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生活大爆炸第二季15.The Maternal Capacitance(媽媽的電容): Leonard的媽媽來了事件





[00:06.17]* I don't ever want to feel * * 我再也不想有 *

[00:09.65]* Like I did that day * * 如那天般的感受 *

[00:11.75]* Take me to the place I love * * 帶我去我愛的地方 *

[00:15.20]* Take me all the way * * 帶我一路走 *

[00:17.29]* I don't ever want to feel * * 我再也不想有 *

[00:20.94]* Like I did that day * * 如那天般的感受 *

[00:23.16]* Take me to the place I lo...* * 帶我去我愛的地...*

[00:28.07]Fellas, please. 伙計(jì)們 消停點(diǎn)兒吧

[00:29.93]Penny, come on. We were just finding our sound. 算了吧 Penny 我們剛開始唱呢

[00:34.43]You found it. It's the sound of a cat being run over by a lawn mower. 你自己聽聽吧 不知道的還以為 哪只貓被卷進(jìn)割草機(jī)里了呢

[00:40.86]I'm really very busy. 我真的很忙

[00:42.28]Is there any way that we can put this off until I have more time to prepare? 我們能否推遲一下? 我好有點(diǎn)時(shí)間來準(zhǔn)備

[00:46.35]Of course. But, uh, you understand my trepidation. 當(dāng)然了 可... 你知道我有些啥顧慮

[00:49.64]- What's that about? - Not a clue. - 他又在干嘛? - 毫無頭緒

[00:51.61]Can't we just postpone it till the spring? 就不能推遲到開春嗎?

[00:54.07]Maybe next summer? 或者明年夏天?

[00:55.50]This should be fairly easy to deduce. 這個(gè)應(yīng)該很好推斷的

[00:57.57]He's holding the phone to his left ear. 他把電話擱在左耳旁邊

[00:59.76]Ears do not cross hemispheres, so he's using the analytical rather than the emotional side of the brain, 左耳還是左腦控制的 所以他是在理性分析而不是感情用事

[01:04.33]suggesting that he has no personal relationship with the caller. 表明他和來電者沒有私人關(guān)系

[01:08.13]No, I didn't realize it had been so long. 不 我沒想到已經(jīng)這么久了

[01:11.42]Sure, I guess there's no other choice but to just go ahead and do it. 好吧 那就只好這么辦了

[01:14.67]He's referring to an activity he has done before. 他談到了一件以前做過的事

[01:16.77]It's unpleasant and needs to be repeated. 那件事不怎么令人愉快 但又不得不再來一遍

[01:19.26]This suggests some sort of invasive medical test, like perhaps a colonoscopy. 表明這件事應(yīng)該是某種侵入性 醫(yī)療檢查 比如說 結(jié)腸鏡檢查

[01:25.37]Aren't there any other options? 就沒有其他選擇了么?

[01:26.57]There's not a lot of room. It's gonna be uncomfortable. 沒多大地方 肯定很不舒服的

[01:28.77]Yes, yes. 沒錯(cuò) 沒錯(cuò)

[01:30.36]I'm definitely going with colonoscopy. 我敢肯定是結(jié)腸鏡檢查

[01:33.24]Okay, bye. 好吧 再見

[01:38.45]My mother's coming to visit. 我媽要來看我

[01:42.88]How about that, you were right. 聽聽 你說得沒錯(cuò)啊

[02:15.75]It's out of order. 電梯壞了

[02:17.26]Yes, I can read the sign. I'm just pondering the implications. 嗯 我識字的 我只是在沉思 其背后的深意

[02:22.72]I think it implies that the elevator doesn't work. 我覺得這意味著電梯不工作了

[02:27.34]Again, I can read the sign. 再說一遍 我識字的

[02:30.12]But the sign and the tape are coated with a layer of dust, 不過標(biāo)簽和膠帶上都有厚厚一層灰了

[02:32.52]which indicates that the elevator has been nonfunctional for a significant amount of time. 這表示電梯已經(jīng)壞了 有相當(dāng)長的一段時(shí)間了

[02:36.78]Which suggests either a remarkable passivity among the, 也就暗示著這棟大樓里的

[02:40.28]I assume, 24 to 36 residents of this building, 大約24到36位居民十分不主動

[02:43.26]based on the number of mailboxes and given typical urban population density 噢 居民數(shù)我是從郵箱的數(shù)目以及 普通城鎮(zhèn)人口密度推斷出來的

[02:47.55]or a shared delusion of functionality. 或者說這些人都有功能性錯(cuò)覺

[02:52.42]You must be Leonard's mother. 你一定是Leonard他母親

[02:56.18]Oh, I don't know if I must be, but yes. 噢 不知道是不是非得是 不過是的

[02:58.88]Uh, I'm Penny. I'm his neighbor. 我是Penny 他的鄰居

[03:00.60]Oh, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter. 噢 Beverly Hofstadter博士

[03:02.49]Oh, nice to meet you. 很高興見到你

[03:04.45]Oh, you're a hand shaker. Interesting. 噢 你習(xí)慣握手啊 真有趣

[03:09.50]Uh, why don't you come with me. I'll walk you to the apartment. 你跟我一起走吧 我?guī)闳ニ麄兎块g

[03:11.53]Oh, all right. Would you like to exchange pleasantries on the way? 噢 好啊 路上咱先寒暄寒暄吧?

[03:15.97]- Yeah, sure, I guess. - All right, you start. - 嗯 好啊 - 那好 你先說吧

[03:19.89]Okay. You know, I've always been curious. 行 你要知道 我一直都好奇心很重

[03:21.32]What was Leonard like when he was little? Leonard小時(shí)候是什么樣的?

[03:23.03]Oh, I think you mean young. He's always been little. 噢 我想你是指他年輕的時(shí)候 他一直都是個(gè)小不點(diǎn)兒

[03:26.88]Right, okay. What was he like when he was young? 沒錯(cuò) 他年輕的時(shí)候是什么樣的?

[03:28.98]You'll have to be more specific. 你得再說具體點(diǎn)兒

[03:31.13]Um, okay, like, five or six. 呃... 好吧 比如說 五六歲的時(shí)候

[03:40.10]Five. 五歲

[03:41.64]Oh, well, at that age, he was well enmeshed in what Freud would call the phallic stage of psychosexual development. 那時(shí)他正深陷于弗洛伊德所謂的 心理性發(fā)展之生殖器崇拜階段

[03:46.82]An outmoded theory, of course, but the boy did spend most of his waking hours 當(dāng)然是個(gè)過時(shí)的理論了 不過那孩子確實(shí)在大部分醒著的時(shí)候

[03:50.01]with a tight grasp on his penis. 牢牢地抓住自己的小弟弟不放

[03:53.50]Yeah, Leonard mentioned you were a psychiatrist. 是啊 Leonard說起過 你是個(gè)精神病學(xué)家

[03:55.97]Well, that is one of my degrees. My primary field is neuroscience. 那只是其中一個(gè)學(xué)位罷了 我主要涉及的領(lǐng)域是神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)學(xué)

[04:00.66]Well, I'm an actress. 我是個(gè)演員

[04:07.20]Why? 為什么?

[04:10.31]What do you mean why? 什么叫為什么?

[04:11.43]Well, there are studies that suggest that many 有研究表明

[04:13.39]who go into the performing arts suffer from an external locus of identity. 許多演藝界的人士都有外控性格

[04:21.14]Yeah, I don't know what that means. 我不知道你在說什么

[04:24.81]Well, it means you value yourself only as others value you, 是說當(dāng)別人重視你時(shí) 你才會重視自己

[04:28.33]which is often the result of unmet childhood emotional needs. 通常是童年未滿足的情感需求導(dǎo)致的

[04:32.36]Oh, well, I had a wonderful childhood. 噢 我的童年可了不得了

[04:36.39]Tell me about it. 是么

[04:39.61]I know my dad wanted a boy. 我知道老爸想要個(gè)兒子

[04:44.47]I-I just, I tried being good at sports, but I hated getting dirty! 我... 我努力讓自己變成體育健將 可我真的討厭把自己弄臟!

[04:51.55]And then, I'm assuming, you entered adolescence. 然后 我想你進(jìn)入了青春期

[04:54.49]He called me Slugger until I got my first training bra. 在我得到第一件運(yùn)動內(nèi)衣之前 他都管我叫"重?fù)羰?quot;來著

[04:57.64]And then he just stopped playing catch with me. 之后他就不和我玩?zhèn)鹘忧蛄?/p>

[05:01.70]I wasn't Slugger anymore. 我再也不是"重?fù)羰?quot;了

[05:06.82]Your mother's here! 你媽媽來了!

[05:13.73]If y w want to have intercouee with tt t girl, find out what kind of cologne her fathorore. 如果你想和那個(gè)姑娘上床 查查他老爸擦的是哪種古龍水

[05:22.08]Good to see you, Mother. 見到你真好 媽媽

[05:26.67]Here's your tea, Mother. 這是你要的茶 媽媽

[05:27.84]- Oolong? - Yes. - 烏龍茶? - 嗯

[05:28.90]- Loose, not bagged? - Yes. - 散裝的 不是袋泡的? - 嗯

[05:30.17]- Steeped three minutes? - Yes. - 泡了三分鐘? - 嗯

[05:31.64]- Two-percent milk? - Yes. - 加了2%的牛奶 - 嗯

[05:32.96]- Warmed separately? - Yes. - 分開加熱的? - 嗯

[05:34.36]- One teaspoon sugar? - Yes. - 一茶勺糖? - 嗯

[05:35.74]- Raw sugar? - Yes. - 原糖? - 嗯

[05:39.51]It's cold. 涼了

[05:44.36]I'll start again. 我再來一回

[05:47.66]I******* 我也有同樣的困擾

[05:52.37]*******developed sex drive. 我的看法是他無法集中精力 是因?yàn)檫^度發(fā)達(dá)的性沖動造成的

[05:58.52]Oh, I don't know where he would've gotten that. 他怎么會有那玩意兒

[06:00.39]Aside from a pro forma consummation of our marriage, 除卻一段形式上完滿的婚姻

[06:03.13]his father and I only had intercourse for the purposes of reproduction. 他的父親和我交髯只是為了繁殖

[06:08.46]That seems a fairly efficient arrangement. 這樣還真是高效哈

[06:11.73]Yes, we think so. We've both done papers on it. 是啊 我們也這么想 我們曾為這事做了論文研究

[06:14.46]Mine from the neuroscientific point of view and his from an anthropological. 我從神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)科學(xué)觀點(diǎn)出發(fā) 他是從人類學(xué)觀點(diǎn)出發(fā)

[06:19.02]Mine, of course, was the only one worth reading. 當(dāng)然 我的才有閱讀價(jià)值

[06:22.13]Of course. 當(dāng)然

[06:23.57]I would very much like to read about your sex life. 我非常希望可以拜讀一下你的性生活

[06:27.84]Well, it's all online or you can order it from the Princeton University Press. 你可以在線閱讀或者 你可以從普林斯頓大學(xué)出版社訂購

[06:32.08]Here's your tea, Mother. 這是你的茶 媽媽

[06:34.37]So, what are you guys talking about? 你們在聊什么呢?

[06:36.63]The frequency with which your parents had intercourse. 你父母性交的頻率

[06:41.34]Swell. 哦

[06:43.22]If you're lucky, maybe she'll show you the PowerPoint presentation. 幸運(yùn)的話 她會給你做幻燈片演講哦

[06:47.26]I'm sorry, it's on my other laptop. 對不起 那在我另一個(gè)筆記本里

[06:51.80]So, Mother... what's new? 媽媽... 有什么新鮮事?

[06:54.52]You'll have to be more specific. 你應(yīng)該要有針對性地問

[06:57.89]All right. Uh, what's new with you? 好吧 你有什么新鮮事?

[07:00.51]Oh, well, I've been having some fascinating menopausal symptoms recently. 哦 我最近有一些令人著迷的 更年期征兆

[07:05.28]Maybe something less personal. 說些不是太私人的事

[07:09.61]Your Uncle Floyd died. 你Floyd叔叔死了

[07:11.97]Oh, my God. What happened? 哦 天啊 出什么事了?

[07:13.44]His heart stopped beating. 他的心臟不跳了

[07:16.89]I have to urinate. 我得去小便

[07:23.91]What a remarkable woman. 多么非凡的女人

[07:28.04]Yeah, I-I thought you guys might hit it off. 是啊 我就覺著你倆合得來

[07:31.15]I envy you your childhood. 我很嫉妒你的童年

[07:33.33]I hate to tell you, but the only warm memories I have of my childhood are of my Uncle Floyd. 不想這么說 但我童年時(shí)期唯一 溫暖的記憶都是來自我Floyd叔叔

[07:39.44]You're clearly misremembering. 你很顯然記錯(cuò)了

[07:41.02]Your mother is brilliant, analytical, insightful. 你媽媽太有才了 既有分析能力 又富有洞察力

[07:44.14]And I'm betting she never hit you with a Bible because you wouldn't eat your Brussels sprouts. 而且我打賭她不會因?yàn)?你不吃芽甘藍(lán) 就用圣經(jīng)來打你

[07:49.04]Sheldon, you don't give your mother enough credit. Sheldon 你太不會欣賞你媽媽了

[07:51.77]She's warm, she's loving, 她很溫暖 她很慈愛

[07:53.63]she doesn't glue electrodes to your head to measure your brain waves while potty training. 不會在你學(xué)用嬰兒便盆時(shí) 就把電極粘到你頭上來測腦電波

[07:59.20]You were lucky.When I was a kid, if I wanted an EEG, 夠有福了 我小的時(shí)候 要是想做腦電圖

[08:02.75]I had to attach my own electrodes. 我還得自己接電極

[08:07.96]So, Dr.Hofstadter, Leonard rarely talks about his incredibly successful brother and sister. Hofstadter博士 Lenoard很少談起 他格外成功的兄弟姐妹

[08:14.20]Please, don't go there, Howard. 求你 別說起這個(gè) Howard

[08:15.92]I understand that, unlike Leonard, they're at the top of their respective fields. 我知道 不像Lenoard 他們在各自的領(lǐng)域里是尖子

[08:23.44]Boy, you suck. 兄弟 你很煩

[08:25.87]Well, Leonard's younger brother, Michael, is a tenured law professor at Harvard, Leonard的弟弟 Michael 是哈佛大學(xué)的終身制法學(xué)教授

[08:29.65]and his sister just successfully grew a human pancreas in an adolescent gibbon. 他姐姐剛在一個(gè)青年長臂猿身上 成功地培育了一個(gè)人類的胰腺

[08:35.76]So, she's close to curing diabetes? 說來 她就快能治糖尿病了?

[08:38.58]Why else would you grow a pancreas in a enaged gibbon? 要不然為啥在青年長臂猿身上培育胰腺?

[08:42.93]Wow, you must be very proud. 哇喔 你肯定對此感到很驕傲

[08:44.83]Why? They're not my accomplishments. 驕傲啥 又不是我的成就

[08:48.58]I have to urinate. 我得去小便

[08:54.04]Why are you doing this? 為什么你要這么做?

[08:55.66]You know the rules. You brought your mom to work-- you must suffer. 你知道規(guī)矩 你帶媽媽來上班 就等著遭罪吧

[09:01.18]Leonard, I had no idea your siblings were so much more successful than yo Leonard 真不知道你兄妹 比你強(qiáng)那么多呢呀

[09:06.32]Yeah, you're like the Jar Jar Binks of the Hofstadter family. 你就像Hofstadter家族的加·加·賓克斯 (星戰(zhàn)人物 笨手笨腳)

[09:11.81]Oh, meesa think yousa lookin' so so sad. 哦~我呀覺得你呀看起來好傷心喲

[09:17.16]You know, rather than mock me, my friends might realize that this is difficult 比起嘲笑我 我的朋友們應(yīng)該 意識到我這日子不好過

[09:20.25]and try to help me through it. 并試著幫我渡過難關(guān)

[09:22.83]Nope, I think mocking you isore fun. 不 我認(rèn)為嘲笑你更有意思

[09:26.59]Next time, don't yousa bring mama to work. Okee-day? 下次 你呀來帶媽媽來工作不?

[09:32.50]That was fast. 很快啊

[09:33.40]Oh, the middle stall was occupied. I'll have to try again later. 哦 中間那個(gè)隔間有人 我一會再去

[09:37.51]That's totally understandable. 這是完全可以理解的

[09:38.72]In bladder voiding, as in real estate, it's location, location, location. 在膀胱排泄過程中 就好比房地產(chǎn) 最重要的就是位置 位置 還是位置

[09:45.15]So, where were we? 我們說到哪了?

[09:46.06]Howard lives with his mother and Raj can't speak to women unless he's drunk. Howard和他媽媽一起住 Raj只有喝醉了才和女人講話

[09:49.07]Go. 開講吧

[09:52.75]That's fascinating. Selective mutism is quite rare. 真有意思 選擇性緘默癥是非常罕見的

[09:56.91]On the other hand, an adult Jewish male living with his mother 另一方面 一個(gè)成年猶太男人 跟他的媽媽住在一起

[09:59.53]is so common it borders on sociological clich\. 就太常見了 社會學(xué)中家常便飯

[10:05.22]It's just temporary; I pay rent. 只是暫時(shí)的 我有付租金

[10:07.20]He lives in the same room where his bassinet was. 他的搖籃還放在自己的臥室

[10:10.01]You know, both selective mutism and an inability to separate from one's mother 選擇性緘默癥和無法跟媽媽分開

[10:13.98]can stem from a pathological fear of women. 都可能源于對女性的病態(tài)恐懼

[10:17.02]It might explain why the two of you have created an ersatz homosexual marriage 可以解釋你倆為什么假裝同性結(jié)婚

[10:20.81]to satisfy your need for intimacy 來滿足你們對親熱的需求

[10:31.16]Say what? 說啥?

[10:34.03]That's basically what I just said. 不就是我剛說的嘛

[10:36.61]You brought your husband to work. You know the rules. 你帶老公來上班 你知道規(guī)矩的

[10:41.88]Meesa thinking yousa looking pretty sad now too, betcha, betcha. 我呀覺得你呀看起來也很傷心喲 真的喲 真的喲

[10:45.87]Leonard, it's 1:00. Leonard 1點(diǎn)了

[10:47.09]Weren't you going to show me your laboratory at 1:00? 你不是要在1點(diǎn)帶我去實(shí)驗(yàn)室么?

[10:49.51]There's no hurry, Mother. 不用著急 媽媽

[10:50.47]Tell them more about their secret love for each other. 再跟他們講講他們的愛戀之情

[10:53.37]But it's 1:00. You were going to show me your laboratory at 1:00. 但是1點(diǎn)了啊 你說1點(diǎn)帶我看實(shí)驗(yàn)室的

[10:56.57]Her reasoning is unassailable It is 1:00. 她完全在理啊 1點(diǎn)了

[11:01.93]Fine. Let's go. 好吧 走吧

[11:04.95]I think you'll find my work pretty interesting. 你會覺得我的工作特別有意思

[11:07.26]I'm attempti to replicate the dark matter signal found in sodium iodide crystals by the Italians. 我試圖復(fù)制意大利人曾發(fā)現(xiàn)的 鈉的碘化物結(jié)晶上黑物質(zhì)信號

[11:12.01]So, no original research? 不是原創(chuàng)的研究嘍?

[11:14.89]No. 不是

[11:16.38]Well, what's the point of my seeing it? 那還有啥好參觀的

[11:18.27]I could just read the paper the Italians wrote. 看意大利人寫的文章不得了

[11:23.25]Just for the record, we're not in an ersatz homosexual relationship. 告訴你哦 我們不是什么假同性戀人

[11:27.03]Wellthen why didn't you say that to her? 那你剛才怎么不跟她說?

[11:28.81]Why is it always my responsibility? 怎么總是怪我啊?

[11:31.11]It's not always your responsibility. 啥總是怪你啊

[11:33.15]I swear, this is the same thing you did at the comic book store last week. 我發(fā)誓 上周在漫畫書店 你也是這么干的

[11:40.20]I can't believe you're bringing that up. 你居然敢提起這事

[11:43.77]I didn't bring it up. You did. 我沒提 是你提的

[11:44.93]We'll talk about this later. 咱們過會再說

[11:47.48]You always say that, but we never do. 你老是這么說 可是從來也沒談

[11:55.72]You went to the comic book store without me? 你們?nèi)ヂ嫊?竟然沒帶我

[12:06.08]You got alcohol? 你有酒么?

[12:07.06]- Your mom still here? - Yep. - 你媽媽還在這呢? - 是啊

[12:08.21]Come on in. 進(jìn)來吧

[12:11.30]Wait, wait, she's not gonna come here looking for you, is she? 等等 她不會過來找你吧?

[12:13.70]Relax. She took Sheldon to the hospital to get a brain scan. 放心吧 她帶Sheldon 去醫(yī)院掃描大腦了

[12:17.36]Oh, my God. What happened? 天啦 出什么事了?

[12:19.06]Nothing. Mother likes looking at brains and Sheldon likes getting his brain scanned. 沒事 老媽喜歡看大腦 Sheldon喜歡大腦被掃描

[12:25.12]Geez, what a fun couple. 呀 多搭調(diào)的一對呀

[12:27.65]She's only been here a day and a half and I'm seriously considering alcoholism as a new career path. 她才來一天半 我已經(jīng)在考慮當(dāng)職業(yè)酗酒者了

[12:33.45]Hey, I talked to her for five minutes yesterday and I've been half bombed ever since. 嘿 我昨天和她談了五分鐘 我到現(xiàn)在還沒緩過神來呢

[12:38.79]You can't let her get into your head. 千萬別往腦子里去

[12:40.69]My head, what about yours? 我的腦子 你的呢?

[12:42.15]It's too late for me. My head is her summer house. 我沒救了 我腦袋已是她的避暑別墅了

[12:48.07]She was right, you know. 她說的對

[12:49.44]The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me. 我還真是外控性格

[12:52.68]Oh, yeah, there she is. Hi, Mom. 是呀 老媽上身了 老媽 你好

[12:57.71]I mean, do you know where I was all morning? 你知道我整個(gè)早上在哪兒嗎?

[12:59.61]Auditioning with 50 other blondes for some stupid antidepressant commercial. 為某傻傻的抗抑郁藥品廣告 和50個(gè)金發(fā)美女試鏡

[13:03.90]And for what? 為了啥?

[13:04.90]So I'll finally get my daddy's approval? 為了最終獲得我爸的認(rèn)可?

[13:08.81]Did you get the part? 你得到角色了嗎?

[13:10.36]No, they said I was too perky. 沒 他們覺得我太活潑了

[13:17.38]You want to talk about not getting love from a parent. 想談?wù)劦貌坏礁改戈P(guān)愛么

[13:19.56]You know what I used to do when I was little to have some sensation of human contact? 你知道我小時(shí)候 為了感知 人情味而干了什么嗎?

[13:23.55]Yeah, you grabbed your penis and wouldn't let go. 知道 你抓住小弟弟不放

[13:31.35]Your mother told me. 你媽告訴我的

[13:33.98]Of course she did. Anyway, that's not what I was gonnaay. 肯定是她說的 不過 那不是我想說的

[13:36.32]When I was ten years old, I built a hugging machine. 我十歲的時(shí)候 我造了個(gè)擁抱機(jī)

[13:41.12]- A hugging machine? - Yeah. - 擁抱機(jī)? - 是呀

[13:42.70]I got a dressmaker's mannequin, 我有個(gè)做裁縫用的模特

[13:44.63]I stuffed it with an electric blanket so it would be warm, 我塞進(jìn)一床電熱毯 讓它變得溫暖

[13:47.02]and built two radio-controlled arms that would hug me and pat my back. 又造了無線電控制的雙臂 可以擁抱我 輕拍我的背

[13:52.42]Oh, that is so sad. 呀 可憐的孩子

[13:55.24]- You know what the saddest part was? - What? - 知道最可憐的是什么嗎? - 什么?

[13:56.78]My father used to borrow it. 我爸常借過去用

[14:02.76]Your scan data will be very helpful to my research. 你的掃描數(shù)據(jù)會對 我的研究很有幫助

[14:05.66]You have a remarkable brain. 你的大腦很與眾不同

[14:07.57]I know. 我知道

[14:10.71]Although I've always hated how my right frontal lobe looks in pictures. 盡管我一直很不喜歡我右額葉圖

[14:15.79]Common complaint among men. 男人的常見抱怨

[14:17.56]Nothing's ever big enough. 什么都嫌不夠大

[14:20.05]Except when they get a tumor. Then you never hear the end of it. 除非得了腫瘤 要不總是抱怨

[14:24.97]I'd love to e a scan of your brain sometime. 有機(jī)會我很想看看你的腦掃描圖

[14:28.05]Oh, I'll send you a link, but its physiology is fairly unimpressive. 我會給你發(fā)個(gè)鏈接 但其生理機(jī)能比較稀疏平常

[14:31.07]Oh, I can't believe that. 不會吧

[14:33.36]Your unwillingness to accept empirical evidence suggests an attempt at flattery. 你不愿接受經(jīng)驗(yàn)證據(jù) 顯示出你打算對我阿諛奉承

[14:39.69]My apologies. 我很抱歉

[14:41.55]I've been living with your son too long. Gotten into some bad habits. 長期與你兒子居住 養(yǎng)成了一些壞習(xí)慣

[14:45.86]Understandable. 可以理解

[14:47.77]Can I make you a cup of tea? 我能為你沏杯茶嗎?

[14:49.82]I doubt it, but if anyone has a chance, it's probably you. 我不太確定 但是如果 有人可以的話 可能就是你

[14:57.13]I feel very comfortable around you. 和你相處我十分自在

[15:00.69]I feel very comfortable around you, too. 和你相處我也很自在

[15:03.33]It's surprising because I generally don't feel comfortable around, well, anyone. 令人吃驚的是 我基本上和誰相處都...不自在

[15:10.64]Nor I. 我也是

[15:12.27]What are the odds that two individuals as unique as ourselves would be connected 我們兩個(gè)這樣如此稀罕的人

[15:17.51]by someone as comparatively workaday as your son? 被像你兒子這般普通的人 聯(lián)系起來的可能性有多大呀?

[15:22.84]Is that a rhetorical point or would you like to do the math? 你是在比喻還是想算出來?

[15:27.82]I'd like to do the math. 我想算出幾率來

[15:32.20]I'd like that, too. 我也是

[15:50.53]Okay, now this time, you're gonna lick the salt... 好啦 這次 你要舔掉...

[15:55.69]off my neck... 我脖子上的鹽...

[16:00.15]do the shot... Whoops. 干一杯...喲

[16:02.82]and then bite the lime. 然后咬住酸橙

[16:10.44]I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything after "lick." 抱歉 "舔"字后面的完全沒清

[16:14.87]Neck, shot, lime. 脖子 干杯 酸橙

[16:27.17]- Okay, shot, lime. - Right. - 好啦 干杯 咬酸橙 - 對

[16:35.99]Where's the lime? 酸橙呢?

[16:41.80]Oh, okay, we're sharing. 好極了 我們一起吃吧

[17:00.50]So, what do you think? 那么 你覺得如何?

[17:04.52]I'm very tempted. 相當(dāng)?shù)恼T人

[17:06.65]I'm just not sure it's appropriate with my son's roommate. 我不知道與我兒子的室友 這么做 是否合適

[17:11.57]Normally, I'd feel the same way. 通常 我也這樣想

[17:13.46]But based on everything I've observed about us, 但基于我所觀察到的我們之間的情況

[17:16.15]I can't help but speculate we'd be very good together. 我不得不推測我們一起會相當(dāng)?shù)冒?/p>

[17:20.02]True. I've had a similar observation. 對 我也觀察到了

[17:23.92]It's certainly something I could never do with my husband. 我和我丈夫永遠(yuǎn)也不會發(fā)生這事

[17:29.34]I was hesitant the first time I tried it, 我第一次嘗試的時(shí)候也很猶豫

[17:31.40]but I experienced an unanticipated anremarkable release of endorphins. 但我經(jīng)歷了一次前所未有的 極量"快感荷爾蒙"釋放

[17:39.45]It's quite satisfying. 相當(dāng)?shù)膼芤庋?/p>

[17:42.18]I see what you're doing. 我明白你想干什么

[17:43.86]You're appealing to the neuroscientific researcher in me. 你請求對我做一次神經(jīng)學(xué)研究

[17:49.05]You see right through me, don't you? 你能看透我 對吧?

[17:53.44]Only when you're in a CAT scanner. 只有在分層造影掃描機(jī)里才行

[18:04.56]This is actually gonna happen. 美夢正在成真呀

[18:08.09]Honey, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush. 寶貝 噓 噓 噓 噓 噓

[18:09.56]You shush, I'm happy. I want to talk about it. 你別出聲 我樂死了 我想談?wù)?/p>

[18:13.10]You know what my mother would say about this? 知道我媽會怎么說嗎?

[18:14.54]She would say because you were not loved by your father and I was not loved by my mother, 她會說因?yàn)槟闳备笎?而我缺母愛

[18:18.52]that having sex is our way of making up for the intimacy we didn't get as children. 我們做愛是為了彌補(bǔ) 我們童年缺少的親人之愛

[18:23.27]Why would you bring that up right now? 為啥你現(xiàn)在提起這個(gè)?

[18:26.52]I don't know. Foreplay? 不知道也 作為前戲?

[18:30.57]So you're saying you're not having sex with me, you're having sex with your mother? 你的意思是你不是和我做愛 是而你媽做了?

[18:36.48]I'm gonna go with "no." 我想說的是"不是"

[18:41.04]That is the sickest thing I've ever heard. 這是我聽過的最變態(tài)的事

[18:43.07]Come on, you're trying to have sex with your father, and I'm okay with that. 別呀 如果你想和你爸做愛 我沒意見的

[18:49.06]Get out! 滾出去!

[18:56.06]She said shush. I should have shushed. 她說噓的時(shí)候 我就該閉嘴

[19:02.40]Ooh, all night, all night 徹夜 徹夜

[19:06.00]Oh, every night 每夜

[19:09.56]Hold tight 抱緊

[19:11.14]You hold tight 你抱緊

[19:13.66]Baby, hold tight 寶貝兒 抱緊吧

[19:15.69]Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it 你想怎樣 就怎樣

[19:19.26]Anyway you want it... 你想怎樣...

[19:24.15]All right, Mother.

[19:26.21]Um, have a nice flight. 好啦 媽媽

[19:27.40]That's not really in my control, is it? 一路平安

[19:29.20]不由我說了算 對吧?

[19:31.20]Oh, uh, yes.

[19:33.00]哦 對了

[19:43.07]Oh, good morning.

[19:44.62]Morning. 早上好

[19:45.46]Look, I was just coming over to talk to you. 早

[19:47.60]You don't have to. Ever. 我正想過來和你談?wù)?/p>

[19:49.40]你用不著談了 永遠(yuǎn)別


[19:53.30]- Good-bye, Mother. - Good-bye, Leonard. 知道了

[19:55.19]So, Slugger, shall we pick up where we left off last time? - 再見 媽媽 - 再見 Leonard


[20:00.13]I mean, my mom could've just said, Bob, get over it, she's a girl, move on.

[20:01.93]我是說 我媽可以說 Bob 算了吧 她是個(gè)女孩子 日子還得過

[20:06.56]But she didn't. Not one word.

[20:08.70]Interesting. 但她沒有 口都沒張

[20:09.77]Would you be willing to fly to New Jersey and discuss your relationship with your parents 有意思

[20:11.57]你愿意到新澤西聊聊 你和父母的關(guān)系

[20:13.42]during a brain scan?


[20:17.27]- Would it help? - Well, it would help me.

[20:19.07]- 對我有幫助嗎? - 嗯 對我有幫助

[20:21.07]<#00FFFF>天才理論傳 第二季 第15集 完


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