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2016-03-15CNN News: 賈斯廷· 特魯多訪美掀起“特魯多熱

First up, a meeting between two leaders who have more in common than a national border. Can... [查看全文]

2016-03-11CNN News: 專家研究抗擊Zika方法 印尼天空上演350年一遇日全食

Zika, as we`ve told you, can dramatically harm the unborn babies of pregnant women. But mosq... [查看全文]

2016-03-10CNN News: 伊朗進(jìn)行導(dǎo)彈試射 美國稱不違反伊核協(xié)議

At the midpoint of the week, we`re starting with news about Iran. The Middle Eastern country... [查看全文]

2016-03-09CNN News: 韓美聯(lián)合軍演 朝鮮警告將進(jìn)行核打擊

韓美聯(lián)合軍演 朝鮮警告將進(jìn)行核打擊South Korea and the United States have been allies since the K... [查看全文]

2016-03-08CNN News: 馬其頓采取嚴(yán)格邊境管控措施 難民滯留希臘與馬其頓邊境

First up, we`re taking you to Macedonia. It`s a landlocked country in Southeastern Europe tha... [查看全文]

2016-03-07CNN News: 朝鮮面臨20年來最嚴(yán)厲制裁 發(fā)射6枚導(dǎo)彈表不滿

Our March 4th show begins with news out of North Korea. The communist country launched six ... [查看全文]

2016-03-04CNN News: 希拉里特朗普成“超級(jí)星期二”贏家 能否對(duì)擂難料

We`re closing in on the first results from the blockbuster event of the primary season.美國大... [查看全文]

2016-03-03CNN News: “超級(jí)星期二” 誰將是最后贏家

On March 1st, Americans in more than 10 states all went to the polls at once. They weren`t... [查看全文]

2016-03-02CNN News: 聯(lián)合國秘書長:敘利亞?;饏f(xié)議基本上得到執(zhí)行

First up, a cessation of hostilities, meaning a pause in the fighting, was supposed to take... [查看全文]

2016-03-01CNN News:觸目驚心:實(shí)拍一座完全被垃圾淹沒的城市

Lebanon is a nation without a leader. Its former president`s term ended in 2014, and its na... [查看全文]