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LECTURE 150 基本動詞 STAND 2





LECTURE 150 基本動詞 STAND 2


1. stand in for sb. / stand in ***暫時代替;(在電影中)做替身

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[代替(for)] 某人站在里面;stand-in表示“替身”

例 What a frustrating job it must be to have to memorize the whole script, go through all the practices and attend every performance, but never get to perform. How can you bear to be the “second” to another actress? You've been doing this for three years and you've never once had to stand in for her.

2. stand in one's way **擋路;妨礙,阻礙

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:站在某人正在走的[路(way)]中間

例 You shouldn't let this stand in your way. You love each other and that's what matters most. I know it hurts you to know that you are not able to produce your own child, but you have to get over the hurt and think about the future. Adoption can give you the family you want.

3. stand on one's own two feet **獨立自主

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[用(on)]自己的雙腳站立;參照get back on one's feet

例 There's nothing to be ashamed of, Chris. You don't have to feel ashamed to ask us to help you get back on your feet . We're your parents—that's what we're here for. Let us help you stand on your own two feet again.

4. stand 〔hold〕 one's ground **堅持立場,不退讓

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:堅持自己的[地盤、立場、意見(ground)]

例 Iwill not put up with boys wearing earrings in this school. I've allowed the long hair, the blue jean and sneakers they like to wear, but earrings is going too far. I'm putting my foot down and banning earrings before our school loses all appearances of discipline. And don't bother to argue this—I'll stand my ground.

5. stand out ***引人注目,脫穎而出

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:站[出來(out)]

例 If there's one building in all of Seoul that you can say without a doubt stands out, it's the so-called “Yuk Sam Building,” which translates to “the 63 building. ”


(A) stand in for

(B) stand in my way

(C) stand on our own two feet

(D) stand my ground

(E) stands out

1. A: Though I'm strongly opposed to this marriage, don't worry about me doing something to prevent you from doing what you want to do. I'll respect your right to choose who you want to marry. B: Thanks, Dad. But I want more than a promise that you won't ______. I want to hear you say you'll stand behind me.

2. A: Your request is reasonable. I'd ______ if I were you. You're worth a $70,000 annual salary and the company knows it. Don't yield. B: You're saying the same thing my wife said, so I guess it's true. She told me to remain firm too.

3. A: This is the last year our company will receive financial support from the Victron Group. After this year, we'll have to ______. No more depending on the group to keep us alive. B: When you say that, you sound like you don't want to be independent. Personally, I'm overjoyed that we will not be dependent on anybody else.

4. A: He's an outstanding young man. He's so much better than the other. B: Yes, he certainly ______. His elder brother was an excellent basketball player too. I guess it runs in the family .

5. A: Mr. Jenkins. Excuse me sir, but Mr. Harley just called and asked me to ask you to ______ him at the board meeting. He's not able to be there. B: God damn it. This is the third time in this month he's made me do this for him because he couldn't be there.


1. (B)

2. (D)

3. (C)

4. (E)

5. (A)


I. 1. 要記整個劇本,要做所有的練習(xí),要參加每次演出,卻從來不能上臺,真是一份令人沮喪的工作。你怎么能忍受當(dāng)別的女演員的 “后備”呢?你都干了三年了,卻從來沒代替她登過臺。

2. 別被這件事阻礙。你們相愛,這才是最重要的。我知道不能生孩子對你們的傷害有多大,但是你們要克服這個傷害,考慮考慮未來。收養(yǎng)一個孩子也能給你們一個理想的家庭。

3. 沒什么好慚愧的,克里斯。讓我們幫你從頭再來,你不必感到羞恥。我們是你的父母——這便是我們存在的意義。讓我們幫你重新站穩(wěn)腳跟吧。

4. 我不能忍受這所學(xué)校的男孩子戴耳環(huán)。我已經(jīng)允許他們留長頭發(fā)、穿他們喜歡的藍色牛仔褲和運動鞋,但是戴耳環(huán)就太過分了。趁我們學(xué)校紀(jì)律嚴(yán)明的形象還沒被毀,我會堅持我的立場,禁止戴耳環(huán)。這件事就不用爭論了——我堅持我的立場。

5. 如果在首爾的所有建筑當(dāng)中,你能毫不猶豫地說出一棟顯著的建筑,那就是“Yuk Sam Building”,翻譯成“63大廈”。

II. 1. A:盡管我強烈反對這場婚事,但不用擔(dān)心我會做什么來阻止你做你想做的事情。我尊重你選擇跟誰結(jié)婚的權(quán)利。B:謝謝,爸爸。但是,我不僅想聽到你許諾不會阻礙我,更想聽到你說你會支持我。

2. A:你的要求非常合理。如果我是你的話我也會堅持自己的立場。你應(yīng)該得到7萬美元的年薪,公司也知道這一點。別放棄。B:我妻子也是這么說的,所以我想你說得對。她也讓我保持堅定的立場。

3. A:今年是我們公司最后一次獲得維克特朗集團的資助。以后,我們將不得不自力更生,不再依賴集團生存。B:你這么說,聽起來好像你并不想獨立。就我個人而言,對于我們終于不用再依賴任何人,我感到非常高興。

4. A:他是個出色的年輕人,比其他任何人都強。B:是的,他當(dāng)然非常杰出。他哥哥也是一位優(yōu)秀的籃球運動員。我想這是他們家的遺傳。

5. A:詹金斯先生。很抱歉,哈里先生剛剛給我打過電話,讓你代替他參加董事會議。他去不了了。B:討厭。這是這個月第三次他因為無法參加而讓我替他去了。


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