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2014-08-31CNN News:先進地震預警系統(tǒng)是如何進行操作的

No one was killed by the 6.0 magnitude earthquake that shook northern California on Sunday, ... [查看全文]

2014-08-30CNN News:颶風“瑪麗”席卷美國加州南部海岸

Big storm brewing. And it`s bringing waves and danger to America`s West Coast. I`m Carl Azuz... [查看全文]

2014-08-29CNN News:美國擬計劃空襲敘利亞ISIS恐怖組織基地

American aircraft in the skies over Syria. The U.S. has given that the green light, and it`... [查看全文]

2014-08-28CNN News:埃博拉傳染鏈條具有極強的傳播性,需要做到及時控制

First up on commercial free CNN STUDENT NEWS we are taking you to Africa. The Ebola outbrea... [查看全文]

2014-08-27CNN News:美國加利福尼亞州北部發(fā)生6.1級地震

CNN STUDENT NEWS is kicking off its third week of the 2014-2015 school year. I`m Carl Azuz,... [查看全文]

2014-08-26CNN News:弗格森警察槍擊黑人少年事件陪審團成立,聽審過程將持續(xù)幾周時間

There`s no cure for Ebola. The vast majority of those who get it, die if they are not tre... [查看全文]

2014-08-25CNN News:一種新型垃圾桶正在革新垃圾處理系統(tǒng)

Time for the Shoutout. Every year, the U.S. produces about 250 million tons of what? If you... [查看全文]

2014-08-24CNN News:冰島發(fā)布預警稱火山有可能再度噴發(fā)

This is CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ten minutes of current events from around the world. No commercial... [查看全文]

2014-08-23CNN News:兩名國際空間站宇航員完成太空行走

At the U.S. Supreme Court, there`s a basketball court. It`s located in the top floor of the... [查看全文]

2014-08-22CNN News:人類未來的理想城市馬斯達爾

You probably haven`t heard of Masdar City. It`s located near the Persian Gulf in the United... [查看全文]