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LECTURE 85 基本動詞 HAVE 6





LECTURE 85 基本動詞 HAVE 6


1. have a screw loose 〔missing〕 *行為瘋癲,神經(jīng)不正常

解 俚語;詞義溯源:有一顆[螺絲釘(screw)][松開(loose)或丟失(missing)]

例 Everyday some man stops in front of our office window and stares at us. Then when somebody notices him, he starts dancing. Finally he salutes us, bows and walks away. Either he has a screw loose or he's just pretending to be insane to see if he can get a rise out of us .

2. have a snowball's chance in hell **沒有任何機會;沒有可能性

解 習語;詞義溯源:在地獄中有得到[雪球(snowball)]的機會;地獄通常被認為是水深火熱的地方,雪球是不可能存在的

例 At the end of the path there's a dangerous old wooden drawbridge that crosses over a deep canyon. To reach the camp, you have to cross it. If you try to go through the canyon instead, you have a snowball's chance in hell of surviving. It's even more treacherous down there.

3. have a soft spot in one's heart for sb. or sth. **喜歡

解 習語;詞義溯源:[在心底(in one's heart)]擁有對某人或某物的[好感或嗜好(soft spot)]

例 The notice sign states very clearly,“Do Not Walk On The Grass. ” The building manager put it there because many residents of a nearby apartment complex were walking across his grass to get home quicker. However, the building's security guard has a soft spot in his heart for school children and lets them walk on it without ever saying a word to them.

4. have a sweet tooth **酷愛甜食

解 習語;詞義溯源:擁有喜歡[甜的(sweet)]東西的[牙(tooth)]

例 Bill has a sweet tooth and eats candy all the time. His mother asks him to watch it, or he will really get fat.

5. have a thing about sb. or sth. **非常喜歡或討厭;對某人或某物有強烈的感情

解 習語;詞義溯源:對某人或某物有[想法、主張(thing)]

例 Our teacher seems to have a thing about personal hygiene. He's always perfectly groomed himself and if any student comes to class with dirty clothes or unkempt hair, he scolds them.


(A) has a screw loose

(B) have a snowball's chance in hell

(C) have a soft spot in their hearts for

(D) have a sweet tooth

(E) had a thing about

1. A: Mary Townsend? You? No way!You don't ______. Mary Townsend is not going to go anywhere with you, Bob. She only goes out with basketball or football players. B: You can think I'm certain to fail, but I know something about Mary nobody else does. She likes smart guys—like me.

2. A: I met with Mr. Lee from Hanjin Advertising. The guy acts a little crazy. When I entered his office, he was hanging upside-down on a bar suspend from the ceiling. His mind is definitely abnormal. B: Oh, don't worry about that. Everybody at Hanjin ______, but their ideas are nothing short of genius.

3. A: You seem to have particularly strong feelings about dining table etiquette. B: I got it from my father. He ______ proper manners at the table. He thought it was the ultimate mark of refinement.

4. A: All children have a strong attraction to candy and other sugary foods. As a parent, you have to make sure they're not eating too much of them. B: How about adults? Is it also normal for adults to ______?

5. A: Have you ever noticed how Prof. Beasley treats girls who have blonde hair? He gives them special attention and lets them get by with anything. B: He's just like most men in the world—they all ______ blondes. I'm especially fond of them myself and always treat them with special care and consideration—they're so beautiful!


1. (B)

2. (A)

3. (E)

4. (D)

5. (C)


I. 1. 有個人每天站在我們辦公室窗戶前盯著我們看。一旦有人看他,他就開始跳舞。最后還向我們敬禮、鞠躬,然后走開。他要么就是有點不正常,要么就是假裝有精神病,想和我們開玩笑。

2. 路的盡頭,有一座危險的木制老吊橋橫跨在深深的峽谷之間。要到達營地就必須通過這座橋。直接穿過峽谷的話,幾乎連存活的機會都沒有。下面甚至更危險。

3. 告示牌上寫得很清楚:“禁止踩踏草地?!贝髽墙?jīng)理之所以掛告示牌,是因為附近公寓的一些住戶為了早點回家,總是從草坪上穿過。但是,大樓的保安人員對小學生們非常偏愛,總是讓他們穿越草坪,一個字都不說。

4. 比爾酷愛甜食,總是吃糖果。他媽媽讓他注意這一點,不然一定會發(fā)胖。

5. 我們老師好像特別講個人衛(wèi)生。他總是穿得干干凈凈的,而且如果有學生穿著臟衣服或頭發(fā)蓬亂地來上學,他就會批評他們。

II. 1. A:瑪麗·湯森?你?不可能!你壓根就沒有機會?,旣悺豢赡芨闳ト魏蔚胤剑U勃。她只跟籃球運動員或者足球運動員約會。B:你可以認為我肯定會失敗,但是我知道一些別人不知道的瑪麗的事情。她喜歡聰明人——比如我。

2. A:我在漢津廣告公司見到了李先生。這個家伙的舉止有些瘋狂。我到他的辦公室時,他正倒掛在一根從天花板上懸下來的橫桿上。他的腦子肯定不正常。B:哦,別擔心。雖然漢津公司的人都有些不正常,但是他們的創(chuàng)意絕對是天才般的。

3. A:你好像對餐桌禮節(jié)有非常強烈的感情。B:我從我爸爸那里學來的。他很講究在餐桌上禮儀得當。他認為這是優(yōu)雅的基本體現(xiàn)。

4. A:孩子們都很喜歡糖果和其他甜食。作為家長,你得確保不讓他們吃太多。B:那成年人呢?成年人喜歡甜食也正常嗎?

5. A:你注意過比斯利教授如何對待那些金發(fā)女孩嗎?他對她們特別關注,并且她們做什么事都不會受懲罰。B:他跟世界上大多數(shù)男人一樣——偏愛金發(fā)女郎。我自己也非常喜歡她們,總是會對她們特別照顧——她們太漂亮了!


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