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LECTURE 83 基本動詞 HAVE 4





LECTURE 83 基本動詞 HAVE 4


1. have a heart of stone **鐵石心腸;冷酷無情

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[石頭般的心(heart of stone)]

例 Charles, who's always had a heart of stone toward his friends and relatives, finds out he is dying of cancer and almost overnight becomes a changed man.

2. have a heart-to-heart talk / have a heart-to-heart **敞開心扉交談

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:進行[坦誠的談話(a heart-to-heart talk)]

例 Are you afraid to have a heart-to-heart talk with your wife? Most men are, but most men also really want to. Why don't you try it? It can really work wonders for a relationship.

3. have a lot going for one / have a lot going ** 有許多優(yōu)點;發(fā)展態(tài)勢良好

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使很多事情[去向(going)]某人

例 It's a shame—a big shame. A young man like him committing suicide over a lost girlfriend. He had a lot going for him—intelligence, charisma, athletic ability. He had just gotten a full scholarship to UCLA—he was going places .

4. have a lot of promise **擁有大好前程,前途無量

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有很多[希望、可能性(promise)]

例 Dear Deborah, I'm writing to tell you that the paintings you left with me here in Paris have been accepted at a gallery near my apartment. The owner of the gallery was impressed and said your work has a lot of promise. So, congratulations!Your Friend, Dominique.

5. have a lot on one's mind **很多事情壓在心頭,心事重重;注意力分散

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有很多事情[在頭腦中(on one's mind)]

例 Leaders of the seven largest industrialized nations will have a lot on their minds when they meet in ten days in Bonn. Chief among their concerns will be the problem of unemployment.


(A) have a heart of stone

(B) having...heart-to-heart talks

(C) has a lot going for

(D) has a lot of promise

(E) have a lot on your mind

1. A: If our boss were anybody but Mr. Ben, I'd say we had a chance to be forgiven for this mistake. We'd better prepare our resignations now—Mr. Ben is not capable of showing mercy or understanding. B: He may ______, but he's also a very practical businessman. He can't do without us right now—we're the only two who can speak French. He's unsympathetic—but not stupid.

2. A: Your daughter is progressing very well on the piano. She certainly ______. A few more years of coaching and...B: Yes, I know she has potential, but I'm afraid we don't have the money for a few more years of lessons. If she can master the basics, that'll be fine for her.

3. A: Walter, could you ask me about that later? I've just got too many things to worry about right now—my wife's sick, and I've got to fly to Manila...B: Okay, I can see you ______. I'll get back with you later.

4. A: Rebecca wants to be a model and I think she has many assets that are beneficial to her becoming successful. She's not only beautiful but also very charming. And her eyes—so mysterious. B: Yes, she definitely ______ her.

5. A: Dad, where's Mom? B: She's at the neighbor's house ______ another one of those ______ with Mrs. Johnson. A: Oh no!Once they start sharing all their private feelings, they talk for hours!


1. (A)

2. (D)

3. (E)

4. (C)

5. (B)


I. 1. 一直以來對朋友和親人鐵石心腸的查爾斯,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己已經(jīng)是癌癥晚期后,幾乎在一夜之間變成了一個完全不同的人。

2. 你害怕跟你妻子敞開心扉談?wù)剢幔看蠖鄶?shù)男性都會害怕,但是大多數(shù)男性又想。你為什么不試試?它在處理夫妻關(guān)系方面能發(fā)揮奇妙的作用。

3. 真遺憾——太遺憾了。像他這樣的年輕人因為失戀而自殺。他有很多得天獨厚的條件——聰明、有魅力,還有運動細胞。他剛拿到加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校的全額獎學(xué)金——他本該有所成就的。

4. 親愛的德博拉,來信是想告訴你,你留在巴黎的畫已經(jīng)被我公寓附近的畫廊收下了。畫廊的主人為之所動,并說你的作品非常有潛力。所以,祝賀你!你的朋友,多米尼克。

5. 七個最大工業(yè)國家的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人10天后將在波恩舉行會議,會議期間他們需要考慮許多問題。其中,首當(dāng)其沖的是失業(yè)問題。

II. 1. A:如果我們的老板不是本先生,而是任何其他人的話,我敢說我們犯的這個錯誤有可能被原諒。我們現(xiàn)在最好準備辭職信——本先生不可能憐憫或理解我們。B:他可能是鐵石心腸,但也是一位務(wù)實的商人。他目前沒有我們不行——我們兩個是唯一懂法語的。雖然他沒有同情心——但也不傻。

2. A:你女兒彈鋼琴進步很大。她真的很有前途。再指導(dǎo)幾年并且…… B:是的,我知道她很有潛力,但是我擔(dān)心我們沒有足夠的錢供她再學(xué)幾年。只要掌握基本技巧,對她來說就很好了。

3. A:沃爾特,你能等會再問我嗎?我現(xiàn)在有很多事要操心——我妻子病了,我得坐飛機去馬尼拉…… B:好的,我看得出來你有許多事要忙。我晚點再跟你聯(lián)系。

4. A:麗貝卡想當(dāng)模特,我覺得她有許多非常有利的條件讓她成功。她不僅漂亮,而且非常有魅力。她的眼睛——如此神秘。B:是啊,她確實有很多得天獨厚的條件。

5. A:爸爸,媽媽去哪兒了?B:她又去鄰居家跟約翰遜夫人談心去了。A:哦,不是吧!她們只要一分享私人情感就會談上好幾個小時!


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