3、與將來事實相反或實 現(xiàn)的可能性不大的虛擬語 氣;
212. A:If you were to miss the party, you would be sorry for it.;如果你錯過這次聚會, 你一定會后悔的。
B:Forget it, I go to a different party every night. This one is not so special!;算了吧,每晚我都去不同 的聚會,這次有什么特別
4、虛擬語氣中if的省略 (條件句倒裝);
213. A:Were you in my position, you would do the same. B:I'm not that stupid!;如果你是我的話,你也會 這么做的。 我可沒那么蠢!
5、虛擬語氣的錯綜時間 條件從句與主句所表示的 時間不一致);
214. A:If Jack had taken my advice, he would feel much better now.;如果杰克一早聽了我的勸 告,他現(xiàn)在就會感覺好得 多。
B: What makes you so sure of that? Your advice never helped me;你憑什么這么肯定?你的 勸告從來就對我沒幫助!
215. A: How did your husband know my salary;你丈夫怎么知道我的薪水 的?
B:If he knew this, it would have had to be by accident.;如果他知道,那一定是無 意中知道的。
6、I wish…中的虛擬語氣 216. A:I wish I had a car.;我希望我有一輛車。 (我要是有輛車就好了。
B:I do too, I hate taking the bus every day!;我也是,我討厭每天乘公 共汽車!
217. A:I wish I had passed the exam. B:You should have worked harder.;我希望我考試沒有不及格 (我要是考試及格就好了 你應該更努力學習的。
【瘋狂奉獻】 下面再給大家送上五段對 話,讓你一舉突破I wish 句型及虛擬條件句!;
(1)A:You know, I wish I knew my neighbors.;你知道,我希望我認識我 的鄰居。
7、…as if/ though…中的 虛擬語氣;
218. A:He talks as if he had known John since boyhood.;他說起來好象小時候就認 識約翰了。
B:But the truth is, they only met each other a few days ago.;但其實他們幾天前才認識
219. A:The child talks as if she were a grownup.;那孩子說話的樣子好象她 是個大人。
B:I know, she is very smart.;我知道,她很聰明。
【六星級句子大奉獻】 ☆It was as if a huge piece of chocolate had been melted down.;目擊者描述美國世貿中心 大廈倒塌情形)就象是一塊巨大的巧克力被熔化一 樣。
8、虛擬語氣在that引導 的主語從句中的用法;
220. A:It is no wonder that she (should) be angry with you.;難怪她這么生你的氣了。
B:Why? All I did was call her the wrong name.;為什么?我只不過是叫錯 了她的名字。
A: But it was your wedding day!;但這可是你的結婚的大日 子!
9、虛擬語氣在that引導 的賓語從句中的用法;
221. A:I demanded that I (should) be allowed to call my lawyer.;我要求允許我打電話給我 的律師。
B:Your lawyer can't help you now. You're going to jail.;你的律師現(xiàn)在可幫不上忙 ,你得坐牢。
10、虛擬語氣在that引導 的表語從句中的用法;
222. A:My suggestion is that we should tell him. B:Are you crazy?;我的建議是,我們應該告 訴他。 你瘋了嗎?
11、虛擬語氣在that引導 的同位語從句中的用法;
223. A:Do you agree to his suggestion that we go to Beijing instead of Shanghai?;你同意他的建議,去北京 而不去上海嗎?
B:No, I don't like Beijing! I want to go to Shanghai.;不,我不喜歡北京。我想 去上海。
12、It's time (that)… 中的虛擬語氣;
224.A:It's time we left. B:Are you sure you can't stay any longer?;我們是時候走了。 你們真的不能再呆久一點 嗎?
225. A:It's time you got serious about learning English.;你是時候認真對待英語學 習了。
B: I know. I'm working on it.;我知道。我正在努力呢。
226. A: It's high time we left. If we don't hurry, we'll be late.;我們應該動身了。如果不 快點兒,我們就要遲到了
B: Quit nagging me! I know what time it is!;別再那兒嘮嘮叨叨了!我 知道幾點了!
李陽老師的話 我和外國朋友在一起的時 候,"It's time (that)" 這個句型簡直是太有用了;
(1)It's time you went to bed.;你該上床睡覺了。
(2)It's time you realized how much China has changed.;你該認識到中國變化有多 大了。
(3)It's time you tried some authentic Chinese food.;你該試一些地道的中國食 物了。
(4)It's time we got started. (5)It's time we got down to business.;我們該出發(fā)了。 我們該談談正事了。
(6)It's time I began to think seriously about my career.;我該認真地考慮一下我的 事業(yè)了。
(7)It's time you thought seriously about moving to China.;你該認真考慮一下搬來中 國住了。
(8)It's time you treated your health seriously.;你應該認真對待你的健康 問題了。
教師常用 "It's high time"是美國 老師最喜歡的句型!每天 都要說數十遍!;
9)It's high time you started paying more attention in class and less attention to girl;你應該上課認真聽講,少 看點女孩子了。
(10)It's high time you took your schoolwork more seriously.;你是時候更認真對待你的 功課了。
Graduation is right around the corner!;畢業(yè)就快臨近了。
(11)It's high time you stopped fooling around You're not a little kid anymore.;你是時候停止到處閑逛了 。你已經不是個小孩子了
(12)It's high time the government did something about the employment problem.;政府應該著手解決失業(yè)問 題了。
(13)A: It's high time you took me out to dinner. You never take anywhere.;你該帶我出去吃飯了。 你從來不帶我出去。
B:You're such an ungrateful woman. No wonder I never take you anywhere.;你真是個不知感激的女人 難怪我從來不帶你去任何 地方了。
(14)A: It's high time you took out the garbage for a change.;你該換換我把垃圾拿出去 了。
B:What are you talking about? I always take out the garbage.;你在說什么?一直都是我 倒垃圾。
(15)Your brother has been living with us for two months now without working.;你弟弟跟我們一起住了兩 個月了,無所事事。
It's high time he found a job.;他是時候找份工作了。
瘋狂找感覺 "It's high time"等于中 文的"現(xiàn)在是應該立刻做;
某事的時候了"或"現(xiàn)在是 應該采取行動的時候了"!;
【額外奉獻】 (16)It's time that China entered the WTO.;中國是時候加入世貿了。
(17)It's time you learned how to take care of yourself.;你是時候自己照顧自己了
(18)It's time we went home. (19)It's time you went to bed.;到我們回家的時候了。 你該上床睡覺了。
(20)It's time you minded your behavior. (21)It's high time we left for the party.;你是時候/應該注意你的 行為了。 我們是時候出發(fā)去聚會了
(22)It's high time you grew up. (23)It's about time we had dinner.;你是時候長大了(象個大 人了)。 我們是時候吃飯了。
下面是我的一段簡易人生 故事,主要是用來說明語 法的重要性!;
My Life Story By Li Yang;
I was born in a poor family in Jiangsu. I grew up with my grandparents.;我出生在江蘇一個貧困的 家庭。 我跟著外公外婆一起長大
Because my parents chose to work in Xinjiang;因為我父母大學畢業(yè)后志 愿去了新疆工作,
to serve the country right after they graduated from university.;為國家效力。
My mother just came back to Jiangsu to give birth to me,;我母親只是回到江蘇生下 了我,
and then returned to Xinjiang.;就又回新疆去了。
My parents were busy working everyday.;我父母每天都忙于工作。
They were very devoted to their country. They had no time for me.;他們將全身心獻給了國家 他們沒有時間照顧我。
I was an extremely shy and introverted child. I had no confidence in myself at all.;我那時是個極端害羞和內 向的小孩子。 我對自己一點信心都沒有
I was ashamed of my appearance. I was a terrible student.;我為自己的外表感到羞愧 我是個很糟糕的學生。
I had few friends. My mother beat me severely.;我?guī)缀鯖]有任何朋友。 我母親打我打得很重。
So I hated her very much. I wanted to hit her back.;所以我非常恨她。 我想回手打她。
But I didn't dare. Because I had nowhere else to go.;但我不敢。 因為我沒有別的地方可去
I wanted to be good. But I just didn't how. I wanted to be excellent.;我想表現(xiàn)好點。 但我不知道怎么辦。 我想成為優(yōu)秀的人。
I wanted to be successful. I wanted to do something great.;我想成功。 我想做一些偉大的事。
I had big dreams. But I had no one to help me! No one could teach me.;我也有遠大的夢想。 但我找不到人幫我。 沒人能教我。
I was really lonely. I didn't know whom to turn to.;我那時非常孤獨。 我不知道該去找誰。
My parents simply didn't like me and didn't understand me.;我父母就是不喜歡我, 也不了解我。
My childhood was a nightmare. I felt so bad about myself.;我的童年是個惡夢。 我對自己感覺很糟。
Even now I don't like to think about it.;就算是現(xiàn)在我也不愿回想 起我的童年。
My life was like this for ten years.;我的人生就這樣過了十年
Things only started to change when I decided to learn English in 1988.;只是到了1988年我下決心 學英語時,我的生活才開 始改變。
I created my own way of learning English. I called it Crazy English.;我創(chuàng)造了我自己的一套學 英語的方法。 我把它稱之為瘋狂英語
Crazy English totally changed my life. In the past ten years,;瘋狂英語完全改變了我的 人生。 在過去的十年中,
I've been travelling all over China to promote this method of learning English.;我走遍全中國推廣這種學 習英語的方法。
It has helped millions of people. It has changed countl- ess people's lives.;它幫助了成百上千萬的人 它改變了無數人的人生。
I'm sure it will change your life too.;我相信它也一定會改變你 的人生。
How I wish I had been born into a different family.;我多希望我是出生在一個 不同的家庭。
How I wish my parents had known how to raise kids.;我多希望我父母懂得怎樣 培養(yǎng)孩子。
How I wish I had met a great teacher when I was young.;我多希望我年輕時候能遇 上一個偉大的老師。
How I wish I had had someone to turn to for advice when I was puzzled.;我多希望那時當我迷惘時 能有人給我以指點。
That's why I'm determined to devote all my life to real education!;這就是我決心獻身真正的 教育事業(yè)的原因!
I'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure other people;我將用我的余生幫助別人
don't have to struggle the way I did.;擺脫我所經歷過的痛苦。
I don't care about being famous. I don't care about making money.;我不在乎我是否出名。 我不在乎我是否賺錢。
I only care about helping others. I only care about improving myself.;我只在乎能幫到別人。 我只在乎能提高我自己。
I will make a difference in this world!;我要讓這世界有所不同 但我知道我還有很長的路 要走。
But I know I still have a long way to go.;請加入我的行列,
Please join me to give our kids the best education possible.;給我們 的孩子們最好的教育。
Improving yourself, transcending yourself!;提高自我,超越自我!
Helping other people, influencing other people!;幫助他人,影響他人!
This is our goal. This is our destiny. This is our mission. This is our life.;這是我們的目標。 這是我們的命運。 這是我們的使命。 這是我們的人生。
My Life Story By Li Yang;
I was born in a poor family in Jiangsu. I grew up with my grandparents.;我出生在江蘇一個貧困的 家庭。 我跟著外公外婆一起長大
Because my parents chose to work in Xinjiang;因為我父母大學畢業(yè)后志 愿去了新疆工作,
to serve the country right after they graduated from university.;為國家效力。
My mother just came back to Jiangsu to give birth to me,;我母親只是回到江蘇生下 了我,
and then returned to Xinjiang.;就又回新疆去了。
My parents were busy working everyday.;我父母每天都忙于工作。
They were very devoted to their country. They had no time for me.;他們將全身心獻給了國家 他們沒有時間照顧我。
I was an extremely shy and introverted child. I had no confidence in myself at all.;我那時是個極端害羞和內 向的小孩子。 我對自己一點信心都沒有
I was ashamed of my appearance. I was a terrible student.;我為自己的外表感到羞愧 我是個很糟糕的學生。
I had few friends. My mother beat me severely.;我?guī)缀鯖]有任何朋友。 我母親打我打得很重。
So I hated her very much. I wanted to hit her back.;所以我非常恨她。 我想回手打她。
But I didn't dare. Because I had nowhere else to go.;但我不敢。 因為我沒有別的地方可去
I wanted to be good. But I just didn't how. I wanted to be excellent.;我想表現(xiàn)好點。 但我不知道怎么辦。 我想成為優(yōu)秀的人。
I wanted to be successful. I wanted to do something great.;我想成功。 我想做一些偉大的事。
I had big dreams. But I had no one to help me! No one could teach me.;我也有遠大的夢想。 但我找不到人幫我。 沒人能教我。
I was really lonely. I didn't know whom to turn to.;我那時非常孤獨。 我不知道該去找誰。
My parents simply didn't like me and didn't understand me.;我父母就是不喜歡我, 也不了解我。
My childhood was a nightmare. I felt so bad about myself.;我的童年是個惡夢。 我對自己感覺很糟。
Even now I don't like to think about it.;就算是現(xiàn)在我也不愿回想 起我的童年。
My life was like this for ten years.;我的人生就這樣過了十年
Things only started to change when I decided to learn English in 1988.;只是到了1988年我下決心 學英語時,我的生活才開 始改變。
I created my own way of learning English. I called it Crazy English.;我創(chuàng)造了我自己的一套學 英語的方法。 我把它稱之為瘋狂英語
Crazy English totally changed my life. In the past ten years,;瘋狂英語完全改變了我的 人生。 在過去的十年中,
I've been travelling all over China to promote this method of learning English.;我走遍全中國推廣這種學 習英語的方法。
It has helped millions of people. It has changed countl- ess people's lives.;它幫助了成百上千萬的人 它改變了無數人的人生。
I'm sure it will change your life too.;我相信它也一定會改變你 的人生。
How I wish I had been born into a different family.;我多希望我是出生在一個 不同的家庭。
How I wish my parents had known how to raise kids.;我多希望我父母懂得怎樣 培養(yǎng)孩子。
How I wish I had met a great teacher when I was young.;我多希望我年輕時候能遇 上一個偉大的老師。
How I wish I had had someone to turn to for advice when I was puzzled.;我多希望那時當我迷惘時 能有人給我以指點。
That's why I'm determined to devote all my life to real education!;這就是我決心獻身真正的 教育事業(yè)的原因!
I'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure other people;我將用我的余生幫助別人
don't have to struggle the way I did.;擺脫我所經歷過的痛苦。https:// tony chen.co.cc
I don't care about being famous. I don't care about making money.;我不在乎我是否出名。 我不在乎我是否賺錢。
I only care about helping others. I only care about improving myself.;我只在乎能幫到別人.我只在乎能提高我自己。
I will make a difference in this world!;我要讓這世界有所不同 但我知道我還有很長的路 要走。
But I know I still have a long way to go.;請加入我的行列,
Please join me to give our kids the best education possible.;給我們 的孩子們最好的教育。
Improving yourself, transcending yourself!;提高自我,超越自我!
Helping other people, influencing other people!;幫助他人,影響他人!
This is our goal. This is our destiny. This is our mission. This is our life.;這是我們的目標。 這是我們的命運。 這是我們的使命。這是我們的人生。