In Case
Cop: Freeze!Police!All put up your hand,hold still,or knock your head!
Suspect: What crime did I commit?
Cop: You suspected of bootlegging .So we are arresting you.You have the right to remain silent.You have right to defense counsel .Do you understand your rights?
Suspect: I'm innocent.
(At the room of inquiring)
Cop: Your name,age and nationality.
Suspect: Cody.Turner,29 years old,British.
Cop: What's your passport number?
Suspect: 895 462 7310.
Cop: You suspected of bootlegging and smuggling.
Suspect: I am not guilty.I need a lawyer .
Cop: OK,you may call your defense lawyer later.
Suspect: Should I pay the court acceptance fee to lawyer?
Cop: Yes,of course.
警察: 不許動,警察。把手舉起來不許動,否則開槍了。
嫌犯: 我犯了什么罪?
警察: 你涉嫌攜帶違禁品?,F(xiàn)在我們要拘捕你。你有權利不說話。你可以請辯護律師,明白了吧。
嫌犯: 我是無辜的。
警察: 姓名,年齡,國籍。
嫌犯: 科迪。特納,29歲,英國人。
警察: 護照號碼?
嫌犯: 895 462 7310。
警察: 你涉嫌攜帶違禁品和走私。
嫌犯: 我沒犯罪,我要請律師。
警察: 沒問題,你一會兒可以打電話請辯護律師。
嫌犯: 我是否要付費給我的律師。
警察: 這是當然。