:13.08]Well,that depends on how hard he looks. 那要看他怎么去找了
[28:16.00]Call the arrow. 通知箭鋒站
[28:17.09]Tell them we'rat conditi one. 告訴他們我們遇到一號(hào)狀況
[28:18.69]Take the heavy ordnance,and make sure the fence is at maximum. 帶上重軍火 最高防御狀態(tài)
[28:22.20]Yes,sir. 明白 長官
[28:23.85]Let me talk to him 讓我跟他談?wù)?br /> [28:25.27]exse me? 什么?
[28:25.99]Your buddy out there with the eyeliner-- let me talk to him. 外面那個(gè)大粗眉毛 讓我跟他談?wù)?br /> [28:28.28]We had a truce with these people. 我們跟這些人有停戰(zhàn)協(xié)議
[28:29.85]You don't understand. 你不明白
[28:30.72]I understand I'm the one that killed his men, 我明白是我殺了那些人
[28:32.85]and I'm the one that's gonna go out there and tell him why I did it. 而且我會(huì)出去告訴他 我為什么那么做
[28:34.78]I can't let you do that. 我不能讓你那么做
[28:36.27]Well,it's a good thing I ain't asking your permission. 幸好我不需要你的批準(zhǔn)
[28:39.97]james,are you sure you know what you're doing? James 你明白你在做什么么?
[28:43.89]Not yet. 還沒
[28:45.13]but I'll figure somethin' out. 我自有辦法
[28:55.56]hello,richard. 你好啊 Richard
[28:59.70]I'm sorry. Doe know each other? 對(duì)不起 我認(rèn)識(shí)你么?
[29:02.83]I'm the guy that killed your men. 是我殺了你的人
[29:07.79]Heard some gunshots,saw two men throwing a bag over a woman's head. 我聽見了槍聲 看見兩個(gè)男人 往一個(gè)女人的頭上套袋子
[29:13.41]Gave 'em a chance to throw the weapons down and walk away, 我給他們機(jī)會(huì)放下武器 然后走開
[29:15.69]but one of them took a shot at me,and I defended myself. 但是他倆其中之一朝我開槍 然后我正當(dāng)防衛(wèi)
[29:19.63]Is that so? 就是這樣?
[29:20.83]That's so. 就是這樣
[29:23.11]Your people know that you're telling me this? 你的人知道你在跟我說這些?
[29:25.55]They ain't my people,hoss. 他們不是我的人 朋友
[29:28.06]So if you got some kind of a truce with them,it ain't been broken. 所以你跟他們有什么停戰(zhàn)協(xié)議的話 他們并沒被打破
[29:32.61]If you're not a member of the dharma initiative,then what are you? 如果你不是達(dá)摩計(jì)劃的人 那你是誰?
[29:43.58]Did you bury the bomb? 你把炸彈埋了沒?
[29:46.00]Excuse me? 什么?
[29:46.85]The hydrogen bomb with "jughead" written on the side. 那個(gè)側(cè)面寫有"jughead" 的氫彈
[29:49.11]Did you bury it? 你埋了沒?
[29:51.77]yeah,I know about it. 對(duì) 我知道
[29:53.99]I also know that 20 years ago,some bald fella limped into your camp 我還知道20年前一個(gè)禿頭瘸子 光顧了你的營地
[29:57.73]and fed you some mumbo jumbo about being your leader. 然后說了一些做你們 領(lǐng)袖的胡言亂語
[30:01.32]And then poof... 但一轉(zhuǎn)眼...
[30:03.17]he went and disappeared right in front of ya. 他就在你面前消失掉了
[30:04.98]Any of this ringin' a bell? 想起什么來沒?
[30:09.37]That man's name is john locke,and I'm waitin' for him to come back. 那人叫John Locke 我在等他回來
[30:16.00]So...you still think I'm a member of the damn dharma initiative? 那么...你還認(rèn)為我是那個(gè) 該死的達(dá)摩計(jì)劃的人?
[30:21.11]No. I guess I don'T. 不 我想應(yīng)該不是
[30:28.55]But no matter who you are,two of my men are dead. 但是無論你是誰 我的兩個(gè)人死了
[30:32.73]And my people need some kind of justice. 我的人需要一個(gè)交代
[30:37.26]Now what are we gonna do about that? 這怎么解決?
[30:53.81]How are you doing,amy? 你怎么樣 Amy?
[30:58.68]is he gone? 他走了么?
[31:00.43]Alpert? Alpert?
[31:01.65]No,he's not gone. 沒 他還沒走
[31:04.45]We told him where the bodies were. 我告訴他們尸體在哪里了
[31:06.01]You told him? Why? 你告訴他了? 為什么?
[31:07.56]We had to. 迫不得已
[31:09.26]It was the only way to maintain the truce. 這是唯一能繼續(xù)停戰(zhàn)協(xié)議的方法
[31:13.00]Jim here worked it out with him,but... Jim跟他說清楚了 可是...
[31:15.89]well,he's gonna need something from us now. 他需要從這帶點(diǎn)什么回去
[31:19.67]He needs to take paul's body back with him. 他需要把Paul的尸體帶回去
[31:26.23]no. 不
[31:29.47]hey,ames. 嘿 Ames
[31:31.75]Listen,w-- we've been friends for a long time,yeah? 聽著 我們是老朋友了 是吧?
[31:35.84]So this is completely your choice. 所以這完全由你做主
[31:40.38]If you don't want to give him to them,then we will suffer the consequences. 如果你不想把他給他們 那么我們會(huì)去承擔(dān)后果
[31:57.19]They can take him. 他們可以帶他走
[32:01.22]He would want to keep us safe. 他也想讓我們安全
[32:09.77]can I have a minute,please? 能讓我獨(dú)自待會(huì)兒么?
[32:38.97]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[32:50.38]You need some help? 需要幫忙么?
[32:53.49]Nah,I've got it. Thanks. 不用了 我自己能行 謝了
[32:57.66]Hey,jim,the sub leaving tomorrow morning-- returns in two weeks. 嘿 Jim 明早啟航的潛艇... 兩周以后會(huì)回來
[33:03.48]Until then,you can stay and look for the rest of your crew. 你們可以留下來用這段時(shí)間 去找你失蹤的船員
[33:10.49]Thanks. 謝了
[33:22.62]I bought us two weeks. 我們有兩周時(shí)間
[33:25.79]Horace said we can wait for the next sub. Horace說我們可以等下一班潛艇
[33:28.61]Any luck,locke'll be back by then. 走運(yùn)的話 Locke 那時(shí)候就回來了
[33:31.60]And then what? 然后呢?
[33:34.53]What do you mean,"then what"? 你什么意思 "然后呢"?
[33:37.74]Locke said he was leaving to save us. Locke說 他離開是為了去救我們
[33:41.59]The flashes have stopped. 閃回停止了
[33:43.81]They're over. 結(jié)束了
[33:45.90]No more bloody noses. 再也沒有該死的噪音
[33:48.48]We're already saved. 我們已經(jīng)得救了
[33:50.14]That sub behind you brought me here. 你身后的那艘潛艇帶我來到了這里
[33:52.61]I've been trying to get off of this island for more than three years,and now I've got my chance. 三年來 我一直努力想離開這座島 現(xiàn)在我的機(jī)會(huì)來了
[33:59.42]I'm going to leave. 我要走了
[34:07.49]you do realize it's 1974,that whatever it is you think you're going back to... 你要明白 現(xiàn)在是1974年 不管你去到哪...
[34:13.73]it don't exist yet. 它現(xiàn)在還不存在
[34:17.71]It's not a reason not to go. 這算不上留下的理由
[34:22.58]Well,what about me? 好吧 那我呢?
[34:25.19]You really gonna leave me here with the mad scientist and mr. "I speak to dead people"? 你真的把我留在這里 跟瘋狂科學(xué)家 和鬼語者先生在一起?
[34:30.17]And jin,who's a hell of a nice guy but not exactly the greatest conversationalist. 還有Jin 大好人 卻不怎么會(huì)說話
[34:35.19]You'll be fine. 你會(huì)沒事的
[34:36.87]Maybe... 也許...
[34:38.04]but who's gonna get my back? 但是誰來幫我呢?
[34:47.61]Come on. 別走了
[34:50.01]Just give me two weeks,that's all I'm asking. 給我兩星期 我只要這個(gè)
[34:53.70]Two weeks. 兩星期
[35:06.27]All right. Two weeks. 好吧 兩星期
[35:16.19]Three years later 三年后
[35:54.70]Mmm,somethin' smells good. 真香
[35:57.52]Hey there. 來了
[36:16.58]Is that for me? 是給我的么?
[36:21.08]You were amazing today. 你今天真美
[36:30.20]thank you for believing in me. 謝謝你相信我
[36:45.47]I love you. 我愛你
[36:48.69]I love you,too. 我也愛你
[37:04.86]Wake up,boss. 醒醒 老大
[37:10.33]How's your head? 你的頭怎么樣了?
[37:12.00]It hurts. 疼
[37:16.22]I got good news and bad news. 我有一個(gè)好消息和一個(gè)壞消息
[37:19.11]What you want first? 先聽哪一個(gè)?
[37:22.25]good news. 好消息
[37:24.18]You're a daddy. 你當(dāng)爸爸了
[37:28.57]Bad news is you missed it. 壞消息是 你錯(cuò)過了孩子出生
[37:31.50]Oh,gosh. 哦 天哪
[37:33.68]Amy... Amy...
[37:35.15]She had the baby? 她生了?
[37:37.62]It's a boy. 是個(gè)男孩
[37:40.18]A boy? 男孩?
[37:48.98]now how about you tell me why you're too busy drinkin' and blowin' up trees to see him be born? 現(xiàn)在你說 為什么你忙著喝酒炸樹 卻不去看孩子出生?
[37:55.53]I was,uh... 我...
[38:00.89]I was looking for a pair of socks,and all of mine were dirty, 我在找襪子 我自己的都臟了
[38:05.62]so I went to grab a pair of amy's,and... 所以我去拿一雙Amy的 然后...
[38:11.02]I found this... 我找到了這個(gè)...
[38:13.08]in the back of her drawer. 在她的抽屜里面
[38:15.36]It was paul'S. 是Paul的
[38:17.31]You got in a fight over a necklace? 你為了一條項(xiàng)鏈吵架?
[38:19.83]I know. 我知道
[38:23.05]but... 但是...
[38:24.37]it's only been three years,jim. 才3年啊 Jim
[38:27.79]Just three years that he's been gone. 他去了只有3年
[38:31.12]Is that really long enough to get over someone? 這段時(shí)間足夠去忘記一個(gè)人嗎?
[38:42.49]I had a thing for a girl once. 我曾經(jīng)愛上一個(gè)女孩
[38:47.03]And I had a shot at her,but I didn't take it. 我本來有機(jī)會(huì)的 但是放棄了
[38:54.17]For a little while,I'd lay in bed every night,wondering if it was a mistake. 有一陣子 我每晚躺在床上想 這是不是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤
[39:01.41]Wondering if... 想著也許...
[39:04.50]I'd ever stop thinking about her. 我永遠(yuǎn)忘不掉她
[39:10.80]And now I can barely remember what she looks like. 可現(xiàn)在我?guī)缀跸氩黄鹚哪恿?br /> [39:15.89]I mean,her face--it'S... 我是說 她的臉...
[39:18.91]she's just gone,and she ain't never coming back. 她走了 永遠(yuǎn)不回來了
[39:26.14]So... 所以...
[39:28.80]is three years long enough to get over someone? 三年足夠讓你忘掉一個(gè)人么?
[39:34.51]Absolutely. 絕對(duì)夠
[40:07.27]what? 什么?
[40:10.61]Wait. What? 等等 什么?
[40:13.59]No. Don't bring 'em in. 不 別帶他們進(jìn)來
[40:16.52]Just meet me inhe north valley. 去北邊山谷等我
[40:20.04]Who was it? 是誰?
[40:26.76]james,what's going on? James 怎么了?
[40:29.26]It was jin. 是Jin
[40:30.55]Is everything okay? 沒事么?
[40:31.55]Yeah. 沒事
[40:32.79]I just... 我...
[40:34.64]I gotta go. 我得走了
[41:46.11]Lost Season 05 Episode 08 迷失 第五季 第8集

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