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新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)讀寫教程第二冊(cè)u(píng)nit4-b Experiences in Exile




Section B

Experiences in Exile

We are in Montreal, in an echoing, dark train station, and we are squeezed together on a bench waiting for someone to give us some guidance. Eventually, a man speaking broken Polish approaches us, takes us to the ticket window, and then helps us board our train. And so begins yet another segment of this longest journey — all the longer because we don't exactly know when it will end, when we'll reach our destination. We only know that Vancouver is very far away.
The people on the train look at us indirectly, and avoid sitting nearby. This may be because we've brought suitcases full of dried cake, canned sardines, and sausages, which would keep during the long journey. We don't know about dining cars, and when we discover that this train has such a thing, we can hardly afford to go there once a day on the few dollars that my father has brought with him. Two dollars could buy a bicycle, or several pairs of shoes in Poland. It seems like a tremendous sum to pay for four bowls of soup.
The train cuts through infinite territory, most of it flat and boring, and it seems to me that the ceaseless rhythm of the wheels is like scissors cutting a three-thousand-mile rip through my life. From now on, my life will be divided into two parts, with the line drawn by that train.
After a while, I shrink into a silent indifference, and I don't want to look at the landscape anymore; these are not the friendly fields, the farmyards of Polish countryside; this is vast, tedious, and formless. By the time we reach the Rockies, my parents try to make me look at the spectacular landscapes we're passing by. But I don't want to. These peaks and valleys, these mountain streams and enormous rocks hurt my eyes; they hurt my soul. They're too big, too forbidding, and I can't imagine feeling that I'm part of them, and that I'm in them. I retreat into sleep; I sleep through the day and the night, and my parents can't shake me out of it. My sister, perhaps recoiling even more deeply from all this strangeness, is ill with a fever and can hardly raise her head.
On the second day, we briefly meet a passenger who speaks Yiddish. My father enters into a dynamic conversation with him and learns some entertaining tales. For example, there's the story of a Polish Jew who came to Canada and became prosperous (he's now a millionaire!) by producing Polish pickles. Pickles! If one can make a fortune on that, well — it shouldn't be hard to achieve prosperity in this country. My father is excited by this story, but I retreat into an even more determined silence. "Millionaire" is one of those words from a fairy tale that has no meaning to me whatsoever — like the words "emigration" and "Canada." In spite of my parents' objections, I go back to sleep, and I miss some of the most magnificent scenery on the North American continent.
By the time we've reached Vancouver, there are very few people left on the train. My mother has dressed my sister and me in our best clothes — identical navy blue dresses with sailor collars and gray coats. My parents' faces reflect anticipation and anxiety. "Get off the train on the right foot," my mother tells us. "For luck in the new life."
I look out of the train window with a heavy heart. Where have I been brought? As the train approaches the station, it's a rainy day, and the platform is nearly empty. Everything is the color of gray. From out of this grayness, two figures approach us — an unremarkable middle-aged man and woman — and after making sure that we are the right people, the arrivals from the other side of the world, they embrace us; but I don't feel much warmth in their half-embarrassed embrace. "You should kneel down and kiss the ground," the man tells my parents. "You're lucky to be here." My parents' faces fill with a kind of simple hope. Perhaps everything will be well after all.
Then we get into an enormous car — yes, this is North America — and drive into the city that is to be our home.
Words: 720


n. 1. [U] being sent away from one's native country or home, esp. for political reasons or as a punishment 放逐,流放,流亡
2. [C] a person who lives away from his own country by choice or because he is forced to 自己選擇或被迫居留國(guó)外的人
vt. send sb. into exile 放逐, 充軍

vi. (of places) repeat a sound 發(fā)出回聲, 產(chǎn)生回響
vt. (of places) send back (an echo) (指地方)發(fā)回聲
n. [C] reflection and repetition of a sound from a wall or inside space 回音,回聲

n. [U] guiding or being guided; direction 引導(dǎo);領(lǐng)導(dǎo),指導(dǎo)

n. [C] a place to which sb. or sth. is going or being sent 目的地

ad. 1. in a direct line or way; straight 直接地, 一直地, 直截了當(dāng)?shù)?br /> 2. very soon or at once 立刻, 立即, 馬上

ad. not going in a straight line 間接地

n. [C] 沙丁魚

n. [C, U] 香腸,臘腸

vt. eat dinner 吃飯,進(jìn)餐

a. 1. very large 巨大的,極大的
2. very good; excellent 很好的,非常好的

a. without limits; endless 無(wú)限的,無(wú)窮的

n. 1. [C, U] (area of) land under the control of a ruler, country, city, etc. 領(lǐng)土,領(lǐng)地,版圖
2. [C, U] area ruled by one person, group or animal and defended against others 領(lǐng)域,勢(shì)力范圍

a. uninteresting; dull 無(wú)趣的;令人厭煩的

n. [U] stop; end 停止,終止
v. end; stop 停止

a. not stopping; without end 不停的,連續(xù)的,無(wú)休止的

n. (pl.) 剪刀

vi. 1. move back or from sb./sth., esp. through fear or not liking 退縮,畏縮
2. become smaller, esp. because of water or heat or cold (尤指因受潮、受熱或受冷)收縮;縮小
vt. cause sth. to become smaller 使收縮,使縮小

n. 1. [C] scenery of an area of land 陸上風(fēng)景
2. [C] a view or picture of the countryside 風(fēng)景畫

a. tiring, because of being too long, slow or dull; boring 冗長(zhǎng)的,沉悶的;乏味的

a. making a very fine display or show 壯觀的,場(chǎng)面富麗的

n. [C] a small river 小溪,川,河
vi. flow or move as a stream, pour out 流(出), 涌(出)

vt. order sb. not to do sth. 不許,禁止

vi. move back because of fear or not liking 退卻,退縮,畏縮

a. 1. having a lot of ideas and excitements; with much energy 精力充沛的,有活力的
2. of power or forces that produce movement 動(dòng)力的
n. (sing.) force that produces change, action, or effects 產(chǎn)生變化、行動(dòng)或影響的力量

a. successful, esp. financially 成功的,繁榮的,興盛的

n. [C] a person who has a million pounds, dollars, etc.; a very rich person 百萬(wàn)富翁,大富豪,大財(cái)主

n. [C, U] 腌菜,泡菜

n. [U] state of being successful or rich 繁榮,昌盛,成功

n. [C] an imaginary being which looks like a small person with wings and has unnatural powers 仙女,仙子

ad. whatever(用在no+名詞、nothing、none的后面,以加強(qiáng)語(yǔ)氣)任何

vi. leave one's own country to go and live in another (自本國(guó))移居它國(guó)

n. [U, C] leaving a country and going to live in another one 移民,移居(外國(guó))


n. 1. [C, U] (expression of a) feeling of not liking 厭惡,異議,反對(duì)
2. [C] a reason for objecting 反對(duì)的理由

a. 1. very beautiful; striking 壯麗的,宏偉的
2. very good 極好的

n. 1. [U] general natural qualities of an area, e.g. mountains, rivers, forests 景色,風(fēng)光,風(fēng)景
2. [U] equipment used on a theatre stage as the place of action 舞臺(tái)布景,道具

a. 1. similar in every detail 一模一樣的,完全相同的
2. the same 同一的

n. [C] a person who works on a ship; seaman 水手,海員

gray (英grey)
a. 1. of the color between black and white 灰色的,灰白的
2. cloudy with little light 陰沉的,昏暗的
n. [U, C] the color between black and white 灰色

a. (of a day, period, etc.) on or in which much rain falls; (of sky, weather, etc.) bringing much rain (指某日、某時(shí)期)多雨的,雨水連綿的;(指天空、天氣)下雨的,陰雨的,多雨的

a. worthy of attention; striking, unusual 值得注意的,引人注目的,不尋常的

a. not worthy of attention; usual 不值得注意的,不顯著的,平凡的

n. [C] an act of embracing 擁抱
vt. 1. take (a person, etc.) into one's arms as a sign of liking 擁抱
2. (of things) include 包含,包括

n. 1. [U] liking; kindness 熱情,熱烈
2. [U] state of being warm 溫暖,溫和

vi. go down on one or both knees; rest on the knee(s) 跪下,跪倒


all the longer
so much longer 更長(zhǎng)

be full of
holding or containing as much or as many as possible 滿的,充滿……的,裝滿……的

know about (sth)
have knowledge of sth. 知道有關(guān)……的情況

bring with (sth)
come carrying sth. 拿來(lái),取來(lái),帶來(lái)

pay for
give money for 付給,付款

divide into
(cause sth. to) break into parts 劃分,分割,分開

make a fortune
make a large amount of money 發(fā)財(cái)

dress sb. in
put clothes on sb. 給……穿衣服

with a heavy heart
unhappy 心情沉重,不開心

make sure
find out whether sth. is so 查明,證實(shí),了解清楚

after all
in spite of what has been said, done or expected 究竟,終究,畢竟






    我們到了蒙特利爾,呆在一個(gè)嘈雜的、黑暗的火車站里, 緊緊地?cái)D在一起 坐在一條長(zhǎng)凳上,等著有人來(lái)給我們帶路。 終于,一個(gè)操著洋涇浜的波蘭語(yǔ)的人走了過來(lái),把我們帶到了售票處,并幫我們登上了火車。 這樣就開始了我們經(jīng)歷過的最漫長(zhǎng)的旅程中的又一段路程 --說(shuō)它漫長(zhǎng),是因?yàn)槲覀兗炔荒艽_切地知道它究竟什么時(shí)候才是個(gè)盡頭,也不知道我們何時(shí)才能到達(dá)目的地。 我們只知道溫哥華離我們十分遙遠(yuǎn)。
    車上的人不正面看我們,而且還回避著不和我們坐在一起。 這也許是因?yàn)槲覀儙еb滿干硬糕點(diǎn)、罐頭沙丁魚和香腸的手提箱的緣故。這些食物在漫長(zhǎng)旅途中不會(huì)變質(zhì)。 我們對(duì)餐車一無(wú)所知,而且當(dāng)我們發(fā)現(xiàn)這輛列車上有這樣一個(gè)地方時(shí),爸爸隨身帶來(lái)的那幾塊美元幾乎還不夠我們一天去那里吃一次。 在波蘭,2美元可買一輛自行車或幾雙鞋子。買四碗湯要花上四美元,這可是一筆不小的錢。
    列車飛快地穿過茫茫無(wú)際的大地 -- 大部分土地平坦,但令人感到厭煩。對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō),車輪不間斷地發(fā)出的有節(jié)奏的聲音就象一把剪刀,咔嚓咔嚓地在我的生命長(zhǎng)河中剪出了一條長(zhǎng)達(dá) 3.000 英里的口子。從今以后,我的一生將被劃分成兩個(gè)部分,這列火車的行程劃出了其中的分界線。
    過了一會(huì)兒,我蜷縮成一團(tuán),一聲不啃,對(duì)什么都不感興趣,我再也不想看窗外那些景色了。這些田地不象波蘭農(nóng)村的農(nóng)家場(chǎng)院那樣令人感到親切友好。 這片土地廣闊、單調(diào)、雜亂。 當(dāng)我們駛近落基山脈時(shí),我父母想叫我看看我們外面的壯麗景色。 但是我不想看。這些山峰和峽谷、山中小溪和巨大巖石不但刺痛了我的眼睛,而且還刺痛了我的心。 它們太巨大了,令人生畏,很難設(shè)想我會(huì)感到我是他們中的一部分、而且還身在其中。 我又蒙頭睡覺,從早睡到晚,連父母都無(wú)法把我從睡夢(mèng)中搖醒。 也許是因?yàn)楦胪笸丝s、遠(yuǎn)離所有這一切陌生的東西,我妹妹發(fā)熱生病了,幾乎連頭都抬不起來(lái)。
    次日,我們遇上了一個(gè)說(shuō)依地語(yǔ)的人。 我父親則和他進(jìn)行了一次熱烈的談話,聽到了一些讓人感到開心的故事。 例如, 有一個(gè)波蘭籍的猶太人來(lái)到加拿大,通過腌制波蘭泡菜而發(fā)了財(cái)!(他現(xiàn)在是個(gè)百萬(wàn)富翁?。?泡菜!假如一個(gè)人能靠它發(fā)大財(cái),那么在這個(gè)國(guó)家發(fā)財(cái)致富應(yīng)該是不難的。 我爸爸聽了這個(gè)故事感到興奮不已,而我則越發(fā)往后退縮,更加下定決心保持沉默。 象"移民"和"加拿大"這兩個(gè)詞一樣,"百萬(wàn)富翁"對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)只是童話故事詞匯中的一個(gè)沒有任何意義的詞而已。 盡管我父母反對(duì),我又蒙頭大睡,因此我錯(cuò)過了北美大陸上一些最壯觀的景色。
    到溫哥華的時(shí)候,車上只剩下稀稀拉拉的幾個(gè)人。 我母親給我和我妹妹穿上了我們最好的衣服 -- 兩人的衣服是一樣的-- 都是有水手領(lǐng)的海軍藍(lán)裙子和灰色外套。 我父母臉上流露出期待和焦急的神情。 "為了在新生活中交好運(yùn)。" "下車用右腳先著地。" 母親囑咐我們。
    我心情沉重地朝火車窗外望去。 我被帶到了哪里? 火車駛近車站時(shí), 天正在下雨,月臺(tái)上幾乎空無(wú)一人。 一切東西都蒙上了一層灰色。 有兩個(gè)人影從這一片灰色中走近我們 -- 一個(gè)不起眼的中年男子和一個(gè)女人。 在確認(rèn)我們正是他們要找的、從世界的另一邊來(lái)的人后,他們擁抱了我們。 但是我們并沒有在他們有點(diǎn)局促不安的擁抱中感到多少溫暖。 那個(gè)男人對(duì)我父母說(shuō): "你們應(yīng)該跪下來(lái),親吻這里的土地,因?yàn)槟軄?lái)這里是你們的運(yùn)氣。" 我父母臉上洋溢著一種純真而質(zhì)樸的希望。 也許最終一切都真的會(huì)好起來(lái)。
    然后我們上了一輛大轎車 -- 是呀,這就是北美 -- 接著就馳進(jìn)了那座城市,那座城市將是我們的家。


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