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LECTURE 165 基本動詞TAKE 14





LECTURE 165 基本動詞TAKE 14


1. take one's breath away ** 使某人大為驚訝或感動

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[持續(xù)地、不斷地(away)]搶奪某人的[氣息、呼吸(breath)]

例 If it's breathtaking views you want, what better place than the Hilton Hotel at Paragini Peak to have your company's functions? And you thought our award-winning service was the only thing that could take your breath away at the Hilton? Call or fax the Hilton Paragini Peak today. 932-5585.

2. take sb. to task ** 責(zé)備,批評

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:用[苦難(task)]對待某人

例 Go ahead and hang your signs up, but when the factory foreman finds them you're going to have hell to pay . He doesn't take kindly to workers hanging up notices about the rights of laborers. He'll most definitely take you to task for it, and maybe even fire you.

3. take sb. to the cleaners * (賭博中)贏走(某人)所有的錢;使(某人)破產(chǎn)

解 俚語;詞義溯源:像[洗衣店(cleaners)]洗衣服一樣,把某人的財物搶奪干凈

例 Seoul Metropolitan Police has gone on television with warnings about dubious business schemes that prey on unsuspecting young couples. “The schemes usually involve the couple investing a very small amount and then receiving a 30% return in a matter of weeks,” the broadcast explained. “Then the couple is asked to invest more and more until in the end they are taken to the cleaners. ”

4. take sb. under one's wing 〔wings〕 ** 庇護

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將某人收容在(護在)某人的[羽翼(wing)]之[下(under)]

例 There's nothing wrong—in fact it's very proper—for a political party like ours to take an organization like Women's Equal Rights under our wing. Without a large and powerful organization standing behind them, the WER will certainly fail and this country will have missed out on an opportunity to...

5. take sb. up on sth. / take up sb. on sth. *** 接受(邀請、提案、挑戰(zhàn)等)

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:[對于(on)]某事讓某人坐在[上方(up)]

例 Looking back on my years at the university, I can see now that I should have taken Daryl up on his offer to let me join him in his cable television productions company he wanted to start in California. I just wasn't brave enough to take a shot at something with an uncertain future.


(A) takes...breath away

(B) take...to task

(C) take...to the cleaners

(D) take...under his wing

(E) take...up on

1. A: I remember the first time I ever flew in an airplane. We climbed above the clouds and I could see the sun on the horizon. Wow, it was so amazing, so beautiful, so astonishing that I couldn't say anything. B: I think that sight ______ everybody's ______ the first time they see it.

2. A: How long is the construction ministry going to stand by and let these cement suppliers charge us whatever they want? They're causing us to lose so much money that many small builders will have to go bankrupt soon. B: I'm afraid there's nothing the government can do. A: So you're just going to let them ______ us ______?

3. A: If you're not willing to criticize and argue with the police chief for things he does wrong, he'll think he's been given a free rein and do whatever he wants in this town. I'm warning you, you'd better get up enough nerve to ______ him ______ or...B: I've tried reproving him. He just laughs at me. What else can I do?

4. A: My wife says as soon as she's had a baby, she wants to ______ you ______ that trip to Ski Resort. B: I'd be delighted if the two of you accepted the offer I've made you.

5. A: John's advantage in this company is the fact that Mr. Worley protects him and takes care of him all the time. He'll go far because of that. B: Why did Mr. Worley ______ him ______?


1. (A)

2. (C)

3. (B)

4. (E)

5. (D)


I. 1. 如果您想欣賞壯觀的風(fēng)景,還有什么地方能比帕拉吉尼山頂?shù)南栴D酒店更能滿足您公司的需要呢?而且,難道您覺得只有備受贊譽的服務(wù)才是希爾頓唯一可以讓您大吃一驚的特色嗎?現(xiàn)在就致電或發(fā)傳真至帕拉吉尼山頂?shù)南栴D酒店:932-5585。

2. 快,把你們的簽名掛起來,但是如果被工廠的工頭發(fā)現(xiàn)了,你們的下場會很慘。他對那些掛橫幅要求勞動者權(quán)利的工人可不會客氣。他很有可能找你們的麻煩,甚至可能把你們開除。

3. 首爾都市警察局在電視上發(fā)出警告,讓大家小心可疑的商業(yè)計劃,這些商業(yè)計劃專門詐騙沒有戒備心的年輕夫婦?!巴ǔG闆r下,這些商業(yè)計劃慫恿年輕夫婦進行小額投資,在幾周后獲得30%的回報,”電視報道中解釋道,“之后,年輕夫婦被要求進行越來越多的投資,直到最后破產(chǎn)。”

4. 沒錯——像我們這樣的政黨將婦女平等權(quán)利這樣的組織拉入自己旗下實際上是非常合適的。沒有強有力的龐大組織的支持,婦女平等權(quán)利組織肯定會失敗,這個國家將失去機會……

5. 回想起上大學(xué)的日子,我現(xiàn)在發(fā)現(xiàn),當(dāng)初我應(yīng)該接受達(dá)里爾的邀請,去他要在加州成立的有線電視生產(chǎn)公司工作。當(dāng)時我只是沒有足夠的勇氣去嘗試前景不明確的事情。

II. 1. A:我記得我第一次乘坐飛機時的情景。我們在云上飛行,我能看到地平線上的太陽。哇,太美了,太漂亮了,太令人驚訝了,我都說不出話來了。B:我覺得那樣的景色能讓所有第一次看到它的人大吃一驚。

2. A:建設(shè)部還能袖手旁觀多久,任由那些水泥供應(yīng)商們漫天要價?他們讓我們損失了太多的資金,許多小型建筑公司很快就會破產(chǎn)。B:我覺得政府無能為力。A:所以,就任由他們逼我們破產(chǎn)嗎?

3. A:如果你不愿意批評警察局長做錯的事情,不與他爭論,他就會認(rèn)為他有無限的權(quán)力,可以在這個城鎮(zhèn)為所欲為。我警告你,你最好鼓足勇氣批評他,否則……B:我曾經(jīng)試著責(zé)備他。他只是嘲笑我。我還能怎么辦?

4. A:我的妻子說等她生完孩子,她想接受你的建議,去滑雪度假村旅游。B:如果你們兩個都能接受我的邀請,我會非常高興的。

5. A:約翰在這個公司的優(yōu)勢在于,沃利先生時刻保護和照顧他。他會因此而失去分寸的。B:可沃利先生為什么要庇護他呢?


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