第六章 神秘的名字
The girls look at the floor.
"This floor is very dirty. It is made of stone and it's difficult to clean.
Let's wash it with hot water and detergent," says Susan.
So, Susan and Kelly wash the stone floor. Suddenly Susan stops washing.
She looks at the stones and says, "I can't believe this. There are names on the stones!"
Her friends come and look.
"One name is George Johnson. Then there's Rebecca Putnam and Sarah Morely."
"This is very strange," says Bill.
"Look at the other names." He reads them and then he counts them.
"There are 20. This is a mystery. Who wrote them? What do they mean?"
"Can you repeat the names? Perhaps I can find them in my book," says Susan.
Bill tells her the names.
She finds all of them in her book.
"How spooky! These are the names of the twenty witches of the hangings of 1692.
There are seven men and thirteen women.
Look at this page: THE SALEM WITCH HANGINGS OF 1692
June 10 - one hanging, July 19 - five hangings, August 19 - five hangings, September 19 - one hanging, September 22 - eight hangings."
"What can we do?" asks Kelly.
"Nothing," says Bill. "Are you afraid of names on stones?"
"But these are not the names of ordinary people.
These are the names of twenty witches," says Megan. "Witches have magic powers."
"We can show our friends at the party. We can scare them," says Nick laughing.