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> 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 > 李陽(yáng)瘋狂英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)突破之突破語(yǔ)法 >  第5篇





7、that引導(dǎo)的賓語(yǔ)從句 159. A:I think that Kim is a good teacher.;我認(rèn)為Kim是個(gè)好老師。

B:You can say that again!;你說(shuō)的沒錯(cuò)。

8、whether/if引導(dǎo)的賓 語(yǔ)從句;

160.A:Do you know if Jim went there last night?;你知不知道吉姆昨晚有沒 有去那兒?

B:Sure, I saw him there acting like a big shot.;當(dāng)然,我看見他在那兒, 活象個(gè)大人物似的。

(1)A:Can you tell me if/whether anybody here found a black wallet?;你能告訴我這兒有沒有人 發(fā)現(xiàn)一只黑色的錢包?

B:I'm not really sure. Why don't you ask the manager?;我不太清楚。你為什么不 問(wèn)經(jīng)理?

She can tell you if/whether anybody here found a black wallet.;她能告訴你這兒是否有人 發(fā)現(xiàn)黑色的錢包。

(2)A:Can you tell me if/whether I have the flu?;你能告訴我我是不是得了 感冒?

B:I'm not really sure. Why don't you ask Dr.;我不太清楚。 你為什么不問(wèn)貝爾先生?

Bell? He can tell you if/whether you have the flu.;他能告訴你你是否得了感 冒。

(3)A:Do you know if/whether we are almost there?;你知道我們是不是就快到 了?

B:I'm not really sure. Why don't you speak to the flight attendant?;我不太清楚。你為什么不 問(wèn)空中服務(wù)員?

She can tell you if/ whether we are almost there.;她會(huì)告訴你我們是不是就 快到了。

(4)A:Do you by any chance know;你是不是剛好知道

if/whether there is going to be an English exam tomorrow?;明天是否有英文測(cè)驗(yàn)?

B:I'm not really sure. Why don't you ask Mr.;我不太清楚。 你為什么不問(wèn)帕克先生?

Parker? He can tell you if/whether there is going to be an English exam tomorrow.;他能告訴你明天是不是有 英文測(cè)驗(yàn)。

9,疑問(wèn)詞引導(dǎo)的賓語(yǔ)從句 161. A:I wonder what Kim has planned for tonight.;我想知道Kim今晚準(zhǔn)備做 什么。

B:Beats me. You should ask her out.;我不知道,你應(yīng)該請(qǐng)她出 去。

【額外奉獻(xiàn)】 (1)A:Do you know when the plane to Chicago leaves?;你知道去芝加哥的班機(jī)幾 時(shí)起飛嗎?

B:I'm sorry.I don't know.You should ask the ticket agent.;對(duì)不起,我不知道。你應(yīng) 該問(wèn)售票代理人。

He can tell you when the plane to Chicago leaves.;他會(huì)告訴你去芝加哥的班 機(jī)幾時(shí)起飛。

(2)A:Could you please tell me what is today's homework assignment?;你能告訴我今天的家庭作 業(yè)是什么嗎?

B:I'm sorry. I don't know. You should ask the teacher.;對(duì)不起,我不知道。你應(yīng) 該去問(wèn)老師。

She can tell you what is today's homework assignment.;她會(huì)告訴你今天的家庭作 業(yè)是什么。

(3)A:Do you by any chance know how much this TV costs?;你是否剛好知道這臺(tái)電視 要多少錢?

B:I'm sorry. I don't know. You should ask the salesman.;對(duì)不起,我不知道。你應(yīng) 該問(wèn)售貨員。

He can tell you how much this TV costs.;他可以告訴你這臺(tái)電視要 多少錢。

(4)A:Do you know where my mother went?;你知道我媽去了哪里?

B:I'm sorry. I don't know. You should ask the police officer over there.;對(duì)不起,我不知道。你應(yīng) 該問(wèn)那邊的警察。

He can tell you where your mother went.;他會(huì)告訴你你媽去了哪里

(5)A:Do you have any idea how long Mr. And Mrs. Lane have been living here?;你知道蘭茵先生和太太在 這里住了多久嗎?

B:I'm sorry. I don't know. You should ask the superintendent.;對(duì)不起,我不知道。你應(yīng) 該去問(wèn)管理員。

He can tell you how long they have been living here.;他會(huì)告訴你他們?cè)谶@兒住 了多久。

(6)A:Do you by any chance know why I was fired?;你是否剛好知道我為什么 被炒魷魚?

B:I'm sorry. I don't know. You should ask the boss.;對(duì)不起,我不知道。 你應(yīng)該去問(wèn)老板。

He can tell you why you were fired.;他會(huì)告訴你為什么炒了你

10,that引導(dǎo)的同位語(yǔ)從 句;

162. A:The rumor that there'll be a company merger soon spread.;公司將要合并的謠言很快 就傳開了。

B: I'm sure it did. People in our company love to gossip.;我想是的。我們公司的人 就喜歡說(shuō)閑話。

11、whether引導(dǎo)的同位 語(yǔ)從句;

163. A: We haven't decided the question whether he is capable or not.;我們還沒有明確他到底有 沒有能力。

B:The only way to decide is to give him a chance and see what he can do.;唯一的辦法是給他個(gè)機(jī), 看他能做些什么。

第十五章 狀語(yǔ)從句 1、時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句;

164. A: When I get my big raise, I'm going to buy a Mercedes Benz;等我加了薪,我就買部奔 馳。

B:Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.;小雞還沒孵出來(lái),先別忙 著數(shù)有幾只。

165. A:When are you going to come see my new house?;你什么時(shí)候來(lái)看看我的新 房子?

B:I will come when I have time.;我有時(shí)間就會(huì)來(lái)。

166. A:Are you ready for the exam today?;你今天的考試準(zhǔn)備好了嗎

B:No. While I was studying last night, I fell asleep.;沒有,我昨晚學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)候 睡著了。

【三最短文突破語(yǔ)法】 Friday the 13th (1) Yesterday was Friday the 13th.;13號(hào)星期五 (1)昨天是13號(hào)星期五。

Many people believe that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day.;很多人相信13號(hào)星期五是 個(gè)非常倒霉的日子。

I, myself, didn't thi- nk so…until yesterday.;我自己可不這么想……直到 昨天為止。

(2) Yesterday I cut myself while I was shaving,;(2)昨天我刮胡子的時(shí)候 割傷了自己,

then I had an accident while I was driving to work.;然后開車上班的時(shí)候又出 了個(gè)事故。

My wife burned herself while she was cooking breakfast.;我太太煮早飯的時(shí)候把自 己給燙傷了。

My son poked himself in the eye while he was putting on his glasses.;我兒子戴眼鏡的時(shí)候戳傷 了眼睛。

Our daughter spilled soup all over herself while she was eating dinner.;我女兒做晚飯的時(shí)候把湯 灑到她一身。

Both our children hurt themselves while they ere playing outside.;我們兩個(gè)孩子在外面玩的 時(shí)候都弄傷了自己。

And we all got wet paint all over ourselves;而當(dāng)我們坐在街道對(duì)面的 公園里,

while we were sitting in the park across the street.;我們都沾上了沒干的油漆

(3) I'm not usually superstitious, but yesterday was a VERY unlucky day.;(3)我通常并不迷信,但 昨天實(shí)在運(yùn)氣太不好了。

So, the next time it's Friday the 13th, do yourself a favor! Take care of yourself.;所以,下一次碰到星期五 又是13號(hào)的時(shí)候,幫自己 一個(gè)忙吧!照顧好你自己

【額外成就感】 superstitious ☆A(yù):I'm not very superstitious,;我不是很迷信,

but I do think it's bad luck to walk underneath a ladder.;但我覺得在梯子下走路運(yùn) 氣不好。

B:Of course you don't have to be superstiti- ous to think that.;你不用迷信也可以這么想

If you walk under a ladder and a hammer falls on your head it is really bad luck!;如果你在梯子下走路,有 把錘子掉下來(lái)砸在你頭上 那就真的運(yùn)氣不好了。

167. A:Do I hear your new boss singing? B:He always sings as he works.;我是不是聽到你的新老板 在唱歌? 他總是一邊唱歌一邊工作

168.A:I want you to take out this garbage! B:I'll do it after I finish this work.;我想你把垃圾拿出去。 我干完這件工作就會(huì)做的

169. A: How long have you lived in this apartment?;你在這套公寓里住多久了

B:I've lived here since I came to this city.;自從我來(lái)到這城市,我就 一直住在這兒。

170. A:Do you want to leave that package for Mr. Li?;你想把那個(gè)包裹留給李先 生嗎?

B:I'll wait till he arrives and give it to him in person.;我會(huì)等到他來(lái)親手給他。

2、地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)從句 171. A:I can't believe you saved enough money to go abroad!;我真不敢相信,你居然存 了足夠的錢去國(guó)外!

B:Where there is a will, there is a way.;有志者事竟成。

172. A:She follows him wherever he goes. B:I know, she is just like his shadow.;他去哪兒,她就跟到哪兒 我知道,她就象他的影子 一樣。

3、條件狀語(yǔ)從句 173. A:If you use your head, you'll find a way.;你要?jiǎng)觿?dòng)腦筋,就會(huì)想出 辦法的。

B:Thanks for your advice, but I know that.;多謝忠告,我自然知道。

174.A:You will not pass the examination unless you study hard.;你要不努力學(xué)習(xí)的話, 考試就通不過(guò)了。

B:I know that. I just don't have enough time to study.;我知道,我只是沒有足夠 的時(shí)間學(xué)習(xí)。

Too Bad!;太糟了

Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, but he knows he shouldn't.;羅納德今晚想晚點(diǎn)睡,看 一出電影。但他知道他不 應(yīng)該這么做。

If he stays up late to watch a movie, he won't get to bed until after midnight.;如果他晚點(diǎn)睡看電影的話 他就要到后半夜才能睡覺

If he doesn't get to bed until after midni- ght, he'll probably be very tired in the;如果他到后半夜才睡覺, 他早上多半就會(huì)很累。

morning. If he's very tired in the morning, he might oversleep.;如果他早上很累的話,他 可能會(huì)睡過(guò)頭。

If he oversleeps, he'll be late for work;如果他睡過(guò)頭,他上班就 會(huì)遲到。

If he's late for work, his boss might get angry and fire him.;如果他遲到了,他老板也 許會(huì)很生氣而且炒了他。

So, even though Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie toni- ght, he isn't going to;所以,盡管今天晚上羅納 德想要晚點(diǎn)睡看一出電影 他也不準(zhǔn)備看。

Too bad! It's a really great movie, but it's not good enough to risk losing his job!;太糟了!這是一出很棒的 電影,但沒有好到讓他去 冒失去工作的危險(xiǎn)!

Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, but he knows he shouldn't.;羅納德今晚想晚點(diǎn)睡,看 一出電影。但他知道他不 應(yīng)該這么做。

If he stays up late to watch a movie, he won't get to bed until after midnight.;如果他晚點(diǎn)睡看電影的話 他就要到后半夜才能睡覺

If he doesn't get to bed until after midni- ght, he'll probably be very tired in the;如果他到后半夜才睡覺, 他早上多半就會(huì)很累。

morning. If he's very tired in the morning, he might oversleep.;如果他早上很累的話,他 可能會(huì)睡過(guò)頭。

If he oversleeps, he'll be late for work;如果他睡過(guò)頭,他上班就 會(huì)遲到。

If he's late for work, his boss might get angry and fire him.;如果他遲到了,他老板也 許會(huì)很生氣而且炒了他。

So, even though Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie toni- ght, he isn't going to;所以,盡管今天晚上羅納 德想要晚點(diǎn)睡看一出電影 他也不準(zhǔn)備看。

Too bad! It's a really great movie, but it's not good enough to risk losing his job!;太糟了!這是一出很棒的 電影,但沒有好到讓他去 冒失去工作的危險(xiǎn)!

4、讓步狀語(yǔ)從句 175. A:How was the weather in Beijing?;北京的天氣怎么樣?

B:It was not very cold although it was snowing.;雖然在下雪,天氣不怎么 冷。

176. A:Though he was very tired, he did not give up.;雖然他很累,他還是沒有 放棄。

B:I really admire his determination.;我真羨慕他的決心。

177. A:I'll keep my business going even if I have to sell my house.;我就算要賣了房子,也要 把生意繼續(xù)下去。

B:Then you'd better look for a new wife!;那你最好去找個(gè)新老婆!

178. A: I'm going whether you like it or not.;不管你是否喜歡,我都要 去。

B:Your threats don't scare me.;你的威脅嚇唬不了我。


179. A:I didn't go because it rained. B: Haven't you ever heard of an umbrella?;因?yàn)橄掠?,所以我沒去。 難道你沒有聽說(shuō)過(guò)有傘這 回事嗎?

180. A:As you are evidently very busy, I will not waste your time.;既然你顯然很忙,我還是 不浪費(fèi)你的時(shí)間了。

B:Thank you for noticing. I'll talk to you when you I have a chance.;謝謝你這么有心。我有時(shí) 間就找你談話。

181. A:Since you are going, I will go too.;既然你要去,我也去。

B:I guess I don't have to bother to invite you then.;我想我就不用費(fèi)心請(qǐng)你了

182. A:Now that you have finished your work, you may go.;你完成了工作,你可以走 了。

B: Thank goodness for that!; 謝天謝地!

A:Hi, Mary! Did you have a good day today? B:No, I didn't. I had a TERRIBLE day.;嗨,瑪麗!你今天過(guò)得好 嗎? 不好,今天太糟糕了。

A:What happened? B:I had a bad headache all afternoon.;發(fā)生什么事? 我整個(gè)下午都頭痛得厲害

A:Why did you have a bad headache? B:Because my boss shouted at me.;你為什么會(huì)頭痛得這么厲 害呢? 因?yàn)槲业睦习鍥_著我大喊

A:Why did your boss shout at you? B:Because I arrived late for work.;你老板為什么要對(duì)你大喊 呢? 因?yàn)槲疑习噙t到了。

A:Why did you arrive late for work? B:Because I had to walk to the office.;你為什么會(huì)上班遲到呢? 因?yàn)槲业米呗飞习唷?/p>

A:Why did you have to walk to the office? B:Because I missed the bus.;你為什么要走路上班呢? 因?yàn)槲覜]趕上公共汽車。

A:Why did you miss the bus? B:Because I got up late today.;你為什么沒趕上公共汽車 呢? 因?yàn)槲医裉炱饋?lái)晚了。

A:Why did you get up late? B:Because I went to a party last night.;你為什么起來(lái)晚呢? 因?yàn)槲易蛲砣⒓泳蹠?huì)了

A:Why did you stay so late if you knew you had to work the next day?;你明知道第二天要上班為 什么還要那么晚才睡覺呢

B:Because I wanted to get away from the stress of the office;因?yàn)槲蚁胩颖苻k公室的壓 力,

and people who ask too many questions!;還有那些問(wèn)我太多問(wèn)題的 人。


183. A:Do you like my new dress? B:Come closer, that I may see it better.;你喜歡我的新裙子嗎? 靠近點(diǎn),讓我看得更清楚

184. A:I'm giving my boy a good education;我準(zhǔn)備讓我兒子接受良好 的教育,

so that he can more easily cope with life's difficulties.;這樣他就能更容易去處理 人生的困難。

B:Education is the only gift you can never lose or have taken away from you.;教育是你永遠(yuǎn)也不會(huì)失去 的禮物,別人也拿不走。

185. A:Betty got up early in order that she might catch the early train.;貝蒂很早起床,以便趕上 早班火車。

B: What time does the early train leave?;早班火車什么時(shí)候走?

7、結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)從句 186. A:I am so sleepy that I can't keep my eyes open.;我太困了,困得我眼睛都 睜不開。

B:What did you do last night?;你昨晚干什么了?

187. A:It is such beautiful weather that I don't like to stay in the office.;天氣太棒了,我可不想呆 在辦公室里。

B:If only the boss let us take some time off!;要是老板放我們假就好了

188. A:How did Jim become so successful? He was always a poor student!;吉姆怎么會(huì)這么成功的? 他以前可是個(gè)很差的學(xué)生

B:He worked very hard, so (that) he became rich in a very short time.;因?yàn)樗苄量喙ぷ?,所?很快就有錢了。

8、方式狀語(yǔ)從句 189. A:Kim, why are you eating with chopsticks?;Kim,你為什么用筷子吃 飯?

B:When in Rome, do as the Romans do.;入鄉(xiāng)隨俗嘛。(在羅馬, 就象羅馬人一樣做。)

190. A:Why did you throw away all those papers from my desk? B:I did as you told me;你為什么把我桌上所有的 文件都丟了? 我是照你說(shuō)的做的。

第十六章 定語(yǔ)從句 1、關(guān)系代詞who, that, which作主語(yǔ)的定語(yǔ)從句;

191.A:Everyone that knows him likes him.;認(rèn)識(shí)他的人個(gè)個(gè)都喜歡他

B:But they don't really know him as well as I do.;但他們可不象我這么了解 他。

192. A:Did you read that book? What's it about?;你讀過(guò)這本書嗎?講什么 的?

B:The book is about a girl who falls in love with a thief.;這本書講的是一個(gè)愛上了 小偷的女孩的故事。

193.A:I saw something in the paper which would interest you. B:Really? What was it?;我看報(bào)紙讀到點(diǎn)東西, 你會(huì)感興趣的。 真的嗎?是什么?

2、關(guān)系代詞whom, that, which作賓語(yǔ)的定語(yǔ)從句;

194.A: The fax that I received from him yesterday is very importante.;我昨天收到的他那封傳真 是非常重要的。

B: What did it say?; 是嗎?上面說(shuō)什么了?

195. A: Where is the book (which) I bought this morning?;我今天早上買的書哪兒去 了?

B:I'm not your mother! I don't keep track of your things!;我又不是你媽!我可不幫 你照看你的東西!

196. A: Who's that guy (whom) you brought to the party last night?;你昨晚帶去聚會(huì)的那個(gè)家 伙是什么人?

B:He's my new boyfriend. Isn't he handsome?;他是我的新男朋友。 他帥不帥?

3、whose引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句 197. A:What was the movie about that you saw last night?;你昨晚看的電影是講什么 的?

B:The movie is about a spy whose wife betrays him.;這部電影講的是一個(gè)間諜 他妻子背叛了他。

198. A: Would you like an ocean or a garden view?;你想要有海景的還是有花 園景色的?

B:I'd like a room whose window looks out over the sea.;我想要間窗戶面向海的房 間。

4、who, which引導(dǎo)的非 限制性定語(yǔ)從句;

199. A:I prefer to ask John, who is a very clever guy, what I should do.;我寧愿去問(wèn)約翰我該做什 么,他是個(gè)聰明的家伙。

B:I don't think he's that clever. He just likes to talk a lot.;我想他沒那么聰明,他只 是喜歡夸夸其談。

He is two faced and I don't trust him.;他是個(gè)兩面派,我不相信 他。

200. A:The 8:15 train, which is usually on time, was late today.;8:15的那趟車平時(shí)都很準(zhǔn) 時(shí),但今天晚點(diǎn)了。

B:I know, and I missed a very important appointment!;我知道,我因此錯(cuò)過(guò)了一 個(gè)非常重要的約會(huì)!

201. A:Why did you pay for Stone's lunch again?;你為什么又給石頭買晚餐

B:He said he had no money, which was not true.;他說(shuō)他沒有錢,但那不是 真的。

5、as引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句 202. A:Do you know a trick to help me learn English?;你是否知道什么訣竅可以 幫我學(xué)英語(yǔ)?

B:As we all know, there is no shortcut to learning English.;眾所周知,學(xué)英語(yǔ)沒有捷 徑。

203. A:This book is not such as I expect.;這書不象我想象的那樣。

B:I know, it is much more interesting than most grammar books.;我知道,這比大部分語(yǔ)法 要有趣得多。

6、when, where, why引 導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句;

204. A:Why are you so attached to this old house?;你為什么對(duì)這個(gè)老房子這 么有感情?

B:This is the house where I was born.;這是我出生的那幢房子。

205. A:I'll never forget the day when I met you.;我永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)忘記我認(rèn)識(shí) 你的那一天。

B:How many girls have heard that?;你對(duì)多少個(gè)女孩子說(shuō)過(guò)這 句話?

206. A:Hi, Kim, what's new?;嗨,Kim,有什么事?

B:The reason why I'm calling you is to invite you to a party;我打電話(的原因)是想 請(qǐng)你參加一個(gè)聚會(huì)。

7、介詞 + which, whom 引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句;

207. A:There are two classes from which to choose.;有兩個(gè)班可以選擇。

B:Choose the cheapest one please, since I'm the one paying for it.;挑個(gè)便宜的吧,付錢的可 是我啊。

208. A:This is the author of whom we've often talked.;這是我們常談到的那位作 家。

B:He's really more handsome than I expected. Most authors aren't that attractive;他可真比我想象的帥。大 部分作家都沒那么有吸引 力。

第十七章 虛擬語(yǔ)氣 1、與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反的虛 擬語(yǔ)氣;

209. A:If you loved me you wouldn't say that.;如果你愛我的話,就不會(huì) 說(shuō)這種話了。

B:If you loved me, you wouldn't get upset at every little thing I say!;你如果愛我的話,也不會(huì) 為我說(shuō)的每件小事而生氣 了。

210. A: If I could help you, I would help you, but I'm not sure what to do.;如果我能幫你,我一定會(huì) 幫你,但我不知道要做什 么。

B: That's OK. I know you would help me if you could.;沒問(wèn)題,我知道你只要能 幫我都會(huì)幫我的。

【超級(jí)虛擬語(yǔ)氣句型】 (1)If I were you, I would buy a new car.;如果我是你,我會(huì)買部新 車。

(2)If I were you, I would talk to the boss first.;如果我是你,我會(huì)先跟老 板談一談。

(3)If I were you, I would ask for a raise. (4)If I were you, I would study harder.;如果我是你,我會(huì)要求加 薪。 如果我是你,我會(huì)認(rèn)真一 點(diǎn)讀書。

(5)If I were you, I would consider both sides.;如果我是你,我會(huì)兩面都 考慮。

(6)If I were you, I would go to the United States.;如果我是你,我就去美國(guó)

(7)If I were you, I would quit smoking. (8)If I were you, I would change my job.;如果我是你,我就戒煙。 如果我是你,我就換份工 作。

(9)If I were you, I would marry her.;如果我是你,我就跟她結(jié) 婚。

(10)If I were you, I would run for the President.;如果我是你,我就去競(jìng)選 總統(tǒng)。

2、與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反的虛 擬語(yǔ)氣;

211. A:You wouldn't have met her if it hadn't been for me.;如果不是我的話,你根本 就不會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)她。

B:Yeah, and my life wouldn't be so miserable now if it hadn't been for you!;沒錯(cuò),如果不是你,我的 生活也不會(huì)這么悲慘。

【李陽(yáng)老師學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)的經(jīng)歷】 ☆I(lǐng) could have done better if I had been more careful.;我要是細(xì)心一點(diǎn),是可以 做得更好的。

☆I(lǐng) could have shown you around the city if I had known you were in Beijing.;我要是早知道你在北京, 我就會(huì)帶你到處去轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)。

【對(duì)話突破虛擬語(yǔ)氣】 下面送給大家五段小對(duì)話 征服虛擬語(yǔ)氣絕不是夢(mèng)!;

(1)A:Why didn't Peter take his umbrella to work today?;彼得今天為什么不帶傘上 班?

B:He didn't know it was going to rain.;他不知道要下雨。

If he had known it was going to rain, he would have taken his umbrella to work.;如果他早知道要下雨,他 就會(huì)帶上傘去上班了。

(2)A:Why weren't you in class yesterday?;你昨天為什么沒來(lái)上課?

B:I wasn't feeling well. If I had been feeling well, I would have been in class.;我不舒服。如果我沒生病 的話,我就會(huì)來(lái)上課了。

(3)A:Why didn't you do your homework last night?;你昨晚為什么不做功課?

B:I didn't bring my book home.;我的書沒帶回家。

If I had brought my book home, I would have done my homework.;如果我把書帶回家的話, 我就會(huì)做功課了。

(4)A:Why didn't you come to the party last night?;你昨晚為什么不來(lái)參加晚 會(huì)?

B:I wasn't invited. If I had been invited, I would have come to the party.;沒人請(qǐng)我去。如果請(qǐng)了我 的話,我就會(huì)去參加晚會(huì) 的。

(5)A:Why didn't you go to the movies with your friends last night?;你昨晚為什么不跟你的朋 友們?nèi)タ措娪?

B:I wasn't in the mood to see a movie.;我沒心情看電影。

If I had been in the mood, I would have gone to the movies.;如果我有心情的話,我就 會(huì)去看電影了。

【三最短文突破虛擬語(yǔ)氣】 Unexpected Guests (1) Linda had a very difficult situation at her house a few days;(1)琳達(dá)幾天前在家里碰 到了很困難的局面。

ago. Her relatives from Hong Kong arrived unexpectedly,;她香港的親戚一聲招呼沒 打就來(lái)了,

without any advance notice at all, and they wanted to stay for the weekend.;他們想在她家過(guò)周末。

They didn't even knock at the door. They just walked right in.;他們甚至連門都沒敲就走 了進(jìn)來(lái)。

(2) Needless to say, Linda was very upset.;2)不用說(shuō),這讓琳達(dá)很 不舒服。

If she had known that her relatives from H.K were going to arrive and want to stay for the weekend,;(如果她早知道她香港的 親戚要來(lái)過(guò)周末,

she would have been prepared for their visit.;她就會(huì)準(zhǔn)備好他們的來(lái)訪


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