01.Go on a diet
Diet: 日常飲食
Go/Be on a diet: 減肥(注意介詞on)
I am on a diet. 我正在減肥。
Are you on a diet? 你在減肥嗎?
Diet fads: 減肥風潮
Atkins Diet: 阿特金斯減肥法
Keto Diet: 生酮飲食法
Diet Coke/soda: 低熱量可樂/汽水
Diet pills: 減肥藥
02.Lose weight
比“Go on a diet”更直接的減肥說法是:
Lose weight: 減重
I am trying to lose weight. 我在努力地減肥。
Lose a few pounds
Lose a lot of weight
但是不要問別人你是不是在“lose weight”,有點太直接了,用”Are you on a diet"會比較好~
Tone up: 增強肌肉
I want to tone up a bit. 我想讓我的身材更緊致。
03.Body shape
Thin: 瘦的(注意發(fā)音)
Skinny: 非常瘦(比較口語化)
Slim: 苗條(skinny but strong)
Slender: 苗條(similar to slim)
Bikini body: 比基尼身材
Beach body: 海灘身材
不過現(xiàn)在在國外最火的不是“bikini body”,而是:
Dad bod: 老爸身材(四肢有肌肉但是肚子大)
Beer belly/gut: 啤酒肚
Body positivity: 身體正向
Body positivity is a social movement rooted in the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, in doing so it challenges the ways in which society presents and views the physical body.
所以不要再Fat shaming了,健康的身體才是最重要的!