Of course, the bathroom would be dark, too, but Stuart's father had thoughtfully tied a long string to the pull-chain of the light.
The string reached clear to the floor.
By grasping it as high up as he could and throwing his whole weight on it, Stuart was able to turn on the light. Swinging on the string this way, with his long bathrobe trailing around his ankles, he looked like a little old friar pulling the bell rope in an abbey.
To get to the wash basin, Stuart had to climb a tiny rope ladder which his father had fixed for him.
George had promised to build Stuart a small special washbasin only one inch high and with a little rubber tube through which water would flow; but George was always saying that he was going to build something and then forgetting about it.
Stuart just went ahead and climbed the rope ladder to the family washbasin every morning to wash his face and hands.