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[00:15.03]Problem? 怎么了?

[00:16.97]- This is Thai food. - Here we go. - 這是泰國菜 - 又來了

[00:20.76]We don't have Thai food on Thursday. We have pizza on Thursday. 周四不該吃泰國菜 應(yīng)該吃披薩

[00:23.64]Yes, but we all agreed that the third Thursday of every month would be Anything Can Happen Thursday. 是啊 但我們一致同意 每月第三個周四是隨心所欲日

[00:28.57]Well, apparently the news didn't reach my digestive system, 顯然沒通知我的消化系統(tǒng)

[00:31.04]which, when startled, has it's own version of Anything Can Happen Thursday. 它一震驚 就開始自己隨心所欲了

[00:36.47]Come on, the whole idea behind Anything Can Happen Thursday 拜托 隨心所欲日的目的

[00:38.95]is to get out of this rut we've been in lately. 就是要打破常規(guī)

[00:41.35]Rut? I think you mean "consistency." 常規(guī)? 你是說"連續(xù)性"吧

[00:44.14]And if we're going to abandon that, then why even call it Thursday? 如果想要拋棄常規(guī) 干啥還叫周四呢?

[00:47.08]Let's call it "Quonko Day" and divide it into 29 hours of 17 minutes apiece, 何不改成"Quonko日" 每天29小時17分

[00:51.78]and celebrate it by sacrificing a goat to the mighty god Ra. 殺頭山羊向上神獻(xiàn)祭來慶祝

[00:57.47]I could go for some goat. 我能弄到山羊

[01:01.45]Sheldon, wagreed we'd do something different tonight. Sheldon 說好今晚做點(diǎn)別的

[01:05.08]All right. Let's go to the comic book store. 好啊 一起去漫畫書店吧

[01:07.89]We went to the comic book store last night. 昨晚剛?cè)ミ^啊

[01:09.46]Last night was Wednesday. 昨晚是周三

[01:10.96]Wednesday is comic book night. 周三是漫畫之夜

[01:12.30]Tonight, we'll be going on Thursday, because it's Anything Can Happen Thursday. 今晚算是周四去 因為今天是隨心所欲日

[01:18.45]Way to think outside but pressed right up against the box, Sheldon. 思維跳躍 打破常規(guī)啊 Sheldon

[01:22.57]So what are we going to do tonight? 今晚到底要做什么呢?

[01:24.52]If I may proffer a suggestion, in bars all across this great nation of ours, 容我建議 你看全國各地酒吧里

[01:29.25]Thursday night is Ladies' Night. 周四是美女之夜

[01:32.03]Which means, as the evening progresses, 也就是說 隨著黑夜越深

[01:33.86]we will get better looking courtesy of 99 cent margaritas and two-for-one Jell-O shots. 拿著99美分的龍舌蘭和買一送一的果凍飲 我們能更有魅力

[01:41.27]Come on, Howard, the odds of us picking up girls in a bar are practically zero. 拜托 Howard 咱們泡到美女的幾率為零

[01:45.40]Oh, really? Are you familiar with the Drake Equation? 真的嗎 你知道德瑞克方程嗎?

[01:47.83]The one that estimates the odds of making contact with extraterrestrials 那個通過計算一系列嚴(yán)格限制的小數(shù)乘積

[01:50.45]by calculating the product of an increasingly restrictive series of fractional values 例如有行星的星系和可能產(chǎn)生生命的行星

[01:53.52]such as those stars with planets, and those planets likely to develop life? 得出接觸外星生物幾率的方程式?

[01:56.35]N equals R times FP times NE times FL times FI times FC times L? N=R*FP*NE*FL*FI*FC*L?

[02:04.43]Yeah, that one. 就這個

[02:11.35]You can modify it to calculate our chances of having sex 可以修改一下 用來計算我們艷遇的幾率

[02:14.89]by changing the formula to use the number of single women in Los Angeles, 只需改用洛杉磯單身女性數(shù)量

[02:17.92]the number of those who might find us attractive, and what I call the Wolowitz Coefficient. 會對我們一見鐘情的人的數(shù)量 還有Wolowitz系數(shù)

[02:24.22]The Wolowitz Coefficient? Wolowitz系數(shù)?

[02:25.83]Neediness times dress size squared. 需求度乘以衣服緊身度的平方

[02:30.18]Crunching the numbers, I come up with a conservative 5,812 potential sex partners 通過計算 40英里之內(nèi) 保守估計

[02:34.28]within a 40-mile radius. 有5812個潛在對象

[02:36.54]You're joking. 開玩笑吧

[02:38.58]I'm a horny engineer, Leonard. 我是饑渴的工程師 Leonard

[02:41.57]I never joke about math or sex. 對于數(shù)字和做愛 我從不玩笑

[02:45.85]Well, what are we waiting for? Let's bounce, bitches. 那還等什么 放馬過來吧 小妞

[02:50.70]Well, you're right. 說的沒錯

[02:52.09]It's Anything Can Happen Thursday. Let's hit the clubs and meet hot women! 今天是隨心所欲日 我們?nèi)ヅ莅膳萱ぐ?/p>

[02:55.47]Here we go. Lock up your daughters! 來吧 把你女兒鎖起來!

[02:57.40]We're going to hit it and quit it. 咱們速戰(zhàn)速決

[03:05.85]Or we could finish eating and go to the comic book store. 或者我們可以吃完飯 去逛逛漫畫店

[03:09.72]Also a good plan. 也是個好主意

[03:12.30]All right, but next Anything Can Happen Thursday, we're definitely going to a bar. 好吧 但下次隨心所欲日 我們一定要去酒吧

[03:15.14]Oh, absolutely. 那必然

[03:16.20]You heard that, Ladies' Night ladies? 聽到?jīng)] 美女之夜的美女?

[03:17.79]We're eventually coming for you! 哥哥們要來咯!

[03:23.76]Fascinating. 真贊

[03:51.14]Oh, hey, guys. Where're you headed? 嘿 你們要去哪?

[03:52.37]To the comic book store. 去漫畫店

[03:53.70]You're probably thinking, "The comic book store? On a Thursday? 你準(zhǔn)在想 周四去漫畫店?

[03:56.76]Why, I've fallen down the rabbit hole and into a land of madness." 怎么會呢 天方夜譚啊

[04:00.25]What you have failed to take into account, Penny, is that this is Anything Can Happen Thursday. Penny 你百密一疏 沒想到今天是隨心所欲日

[04:06.65]You got me. 騙到我了

[04:08.47]Oh, hey, while you're there, could pick me up a few comics for my nhew's birthday? 對了 能否買幾本連環(huán)畫回來 我想送小侄子做生日禮物

[04:11.62]I think you mean comic books. 你是說漫畫書吧

[04:13.76]Comics are feeble attempts at humor featuring talking babies 連環(huán)畫是那些"逗你一笑"欄目里

[04:17.20]and anthropomorphized pets found traditionally in the optimistically-named "funny pages." 會說話的嬰兒 和人格化的動物講述的冷笑話

[04:23.74]Leonard, could you pick me up a few comics for my nephew's birthday? Leonard 你能幫忙買嗎?

[04:26.69]Sure. What does he like? 沒問題 他喜歡什么?

[04:27.77]I don't know, he's 13. Just pick out anything. 我也不知道 他13了 看著買吧

[04:29.84]Just pick out anything? 看著買?

[04:33.10]Well, maybe at the same time we can pick out a new suit for him without knowing his size. 那不知道尺寸 也能買衣服咯

[04:36.58]Or pick out his career for him without knowing his aptitude. 不知道他的本事 也能給他找工作咯

[04:39.33]Or pick out a new breakfast cereal without knowing his fiber requirements... 不知道纖維素需求 也能給他挑麥片咯

[04:43.98]or his feelings about little marshmallows. 或者不知道他是否喜歡軟糖

[04:48.61]Spider-Man. Get him Spider-Man. 蜘蛛俠 就買蜘蛛俠吧

[04:50.67]Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, 非凡蜘蛛俠 終極蜘蛛俠 神奇蜘蛛俠

[04:53.36]The Marvelous Adventures of Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099? 蜘蛛俠大冒險 還是蜘蛛俠2099

[04:57.92]Leonard? Leonard?

[04:58.79]You know this can go on all night. Why don't you just come with us? 這樣說起來就沒完了 跟我們走吧?

[05:03.01]That's what I was trying to avoid. 我就怕這個

[05:06.32]Oh, I forgot Sensational Spider-Man. 哦對 還有感動蜘蛛俠

[05:12.73]Aw, what a cute, little store. 小店好可愛啊

[05:18.92]Ev-everybody's staring at me. 大家都在看我

[05:22.54]Don't worry, they're more scared of you than you are of them. 別擔(dān)心 其實他們更害怕

[05:27.01]Unlikely. 未必吧

[05:31.25]Here, what about this one for my nephew? 買這個送我侄子怎么樣?

[05:33.28]- A superb choice. - Oh, great. - 好眼光 - 哦 太好了

[05:35.56]Provided he has already read Infinite Crisis and 52, 前提是他看過了無限危機(jī)和52

[05:38.89]and is familiar with the reestablishment of the DC multiverse. 并且熟悉DC多重世界的重建

[05:43.95]What's a "multiverse"? 嘛叫"多重世界"?

[05:45.97]Get her out of here. 快請她出去

[05:48.99]Come on, I'll help you pick something. 來吧 我來幫你選

[05:52.46]That's right. She's with us. 沒錯 她跟我們來的

[05:57.17]Guys like that are so pathetic. 那種男生太可悲了

[06:00.66]Tell me about it. 還用說

[06:02.55]Ooh, look, a new Batman belt buckle. 快看 新版蝙蝠俠腰帶扣

[06:07.51]Oh, hey, Lnard. Can I help you find something? 嘿 Leonard 用不用我?guī)湍?

[06:09.61]Oh, he Stuart. This is Penny. She's just looking for some comic books. 嘿 Stuart 這是Penny 她想買漫畫

[06:12.36]Oh, really, wow. Blink twice if you're here against your will. 真的啊 如果你是被逼來了 就眨兩下眼

[06:17.97]I think we're fine, Stuart. 我們自己挑吧 Stuart

[06:19.65]Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything. 好的 需要幫忙就說話哈

[06:21.53]Thks. 謝謝

[06:24.07]Oh, he seems like a nice guy. 哦 他人挺不錯啊

[06:26.82]You mean for someone who's into comic books? 你是說作為一個漫畫迷?

[06:29.56]No. No-no-no. I just meant for... yeah. 不不不 我的意思是...沒錯

[06:33.98]Penny, just because people appreciate comic books doesn't make them weirdos. Penny 喜歡漫畫不等于是怪人

[06:37.31]Stuart's a terrific artist. Stuart是個不錯的藝術(shù)家

[06:38.89]He went to the Rhode Island School of Design. 在羅德島設(shè)計學(xué)院就讀

[06:41.15]Okay, what about the guy over there in the superhero T-shirt tucked into his sweatpants? 好吧 把美國隊長T恤放運(yùn)動褲里的那人呢?

[06:46.94]Uh, yeah, that's Captain Sweatpants. 啊 那是運(yùn)動褲船長

[06:51.96]He doesn't really help the point I'm trying to make. 他確實沒法驗證我的論點(diǎn)

[06:55.80]- Got it. - Got it. - 有了 - 有了

[07:00.85]- Got it. - Got it. - 有了 - 有了

[07:06.25]- Got it. - Got it. - 有了 - 有了

[07:10.22]Need it! 這個!

[07:14.22]Let it go, Sheldon. 放手 Sheldon

[07:15.08]Why should I let go? I saw it first. 為什么要我放手? 我先看見的

[07:16.95]Yes, but I saw it from the front. 沒錯 可我看到的是正面

[07:18.85]A far less impressive feat. 完全沒有說服力

[07:20.43]Oh, come on! I need this for my Batman collection. 噢 算了吧! 我要湊齊一套蝙蝠俠

[07:23.51]Well, I need it for my Robin collection. 而我要湊齊一套羅賓

[07:25.20]Rock-Paper-Scissors- Lizard-Spock? 石頭剪子布蜥蜴史波克?

[07:26.84]Why would I gamble? It's mine. Let go. 干嘛猜拳? 這是我的 松手

[07:28.71]- You let go. - No, you! - 你松手 - 不 你松手!

[07:30.28]- No, you! - Problem? - 不 你松手! - 有事嗎?

[07:31.36]Yes. He won't let go of my comic book. 嗯 他拿著我的漫畫不放

[07:32.82]It's my comic book! 是我的漫畫!

[07:34.22]Leonard, we need a ruling. Leonard 你來裁決吧

[07:36.22]Cut it in half? 一人一半?

[07:39.41]Excuse me. 打擾一下

[07:40.38]Oh, hello again. 噢 又見面了

[07:42.19]What would you recommend as a present for a 13-year-old boy? 送什么給13歲的小男孩做生日禮物好呢?

[07:44.90]A 13-year-old girl. 13歲的小女孩咯

[07:48.78]But if you're dead set on a comic book, try... this. 不過要是你死抱著漫畫不放的話 你可以試試... 這個

[07:53.64]Oh, Hellblazer. What's this about? 噢 地獄神探 什么內(nèi)容呀?

[07:55.93]A morally ambiguous confidence man who smokes, has lung cancer 一個道德有問題的自信男人 愛抽煙 有肺癌

[07:59.58]and is tormented by the spirits of the undead. 被不死亡靈折磨的故事

[08:03.59]Well, if that doesn't make me the favorite aunt, I don't know what will. 哦 要是他連這都不喜歡 那我這個阿姨真是沒轍了

[08:09.74]Is this me? 這是我嗎?

[08:12.67]Depends. Do you like it? 看情況了 你喜歡么?

[08:14.51]Wow, it's really good. 喔 畫得真好

[08:16.01]Yes, that's you. 沒錯 是你

[08:19.61]Thats so sweet, but what if I didn't like it? 嘴真甜 那要是我不喜歡呢?

[08:22.26]It'd still be you, but I'd feel like an idiot. 還是你咯 不過我就成傻瓜了

[08:26.65]I don't believe it. 難以置信

[08:27.93]Stuart's putting the moves on Penny. Stuart和Penny搞上了

[08:30.22]I have got to learn how to draw. 我要學(xué)畫畫

[08:35.47]Once again, defeated by your own prurient interests. 再次被你的色心打敗了

[08:39.65]Guys, have you seen Stuart all up in Penny's siness over there? 小子 看見那邊沒? Stuart把Penny給包辦了

[08:43.14]Nobody's up in anybody's business. 誰也沒把誰包辦咯

[08:45.12]Let's just buy our stuff and go. 我們買完東西就走人

[08:47.25]Okay, you've got my number. 好咧 電話號碼已經(jīng)給你了

[08:49.02]Now, give me the picture. 快把畫像給我

[08:50.70]You drive a hard bargain. 你可真會討價還價

[08:52.81]But here. 給

[08:54.44]All right. So, um, just give me a call. 好耶 那么... 給我打電話噢

[09:00.34]So, Leonard, how are you enjoying Anything Can Happen Thursday? Leonard 你覺得隨心所欲日怎么樣啊?

[09:08.99]Look at that. That's a dent. 瞧瞧 凹進(jìn)去了

[09:13.33]Thank you, Howard "Ham-Fisted" Wolowitz. 多謝了 Howard "笨手笨腳" Wolowitz

[09:20.04]Did you just shut the TV off in the middle of the classic Deep Space Nine/Star Trek: 你看了一半的星際旅行/深空九號: 經(jīng)典交叉集特輯

[09:23.60]The Original Series Trouble With Tribbles ossover episode? 就把電視給關(guān)了?

[09:28.59]Apparently so. 顯然是咯

[09:31.45]Are you ill? 你病了?

[09:33.87]No. 沒有

[09:35.38]All right. 那好

[09:37.10]Then is it fair to say that you're experiencing some sort of emotional turmoil 那說你因為今晚早些時候Penny那事

[09:40.63]over the events involving Penny earlier this evening? 感情出現(xiàn)波動不過分吧

[09:43.70]When did you pick up on that? 你啥時候知道的?

[09:47.00]A moment ago, when you turned off the TV in the middle of the classic Deep Space Nine/Star Trek: 就剛剛啊 你看了一半的 星際旅行/深空九號經(jīng)典交叉特輯

[09:51.19]The Original Series Trouble With Tribbles crossover episode. 就把電視給關(guān)掉了

[09:57.39]Would you like some advice? 要我給點(diǎn)意見嗎?

[10:00.57]Sure, why not? 好啊 說說無妨

[10:02.05]Well then, thiis the perfect time to launch a blog with an interactive comments section? 你不覺得現(xiàn)在開個有互動留言版的 部落格正是時候嗎?

[10:08.59]Gee, thanks a lot. 真是多謝了

[10:10.92]Would you rather I offer my personal insight? 你要我說說自己的看法?

[10:13.23]I don't need any insights. 我不需要任何人的看法

[10:15.07]I just want to know why Penny's more interested in Stuart than me. 我只是想知道Penny對Stuart的興趣 怎么就比對我的大拉摸多咧

[10:18.53]We're practically the same guy. 我們簡直就是同一個人

[10:20.48]Oh, I disagree. 噢 恕難同意

[10:22.69]Stuart is taller, artistic, self-employed and, most significantly, Stuart比你高 有藝術(shù)氣息 自己當(dāng)老板 當(dāng)然最重要的是

[10:27.49]he gets 45 percent off comic books. 他買漫畫能打55折

[10:34.84]You're right. I really should be asking strangers on the Internet. 你說得對 我是該上網(wǎng)問問那些陌生人

[10:39.77]My original point. 我就說嘛

[10:44.18]Chinese food, vintage video games... 中餐 骨灰級電子游戲

[10:47.61]After the nightmare ofnything Can Happen Thursday, 在隨心所欲日的惡夢之后

[10:50.29]this is Friday night the way it was meant to be. 周五終于回歸它的原樣了

[10:54.52]Who's up for Sheldon-Free Saturday? 有誰贊成周六把Sheldon踢開?

[11:00.29]Oh, hey, guys. 噢 你們好啊

[11:01.37]Hey, Penny... and Stuart. 嘿 Penny... 還有Stuart

[11:03.29]Hey, Stuart. 嘿 Stuart

[11:05.83]- Hey, guys. - So what are you kids up to? - 你們好 - 你們倆上哪兒去?

[11:08.05]Stuart has a piece in an art show that's opening tonight. Stuart有件作品參展 今晚開幕了

[11:10.79]And you guys are going together. Great... 你們倆就一起去了 真棒...

[11:14.41]It is great. Really great. Freaking awesome. 是啊 真棒 爽歪歪了

[11:19.27]What are you guys doing? 你們干啥呢?

[11:20.28]It's Friday night-- that means Chinese food and vintage video gas, right? 禮拜五晚上咯 無非是中餐 還有骨灰級電子游戲 對吧?

[11:23.65]Vintage doesn't even begin to describe what we have planned. 我們準(zhǔn)備的絕對不止骨灰級

[11:26.74]Tonight, we are playing the classic 1980 interactive text adventure, Zork. 今晚我們要玩的是上世紀(jì)八十年代 經(jīng)典的互動文字冒險游戲 魔域 (有史以來首個文字冒險游戲)

[11:32.24]It's the buggy beta version. 第二版哦 BUG超多

[11:35.21]Wow, Zork. Well, you guys have fun. 喔 魔域啊 你們玩得開心哦

[11:38.06]Yeah. 那是

[11:38.95]- See you guys. - See you, Stuart. - 回見 - 回見 Stuart

[11:41.10]- Hey, Howard? - Yes? - 嘿 Howard? - 什么事?

[11:44.06]Take me to a bar with women. 帶我去個有女人的酒吧

[11:46.95]- Really? - Yeah. - 真的假的? - 那還有假

[11:49.03]Okay! 好耶!

[11:52.90]Let me just go inside and slip off my underwear. 等我一會兒 我進(jìn)去把內(nèi)褲脫了

[11:58.91]Why? 為啥?

[12:00.11]Well, if I get lucky, I don't want to be caught in my Aquaman briefs. 要是走運(yùn)的話 我可不想被她 看到我穿著水行俠的內(nèi)褲

[12:06.05]Do you... Let's go. 你呢... 走吧

[12:13.39]May I have a grasshopper with a little umbrella, please? 來一杯綠色蚱蜢 要撐把小傘的

[12:17.16]- No, he may not. - Why? - 不 他不要了 - 為什么?

[12:19.35]I'm not sitting here with a guy drinking a grasshopper with a little umbrella. 我才不要跟喝撐把小傘的 綠色蚱蜢的家伙坐在一起

[12:24.96]Fine. I'll have a chocolate martini. 行 那我要巧克力馬提尼

[12:29.11]Wrong again! 又錯了!

[12:31.02]Come on, you know I can't talk to women unless I'm lit up like the Hindu festival of Devali. 算了吧 你知道我只有像過排燈節(jié)那樣 被點(diǎn)得金亮亮才能和女人說話啊

[12:39.96]Look, there are plenty of bars in Los Angeles where you can order grasshoppers and chocolate martinis, 聽著 整個洛杉磯有無數(shù)酒吧 你盡可以點(diǎn)綠色蚱蜢或者巧克力馬提尼

[12:44.25]but you wouldn't have to because there are no women in them. 但那根本沒必要 因為里頭壓根沒有女人

[12:49.09]Gotcha. 了解

[12:51.61]I'll have a Brandy Alexander. 那給我來一杯白蘭地亞歷山大

[12:55.00]All right, the Three Musketeers just became the Dynamic Duo. 好吧 三個火槍手變成了活力雙雄 (來自<蝙蝠俠與羅賓>)

[12:59.06]- Should we talk to some of these women? - No. - 我們應(yīng)該找這些女人聊聊嗎? - 不

[13:01.41]It's way too early in the night for that. 這對于今晚來說還太早了點(diǎn)

[13:03.72]See, first we let the lawyers and the jocks thin the herd, and then... 這樣 我們先讓那些律師 運(yùn)動員什么的 縮小獵物范圍 然后...

[13:07.81]we go after the weak and the old and the lame. 我們就去追他們挑剩下的老弱病殘

[13:12.19]That's your system? 這就是你的泡妞方式?

[13:13.61]That's my system. 對 這是我的獨(dú)門秘方

[13:16.71]Oh, and if you spot a chick with a Seeing Eye dog, she's mine. 噢對了 如果你看到一個牽著 導(dǎo)盲犬的少婦 她是我的

[13:23.65]Oh, come on. 噢 拜托

[13:24.81]I think it's nice that Captain Sweatpants showed up to your art opening. 我覺得"運(yùn)動褲船長"出現(xiàn)在 你的藝術(shù)展上挺好呀

[13:30.09]Yeah, it would have been nicer if he hadn't touched all the cheese. 對 如果他不把奶酪摸個遍就更好了

[13:36.10]You know, it's kind of early. 嗯 現(xiàn)在時間還有點(diǎn)早

[13:37.96]Do you want to maybe come in for some coffee or something? 你想進(jìn)來喝杯咖啡什么的嗎?

[13:40.28]Oh, gee, it's a little late for coffee, isn't it? 現(xiàn)在喝咖啡好像有點(diǎn)晚了 不是嗎

[13:44.37]Oh, you think "coffee," means coffee. That is so sweet. 噢 你覺得"咖啡"就是指咖啡 真是個小可愛

[13:49.48]Come on. I think I have decaf. 來吧 我有不含咖啡因的"咖啡"

[13:51.58]Oh, good. Stuart. I thought I heard your voice. 噢 太好了 Stuart 我覺得剛才是聽到你說話來著

[13:54.37]Do you have a moment? 你現(xiàn)在有時間嗎?

[13:55.75]Uh, yeah, I guess. 呃 有 我想

[13:57.03]Sheldon, we're a little busy here, so... Sheldon 我們現(xiàn)在有點(diǎn)忙 所以...

[13:58.91]- What are you doing? - We're having coffee. - 你們要干什么? - 我們要喝點(diǎn)咖啡

[14:01.63]Well, isn't it a little late for coffee? 不覺得現(xiàn)在喝咖啡有點(diǎn)晚么?

[14:04.75]It's okay. She thinks she has decaf. 沒關(guān)系 她說她有無咖啡因的

[14:11.69]I'll just go look for it. 我現(xiàn)在進(jìn)去找找看

[14:14.14]What's up? 什么事?

[14:15.18]Well, I've spent the last three hours in an online debate in the DC Comics Batman chatroom, 我剛才花了三個小時在DC漫畫 蝙蝠俠聊天室網(wǎng)上辯論

[14:19.52]- and I need your help. - Oh, yeah. Those guys can be very stubborn. - 我需要你幫忙 - 噢 我了解 那幫家伙有時非常頑固

[14:23.16]What's the topic? 你們辯論的主題是?

[14:24.11]I am asserting, in the event that Batman's death proves permanent, 我堅持認(rèn)為 當(dāng)蝙蝠俠長眠于世之后

[14:27.26]the original Robin, Dick Grayson, is the logical successor to the Bat Cowl. 邏輯上講 第一代羅賓 Dick Grayson 應(yīng)該是蝙蝠俠戰(zhàn)衣的繼承者

[14:31.73]Sheldon, I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong. Sheldon 恐怕你不能錯的更厲害了

[14:39.87]More wrong? 錯的更厲害?

[14:43.94]Wrong is an absolute state and not subject to gradation. 錯誤是一個絕對的狀態(tài) 你不能對它進(jìn)行程度上的劃分

[14:48.83]Of course it is. It'a little wrong to say a tomato is a vegetable. 當(dāng)然可以 說番茄是一種蔬菜 就是有一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)錯誤

[14:51.99]It's very wrong to say it's a suspension bridge. 如果說它是一座吊橋 那就是嚴(yán)重的錯誤

[14:56.70]But returning to the original issue, Dick Grayson became Nightwing, 回到剛才的事情上 Dick Grayson后來成了夜翔

[15:00.28]a superhero in his own right. 自立門戶的英雄

[15:01.82]Batman 2 has to be the second Robin, Jason Todd. 于是蝙蝠俠2里就出現(xiàn)了 第二代羅賓 Jason Todd

[15:04.83]Has to be? Has to be? 一定要這樣嗎? 一定要嗎?

[15:08.22]I hope you're being deliberately provocative. 我希望你只是在故意煽動和挑撥

[15:12.06]I found the decaf! 我找到脫咖啡因咖啡了!

[15:13.42]Oh, great! 噢 太棒了!

[15:14.01]Herbal tea for me, please. 給我來杯花草茶 謝謝

[15:19.84]Barkeep! Alexander me. 老板! 來杯亞歷山大

[15:24.18]How about those two? 那兩個怎么樣?

[15:26.02]No... They're eating peanuts. 不... 他們在吃花生

[15:27.91]And my allergies, one kiss would put me in Cedars-Sinai for a week. 我的花生過敏癥 一個吻就足夠送我到 Cedars-Sinai醫(yī)療中心呆上一個禮拜

[15:34.19]What about the ones in the corner? 角落里那些如何?

[15:36.80]Possible. Very possible. 還不錯 非常不錯

[15:39.73]Do you want the one in the whiplash collar or the one who keeps blinking? 你想要那個戴著頸椎圍脖的還是那個 不停眨眼睛的?

[15:44.07]- I think Blinky's cute. - You got it, sir. - 我覺得眨眼睛那個挺可愛的 - 好吧 先生

[15:47.27]Wait, so we just go over there? 等等 那我們就這么直接過去了?

[15:49.56]No. We have a little ep work to do. 不 我們還有些準(zhǔn)備工作要做

[15:52.19]Put this in your mouth. We walk past them, you stumble a bit. 把這個放進(jìn)嘴巴里 然后我們走過去 你假裝走的有點(diǎn)踉蹌和搖晃

[15:55.43]I say, sorry, my friend's had a little too much. 我就說 對不起 我朋友有點(diǎn)喝多了

[15:57.81]And then I start to pull it out of your mouth. 然后我就從你嘴里把這個拉出來

[16:01.19]And say, "A little too much fun." 接著說 "嘿 太有趣了"

[16:05.60]Get it? I mean, they're laughing. We're laughing. 明白嗎? 我是說 他們會大笑 我們也笑

[16:08.49]Then we get them up to about a . 15 blood alcohol level, and tell them we're millionaires. 給她們灌點(diǎn)酒 讓血液酒精含量達(dá)到0.15 接著就告訴她們我們是百萬富翁...

[16:14.94]What else you got? 還有啥別的招不?

[16:16.85]Depends. Are you willing to sit on my lap and pretend to be a ventriloquist dummy? 見機(jī)行事唄 你愿意坐我大腿上 假裝口技表演者操縱的傀儡嗎?

[16:21.21]No. 不

[16:22.57]I can't sit on your lap. You don't know the routine. 我不能坐在你大腿上 你不知道都該怎么演

[16:28.21]I'm sorry, but you're obviously stuck in a pre - Zero Hour DC universe. 非常抱歉 但你的思維明顯只是 停留在DC漫畫"前零時"時代

[16:32.49]Of course I am. 我當(dāng)然是

[16:33.74]Removing Joe Chill as the killer of Batman's parents effectively deprived him of his raison d'etre. 如果Joe Chill不是害蝙蝠俠殺父母仇人 那就等于剝奪了他繼續(xù)存在的意義

[16:39.65]Okay. You can throw all the French around you want, it doesn't make you right. 好吧 你可以繼續(xù)拽你的法文 但那不表示你的理論就是對的

[16:43.34]Au contraire. 恰恰相反(法語)

[16:46.32]Plus, you're forgetting that the Infinite Crisis storyline restored Joe Chill to the Batman mythology. 另外 你忘了在<最終危機(jī)>系列里 Joe Chill又重新回歸蝙蝠俠傳奇

[16:51.47]I am forgetting nothing and I resent your tone. 我沒忘記任何事兒 另外 我討厭你的語氣

[16:56.27]Okay. Look, Sheldon, it's late. I've got to get some sleep. 好吧 瞧 Sheldon 時間挺晚了 我得回去睡覺了

[16:59.88]So, I win. 所以 是我贏了

[17:00.97]No, I'm tired. 當(dāng)然不 我只是太累了

[17:03.11]So, I win. 所以 我贏了

[17:05.87]- Fine. You win. - Darn tootin', I win. - 好吧 你贏了 - 沒錯 我贏了

[17:09.71]Penny, I really had a terrific time... Penny 我剛剛玩的很開心

[17:13.36]Penny? Penny?

[17:15.32]No, no, no, no, no. Don't wake her. 不 不 不 別叫醒她

[17:17.24]She'll maul you like a rabid wolverine. 她會像一只狂暴的狼獾撕裂你的皮肉

[17:22.83]You know, I don't think that was decaf. 我想剛才那杯可不是脫咖啡因的咖啡

[17:29.16]Wait. Is this your card or isn't it? 等等 這張牌是你們的嗎?

[17:35.33]Trust me. This was their card. 相信我 這張是她們的牌

[17:37.32]I thought you were good at this. 我以為你很擅長這個

[17:39.74]You're always talking about how you go to bars and meet women. 你總是高談闊論你怎么去酒吧泡妞

[17:42.84]I do, all the time. 我的確一直這么干

[17:44.43]Well, what happened? We've been sitting here all night 那到底是怎么回事? 在這坐了一晚上

[17:46.94]and the longest conversation you've had with a woman was when your mom called. 你和女人最長的一次談話 是跟你媽媽講電話

[17:56.45]You're just going to make me come out and say it, aren't you? 你這是要逼我說出來 是嗎

[17:59.61]Say what? 說什么?

[18:00.84]You're weighing me down. 是你拖累了我

[18:05.33]I'm a falcon who hunts better solo. 我是一只更適合獨(dú)自捕獵的獵鷹

[18:09.00]Fine. I'll sit here. You take flight and hunt. 那好吧 我就坐在這兒 你自己飛走 尋找獵物吧

[18:14.32]Don't be ridiculous. You can't just tell a falcon when to hunt. 別逗了 哪輪到你告訴獵鷹啥時候狩獵啊

[18:18.04]Actually, you can. 事實上 可以

[18:21.57]There's whole sport built around it. 這旁邊都是訓(xùn)練場地

[18:25.46]Falconry. 獵鷹訓(xùn)練師

[18:30.17]Shut up. Let's just get Koothrappali and go. 閉嘴 我們?nèi)フ襅oothrappali然后閃人

[18:40.64]Lucky bastard. 這個幸運(yùn)的混蛋

[18:44.98]It's got to be that stupid accent of his. 肯定是他那愚蠢的口音起了作用

[18:50.40]Hello. I am Sanjay Wolowitz from Bombay. 嗨 我是印度孟買來的Sanjay Wolowitz

[18:56.11]Okay, I'm stumped. 好吧 我徹底懵了


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