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2020-02-29CNN News: 特朗普出訪印度

A trip to India leads off today's edition of CNN 10. I'm your anchor Carl Azuz. I... [查看全文]

2020-02-26CNN News: 新美國暴發(fā)40年來最致命流感

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When public health officials describe this flu season so far, they're d... [查看全文]

2020-02-25CNN News: 新發(fā)現(xiàn)陸地最低點

10 Second Trivia. What body of water is located along the border between Israel and Jordan?... [查看全文]

2020-02-25CNN News: 蘑菇菌絲有無限種可能

Avocados, kale and now mushrooms, the fungi are increasing in demand, price and production. I... [查看全文]

2020-02-24CNN News: 太空探索新任務

Today's edition of CNN 10 gets off the ground with four proposed space missions and they... [查看全文]

2020-02-20CNN News: 風暴“丹尼斯”來襲 英國部分地區(qū)遭受洪水侵襲

Here to deliver your Wednesday edition of CNN 10, I'm Carl Azuz. Hope things are going ... [查看全文]

2020-02-19CNN News: 非洲之角遭遇沙漠蝗蟲之災

10 Second Trivia. What animal would you find in the family acrididae? Aphid, marmot, sea h... [查看全文]

2020-02-18CNN News: 抗擊疫情!眾志成城!

Back from the President's Day holiday, it's great to see you and have you watching C... [查看全文]

2020-02-17CNN News: 新型蛋白質粉

A type of protein powder being produced by a company in Finland is making headlines. It'... [查看全文]

2020-02-17CNN News: 泰坦尼克號殘骸腐蝕嚴重

10 Second Trivia. Which of these ships sank in April of 1912? RMS Titanic, SS Eastland, RMS... [查看全文]