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LECTURE 164 基本動詞TAKE 13





LECTURE 164 基本動詞TAKE 13


1. take into account sb. or sth. / take sb. or sth. into account ** 考慮,斟酌

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某人或某事做[考慮、思考(account)]

例 Did you realize that when you take into account the amount of money we had to spend on travel just to complete the negotiation with Golden Press of Singapore, the cost of this publishing contract increases by $50,000? We'll have to include that in the expense report.

2. take sb. or sth. by surprise ** 使某人受驚;突襲

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[突然間、不知不覺間(by surprise)]對付(搶奪、獲得)某人或某物

例 In a pre-dawn raid on a house in the quiet suburb of Crestview Hills, local police and FBI agents arrested five men and one woman for the manufacture of cocaine. The officers found the six sound asleep inside the miniature laboratory they had set up. “We obviously took them by surprise,” said Officer Ted.

3. take sb. or sth. for granted ** 認為…理所當然

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某人或某事不感激而是認為其[理所當然(granted)]

解 “Nothing is Taken For Granted” is the motto of the elite team of mechanics, engineers and technicians who prepare the nation's space shuttles for launch. “We check and double check everything,” says Marsha Tram, senior fuel line engineer. “We assume nothing. ”

4. take sb. or sth. over / take over sb. or sth. *** 接收,接管;采用

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:拿[過(over)]某人或某物

例 Notice: Effective May 16, 2011, Mr. Song Hui will take charge of the Purchasing Department. Before he takes over, a full audit will have to be done. The date of the audit will be announced later this week.

5. take sb. or sth. wrong ** 誤會

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[錯誤地、不正確地(wrong)]認為某人或某事

例 Please don't take it wrong, Mr. Zorn. Of course your donation to the hospital was the largest, and we truly appreciated it. It's just that our hospital's policy is to list all donors by alphabetical order, so as to show we appreciate everybody's generosity equally.


(A) take into account

(B) took...by surprise

(C) take...for granted

(D) take over

(E) take...wrong

1. A: This is your last week as manager here, isn't it? How do you feel? B: A little worried actually. I'm worried about Charles. I don't think he's ready to ______ my duties. I'm afraid he's going to...A: Don't worry. When he becomes responsible for it after you leave the job, he'll learn quickly.

2. A: Tom's announcement that he was going to get married really ______ us ______. My god, he's only 19 years old. The announcement was so sudden, totally unexpected— we had no idea he was thinking about marrying Lisa. B: Kids have a way of doing things when you least expect them to.

3. A: Your plan sounds great, except for one important factor which you've forgotten to ______: how are you going to keep the guard from pushing the robbery alarm button? B: No, I've considered that too and decided it doesn't matter. By the time the police arrive, we'll be gone. I've included that into my consideration.

4. A: Let me know occasionally that you appreciate all the things I do for you. You just assume I'll do them without you ever showing you appreciate it. B: What? Do you think I ______ you ______, Mom? A: Yes! You get the benefit of my help but never show that you are grateful.

5. A: You're getting upset because you misunderstood what he said. Calm down. B: I don't think so. I didn't ______ him ______. He intentionally offended me.


1. (D)

2. (B)

3. (A)

4. (C)

5. (E)


I. 1. 你有沒有想過,如果把去新加坡金色出版社談判的差旅費考慮在內(nèi),這個出版合同的費用就會增加5萬美元?我們得把它列入開支報告。

2. 當?shù)鼐胶吐?lián)邦調(diào)查局特工凌晨突襲了克雷斯特維尤山渺無人煙的郊區(qū)的一棟房屋,抓捕了制造可卡因的五名男子和一名女子。警方發(fā)現(xiàn)他們時,他們正在自己建造的小型實驗室中熟睡?!帮@然,我們出其不意,”特德警官說。

3. “凡事不能想當然”是為國家航天飛機項目工作的機械師、工程師和技術(shù)人員組成的精英團隊的座右銘?!拔覀儗γ恳粋€環(huán)節(jié)進行檢查和復(fù)查,”高級燃料管線工程師瑪莎·特蘭說,“我們從來不想當然?!?

4. 通知:自2011年5月16日起,宋輝先生將負責(zé)采購部。他在接管之前,需要開展一次全面的審計。審計時間將在本周晚些時候公布。

5. 佐恩先生,別誤會。您對醫(yī)院的捐款當然是最多的,我們真的非常感謝您。不過,按字母順序列出所有捐助者,以表示我們對每個人的慷慨援助都同樣感謝,這只是我們醫(yī)院的政策。

II. 1. A:這是你在這里擔任經(jīng)理的最后一周,是吧?你感覺怎么樣?B:事實上,我有些擔心。我擔心查爾斯。我覺得他還沒有準備好接手我的工作。我擔心他將……A:別擔心。等你離開后由他負責(zé)時,他很快就能學(xué)會。

2. A:湯姆宣布要結(jié)婚的消息確實讓我們大吃一驚。我的天哪,他才19歲。這個通知太突然了,完全出乎我們的意料——我們沒有想到他要娶莉薩。B:孩子做事的方式是你們最料想不到的。

3. A:你的方案聽起來很好,但有一個重要因素你忘記考慮在內(nèi)了:你怎么阻止保安按下?lián)尳賵缶粹o?B:不,我也已經(jīng)考慮過了,覺得沒什么關(guān)系。等警察趕到的時候,我們已經(jīng)離開了。我已經(jīng)考慮過了。

4. A:偶爾也讓我知道你感激我為你所做的一切吧。你只是覺得就算你不表示謝意我也會做這一切。B:什么?媽媽,您覺得我把這當做理所當然的嗎?A:是的!你從我的幫助中受益,但是從來沒有表現(xiàn)出謝意。

5. A:你之所以生氣,是因為你誤解了他的話。消消氣。B:我可不這么認為。我沒有誤會他,是他故意冒犯我。


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