After months of incubation, the bacterium wokeup and began reproducing. Before long, the ancientorganism was once again thriving. Now don't be alarmed. Unlike what may happen in ascience fiction thriller, the bacterium isn't some deadly microbe that's going to turn us allinto zombies.
Apparently, it's a very small, simple microbe not very different from billions of others thathave lived on earth. What's interesting about the microbe is: A) how it managed to survivefor so long beneath the ice; and B) what it suggests about the possibility of life on otherplanets.
The researchers think that the bacterium's small size might have helped it survive inmicroscopic, watery veins in ice crystals. Being small may also have helped the microbeabsorb nutrients more efficiently.
As for life on other planets, scientists have long suspected that if there is life out there, it mightexist buried far beneath a planet's barren surface. So every time scientists find a microbe ableto survive under extreme conditions on Earth, it raises the hope that the same might be thecase in other worlds.