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LECTURE 84 基本動詞 HAVE 5





LECTURE 84 基本動詞 HAVE 5


1. have a low boiling point **容易生氣,易怒

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:擁有較低的[沸點(boiling point)]

例 Anger is bad for you health. Studies have shown that people who have a low boiling point are up to ten times more likely to suffer from high blood pressure or be stricken with a heart attack. If you find yourself going through the roof over the slightest things, you should consider seeking professional help to overcome this deadly behavior.

2. have a near miss **差點撞上或碰上

解 習語;詞義溯源:經(jīng)歷[危險瞬間、(航空領(lǐng)域等)異常的近距離(near miss)]

例 Amateur astronomers around the world watched with awe as the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet smashed into Jupiter last week. The question on all of their minds must have been,“If it can happen to Jupiter, when will it happen to Earth?” Actually, Earth has several near misses with comets and meteors every year.

3. have a penchant for sth. / have a penchant for doing sth. **有強烈嗜好

解 習語;詞義溯源:對做某事有[愛好、興趣、傾向(penchant)]

例 Do you have a penchant for deep-sea fishing but never go because you don't have a boat? If so, Deep Blue Boat Rentals is the answer for you.

4. have a price on one's head **被懸賞緝拿或捉拿

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:某人的頭上有[懸賞金(price)];多用于西部電影或警匪電影中

例 Several terrorists who have a price on their heads are known to be taking refuge in Lybia and the Lybian government is reluctant to force them out.

5. have a rough time of it / have a rough time **經(jīng)過艱苦歲月;經(jīng)歷苦難

解 習語;詞義溯源:經(jīng)歷[艱難的、艱苦的、難以承受的(rough)]歲月

例 Las Vegas is a city that has traditionally prided itself on the fact that even when recession hits the American economy, this gambling town just keeps on growing. However, the mayor of Las Vegas was forced to admit later that even his city was actually having a rough time of it.


(A) has a low boiling point

(B) had...near misses

(C) has a penchant for

(D) has a price on his head

(E) having a rough time of it

1. A: Look at that man over there in front of the convenience store. Doesn't he look like the man whose photo is hanging up in the post office? You know, one of those people for whom the police are offering an award to the person who catches them? B: Maybe, but I don't think a man who ______ would be standing in front of such a busy store where everybody could see him.

2. A: Boy!Talking about having a close call !If that steel beam had fallen just another meter to the left, we'd probably both be dead. B: Probably. But I think I'm not supposed to die yet because I've ______ lots of ______ while working on this construction site. Every time I manage to barely escape danger I think“somebody is protecting me. ”

3. A: It may be none of my business, Alison, but how's your financial situation since your husband lost his job? B: Well, we're experiencing a difficult period in our lives, but we have hope. Bretton has a lot going for him, so we're confident about our future. We're ______ now, but we'll be okay in the end.

4. A: It doesn't take much to make Helena angry. B: She gets angry easily? I thought maybe it was just me she was angry at. A: No, she ______. The slightest annoyance can upset her.

5. A: My husband is fond of picking up things he finds along the street. It's downright embarrassing to walking with him. B: You think that's bad? My husband ______ staring at young women as we walk. It's downright infuriating!


1. (D)

2. (B)

3. (E)

4. (A)

5. (C)


I. 1. 生氣不利于身體健康。研究表明,容易生氣的人患高血壓或心臟病的幾率比其他人高十倍。如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己因為一點小事大發(fā)脾氣的話,你應(yīng)該考慮尋求專業(yè)協(xié)助來改正這一致命行為。

2. 上周,全球的業(yè)余天文愛好者們都心懷敬畏地觀看了蘇梅克—列維9號彗星與木星相撞。他們所有人肯定都存在這樣的疑問:“既然這可以發(fā)生在木星上,那么什么時候會發(fā)生在地球上呢?” 事實上,地球每年多次與彗星和流星擦肩而過。

3. 熱衷于深海釣魚的您是不是因沒有船而從未成行呢?如果是這樣的話,深藍船只租賃是您的選擇。

4. 據(jù)悉,一些被懸賞緝拿的恐怖分子在利比亞綁架了人質(zhì),而利比亞政府不愿意以武力將他們驅(qū)逐。

5. 拉斯維加斯一直引以為榮的是,即使美國經(jīng)濟受到大衰退的影響,這個賭城依然在繼續(xù)發(fā)展。但是后來,拉斯維加斯市長被迫承認,其實賭城的處境也非常艱難。

II. 1. A:你看那邊便利店前面的那個人。他像不像郵局懸掛的照片中的人?你知道的,就是警察懸賞捉拿的那幾個人中的一個。B:或許吧,但是我覺得一個被懸賞捉拿的人不會在眾目睽睽下站在這么繁忙的商店前的。

2. A:伙計!說到這次僥幸脫險!如果那塊鋼梁再向左偏一米,我們兩個可能就死了。B:可能。但是對于死我已經(jīng)不感到吃驚了,因為在這塊建筑工地工作期間,我有過多次死里逃生的經(jīng)歷。每次我成功逃生的時候,我都在想“肯定有人在保護我”。

3. A:或許這與我無關(guān),艾利森,但是我想問,你丈夫失業(yè)后你們的經(jīng)濟狀況如何?B:哦,我們正在經(jīng)歷這輩子的艱難時期,但是我們滿懷希望。布雷頓有許多有利條件,所以我們對未來非常有信心?,F(xiàn)在是有困難,但我們最終會好的。

4. A:想讓海倫娜生氣用不著費很大的勁。B:她很容易生氣?我還以為她只對我發(fā)脾氣呢。A:不是的,她非常容易生氣。再小的煩惱都可以讓她生氣。

5. A:我丈夫喜歡撿路邊的東西。跟他走在一起真尷尬。B:你覺得那很糟糕嗎?我跟我丈夫走在一起的時候,他喜歡盯著年輕的女人看。那才讓人大為惱火呢!


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