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LECTURE 114 基本動詞 MAKE 1





LECTURE 114 基本動詞 MAKE 1


1. make a beeline for sb. or sth. ** 徑直朝…走

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:按[直線、捷徑(beeline)] [向著(for)]某人或某物走;本詞組是從蜜蜂歸巢時沿直線返回引申而來的

例 FBI agents hid among a row of bushes near the house and waited. They figured whoever owned the drugs would eventually come to take them. Sure enough, only four hours later a man who was jogging past the house, stopped, looked around and then made a beeline for the bundle that was stuffed into an old garbage container.

2. make a break for sth. ** 迅速跑去,逃跑

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:[向著(for)]某物或某地做出[逃亡、逃跑(break)]

例 The boy was watching a worker clean the lion's cage when he noticed the cage door had come open and a lion was making a break for it. He ran over to the door and slammed it shut just as the animal reached it.

3. make a bundle 〔pile〕 * 賺大錢,發(fā)財

解 俚語;詞義溯源:賺得[大錢(bundle,pile)]

例 The world is full of people so busy trying to make a bundle that they forget how to find joy in the simple things in life such as family. They fill their days with the cares of their jobs and leave no time for relaxation and fun with their loved ones.

4. make a clean breast of sth. ** 坦白,和盤托出

解 習語;詞義溯源:產(chǎn)生對某物的[干凈的(clean)][心、想法(breast)]

例 The chief accounting officer for New York's largest mafia family is to publish a book through a publisher in which he will tell his story and why he decided to make a clean breast of his involvement in the family's crimes.

5. make a clean sweep of sth. / make a clean sweep ** 徹底清除,大規(guī)模整頓(人員等);(比賽等)獲得全勝

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:做出[徹底的(clean)][清掃、全勝(sweep)]

例 Police officers made a clean sweep of the gangs that have been terrorizing residents and business owners in the Overton Township District. Every known gang member was arrested or questioned.


(A) make a beeline for

(B) make a break for

(C) make a bundle

(D) make a clean breast of

(E) make a clean sweep

1. A: Don't expect to get a lot of money from this kind of business. The profits are really quite low in the restaurant business. The best you can hope for is to earn enough to live an average life. B: I know that. If I wanted to ______, I would have gone into medicine. I'm opening a restaurant because it's what I like to do.

2. A: You ought to ______ your guilt, Carl. Just confess to your brother and you'll feel a lot better—you'll relieve the burden that this is causing you. B: You're right, but I can't do it. I know I should, but I can't.

3. A: When my kids get home from school they rush directly to the television so they can watch Pleasant Sheep. How about your kids? B: You bet. They ______ the TV and don't do anything until the show is over.

4. A: I want three guards with the prisoner the whole time he's in the hospital. He has a history of quickly attempting to get to an exit where he can escape whenever he's taken to the hospital. B: If he tries to ______ the door, can we shoot him?

5. A: We have got to solve the problem everywhere it is present. To improve the office equipment at only several offices would not help us. We have to solve it completely— every office has to get new equipment. B: How much would it cost to ______?


1. (C)

2. (D)

3. (A)

4. (B)

5. (E)


I. 1. 聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局特工藏在房子附近的一排灌木叢中等待著。他們認為毒品的主人最終會來取走它們。果然,僅僅四個小時后,一名慢跑經(jīng)過這棟房子的男子停了下來,四處張望了一下,然后徑直走向那個被塞進舊垃圾桶的包裹。

2. 小男孩正在一旁觀看工人打掃獅子籠。突然,他發(fā)現(xiàn)籠子的門開了,一頭獅子想趁人不注意往外跑。他沖到門前,在獅子靠近之前猛地把門關上。

3. 世界上到處都是忙著賺大錢的人。他們已經(jīng)忘了如何從生活瑣事中尋找樂趣,比如家庭。他們整天只關心工作,不會騰出時間與他們愛的人一起放松和娛樂。

4. 紐約最大的黑手黨家族的首席會計主管將通過一家出版公司出版一本書,講述他的故事,以及他為什么決定將他所參與的黑手黨家族的犯罪活動和盤托出。

5. 警方徹底清除了一直威嚇歐弗頓市區(qū)居民和商家的幫派分子。所有已確定身份的幫派成員均被逮捕或調(diào)查。

II. 1. A:別指望靠這種生意賺很多錢。餐飲業(yè)的利潤非常低,最好的情況也就是賺到平均水平的生活費。B:我知道。要是我想賺大錢的話,我就從事醫(yī)藥行業(yè)了。我開餐廳是因為我喜歡這行。

2. A:你應該徹底坦白你的罪過,卡爾。向你哥哥坦白,你會感覺好很多——這么做能減輕一直困擾你的負擔。B:你說得對,但是我不能這么做。我知道我應該這么做,但是我做不到。

3. A:我的孩子們放學后,一回到家就直接跑到電視機前看《喜羊羊》。你的孩子們呢?B:確實是的。他們徑直來到電視機前,在節(jié)目演完之前,什么也不做。

4. A:犯人在醫(yī)院期間,我需要三名警衛(wèi)隨時警戒。之前每次送他去醫(yī)院的時候,他都想溜到出口處試圖逃跑。B:如果他試圖趁人不備從大門逃走,我們可以開槍嗎?

5. A:只要有問題,就得解決。只是改良幾間辦公室的辦公設備對我們沒有什么用。我們必須徹底翻新——每間辦公室都必須配備新設備。B:要徹底更換的話得花多少錢?


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