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LECTURE 43 基本動詞 GET 22





LECTURE 43 基本動詞 GET 22


1. get sth. across to sb. / get sth. across ***轉(zhuǎn)達(信息);說明

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:使某人[理解(get across)]某事

例 To get my point across that guns are not toys, I want you to take a look at these photos of children who played with guns because they thought they were toys. All of them are dead. And you will be too if you play with guns.

2. get 〔have〕 sth. off one's chest **說出,傾訴

解 習語;詞義溯源:從[胸膛(chest)][分離(off)]某事,使之移走

例 Andrew came over last night. I think he wanted to get his problems with his father off his chest, but he was reluctant to talk. He really should talk to somebody; it would probably do him good .

3. get sth. off the ground / get sth. off **起飛,升空;開始;順利進行;付諸實踐

解 習語;詞義溯源:從[地面、土壤(ground)] [分離(off)]某些事物,使之移走

例 Three Moon Electronics announced today they will start manufacturing avionic devices for Airbus, a European consortium aircraft manufacturer. After converting an existing factory, they expect to get the venture off the ground by spring of next year.

4. get sth. out in the open **開誠布公,公開

解 習語;詞義溯源:[在戶外(in the open)]拿[出(out)]某些事物

例 We've all been thinking of it, so why don't we just get it out in the open? Richard, we have a problem with your membership in a Nazi organization.

5. get sth. out of one's system **(身體)排泄;不再迷戀某事

解 習語;詞義溯源:從[身體(one's system)]分離[出(out of)],使之移走

例 Father finally agreed to let Li Ke take a backpacking trip to Europe this summer. He figures letting Li Ke get the desire to travel out of his system, he'll concentrate more on his studies.


(A) get it across to

(B) get it off your chest

(C) get...off the ground

(D) get something out in the open

(E) get it out of his system

1. A: Look, let's ______: We don't trust you. B: Okay, since you've made that no longer a secret, let me say this: We don't trust you, either. Now, anything else you want to make public?

2. A: He can't concentrate. He's wanted to go fishing in Lake Foster for over a week now. I think we'd better let him ______. B: Yeah, you're right—if he just does it, it will stop distracting him and he'll be able to concentrate again. Let's take him there tomorrow.

3. A: In the first stage of the negotiation, I want you to make them understand that we are not willing to compromise on the delivery dates. But don't say it, just convey the information to them in an indirect way. B: Wait a minute. I'm not supposed to actually say it? Then how am I going to ______ them like you want me to?

4. A: I know something's bothering you, Hu Sen. You've been depressed since the weekend. Want to ______? B: No, I'm not the type who talks about his personal problems at the office. A: Let's have dinner then. You can tell me about whatever's bothering you over a few drinks. Talking about it will make you feel better.

5. A: It took us three years to put our plans into actual operation. So what makes you think you can get yours started in under six months? B: We have your work as a model. Using your experience, we can ______ ours ______ much more quickly. All we need is six months.


1. (D)

2. (E)

3. (A)

4. (B)

5. (C)


I. 1. 為了明確說明槍支不是玩具,我想給大家看看這些孩子的照片。他們拿槍支當玩具玩,結(jié)果都死了。如果你們也玩槍的話,也會沒命的。

2. 昨晚安德魯來過了。我猜他是想說說他和他父親的事情,但是又不愿啟齒。他真的應(yīng)該跟別人談?wù)?,這對他或許會有好處。

3. 三月電子公司今天宣布,他們將開始為歐洲一大飛機制造財團空中客車公司生產(chǎn)航空電子設(shè)備。在對現(xiàn)有的一家工廠進行改造之后,他們希望在來年春天正式啟動。

4. 既然我們大家都在想這件事,那為什么不開誠布公地談?wù)??理查德,我們對你加入納粹組織這一點有疑惑。

5. 父親最終同意讓李可今年夏天去歐洲背包旅行。他認為讓李可不再對旅游念念不忘就可以讓他更加專心學習了。

II. 1. A:來,我們開誠布公地說吧:我們不信任你。B:好吧,既然你公開說了,那么我也得說:我們也不信任你?,F(xiàn)在,你還有什么要公開的嗎?

2. A:他無法集中精力。他這周一直想去福斯特湖釣魚,我想我們最好讓他如愿以償。B:是的,你說得對——如果他去過了,就不會再分心想這事,也就可以專心了。我們明天就帶他去吧。

3. A:在談判的第一階段,我希望你讓他們明白我們不愿意在交貨日期上讓步。但是,你不要說出來,間接地把這個信息傳達給他們就行。B:等等。我不能說出來嗎?那我如何如你要求的那樣讓他們理解呢?

4. A:我知道你現(xiàn)在很煩,胡森。從周末開始你就很沮喪。想不想說來聽聽?B:不,我不是那種在辦公室談?wù)撍饺藛栴}的人。A:那我們一起吃晚飯吧。你可以喝幾杯,然后告訴我什么事讓你心煩。說出來會讓你感覺好一些。

5. A:我們花了三年才把計劃付諸實踐。所以,你憑什么說你可以在六個月內(nèi)開始你的計劃呢?B:我們以你們的工作為榜樣。有了你們的經(jīng)驗,我們可以更快地啟動。我們只需要六個月。


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