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[00:02.31]That was close. 真懸

[00:05.73]God, I love the smell of paintballs in the morning. 神吶 我愛死早上的彩彈味兒了

[00:09.75]Yeah, still funny, Raj. 是啊 不過還是很滑稽 Raj

[00:14.43]There's no way we can get to the ridge. 我們根本沒法到山脊上去

[00:15.79]The Chemistry Department has us completely cut off. 化學部的家伙徹底斷了我們的路

[00:17.92]But what about the creek bed? 那河床那邊呢?

[00:19.41]The Pharmacology Department controls that, and they're all hopped up on experimental steroids. 藥理學部的家伙控制著呢 別忘了他們都吃了實驗用的類固醇

[00:24.60]That's it then. We're doomed. 那可好了 我們完了

[00:26.01]I think the time has come to acknowledge that we are paying the price for some of us 我覺得現(xiàn)在是該遭報應的時候了

[00:29.36]failing to attend my Physics Department paintball strategy meeting. 我們中的某些人可是沒有 參加物理部的彩彈策略會議

[00:32.97]I told you my mom has spider veins. 都跟你說了我媽得了蜘蛛靜脈

[00:35.67]I had to take her to the laser clinic. 我得帶她去醫(yī)院照激光

[00:39.65]And I told you I wante to see a doctor's note. 我也跟你說了讓你把病例卡給我

[00:44.08]We need a plan. 我們得擬定個計劃

[00:45.58]How about Operation Hammer of the Gods? 執(zhí)行"上帝之錘"計劃如何?

[00:47.29]I forget. Which one is Hammer of the Gods? 我都忘了 哪個是"上帝之錘"?

[00:48.86]We hide behind the Dumpsters in the parking lot and ambush people when they come to pee. 我們躲在停車場的垃圾堆旁 伏擊那些來尿尿的家伙

[00:54.11]No go. The Dumpsters are deep in Astronomy Department territory. 不行 垃圾堆在天文部的大后方

[00:57.07]That shouldn't be a problem. Venus is up during the day. 那不成問題 白天金星不正亮著呢

[00:59.03]They're probably just all staring at the sky. 他們可能都在仰望天空呢

[01:01.56]All right, what we need now is a tactical retreat. 好吧 我們要來一次戰(zhàn)術性撤退

[01:04.44]Did you see the episode of Stargate where they found themselves on a planet 你看過那集星際之門么? 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己正身處于一個

[01:07.70]with a culture based loosely on Earth's Athens and Sparta? 基于地球上的雅典和斯巴達 文明的行星之上

[01:12.04]Not important. 那不重要

[01:14.01]Leonard, Raj and I are going to burst out the door and run away. Leonard Raj 還有我一起沖出門去

[01:16.65]Howard will cover us. Howard來掩護我們

[01:18.21]Why don't I run away and you cover me? 為什么不是我沖出去你們來掩護我?

[01:20.09]Because you chose your mother's veins over victory. 因為在勝利和你媽的蜘蛛靜脈之間 你選擇了后者

[01:23.74]On three. One, two, three, go! 數(shù)到三 一 二 三 出發(fā)!

[01:29.27]I had to take her! It's almost bathing suit weather! 我沒法不帶她去! 夏天都快到了!

[01:38.81]I surrender! Don't shoot! They went that way! 我投降! 別開槍! 他們往那邊跑了!

[01:42.29]Howard, I'm on your team. Howard 我是你隊友

[01:44.79]Oh, Leslie, thank God. 噢 Leslie 謝天謝地

[01:47.82]Where's the rest of your squad? 你們隊的其他人呢?

[01:49.50]Ah, they left me here to die. 啊 他們丟下我一個人在這兒等死

[01:52.68]What about yours? 你們隊呢?

[01:54.19]Dead, all of them. 都死了

[01:55.99]Sorry. 抱歉

[01:57.19]Don't be. It was friendly fire. 不必 都是我干的

[02:02.02]They just wouldn't listen. 他們就是不聽

[02:05.13]Well, we're surrounded, so I guess there's nothing for us to do 好吧 我們被包圍了 我想除了在這兒等著被俘被殺

[02:10.14]but wait to be captured or killed. 沒什么其他事能干了

[02:13.33]Hmm, that's the worst part, the waiting. 哼 等待是最不好玩的了

[02:17.36]All the while knowing that there's a paint pellet out there with your namen it. 一直想著外頭有顆寫著 自己名字的彩彈在等著

[02:23.19]Yeah, the big wet ball of death. 沒錯 又大又濕 宣告你的死期

[02:31.61]Kind of makes you feel more alive, doesn't it? 倒是更能體會生的感覺 不是嗎?

[02:34.96]It kind of does. 確實有點

[02:38.82]I say we make every moment count. 我說 我們不能虛度光陰

[02:41.38]I agree. 同意

[02:44.04]How exactly do we do that? 我們究竟該怎么做?

[02:49.71]Howard, why aren't you covering us? We're getting slaughtered out here! Howard 你為啥不掩護我們? 我們被人屠殺了!

[02:54.20]War is hell. 活受罪的戰(zhàn)爭

[03:20.73]Did you guys see the new budget memo that went out this morning? 你們看見今晨出的預算備忘錄了么?

[03:22.91]Yeah, more cutbacks. 嗯 又削減了不少

[03:24.59]Unacceptable.It baffles me why they don't simply let some of you go 無法接受 我就想不通了 干嘛不干脆讓你們中的某些人滾蛋

[03:28.84]so that there's money available for my research. 這樣我的研究經(jīng)費就有保障了

[03:32.96]You know what baffles me, Sheldon? 你知道我想不通啥么 Sheldon?

[03:34.91]Based on your academic record, any number of things, I imagine. 基于你的學術記錄 你想不通的事多了去了

[03:38.57]- Hey, guys. - Hey, Leslie. - 嘿 你們好 - 嘿 Leslie

[03:40.31]Howard, I got the approval for the rapid prototyper you wanted. Howard 你要的快速原型機 我替你批下來了

[03:43.24]That's great, Leslie. Thanks. 真是太好了 Leslie 多謝

[03:45.35]You scratch my back, I scratch yours. 你替我抓背 我當然要還你了

[03:51.47]What was all that about? 那是怎么回事?

[03:53.24]Oh, uh, no big deal. They gave Leslie control of some unrestricted grant money. 噢 沒什么 他們讓Leslie掌管 一些非限制性基金

[03:57.96]Yeah, okay, but what's with the back - scratching and the meow! 那是沒錯 不過抓背還有"喵"是怎么回事!

[04:03.39]I believe the back-scratching metaphor generally describes a quid p quo situation 我想那個"抓背"的比喻 主要說的是相互報答

[04:07.66]where one party provides goods or services to the second party in compensation for a similar action. 一方提供貨物或服務 另一方給予類似的回饋

[04:12.96]Thank you. 謝謝儂

[04:13.85]The meow, that sounded to me like an African civet cat. 而那個"喵" 聽上去像是種非洲靈貓

[04:19.40]Are you done? 說完了沒?

[04:20.97]No. 還沒

[04:22.57]Despite what the name suggests, the civet cat is not a true cat. 雖然名字里有個貓字 但靈貓并不是一種貓

[04:31.30]Now I'm done. 這下說完了

[04:33.90]You know what I'm thinking? 你知道我在想什么嗎?

[04:35.05]I'm thinking Howard wasn't making a back-scratching metaphor. 我在想Howard的"抓背"并非是個比喻

[04:37.69]I'm thinking there was some actual scratching involved. 我想應該真的有抓才是

[04:44.24]What about it, Howard? 你說呢 Howard?

[04:45.75]Okay, I didn't want to say anything 'cause I know you and Leslie have a little history. 好吧 我什么都不想說 因為你和Leslie有過那么一小段

[04:50.40]I don't care about that. 這我倒是不在乎

[04:51.44]Great, 'cause I've been dying to say something. 太好了 我都快憋死了

[04:54.47]You and Leslie? 你和Leslie?

[04:55.62]In the paintball shed! Twice! 在彩彈小棚里! 還兩次呢!

[04:59.08]Is that why you didn't cover our escape and let us get cut down like animals? 這就是你沒有掩護我們出逃 讓我們?nèi)稳嗽赘畹脑?

[05:03.85]Oh, yeah, sorry about that. 噢 沒錯 真是抱歉

[05:06.86]My good man, dereliction of duty in the face of the enemy is a court-martial offense. 我的老兄 在敵人面前玩忽職守 可是要被送上軍事法庭的

[05:12.91]Court-martial, schmort-martial, Leslie Winkle is the fifth girl I've ever had sex with. 軍事法庭也好 笨蛋法庭也罷 Leslie Winkle是我上的第五個女人

[05:19.23]I mean, for free. 我是說 不要錢的那種

[05:22.65]And plus, you got a rapid prototyper. 別忘了 你還得到了快速原型機

[05:24.21]That's an expensive piece of equipment, dude. 老兄 那玩意兒可不便宜

[05:26.26]And the rest of us have had our budgets cut to the bone. 而我們的預算經(jīng)費被剝削了

[05:29.58]Okay, one way to look at this is that I'm getting new equipment, 看起來好像是我得到了新的儀器

[05:33.26]and you're not, and that's unfair. 而你們沒有 這很不公平

[05:35.18]But a better way to look at this is that I'm getting sex and you're not, and that's delightful. 但你們換個角度看看就是 我和別人上床而你們沒有 多高興

[05:44.04]The whole thing froze. I don't know what happened. 不知道怎么搞的 完全死機了

[05:46.22]Calm down. We'll figure it out. 冷靜點 會有辦法的

[05:47.40]How can I calm down? I'm gonna lose my whole shopping cart. 我要怎么冷靜? 我購物車里的所有東西都沒了

[05:50.29]That's three hours of picking out shoes just shot to hell. 我花了三個小時選的鞋子就這么沒了

[05:54.79]- Hello, Penny. - Hello, Sheldon. - 你好 Penny - 你好 Sheldon

[05:56.41]You're in my spot. 你占了我的座

[05:59.44]Are you planning on sitting here? 你打算坐在這兒?

[06:00.92]No, I'm going to the comic book store. 沒有 我打算去漫畫書店

[06:03.08]Then what difference does it make? 那我坐這兒怎么了?

[06:04.48]- What difference does it make? - Here we go. - 你坐這兒怎么了? - 又來了

[06:07.86]That is my spot. 那是我的座

[06:09.48]In an ever-changing world, it is a single point of consistency. 在這個不斷變化的世界中 那是唯一一個連續(xù)點

[06:12.98]If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, 如果將我的人生比作 四維笛卡爾坐標系里的一個函數(shù)

[06:18.43]that spot at the moment I first sat on it would be zero-zero-zero-zero. 在我第一次坐上那兒的時候 那個座的坐標就是(0,0,0,0)

[06:27.17]What? 啥意思?

[06:29.64]Don't sit in his spot. 別坐他的地兒

[06:33.79]Fine. Happy? 好吧 開心了?

[06:36.79]I'm not unhappy. 我沒不開心呀

[06:42.37]Boy, I love him, but he is one serious waadoodle. 我愛他 但他實在怪里怪氣

[06:46.89]Okay, that should do it. 好了 應該成了

[06:48.19]Oh, thank you. You are a lifesaver. 哦 謝謝 救了我的命

[06:50.84]That's a lot of shoes you ordered. 你還真定了不少鞋啊

[06:52.57]Yeah, you know the sad thing is, it's really not. 可悲的是啥知道不 這根本不算多

[06:58.32]Ooh, is thisne of those paintball guns? 哦 這就是那彩彈槍?

[07:00.75]Yeah. You ought to come out with us sometime. 是啊 找時間一起來玩唄

[07:02.72]Oh, no, thanks. I'm from Nebraska. 哦 不 謝了 我是內(nèi)布拉斯加州人

[07:04.78]When we shoot things, it's because we want to eat them or make them leave our boyfriends alone. 我們開槍 要么是要吃那玩意 要么就是讓她們離我們男友遠點

[07:27.39]Boy, your heart's racing. I must've really gotten you going. 哦 你心跳很快啊 我還真有兩下子呢

[07:31.56]Well, it's partly you, partly my transient idiopaic arrhythmia. 你只是一部分原因 我有短暫自發(fā)性心律不齊

[07:37.55]Sexy. 性感呦

[07:41.21]Can I assume that you likewise found the experience... 我可不可以說你也覺得這過程...

[07:45.10]Satisfactory? 很滿足?

[07:47.97]That wasn't quite the word I was looking for, but sure, I'll do this pass-fail. 我不是想用這個詞 不過是的 過與不過來衡量蠻好

[07:54.13]Hey, are you enjoying that prototyper I got you? 嘿 那原型機用著還不錯吧?

[07:56.46]Oh, it's great. 哦 好極了

[07:57.82]Everybody in the Engineering Department is eating their hearts out. 工程部的人眼饞得 哈喇子都快流出來了

[08:01.62]Isn't it nice when your good fortune makes others miserable? 你這么好命讓別人慘兮兮的 感覺不錯吧?

[08:07.17]You know, most people don't get that. 要知道 有些人想不通

[08:11.09]Howard, I'm home! Howard 我回來了!

[08:15.49]Oh, great. 這下好了

[08:16.42]Book club was cancelled! 讀書會取消了!

[08:18.06]That thing on Phyllis's neck opened up again! Phyllis脖子上那玩意又爆開了!

[08:23.42]I'm busy, Ma! 我忙著呢 媽!

[08:25.24]Too busy to help your mother with her zipper? 忙的沒工夫幫你老媽拉拉鏈了?

[08:28.71]Don't come in, Ma! 別進來 媽!

[08:30.32]Why not? 為啥不?

[08:31.75]He's got company! 有人在呢!

[08:39.59]Oh, there's the arrhythmia. 哦 心律不齊了

[08:41.73]Is she Jewish? 是猶太人不?

[08:45.06]- Are you Jewish? - No. - 你是猶太人嗎? - 不是

[08:46.34]Yes! 是!

[08:49.29]Okay, then you kids have fun! 那你們好好玩吧!

[08:54.30]Use protection! 注意防護!

[09:05.85]You think he'll notice? 他會發(fā)現(xiàn)不?

[09:09.42]There's a chance. 有可能吧

[09:11.79]Oh, what are we gonna do? 我們怎么辦呀?

[09:13.89]We? 我們?

[09:15.82]No, no, you had your chance to be "we" for, like, a year and a half now. 不 不 不 一年半啊 你本有機會選擇"我們"的

[09:23.05]Right now, you are "you," and you are screwed. 現(xiàn)在呢 你就是"你" 你完蛋了

[09:27.81]Why do we have to tell him I did it? 干嘛非要告訴他是我干的?

[09:29.27]Well, we're not gonna tell him I did it. 反正不會說是我干的

[09:31.28]Okay, okay, how about this? 好了 好了 看這樣行不?

[09:33.17]We tell him somebody broke in. 我們告訴他有人闖進來過

[09:39.53]Just to shoot the couch with a paintball gun? 就為了用彩彈槍噴沙發(fā)?

[09:42.88]I'm sorry, Iuy it. All those people are on drugs. 抱歉 我就會信 嗑藥的人啥事不干

[09:46.80]We could him they wanted the couch to stay away from their boyfriend. 可以跟他說他們想讓 沙發(fā)離他們男朋友遠點

[09:52.74]Okay, fine. What if we just flip it over? 這樣吧 干脆翻過來呢?

[09:57.51]There. Looks fine, right? 好了 看著還行 是吧?

[09:59.49]Mm, butt print. There's no discernible butt print. 屁股印記 上面沒有屁股印記啊

[10:04.48]Oh, come on. 哦 好了啦

[10:09.53]There, butt print. 瞧 屁股

[10:11.56]It's too small and too... perfect. 太小太...完美了

[10:15.90]- Thank you. - You're welcome. - 謝謝 - 不客氣

[10:19.29]Act normal. 正常點

[10:21.06]Sheldon! Sheldon!

[10:23.78]How was the comic book store? 漫畫書店怎么樣啊?

[10:25.34]Fine. e new issue of Flash is out. 挺好 新一期的閃電俠出了

[10:27.95]Great, great. Did you walk the whole way? It's a little chilly. 真好 真好 你走著去的? 天有點冷啊

[10:31.97]Koothrappali picked me up. Koothrappali讓我搭車了

[10:33.53]Isn't that terrific? 真棒呀

[10:35.55]He is such a good friend. 他真是個好朋友

[10:37.33]You know what the best thing about friends is? 你知道做朋友最好的一點是什么嗎?

[10:40.25]They don't talk incessantly for no particular reason. 不會無緣無故說個沒完

[10:43.83]No, no, friends forgive the little things. 不 不 朋友不會計較小事

[10:47.19]You know, I gotta go home and wash my hair. 那啥 我回家洗頭去哈

[10:48.61]Don't you dare, missy. 想都別想 小姐

[10:52.28]Hello, fastest man alive. 你好 現(xiàn)存速度最快的人

[10:55.92]Want to see me read your entire comic book? 想看我讀你整本漫畫書不?

[10:59.48]Want to see it again? 想再看一遍不?

[11:20.63]Something's wrong. 有問題

[11:24.11]What do you mean? 啥意思?

[11:25.15]I'm not sure. 說不清

[11:36.55]It doesn't feel right. 就是感覺不對

[11:39.76]I don't know what you're talking about. 不知道你在說些什么

[11:48.97]Oh, that. Penny did that. 哦 那個啊 Penny弄的

[12:11.83]Excuse me. 借過

[12:32.34]Why don't you just eat in your desk chair? 坐寫字椅那吃不就好了嘛

[12:34.66]Why don't I just eat in my desk chair? 坐寫字椅那吃不就好了嘛?

[12:37.28]Here we go. 開始了

[12:39.44]That is my desk chair. That is where I work. 那是我寫字椅 是我工作的地方

[12:42.26]I don't eat in my desk chair and I don't work in my spot. 我不在寫字椅那吃東西 不在我的位置上工作

[12:46.21]I work in my desk chair and eat in my spot. 而是在寫字椅工作 在我的位置上吃飯

[12:49.70]Wackadoodle. 怪里怪氣

[12:52.02]You know, there's kind of an obvious solution here. Get up. 要知道 有個很容易的解決辦法 起來

[13:00.64]There. Problem solved. 好了 解決

[13:03.48]Nobody cares where you're going to sit. You're not crazy. 沒人在乎你坐哪 你又不是瘋子

[13:09.80]Excuse me, but the problem is not solved. 抱歉 但問題沒解決啊

[13:12.64]If your head had been accidentally amputated, and we transplanted a dog's head in its place, 要是你的腦袋意外被割掉了 我們把狗腦袋給你移植過去

[13:17.49]would that be "problem solved"? 你說"問題解決"了不?

[13:19.98]If it were your head, it would be. 要是你的腦袋 我看成

[13:22.87]Sheldon, I am really, really sorry, but it's only for a week. Sheldon 我十分十分抱歉 但就一周嘛

[13:26.16]Can't you be a little bit flexible? 你就將就點不行嗎?

[13:31.51]Yeah, sorry. I didn't really think that through. 哦 對不起 我沒想好就開口了

[13:34.47]You claimed it's going to be a week, but I have no faith in your dry cleaner. 你說一周就行 但我信不過你那干洗工

[13:37.94]Why not? 為什么?

[13:38.60]Did you notice the sign on his counter? 你注意到他柜臺上的招牌沒?

[13:40.78]He's not a full-time dry cleaner. 他不是專職干洗工

[13:43.32]He also makes keys. 他還是個配鑰匙的

[13:46.00]Oh, for God's sake, Sheldon. 看在老天的份上 Sheldon

[13:47.46]Focus is important. 辦事專注很重要的

[13:49.21]Was Michael DeBakey a wedding planner in between heart transplants? 心臟移植專家麥可·德貝基 會兼職做婚禮策劃員嗎?

[13:52.98]Did Alexander Fleming moonlight as a hairdresser? 細菌學家亞歷山大·弗萊明 會兼做美發(fā)師嗎?

[13:55.52]"Thanks for discovering penicillin. Now how about we try a bouffant?" "感謝你發(fā)現(xiàn)了青霉素 現(xiàn)在做個蓬松波浪發(fā)型怎樣?"

[14:03.65]Ooh, looks like I'm gonna have sex tonight. 看來我今晚要嘿咻了

[14:07.17]Hey, baby... 寶貝你好...

[14:08.08]His right hand is calling him? 他的右手給他打電話了?

[14:13.44]No, it's Leslie Winkle. It's a long story. 不是啦 是Leslie Winkle 說來話長

[14:20.74]I'll pick you up in ten minutes. 我十分鐘后去接你

[14:22.94]Gentlemen, adieu. 先生們 再會

[14:24.75]I thought we were going to play Halo tonight. 我們還得一起玩光暈呢

[14:26.67]What am I supposed to do, Leonard? 你說我該怎么做 Leonard?

[14:28.42]There's a woman out there anxious to have sex with me. 有個女人正饑渴地盼望和我上床呢

[14:31.54]You understand, right? 你肯定能理解 對吧?

[14:37.40]No. Not at all. 不 完全不能

[14:39.77]Nevertheless, I must depart. 不管怎樣 我得出發(fā)了

[14:41.63]By the way, did I tell you? 對了 我告訴過你沒有?

[14:42.69]Leslie pulled some strings and got me on the research trip to Geneva to check out the CERN Supercollider. 由于Leslie暗箱操作 我能去日內(nèi)瓦的 歐洲物理研究所參觀超級超導對撞機了

[14:47.76]That's not fair. You're not even a physicist. 這不公平 你又不是物理學家

[14:50.29]Okay, there are two ways of looking at this... 你可以換個角度看...

[14:52.33]- Get out. - Bye. - 出去! - 拜拜

[14:57.94]You're improving. 你有進步了

[15:00.90]Thank you. It helps when I get to practice with a real woman. 謝謝 和真正的女人在一起進步快

[15:07.50]Hey, listen. Saturday my sister's getting married. 嘿 我姐姐周六要結婚了

[15:10.06]I-I want you to come with me. It's black tie. 我想你跟我一起去 是半正式場合

[15:13.35]Yeah, gee, I'd really rather not. 我還真不太想去

[15:17.38]Why not? 為什么?

[15:18.87]When I go to weddings, it's to scam on chunky bridesmaids. 我去婚禮 都是去騙胖胖的伴娘的

[15:23.10]I don't know what I would do with a date. 不知道帶了伴該干點啥

[15:26.27]Oh, all right. I understand. 哦 好吧 能理解

[15:29.54]Thanks. 謝謝

[15:31.91]Hey, I'm really sorry about that Geneva trip. 日內(nèi)瓦的事很抱歉

[15:35.88]What about it? 怎么了?

[15:36.84]Oh, didn't you hear? 你沒聽說?

[15:38.01]I had to reduce the number of people going, and you didn't make the cut. 要削減出行的人數(shù) 你被選下來了

[15:42.61]When did that haen? 啥時候的事?

[15:43.96]About 12 seconds ago. 大概12秒之前吧

[15:47.58]Well, hold on. Are you saying if I don't go to the wedding, I can't go to Geneva? 等等 你是說我不去婚禮 就去不了日內(nèi)瓦?

[15:53.51]Actually, I'm trying not to say it. 我就是不想說那么明白嘛

[15:56.40]Okay, I'm sorry, but that makes me a little uncomfortable. 好吧 抱歉 但我覺得有點不自在

[15:59.89]How so? 怎么會?

[16:00.65]Because it's like you're controlling me with new equipment and research trips. 感覺你在用新儀器和外出調(diào)研控制我

[16:05.36]Well, if I weren't controlling you with new equipment and research trips, then I'd be uncomfortable. 要是我不用新儀器和外出調(diào)研控制你 就該換我不自在了

[16:09.56]How so? 怎么會?

[16:10.54]'Cause then we'd be in, like, a real relationship with feelings and all that crap. 因為那樣的話 我們就好像真正在交往了

[16:16.92]So, bottom line, I'm just a bought-and-paid-for sex toy. 那么 說到底 我就是你擺弄的嘿咻玩偶

[16:26.18]No. No, noat all. You're also arm candy. 不 才不是 你還是個好伴兒

[16:31.62]So? What do you think? 怎樣? 你怎么想?

[16:34.77]Hey, Ma, you got to rent me a tux! 嘿 媽 幫我租件禮服!

[16:38.60]Right now? 現(xiàn)在?

[16:40.52]What kind of sex are you having up there? 你們在上面玩啥花樣呢?

[16:52.68]Why are you crouching there? 你干嘛蹲在這?

[16:54.92]This is my spot. 這是我的地兒啊

[16:57.72]Where else am I supposed to crouch? 我還能蹲哪?

[17:01.48]I don't know. Texas? 不知道 德州?

[17:06.74]Here you go. Fresh from the cleaners, good as new. 來咯 剛拿回來的 煥然一新

[17:08.75]Really? Great. Sheldon, look. Good as new. 真的啊? 太好了 Sheldon 看看 跟新的一樣

[17:11.29]From that key maker, I highly doubt it. 那配鑰匙的那兒 不敢信

[17:15.21]Come on, Sheldon. Just give it a try. 好了啦 Sheldon 試試看嘛

[17:19.67]All right. 好吧

[17:24.03]There, nice and comfy cozy. Zero, zero, zero. 好了 舒適 愜意 安逸 0 0 0

[17:28.23]There's one more zero. 少了個0

[17:31.14]You forgot the time parameter. 你把時間參數(shù)忘了

[17:33.81]Sit on the damn couch. 坐你的沙發(fā)吧

[17:58.97]Nope. 不對

[18:02.28]What do you mean, "nope"? What's wrong with it? 啥意思啊"不對"? 有什么問題?

[18:04.44]Nothing, it's what's wrong with him. 沒問題 有問題的是他

[18:07.47]- It's exactly the same... - Penny, Penny, - 完全是同一... - Penny Penny

[18:10.64]I think I know what to do. 我想我知道該怎么辦了

[18:13.20]Sheldon, I have some bad news. Sheldon 我有壞消息

[18:15.37]More? 還有啊?

[18:17.49]I'm afraid so. 恐怕是的

[18:18.87]You know the cashew chicken I get you Monday nights? 記得每周一晚上我給你買的腰果雞丁嗎?

[18:21.38]Yes. From Szechuan Palace. 是的 川府菜館買的嘛

[18:24.35]Szechuan Palace closed two years ago. 川府菜館兩年前就關門了

[18:29.56]What? Whe did my cashew chicken come from? 什么? 那我的腰果雞丁哪來的?

[18:33.77]Golden Dragon. 金龍餐館

[18:40.34]No. 不

[18:44.26]No, this isn't right. 不 這可不對啊

[18:46.34]Our food always comes in Szechuan Palace containers. 我們的菜一直是用川府的餐盒裝的

[18:49.53]Yeah, well, before they went out of business, I bought 4,000 containers. 他們關門前 我買了4000個餐盒

[18:55.67]I keep them in the trunk of my car. 放在我車的后備箱里

[18:59.30]But... Oh, this changes everything. 但...一切都變了

[19:05.83]I thought that might take his mind off the cushion. 我覺得可以讓他忘了墊子的事

[19:08.81]What's real? What isn't? How can I know? 什么是真的? 什么不是? 我怎么知道?

[19:13.57]You did make that up, right? 你瞎編的 是吧?

[19:14.97]Oh, God, I wish I had. 哦 老天 我倒希望是

[19:19.12]- Leonard? - Yeah, buddy? - Leonard? - 嗯 伙計?

[19:20.52]I still don't like this cushion. 我還是不喜歡這墊子

[19:25.64]ll, Penny, thank you for coming. 好了 首先 Penny 謝謝你能來

[19:28.23]Thanks for the shoes. 鞋謝你了

[19:30.83]Penny is an amazing shot. I think we have a real chance to win this week. Penny是神槍手 我看這周我們贏面很大

[19:34.19]- What's the plan? - Okay. Now, we all run out. - 計劃呢? - 這樣 現(xiàn)在 我們都跑出去

[19:36.98]Sheldon and I will cut to the left behind these trees. Sheldon和我切到左邊樹后面

[19:39.64]Raj, Howard and Leslie flank to the right behind the rocks. Raj Howard和Leslie守在右側(cè)石頭后

[19:42.43]Then we'll all have a great view as Penny runs out and kills everyone else in sight. Penny出來將視線中的敵人一舉殲滅時 我們將有非常好的視線

[19:47.74]Just one thing before we start. 開戰(zhàn)前還有一件事

[19:49.48]What is it, Sheldon? 什么事 Sheldon?

[19:54.13]What the hell? 搞什么啊?

[19:55.82]That was for my cushion. 這下是為了我的墊子

[19:58.67]Sheldon, Penny was our only hope. Sheldon Penny是我們唯一的希望

[20:00.88]I'm sorry, Leonard. But revenge is a dish best served cold. 抱歉 Leonard 但報仇就要冷不及防

[20:07.67]Screw that. 去你的

[20:11.75]She can't shoot me. She's dead. 她不能打我的 她死了呀

[20:14.26]He's right. You can't. 他說的對 你不能開槍

[20:21.91]Well, if we're going to descend into anarchy... 要是真想混亂下去的話...

[20:30.14]Okay, see you. 好吧 再見

[20:33.83]Where are you going? 你們?nèi)ツ?

[20:35.46]Surrender, then Denny's. 投降 然后去Denny's餐館吃飯


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