There was a corporeal humility in looking up at him; and a white man standing before himseemed a white flag come to beg truce of a fortress. Curious to tell, this imperial negro,Ahasuerus Daggoo, was the Squire of little Flask, who looked like a chess-man beside him. Asfor the residue of the Pequod's company, be it said, that at the present day not one in two ofthe many thousand men before the mast employed in the American whale fishery, areAmericans born, though pretty nearly all the officers are.
Herein it is the same with the American whale fishery as with the American army and militaryand merchant navies, and the engineering forces employed in the construction of theAmerican Canals and Railroads. The same, I say, because in all these cases the native Americanliterally provides the brains, the rest of the world as generously supplying the muscles. No smallnumber of these whaling seamen belong to the Azores, where the outward bound Nantucketwhalers frequently touch to augment their crews from the hardy peasants of those rockyshores.