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LECTURE 166 基本動詞TAKE 15





LECTURE 166 基本動詞TAKE 15


1. take a load off one's feet * 躺下;休息

解 俚語;詞義溯源:從某人的腳上拿[開(off)][擔(dān)子(load)]

例 At about 4,800 meters you'll find an open cabin for climbers to use as a resting place. It's a good place to have your meal, take a shower or just take a load off your feet for a while. It used to be rather battered, but last year the Mountain Men's Club did it up and it's quite nice now.

2. take sth. at face value ** 根據(jù)外表(或表面價值)判斷

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:按其[表面的意思、表面價值、面額(face value)]考慮

例 While it would be nice if we could just take their claims that everything is okay down there at face value, I'm inclined to send a team of experts to Santiago to see the nuclear reactor firsthand. I need to get a handle on the extent of the damage and what effect it's going to have on the rain forest.

3. take sth. in stride ** 從容處理

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[泰然地、從容地(in stride)]處理

例 Aprinter that requires a slap on its side to get it started, office lights that blink on and off all day long, the piercing sounds of construction outside and a boss who never gets off her case —she takes all of these bothers in stride and goes about her business of keeping that office running.

4. take sth. lying down ** 甘于忍受,俯首帖耳地屈從

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:要甘心接受[必須經(jīng)歷的(lying down)]事情

例 I'm not about to take this lying down! If you think for one moment you can treat me this way and get by with it, you have another think coming . I'm taking my complaint to the grievance committee first thing tomorrow morning. You can't treat me like this!

5. take sth. the wrong way / take sth. amiss ** 誤解,見怪

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把某事[錯誤地、不當(dāng)?shù)兀╝miss)]認(rèn)為是另一件事或[錯誤地(the wrong way)]理解某事

例 Iknow you like to do your own thing , so I hope you won't take it the wrong way when I tell you that there's a group called Alcoholics Anonymous that might be able to help you. I'm not saying I don't believe you can't get over this addiction on your own. I'm just saying they can help.


(A) take a load off your feet

(B) take...at face value

(C) took it in stride

(D) taking...lying down

(E) take...the wrong way

1. A: We could help him—you know, maybe pay for his schooling or something. B: But I'm afraid that if we offered, he'd misunderstand our intentions and think we were insulting him because he's poor. We have to be careful. A: Oh, come on. We've known him for three years now. Surely he wouldn't _____ it ______.

2. A: You ought to be ashamed. How can you let them treat you unfairly without complaining or resisting? B: I did complain. A: Bullshit!You're ______ this ______.

3. A: The board of directors have sent him to the Dallas office. They say it's a promotion, but I think they're putting him out to pasture —retiring him. B: I'll ______ their statement ______, and you should too. Just accept what they say or do without thinking about it or trying to analyze the true meaning behind it—you'll survive longer with this company if you do.

4. A: Most would be upset by a customer like him. You ______. B: What do you mean? A: Dealing with him calmly, sensibly—as though he weren't a problem at all. Most people would have had difficulty dealing with that rude man.

5. A: Please, ______. You've been standing all day. B: Thank you very much. This is the first time I've sat down all day.


1. (E)

2. (D)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (A)


I. 1. 在約4800米處,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)一個開放的小屋,這是供登山者休息的場所。它是登山者吃飯、洗澡和坐下來歇腳的好地方。它過去非常破舊,但是去年登山人俱樂部對它進(jìn)行了維修,現(xiàn)在非常不錯了。

2. 他們聲稱那邊情況好,如果我們僅僅接受他們的聲明固然好,但是我更傾向于派出一隊專家去圣地亞哥親自查看核反應(yīng)堆。我需要掌握破壞的程度,以及這將對雨林產(chǎn)生什么影響。

3. 打印機需要在側(cè)面拍一下才能工作,辦公室的燈光整天閃爍,外面的建筑工地聲音刺耳,還有從不讓她清閑的老板——她對這一切泰然處之,讓辦公室正常運行。

4. 我不會善罷甘休的!如果你一度認(rèn)為這樣對待我還可以逃避懲罰的話,那你就大錯特錯了。我明天一早就向工人委員會申訴。你不能這樣對待我!

5. 我知道你想做你自己的事,所以我希望,當(dāng)我告訴你有個叫匿名戒毒會的團(tuán)體也許能幫助你時,你別誤會我。我不是說我不相信你能靠自己克服毒癮,我只是說他們能提供幫助。

II. 1. A:我們能幫助他——你知道,支付他的學(xué)費或其他的什么。B:但是我怕如果我們主動幫助他,他會誤會我們的用意,認(rèn)為我們看他窮而侮辱他。我們必須小心謹(jǐn)慎。A:哦,別瞎說。我們認(rèn)識他三年了,他肯定不會誤會我們。

2. A:你應(yīng)該覺得慚愧。你怎么能任由他們這么不公正地對待你,而不報怨、不反抗呢?B:我抱怨了。A:胡說!你甘愿忍受。

3. A:董事會把他派到達(dá)拉斯辦事處去了。他們說這是晉升,但是我覺得他們這是想讓他辭職——解雇他。B:我只是根據(jù)他們說話的表面意思來做出判斷,你也應(yīng)該這樣。接受他們的所作所為,不用去思考或分析背后的真實原因——這樣你才能在公司待得更久。

4. A:大多數(shù)人會因為像他這樣的顧客而生氣,你卻泰然自若。B:什么意思?A:冷靜、明智地對待他——就好像他根本不是個問題。大多數(shù)人很難應(yīng)付像他這樣粗魯?shù)娜恕?

5. A:請休息一會兒。你已經(jīng)站了一整天了。B:非常感謝。這是我今天第一次坐下。


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