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LECTURE 151 基本動詞 STAND 3





LECTURE 151 基本動詞 STAND 3


1. stand sb. up / stand up sb. / stand up ***放(某人的)鴿子,失約

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[向上(up)]樹立某人或使某人[向上(up)]站立

例 When it became obvious that the German officers were not going to show up, we made a beeline for headquarters to report that we had been stood up. Colonel Jones wasted no time in ordering the attack on Wiesbaden to continue. They'd used our goodwill once again to rest and fortify their positions.

2. stand to reason **合乎道理

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[合乎(to)][緣由、道理(reason)] 站立;常用于句型It stands to reason that...中

例 While it does stand to reason that the use of compact fluorescent lamps would reduce the undeniably horrendous amount we spend on electricity each month, I want to keep the traditional lights we're now using. They offer a softer, more natural atmosphere to our office.

3. stand up and be counted **公開表明自己的態(tài)度,公開陳述己見

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:站[起來(up)][被計數(shù)(be counted)];參照come out for sb. or sth.

例 Attention All Freshmen: The dean of student affairs has decided all first-term freshmen living in the dormitory will be subject to a 12:00 AM (midnight) curfew. If you strongly oppose this decision, come to the student government meeting of Friday at 3:00 PM in conference room 123-C in the administration building. Stand Up and Be Counted!

4. stand up for sb. or sth. ***支持;辯護;堅持

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[支持、偏袒(for)]某人或某物[向上(up)]站立

例 You really embarrassed me today, Chang Yuan. I know you had to stand up for your rights, but you could have done it without making a scene in the cafeteria. Wouldn't it have been better if you'd asked the guy to step outside with you?

5. stand up to sb. or sth. ***抵抗;經(jīng)受得住

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[對著(to)]某人或某物[向上(up)]站立;stand up against sb. or sth. 表示 “抵抗,反抗”

例 Yeah, probably, but he made me so angry that I couldn't control myself. Who does he think he is taking my chair while I was getting our drinks? He thinks he can get by with anything because of his size. Somebody had to stand up to him.


(A) stand...up

(B) stand to reason

(C) stand up and be counted

(D) stand up for

(E) stood up to

1. A: We've remained silent for a long time because we didn't want to offend Mr. Crowley by opposing him. But now the time has come for us to make our opinions known—they've been unheard for too long. B: If you want to ______, go ahead —but don't expect me to join you. I still respect Mr. Crowley and even though I don't agree with him, I'll keep my opinions to myself as long as he's our chairman.

2. A: By offering them a helping hand, they'll see we mean them no harm, doesn't that ______? B: Yes, it is logical—in most cases. However, people there are very proud. An offer of help would very likely be viewed as an insult.

3. A: You didn't say or do anything to defend yourself against his attacks? B: How could I? If I had ______ him, he'd surely have crushed me. The man was at least two times bigger than me.

4. A: If we don't ______ human rights, who will? B: Nobody. We're the only ones with the strength to defend the rights of people against the attacks. Without our support...

5. A: She didn't meet you as she promised she would? My God, how many times are you going to let her ______ you ______ like that? I'd tell her to get lost if I were you. A girl who breaks appointments isn't worthy of you. B: You're right, but she's so beautiful and sweet that I forgive her every time.


1. (C)

2. (B)

3. (E)

4. (D)

5. (A)


I. 1. 當(dāng)確定德方官員不會來之后,我們直接到總部報告我們被放鴿子了。瓊斯上校立刻命令繼續(xù)對威斯巴登進行攻擊。他們再一次利用了我們的善意,讓他們得到休息,鞏固陣地。

2. 使用緊湊型熒光燈照明當(dāng)然可以減少我們每個月龐大的電費開支,但我還是想繼續(xù)使用傳統(tǒng)照明設(shè)備。因為傳統(tǒng)照明設(shè)備為我們的辦公室營造了更柔和、更自然的氛圍。

3. 所有新生請注意:學(xué)工部主任決定,往宿舍的所有新生在第一學(xué)期必須遵守晚上12點(午夜)熄燈的規(guī)定。如強烈反對,請于周五下午3點到辦公樓123-C會議室開會。公開表明自己的態(tài)度!

4. 常遠,你今天真讓我尷尬。我知道你不得不維護自己的權(quán)利,但是你沒有必要在食堂當(dāng)眾大吵大鬧。你把那個人叫出去解決不是更好嗎?

5. 是,可能是。但是他令我很氣憤,我控制不住自己。他以為他是誰啊,可以在我去取飲料時,占我的座位?他以為他塊頭大就能為所欲為啊。就得有人敢于反抗。

II. 1. A:很長時間以來,我們一直保持沉默,是因為我們不想因反對而冒犯克勞利先生。但是現(xiàn)在我們該表明自己的態(tài)度了——已經(jīng)太久沒有人傾聽我們的意見了。B:如果你想公開表明自己的態(tài)度,那就說吧——不過別指望我會跟你站在同一條戰(zhàn)線。我仍然尊敬克勞利先生,即使我和他的意見不一致,只要他還是我們的主席,我就將保留意見。

2. A:只要伸出援手,他們將發(fā)現(xiàn)我們無意傷害他們,這難道不合情理嗎?B:是的,在多數(shù)情況下合乎情理。但是,那兒的人很驕傲,向他們提供幫助很可能會被視為一種侮辱。

3. A:你沒有說些什么或者做些什么來抵御他的攻擊嗎?B:那怎么能???如果我抵抗,他肯定會把我揍扁。他的塊頭至少比我大兩倍。

4. A:如果我們不維護人權(quán),誰來維護呢?B:沒有別人。我們是唯一有能力維護人權(quán)免受攻擊的人。如果沒有我們的支持……

5. A:她沒有遵守承諾去見你嗎?我的天哪,你想讓她放你多少次鴿子???如果我是你,我會叫她滾。總是食言的女孩不值得你這樣。B:你說得對,但是她那么漂亮,那么可人,我每次都能原諒她。


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