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LECTURE 115 基本動詞 MAKE 2





LECTURE 115 基本動詞 MAKE 2


1. make a comeback ** 東山再起,卷土重來;再度流行

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:做出[復出、重來、回歸(comeback)]

例 For many years the workers had gotten accustomed to calling their western managers by their first names, but nowadays the use of titles has made a comeback. Suddenly the man they called “Bob” is now “Mr. Gilbert” or “Manager Gilbert. ”

2. make a dent in sth. ** 初步完成;削弱;找到(事物等的)突破口

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:做出(產(chǎn)生)某件事的[初期進展、凹痕(dent)];通常用于否定句中

例 Restoration efforts on the Victorian-era opera hall damaged in the earthquake got underway last September, but the workers have still only made a dent in the work that needs to be done. “We're moving very slowly because we're afraid of cracking the structure's wood foundation if we try to stand it up straight again too quickly,” reported project chief Noland Ryan.

3. make a fast 〔quick〕 buck * 暴富,輕松賺錢

解 俚語;詞義溯源:迅速賺得[一筆錢(buck)]

例 The Gold Rush of 1849 was brought on by rumors of gold just waiting to be harvested in California. Men (and many women too) made a beeline for the area around San Francisco in hopes of making a quick buck. Rather making a bundle , most came away empty-handed and were forced to take jobs as low-paid daily laborers.

4. make a federal case out of sth. / make a big deal about sth. * 夸大其說,小題大做

解 俚語;詞義溯源:使某事成為[聯(lián)邦級別的(federal)][事例、問題、事件(case)]或使某事成為[了不起的事、大事(big deal)]

例 Oh, don't make such a big deal about it. All he said was that you ought to consider wearing better clothing to the party. He wasn't trying to insult you.

5. make a fuss over sb. or sth. ** 抱怨,大聲吵鬧;過分關(guān)心

解 習語;詞義溯源:[對于(over)]某人或某物制造[公然吵架、鬧場(fuss)]

例 If you're going to insist on making a fuss over it, you're going to ruin the fun for everybody. Just forget it, Tom. Wear whatever you want to wear to the party—it doesn't matter. But, to tell the truth, you should wear something nicer.


(A) make a comeback

(B) made a dent in

(C) make a fast buck

(D) making a federal case out of

(E) make a fuss over

1. A: He only took one piece of chewing gum from you! You want to call the police about that? Oh come on, you're ______ this. B: I don't think so. Stealing is stealing no matter how small the amount is. I'm not exaggerating the seriousness of this problem. He's a thief!

2. A: Keep your old clothes. Don't you know fashions that are once popular and then become unpopular always become popular again after a few years? So hold onto them. B: But I really doubt these old “tank tops” are ever going to ______.

3. A: These car dealers are only interested in getting money quickly and easily without having to work hard and honestly for it. B: It's the customers' fault though. If they were more diligent in shopping around and demanding a fair price, the dealers couldn't ______.

4. A: People ______ their pet dogs but walk right past the homeless person who lives on the street. It's a sad commentary on our society. B: Yeah, they pay so much special attention to their dog's every need but won't even give their fellow man enough to buy a meal. Did you know that some people pay ¥50. 00 for a can of food for their dog? It's disgusting.

5. A: Any progress on repairing the electrical wiring of your old house? B: We've made a little progress, but we still have a lot to do. A: Well, at least you've ______ it. Getting started is the hardest part.


1. (D)

2. (A)

3. (C)

4. (E)

5. (B)


I. 1. 許多年來,員工們已經(jīng)習慣了稱呼那些來自西方的經(jīng)理的名字,但現(xiàn)在頭銜的使用再度興起。以前人們稱呼“鮑勃”,現(xiàn)在突然變成了“吉爾伯特先生”或“吉爾伯特經(jīng)理”。

2. 在地震中受損的維多利亞時期的歌劇院已于去年九月開始修復,但是這項工作目前還在初期階段。項目主管諾蘭·瑞安表示: “我們之所以進展緩慢,是因為我們擔心如果太倉促地把它樹立起來的話,可能會造成歌劇院木質(zhì)地基的斷裂?!?

3. 1849年的“淘金熱”源于在加利福尼亞州發(fā)現(xiàn)大量黃金的謠言。男人們(也有許多女人)來到舊金山附近的區(qū)域,希望能夠輕松賺錢。但大多數(shù)人不僅沒有賺到錢,反而兩手空空地離開,并且被迫成了按日計酬的廉價勞動力。

4. 哦,別小題大做了。他只是覺得你去參加派對時應該考慮穿得講究點。他并非想侮辱你。

5. 如果你因為這件事而一直抱怨的話,會毀掉大家的興致的。別再想了,湯姆。你想穿什么去參加派對就穿什么——沒關(guān)系。但是,老實說,你確實應該穿得漂亮點。

II. 1. A:他只是從你這里拿了一塊口香糖而已!你為這就想報警嗎?得了吧,你這是小題大做。B:我可不這么認為。盜竊就是盜竊,與數(shù)量無關(guān)。我并沒有夸大問題的嚴重性。他就是個小偷。

2. A:把你的舊衣服留著。你不知道嗎?一度流行后不流行的時裝,通常會在幾年之后再度流行的。所以,把它們都留著。B:但我真的懷疑這些舊的吊帶衫能否再度流行起來。

3. A:這些汽車經(jīng)銷商想不用靠努力工作和誠信就能輕松快速地賺錢。B:這就是顧客的問題了。如果他們在購物時花點心思,要求價格公平的話,經(jīng)銷商也就不可能輕松賺錢了。

4. A:人們過分關(guān)心他們的寵物狗,卻對住在大街上的流浪者視而不見。真是社會的悲劇。B:是啊,這些人太過關(guān)注寵物狗的需求,卻不肯幫助其他人買一頓飯。你知道嗎?有的人花50元給狗買一罐狗糧。真是令人厭惡。

5. A:你老房子的電線修理得怎么樣了?B:有一些進展,但是還有很多工作要做。A:很好,至少已經(jīng)取得了進展。萬事開頭難。


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